Author’s note: I am a terrible proofreader - If you see any bugs, continuity errors or other glaring mistakes please drop me a line at the following address [email protected]


This is a work of fiction, no reproductions for commercial purposes without my consent, all contents copyright (2004). Have a nice day.


Diapers, Sunshine, and the state of Florida.

A short story.



My name is Todd Arlen, which should be sufficient for those of you who know me and will serve as an adequate if brief introduction for those of you who don’t. If you’ve read my other accounts then you know the weird situation I sometimes seem to fine myself in, well let me assure you, things can get weirder still. I’ll assume you have read about the events that took place last year, which I typed together and put out on the internet in several places. Let me take a second to bring you up to speed on some of the things that have happened since last summer. Mom and Walt got married last week and I am very happy for them both, if not a little jealous that mom’s affections will now be split amongst three people instead of just me. For the most part I’m happy to have a little brother and all around Quentin is a great kid. Currently I’m in Florida for a family vacation combined honeymoon for Mom and Walt. The plan has the newlyweds on their own for four days of romance with the remaining five days spent as a new family at Disney. Walt’s niece who happened to be 6 months older than him (don’t ask) was kind enough to offer to put Quentin and myself up for the four days which constituted the honeymoon portion of the vacation.


No sooner had Mom and Walt pulled out of the driveway that I began to feel awkward and out of place. Although kind to offer to take me in, these people weren’t my family and I had no ties or commonality with them. While they had seemed nice enough, I suddenly felt very much alone, the feelings were compounded by the fact that these people were now ‘family’ after a fashion. I couldn’t make up my mind why this was different from meeting my estranged Aunt last year and meeting my cousins, but somehow it seemed very different. These were Walt’s kin, maybe that’s why, but I don’t think that was the whole story. I am certain most of you won’t understand this, but I felt all the more out of place because they didn’t seem to speak the same way, Jackie spoke rapidly in a harsh staccato...


“Todd, you can leave your bags there by the door for now. Help yourself to some pop in the fridge if you like.” Jackie told me with her northern accent of some kind.


I knew it wasn’t a New York accent, or at least I didn’t think it was. But pop? I knew what she meant, but the sound was foreign and strange. That sentiment comes from a lifetime of everything being ‘coke’ regardless of brand or flavor.


Quentin had disappeared as soon as we arrived and I could only assume he had already sought out his 2nd cousin Andy, who at four and a half was only a year younger. Quentin didn’t have a whole lot of kids his age at home, so seeing his cousin had become a greatly anticipated event over the last couple of weeks.


Jackie gave me a quick tour showing me the bathroom, my bedroom and the location of the TV and PS2.


“You’re welcome to watch what you like or play games if that suits you. Please don’t watch anything too racy if Andy happens to be in the room. However I don’t imagine that with Quentin to play with either of them will much under foot” Jackie said.


“Sure thing, thank you. I won’t watch anything inappropriate,” I promised restraining my urge to finish by saying “No porn. Check”


“I think I might just read my book for a bit” I continued hoping that was sufficient reassurance for Jackie so she might not feel compelled to keep up the awkward small talk.


“Okay then just make yourself at home. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me. There’s pop in the ice box so help yourself.” Jackie said again before leaving me to my own devices.


I went digging through my suitcase looking for the book I had tossed inside. I looked down at my boxer shorts, which were all stacked neatly in one corner of the suitcase, and I frowned a bit. I’m not even sure why I wanted them with me, or why I convinced myself to not wear diapers during the day while I was here. With rare exception I stay diapered more often than not, even braving school in diapers much of the time. However, one night two weeks ago Mom had approached me late one evening as I was getting ready for bed.


“Walt’s niece has volunteered to let you and Quentin stay with her and her husband. They have a little boy Quentin’s age, and it might be nice to have a few days so Walt and I can honeymoon.” Mom said from just inside my doorway.


“Okay that sounds fine by me” I said even as I wondered just where the conversation was heading.


“Do you want me to explain to her about your accidents?” Mom asked somewhat probingly.


