When I was 7
Sleepover at Shawn's

	The air was fresh and cool as I ran through the tall 
grass. It was late October and the leaves on the trees were 
turning red and gold. To the eyes of a 7 year old, these 
open fields stretched on forever. But it was merely a few 
acres set aside for a wetland, still very near to our 
house, but far enough away so I could play in relative 
privacy. It seemed no-one but my neighbour and I frequented 
the place. Which was good, because Shawn and I used to do 
some pretty unusual things. Some of which I can explain and 
understand, but sometimes I just don't know what was going 
on in my head.
	Shawn was 5 years old, had dark brown hair, and wide, 
deep brown eyes. He was into dinky cars and wetting 
himself, which made for an instant attraction on my part, 
as I have always had a real "Thing" about diapers. Playing 
next door, at his house was what I liked best. His dinky 
car collection and Hotwheels City set up was a thing to 
behold. His room was a shrine to Hotwheels and Godzilla 
toys. He even had a Hotwheels bed. But my fascination was 
with his diapers.
	Shawn's parents were into buying everything in bulk so 
there was always lots to eat and drink. They also bought 
diapers in bulk, thus providing me with an undetectable 
supply. But the nights that I could sleep over are what 
really stand out in my mind. This day, in late October, 
would produce one of those memorable evenings.
	I loved to run. To feel the wind on my face and 
feather through my sandy blond hair. I hadn't a care in the 
world but that I might sleep over at my neighbour's that 
night. Shawn and I were on our way home after a long day of 
climbing on rocks and tying each other to trees. (Seeing 
who could tie the other up best was one of our favourite 
past-times). He always seemed to be able to get out of even 
my very best knot tying attempts.
	As I was running I could feel the large pampers diaper 
I was wearing, which I kept in place with some tight 
underwear. (They fit Shawn not me) It was starting to bunch 
up a little and I needed to go pee, so I stopped to make 
some minor adjustments, then prepared to empty my bladder. 
I could just hear the continual whimpering of Shawn in the 
distance as he did his best to follow. "Wait 
up....Daaave..Wait!". He panted.
	"Hurry up!" I shouted back as I felt the pressure and 
tingling build up before the inevitable flow.
	Shawn was just coming into view as the floodgates 
rushed open. My eyes watered and I felt a shiver run up my 
spine as I filled my diaper with warm pee. The expression 
on my face must have said a lot because when Shawn finally 
arrived he waited for the moment to pass, he knew what I 
was doing, we knew each other very well.
	When I finished I grabbed my sweatpants and pulled 
them up tightly between my legs, the diaper gave a 
satisfying squish and I smiled.
	"Take the tape off...Its pinching!" Shawn whined as he 
pulled down his pants and pointed to the large band of 
duct-tape that I had wrapped around his waist and diaper 
earlier to prevent him from taking it off.
	"You do it." I said, still luxuriating in the feeling 
of my wet diaper.
	"I can't, it hurts to much", he pulled at the tape and 
almost started to cry.
	 I reluctantly waived him over. I knew how to take off 
a Band-Aid and this situation was no different in my eyes. 
I grabbed an end and pulled it all off as fast as I could, 
ripping his diaper in the process. It must have hurt 
because he started to cry.
	"Come on you baby." I said, turning around to go, but 
checking over my shoulder to see if he was OK
	The field turned into a small path that went between 
two houses at the end of our block. I turned to see how 
Shawn was doing. He had dried his eyes and was just in the 
process of ditching his diaper. Which reminded me that I 
had to do the same before I went home. (You see, Shawn was 
only supposed to wear diapers at night, but because of the 
ample supply we could use them secretly during the day 
too.) I pulled my underpants down and slid the wet diaper 
out from between my legs. The air felt cold on my privates 
and I pulled up my pants quickly, rolling up the diaper and 
throwing it into the deep blackberry bushes which bordered 
the wetland.
	"Lets go ask my parents first" I grabbed his shirt and 
we spun around in a circle until we were dizzy and fell to 
the ground. Then I got up and ran to my front door, Shawn 
on my heals. We hit the door at the same time and both 
fought each other to get inside first. Quickly taking off 
our shoes we ran upstairs to the kitchen where my Mom was 
at the stove making dinner.
	"Mom! Mom! Can I stay over at Shawn's house tonight?"
	She looked down at our two eager faces "Well I don't 
know...You've been over there quite a lot lately."
	"His parents said it's OK" I lied, but it was a pretty 
safe bet that everything would be OK on that end.
	My exuberance was to much for her and she relented 
almost immediately. I think my parents actually enjoyed the 
free baby-sitting service our neighbours provided.
	"All right, but dinners on the table in 15 minutes so 
say goodbye to Shawn until tonight and go get washed up, 
your totally filthy."......"And put your dirty cloths in 
the hamper, not on the floor!"
