Orphanage Blues

by Paddypee

Chapter One

	When a boy of twelve, my parents were killed in an auto 
accident, leaving me an orphan Having no next to kin, I was 
placed in an orphanage.
	Being twelve, there was little chance of my ever being 
adopted. You could say I was stuck there for the next 
several years. the orphanage was rather large. There were 
over 500 kids housed in the ramshackle building. There was 
also a shortage of bathrooms. When I entered the facility I 
was measured by a stick; I've always hated these kinds of 
tests. Being very short and small for my age, I felt 
discriminated against.
	Needless to say, I was several inches shorter than the 
stick, so I was shuffled off with the other short kids, 
mostly three four and five year olds, that being how short I 
was their size. We were escorted into a room where we were 
assembly lined. We were told to undress, or undressed in 
some cases and directed to a line leading to a bathing area. 
I was getting my bath and, rather enjoying being given a 
bath when I noticed that the child in front of me, being now 
dry, was being diapered. I didn't think much of it until I 
was toweled dry and then laid on a changing table. "Surely 
they're not going to put diapers on me," I thought . I 
thought wrong!
	"Hold it!" I protested. "I'm too old to wear diapers!" 
I tried to get off the table. Evidently, they were 
accustomed to some protests, for I didn't get anywhere. They 
ganged up on me and forced the diapers on me, ignoring my 
pleas and crying and whatnot. In those days, cloth diapers 
were all that was available; bulky, obvious and very heavy 
when wet. Noisy plastic pants were put on over these to 
prevent leakage. I tried to remove them and was strapped 
into bed for my efforts. I left all alone in my diaper for 
the night.

Chapter Two

	Diapered and strapped to the bed and needing to go to 
the bathroom, I struggled valiantly against nature for 
several hours, crying for someone to release me and let me 
use the toilet. It was all in vain as the hot shame of 
uncontrolled urine cascaded and  trickled into the soft 
folds of my hateful diaper. I began to cry at long last. I 
was grieving for myself and for my lost parents.
	I cried myself to sleep and woke up actually feeling 
better than I'd felt since my parents accident; however, I 
had a wet, very wet diaper on and felt somewhat intimidated 
when the nurse came into the room to check on me. The first 
thing she checked was my sopping diaper, of course.
	"My, you sure are wet," she said. "Lets get you changed 
and then I'll feed you and then you get to see the 
headmistress about this protest of yours about wearing 
	 True to her word, she changed and fed me a good 
breakfast and soon I was standing before the headmistress. 
She informed me that she was going to show me special 
clemency by giving me a test to see if I actually could be 
amongst the undiapered population. I agreed to take the 
test, anything to get out of these diapers.
	 I was made to drink three tall glasses of juice which 
took a while as I had just had breakfast and my stomach was 
full. Then I was strapped to a chair with electric sensors 
attached to my crotch that would automatically stop a timer 
at the first sign of wetness.
	 "If you can hold your water for two hours you will be 
allowed to join the big boys and girls who don't have to 
wear diapers" the headmistress told me "Otherwise, I'm 
afraid I've just wasted my time."
	 Damn I had to pee already and she hadn't even started 
the clock yet.