DOH! Now I knew what this was about. See Mom has been great about my diaper wearing over the last year. She took my wanting to wear diapers in stride for the most part. She’s done a great job of letting me handle my desires as I see fit, but every now and again I can sense her wanting more of an explanation. It’s almost as if she is saying “Okay you bedwet, diapers at night I can understand – but during the day too? Why?” But she has never come out and said anything directly. I almost get the feeling that with my cousins and my best friend wearing she has come pretty close to understanding the whole ‘ab/dl’ aspect of things, but I think her comfort zone keeps her from openly discussing such things. Probably a good thing too, that would be a very awkward conversation.


For some reason I flushed with momentary guilt. I felt guilty not because of what I was doing, I was pretty confident that there was nothing wrong with wearing diapers. I felt guilty for the awkward position I put Mom in, I guess explaining to someone else that her son wore diapers was not only awkward but it probably brought her attention to the fact that she herself didn’t really understand the whole reason why.


In that moment of guilt I blurted out “Just tell her I wet at night. I’ll just work hard to stay dry during the day. That should be easiest on everyone.”


“Todd, that’s not what I was asking.” Mom said obviously embarrassed.


“Well that will be best for everyone I imagine, kind of ease the new family into the whole 15 year old in diapers thing.” I said resolutely, feeling committed even though I was already questioning my own judgment.


“Are you sure that what you want me to say?” Mom asked probably trying to resolve the conversation before it got into waters when was too uncomfortable with.


So here I was looking down at my folded boxers and missing the comfort of my diapers, I now wish I hadn’t felt so committed. Over the last year I had gotten quite lax in just going when I felt the urge, so far this whole trip I have had to concentrate on my bladder so I wouldn’t just let go. I frequently made trips to the bathroom, since I think going whenever I wanted to has greatly reduced my capacity to hold it in. I just wasn’t used to wearing ‘big boy’ underwear, I had tried staying dry during the day the week before the trip and did pretty well with no major accidents (well one close call to be honest). The drive down wasn’t bad either, with four people in the van, one of them a five year old, we stopped frequently enough. Still my boxers weren’t very reassuring at the moment and I was pretty paranoid about having an accident.


On one such trip between the guestroom and the bathroom I stuck my head into the bedroom door where I could hear Quentin and Andy playing. The floor of the room was littered with toy cars and trucks of the hot wheels and matchbox variety. That odd plastic track with the tongue and groove connectors was strung down off the bed and into a big loop. Andy and Quentin were taking turns pushing cars down the track and through the loop where the tiny vehicles came to rest all piled together in a miniature junkyard at the end of the track.


Andy’s room had two-toned blue walls, the upper portion of which was light blue while the lower portion wall was a navy blue with a red stripe like chair rail separating the two. It wasn’t the room itself or the kids playing that really caught my eye, but rather the bag of Huggies at the end of Andy’s bed. I felt a familiar stirring in my groin seeing the boy had a package of diapers at his footboard. Just like I do, I thought picturing my own room. I hadn’t noticed a crinkle earlier when we first met Andy so I assume the diapers are for nighttime use, which struck me as an odd choice given the popularity of goodnights and pull-ups these days. At least I wouldn’t be the only boy in diapers under this roof. I felt a tinge of awkwardness at that though. I’ve gotten pretty used to wearing in front of strangers and all, but this was different somehow, being in someone else’s house and making a first impression left me feeling really on edge.


About 6:00 pm Andy Senior got in from his job as a computer programmer. He was short, stocky, musclely and sounded more New Yorky than his wife. It was much easier to imagine him an auto mechanic who moonlights as a mob enforcer rather than a computer programmer, but I don’t really think there are too many mob enforcers in Winterpark Florida.


Upon entering Andy Senior pounced on his son and wrestled both Andy Jr. and Quentin to the ground in greeting. Getting up he offered me his hand.


“Pleased to meet ya there Todd” Andy Senior said sounding either like Joe Peschi or someone off the sopranos, his hand shake like a vise grip.


