A Wizard In Diapers
A Harry Potter Fan Fiction
By David DAG1064@aol.com
Author's Notes: This story is fiction. All characters except for "Kevin 
Stevens" belong to the wonderful Mrs. Rowling.

A Wizard In Diapers 01

	Harry burned in shame as Vernon tore into him, shouting at him 
about how useless he was, that a fifteen year old doesn't wet the bed, 
and that only babies wet their beds. Harry trembled from fear as Vernon 
towered over him. Vernon finally finished his verbal tirade and Harry 
quickly got out of the house and into the garden shed where he 
collapsed onto a makeshift bed. He trembled from the fever his body was 
wracked from and he lay down and pulled the blankets over him and tried 
to sleep. He felt pain in his gut where Vernon had repeatedly kicked 
him. Harry's owl Hedwig perched in a tree and felt anger at how her 
master was being treated by that fat human (Yes, animals do have 
feelings about their masters) and decided it was time to do something. 
She got into the shed and found a bit of Harry's oversized shirt that 
he had torn to make a rag to try and keep from sweating so much. She 
looked up to see Harry's nose still bleeding from where the fat human 
had struck Harry. She got the rag up by his nose and Harry took it and 
used it to pinch his nose shut. He held it there until the nosebleed 
had stopped. Tossing it aside he turned on his side in an effort to try 
and get some sleep. Hedwig picked up the piece of cloth and flew out of 
the shed and flew a straight line for the Weasley's. She knew those 
humans loved Harry.
	Professor Dumbledore and Molly Weasley were enjoying a cup of tea 
when Hedwig flew in the window. She dropped the piece of cloth on 
Dumbledore's hand. He looked at it and realized what it was Hedwig was 
trying to tell him. Rage crossed his face and Molly backed up in fear. 
She knew Dumbledore to be a very calm person, and she rarely saw him 
get angry. He stood up and turned to Molly.
	"Would you please come with me? I believe your medi-witch 
training will be needed," he said.
Both of them flew over to Arabella Figg's house on Privet drive. 
Arabella was an old witch assigned by Dumbledore personally to watch 
over Harry. Dumbledore informed here why he was there.
	"I see Harry once in a great while and he's never given any 
indication he was in trouble. Last time I saw him was three weeks ago," 
she said.
	Dumbledore nodded as he muttered a spell to cover his Wizard's 
robes before leaving Figg's house. Molly followed behind him as they 
approached 4 Privet Drive. Dumbledore knocked on the door and was 
greeted by Vernon's face.
	"Mr. Dursley, I am Professor Dumbledore from Hogwarts. May we 
come in?" he asked quietly.
Vernon's eyes went wide and he slammed the door in Dumbledore's face. 
Albus sighed and raised his wand. The door opened as he muttered a 
spell and they walked in. Vernon had his shotgun pointed at Dumbledore 
as he and Molly walked into the living room. The front door closed 
behind him and the deadbolt clicked shut.
	"Where is Harry?" Dumbledore asked calmly.
Vernon shook the shotgun at Dumbledore. "He isn't here, the little 
Molly saw Dumbledore's left hand curl into a fist and knew he was about 
to lose it. Dumbledore muttered a spell and the shotgun broke up in 
pieces and fell to the floor.
	"The garden shed. I put him out there because he bed wets, the 
little baby," Vernon said quickly. Molly immediately went through the 
kitchen and into the back yard. She opened the shed door and found 
Harry huddled on the floor. She immediately cast a few spells and 
discovered Harry was suffering from a very high fever and a nasty 
infection as well. She cast another spell and floated Harry into the 
yard as Dumbledore walked outside.
	"The Dursley's have given him up," he informed Molly. "There is 
no need for the protection spells here any longer."
So saying, Dumbledore waved his hand and the wards collapsed. Molly 
reached into her pocket for the port key and held it out to Dumbledore 
as she took hold of Harry. A moment later they were back at the Burrow. 
Molly floated Harry upstairs and went to work as Dumbledore firewalled 
Lady Pomfrey and informed her of the incident. He stepped back as the 
lady came through the fire and went upstairs. Dumbledore sighed and 
then firewalled McGonagall and informed her of the day's events. Having 
done that, he sat down to wait for the two women.
	Harry slowly came to and discovered that he was lying in a bed. 
He panicked and started to sit up. He felt hands on his chest and he 
began to fight back.
	"Harry! Calm down, you're safe!" he heard Molly's voice.
He realized he was at the Burrow. He calmed down and looked up. His 
vision was very fuzzy but he managed to make out Molly standing there.
	"How did I get here?" Harry said, feeling disoriented.
	"Hedwig alerted us to your troubles, Harry. Professor Dumbledore 
and I came over and brought you here once we found out what was 
happening to you. You are very sick and you need to rest," Molly said.
