John's Misery

	It was far from how John had hoped to spend his fifth birthday 
that June in 1957. It had been a Saturday which meant that father had 
been home and there had been a joyous opening of presents with both 
mother and father there to watch John's obvious pleasure and gratitude 
for his new bike and some clothes. John was an only child so his 
parents tended to spoil him. In the afternoon, they'd all gone downtown 
together to have a meal in a café where John's father had arranged a 
birthday cake to be brought to the table with five candles on it. Both 
his parents and the café staff had sung 'Happy Birthday' to him. He was 
both embarrassed at the attention and immensely grateful that he had 
such wonderful parents who had gone to so much trouble for him. His 
birthday party proper with his friends was to be the next day and he 
was really looking forward to that too.
	Such a wonderful start to the day had led to such a terrible 
ending. They had come out of the café and onto the pedestrian crossing 
outside. As usual, his parents had gone through the crossing code with 
him,: Look right, look left, look right again and, if the road is 
clear, cross on the crossing.' It was clear when they started, but a 
large lorry came rushing down the hill at them and sounded its horn. 
John's father turned and saw the lorry coming towards them. Realising 
that there was no time for them all to get out of the way in time, 
John's father flung John clear of the lorry as it smashed into both his 
wife and himself. As John landed clear of the lorry's destructive path, 
he saw his parents flung into the air as he hit his head on the 
curbstone and, mercifully, blacked out.
	He awoke in a hospital bed with a bandage around his head and 
hurting from the severe bruising which he had received in his fall. A 
nurse bent over him, "You're in hospital, John. You've been in an 
accident and banged your head, You have been unconscious for a couple 
of hours. How are you felling?" It all came flooding back to John. He 
could see vividly in his mind's eye what had happened. "What happened 
to my parents?" he asked. "Don't worry about anything, John. Just 
concentrate on getting better." "They'd dead, aren't they? I saw them 
being thrown up in the air by the lorry." The nurse gave him a sad look 
and said, "I'll get Sister to talk to you." John saw the nurse, in her 
royal blue uniform with white starched cap, apron and ruffs around her 
short sleeved dress, royal blue belt with a silver buckle of her 
nursing school, talking to Sister who was dressed similarly except that 
she wore navy blue dress and belt and her starched white cap was of a 
different design as she had trained at a different nursing school. She 
came over and sat at John's bedside, taking one of his hands in hers. 
"I'm Sister Kennedy. Nurse says that you've been asking after your 
parents. What can you remember?" John told her about the meal in the 
café and them crossing the road. He said about the lorry coming so fast 
and his father throwing him out of the way. He told her, between sobs 
of grief for what he knew must be the inevitable news, of how he'd seen 
his parents thrown into the air by the lorry just before he banged his 
head. "You poor boy! Most people would never have remembered all that 
and it would have been a blessing for them that they hadn't. I don't 
know how you've managed to remember everything so clearly with your 
concussion, but I'm not going to lie to you. You remembered correctly. 
The lorry's brakes had failed and the driver just couldn't stop. Both 
your parents were killed int hat accident, I'm afraid, John."
	As Sister expected, the tears flowed as John sobbed and sobbed 
both for his own loss and for his parents whom he loved dearly. Sister 
pulled him to her and held him tightly to her. She was too experienced 
to mutter the usual platitudes of 'there, there,' or 'never mind, 
dear.' Years of experience had told her that it very much did mind to 
these poor children. When John's sobs had quieted down somewhat, she 
asked him how he felt in himself. She encouraged him that it was all 
right to tell her and that she did need to know. Between sobs, John 
told her that his head hurt and that he ached all over. "You've had a 
nasty bang on your head, John, and you're badly bruised, but there's 
nothing broken. You've been X-rayed to make sure. I'll ask doctor to 
give you something for the pain." With that, she called the nurse back 
to sit with John and to cuddle him as he needed the care and affection 
at this difficult time. Sister went to speak to the doctor. She 
explained to him how John had remembered all of the events leading up 
to his parents' death. "Poor little chap. I'd hope to break that news 
to him when he was feeling much better. I'll come and give him some 
morphine. That should help with the pain and make him sleep for a bit." 
