The Christmas Baby

Chapter 1 - November 22

	I woke up with a hard-on. I also woke up with a wet bed. I smiled to 
myself and thought, 'I wonder if mom and dad would get me DIAPERS now.' I 
cuddled back into my bed and thought about the dream - my dream.
	I'm David Kestner. I'm a blondish red hair, green eyed boy of 10 years. I 
live with my mom and dad and my 2 older brothers - Breven, who is 17 and Drew 
14. I'm the youngest in my family and I love wearing diapers. I discovered that 
I love diapers a year ago when I became friends with my neighbor, who just moved 
into the house 3 houses down. Before I met Kenny Terrett, I never thought about 
diapers. Kenny and his brother Jake got me interested.
	When Kenny's family (Kenny's mom and dad, 3 brothers, 1 sister) moved into 
their house, I decided to say hello to them. My street doesn't have that many 
kids, so my friends were mostly at school, so I was glad that Kenny's family 
moved in. I rode my bike to the Terrett's house and I saw Jake who was 12. I 
said hello to him and we started to chat, so soon I met Kenny, who was my age. I 
looked at him and I thought I saw a diaper through his leg opening, but I didn't 
think I saw what I saw. Soon, Jake and Kenny were my best friend, so we played 
together. Kenny's other two brothers - Steve, who was 16 and Chris, who was 14 
and his sister, 13 year old Karen, joined in our games, but mostly it was just 
me, Jake and Kenny.
	About 5 months passed when I decided to invite Kenny for a sleepover. He 
refused me, his best friend, so I accept the fact that I wasn't his best friend 
really. I was mad, so I avoided him for a few days. Jake and kenny were asking 
about me, but I said I was busy. About 2 weeks later, Jake told me something 
that changed - no pun, though - my life. Kenny is a 24/7 diaper wearer. Kenny 
said that he should have been honest with me, but he hoped that I'll still be 
his friend. I told him that I would and I asked him about diapers. I was 
curious. Kenny asked if I wanted to sleep over, so I said - no, YELLED, yes. I 
called my mom and told her that the Terretts invited me to spend the night.
	That night, Jake showed me Deeker's web page along with a few other sites. 
I loved some of the stories - especially "Jevon's Big Brother" and "Story of 
Baby Dillon" (editors' note to Dan: We wanted to say that they are his favorite 
since our brothers are writing it. :) ) on his page, so Jake asked me if I 
wanted to try a diaper.
	I almost chickened out, but I said sure, so soon Jake was diapering me 
along with Kenny. After we were diapered, Jake left us in Kenny's bedroom. I 
guess Jake went downstairs and told his folks, because soon Mrs. Terrett came in 
with two bottles of warm milk. Soon I discovered that Kenny was the baby, 
because we were going to sleep in a crib. It was crowded, but we both enjoyed 
sleeping in the crib. I was hooked on diapers and being a baby. I was 
overnighting at the Terretts about 6 times, when Mr. and Mrs. Terrett asked me 
if I liked being a baby.
	I didn't say that I love it, but I did smile, so they called my folks if I 
could spend 6 weeks with them at their cottage in Pennsylvania. It was this 
summer, and I came back as a bedwetter (or when I was at the Terretts, a diaper 
	When I came back from the Terrett's cottage, I was wetting my bed 3 times 
a week, so mom was getting mad. She put a rubber sheet to protect my mattress, 
and she wouldn't let me have ANYTHING to drink. I was reading more and more of 
AB/TB/PTB stories from the web and put them in a notebook. I hid the notebook on 
my bookshelf.
	In Mr. and Mrs. Kestner's bedroom, Mrs. Kestner kissed her hubby on the 
lips. "Morning, dear," she said. "I think I know why David's wetting. I think he 
wants to be a baby."
	Mr. Kestner said, "A baby? I must be dreaming. Why would David want to be 
a baby?" He turned over to face her.
	Mrs. Kestner said, "I have a picture of him and Kenny in diapers. I guess 
David got interested when he saw Kenny in them. I see him glance at the diapers 
in the diaper aisle, but he never told me what was going on. I also found three 
websites called Deeker, 5 Million Friends and DPF Teen page bookmarked on his 
	"Should we take him to a shrink?" Mr. Kestner asked.
	"No, it doesn't recommend that," Mrs. Kestner told her hubby what she saw 
on the web and that she was going to get more info on diaperism. "We can't be 
mad or disappointed. Some boys just want to be babied, but they can't ask. I 
guess I'll say that most of kids who lost their parents or love ones in the 
terrorist attack would love to be babied. Those kids are victims of a crime and 
they would love to be babied."
	"Sue," Mr Kestner said, "I would like to get info on it, too. I got a 
meeting with Jack Vaux today. Vaux' business is off 35%, so he wants me to do an 
ad campaign for his hotels and resorts. His hotel near ground zero is off 85%." 
He got up from the bed and started towards the bathroom to shower. "Does anyone 
have a store for supplies, Sue?" he asked.
	Sue said, "Yes, there is an online store and you can call them if you have 
questions. The website is informative on the issue of children wanting diapers. 
Good prices on diapers and baby clothes, too. I'm going to call them when David 
is at school." She looked at her husband and said, "I love you, John." Sue went 
and left the room to wake up Brevin, Drew and David.
	When Sue went to David's room, she saw that David had a wet bed. She 
smiled to herself and then woke up David. Sue said, "Davey, you wet your bed. Do 
you know you did it?"
	David thought about saying yes, but said, "No, mom." In a way, it was true 
since he was surprised that he is wetting more and more.
	Sue said, "Do you want Goodnights to wear? I'm going shopping today so 
I'll get you some."
	David said, "Would you and dad mind?"
	Sue said, "No we know you aren't doing it on purpose. It would save your 
mattress. Go take your shower, Davey." Sue then left his room.
	In a few minutes, Mr. Kestner came into the kitchen and said, "Morning, 
all. Drew, good luck in your test today."
	Drew, eating a bowl of Life, said, "Thanks dad! Good luck at work." Drew 
finished his bowl and drank his orange juice, then left the kitchen with his 
book bag, after saying, "Bye all!"
	Mr. Kestner had his coffee and then kissed his wife. "Have a good day, 
love." Sue kissed him back and said, "I love you." She watched as Brevin and 
David both left for school, after Mr. Kestner left for work. Now, she is alone.
	Sue went on the computer and checked out teen baby sites. She checked the 
phone number for the information that she wanted, so she ordered a few diapers 
for Dave, along with a few baby clothes. Sue then saw nursery furniture links, 
so she clinked the link, and saw some nursery furniture. 'Hmmm,' Sue thought, 'I 
wonder if the playroom could be the nursery for BabyDavey.'
	Mr. Kestner was at his office, when Mr. Vaux came in. Mr. Vaux and Mr. 
Kestner engaged in small talk, then Mr. Vaux said, "I decided to advertise. 
VauxResorts just closed two resorts - one on St. Maartins and the second in 
Mexico. We want to get people to travel to our resorts - and we want to promote 
New York tourism, since our hotels in New York are down 80% since 9/11."
	Mr. Kestner said, "Jean, do you think your Mexican resort will reopen? I 
might see if you would try a different lifestyle to it. I know 12 of your 
resorts are nudist resorts - 10 for families, 7 are gay resorts, 5 are singles 
only and 10 are family resorts. Maybe you can turn the resort in Mexico into 
another area."
	Mr. Vaux said, "We closed the old Cancun gay resort - Mayan Rainbow. I 
would love to reopen it. What do you have in mind?"
	Mr. Kestner told him that he was unsure yet, however, he will tell him 
when he get a survey back in a few weeks. Mr. Vaux said that it was fine and to 
keep in touch with him. Mr. Vaux said, "You came highly regarded. I hope we'll 
have a good relationship with our business."

