B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 1: Intro

Helen and several of her feminist group friends sat nervously in the court room waiting for the jury to announce whether their group would survive or if they would all end up in prison.

"Order in the court!" yelled the judge. "Has the jury reached an agreement?"

"Yes Mr. Judge, the members of the jury have decided that the B.R.A.T.T. organization will continue to be in effect from now till forever."

"Case Closed!" declared the judge.

"Congratulations on winning your court case Helen," said June.

"Thanks," replied Helen.

"Well, I better get home, gotta take care of my little bratts."


On her way home Helen passed many other women in her group who were congratulating her.

Helen shouted for her daughter as she entered her home.


"Yea, mom? Did you win? Tell me, tell me!"

"Of course I did, I told you I would."

"How did you know you would win, mom?"

"All almost everyone on the jury were members of the BRATT organization."

Suddenly the two women heard a crash.

"Shit! Matt, act natural."

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" screamed Helen as she confronted her two teenage, heavily diapered boys.

"Um….nothing," replied Matt suspiciously.

"Then why is there glass all over the floor?!" interrogated Amber.

"Damn it, Amber, will you take care of them while I clean up this mess."

"K," said amber with a glint of evil in her eye.

Helen started to clean up the broken glass on the floor that was evidently from a broken drinking glass. Helen then heard the screams of her two boys being punished for what they had done.

"We didn’t do anything, Amber!" pleaded Matt as Kyle was punished. "It just fell!"

"Glasses don’t fall out of closed cupboards, you idiot!" She yelled.

After they were both spanked for "breaking" a cup, the boys ran to there room to hide. About an hour after they were punished, they were sent to bed without being changed.

As Matt lay awake in his crib he saw a very bright star, a wishing star. He made a wish.

"First star I see tonight, I have but one wish and that is that the day my 'mother' decided to start this BRATT organization, was changed and she never started this and we would live a normal life."

B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 2: Just Another Normal Day

The next few days went of uneventful. Matt and Kyle stayed away from their mom as much as they could (which wasn’t much of the time) and thought about what it would be like to live a normal life.

"Course the chances of that are like nothing," Kyle said.

"Why?" asked Matt.

"Mom said that the bratt organization has stretched all over the U.S. affecting ninety percent of the US’s boys.

"Come on, lets go!" said Helen angrily.

"Where we going?" asked Kyle.

"DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS!" screamed Helen.

After Helen had the boys ready to go, they headed to the "baby" supply store to pick up more diapers and clothes.

"How about this one, Amber?" asked Helen pointing to an oversized onesie. "Good for Matt?"

"Yea, that would be good for them both."

"OK, we want two of those and the regular supply of diapers," Helen told the store manager.

After paying for there items Helen and the kids headed home.

The day then continued uneventful. The boys were punished a few more times for being "bad" and sent to bed without supper, (mashed pees, yuck!)……

B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 3: The Embarrassment of Amber

Weeks went by with nothing happening. Just the usual school teaching and daily punishment for the boys and the daily spoiling of Amber. She was getting two new dresses a day now and being paid for watching Matt and Kyle along with other B.R.A.T.T. kids. She was also starting to have her friends over almost every day.

"Mom, I’m having some new friends over here in a little while," she stated.

"OK sweetheart."

"Why is she treated like royalty?" Matt asked Kyle.

"I think its cuz she’s smarter than us," Kyle replied.

"Get in your room, you little crap factories, I have company coming over and they will be here any minute," ordered Amber.

"Yes ma’am," replied the boys in unison.

Slowly the boys crawled away, apparently not fast enough for Amber because she kicked them both in the back, hard! Amber then heard a knock on the front door.

"They're here!" she shrieked.

"Hi Amber, how are ya?" asked one of the girls.

"Fine, glad you could make it, come in."

"So, this is your house, its nice," said, the girl.

"Thanks, would you like a tour?"

"Sure!" said the girl excitedly.

Amber started to show her friend around, skipping of course her brothers' room. (or she thought).

"What's in here?" asked the girl.

"Oh………um…..nothing, that's just uh……..storage!"

Too late, the door was opened, revealing the thing Amber was trying to hide.

"Hahahaha, what is up with them?" giggled the girl.

"Um…….." Amber was very embarrassed.

Amber was too embarrassed to talk for the rest of the day so the girl went home early, (still giggling). The boys weren’t feeling all that well either because they knew Amber was gonna take it out on them.

"YOU LITTLE ……!" amber started to furious and embarrassed to really be able to talk.

"What! What did we do!?!?!?!?" asked the boys.

Unable to talk she slapped them both on the back of the head with a fist.

"OW, BITCH!" screamed Kyle, not realizing what he had said.


"Uh-oh," Matt whispered to Kyle. Matt was sent to bed while Kyle was spanked and not changed.

B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 4: Only a Dream…Or Was It?