	I followed Shawn back down the stairs to the front 
door and watched as he pulled up his long socks which 
always seemed to be trying to escape his feet.
	"So I'll be over after dinner, tell your parents that 
it's OK with mine for me to stay over tonight."
	"Yup." "Bring your cars!" He said as he ran out the 
door, tripping over his shoelaces as he jumped the 
flowerbed to the front lawn.
	I took off my dirty cloths, throwing them in the 
hampers general direction. Then quickly splashed some cold 
water on my hands and face. I got dressed, pulling on a 
blue sweatshirt, (my favourite colour) and pants. I ran to 
the dinner table eager to get this over with so I could go 
play. I gobbled down my chicken and veggies so quickly that 
my father told me to slow down or I would choke.
	"Can I go now?" I whined as I put my dirty dishes in 
the dishwasher.
	"Just wait a second while I get your things together" 
Mom said as she got up and went to my room. She called back 
to my Dad, "Honey, could you clean up the table?"
	Dad grumbled something back and started to clean up as 
I rushed to my room to prevent my Mom from going through my 
bottom drawer and finding my stash of disposable and cloth 
diapers. She had my backpack and was stuffing my pyjamas 
into it when I rushed through the door.
	"Go get your toothbrush dear"
	I hesitated, then ran to the washroom and back as fast 
as I could. Whew! She hadn't opened my drawer. I grabbed my 
pack from her hands then stuffed some of my best cars in, 
and ran down the steps to the front door, slipping my shoes 
	"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?" My Mom said 
expectantly, leaning over and pointing to her cheek.
	I gave a big sheepish grin and ran back up the stairs 
to give her a kiss.
	"Have a good night dear."
	"I will" I said running back down the stairs.
	"You go straight there, no wandering around OK?"
	"OK Mom"
	"Don't stay up to late!" She called as I ran through 
the front door into the evening darkness.
	Shawn answered the door when I rang the bell. He said 
that they were just finishing a late dinner so I should go 
wait in his room. There house was almost the same design as 
ours. Two levels and lots of space. I went up the stairs 
and waived at Janice, (Shawn's Mom) who I could just see in 
the dining room, as I was on my way to Shawn's room. She 
waived back and said "Hi Dave."
I went into Shawn's room and caught the familiar smells of 
urine and baby powder. I rummaged through my pack and 
pulled out my cars, setting them out on the Hotwheels City, 
my imagination taking over.
The door bell rang again and I could hear Shawn's 9 year 
old sister Becky, chatting and laughing with what sounded 
like another couple of girls. Not long after that the 
doorbell rang again and I heard more laughing and chatter 
from Becky and her guests. I ignored the commotion and 
continued to play.
	Shawn and his Mom came in to the room. "Now I want you 
boys stay upstairs OK, Becky's having some friends over 
tonight and they're all going to sleep in the den 
downstairs so don't bother them." She smiled at me as she 
turned and closed the door behind her.
	"What'cha doing?" Shawn said, plopping down to the 
floor beside me, intent on a good imagination session with 
his cars. I didn't answer as I was already totally 
engrossed in my own little world which Shawn smoothly 
joined in on. All sense of time was lost as we played, and 
it seemed like just a few moments had past before his Mom 
came back into the room to get Shawn ready for bed.
	"Do you have some PJ's with you David?" She said, 
while spreading out a diaper pad on Shawn's bed.
	"Yup." I said reaching over for my bag.
	"Well get them on, it's bedtime soon."
	I opened my bag and took out my pyjamas then pulled 
off my sweatshirt and pants. I enjoyed watching Shawn get 
diapered by his mother and I was sure to keep an eye on the 
process while I made a fuss over getting changed. Shawn's 
Mom liked to rub baby powder on his bum and between his 
legs before putting on either a disposable or cloth diaper. 
Tonight it was cloth diapers with waterproof pants. I was 
finished changing into my PJs and was absorbed in watching 
Shawn's Mom pull the thick white diaper up between his legs 
and pin them snugly around his waist. She poked his feet 
through the plastic pants and pulled them up over the 
diaper after getting him to stand beside the bed. She 
looked up and saw me watching intently.
	"Do you want to wear one to?"
	My face went a bright red and I quickly told her no. 
Even though I wanted to so bad. She knew that I still wet 
the bed almost every night so I probably would have been 
doing her a favour, but I was far to embarrassed to wear a 
diaper in front of other people. At least I thought I was.
"Now go brush your teeth and get ready for bed" Shawn's Mom 
said giving Shawn a good swat on the bum as we ran from the 
room. Shawn was wearing brown and green Scooby Doo pyjamas 
which bulged out from the thickness of the diaper around 
his waist. I looked down at my multi-colour coyote and 
roadrunner PJs and wished that I could have a large 
diapered bulge around my waist as well. We cleaned up then 
went back to our room. There was only one bed but we were 
both small so it worked out. Janice and Gary came in and 
kissed Shawn goodnight, they both ruffled up my hair and 
told us not to stay up talking. When the door closed I got 
up and went over to Shawn's drawer. I opened it and pulled 
out one of his thick cloth diapers with the extra absorbent 
core sewn in.