Chapter 2 - that night...

	After dinner and dessert, David's mom came to him and said, "Bathtime, 
honey. After your bath, come into our bedroom." David went to take his bath, so 
Mr. and Mrs. Kestner started to talk about babying Drew.
	Mr. Kestner, working on an ad for Vaux Resorts' Sugarhills Family Resort - 
a naturist resort in Vermont - looked at Sue and said, "I was doing some 
research, and you are right, diaper wearing is widespread. I put a survey out to 
see if a resort can survive as a INFANTIST RESORT. Vaux Resorts' Mayan Rainbow 
closed, so it might be a nice resort. I think Dave'll love his new room. Want to 
give it to him at Christmas?"
	Sue went upstairs to their room and waited for Drew to finish. Soon, Dave 
was out of the bath and walked to his parents' room. He opened the door and 
walked in and saw his mom with a diaper.
	'Wow' David thought, 'I'm going to be diapered.' He looked at his mom and 
said, "What is this?" He went to the bed.
	"Davey, this is a Goodnight," Mrs. Kestner said. "It should help you with 
your bedwetting. We aren't going to punish you for wetting, but I hope you'll 
see if these will keep your bed dry. Okay, love?
	 Dave looked at his mom and said, "It was our deal this morning, mom. I 
don't think I'll like it, but I'll try it." He put on the Goodnights and went 
downstairs to watch a video.
	In the morning, his Goodnights were wet, but his bed were dry. He loved 
the feeling of being wet and thought, 'This is cool!!'
	Since it was Thanksgiving break, Dave didn't have to get to school, so his 
mom asked if he wanted to wear one around the house. "No one will be here, just 
your brothers and us," Sue said.
	Dave agreed, so he was dressed for the most part in just his 'Goodnights'. 
At bedtime, he took a bath - after Sue took off his 'Goodnights' - and then his 
mom put him in a 'Goodnights' and sent him downstairs for a bedtime snack.
	The rest of the weekend Dave spent the day in Goodnights, but Saturday 
night, Sue put a pin hole in his 'Goodnights', before he was put into it. Sue 
sent him downstairs and his dad gave him apple pie ala mode and a glass of coke. 
Saturday morning, Dave woke up wet.
	"Dave," his mom asked, "Would you let us try diapers on you? I guess these 
would be good for daytime, especially at school, but not at night."
	 Dave didn't want to sound happy, so he said, "I guess." He was put into a 
new 'Goodnights' and then, he asked, "Could I play with Kenny today? He should 
be back from his grandparents. I want to talk to Kenny about school."
	His mom said, "Ok, but be good there." Dave put on a pair of jeans and a 
button down shirt and headed to the Terretts.
	At the Terretts, Kenny and Dave were chatting about diapers, so they were 
on Deekers. They wanted to see if anyone gave new - or updates - of stories on 
his sites. Dave and Kenny were talking about being babied and they both thought 
it would be fun.
	While Dave was at the Terretts, Breven and Drew were in a conference about 
'BabyDrew.' Breven, who will be leaving for college in January - since he just 
graduated high school, didn't have much to say, but Drew wanted to know more, so 
they all went on the internet.
	Drew said, "It might be cool to have a baby here. It could be a real live 
BABY-THINK-IT-OVER here at the house. Are you going to treat him as a baby? Baby 
food and highchair and the works?"
	"Yes," Sue said.
	Monday morning, with help from a pinhole, Davey woke up wet so Sue told 
him, "I have to get some more 'Goodnights', so I'll pick up diapers for tonight. 
Ok, honey?"
	That night, he was diapered and put in bed at his regular time. Sue gave 
him some milk - in a leaky - trick - glass, so Sue said, "Hold on, I might have 
your old sippy glass. We don't want your bed to be wet from milk. Sue left his 
room and soon she was back with a sippy glass. "Try this, baby." Sue stuck the 
cup in his hands,
	Dave was sucking the sippy cup and thought about his chat with Kenny...
	Dave, at school, talked to Kenny and Kenny said, "Enjoy it. If they knew 
you love diapers, you might be at a shrink. Does being a baby hurt anyone? I 
don't know, but I love being Jake's baby. Jake wants you to be his baby, too."
	Dave said, "Boy, it is amazing that your folks didn't kick him out for 
being gay. I would love Jake to be my 'daddy', Kenny. You can be my brudda 
then!" Kenny and Dave were still talking when the bell rang.
	Dave thought about being Jake's baby and fell asleep sucking on his sippy 