Matt lay in bed listening to the unnatural breathing of his brother, apparently still in pain from his punishment. Slowly Matt drifted off to sleep. As he started to fall into deep sleep he thought he saw someone. A strange boy, about his brothers age wearing green wind pants, gray shirt and a green vest. Matt then shot up to see if he really did see this strange boy, which he didn’t. Matt then went back toward sleeping when he saw the strange boy again. This time he had a sword on his back . Although it was hard, Matt ignored the feeling to jump up again to talk to the boy.

When he finally got to sleep Matt had a dream about the same boy, flying around outside his room. All night this dream went on, although Matt never woke up.

The next morning, Matt woke up and started to tell his brother about his dream.

"Sounds……….interesting but don't take it too seriously, bro," Kyle told Matt when he was done with his story.

As the boys waited for either Amber or Helen to get them ready Matt looked out the window. To his surprise he say the boy waving to him. After rubbing his eyes he decided it was just hallucinations because the boy was gone…..

B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 5: Meetings, Fights, Weird Voice?

"What are you looking at?" asked Kyle.

"What…oh, nothing," replied Matt.

Suddenly Amber burst into the room, apparently still furious with Kyle.

"Look monkeys, you are going to be having some company, not because its for fun, but because mom is having a meeting all day today, which puts me in charge. I don’t want any trouble from you two. GOT IT!?"

"Yes…." droned the boys.

Amber left to help her mom get ready for the meeting after the little threat talk.

"Man she is a bit….." Kyle started

"Kyle! Don't say it!" Matt warned quickly

"Oh yea."

About an hour or so later several other boys (all in diapers) including Scott and Tom, showed up with their mothers. All the boys were being kept in Kyle's and Matt's room while the mothers had their meeting out in the living room.

It was very cramped in that room with at least ten boys all crowded in. There were just too many boys and not enough bedroom.

"Well, this sucks," said Kyle.

"Yea I know," said Matt.

Suddenly Matt and Kyle heard a jeering mocking voice, actually two.

"Hey there, smelly asses," started Scott. "Just thought I would thank you for getting my brother and me living the life of a little baby," he said sarcastically.

"Don't give us that sorta crap, ok?" said Matt.

"Wow! The little man talks," jeered tom. "Whatcha gonna do, mister man?"

"Just get out of our faces," said Kyle.

"Man you little punks are cocky, why don't you put your money where your mouth is," said Tom.

"Just leave."

Tom suddenly grabbed Matt by the collar of his shirt and Scott did the same to Kyle.

"I don't like you or your attitude, pal," Scott said in Kyle's face.

Tom and Scott then pinned Kyle and Matt to the wall one hand in a fist ready to punch

"You two deserved this a long time ago," Tom said.

As tom pulled his arm back for a very powerful punch, Matt suddenly heard a voice, although he saw no one talking to him. He was hearing the voice in his own head!

"Grab his fist when he punches and give him a quick jab to the stomach, and a finishing blow to the face with your elbow," said the voice

Tom started to swing at Matt.

"CATCH HIS FIST NOW!" yelled the voice.

Matt caught the fist as told. Tom was stupefied. Matt then jabbed him in the gut with his fist and elbowed him in the face. Matt then helped Kyle doing the same thing.

"Good job," said the strange voice.

"Wait.. who….who are you?" asked Matt. He had no reply.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE!?!?!?!?!?" screamed Amber, suddenly startling everyone. She then headed over to the still crumpled and crying Tom and Scott. When she asked them what happened all they could do was point at Matt. Matt and Kyle both were punished………

B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 6: The Mysterious Youth, Or Is It?


"OW! Amber I didn’t do anything, I was about to be whomped!" Kyle pleaded.

"He’s right, it was me!" Matt said. "Just let him go."

She continued to punish Matt and Kyle both and then proceeded to lock them in the storage closet down the hall.

"This is a little better I, guess," Kyle said after amber left.

"How is this better? There is no light and its more cramped then our crib!" Matt said, obviously still enraged and full of adrenaline.

"I can help with the light problem," said a strange voice.

"SHIT!! WHO'S THERE?!?!?!?" screamed Matt.

"Relax, dude," said the person, "Here, let me get some light."

The person then turned on a flashlight that he apparently was holding. It was a girl about Kyle's age.

"Hi, I’m Terry," greeted the girl.

"Um…uh….h…h…hi, I…I…I…I’m Kyle," stuttered Kyle.

"Hi, I'm Matt, um, why aren’t you out there with Amber and the mothers?" asked Matt.

"Who? Oh, your sister, I don’t like her that much," Terry replied. "Why are you wearing diapers?" asked Terry.

"You don’t know?" asked Matt.


"If you were to go out and listen to you mother you would understand."

"Fine, I will," replied terry apparently a little angry that Matt would not answer her questions. She opened the door and left.

"That was weird, should we leave?" Matt said.

"Huh… oh yea sure," Kyle said.

