Summary: Small boy goes through childhood with potty problems his 
younger brothers are normal. They like to keep him a baby.

When I turned 6 years old in June 1990 school was out in early June. 
Boy, was I glad, too. Kindergarten was not fun for me because I already 
knew how to read and write at the second-grade level but because of my 
small size I was stuck in the kindergarten class. Last fall when school 
started I was just 5, very small for a five-year-old; the size of a two 
or three-year-old.

The only thing I liked in kindergarten was playtime but playtime only 
lasted for an hour each day. When playtime was over it was back to 
saying our ABCs and counting to one hundred, writing numbers and 
letters on the blackboard. Some kids could read baby books; most could 
not even read or write their name. The class was so boring. At home I 
would read second- and third-grade adventure books to my baby brothers. 
They were more fun than baby books.

I had two brothers�Billy, age four, almost five. He was just thirteen 
months younger than me but much bigger. Billy could read kindergarten 
books, do the alphabet writing and numbers. We were smart kids. My baby 
brother Kevin was age two. He was about the same size as me, maybe 
bigger. I liked to read them bedtime stories at night after they had 
their bath and had their pajamas on. I thought mom still dressed them 
in night diapers under their pajamas because I did not take a bath with 
them. I was allowed to play while mom bathed them I was the big boy, 
not the baby. Kevin had just mastered the potty last week without being 
potty trained by mom. He just wanted to be a big boy and started to 
tell mom when he needed to pee or poop.

Kevin was completely potty-trained. Mom was so proud of big-boy Kevin. 
She let him use my regular underwear. Kevin was now a big boy just like 
Billy and he no longer needed diapers, day or night. Billy was potty-
trained day and night after two years of bedwetting. One year ago he 
had a lot of trouble all the time having accidents, but he is a big kid 
now. I did not care about my brother�s potty training. It was not that 
important to me because I was potty trained. I was already a big kid 
now. I paid no attention to my brother�s potty needs. They were just 
babies. I was the only big boy. Big boys don�t think about potty needs; 
they just use the potty, not their pants. I just had a bedwetting 
problem. I wet my bed every night. I do not wet my pants like a real 
baby. I have never had an accident during the day since being potty 
trained. I have never had a single dry night, not even one. Mom told me 
some big boys still wet the bed until they are ten or twelve but they 
stop before they are thirteen. My bedwetting is okay; she told me not 
to worry about it.

I was daytime potty trained at age eighteen months old with a lot of 
accidents just like Billy, but mom started to spank me every time I wet 
my pants. The spankings hurt a lot. Billy was just a five-month-old 
baby when mom told me she did not want to have two boys wearing 
diapers. Mom told me I was the big boy now and need to use the potty, 
not my diaper. Mom forced me out of my diapers, spanking me for every 
small wetting or messing, telling me I was too old to be in diapers. 
Mom told me her potty rules they were simple.


Action	Punishment

Wearing underpants

	You must wear cloth training pants for 21 dry days.

Wet cloth training pants

	You get ten hard spanks on your bare bottom.

You are put back into plastic training pants 21 dry days.

Wet plastic training pants

	You get fifteen hard spanks on your bare bottom.

You are put back into diapers for three days.

Messy pants

	You get twenty hard spanks on your bare bottom.

You are put back into diapers for the day.

Wet bed

	You must wear night diapers until you have 21 dry nights. If you 
wear night diapers you must wear cloth training pants during the day.


If you have more than one messy pants accidents in one day or more than 
five pants wetting accidents you go back to wearing diapers for two 

 If you are in daytime diapers you are a baby and are treated just like 
a baby and use ONLY baby things YOU ARE NOT A BIG BOY.

After two weeks I finally pleased my mom by not having an accident in 
my pants. I would run to the potty every half hour. I wanted to please 
my mom; life was easier that way. I was all the time running to the 
potty without help using the potty. I was the big boy. Mom was so proud 
of herself getting her little boy potty-trained, not needing daytime 
diapers. My bedwetting was still a problem. Mom could not get me to 
stop wetting the bed no matter what she did. She finally gave up, 
letting me wet my bed. I used just one diaper a day now. Besides, Pull-
Ups came out last year so I could change my own wet clothes every 
morning and I could change my own wet clothes. Now she would have just 
Billy to worry about. Mom never potty-trained Billy with spankings. She 
just led him to the potty every two hours until he got the idea.

