Title: Zack and Cody Get Punished
Name: Sean O.
Email: seanoroz@gmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 15
Posting Date: 01/31/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Zack and Cody push Moseby too far, so Carey makes them learn their lesson.

Note: I do not own this series; I just love it, okay?

Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 9 (45%)
Part 1

"You boys have disrupted my hotel lobby for the last time!" Mr. Moseby 
said as he picked up the phone "Carey, your boys must be dealt with 
immediately or I may have to kick all of you out."

Carey, in shock, said," Okay, Mr. Moseby, I�ll take care of it."

The boys had made plans to spend the weekend with Bob so she had the 
whole weekend to come up with a suitable punishment. So she got on the 
internet and went to yahoo answers.com she asked, "My boys are out of 
control and I might lose my job and my house because of them; what do I 

It took only 3 minutes for an answer. An anonymous person said, "Have 
you tried diaper punishment?" so Carey, curious, went to Google and 
typed in diaper punishment, and right then and their she knew what she 
had to do. All that weekend she and Maddie and Moseby babified the 
suite. They set up the crib, highchairs, the playpen, walkers and 
changing table and filled them with cloth and disposable diapers. 
Maddie and Carey went out and found baby clothes for both boys, and to 
Carey�s surprise, Maddie was all too happy to go along with the plan; 
she even offered to "baby-sit.

The girls had planed to ambush the boys when they came in so at ten 
they heard a key enter the keyhole, and right as Zack and Cody entered 
they were blindfolded and led to their room. Carey told Maddie to lock 
the door. Then they unmasked the boys and almost in unison they 
screamed, "What did you do to our room?!"

"This is your new nursery, silly boys," Carey cooed, and right then 
Maddie grabbed Zack and Carey grabbed Cody and locked them in their new 
cribs. Then she explained why they were going to be punished.

"You boys have literally terrorized this hotel so much that Moseby told 
me if you don�t shape up we'll all be shipped out, got it?" Carey said 
with tears starting to form in her eyes,  "so you guys want to act like 
spoiled two-year-olds you will be treated as such. That means diapers, 
bottles, paci�s, highchairs, bedtimes and NO PRIVACY!"

"But what about school?" Cody asked with fear.

"We start summer next week, so we dropped you guys out so you can be 
babies all summer, silly guy," Maddie teased.

"What about when you work?" Zack interrupted.

"I�ll baby-sit you, we got it all planned out," Maddie said matter-of-
factly. "Now let�s get tonight festivities underway, shall we? Cody, 
you first strip down."

"Mom, but..."

"No buts, all I want to see is your butt."

"Mommy! I don't want Maddie to see me naked!"

She�s going to see you sooner or later; I�m not going to tell you 

After that Cody started to get naked and to make him feel better. 
Maddie turned around and as so as he was naked Carey picked him up from 
his crib and laid him across her lap she told him, "Since I know your 
brother talked you into it I go easy on you, 20 smacks, okay?"

"Yes, mom."

"No more �mom�; its �mommy� now, okay, my love? Here we go... 

After the first five smacks Cody was crying his eyes out and after the 
15th smack he was hyperventilating then when she was finished she 
lifted him and hugged him.

"Now we know not to do bad things, right?"

"Yes, mommy," his eyes still red. She lifted him up to the changing 
table. The plastic top crinkled as he was laid on top of it.

"Maddie, should we go cloth or disposable?"

"Disposable would be easier."

"Okay, baby."

Cody nodded Carey grabbed a disposable from the top shelf and the 
powder, lotion, and the Vaseline and a suppository from the bottom 
shelf. She unfolded the diaper that must have been six inches thick! 
With one hand she lifted Cody�s ankles and slid the diaper under him. 
Then she squirted the lotion in her hand and started to rub it on his 
butt and crack. Then, as she moved up Cody got a "stiffy".

"Oh, baby, we can�t have that, now can we?"

As she got a little more lotion she moved it up and down Cody�s member 
slowly, then she got faster, and then Cody arched his back and came all 
over Cody and Carey and even got some on Maddie standing a few feet 
away. Then, with Cody still panting, she powdered him and applied the 
Vaseline to his butt then slid the suppository in with a yelp from 
Cody. She then taped up the diaper.

Then she moved over to the closet and pulled out a Blues Clues sleeper 
with a tail and ears. She slipped Cody into it with ease, then popped a 
paci in to his mouth and placed him in his crib.

Then, with an evil stare, she moved towards Zack and stripped him and 
got him over her lap. Then Maddie got the paddle labeled �Zack�s�. He 
got 50 spanks. When Carey was done with him he could not move as he was 
so tired of crying. She laid him on the table and lotioned him, 
powdered him and put 2 suppositories in him. Cody, in shock, started to 
cry, so Maddie picked him up and tried to soothe him. Carey walked to 
the closet and picked out a sleeper but it had no feet. It had arms but 
no feet. Cody was clueless. Zack fought Carey with all his remaining 
energy but failed. She got him into his sleeper and picked him up. Both 
the boys were led to the living room and plopped down it front of the 
TV. Zack had trouble lifting himself up but he managed. Maddie put in a 
Barney movie and plopped down on the couch. When the movie started the 
boys moaned, �Aww, barney!�

�Yes, babies watch baby movies,� Maddie said.

�I want mommy!� Cody yelled. Carey scolded him from the kitchen, �We 
don�t yell, young man!�

Cody whimpered behind his paci. �Here, my baby boys.� Carey walked in 
with two bottles of formula. �Drink up!�

Both boys hesitated. Carey gave Zack a look that said, �Do you want 
another spanking?� Zack immediately put the nipple in and started to 
suck and Cody followed in suit. And soon both were past out on the 
floor Carey picked them up and Careyd them into their room and put them 
down tucked them it and put a paci in each of her boys� mouths. They 
sucked on them eagerly. Carey turned on the baby monitor and left the 
room. Then Maddie left promising she would be there in the morning.

