Title: World War 3
Name: Christopher
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 14
Posting Date: 11/16/08
 					World War 3
T0r@n fr0zt


It is the year of 2069. The world has been ravaged by war, all over one 

The world is falling apart at the seams because of my creation. I was 
put in charge of finding a way to live forever. I did my job all too 
well. I created a serum that when used would reverse the aging process. 
It worked. Later that night a group of extremists broke into the lab 
and stole the formula. We thought that it was the end of everything. 
The world, the future, and ourselves. We were terribly wrong. It was 
only the beginning. We found out later that the people who stole the 
serum were a group of women tired of men ruling everything. God have 

						Chapter 1

"Okay, men, listen up! This is our target, a research base in what a 
few years ago was Nevada."

I can barely listen I woke up in this place without a clue who or where 
I was. I also had fuzzy memories that I couldn't fully remember. People 
dressed in lab coats, bars, some girl, and a sharp pain in my left arm, 
and immense comfort. I was told that these would leave me soon enough 
but they didn't. I stared paying attention just in time.

"Alpha squad, make sure that you fall in line and provide cover fire to 
Centari. If you don't I will personally make sure you are sent to the 
tower without weapons."

In this war that was the worst thing that could happen to you. The 
tower was the place where lady Ferrock kept her best soldiers. They 
were always armed, and no with the capture gear most of them were. They 
had modified blasters that, if they hit you were full of the regression 
formula. It was better to be killed then be sent there.

"Sir, yes sir," came the response from most of the room. We all got 
ready for the battle that would happen soon enough. We get dressed in 
brown cameo, strapped on the belt that held a small pistol and a knife. 
You could almost feel the fear of people thinking they might not come 

						Chapter 2

We unloaded the landing craft and ran for cover. The silence before the 
fight, its always the worst. I jump from fright.

�Blackhawk, do you ever get tired of freaking me out?�

�Not really, I find it very fun.�

Just then I hear a spring recoil I pull Blackhawk and myself out of the 
way and fire back. 

�Well, it looks like its time to fight.�

�I guess so. Ready?�

We both get ready. Darts no doubt filled with paralysis fluid fly past 
us. One hits Blackhawk in the arm and his body seizes up. I hide as a 
woman walks through the bush and injects him with regression formula. I 
get away as fast as possible as I hear the �FALL BACK!� command over 
the comm. Link. When we get back to the base we are all called into the 
meeting room. There are confused mutters as we all file in. The 
confused mutters stop as we see what�s on the stage. Sitting on a chair 
seemingly oblivious to the multiple guns pointed at her. She looks 
around the crowd and her face turns into a face of sadness when she 
sees me. She says it so low almost no one can her it:


						Chapter 3

In a smaller meeting room with only me her the general and a few guards 

�No, I�m not. I don�t even know her.�

At this point she decides to speak up:

�He shouldn�t remember me. I placed a lock on certain memories of his. 
Until I do something to make him remember he won�t. You see, he was the 
first male to become regressed. And, truth be told, I�m not with lady 
Ferrock. I�m just here to watch him. When he was regressed he and we 
tested the cure on him, he held on to part of the gene in the 
regression formula and the cure formula. All I want s to have him back 
as my baby... like before.�

She finally finishes:


�When we were running tests on you, I was in charge of your well 
being,� she said as her eyes started to cloud with tears. Suddenly, I�m 
on the floor holding my head. The memories suddenly make sense.

						Chapter 4

Flashing through my head I see a needle being pushed into my arm, the 
pain, passing out, waking up in a crib, checking out my situation I 
discovered I was a baby again. I yelled out in frustration, and she 
came in. she changed me. She pulled off her lab coat. She pulled down 
one side of her shirt and took off her bra and guided my head to her 

						Chapter 5
						The Final End

When I could finally get up she rushed over to me. Very quietly I 
whispered to her, �Hi, mommy.� Just saying that brought back more 
memories and a smile to my face. Just as quietly she whispered back in 
my ear �hi baby�, and started crying out of sheer joy. She told 
everyone in the small meeting room, �See, he remembers me; he is my 
baby. I can give you the cure, if I can have my baby back,� she says as 
she pulls me onto her and starts rocking me.

�Fine, give us the cure,� the general says.

�NOT UNTIL I HAVE MY BABY!� She shouts back.

       Chapter 6

When I woke up again I was in a body I recognized very well and in the 
corner there was a woman I knew all too well but I couldn�t place her 
name. She walked over to the crib and picked me up. She took me over to 
the changing table and changed me fed me and rocked me to sleep. And 
there was the final memory. The comfort I felt in my memories was her 
holding me. Eventually the rebels surrendered and allowed them selves 
to be regressed...I think.

						Chapter 7
						Author Notes

Sorry it�s so short and for the happy ending guess I was just feeling 
happy when I wrote it. Also sorry about the lack of names, but I find 
it harder to remember as time goes on. There is some basis of truth in 
the story. There are drugs out there that can slow and reverse aging. 
And the woman who takes care of our main character is based off my mom 
who has a hard time seeing that I�m not her baby anymore. Thanks for 
reading; I had a fun time writing it.

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