The doctor was as good as his word and gave John an injection of 
morphine into his leg. John cried a bit when he had the injection, but 
the staff were aware of how much anguish he was in, so let it pass 
without comment. Normally, they'd have tried to encourage him to 'be a 
big brave boy', but he had enough to cope with the loss of his parents: 
he was already showing what a 'big brave boy' he was.
	John felt drowsy from the effects of the morphine and slowly 
drifted off to sleep. He woke to find that it was dark outside and the 
ward lights had been dimmed, and that he felt uncomfortable around his 
bottom and, putting a hand down there, discovered the smooth feel of 
rubber pants on top of nappies. A nurse saw him stirring and came over 
to his bed. She pulled the curtains around the bed and turned the over 
bed light on. "Hello, John. I'm nurse Jones and I'm one of the night 
nurses. How are you feeling?" "Why am I in nappies?" John wailed. 
"Hush, now. Don't get upset. We always put children who have been in an 
accident like you in nappies. You were unconscious for some time and 
then you've been given morphine which is a very strong drug. You're 
probably wet no, aren't you?" John agreed that he was and nurse said, 
"That's why you were put into nappies. We know from all the other boys 
and girls who have had accidents with concussion that they may have a 
little 'accident' and it's better to be in wet nappies than in a wet 
bed, isn't it?" John agreed that it probably was. "I'll get another 
nurse and we'll change you into another nappy for the rest of the 
night. After that, I'll give you another injection of morphine which 
should help you sleep. You'll probably wake up wet, but that's because 
of the morphine. It's not because you're a baby or anything like that! 
We put all children in the ward in nappies at night 'just in case'. 
It's ward policy!" Nurse Jones was a kindly nurse who was well aware of 
the dignity of young boys who were now too grown up' to wear nappies. 
Their mothers had toilet trained them so well that it was almost the 
ultimate crime to wet the bed. She had seen similar reactions so many 
times before. All of the children in the ward which was from children 
from four to eleven, wore nappies at night 'just in case'. For many, if 
not most, of them, the stress of being in hospital meant that they'd be 
wet in the morning. It may embarrass the children to be treated like 
babies by putting them in nappies, but it certainly prevented a lot of 
wet beds.
	John did indeed wake up wet in the morning, long after all the 
other children had woken. He had been allowed to sleep in as his were 
special circumstances. All the other children had been changed out of 
their wet nappies and dry ones put in place where necessary – for the 
younger children and for some of the older ones whose bladder control 
was a little suspect. On seeing John was awake, two nurses descended 
upon him, wearing rubber aprons over their uniforms, and pulled the 
curtains around him. The covers were removed from him and he had his 
gown removed. Starting from his face, the nurses very gently washed him 
all over right down to his feet, leaving his wet nappy and rubber pants 
in place. The transparent amber coloured natural rubber pants were 
removed and the wet nappy unpinned and lifted away into a bucket. One 
nurse supported John while his 'nappy area' was washed clean . He had 
zinc and castor oil cream applied to his washed and dried skin to 
prevent nappy rash. Two pairs of thick terry towelling nappies were 
pinned on and a the rubber pants pulled back over the top. A probing 
finger form one of the nurses made sure that all of the nappy was 
inside the tight legs and waist of the rubber pants to prevent leaks. 
"John, we don't want you getting out of bed at the moment as you may 
still be suffering from the effects of the concussion. If you need to 
'spend a penny', then it's all right to use your nappy. We want you to 
drink plenty today, so we'll come and change you when you're wet. 
Please don't worry about wearing a nappy. We know you're not a bay but 
your concussion was serious and we need to look after you. If you need 
to do a 'number two', just ask a nurse and one of us will come to help 
you. All right, sweetheart?"
	A few minutes later, a nurse came over to John's bed with a tray 
of breakfast. "We let you sleep, John, as you needed the rest. Everyone 
else has had their breakfast, so it's time for you to have yours!" She 
put the tray on the bedside cabinet and took a large green rubber bib 
from the tray, tied it behind John's neck. She took a baby bottle off 
the tray which held orange juice and asked John to drink it, explaining 
that they didn't want John to sit up yet which is why he need to drink 
from the bottle. After he'd drunk the bottle dry, the nurse fed him 
some toast. She followed this up with a bottle of milk and then, after 
wiping his mouth and chin for him, removed the now crumb-covered bib. 