	"But I..." Harry faltered. He felt a hand squeeze his for 
	"I... wet the bed," Harry admitted his shame and broke down and 
cried. He felt Molly's arms around him and he felt safe and secure in 
that moment. He clung to her and let all of his emotions out. He didn't 
remember passing out.
	Harry woke up again the next morning. He blinked his eyes and 
wondered where he was and then realized he was at the Burrow, that 
Molly and Dumbledore had rescued him from the Dursley's. He heaved a 
sigh of relief and then realized he was wet. He suddenly remembered his 
shame and tears came up to his eyes. He reached down and to his 
surprise, realized he was wearing something. He flung the covers back 
and saw he was wearing something white around his middle. It was wet 
inside, but not on the outside. The bed was dry. Then it occurred to 
him what it was. He was wearing a diaper. His first reaction was to 
panic. The door opened and he could make out the form of Molly walking 
in. She noticed Harry was on the edge of flipping out.
	"Harry dear, let me explain," she said, sitting on the edge of 
the bed as Harry put his glasses on.
	"You had a very nasty infection and a high fever. Those combined 
and no proper treatment and very little food have hurt you in a very 
serious way. The infection has damaged your bladder to the point that 
it no longer works like it's supposed to. You have to wear diapers from 
now on. I'm so sorry, Harry," she said.
	Harry felt a combination of anger and sorrow. He lay back and 
looked out the window as Molly changed him. He didn't know what he was 
to feel in this situation. Molly covered him up once more and sat there 
for a few minutes holding Harry's hand. She couldn't even begin to 
fathom why the Dursleys had treated him like that. She knew Harry would 
be in for a hard time at school once word of this got out much less 
around here when the other Weasley kids found out. She removed Harry's 
glasses when she looked over and found him sleeping. She headed 
downstairs and sat in the kitchen and thought about what to do. She was 
so deep in thought she didn't hear Arthur Weasley enter the kitchen.
	"How is Harry?" he asked her.
	Molly jumped and turned to Arthur. "Gracious! You surprised me 
	Arthur smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Take a lot more than 
me to scare you, dear. Is Harry okay?"
	"He woke up a while ago and started to panic when I told him why 
he had a diaper on. He didn't take it so well," Molly sighed.
Arthur sighed. "I was afraid of that. There is a man at the Ministry 
who just came back to the Wizarding world after having lived among the 
muggles ever since he was eighteen. He is something called a 
psychiatrist. He said it is someone who talks to people and helps them 
with their problems. I think he might be able to help Harry."
	"Well, call him then. Tell him about Harry," Molly insisted.
	"He's in the living room," Arthur said.
Molly stood up and went into the living room to find a tall man in his 
mid twenties standing there. He had brown hair, blue eyes, round 
glasses, and a pleasant smile.
	"You must be Molly Weasley," he said with a smile. "I'm Kevin 
	Molly smiled back. She had a good feeling about him already. 
"Please sit down."
The three adults sat down and talked about Harry for nearly an hour. 
The Weasley kids arrived back home from their camping trip just as 
Kevin Stevens stood up.
	"I'll be back tomorrow to see Harry and talk to him a bit. Around 
eleven okay?" he asked Molly as he walked to the fireplace.
	"Just fine. I'll tell him about your coming," Molly said, and 
then Kevin was gone, having flown back to the Ministry.
Molly then whirled on her kids. "Right. Now sit on the couch, the lot 
of you!"
	"What's up Mum?" Ron asked.
	"SIT!" she barked.
	The Weasley kids immediately parked on the couch. They knew 
better to cross Molly, especially Fred and George. The twins looked at 
their parents with what they hoped were their best innocent look.
	"Harry is here. He's had a bit of trouble with the Dursleys. He 
is sick in bed so don't bother him too much. The infection he had was 
very serious and it hurt him very seriously. He has to wear diapers 
from now on," she informed him.
	The reaction was immediate. Jaws dropped in shock.
	"Mum, you got to be kidding!" Ron exclaimed.
	Molly sighed. "No I'm not. I wish I was."
	"What did they do to him?" Ginny asked, a touch of anger in her 
	Molly turned to Ginny. "They hurt him badly, dear. Be nice to 
	The family knew that Ginny had a crush on Harry for the longest 
time and never said anything to her about it.
	"What can I do to help?" Ginny asked.
	Molly smiled and hugged her. "Be his friend."
Then she turned on the Twins. "None of your pranks! He needs to know he 
has friends right now."
	"Yes Mum," both of them chorused.
	"Mind if we send a little something to the Dursleys?" Fred said 
with an evil smile on his face.
	"Professor Dumbledore made a very good impression on them. Leave 
them be," she said as she recalled the diapered Dursleys sitting around 
on the kitchen floor talking baby talk with a shudder.
Fred smiled. "Professor Dumbledore? I'd give anything to have seen what 
he did."
	"I'll tell you all another time. For now there are things to do. 