Dinner was spent around the TV, eating from a bucket of chicken Andy senior had picked up on is way home from work. We ate while we watched some detective show I had not watched before. Conversation was sporadic and limited to the commercials with everyone including Andy Jr. and Quentin being quiet during the program. The conversation during the breaks mainly centered on theories of the who dun it variety.


“So you going to school there, Todd? Thinking about College?” Andy Sr.. asked sounding as if he might send me to sleep with the fishes if I answered wrong.


“Yes Sir, I hope to go college if I can keep my grades up” I said around a mouthful of extra crispy.


“Youse do that. College is a good thing you know?” He said with finality.


I resisted another urge, partly by willpower and partly by the return of the program, to ask him to say “Whacked” or “Goombah”


The evening progressed with us watching TV while the two little ones played in the floor. During a commercial I took the opportunity to try the bathroom one more time just in case and I was somewhat relieved (no pun intended) to have made it though the evening. Leaving the bathroom I almost knocked over Jackie as she exited Andy’s bedroom.


“Sorry” I said “Mom says I’m a clumsy oaf sometimes”


“That’s okay, hallways just not big enough for lots of people that’s all. I was just turning beds down during the commercial.” Jackie explained.


I didn’t bother pointing out that two people was not ‘a lot’ where I cam from, but instead I glanced in direction of the guest bedroom I had been allocated ad sure enough the bed was turned down.


“Thank you” I said smiling as I followed her back to the living room happy to again have kept my inner dialog from leaking out and making me look like an atypical sarcastic teenager.


We watched another hour or so of TV and right spot on at 9 pm Jackie announced that it was PJ time for the kids. Quentin and Andy offered a collective groan, which seemed almost scripted so perfect was their timing.


“No whining ‘cause it falls on deaf ears” Jackie announced with a smile. “Andy go get your PJ’s, and it would really be nice if you got them for your guest too.”


Writing this now it seems almost obvious where things were going, but at the time I certainly didn’t anticipate the direction things were headed. I should have known the evening was too smooth.


Andy disappeared for a minute or two, I’m not really certain exactly how long as I was paying more attention to the next TV show. So it was that I was only vaguely aware of Andy’s return with a big bundle of clothes. I registered without any real regard Quentin thanking his cousin for brining him his PJ’s. So it was with complete and utter shock that I found my own PJ’s being pushed into my hands by the youth. I recovered enough to eek out a thank you which earned me a toothy smile and a “welcome”


The minute the bundle was in my hands I knew it held had more than just my PJ’s, and a quick squeeze and crackle in return confirmed my suspicions.


I think the stricken look on my face must have prompted Jackie to intervene “That was very nice Andy, but Todd didn’t need his PJ’s right now. Todd’s a grown up and doesn’t have to go to bed now”


Andy, most probably confused, looked to me and offered a quick “Sorry” which you could tell was sincerely delivered but without the vaguest idea of why he was apologizing.


What else could I say? It was awkward but I managed something like “Nothing to apologize for, that was very polite. Thank you”


Quentin with out a lick of self-consciousness or modesty had undressed and pulled on his PJ shorts and top while managing to stay completely fixated on the television. Meanwhile Andy walked over to his mom and dropped his PJ’s in a pile on the floor, which freed up his hands to pull his shirt over his head.


Jackie tugged the boy’s belt and unsnapped his blue jeans before tugging them down. Andy stood there clad only in his briefs and socks until hooking her thumbs in the waistband Jackie took the boys undershorts off too. Andy plopped himself down unto the carpet and parted his legs a bit giving his mother easy access to his diaper area. She grabbed the Huggies from the pile of PJ’s and opened it up turning the diaper around so she was holding the part with the tapes. Andy lifted his rear and Jackie slid the diaper up under him brining the front between his legs and taping it down. Jackie removed her son’s socks and gathered his discarded clothing into a pile with Quentin’s.


Andy stood up and grabbing his PJ’s from the ground he crinkled his way over to the couch where he pulled on his bottoms and climbed into his fathers lap.