"I'll be back later with a bottle of water for you, John. In the 
meantime, try to get some more sleep." John rolled onto his side, and, 
without realising what he was doing, put his thumb in his mouth and 
sucked on it, and put his other hands between his legs, caressing the 
rubber pants, as he drifted back to sleep.
	John was fed lunch and tea, whilst still being kept flat. He was 
changed at regular intervals by the nurses when he was wet. John had 
had a full bladder when he was awake and thought that he would find it 
hard to break his mother's strong conditioning about never wetting the 
bed (even with a nappy on!). He found, to his surprise, that it was 
quite easy to start the flow of urine which flooded all over his 
abdomen and ran down the sides of his hips until the terry towelling 
nappy soaked it all up to leave him felling warm and wet. Little did he 
know it, but the accident and the death of his parents had caused a 
degree of regression. The nurses were not surprised at all by this as 
they knew it was common following such events. Indeed, even a simple 
operation such as adenoid removal or a tonsillectomy was enough to 
cause a reversion to bed wetting in older children than John.
	The next morning, he was allowed to sit up in bed for breakfast 
and was allowed to drink from a cup. He was still made to wear the 
rubber bib round his neck with its 'catch all' pocket for the crumbs. 
The nurse asked him if he had done his 'number twos' that day and then 
used other language to make sure that John had understood her question 
as to whether he had had a bowel movement. This was because the nurses 
were checking for the constipation which they were expecting from the 
morphine which John had received. On having confirmed by John that he 
hadn't, the nurse left the bib on him and went away, leaving the 
instruction that he was to stay sitting up and that she'd be back in a 
couple of minutes. She came back with a glass containing orange juice 
with a spoon in it and another glass of orange juice on a small tray. 
She stirred the 'juice' thoroughly and took the spoon out, putting it 
down on the tray. She said to John that she was going to hold his nose 
and ask him to drink the 'juice' down as quickly as possible. She held 
John's nose and offered him the glass. He drank it down, gagging at the 
oily taste. She removed her fingers from his nose and offered him the 
second glass of orange juice with the comforting words, "Don't worry, 
this is just orange juice to take the taste away!" In those days, it 
was not felt necessary to explain to children what the nurses were 
doing to them: the children were just expected to do or take whatever 
they were told. The nurse removed the bib and John's gown, replacing it 
with a pyjama top. "You can get out of bed now and play with the other 
children. If you need to use the toilet, just remember you've got your 
nappies on, so use those!" She smiled to herself as she knew that John 
would very soon realise what she'd given him: a very large dose of 
castor oil which, in two or three hours, would leave him no longer 
constipated, very empty and with a very messy full nappy.
	She led John by the hand to the playroom at the end of the ward. 
Here children who were well enough to be allowed out of bed, yet not 
quite well enough to go home, were allowed to play under the watchful 
eye of a nurse who made sure that they didn't over-exert themselves 
and, when they needed their nappies changed, that they were returned to 
them main part of the ward for this to be done. The nurse who'd brought 
John whispered to the nurse in the playroom that John has just had a 
rather large dose of castor oil and that she was to watch for the 
successful conclusion of the treatment – John filling his nappy very 
comprehensively. John, who had been embarrassed at first at being taken 
through the ward, which was mixed sex, in just his pyjama top and his 
rubber pants over his nappy, was surprised to find that all except the 
very oldest children, were wearing nappies with rubber pants over them 
and a pyjama top. He didn't realise that the oldest children , who were 
wearing pyjama bottoms as well, apart from a couple of them, were also 
wearing the rubbers and nappies, but underneath their pyjama bottoms in 
deference to their age.
	John settled down to play Dinky toys with another boy (for those 
who have never played with Dinky toys, they were a die cast toy made as 
semi scale models of cars and lorries in use in the UK at that time). 
Half way through the morning, a nurse came into the playroom with a 
tray of glasses of orange juice which the children were encouraged to 
drink. Some children, like John, who had been given laxatives, were 
given larger glasses than the rest to ensure a thorough cleansing. John 
had already wet his nappy: the nurse had noticed this through the 
transparent rubber pants, but was aware that they were thick enough to 
take rather more soaking than they'd had so far.