I was just four years old, wetting my bed at naptime and at night the 
doctor told mom until I turn 6 bedwetting is normal. He told mom to 
prevent me from getting embarrassed to help me hide my bedwetting from 
everybody. So mom helped keep my secret from my brothers. Mom was the 
only one that knew I still needed night diapers (Pull-ups). I did not 
want my brothers to ever discover I was a baby at night, just like 
them. I would do whatever mom asked me to do to protect my secret. I 
thought if my brothers found out I wore Pull-Ups at night they would 
think I was a baby like them.

I was not a baby like them. I was the big boy of the house. My brothers 
would have to do things my way because I was the big boy. I was not a 
baby like them; they still need their diapers changed all the time. If 
they found out I wet the bed they would not do what I told them to do 
because I would be a baby, too. I was still the oldest. They had to do 
it my way. I was still the boss when mom was not around.

When Billy was 3 he still wet the bed just like me, so he wore diapers 
to bed, too, but he only wet one or two times a week. He even wore day 
diapers on shopping trips or on long car rides because of accidents. I 
had a closed pop bottle to pee into on the long trips since I could 
only hold my pee for a short time. Kevin was just a baby. He wore 
diapers all the time. Kevin�s diapers were too small for me to wear. 
Then, he was just a little baby; he wore size 4 Pampers. At night if I 
was out of Pull-Ups I had to wear Billy�s diapers to bed, but Billy�s 
diapers were too big. He wore size 6 and they always leaked.

Six months later Kevin had grown to wear size 5 Huggies. Now I can use 
his diapers if I run out of my Pull-Ups. My bed stays dry most nights 
now that I am wearing the right size Pull-Up or diaper. Billy stopped 
bedwetting his bed six months ago. Now he is wearing underpants and 
pajamas, no longer needing night diapers, or diapered on car trips. 
This was his secret from me.

Mom lets me put on my own Pull-Ups after I take a bath by myself only 
if I have not run out my Pull-Ups. If I ever run out of Pull-Ups she 
will diaper me with Kevin�s diapers at my later bedtime when my 
brothers are asleep. I am the big kid. The babies� bedtime is 8:00; big 
kids� bedtime is 9:00.

I run out of Pull-Ups all the time so I asked mom when she is going to 
get a lot more Pull-Ups. Mom said she is not buying more Pull-Ups. She 
was buying only diapers since I have not had a dry night. Mom diapers 
me lying on the changing table next to Kevin�s crib just like I was 
just a baby. Mom says since I keep wetting my bed like a baby that is 
the way it is going to be. Mom started diapering me every night before 
I go to bed at my bedtime. She lets me put on my own pajamas I was a 
big boy, not a complete baby.

When I am finished dressing for bed I could go quietly to bed while my 
brothers were asleep. That way Billy and Kevin would not see me wearing 
diapers. My bed had a crinkly plastic sheet that made a lot of noise 
every time I moved but it kept my mattress dry if my night diapers 
leaked. I was lucky my brothers were sound sleepers. The noise was very 
loud; I did not wake them. Even my plastic sheet went unnoticed by my 
brothers. They were babies. Besides, Billy�s bed had the same type 
plastic sheet. Every move he made the same crackly sound the same way 
mine did. My night diapers went unnoticed for months because diapers 
were in the house. Kevin was not potty trained yet. Kevin wore diapers 
because he was just a baby.

Billy used night diapers until last year, then he went six months dry, 
so mom let him out of night diapers. Since Billy has not wet at night 
for almost six months mom let him wear just underpants. Last week Billy 
wet his only wet bed in over six months. Mom said his plastic sheet 
stays on his bed until he is dry for a full year.

Kevin had stopped pooping his diaper three months ago, asking mom for 
the potty. Our room did not smell like a poopy nursery anymore, just 
pee. I thought Kevin still wet his diapers three or four times a day 
and wet his bed like a baby. I thought both of my brothers were diaper 
babies wearing diapers. I thought since they wore diapers I did not 
need to keep my bedwetting a secret. I would wake up before my 
brothers, remove my wet size 5 Pamper and put it in the pail. I could 
put the wet diaper in the pail with Kevin�s pile of used diapers. Then 
I would put my on my regular underpants and no one would know. I 
thought my brothers would never know I was wearing diapers at night 
just like them.