An uncomfortable silence filled the room and I had the feeling that I was being stared at. A quick glance to my left confirmed my suspicion as Andy was watching me and not the TV. Well, whatever, I thought, if I can be diapered by my aunt in front of another child in a public restroom then I can do this right? Not this time, nope, sorry to disappoint you but I just couldn’t do it.


Andy Jr. lost interest when his dad started tickling him which prompted Quentin to run over and join in the fray and a few moments later Andy Sr.. had a little boy under each arm carrying them off to the boys bedroom for the night.


“I’m sorry about that” Jackie said as soon as the boys were out of earshot.


“No problem. Quentin sees my diapers all the time.” I said trying to make the best of things.


“Well after hearing you wore diapers to bed I tried to explain it to Andy so he wouldn’t embarrass you, but I’m afraid the fact that an older boy wears diapers has enthralled him all week. I had hoped to head off something like this, but I think I just made him that much more interested.”


“Well no harm done, he was just trying to be nice” I said and I could kind of understand where the kid was coming from. He must be getting to the age where he beginning to notice that he might be the only kid in his group of friends who isn’t dry at night. Maybe he was beginning to feel awkward about being diapered? In that light having him look up to me wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe the kid needed to see someone else diapered, that put things in a different light.


“Well I’m gonna go get ready for bed too I guess while the commercial is on, if you don’t mind” I told her.


“Sure thing, you need help with anything?” She asked. I wasn’t sure if she was asking to diaper me or not, but that thought was causing an instant stiffening in my pants.


I wanted to say yes, the idea of being diapered right after the four year old, on the same patch of carpet was appealing, but the thought of Andy Senior returning to find me pants down in his floor, erection standing tall, put a stop to that.


“I think I got it, thank you though” I managed


In my room I got my supplies from my suitcase and I got diapered in short enough order. The relief I felt at being diapered was immediate. It was like coming home. I slipped on PJ shorts and a camp t-shirt Andy has brought me. On the way back to the living room I stopped by Andy’s bedroom to say good night to the boys. I made a production of telling Quentin ‘Good night little bro’, which he seems to think is neat, but I made sure that my diaper crinkled a bit too and that Andy was aware of what I was wearing.


Back in the living room Jackie had taken her place besides Andy on the sofa. I was a touch self conscious about my diaper crinkling, but no one said anything. I sat in the recliner and we made small talk and talked a bit about the show on TV. One thing I noticed over the course of the evening was that Andy would get angry at just about any computer stuff on television. Anyone guessing a password, hacking a computer, decrypting files, or doing anything computer related was usually done in a manner in which Andy strongly disapproved. Apparently computers don’t really shoot sparks from the keyboard when they crash and Andy wanted to make sure both Jackie and I knew that.


The 10 O’clock news hit and I excused myself to go to bed. I was tired from the day of traveling and anxious to get back to my book for at least one more chapter before going to sleep, I was re-reading David Eddings’s Belgariad series which has long been a favorite of mine and despite having read it before it still captivated me. But I finished my chapter and turned the lamp beside the bed off and within moments I was asleep.


Chapter 2 – And when I get up, I know I want to be the man who gets up next to you.


I awoke with a bit of a start to find Andy Jr. standing next to my bed shaking my shoulder. “Time to get up. Why are you still asleep?” The boy asked with a big smile and complete innocence.


Resisting the urge to strangle Andy Jr. I noticed a still sleepy looking Quentin had apparently been brought along to assist in waking me up. With a flash of sluggish revelation it occurred to me that the boy must have turned on the bedroom light as it was still dark outside, which a quick glance at the alarm clock confirmed. 6:30 am, damn straight I have every right to be sleepy. Why so friggin’ early I pondered even as I managed to push myself up off the pillow to mumble “all right I’m up already”


It took another dose of sheer steely will power not to sound angry.