	About three hours later, John realised that something strange was 
happening. He felt his stomach churning and gurgling inside him. He 
suddenly felt the greatest need to empty his bowels that he'd ever 
felt. He tried to hold back and started to stand up to go over to the 
nurse, but he was far too late. The violent contractions of his bowels 
responding to the effects of the powerful castor oil purgative forced a 
mess of oily stool into his nappy. The nurse saw his facial expressions 
and his obvious distress and then the brown stain appearing across the 
seat of his nappy. She smiled inwardly to herself as she knew that 
John's constipation had been resolved in a most spectacular fashion. 
John lost his balance as he was trying to stand when the need to expel 
the stool overwhelmed him. He fell back onto his bottom on the linoleum 
floor and grimaced as the messy stool was squashed all over his bottom 
and up between his legs up his front over his genitals and back up his 
anal cleft. John stood up and waddled over to the nurse as he was 
uncomfortable. He leaned over to her and whispered what had happened. 
She told him that she'd send him to be changed when she felt that he'd 
finished passing all that there was inside him to pass and that he 
should expect that he'd be passing some more into his nappy. As she was 
speaking to him, one of the other children who had also been similarly 
dosed with castor oil suddenly relieved herself into her nappy, 
blushing a bright beetroot colour as she lost self-control to her 
obvious embarrassment. Seeing and realising that John had had the same 
problem and that he hadn't been sent to be changed, she decided that 
she'd try to pretend that nothing had happened. Both children then 
spent a further hour and a half filling their nappies even fuller with 
stool. The children had adopted a crouch to avoid squashing the stool 
further into their nappies. Nurse, with a malicious glean in her eye, 
managed to contrive to ensure that both John and the girl ended up 
sitting down firmly on their bottoms whilst they continued to play.
	Nurse decided that the young girl had been embarrassed enough by 
her loss of control caused by the powerful purgative and sent her off 
to be changed first. When she returned, some fifteen minutes later, she 
had been put in blue rubber pants over her nappy which gave her some 
semblance of dignity. The nurse told John to go to see the nurse 
sitting at the desk and say to her that he'd come to be changed. As he 
walked past her, she gave him a playful slap across the seat of his 
rubber pants, further squashing the stool across his bottom. John 
waddled over to the nurse at the desk and reported as he'd been told, 
in a rather sheepish, embarrassed voice. She smiled at him and took him 
by the hand. She led him to the sluice room where there was a large 
table covered with a rubber sheet. Putting her hands under John's 
armpits, she lifted him up and sat him on the table, further spreading 
the stool up inside his nappy. "Time for a nice clean dry nappy, John!" 
With that, she laid him back on the table and turned to put on rubber 
gloves and a rubber apron. She then removed the rubber pants and nappy 
and dropped them in appropriate bins under the table. She put a bowl of 
water beside John and both wiped and washed him until he was clean 
again. She applied a thick layer of zinc and castor oil cream around 
his nappy area before applying a thick layer of clean, dry nappies and 
a fresh pair of rubber pants. John, however, got another pair of the 
transparent rubber pants so the nurses could keep an eye on when he wet 
himself. When she had finished with him, she lifted him off the 
changing table and sent him back to play until lunchtime.
	Unbeknown to John, elsewhere in the hospital there was a case 
conference taking place about him. A social worker was talking to the 
ward sister about placing John in foster case until his future could be 
legally settled. The social worker said to Sister that she was 
proposing to send John to Sister Davis. "Isn't there anyone else?" 
asked Sister, "You know she has some strange ways of dealing with 
children in her care." "Yes," replied the social worker, "but she does 
love the children in her care and they do seem to thrive. Don't forget, 
none of John's relatives will take him and I'd rather place him in 
foster care than in a children's home." Sister Davis was a district 
nurse and John was about to find out her 'strange ways' for himself. 
The arrangements were made for John to be placed with her that 
afternoon on his discharge from hospital.
	That afternoon, after John had had lunch, he was changed into a 
clean pair of nappies and then his clothing, which had been washed, 
dried and mended, put on him. Sister Davis came into the ward and spoke 
to John. "Hello John. I'm Sister Davis and you're going to come home 
with me. I'll look after you until it's sorted what's going to happen 
to you." Being reminded that he needed care because his parents had 
been killed, John burst into tears. Sister Davis hugged John to her and 
comforted him until the sobbing had subsided. She took John by the hand 
and led him from the ward. She told him that she was married, but had 
no children of her own. She worked as a district nurse, but only during 
school time so she'd be home during the holidays. Her husband was an 
accountant for a large local company. Leaving the hospital, she led 
John towards a bus stop from which buses went out of the city centre. 