I did not know the last few weeks Kevin has started to ask for the 
potty so mom took him out of diapers, letting him wear Pull-Ups and 
thick cloth training pants. Mom thought he would be like me and Kevin 
and have a lot of accidents. Mom did not tell me Kevin was out of 
diapers. It was no big deal to Kevin so he did not talk about not 
wearing diapers. He just used the potty like a big boy. I knew since 
Kevin still slept in a crib he was a baby; that�s where babies sleep. I 
never knew he potty trained himself mom did not tell me. I still found 
stinky wet diapers in the diaper pail next to the crib in our room. It 
still smelled like a nursery.

I was taking my bath and did not hear when Kevin asked mom, �Where are 
these stinky diapers coming from?� He doesn�t use diapers like a baby, 
he is a big boy. He did not know that they were my night diapers. Mom 
said she did not know where the wet diapers came from. I did not know 
Kevin was potty-trained, no longer using baby diapers. I was now the 
only one using protective clothing. I was not that careful how I 
disposed of my wet night diapers.

After a week of my wet diapers piling up in the diaper pail, Billy and 
Kevin asked mom again where the wet diapers came from. Billy said she 
can get that stinky diaper pail out of our room. I was taking my bath 
when they asked mom that question. Mom said she did not know but until 
the pail stays empty she is going to keep it in here.

One morning I overslept. My brothers woke up early. They found out 
where all the stinky wet diapers came from. Kevin was the one who found 
me sound asleep in my bed with my bloated size 5 Huggies diaper under 
my pajamas. I had kicked off my covers, exposing the bloated diaper 
under my pajamas. I could not hide my accident fast enough from Kevin. 
Billy woke up to Kevin�s giggling and pointing at me from his crib. I 
started crying. With no covers to grab to hide my blotted diaper, Billy 
started to giggle too.

Mom came in to our room to my brother�s giggles. Mom helped me remove 
my soaked diaper, lying in my bed with my brothers giggling every 
minute. Mom told them to stop teasing me or they would be spanked. Mom 
put me on the changing table. After my diaper was removed she cleaned 
and powdered me then put a pair of Pull-Ups on me. I asked why I had to 
wear the Pull-Ups. Mom said until I stopped wetting at night I need 

From then on Billy and Kevin teased me for my infantile act, causing me 
to cry every night when mom diapered me at my new bedtime on the 
changing table. Mom was tired of trying to keep my secret. Now I was 
six years old. mom said I needed to learn to hold my pee longer. I 
started crying all the time. With my brothers teasing constantly, she 
told my brothers if they teased me more or told anyone outside the 
family I need night diapers they would get full-time diapers for a week 
just like a baby. If they wear diapers they would not be allowed to use 
the potty; they would use their diapers. They got scared. They did not 
want baby diapers they were big boys. Then she told me if I don�t stop 
crying I would have to keep a pacifier in my mouth fulltime. That 
stopped my crying when the teasing from my brothers stopped. The 
teasing stopped only when mom was around but when mom was not around 
they teased causing me to cry they never got caught teasing me so my 
punishment for crying was a pacifier.

A week after my brothers found out I needed night diapers mom told me 
it is only fair that I sleep in the crib since I was the only one still 
wearing diapers. Mom said Kevin could sleep in the big-boy bed. Only 
big boys with no diapers are allowed to sleep in a big-boy bed. Since I 
still wet the bed every night I still need night diapers, no more Pull-
Ups until I have one dry night. That means I am the baby and babies 
sleep in a crib.

I did not know Kevin has not wet his bed in over a year, that it was so 
easy for him to sleep dry all night. Mom said Kevin could sleep in a 
big-boy bed without a plastic sheet, unlike Billy, who sleeps in a big 
boy bed with a plastic sheet because of his accident last month. She 
said Billy still needs a plastic sheet on his bed because he wet his 
bed last month. Mom said, �You have to have one year of sleeping dry, 
too; sleep with no plastic sheet. To get a big-boy bed you need to be 
dry for a month.�

Mom had a no-climbing-out-of-the-crib rule if you climb out of the crib 
with the sides up you get a bare-bottom spanking. At night mom put me 
in the crib after diapering me on the changing table. I started to 
whimper so mom put a pacifier in my mouth to keep me quiet. The first 
time I had this happen I spit it out, saying, �No! I am not a baby! I 
will not suck on that baby thing! You can�t make me!� Mom picked me up 
out of the crib, removed my pajama bottoms and diapers to give me the 
hardest bare-bottom spanking I have ever had. She told me if I don�t 
keep my pacifier in my mouth and do what she tells me when she tells me 
I would be spanked again and again until I do. From then on when she 
put my pacifier in my mouth I was more than happy to start to suck it, 
if she gave me a bottle I was so happy to suck it. I did not want 
spanked again. Mom had me start using every baby thing she could think 
of. I was so happy to do things for her just to prevent another 

Mom took me to the doctor. Then I spent three days in the hospital 
having tests run on me to see why I soaked my bed every time I slept. 
Due to my small size I had to be with the babies where I had to stay in 
a crib with other babies in other cribs. The ages of the babies were 
two- and three-year-olds I had to wear diapers all day and night, 
wetting just as many diapers as the other kids, maybe more. They found 
out my bladder was only 10% of what it should be and I would have 
trouble the rest of my life.

The rest of the summer that I turned 6 years old I was turned into the 
family baby, using all of my brother�s old baby things: crib, 
highchair, car seat, and all his baby clothes. We lived out in the 
country five miles from the nearest house. No one out side the family 
knew about it. At first I was babied ONLY when I napped or was sleeping 
at night. No other baby things were added to my life except my 

The second week was horrible. That is, when I lost all my big-boy 
rights. I had wet my Pull-Up early one morning after breakfast. I was 
trying to stay away from my brothers� teasing. I have not wet my pants 
since I was potty trained at age 18 months old. I was a big boy. I knew 
I was not a baby I never thought wetting my pants was a big deal. My 
brothers have done it without much punishment.

When mom found me hiding behind the garage wearing a wet Pull-Up trying 
to figure a way to get a dry Pull-Up without mom seeing me. It was an 
hour after breakfast when mom found me, so she marched me into the 
house past my brothers. Billy and Kevin followed us into our room. Mom 
said she is not putting up with wet pants from anyone. If you wet your 
pants you need diapered. She said I should have gone into the house and 
changed my Pull-Up when I wet them like a big boy should. Not go hiding 
like a baby. I was too old to do that.

She said big boys take care of their own wet pants; toddlers in 
training just hide. I was put on the changing table where she removed 
my wet clothes, cleaned and powdered me. She had me ready for the thick 
cloth training pants, the same pants Kevin used last month, telling me 
the rules about pants wetting. These were then same rules she had for 
me when I was eighteen-months-old.


Action	Punishment

Wearing underpants

	You must wear cloth training pants for 21 dry days.

Wet cloth training pants

	You get ten hard spanks on your bare bottom.

You are put back into plastic training pants 21 dry days.

Wet plastic training pants

	You get fifteen hard spanks on your bare bottom.

You are put back into diapers for three days.

Messy pants

	You get twenty hard spanks on your bare bottom.

You are put back into diapers for the day.

Wet bed

	You must wear night diapers until you have 21 dry nights. If you 
wear night diapers you must wear cloth training pants during the day.


If you have more than one messy pants accidents in one day or more than 
five pants wetting accidents you go back to wearing diapers for two 

Mom said if I wet again today I go back to diapers and my training will 
start over in three weeks. If you are dry for three weeks you get your 
big-boy pants back. Kevin never had an accident in the training pants. 
They were almost new, never been wet in. Kevin potty trained himself. 
He wanted to be a big boy not a baby.

I went out to play with my brothers wearing training pants under my 
play clothes. My brothers knew I was wearing training pants that did 
not have plastic pants. The training pants were almost like underpants. 
They made no noise so it was easy to forget what I was wearing them. My 
brothers forgot I was wearing training pants. They were just little 
kids and little kids don�t notice things like that.

Mom called us to eat lunch. Two hours later mom had me in the highchair 
in seconds. My pants were already soaked so I did not protest being in 
the highchair. Mom started feeding me while my brothers watched. I was 
too afraid to protest so I ate my lunch while my brothers fed 
themselves. Mom started to feed me lunch. I whispered to mom I needed 
to poop but mom told me in a loud voice I need to learn to hold it like 
a big boy. I tried to hold my poop back but never needing to hold my 
need more than ten or fifteen minutes because it was so hard to do. 
Five minutes later I lost my battle loading my wet training pants with 
a large amount of soft poop followed by another flood of pee. I 
whimpered as mom finished feeding me my lunch she handed me my bottle.