I swung back the covers and dropped my legs over the side of the bed. I could tell by the fullness between my thighs that my diaper was soaked through. I casually reached a hand behind me to check where I had been laying for any wetness. I was in luck, no leaks. I guess I won’t skimp on plastic pants tonight. Thinking about my own diaper, I tried to sneak a look at Andy’s PJ’s to try and make out if his diaper was wet, but from the look of his PJ’s I couldn’t tell one way or another.


“Andy Leon, just what do you think you are doing waking Todd up?” Jackie demanded, as she appeared in my doorway, fully dressed and from the looks of her ready for the day.


Freak, I thought to myself. I know I was being completely unkind, but come on Jackie was already wearing makeup, like she hadn’t even gone to bed yet or something. I don’t even get up this early for school.


The harshness of Jackie’s tone had an immediate effect on Andy and he started to cry and got out an apology between sobs.


“It’s all right” I assured him, and somewhat meant it too. In reality I would have said just about anything if it made him stop crying, but he was hard to stay mad at.


“You can go back to sleep if you like, I’ll make sure he leaves you alone.” Jackie assured me as she shot a warning filled gaze at Andy.


“No, I think I’m awake now. I’ll be fine.” I told her.


“Suit yourself. I’m getting breakfast together then.” Jackie said leaving.


“Suit yourself” She had said with what was either indifference or antipathy, simply taking my assurance as the final word on the matter. I had to wonder if such brevity was just part of her northern-ness (well Yankee-ness is how I thought of it truth be told). Mom would have at least maintained a protest for hospitalities sake. I wondered if I should feel snubbed or not.


I followed the boys to the nook area attached to the kitchen where Andy Sr.. was already seated eating a bowl of something and reading over a news paper. It was like something out of Leave It To Beaver or Father Knows Best. Andy Jr.. removed two juice boxes from the fridge, one of which he offered to Quinten.


“Morning” Andy Sr. said without looking over the paper.


“Good morning” I replied trying to sound awake.


“There’s Coffee in the maker there” the elder Andy offered from behind the paper.


So at Andy Sr.’s urging I grabbed a mug off the rack on the counter and poured myself a cup of coffee that smelt strong enough to peel paint.


Andy Jr. pulled out a chair from beside his father and hoisted himself onto the seat, his movements this time answering my curiosity as to his diapers status which was swollen and sagging a bit. Good thing I wasn’t the only one wet I mused. Quentin sat beside Andy and not wanting to take the other end seat which I imagine was where Jackie normally sat I put down in the chair across from new step brother.


Across the room in the kitchen, Jackie was at the fridge, a carton of milk on the counter beside her.


“Quentin you have a choice of cold cereal or grits” Jackie asked.


“Grits” Quentin said almost immediately followed almost a quick parrot by Andy Jr.’s call for the same. “GRITS!”


“You are a grit you know that?” Jackie told here son teasingly before asking me “Todd?”


“Grits for me too please” I said choosing to go with the flow.


Jackie reached for three bowls from the cabinet next to the fridge and set them on the counter. She opened another cupboard and my heart sank when I saw her extract three little white packets from a box. I should have known better I chided myself as I tried to fend off disappointment. There are some things just wrong in this world and instant grits are at the top of the list. These people are from the north I reminded myself; I guess I have to cut them some slack for that. Another voice in my head took the time to counter with the opinion that they would probably think I don’t eat hot dogs right or something, but still Grits are sacred.


I tried not to flinch as she put each bowl in turn into the microwave and ‘cooked’ the grits. Koo Koo Ka Choo Mrs. Robinson.


With no small amount of guilt I said a silent prayer to ask God to make sure Jackie didn’t serve BBQ while I am here. About now some of you readers are probably thinking I’m a big ingrate, but those of you from below the mason Dixon no doubt understand completely where I am coming from.


After all three bowls had been ‘cooked’ Jackie brought them to the table and set them in front of each of us who were waiting She returned with three spoons which she distributed just before she set down a carton of milk in the middle of the table.


I was a bit surprised to see Andy Jr.. Snatch up the milk carton and pour a large amount into his grits. I was even more surprised that his parents let him do this. He followed the milk with a couple of shakes of salt. I was dumbfounded.