Chapter 3 - December 23

	Dave woke up with a wet diaper. Sue came in and changed him. Dave was on 
his first full day of Vacation, so Sue put on a dry diaper, since they were 
going to 'Christmas Land', a small theme park 45 miles from their house. Dave 
usually fall asleep, so Sue said, "We better keep you diapered. We don't want to 
have you wet your pants, honey."
	Dave said, "Ok." So Sue put him in his Pampers and went downstairs to have 
breakfast. John, was working on the Vaux Resorts' account, so he said, "Honey, 
could you take the boys? Jean called me about the account, so I got to meet him 
at noon."
	Sue said, "John, I'm sorry you aren't going with us. it would be fun." Sue 
knew that John was work on Dave's Christmas present - a NURSERY - but it needed 
to look like Davey's dad needed to work. John and Drew are going to set up the 
nursery after painting it."
	Drew said, "Do I have to go, mom? 'Christmas Land' is nice but the guys 
and I want to see 'Harry Potter'. Dave, have fun."
	Sue said, "If you want to see Harry Potter, you can paint the guest den. I 
guess your dad can't do it. Davey, I guess it just you and I. I want to go."
	Dave said, "I'll go." Sue and Dave ate breakfast and left for 'Christmas 
Land', while John and Drew started painting Davey's Nursery. John and Sue rented 
a storage unit, so Davey's Christmas presents - crib, changing table, highchair, 
playpen, cradle - were in the storage unit. Dave also got a few big boy toys - 
especially 3 new locomotives for the train set. One locomotive was lettered 
'Nappiville Southern' with the name of 'NappiVille' from a Deeker story called 
'J-Birds in Diapers', one of Davey's favorite story. Matter of fact, Mr. Kestner 
added on to the layout, but it was covered. It is the 'Nappiville Southern' 
part, with the road's customers taken from 'Deeker's Stories' and one - Davey's 
BIGBABY toys - named for Davey.
	On the road, Sue looked over and saw that Davey was asleep. Sue smiled to 
herself and thought, 'I love BABYDavey!' She kept on driving to 'Christmas 
Land', while John and Drew painted the room and set it up.
	After a day of 'Christmas Land', Davey said, "Mom, I had a great time. 
Thank you for the day. I bet 'Harry Potter' wasn't nearly as good as this. Drew 
missed some fun times. I loved it, mommy."
	Sue said, "Want to be changed, dear? I guess I forgot to see if you needed 
to go poop. Did you go?"
	Dave said, "Yes, sorry mommy. I couldn't help it." Dave thought, 'I love 
pooping my diapers like a baby though. I love the attention. Why can't boys be 
diapered more?' Dave was thinking of a bully in his school who was making fun of 
Kenny, him and another diapered boy - Greg Kirkland - who was born with no 
bladder. 'Greg is cute,' he thought.
	"Mom," Dave said, "Why is infantilism bad? I mean Mike said that is it 
sick. Can't he leave us alone?"
	"Some people think they are the MORAL police, love." Sue glanced over at 
Dave and then said, "If you aren't hurting anyone. Don't worry about other 
people. Do you mind, love?"
	Dave said, "Thanks. I knew Mike is a busybody. Thank you mommy." Davey 
fell asleep.
	When Sue and Davey got home, Dave was carried by his dad to his 'big boy' 
bedroom, then changed and slept thru the night.

Chapter 4 - December 24

	When Davey woke up, he rubbed his eyes. He was in his bed with a wet 
diaper. He smiled at himself when he remember the dream that he had of Jake, 
Kenny, Greg and himself. Soon, Drew came in and said, "Need a change? How was 
'Christmas Land'?"
	Davey watched Drew take off his diaper and said, "I had fun. How was Harry 
Potter? Is it as good as the book?"
	Drew placed the new diaper on the bed and said, "It was great. Wish I went 
with you guys." Drew then taped his diaper on and said, "Lets go have 
breakfast." Dave went downstairs and saw some presents under the tree. He wanted 
to look over and shake it, to see if he got what he wanted - some train stuff. 
He went to the kitchen where his dad was cooking eggs and bacon. "Did you have 
fun at 'Christmas Land?'" His dad asked. "You were dead asleep when you got 
	Sue came in and said, "I'm glad we don't need to go out. Yesterday I had a 
good time but I think I'll nap today. Davey, I want you to nap, too. We didn't 
get home until late. There was a back up on the highway. Besides, you never do 
sleep on Christmas Eve."
	Davey said, "I will!"

	The day went fast. Davey was asleep for his nap from 12 noon until 4 pm. 
At noon, Sue gave him a glass of warm milk with 2 sleeping pills. At 4, Sue woke 
him up and said, "You were tired from yesterday." Sue untaped his diaper and 
then said, "Davey, I want you to try cloth diapers. I think it would be better. 
A disposable can only be used once, while cloth can be used again and again. We 
want to keep the earth better. Ok, honey?"
	Davey said, "Ok, mommy." So Sue put Davey in cloth diapers and white 
colored plastic pants. Sue said, "Lets go downstairs and see what your brothers 
and daddy are up to." They started to go downstairs.
	Dave's dad was on the sofa watching a tape-delayed basketball game on 
ESPN, while Drew was on the computer. The turkey was cooking so it gave the 
house a nice smell. Breven was talking to his girlfriend on the phone. Dave's 
dad motioned him to the sofa so Dave joined his dad while his mom went to look 
at the meal that was cooking.
	Soon, they all sat down for Christmas Dinner, and then they had dessert 
and then it was - as tradition in the family - time to open one package. Breven 
opened his and it was a new shirt and cargo pants for school, Dave's mom opened 
one and it was a gold necklace, his dad opened his and it was a new power drill 
and a gift certificate for tools at Sears. Drew opened his and it was 3 computer 
games - 'Fast Food Tycoon', 'Roller Coaster Tycoon' and 'The Sims', so it was 
time for Davey to open his present. He opened his present and was surprised - a 
powder blue footed pajamas, cloth diapers, plastic pants and a bottle.
	Dave looked at his family and said, "Really?"
	Sue said, "Lets get you ready for bed, baby. Drew, could you fill this up 
with the juice?" Sue handed the bottle to Drew, while putting Davey into his 
footed PJ. Drew came back with a filled bottle and stuck it into Davey's mouth. 
Soon, Davey was asleep.
	In the morning, Christmas Day, when he woke he looked around. He wasn't in 
his room and he wasn't in his bed. He was in a crib!