The bus came and they both climbed on. A short ride later took them to 
the suburbs where they got off. Five minutes walk took them to a tree-
lined street with detached houses. They stopped at number 25 and Sister 
Davis opened the front door. She took John inside and up the stairs. 
There were three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs and John was taken 
into the smallest bedroom. To his surprise, the bed was a hospital 
style bed with cot sides which could be pulled up to prevent the 
occupant from falling out of bed. There was linoleum on the floor, a 
chair, bedside cabinet, wardrobe, a desk and a chest of drawers. There 
were pictures of aeroplanes, racing cars and trains on the wall. Sister 
Davis showed John that she had put away all his clothes in the wardrobe 
and chest of drawers. She didn't open the bottom drawer, so John, 
wrongly, assumed that it was empty. John was taken downstairs and shown 
the rooms down there and the garden.
	Later that evening, Sister Davis led John upstairs to bed. She 
took him into the second bedroom where there was a peculiar hospital 
style examination couch with a rubber cover over it. There was a sink 
in the room and cupboards with closed solid doors. What did attract 
John's attention were the three hooks in the wall over the head of the 
couch. He wondered what they were for. Sister Davis removed his nappy 
and rubber pants, dropping them in nappy pails by the couch, rather as 
the nurse had done at the hospital. She washed and dried him, deciding 
that his bottom looked well enough creamed. With his lower half bare, 
she lifted him down and encouraged him to go to the toilet in the 
bathroom and also to clean his teeth. He was told to go back to 'his' 
bedroom when he'd done. When he came in, he saw Sister Davis opening 
the bottom drawer and getting out dry nappies and blue rubber pants. 
"But I don't need nappies at night any more. I'm not a bay and I'm 
better now!" John wailed. "Every one of the boys and girls I've looked 
after wear nappies at least at night. If you don't wet them overnight, 
then you can wear them the following night. I'd rather you stayed in 
bed at night, though, so use your nappies if you wake up at night." She 
then laid him on the bed, pumped it up to a convenient height and put 
the nappies and rubber pants on him. She removed his shirt and replaced 
it with a pyjama top. She turned back the top sheet and blankets and 
encouraged John to lie down under the covers and she tucked him up. 
Finally she gave him a bottle of orange drink with a baby teat on it, 
standing it beside his pillow, telling him that he could suck from it 
if he was thirsty and the teat would stop it leaking all over the bed 
if it was knocked over. She kissed him on his forehead, wished him a 
'good night', pulled up the cot sides so John felt like he was in a 
cage and turned the light out as she left the room. The bed was still 
high in the air so John thought that perhaps he was glad that he had 
the cot sides to stop him falling out. He explored the bed and found 
that there was a rubber sheet over the mattress, a rubber drawsheet 
under a linen drawsheet and rubber covers on the two pillows which gave 
off a strong smell of rubber as he laid on them. As he was thirsty, he 
picked up the bottle, as he was intended to do, and started to drink 
from it. John thought it tasted a bit strange, but drank it down 
thirstily anyway. Finishing the bottle, he stood it back up beside his 
pillow and laid down to try to sleep. Sleep did come quickly as the 
doctor had prescribed a dose of chloral hydrate to help him sleep over 
the first few nights in his strange new home.
	The next morning, just before Sister Davis came in to get him out 
of bed, John woke to the realisation that his nappy was very wet. He 
put his hand down between his crotch on the rubber pants and squeezed 
the nappy tightly to him. He suddenly realised that he didn't care. 
Yes, he felt babyish in his rubber pants and wet nappy, but he liked 
the feeling. Sister Davis came in and lowered one of the cot sides. She 
was wearing a rubber apron and, sitting on the bed, lifted John onto 
her lap and cuddled him, rocking him gently back and forwards. She'd 
brought him a bottle of milk which she gave to him, holding the bottle 
with the teat in his mouth so john could suck eagerly. After what the 
poor lamb had been through, the reversion to a younger age while he was 
at home with her would help to blunt the pain of the loss of is parents 
and she enjoyed 'mothering' her foster children anyway. She'd only take 
one at a time so she could give them as much love and attention as 
possible. When John had drunk the milk, she picked him up and carried 
him into the second bedroom and placed him on the couch there . She 
removed his wet nappies and rubber pants and then washed his nappy area 
thoroughly, this time applying a layer of zinc and castor oil cream 
which she rubbed in carefully. Lifting John off the couch, she led him 
over to the sink and washed him from head to foot and, leading him 
naked back to his bedroom, helped him to dress.