B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 7: Enter Mysterious Youth

When the boys got back to there room they avoided Scott and Tom for the rest of the day. (they didn’t have to work too hard, Scott and tom were scared of them now.) Finally when the mothers were done with their meetings, it was just Kyle and Matt again. They again were sent to bed without dinner and roughed up some.

"Stupid bitches," whimpered Kyle.

Matt didn’t say anything, he was still in too much pain from the fight and the punishment and the confusion from today.

At about three in the morning Matt was suddenly snapped awake from a noise.

"Who’s there?!?" asked Matt nervously.

He looked around the dark room and say nothing so he went back to sleep. He was awakened again about an half an hour later.

"Who’s there?!?" asked Matt, more frightened. Again he heard and saw nothing.

"Kyle, wake up," Matt said.

"What?" asked Kyle sleepily.

"I’m scared, I keep hearing this noise that sounds like someone is here," Matt said.

"It's just a dream, go back to sleep."

It was after Kyle said this that they both heard a loud pound.

"DON’T HURT US!" yelled Matt uncontrollably.

"Relax man, I'm not here to hurt you," said a strange voice.

"Who are you? Show yourself," said Matt.

"All right, relax," said the strange voice.

Suddenly a light snapped on. Kyle and Matt saw a young boy, about Kyle's age, wearing green wind pants, a gray shirt and a green vest. Along with his clothes the boy had a sword.

"Hi," said the boy, "I’m Trunksogranutroziliff, but you can call Trunks for short."

Kyle and Matt just stared.

After about three minutes of silence Matt finally spoke, "um…..hhh, hi, I'm Matt and this is Kyle."

"I know, I have been watching you for some time now," said Trunks.

"Why? Where do you come from and why are you here?" asked Kyle….

B.R.A.T.T. 2, The Mysterious Youth: Chapter 8: His Name is Trunks

"I am from right here in town," said Trunks, "about seven miles from here"

"So, why are you here? What do you want?" asked Kyle.

"I am here on the business of the B.A.B.R.A.T.T." said Trunks

"What's babratt?" asked the boys.

"It stands for Boys Against the Boys Raised in Absence of Toilet Training organization," replied Trunks.


"I am also here because of your wish of a normal life, Matt."

"What??" asked Matt. confused.

"Almost a month ago you wished you could live a normal life, I am here to grant you that wish. Not only you boys but the boys in the entire U.S. in time."

Several minutes passed with no one talking, then finally Kyle spoke, "I don't believe anything you are saying."

Trunks shook his head, "I knew you wouldn’t, I can prove some of it to you, though."

"What can you prove?" asked Kyle.

"I can prove that there is still hope of beating the B.R.A.T.T. organization"


"Matt, come over here," said Trunks.


"Matt, this is going to feel weird and might kind of scare you, but remember, I am the one you saw in your dreams and helped you with that fight," said Trunks.

"How did you know about…….." Matt started, but Trunks was not paying attention.

Trunks put his left hand about an inch above the top of Matt's head. At first nothing happened. Then suddenly a flame burst around Matt. It was hot but cold, with a gold color to it. When the flame was dropped, Matt was dressed in the same clothes as Trunks was.

"this is the uniform of the B.A.B.R.A.T.T. organization," said Trunks.

"So, you're here to help us so we can help B.A.B.R.A.T.T.?" asked Matt.

"That's right," said Trunks.

"YOU ARE FULL OF IT!!!" screamed Kyle suddenly.

Kyle had lost it. He started running at Trunks with his fist back ready to strike. He swung at Trunks and hit him.

It was not until after he had hit Trunks that he realized how stupid that was. Trunks had a sword. Kyle waited for his arm to be cut off but nothing happened. Kyle opened his eyes. He sat that Trunks had caught his fist.

"I… I…. I’m sorry" said Kyle almost crying.

"It's all right, I know this is a lot to take in at the moment," said Trunks soothingly.

B.R.A.T.T. 2, THE Mysterious Youth: Chapter 9: The Wake-Up Call

After several more minutes of silence Trunks spoke: "Kyle, I need to give you a uniform." Kyle got up from the floor, a little frightened. Trunks held his hand over Kyle’s head. Kyle was engulfed in flames for what seemed like an eternity. When the flames finally subsided, Kyle had the same thing Trunks and Matt were wearing.

"Those need to be kept hidden at all costs, don’t let one of the screws get a hold of them."

"What’s a screw?" asked Matt.

"Your mother and your sister," Trunks said. "I am going to leave now, remember what I said, I will be back in three days."

Trunks put the ends of his index and middle finger to his forehead.

"And I want to warn you, things are about to get really strange."

Before Matt or Kyle could say another word, Trunks disappeared into thin air.

"Where did he go?" asked Kyle.

"I…….I….I don’t know."

Kyle suddenly heard the sound of foot steps.

"Shit man, Amber and Mom are up."

"We better hide these uniforms, and quick."

The boys quickly hid the clothes and got back into there crib. Seconds later amber came into the room.

"All right, wet soiled and stupids, get up, Mom’s having another meeting here soon and she wants you two up now!"