Chapter 5 - Christmas Eve -

	Davey, dressed in his new cloth diapers, plastic pants and footed PJs, 
fell asleep on his mom's lap. His mom took him upstairs and put him into his new 
bedroom. His mom pulled down the shade, turned on the baby monitor and went 
downstairs to put more presents for 'Baby Davey' under the tree.
	Breven placed a big box under the tree and said, "I think Davey'll like 
it. I saw it from an internet site so I bought it for him. It is a trike. The 
guy who was selling it wanted to see if he could sell more of them to TBs. Also, 
I got him a car seat."
	Drew said, "I got him some Fisher-Price toys and I bought him some 
clothes. I saw them on the internet, so Brev lent me his Visa card. Mom, did you 
get his PJ's from the internet?"
	"Yes, I did. I looked at a link from 'Deeker's Diaper Page' and saw a 
website called '' I looked at their products, so I ordered about 
1,000 dollars worth of baby clothes. Your dad got his nursery furniture from 
'' and they were quick."
	"I might have them build a few more," Mr. Kestner said. "Remember the old 
KOA Blueberry Meadows 4 miles from here? It is up for sale. I am think about 
buying it. The owner of '' said that this area has lots of ABs, 
TBs and PTBs. I might make a resort for them."
	Drew said, "Hmmm, a campground for babies? What would it be like?"
	"Well, getting info on infantilism is hard. I think it should be for 
everyone. TBs will have their own area, but ABs - adult babies - may have 
another area. Most ABs are married, but it is a secret with their wife - most 
ABs, not all, are men. When Blueberry Meadow closed, another party was going to 
buy it plus 175 acres in back, but the deal fell through, so I might buy it. The 
new acreage might be for the ABs with 50 acres for gay babies and their 
	Breven said, "I know 3 ABs, dad. They go to Ketumpscut College. I talked 
to them a few nights ago on IRC's #diapers channel."
	Drew said, "That would be cool. Dad and mom, how many girls are TBs?" He 
then smiled.
	"Not surprisingly," his dad said, "TBs are mostly boys. about 5% are 
girls. One thing is that boys are supposed to be tough, so boys like being 
	Breven said, "That is what I learned, too, dad!" He looked at Drew and 
said, "I think it would be something exciting. Dad, it might fail, since nudist 
resorts do, but I think it will go. Going to do any research in DPF's boards? I 
think if you tell Deeker, he might put a message on his website. Matter of fact, 
I might get three friends to join the camp. Dan Hjelm's two younger brothers are 
bedwetters, so maybe his mom could help us. Can I borrow the computer? I want to 
do research on this resort."
	Drew said, "I think it would be cool. I knew David wasn't the only one. I 
think Scott is still a bedwetter. I think it would be something fun." Drew 
	Mrs. Kestner said, "Someone needs to go to bed. Love, I think it would be 
fun. Night all."
	David went up the stairs after saying, "Night!" and then Breven said, 
"Mom, dad, night."

Chapter 6 - Christmas Morning 6 am

	Davey woke up and he looked around the room. He knew that he wasn't in his 
room, but the room was still dark. He wet his soggy diaper, then saw that he was 
in a crib. 'Hmmm,' he thought to himself, 'It isn't a dream. I guess I am a 
	Soon the door opened and his mom came in. "How's our little baby today?" 
With the light from the hall he can see that he was in what was the guest room. 
'Hmm, I guess dad was here working on a new room for me."
	Mrs. Kestner picked him up from the bed and carried him downstairs. The 
first present was for 'Baby Davey' and it was a playpen, so he was placed in it. 
The next present was Drew's so he got 3 pairs of cargo pants, then a present for 
Davey. It was 4 pairs of onesies in different colors.
	When every present was opened - including some of David's big boy 
presents, which were computer games, school clothes and some model train 
supplies - it was time to have breakfast. Mr. Kestner took Davey's new highchair 
with him into the kitchen, but Davey was left in his playpen. Davey saw his 
Fisher-Price xylophone, so while waiting for breakfast, he started to bang on 
the xylophone.
	In a little while, his dad came and picked him up from the playpen and 
carried him to his new highchair. His dad placed him in his highchair, put on 
the tray and his mom fed him some baby cereal. While he was eating his breakfast 
and drinking some milk, he messed his diapers. His mom fed him the cereal, then 
he was put back into the playpen. While in his playpen, he was looking at the 
neat baby stuff he got - a stroller, a car seat, a cradle, lots of Fisher-Price 
toys, Legos and a Brio 'Thomas the tank engine' wooden train set. he decided to 
build his wooden train track, so he played with 'Thomas'. After awhile, he 
started to play with his xylophone, then Davey cuddle up with a stuffed bear, 
that 'Santa' got him and as comfortable as it is, he fell asleep.