	After breakfast, she walked John round the corner to his new 
school where the head teacher and class teacher had been warned about 
John's situation. John was welcomed into the school by the head teacher 
and taken to meet his class teacher. During the day, the other children 
asked him about his parents and didn't laugh at him when he started 
crying for his loss. He found that he liked his new friends and school 
and enjoyed being the centre of attention.
	All went well until Friday night. That was the night when John 
discovered the reservations which the ward sister had about John's 
placement with Sister Davis, despite her similar treatment of children 
on her ward. John was led into the middle bedroom and laid upon the 
couch. This time there were strange metal poles either side of the 
couch with loops hanging from them. Sister Davis removed all of John's 
clothes and gently put his ankles in the stirrup loops so that his 
bottom was wide open and his knees bent back. "At the weekend, we all 
have a good internal cleansing, John. You'll soon get used to it. I'm 
going to start you off with this." She held up a child sized glycerine 
suppository. "I'll dip this in some water and put it into your bottom. 
In a few minutes, it will make you want to go to the toilet, but I want 
you to be a good boy and to hold it as long as possible for me before 
you go. Can you do that for me?" John didn't like the sound of this, 
but he reluctantly agreed that he'd try. She pulled on a pair of rubber 
gloves and , picking up the first suppository, dipped it into the water 
which made it slippery. Carefully she placed the rounded end against 
John's anal sphincter and pushed gently. "Take deep breaths for me, 
John," she asked. As he did so, she slipped the first suppository into 
his rectum, pushing it as high up as she could at the tip of her finger 
which was fully buried in John's backside. Before John could protest, a 
second one followed the first. A really thick nappy was placed under 
John's hips and fastened tightly around him with four nappy pins. 
John's legs were lowered from the stirrup loops and a pair of 
transparent rubber pants pulled up over his nappy. John was helped to 
stand as she made sure that all of the nappy was tucked behind the 
rubber pants. These were just like the ones John had worn in hospital 
and he had a bad feeling about this. "Grip your bottom as tight as 
possible, John, to hold on for me." John clenched buttocks tightly 
together whilst Sister David went into a set of drawers and pulled out 
a transparent rubber garment. "As I don't want you to leak in the bed, 
I'd like you to put this on." It had an elasticated neck, long sleeves 
with elasticated wrists, an elasticated waist and legs which would 
reach down to his knees with elastic around the knees. Sister Davis 
held the neck of the garment stretched whilst John stepped into it. He 
shivered as the touch of the cold amber rubber struck cold against his 
skin. It looked really strange on him as he could see himself on one of 
the full length mirrors in the room. Finally, Sister Davis held John's 
nose whilst she encouraged him to drink down a large draught of castor 
oil and orange juice. John started to cry at the oily taste. "I was 
given this in hospital," he wailed, "and I couldn't help messing 
myself." "Hush, John. It's all right. I know you'll mess yourself. 
That's fine. I want you to because I want to clear all of the poisons 
out of your system." John was given another glass of orange juice to 
wash away the oily taste still in his mouth and then encouraged to 
brush his teeth to rid them of the oily coating which the castor oil 
had left. By now, John was squirming from trying to hold on to the two 
suppositories which were irritating his rectum and causing him to want 
to have a bowel movement. "Hold on a little longer, if you can, John, 
so that they'll work better." With that, she picked him up and carried 
him into his bedroom. Sitting on his bed, she cuddled him to her so 
that he was overwhelmed by the smell of his rubber suit and her apron. 
She placed the teat of a baby bottle in his mouth and encouraged him to 
suck on the warm milk, laced again tonight with chloral hydrate which 
would soon send him into a deep sleep. As John drifted off to sleep, 
the little grunts he was giving in his sleep suggested that he was 
indeed filling his nappy. As she laid John down on his side, she placed 
a hand on his bottom and rubbed. Yes, he had passed stool as she spread 
it across his bottom.