“Todd, Quentin, you need anything” Jackie asked apparently baffled when we ourselves didn’t snatch up the milk carton to give our grits a drenching in moo juice.


“Some butter and sugar please” I asked.


“Huh” she said to her self in an entirely rhetorical manner which seemed as if what she was really saying to herself was ‘what could you possibly want with that? Oh well, they are from Alabama after all’


She returned with a tub of buttery spread and a sugar bowl, which she placed in the middle of the table. She watched with interest as both Quentin and myself loaded the grits down with butter and sugar.


“I’ve never seen anyone do that” Jackie said sounding amazed.


“They’re good that way” Quentin assured her.


“That may be true, but I’m sure they’re not ‘good for you’ that way.” Jackie said, accentuating the “Good For You” as she talked.


I thought that someone needed to explain to Jackie that certain foods were supposed to be good, not good for you. Grits were on the same list as chicken fried steak, fried okra, anything fried with gravy on it, etc. But let someone else have that job, I had a feeling it was an uphill battle.


We ate in silence, Jackie having sat down with just a cup of coffee. Andy Sr. folded his newspaper and sat it beside his own empty dish.


“You be good today, no trouble for your mom. And don’t forget to mark your calendar off okay” Andy’s advised his son as he got up from the table where he leaned over his son and kissed him on the forehead.


“I’m wet” Andy Jr. said sounding somewhat disappointed.


“That’s okay, just a little set back, the important thing is to remember to mark it down” Andy Sr. reassured his son. Someone must have a ‘strive to dry’ or similar calendar I deduced.


“All right I’m out of here, see you tonight. Love you.” Andy said kissing his wife before heading off to work.


I had finished with the bowl of warm grit flavored sand and not wanting Jackie to notice how much I didn’t eat I grabbed my bowl along with Quentin’s empty and headed into the Kitchen where I rinsed the bowls out in the sink.


A brief knock at the door off the nook gave me a start and I’m sure had I not have had the bowls in the sink I would have dropped them. The door opened with no invitation and I turned and watched as two boys came into the room, one almost running, and the other dragging his feet. The first, smallest and fastest moving had short cropped brown curly hair and appeared to be three or so. He ran excitedly to the table, a plastic car held firmly in one hand while he excitedly called out “Andy!”


The second boy, who had the same brown curly hair as the first, was otherwise a study in opposites. First off he was every bit as husky as the other boy was thin, and where the other boy was energetic this one entered the nook with a sullen look of disinterest. I guessed his age to be about nine or so. Obviously he was upset about something, but I had no clue as to exactly what that was.


The last person through the door also had the same brown curls, only this time they were on a much more pleasing figure. She was exceptionally pretty, about 5’8 and maybe 17 years old. Her tight t-shirt showed off her midriff which had a deep rich tan and the tight fabric defiantly showed off her boobs. Her white Capri pants were worn low on her hips and tight in all the right places. Wow, did she have boobs. Her hair was long and it framed her face nicely. Nice ones, to be sure, her boobs. Her eyes were almond shaped hinting at an Asian parent or grandparent. Her features were kind, but there was a hint of precociousness about her making her smile seem more than a little devious. She had boobs too, let us not forget the boobs.


“Good morning” She said to no one in particular as she came in.


“Candy, good morning.” Jackie said sounding pleased to see her.


“Thank you so much for taking them for me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”


 “Don’t mind at all.” Jackie told her before adding “And don’t you worry any I just know your going to do great today.”


Candy nervously laughed at this before saying “Thank you, I hope I do well.”


I fidgeted a bit unconsciously and realized I had been staring at Candy since she had walked in. I guess my movements broke whatever camouflage my stillness had afforded me, for the next thing I knew Candy and I had made eye contact.


“Good morning” I said not wanting to appear to rude.


“Candy, I think I mentioned my Uncle was going on his honeymoon?” Jackie said seeming to switch the subject.


“Yeah and your cousin was going to come stay with you for a few days” Candy confirmed.