Chapter 7 - midday Christmas Day

	When Davey woke up again, he was in his crib in just his diapers and one 
of his onesie. His light was on low, so he saw that his crib had a crib toy, so 
he played with it. 'Hmmm,' he thought to himself, 'I could get used to this.'
	Soon his mom was in his nursery, so he was given a bottle of warm milk. 
After he drank the bottle, his mom took off his diapers and carried him to the 
bathtub. She started to wash him as he was playing with a rubber duck. Soon, he 
was dried off and was put into CLOTH DIAPERS, a pair of teal green plastic 
pants, a onesie, and his red coveralls. He was carried downstairs and placed on 
his dad's lap.
	Davey looked around and he saw Breven's girlfriend, Denise Verite, 
cuddling with Breven. She said, "Brev, he looks like he's enjoying it. Mario 
should try them. Maybe I'll suggest it to mom."
	"As Drew said, " Breven said, "Davey could be our life like BABY THINK IT 
OVER. We might babysit him because mom and dad want to go on an overnight trip."
	"We should BABYSIT him," Denise said, "Anytime."
	Davey, sitting on his dad's lap, put his thumb into his mouth. His dad saw 
that, so he put in his pacifier. Soon his mom came out with a bottle of formula. 
While he was sucking on his bottle, he was thinking, 'I love being a baby.'
	After he finished the bottle, the phone rang. It was Kenny and Jake, who 
wanted to know if Dave could come over to their house. Dave said, "I'll ask! I 
have to show you my new outfit. You have to see my presents."
	"You won't believe what I got," Kenny said. "I got to show it to you."
	Davey said, "Knowing you, I'll believe anything your folks get you. I'll 
be over in a few minutes."
	Mrs. Kestner asked Davey if he'll ride his trike to the Terretts. Davey 
said he would love to, so Mr. Kestner took his trike - which looked like a big 
'BIG WHEEL' - outside. Davey sat on it and started to pedal it.
	When Davey got to the Terretts, Kenny was in a 'LittleTykes Coupe' look 
alike being pushed by Jake. When Davey saw Kenny's little Coupe, Davey said, 
	Kenny said, "Cool trike. What did you get? Is your outfit new?"
	Davey said, "Do you like it? I got a whole bunch of BABY stuff. I have a 
nursery with a crib. I have a highchair, too."
	Kenny said, "Cool, I got to see it." Kenny and Davey were talking about 
some 'big boy' presents they got, but soon, they were talking about their BABY 
stuff they received. Kenny received some new 'Monster, Inc.' sheets along with 5 
new footed PJ's, onesies, plastic pants (in different colors) and a new 'toddler 
style' suit - a shirt, tie and pants for a wedding the Terretts are going to 
while Davey told Kenny about his baby stuff.
	Kenny said, "Lets go inside and see who's on in either DPF Teen chat, 
#diapers or #dpf. I wonder if 'Baby Nevin' got his wish from his 'Big Brother.'" 
They went inside and played on the computer - first for chatting, then they 
played a game - for two hours when Mrs. Terrett came into the computer room, and 
said, "Davey, your mommy and daddy wants you home. Would you like to have Kenny 
sleepover tomorrow?"
	Davey said, "If he can, yes. I gotta ask." Davey then pedaled home, and he 
was put down for a nap.

Chapter 8 - Christmas Night

	When Davey was awaken, it was time for dinner. Dinner was the time for 
Davey to get 'Big boy food', so he was placed in his highchair, and ate Ziti, 
beans and salad. After dinner, Davey had a slice of mince pie and a slice of 
apple pie, along with 2 slices of pumpkin. Drew changed Davey after bathing him 
and then diapering him, Drew put him into a pair of light green footed PJs that 
zips up the back.
	Drew put Davey into his crib, put a bottle of warm formula in his mouth 
and read 'Arthur Goes to School' to Davey. Soon he was asleep.
	Drew quietly walked out of Davey's nursery and went downstairs to the 
living room. Drew and his parents started to talk about 'infantilism', so Drew 
asked, "I think I'll love having a Baby brother around. I think I might know 
another family to help us with the campground, dad."
	Mr. Kestner said, "Who, son?"
	Drew said, "I did some research on the web, and I met 3 teens from here 
who are 'TBs'. They said that their parents could help out if we started it. One 
of the boy lives on Elmwood Drive. He told me that he knows 7 other boys in town 
who are TBs."
	Mr Kestner smiled and said, "Keep up the good work. I hope we can start a 
co-op campground and see what'll happen. The clubhouse might have about 15 cribs 
in the loft, so I think I'll call the guy who made Davey's." They chatted about 
it, until Drew went on to check his new webpage - '', his page 
for the Baby campground. Surprisingly, he had 12 e-mails - including a note from 
Deeker, about putting a link from Deeker to NinoMeadows on Sunday, if that is 
ok. Drew wrote back saying it is.
	While Drew was checking his e-mail, one of the boys who chatted with him 
before IM'd him. The boy wrote: 'Drew? I think we go to the same school! Do you 
go to 'Kissanaug Middle'?'
	Drew wrote back: 'Yes, I do. I have Mrs. Kilgour for homeroom.'
	The boy wrote: 'Then I know you. We have 14 boys who are TBs at school.'
	Drew wrote: 'We do?????' He didn't get a reply, but Drew decided to 
investigate that claim when school starts on the 7th of January.
	Of the 12 e-mails, 11 were supportive, 10 of them were within 75 miles of 
the site, so they would like more info. One of the letter was from a dad of 3 
boys who need diapers after their mom was killed by a drunk driver, and they 
were injured.
	Drew, put the 11 replies into his address book. He then shut off the 
computer and went to find his dad. His dad and mom were in bed, so Drew told 
them about his e-mails, then wished them a good night.
	Drew went into his room, took off his clothes and thought about the 

Chapter 9 - December 26

	When Davey was awakened, it was by Drew. He took him out of the crib and 
held his hands when Davey started downstairs. In the living room was Kenny and 
Mrs. Terrett, so Mrs. Terrett said, "Morning sleepyhead. Kenny wanted to come 
early, because he is excited. We couldn't wait any longer."
	Mrs. Kestner said, "We wanted to clean up a little. We let Davey sleep. 
Kenny, I guess you like being a baby, too. Lets put you two into the playpen." 
They put both of them in the playpen, while Mrs Kestner decided to talk about 
the campground idea.
 Kenny and Davey were playing with Fisher-Price cars, so they were making 
motoring sounds and they were laughing.
	Later, Kenny and Davey took a nap in Davey's nursery - with Kenny in a 
cradle that Kenny got for Christmas and Davey in his crib. After naptime, it was 
lunchtime, then the movie 'The Rugrats Movie', then it was another nap.
	After dinner, Kenny and Davey were placed in Davey's Crib and they fell 
asleep, with Kenny saying, "Isn't it fun?"
	Drew checked his e-mail and sure enough he got 5 more. He decided to start 
a questionnaire to see if they want more info. Drew started to think about the 
questions, as he read one letter from a boy in the next town.
	The letter read:


I would like to know more about the campground. As a TB, I am in the closet so I 
would like to know if TBs without anyfriends can come. I wish I had a DADA to 
baby me.