	A couple or so hours later, John half woke to the churnings of 
his bowels caused by the castor oil. He didn't fight it as he was too 
sleepy from the choral hydrate and so just let it out. Three more times 
he woke, passed copious amounts of stool and went back to sleep again. 
In the early morning, he woke for the last time that night with the 
grey light of dawn filtering through the window. He was aware that he 
was covered in sweat from the rubber garment he was wearing over his 
nappy and rubber pants. He sat up in bed and felt the stool between his 
legs spreading out up his front and back. He put his hand between his 
crotch and squeezed, spreading the stool up even further. He didn't 
care. He liked the feeling, he decided. After all, if Sister Davis had 
said it was all right, then who was he to argue? He laid back in bed, 
one hand between his legs and the other holding his thumb in his mouth, 
wet with sweat and both wet and sticky around the nappy region.
	Sister David came into the room some time later, wearing her long 
rubber apron and rubber gloves. "Awake, poppet? Not too uncomfortable, 
I hope?" John reassured her hat things were fine. She smiled to herself 
as she guessed that he would rapidly come to appreciate the lack of 
responsibility and self control which the nappies and the purgatives 
implied. "Let's clean you up and start you on the next start of your 
treatment." She lifted him out of bed and took him to the bathroom this 
time. Stripping off the rubber bloomer suit, which had covered John 
from knee to neck and wrists, while John stood in the bath, she gave a 
pleasurable exclamation that his rubber pants hadn't leaked. She turned 
the suit inside out and hung it on a hanger. She removed his very messy 
nappy and rubber pants, commenting to John that she was pleased with 
the result. She knew that her expression of pleasure would help to 
break down any resistance and prior training against wetting and 
messing himself in this way. She wanted him to be relaxed about her 
treatment of him. There was a shower attachment on the bath which she 
used to thoroughly hose John clean. She then showered him from head to 
foot, soaping him well and rinsing it off. John would have protested at 
home that he was a big boy and could bath himself, but he found that he 
was enjoying the mothering which he was receiving. He relaxed and just 
let it happen. Sister Davis was right: it was just what he needed at 
this difficult time. Picking up a large white fluffy bath towel, she 
wrapped him in it and dried him thoroughly. She led him from the 
bathroom into the second bedroom and stood him beside the couch. "I'd 
like you to put on these special rubber pants for me, John." They were 
the red rubber of hospital sheeting and were the strangest garment he'd 
seen. There was a tube from between the legs, the legs were short like 
bloomers, there was an elasticated waist and no back around his 
buttocks. He stepped into them and was then lifted onto the couch and 
told to lie on his left side. Sister Davis checked the temperature of 
the water in the jug and in the enema can which she hung on the wall 
over the couch ("So that was what the hooks were for," thought John) 
She connected the tubing from the can up to the pre-greased colon tube 
which she had ready in a kidney dish. She ran a little water out of the 
colon tube to flush all of the air from the tubing, then, with a finger 
dipped in the Vaseline, lubricated John's anus with her gloved finger. 
She fed the end of the colon tube through the tube in the bloomers 
which was between his legs and then into his rectum. She opened the 
valve on the enema can to let the water run slowly through the tubing 
as she worked it further and further into John's empty colon – empty 
because of all the he'd had the night before. Once she was satisfied 
that she'd placed the tube far enough inside John's colon, she turned 
off the water and asked John to roll onto his back. She hooked the can 
onto the top hook and lifted John's legs into the stirrup loops fixed 
to the sides of the couch. She removed the section of couch under 
John's bottom, leaving his bottom hanging over a metal pan. "John, I'm 
going to open the tap now. Try to keep the fluid inside you until you 
feel really full. Then just relax and let it out. The special rubber 
pants you're wearing have got no back so that, when you let the water 
out of you, it'll go into the pan under your bottom and won't splash 
anywhere. All right?" John nodded as she opened the tap.
	Since the colon tube was so high up in his colon, John was 
surprised tat so much water was going in to him and he didn't feel 
full. Sister Davis was topping up the enema can from the jug of warm 
water. Suddenly he started to feel rather full and so relaxed his 
sphincter muscles. The water poured out of him into the waiting pan 
below, directed by the rubber pants. When he felt empty again, he was 
encouraged to clench his sphincter to be refilled. This happened 
several times until Sister Davis felt that he was thoroughly washed 
out. She unclipped the colon tube from the enema can tubing and lowered 
the end into the metal container beneath John's bottom to let the 
remaining water drain out of him as she slowly removed the colon tube. 