Part 2

Cody woke up in the middle of the night. Cramps filled his lower body. 
He was fighting the urge to poop. He thought, �Not the first night! 
Come on, Cody; you can do it!�

He lay to himself. Just then he lost the battle. The warm, soft poop 
flowed into his diaper until his diaper was filled, and then he started 
to cry. And like clockwork, Zack woke up not ten minutes after Cody. 
His cramps pulsed through his body, causing him to scream. Zack lost 
the battle immediately. He filled his diaper so much it leaked all over 
his leg. He started to yell for his mommy, but no one came. Carey had 
heard them. She just wanted them to not only learn a lesson, but get 
used to messy and soon to be wet diapers. The boys didn�t know that she 
slipped them a couple of water pills to make them wet. When the crying 
increased she knew the pills had worked. And as she lowered the baby 
monitor just enough that she could dull the cries of her babies but 
still hear them when they woke up. Then she fell into a blissful sleep, 
thinking about tomorrow.

Zack was the first up. He yelled through his bars to Cody. Cody woke 

�What, Zaaack? I�m trying to sleep.�

�Climb over your bars and let me out�

�No, the last time I listened to you, you got me in trouble!�

�Now, Cody, or so help me, I will kick your ass.�

�Okay, okay.�

Right as Cody was about to start his scaling of his crib both Carey and 
Maddie walked in.

�We don�t think so.�

Carey went over to Zack and slapped him.

�First of all we don�t cuss, and second, we don�t leave or cribs unless 
mommy or Maddie does it for you, got it?� Then she walked over to Cody. 
He tried to hide in the side of his crib. But he could not hide from 
his mommy�s grasp. She picked him up and led him to the changing table 
and laid him down. Then Maddie got a towel and laid it on the floor. 
Then she grabbed Zack from his crib and placed him on the towel and 
unzipped his sleeper. The smell hit her nose like a ton of bricks. She 
grabbed the wet towel and cleaned the poop off his legs. Then she 
removed the sleeper and started undoing the straps on his diaper. As 
she pulled back the diaper Zack tried to cover his privates but Maddie 
slapped them away and proceed with the task to clean him up. He was so 
happy he got a boner. Maddie ignored it and grabbed his ankles and 
pushed them onto his chest so she could clean his butt. It took only 3 
minutes for Zack to get cleaned. Cody was already done, and then Carey 
put Cody down, still naked, and left. Zack got up again. Still naked, 
the boys wondered why they were not diapered. Maddie told them to play, 
mommy would be back in a couple minutes.

Cody grabbed a book for toddlers and Zack grabbed a Tonka truck and 
played with it. Ten minutes later Carey came in and nodded at Maddie. 
They both grabbed one of the naked boys and Careyd them to the 
bathroom. When they entered the bathroom the boys saw a tub full of 
toys and bubbles and then they knew why they were yet to be diapered. 
They were placed in the tub and left to play for a little while. Then, 
while Maddie started breakfast, Carey went to check on the boys. When 
she walked in the boys were just sitting their talking to each other.

�Okay, babies, let�s get all clean; Zack, you first. Stand up.�

She scrubbed his arms and midsection cleaned his hair, then moved to 
his crotch. Zack covered himself. Carey said, �I�ve seen it before, 
remember?� As she brushed over his penis he got hard. Taking this 
opportunity, she pulled back his skin and cleaned his penis, then moved 
on, and when she was done with Zack she quickly washed Cody. Then she 
led them to their room and dried them.

�Okay, boys, do you want cloth or disposables today?�

Zack said, �Disposables� and Cody said, �Cloth.�

�Okay then, Zack, up you go.� She quickly diapered him and pulled a 
Teletubbies shirt over him. It did nothing to hide his diapers. Then 
she put a pacifier in his mouth. Of course he spit it out, but Carey 
put it back in and said, �Keep it in or you�ll get another spanking.� 
Zack did not dare take it out.

�Okay, Cody, your turn.�

�Okay, mommy.�

�How many diapers do you want? It has to be more then three.�


�Okay, baby.� She got four cloth diapers and grabbed his ankles and 
pushed them up and pushed the diapers under his pasty white butt. Then 
she wiped him dry, powdered him and applied diaper rash cream, then 
pulled the diapers through his legs and pinned them together.

�What plastic pants do you like better, Barney or blue?�

�Barney, mommy, Barney.� Carey put each of his legs through the leg 
holes and pulled them up the got a Barney t-shirt on him and sent him 
out the door. Cody was in heaven. the cloth diapers felt so well on his 
penis as it rubbed back and forth. As soon as he sat in front of the TV 
breakfast was ready he was picked up and placed on Maddie�s hip; he 
nearly came. He and Zack were placed in high chairs. Cody tried to move 
as much as possible. It just felt ssssssssoooooooooooooooo good, and in 
spurts he came while being fed bacon and eggs.

Zack was quite the opposite. He hated his diapers and being treated 
like a baby so much. Then after breakfast he punched Cody 3 times in 
the gut. Cody, of course, started to cry, and Zack was sent to the room 
to take a nap because he was getting cranky. Carey decided Cody should 
take a nap, too. As the boys laid in their cribs Zack was yelling at 
Cody saying, �I hate you!� and �This is your fault!� but Cody just 
ignored him and blissfully peed his diaper and fell asleep.

Part three is coming soon.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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