	Drew wrote him back a note and put his address in the address book. Soon, 
Drew got an IM and the boy from last night typed: 'Can I call you? We can talk. 
I think my doctor might help with it.'
	Drew typed: 'Lets call. I want to know who you are."
	Mrs. Kestner picked up the phone when it was ringing, so she told Drew 
that it was for him. He got off the computer and said,
	"Hi Drew. This is Andy Van Vlek."
	Drew said, "You are a TB? I can't believe that?"
	Andy said, "Yes, I am. So is a few others. Just because I'm good in sports 
doesn't mean I don't like to be an infant."
	Drew and Andy talked about 30 minutes about diapered boys at school, and 
about Andy's doctor - Andy needs them since he has nerve damage around his 
bladder - starting to form a support group for diapered teens. Soon, Drew's dad 
came in and Drew said, "Andy, can we meet tomorrow? I got to go to bed." Andy 
agreed, so they decided to meet at Burger Castle at noon. After Drew hung up, he 
went to bed.

Chapter 10 - December 31, 3 pm...

	After a few interesting days for Drew, 25 email questionnaires were sent 
out yesterday, 10 others today, Andy's doctor talking to Mr. and Mrs. Kestner 
and more hits on '', Drew was happy. He went and turned off the 
computer and went upstairs to wake up Davey. Davey was awaken, then Drew changed 
him and put on his 'big boy' pants, shirt and jacket. They were going to FIRST 
NIGHT in the city about 20 miles away.
	Davey climbed into his car seat, and was buckled in. The others buckled 
their belts and they started towards the celebration.
	When the Kestners got to the celebration site, they heard a local band, 
called 'WhiteStarExpress', singing. The lead vocal finished that last song, then 
said, "This is a new song, dedicated to a friend. It is so new we don't have a 
name for it. I hope you'll like it."

They started to sing:

Just because I need diapers, I'm not unsure.
I'm sure that I love you, and that you are the one.
Just because I need diapers, doesn't mean I'm not good at sports.
Anyone can exceed in life if you are the one for me!
Just because, I am a bedwetter, I want you to know that you are in my heart.
Just because I'm handicapped, it doesn't mean I'm a nut,
except that I'm NUTS about YOU--.
Just because I want diapers, I want you to know that I want you, too.
You are my love, please accept me...

	Davey was listening to the song and thought, 'Nice song. I guess this song 
will be forgotten. I guess the group is talking about a girl who broke up with a 
guy because of diapers.' He listened to the song and Davey was wondering about 
who wrote it. After a few more notes, they played another song.
	After the next song, they continued to Quigley Park, the center of the 
activities of FIRST NIGHT. They went skating, rode the carousel and trying some 
samples from the restaurants in the city. They were listening to other bands, 
waiting for the 6pm fireworks.
	At 6 pm, they saw the fireworks, then it was time to go home. Davey fell 
asleep in his car seat so, he was put into his crib when they got home.

Chapter 11 - December 31 11:45 pm

	Drew woke up Davey and changed his diaper. Drew carried him downstairs, so 
his mom put him in the stroller. They went to the Terretts' house, to celebrate 
New Years. They got to their house, so Mrs. Terrett told Drew to take Davey 
upstairs to Kenny's room. Drew carried him upstairs and went to Kenny's room. 
Jake was leaning over, trying to wake up Kenny. Soon, Jake lifted Kenny out of 
his crib and said, "Drew, fellow me, we got to get them ready."
	Drew followed Jake into the bathroom, where Jake and Drew cleaned them and 
finally they woke up - then they were dressed in diapers and they had a satin 
sash with the year on it, followed by a top hat. Soon, they were ready to be 
shown off.
	The Terretts had a party of 15 TBs parents. The only boys there are Drew, 
Jake and Kenny and Davey, Drew and Jake were dressed as the old year, so they 
came downstairs, and the parents thought it was nice.
	Soon, they were shouting 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3... 2...1...


	After the new years yell, Drew, Jake, Kenny & Davey went to bed...Kenny & 
Davey in Kenny's crib, and Drew and Jake together. Soon, the Terretts' house was 
	In Jake's room, Jake and Drew cuddled and Jake said, "I love having a BABY 
brother. Don't you?"
	Drew said, "Yes, I do. I guess they love being babies, too." He yawned 
while saying, "Love ya.", then fell asleep.
	Jake said, "I love you, Drew." He snuggled in bed and fell asleep.