"How was that, John?" she asked him. "That was fun," he said, "I feel 
really clean inside now." "Good boy!" She removed his legs from the 
loops and slide the rubber pants off him. She washed and dried him and 
lifted him off the table. John went to get dressed. Sister Davis came 
into the room and asked, "Shall we do that again next week, John?" "Yes 
please!" came his answer, "but," he blurted out, "could I take the 
nasty stuff during the day so I can sleep though at night?" "Of course 
you can, dear. I just thought you'd prefer not to wear nappies and 
rubber pants during the day." "I don't mind that," was John's answer.
	The next Saturday morning, John was woken by Sister Davis, 
wearing her rubber apron and gloves as usual, and taken to the second 
bedroom. She removed his wet nappies and rubbers before washing him 
clean and creaming him thoroughly. She pinned on a really thick pile of 
nappies and pulled the rubber pants over the top so that John 
definitely bulged around his hips from the thick layers of terry 
toweling. This was followed by the bloomer suit and then his normal 
clothes on top, apart from a special pair of baggy trousers to fit over 
the nappies. John's mouth was dry from excitement: he was really 
looking forward to this. "I like to rotate my purgatives, John, so 
today I'm giving you Epsom Salts which works rather differently. You 
won't get the cramping I expect, but you'll get lots of watery bowel 
movements which is why you've got such a thick layer of nappies on. I'd 
also like you to keep drinking plenty all day, so I've put a jug of 
orange juice in the kitchen for you to help yourself from. How do you 
want your Epsom Salts? You can have it in a glass or from a baby 
bottle." "From the bottle, please," asked John. "I thought you might! 
Come here, poppet, and sit on my lap." John sat across her lap as she 
cuddled him and rocked him as he drank down the Epsom Salts mixed with 
the orange juice to try to disguise the salty flavour. John was excited 
to think of the effects that it would have on him later.
	After breakfast of porridge and a glass of orange juice laced 
again with Epsom Salts to ensure a 'good result', John was allowed out 
into the back garden to play. He was on the swing when he felt the 
first gurgling which the osmotic laxative would produce. He stayed on 
the swing as the laxative built up the pressure inside him and he let 
it go flooding into his nappy. As he was sitting on the swing, he could 
feel the warm mess spreading up the sides of his hips, his front and 
his back and it was a wonderful feeling. By lunchtime, when he was 
changed, he was thoroughly wet and happy. In the evening, he had the 
colon tube just before bed and went to bed that night in an exhausted 
state from all the purging, but wonderfully content.
	A few days later, he was visited by two ladies from Social 
Services. They spoke to Sister Davis and then took John into the front 
room with them on his own. "Can't Sister Davis be here with me?" he 
asked. "No, John. We need to speak to you alone. Are you happy here?" 
"Oh yes!" John said, "very happy!" "As your parents are dead, we need 
to find the best place for you. How do you feel about staying here?" 
"Yes, please!" came the instant reply. "Sister Davis and her husband 
want to adopt you as their own son. How do you feel about that?" "That 
would be wonderful. I'd love to have Sister Davis as my mummy and Mr. 
Davis as my new dad. They're ever so kind to me and love me." "Are you 
sure, because it won't be possible to change your mind later." I'm 
sure. Please let me stay here!" With that, one of the ladies left the 
room to convey this to Sister Davis who came into the room elated and 
went over to John to hug him. The social workers left, leaving the 
happy pair. "John, would you like to be in nappies now, to celebrate?" 
"Yes please, Sister!" "You can call me 'mummy' now if you like," came 
her reply. "Mummy, can I wear my nappies and rubbers and can you give 
me something to make me 'go'?" Of course, my love. What do you want? 
Senna, Epsom Salts or castor oil?" "Mummy, can I have the Senna and a 
washout afterwards?" "Of course, dearest!"
	With that, John's new mummy led him upstairs to get him into his 
nappies and rubbers. Over the years, he still wore nappies at night and 
looked forward to his weekly purgatives, enemas and colon washouts. He 
still does!