Kevin said. He smells poop. Mom said. Your big brother is sitting here 
in his highchair sucking his bottle with poop in his wet pants. Mom 
asked. What should we do with him? Kevin said. In a loud voice if you 
poop your pants you�re a baby. Billy said, �Yeah, he needs diapers like 
a baby because he pees his bed like a baby, too.� Mom carried me to our 
bedroom when I finished my bottle. She put me on the changing table 
where she removed my training pants and threw them in the trash saying, 
�These are trash, now they are ruined.� Mom cleaned my messy bottom 
with ten baby wipes while my brothers watched.

Mom proceeded to put me over her knee and spanked my twenty hard 
spanks. I was crying uncontrollably as mom put diaper rash cream on me, 
powdered me getting me already to be diapered. I tried to object to the 
diaper but knew better so I sucked my pacifier as mom worked to pin on 
a thick cloth diaper and pull up a pair of puffy nursery print plastic 

It was naptime. Mom said I had to take a nap. My brothers slept in big-
boy-beds; I had my crib. Since I could not get out of the crib without 
mom saying I was allowed to. I would have to call mom to let me climb 

Yesterday when I called for the potty I woke my brothers. I found out 
if woke my brothers I would get a bare bottom spanking. The spanking 
was so painful I did not want to repeat it so I lay down in my crib 
trying to hold my pee until naptime was over. I was a big boy. I did 
not sleep at naptime. I just lay there awake waiting. Because of the 
thick cloth diapers mom had pinned on me I could not squeeze hard 
enough to stop my pee. Pee was going into my diaper no matter what I 
did after I soaked my diaper I fell asleep sucking my pacifier.

When mom woke us up Kevin asked, �Did the baby wet again?�

Mom said, �Your big brother has soaked his diaper.� I was still asleep 
sucking my pacifier when mom put me on the changing table and removed 
my wet diapers. Mom cleaned off my wet bottom powdered it then had 
another diaper pinned in place with my brothers watching. I woke up as 
mom was pulling my plastic pants on. I tried to object to being put 
back in daytime diapers but mom said I did not listen to the potty 
rules. She had plastic pants on me followed by a diaper t-shirt that 
snapped at the bottom and snap crotched short overalls. She told me she 
will potty-train me in a few weeks or so if I can prove I was a big 
boy. I was dressed in my brother�s old toddler clothes I looked like my 
brother did last month when he was in diapers. He wears big-boy clothes 
now, not toddler clothes with all the snaps. I looked like a toddler or 
a big baby with my puffy pants; I felt like one, too.

I tried to take off my overalls but the snaps were out of my reach so I 
had to wear toddler clothes while I played with my baby brothers. We 
had fun the rest of the day playing, me forgetting I was diapered; my 
brothers also forgot. Mom called us in to eat dinner. She checked my 
diaper, telling my brothers how wet I was. My brothers went to the 
potty for the first time since I was diapered after my nap. They had 
held their pee for a long time. Not like me. I had wet my diaper 
several times in the same period. They had to wait until mom changed my 
diaper. I hadn�t realized I was wet or remember wetting my diaper. Mom 
had me on the changing table removing my plastic pants. Then the air 
hit my wet diaper. I knew I had soaked my diaper but not when.

Mom and I returned to the kitchen. My brothers were finished using the 
potty waiting in the kitchen. Billy and Kevin were sitting at the table 
in their booster seats. Mom lifted me into the highchair, fastening the 
seat belt, followed by the tray. I asked, �Mom, why do I need the tray? 
Kevin has not used the tray in a long time.�

Mom said, �Big boys using diapers still need the tray.� So I was 
sitting in Kevin�s old highchair wearing just a diaper and plastic 
pants, no other clothes.

While my brothers fed themselves mom spoon-fed me after she put my bib 
on. I had no choice put to sit there wearing my bib while mom spoon-fed 
me. I then knew how helpless I was now. When mom finished feeding me 
she handed me my bottle. I was told to drink it or I would not get out 
of the highchair. I eagerly started to suck my bottle, enjoying the 
taste. After I finished my bottle mom released me to go play with my 
brothers. I played until mom said it was bath time.