 Chapter 12 - 12:03 am New Years Day

	Downstairs, the parents were celebrating and discussing 'infantilism'. Mr. 
Kestner was talking to a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Quann, about their boys. Mr. Quann 
said, "Megan and I met at work. She and I were having coffee and we decided to 
date. I told her that I like to wear diapers, and she didn't think it was crazy. 
Our sons like being babied and I'm glad they know they aren't alone. This resort 
idea is great. If you need some publicity, we could help."
	Mrs. Quann said, "I think Damian loves being a baby. Damian is my son, 
Steve's stepson. We think he likes being babied because he was forced to grow 
up. The day care center wanted him out of diapers at 18 months. I had to force 
him to grow up and use a potty."
	Steve Quann smiled at his wife, "Megan, I think Damian, Toal and Euston 
would enjoy the resort. John, you said you got your son a crib? Where did you 
buy it?"
	John Kestner said, "We bought it from a company called 
They'll be building the cribs for the resort. They said that anyone could get a 
deal on cribs if they said they heard it from the resort. You have 3 TBs?"
	Megan Quann was talking to a single mom, Liz Riis, who was wondering if 
she should baby her son. "I just hope I won't cause him to be gay or anything. I 
just want him to enjoy being a baby which is what he wants to be."
	Megan said, "I doubt it, Liz. I believe you should be happy that your son 
told you. Most teens will just get onto the net and chat to other DPFers and 
pretend to be happy. Why not let your son be what he is, and if he wants to be a 
TB, does it hurt anyone? No, it doesn't."
	Liz said, "You said that you have a son from a previous marriage? What 
does your ex say?"
	Megan said, "Nothing, I haven't seen him in years, since Damian was 3. 
Damian is now 10. My stepsons needs diapers - so does Steve. I believe you 
should baby your son. Everyone here would support you." She looks at her 
husband, who was talking to a single dad.
	"I'm still amazed at how many people are here," Liz said, as she looked 
around the room. "I guess it is tough trying to be a teen today. Is it mostly a 
boy thing?"
	"It is about 85 to 90% boys. Boys are taught to be tough and not to cry, 
unlike us girls, who can cry and be dainty. We should support our kids who want 
to be TBs, because it doesn't hurt anyone. I just hope boys can be babies if 
they wished."
	Steve was talking to Dan Risby, a single dad to 2 teen baby boys. Dan's 
boys - a 12 year old and a 8 year old - were adopted by Dan, so he decided to 
baby them, since he knew they were abused by their family. When Dan adopted 
them, he decided to baby them so they can enjoy their second childhood. Dan 
Risby thought that he was the only one, until he met the Quamms at the 
supermarket. Steve invited Dan to the party, and Steve invited his boys, 12 year 
old Avery and 8 year old Kevin to sleep at their house, to share a babysitter.
	Steve said, "Enjoying the party?"
	Dan said, "Yes, I just can't believe that there are so many parents of TBs 
around in this area. I guess infantilism is popular." He took a sip of 
	Steve said, "I think you'll see that TBs will be a big market in the next 
few years. Boys are forced to be macho, but most would love to be babied. Boys 
need to know that it's normal."
	Dan said, "I think your boys are happy being babied." He saw Dan agreed 
with him, then said, "My boys were nervous when we went over to your house. I 
think when your son opened the door in just his diapers, the boys thought yours 
would be great friends for them."
	Steve said, "In the house they only wear diapers during the day. They love 
being babied, just as long as they have 'big boys' things, too."
	Soon the party started to break up, with the first couple to leave - Carl 
and Ann Fingerhut, parents of a 10 year old bedwetter - leaving at 12:30, the 
others followed, Anna Garson, a single mom of 2 bedwetters, who thought that it 
would be fun to baby them, along with Dave Gartland, a single dad of an adopted 
boy. Anna and Dave decided to stop for a coffee at a diner nearby. Then the 
Abbingtons - a couple with a troubled boy so they diaper discipline him, The 
Yores, with one bedwetting child, The Blackleys (2 diapered preteens), The 
Ringstroms (4 diapered kids) and the Alvarez' (2 bedwetting boys) left, so by 1 
am, after the Finfers (3 bedwetting kids) and the Zupans (1 diapered boy) left, 
it was just the Terretts, the Kestners, the Quanns, the Kalogeros (2 kids), Dan 
Risby, Liz Riis and the Aabergs (3 kids) discussing babying their kids. By 1:30, 
only the Kestners were there, so the Terretts showed them the guest room and 
they all went to sleep.