“Yes and that’s Quentin there” Jackie said point to Quentin before turning to me and finishing “And that’s Todd, my new step cousin or cousin in law or whatever. I never can figure out relationships.”


Candy and Quentin exchanged brief greetings before Candy turned back to me. I blushed as I felt her looking me over. I know she had to have noticed my diaper under my PJ Shorts, its bulge was obvious through the thin material. I went red as her eyes lingered on my lower torso.


“It’s very nice to meet you Todd” She said smiling at me.


I tried to say “It’s nice to meet you too” but I think I just made embarrassed squeaky noises at her.


She giggled a bit at my obvious embarrassment, but her laughter was easy and not at all mocking.


“Rin, Tate, you two behave yourselves okay?” Candy called out “Wish me luck everyone!” She finished as she turned toward the door.


Of the two boys, Rin and Tate, neither one responded. The smaller boy was engrossed with Andy and Quentin, while the older boy was looking downright pissed off and making a point to ignore her. I imagined that Candy must be their sister, which left me wondering where all of their parents might be.


With her hand on the doorknob Candy stopped and paused. “Todd. I just hate to ask this of you, but I’m driving into Orlando this morning, and my car has been going through oil like mad. Is there anyway you could check for me?” She pleaded.


The code of the southern gentleman demanded that even in my state of undress that I help her. So I reached over the sink and grabbed a paper towel with which to wipe the dipstick. “Sure thing.” I said following her out of the door, which closed with a click behind us.


We walked across the yard to the house next door where a yellow convertible Mustang sat in the driveway. Candy opened the driver’s door and bent over to reach under the dash for the hood release. I could see much of her through the window of the open car door and took the opportunity to watch her surreptitiously,


CLICK went the hood as the release was pulled. “Thank you so much for checking for me.” Candy said joining me at the hood as I felt under its lip for the safety lever.


I propped the hood up, set the safety bar and started scanning for the dipstick, which I finally located. I felt air across my lower back as I reached for the dipstick, having to bed slightly to get to it. I knew my shirt had ridden up as I stretched and if Candy had any doubts as to my undergarments she had none now with my diaper probably showing above the waistband of my shorts.


I tugged out the stick and wiped it off, trying at the same time to nonchalantly adjust my shorts so as not to further embarrass myself when I tried to put the stick back in to establish a readable mark.


“I’m never any good at this. Do you mind if I watch you?” Candy asked brushing up against me as she pushed herself beside me and leaned under the hood.


“It goes here” I told her hoping to sound knowledgeable and helpful at the same time., trying not to stare at her breasts as she leaned over. With a shaking hand I slid the dipstick into it’s receptacle. The metaphor of my actions was not lost on my nether regions which sprang to life with an instant erection.


“EMM. I see, it just slides in there right?” Candy commented as I pulled the stick back out.


The oil on the stick looked almost like honey in the morning light, I tilted the stick to read the oil’s level.


“Perfect.” I said seeing the oil was just under full and well over the line marked ‘fill’


I replaced the stick and lowered the hood before pushing it down and feeling it latch.


“Thank you! Thank you so much!” She said with a little bounce.


“No problem” I said shyly twiddling with the paper towel.


“Well I’ve got to go. Maybe I will see you tonight?” She asked.


“Uh yeah. I’ve got no plans, I should be here.” I said clumsily. I had just rolled a saving throw against looking like a dork and failed.


Candy giggled again, then threw her arms around me and whispered in my ear so I could feel her breath on my earlobe “I just love Taz”


It took me a moment to figure out she referred to the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes who was stitched onto the right leg of my PJ Shorts. If it was possible I blushed even more, which caused Candy to giggle again as she pulled away and headed for her car.


“See you tonight!” She said as she got in the car and turned the engine over. I smiled, waved and headed back to Andy and Jackie’s house.



Author’s note: I am a terrible proofreader - If you see any bugs, continuity errors or other glaring mistakes please drop me a line at the following address [email protected]



**Your feedback is vital, won’t you please drop me a line and let me know what you think. I am reachable at [email protected] . **