Before I started to wear diapers I used to take a bath alone because I 
was a big boy, not a baby. Now that mom had me back in diapers mom had 
us all in the bathroom together. I was still sucking my pacifier as mom 
filled the tub with warm, soapy water. Mom told my brothers to take 
their clothes off and get in the tub. While my brothers removed their 
clothes and got in the tub they started to take their bath. Mom 
undressed me, then sat me on the potty chair next to the tub, strapped 
me down and told me to use the potty like a big boy. While I sat there 
on the potty. I watched mom wash my brother�s hair, then handed them a 
towel to dry off. My brothers were finished with their bath, drying off 
getting dressed for bed.

Without mom telling Billy what to do, he dried off then put his 
underwear and pajamas on then waited for Kevin to finish. Kevin was the 
next one to get out of the tub, drying himself off with a towel mom 
handed him, getting dressed, leaving me sitting on the potty still. 
Billy helped Kevin a little to dry and get dressed for bed. I watched 
my brothers get ready for bed while I was sitting on the potty chair 
doing nothing. Mom unfastened the seat belt and lifted me off the potty 
saying, �Nothing in the potty. I see you must not be ready for potty-
training yet maybe in three weeks.�

Mom washed me all over then washed my hair. Kevin had no trouble 
getting his underpants and pajamas on. Billy did not need to help, 
Kevin said. He was a big boy and did not want help. My brothers left 
the bathroom to go play while mom finished bathing me.

Mom started to drain the tub having me to stand up drying my hair and 
upper body. As she dried my hair I peed in the water without thinking. 
She quickly picked me up. I stopped peeing, then dried my bottom and 
crotch area. Mom carried me to our room, laying me on the changing 
table. I knew I was soon going to be wearing a clean fluffy soft dry 
diaper and plastic pants. I was starting to like diapers. They let me 
do things longer without running to the potty all the time. They even 
felt good to me. As mom was putting on the diaper I felt a tingling as 
pee shot up in the air. Mom quickly covered the stream with the clean 
dry diaper until I finished. Mom just replaced the now wet diaper she 
started to use with another clean dry one. Within minutes I was 
waddling out of our room wearing my dry diaper and plastic pants to the 
playroom to join my brother�s play. I smelled and felt so good. I was 
still sucking my pacifier without thinking. Mom had put it in my mouth. 
after I had finished eating I did not want spanked so I kept it there. 
My brothers had stopped teasing me since it seamed so normal for me to 
be diapered full time now, they expected me to be wearing diapers now 
that I was the baby.

Two weeks back in diapers I was wetting and messing like a real baby 
not ready to start potty training. I did not care if I did ever get 
potty trained again it was too much work diapers were so easy to use. 
Mom said. She had to start her new job tomorrow we would go to the only 
daycare in town. The daycare is where some of the kids from school were 
going, too, but I did not know or care I was a six-year-old. Mom would 
not send me to a baby class with my brothers.

The daycare told mom because I was still wearing daytime diapers. I 
should not normally be in the big boy class with my brothers. They told 
mom I should go to the not-yet-potty-trained class with the babies and 
toddlers if they had more babies or toddlers. They told mom they had 
only one other kid in the baby class. He was a two-year-old boy, about 
the same size as me wearing training pants. So the class my brothers 
and three other boys were in and the baby class the two-year-old and I 
was in would be combined. My brothers� class is supposed to be for 3- 
year-old or potty trained to 6-year-old kids only. Now the combined 
class is for kids at least 2-years-old to 6-year-olds potty trained and 
un-potty trained.

After another two weeks using my diapers like a two-year-old. At 
daycare it was normal for me to wear baby clothes everywhere. My normal 
day started out when I got to daycare in the morning. I was wearing my 
overall pants and tee shirt covering my thick diapers. I did not think 
anything about what I looked like to the other kids. My size let me 
pass for a real toddler, except everyone in my class knew differently. 
The two other boys from my kindergarten class and my brothers they knew 
how old I was but they did not care.

Needing diapers meant that the only clothes I was allowed to wear at 
daycare were t-shirt, plastic pants and diapers or disposable diapers. 
Every morning all my clothes were removed except my t-shirt and my 
diapers. The daycare people told me that wearing just diapers and 
plastic pants is so they could tell when I needed a diaper change. 
Since I don�t tell them when I need changed. This also let�s everyone 
know I was still just a Toddler and what I was allowed to do.