Chapter 13 - 9:45 am New Year's Day

	In Jake's bedroom, there was the first signs of stirring, Jake needed to 
pee, so he got up and quietly went out of his room and walked down the hall to 
the bathroom. He peed, then went back to his room and cuddled next to Drew. 
Unfortunately, Drew need to pee so he was up and went to the door and walked 
out. He smiled at Jake and soon he was back in bed. They couldn't get back to 
sleep, so they decided to see if Ken and Davey were up.
	Quietly, they went into the nursery and saw them both asleep, so they 
decided to let them sleep, while they went down and play with Jake slot car 
track. They raced for 20 laps, with Jake winning, then they played with Jake's 
model railroad, which Jake called 'Great East Coast'.
	Jake assembled a 45 car train for Drew, and said, "Where you are going 
Drew, is from here, Darby Yard, down this track, to TR switch." Jake pointed at 
TR Switch, then said, "Through the tunnel, and drop off 3 boxcars at 'Bluebonnet 
Baby Products.'" Jake pointed at the plant, then said, "Then you are dropping 
off 5 of the hopper cars at Terrett's Plastic and pick up the 5 that are there, 
then you have to drop off 7 hopper cars and 4 box cars at the grain elevator, 
the 3 tank cars at the propane dealer and then over the bridge through the other 
tunnel and drop off 3 reefers at 'Kenny T Baby Foods' and 6 center beam, 4 
boxcars and 2 all door boxcars to Woodpecker Lumber and the gondola to the 
junkyard." He pointed at the junkyard, then said, "This is Terretfield, the end 
of the line for now. Then run back to Darby, with the last 7 cars dropped off at 
Riverside Industrial Park, before you run back to Darby. Think you got that?"
	Drew looked at Jake, smiled and said, "Sure. I think this is a great 
layout." He slowly made the way out of the yard, as he watched Jake assembling a 
70 car train. While he was watching Jake, he went past the turnout for the 
branch and by the time Drew noticed it, Jake laughed and said, "You missed your 
turnout, Drew. I think you'd be suspended if you did that on a real train." Drew 
backed up and then flipped the switch, so the train can go down the 'Terrett 
River' branch and switched the switch back. Drew dropped off the cars and picked 
up the other cars, soon Drew was at the end of the line when they heard stirring 
in the kitchen. Jake looked at the wall clock and saw it was 10:45 already, so 
Jake said, "I think my folks are up. Lets see if the babies are up."
	Mr. Terrett, was coming down the basement's stairs and said, "Morning, 
Drew and Jake. The babies are still asleep. Drew, how would you like your eggs 
and how many would you like?" Mr. Terrett went to the refrigerator and got out 
eggs and a carton of orange juice.
	Drew said, "Thank you for having us here, Mr. Terrett. I would like three 
sunny side up eggs on toast please. Do you need any help?"
	"No, thanks, Drew. We hope to see you more. Did Jake show you our 
expansion? Maybe you can start on it." Mr. Terrett went upstairs, so Drew looked 
at Jake and said, "An expansion? This is huge!"
	Jake said, "It is only 15 by 10. What we are doing is adding a 20 by 12 3 
layer expansion. Do you see how you went down a slope to Terretfield? It is 
going to be going around a lake on the way to a new town called 'Drewsport.'"
	"Drewsport?" Drew asked. "You are naming a town after me?"
	Jake said, "Yes. It will be a port, too. The Terrett River branch line 
will be the Terrett River Railroad, and it go to Drewsport. Also, Drewsport will 
have a few other railroads, too. The other terminal is called Riverdale, and it 
gets serviced by two rail lines, too."
	Drew said, "Nice. I hope I can help build it."
	Jake said, "Want to help. I'm going to start building Drewsport. Lets 
start it!" Drew agreed so they started laying the tracks from Terretfield. They 
put the roadbed and laid the track. Jake put a toothpick called 'Kestnerville'. 
Jake said, "What industries do we want here?"
	Drew said, "I think a furniture company and a plastic company. What else 
would be around the area?" Jake told Drew about the area, so Drew said, "Maybe a 
boat building company and a food manufacturer. We might need a farm machinery 
company, too."
	Before Jake agreed to it, Mr. Terrett called down to them to tell them 
breakfast was ready. Jake and Drew came upstairs to the kitchen. They saw Ken 
and Davey in their pjs in their highchair, so they kissed them and said, 
"Morning our baby brothers." They then asked their mom if they could feed their 
baby brothers, so they did.

Chapter 14 - 6:30 am January 6

	When my mom came into my nursery and lowered my crib railing, she said, 
"Time for baby to get ready for school. Time for my baby to be a big boy." She 
started to unzip my sea form colored footed pjs to get to my wet diapers.
	I yawned and said, "I'm glad that you don't mind me being a baby. I love 
my nursery and I had fun with Kenny." Kenny and I spent the vacation together, 
but I wanted to see Greg and Ken did tell me that the school had a few more 
diapered boys. I wanted to know who, but Kenny said that I'll find out when I 
get back. I just wonder if we could start a club like JBB did.
	My mom saw me thinking, so she said, "What are you thinking about, Davey? 
I know my big baby loves diapers." She took off my wet and messy diapers and 
cleaned me up. She taped on a disposable, then asked, "Need me to dress you, 
	I had some new clothes with Velcro in the inseams, so I said, "Thanks, 
mommy. I want to dress myself." I jumped from my crib and went to my closet. I 
wanted to wear my new tan colored cargo pants and my new blue polo shirt with 
snaps - so it was a onesie polo shirt. Kenny, who got the same outfit, said that 
he will be wearing it.
	After I got dressed, I went downstairs to have breakfast. I ate breakfast, 
which was oatmeal, in my highchair and had my orange juice in a bottle. While I 
was eating, mom put some disposables in my backpack. She told me to give them to 
the school's nurse, then I was ready. Ken was soon there, so we started to 
school, after I brushed my teeth.

Chapter 15 - 8:14 am January 6

	We walked to Apple Orchard Elementary, our neighborhood elementary school, 
just talking about our uniform, when Greg Seawood, a 10 year old boy, and 
another boy, Erik Aaberg, who was an 11 year old boy, who were dressed in the 
same 'uniform'. Greg and Erik looked at Ken and smiled. They walked to another 
street and met two more boys, 8 year old Danny Yores and Chris Zupan, a 10 year 
old boy, dressed in the same 'uniform' met them. Danny and Chris smiled at Ken.
	I looked at Ken and said, "Kenny, are you telling me that everyone here 
wears diapers?" I know Erik is one of the best soccer player in town, Greg was 
the best LaCrosse player and Chris was the town's best runner. I love sports, 
but I'm just average, when you compare them to me.
	Kenny said, "Yes, they do, Davey. It is only a few of AOES students who 
wears them. I wanted to show you that we are 'normal'." He smiled at me, then 
said, "You'll see more at school."
	By the time we got to school, we were talking about our vacation. We all 
got baby clothes and toys, along with some big boy stuff. Erik got a racing go-
kart, Greg got a snowmobile and Danny got an X-Box. Ken and I were talking about 
us hanging out during vacation, along with the New Year Eve party.
	Danny said, "My mom and stepdad, told me about a party they went to. Did 
they go you your folks party? They said two boys were diapered as 'Baby New 
Year'! My dad just bought the old 'Y' to create a clubhouse for diapered kids."
	Kenny and I heard about the Y being bought, then I looked at Ken and said, 
"I guess it will be our winter clubhouse." The others wanted to know about it, 
so we told them about the Y and the old KOA campground. The Y building was a 5 
story building with a restaurant, rooms, a pool and two gyms, but the Y sold it 
when they built a new building.
	Danny said, "Lets meet at lunch, you guys. Maybe I can see if we could use 
the Y." Danny looked at his watch, then said, "It is time to go in." Danny 
turned and walked into the school, but he used his cell phone to give his mom a 
text message, which read: 'Mom, pick me up after school, might have a few 
friends to go to the Y.' Danny then shut off his cell phone and went to his 
	Kenny and I went to our classroom, then our teacher, Mrs. Meade, started 
our lessons.