"Are you gonna put a diaper on?" Shawn asked, though he 
didn't need to.
	"Yup" I said, pulling out some plastic pants and 
diaper pins. I had seen this done enough times now so I did 
quite an expert job of doing myself up. I pulled the soft 
white diaper between my legs and squeezed them together 
enjoying the resistance to closing my legs completely. I 
sucked in my belly as I closed the last diaper pin, I liked 
them tight. I carefully pulled up my plastic pants, it was 
a fairly tight fit but not uncomfortable. I crawled back 
into bed feeling very good indeed.
	It was not long after we had gone to sleep when we 
were woken up by some sounds in the room. It was Becky and 
one of her friends whispering to Shawn.
	"Come on......we've got candy." I heard Becky saying. 
I turned to Shawn with an inquiring look.
	"They want us to come downstairs and play"
	"Huh?" I said, still a little groggy.
	"Lets go" Shawn said as he slid out from under the 
covers. Still half asleep I got up and followed Shawn and 
the girls downstairs. We were walking quietly so as to not 
let Janice and Gary hear. We turned the corner and entered 
the den. There were 7 other girls there for a total of 9. 
The room was lit only in one corner by a lamp that 
reflected light off the ceiling. I saw a faint gleam from 
the bars of the universal gym by the window. The girls 
started giggling as we entered the room and I heard the 
word diaper said a few times when I realised that I had one 
on right now and it must be sticking out under my pyjamas 
just like Shawn's was. I looked down and saw that it was, 
and quickly walked over to the universal gym bench to sit 
	"I'll be back in a second." Becky said and ran from 
the room. Shawn came over and sat down beside me while the 
girls giggled and chatted among themselves.
	Becky re-entered the room soon after carrying some of 
Shawn's diapers and a handful of pins. Shawn and I just 
looked at each other. After talking quietly with the other 
girls for a second Becky and two other girls came over.
	"We want to change your diapers" Becky said addressing 
the two of us.
	"No way!" Both Shawn and I said together, getting up 
from our seats. Becky grabbed my sleeve and one of the 
other girls grabbed Shawn by the arm.
	"We have candy!" Becky said persistently, not letting 
go. This didn't look good as one of the other girls closed 
the door to the hall. All at once it seemed, we were on the 
floor and having our pyjamas taken off. These girls worked 
like a team and the girl who was in charge of keeping me 
quiet through all this was taking her job very seriously. I 
could hardly breathe with her sitting on my chest and 
pinning my arms under her legs, her hands around my neck. 
She would squeeze if I made any sound. I was perfectly 
pinned to the ground with more than enough hands to do the 
job. I couldn't see what was going on with Shawn but I'm 
sure his treatment was very much the same. They pulled down 
my plastic pants and took the pins out of my diaper. I was 
naked in front of a bunch of girls! I struggled feebly but 
was going nowhere.
	"Look at his penis!" I felt many an inquiring hand 
around my privates and heard lots of giggling. The girl who 
was sitting on my chest strained to turn and look at my 
nakedness. She smiled and looked into my eyes, a big grin 
on her face. I was so embarrassed I could hardly stand it.
	"Grab his diaper" I heard Becky say shortly.
	"Lift his bum" One of the girls said as she came over 
with a couple of thick diapers and plastic pants. The girl 
on my chest sat up for a moment while another slid a thick 
white diaper under my rear.
	"I want to." One of the girls was saying, indicating 
her desire to participate.
	"Here, you do that pin and I'll do this one" said the 
girl who had slid the diaper under my bum. I felt two sets 
of hands working on pinning up my diaper then I felt 
someone sliding plastic pants up my legs. I was co-
operating by lifting up my bum as they slid the plastic 
pants over my diaper, I just wanted this to be over.
	They let me get up standing in only a diaper and I 
watched Shawn as they finished with him. Becky picked up 
both our pairs of pyjamas, walked over to the door, and 
threw them out in the hallway.
	"Go get em!" She prompted.
	Gratefully we both rushed from the room into the 
hallway. Becky shut the door behind us. We heard a 
tremendous amount of giggling from back in the den.
	Shawn and I picked up our pyjamas and went back 
upstairs to his room. We were both humiliated on the one 
hand but strangely excited about the whole incident on the 
other, at least I was. Shawn just wanted to kill his 
	When we had crawled back into bed, we talked about 
what had happened to each of us. By the end of our brief 
exchange of words we had decided that the most prudent form 
of action would be to somehow pay the girls back for what 
they did, but neither of us could come up with a suitable 
rebuttal, and we were tired now to. We fell asleep in just 
a very short while, Shawn dreaming of revenge... 

Me dreaming of.........................another day.....and 
another story.