All the other kids knew I was a just another toddler. Even the older 
kids that came to our class to help care for us they would know I was 
the only diapered kid with no big kid rights. The caretakers had a term 
J.A.T. (JUST ANOTHER TODDLER) just like the caretakers all the other 
kids called me the new JAT.

Potty training for me was a long way off. They told me since I was 
always wet just like a real baby I was not dry enough to be a big 
toddler by holding his pee for at least two hours. That is the goal for 
all toddlers. I wet as many diapers as a one-year-old if they changed 
all my wet diapers. I would use 9 to 12 a day. My diaper wetting put me 
in the not-ready class. They only change me when I am really wet and 

Mom was happy to keep me in daytime diapers for the next two years, 
going to daycare with my brothers. By the time I was daytime potty 
trained I was 9 years old doing seventh-grade school work wearing Pull-
Ups. I still had a small bladder holding my pee for just an hour but 
they let me off baby treatment for my good behavior. I was the size of 
a kindergartener kid. I could change my own wet Pull-Up that helped me 
get out of daytime diapers. I still wet my bed every night and when I 
took a nap so mom bought me a twin- sized hospital crib telling me I 
was still a baby until I stopped wetting my bed every time I slept.

I slept in my crib wearing diapers and plastic pants and daytime Pull-
Ups. I still liked sucking my pacifier at night until I was fourteen. 
When I turned thirteen mom taught me to diaper myself for bedtime and 
my bed-wetting was my responsibility. I would diaper myself put my 
pacifier in my mouth climb into my crib, leaving the side half way down 
so I could get out. If the side of my crib was put all the way up I 
needed some one to let me out. My bedtime was an hour before my 
brother�s bedtime they were big boys I was the baby.

My brothers like locking me in while I slept but they always let me out 
because mom would get mad if she found out. One night I was getting 
ready for bed. I could not find my pajamas my brother�s had hide all my 
two-piece pajamas except one of my one piece pajamas it was my 
sleepers. The sleeper is the one that I needed help to get on and off 
so Kevin was more than happy to help he even helped me put my diaper 
on. My brothers always helped me do things so mom would not get mad at 

One Friday morning mom left for work early in the morning, leaving us 
home alone. She did this one or two times a week. This morning after 
mom left for work my brother�s quietly put the side of my crib up 
before I woke up. I had to spend the day wetting my diaper like a baby. 
They fed me and handed me bottles through the crib bars. Because the 
sleeper I had on was the one I could not remove I was stuck. Just after 
noon they told me if I messed my diaper they would let me out.

I have needed to poop for the last three hours so I tried to poop just 
enough that they would let me out. I tried to let just a small amount 
into my cloth diaper but lost control and messed big time, letting the 
full load out. My brothers removed my sleeper and told me to take a 
short nap and they would let me out before mom got home.

I fell sound asleep with a wet messy diaper my brothers quietly let the 
side down while I was asleep. Mom was soon waking me up asking why I 
was wearing a messy diaper. I tried to tell her what my brothers did to 
me. Mom was mad she changed my diaper like she did when I was still 
wearing daytime diapers. She told me I will spend the weekend in 
diapers and my brothers will change me.

I thought I could get even by messing and wetting more than I need to 
causing them to do the dirty work. After two days of wetting and 
messing 30 diapers my brothers were expert diaper changers and it did 
not bother them to change a wet and messy diaper. Mom told them until I 
could hold my pee for two hours without wetting my diaper they need to 
keep me diapered. I was again stuck in diapers wetting my diaper every 
one and a half hours. I was tall 4� 1� and very thin and size 6 baby 
diapers fit me with no trouble. At night I wore cloth diapers and 
plastic pants. My brothers made sure the diaper were very thick so I 
would not leak. My brothers were 10 and 12 much bigger than me so I had 
to do as they told me. Billy is growing pubic hair unlike me not going 
through puberty yet.

I can�t wait to be eighteen so I can move out on my own, but needing to 
wear diapers is going to make it hard to find a job or place to live. 
The more I try to be a big boy the more of a baby I turn into with help 
from my little brothers. I like my diapers and playing with toys not 
like a fourteen-year-old high school graduate. I liked to play with 
little kids only because they don�t tease me for wearing diaper. The 
little kids think I am just another diaper boy like them I can ride on 
the toddler ride on toys. It is so much fun to be a diaper boy. Fun is 
all in the way you play. I want to be all the baby I can be thanks to 
my mom and brother�s showing me the way.

[email protected]

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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