Get cleaned up, all of you while I go up and check on Harry," she 
Harry had woken up and was sitting on the landing out of sight while 
listening to the adults talking. He knew they were talking about him 
and when the Weasley kids popped out of the fireplace and Molly ordered 
them to sit on the couch, he marveled at her ability to effortlessly 
get their attention, including the Twins. He felt like cheering when 
she told off the Twins. He knew how much they liked pulling pranks. He 
wished Molly had said yes to sending the Dursleys something to remember 
him by. He hoped he would never have to go back.
	"How long is Harry staying with us, Mum?" Percy asked.
Harry held his breath waiting for the answer.
	"Hopefully for as long as he wants. Your father and I want to 
petition the Ministry for guardianship of Harry," Molly said.
Percy brightened. "I'll get the forms together and get the ball rolling 
tomorrow morning, Mum. Let me handle this for you."
	"If anyone could, it's definitely you Percy," Fred stated.
That bit of support from Fred was a surprise. Percy had been the Twin's 
favorite target for as long as anyone could remember.
	"Thanks Fred. I appreciate the support," Percy said as he headed 
for the stairs.
	Harry turned and dashed for the room he was in and closed the 
door in the nick of time. He sighed and crawled back into bed. He knew 
now he was going to be just fine.
	When he woke the next morning, Harry felt a bit stronger. Molly 
took his temperature and it was down a bit.
	"Another day or two and you'll be back to normal, Harry," she 
	Harry sighed. "Good. I'm getting tired of sitting in here."
	"I know dear, it's no fun to be sick. Now I need to tell you that 
Arthur and I are very worried about you so we talked to someone 
yesterday. His name is Kevin Stevens and he is a psychiatrist. He grew 
up in the Wizarding World and left when he was eighteen and went to a 
muggle school to be a psychiatrist. Professor Dumbledore has hired him 
to work at Hogwarts. Kevin wants to help you Harry. Would you be 
willing to talk to him?" Molly asked.
	Harry sighed. "Can I think about it?"
	Molly smiled. "Sure. Let me change you dear. You must be 
	Harry blushed from embarrassment as Molly changed him. He felt 
uncomfortable at being naked and exposed in front of her. She smiled at 
	"I'm sorry you feel embarrassed. I've had to change all the boys 
when they were little so I've seen what they have. Now catching the 
Twins to change them, that was a challenge," she sighed.
	Harry had to laugh as the picture of the Twins running around the 
house to avoid a diaper change. Molly smiled at his reaction.
	"Keep that attitude up, Harry. You'll be just fine," she said and 
kissed him on the forehead and covered him up before leaving the room.
Bill and Charlie were sitting in the living room when Molly came down.
	"How is he Mum?" Charlie asked.
	"Getting better. His fever has broken and he'll be right in a day 
or two. The potions Madam Pomfrey left are helping," she said.
Percy walked out of the fireplace with a briefcase in his hand. "There 
you are, Mum. Got the required papers, need some questions answered."
	"Dining room table," she said.
Percy walked over and dumped his briefcase on the table and pulled out 
the papers. The fireplace pinged once more and Kevin Stevens came out.
Bill grinned as he stood up. "Nice to see you again, Kevin."
Kevin smiled. "Heard you were working as spell breaker for Gringott's."
	"It can be a challenge. Here to see Harry?" Bill asked.
	"Yes. I hope I can help him," Kevin said.
Molly took him upstairs to meet Harry. Harry had woken up and sat up 
and was reading a Quidditch book when they knocked on the door.
	"Come in," Harry called out.
They walked in and sat down in chairs by the bed. Molly introduced 
Kevin and then left them alone. Kevin and Harry talked for about an 
hour, feeling each other out. At the end of the hour Kevin had Harry 
convinced he was here to help.
	"Thanks for wanting to listen to me," Harry said as he laid back, 
feeling a bit drained and tired.
	"That's why I'm here, Harry. Before I forget, I'll be at Hogwarts 
starting the new term. I'll be setting my office up there," Kevin 
informed him.
Harry grinned. "Cool. A lot of us will be glad to hear that."
Kevin closed the door and walked into the living room area. People 
stopped what they were doing and turned to him.
	"He's going to be fine. Just be ready to listen to him. Let him 
lean on your shoulder when he needs it," Kevin advised.
Arthur shook his hand. "Thanks Kevin."
Kevin left and Arthur turned to Percy. "How are the papers coming 
	"Be ready to hand over to Fudge in the morning. Then the ball is 
in their court so to speak. Professor Dumbledore has promised support 
for us," Percy reported.
	Arthur had to grin. "Fudge could never say no to Dumbledore."
	"That's what I'm hoping for here," Percy grinned back.
	Harry sneaked back to his room. He knew with Dumbledore's help, 
everything would work out and he would get his greatest wish. For the 
longest time he had wished that Molly Weasley would adopt him and make 
him a Weasley. But lately those feelings had taken a different 
direction. The last two nights he dreamed of being a baby and being 
babied by Molly. Every time she changed his diaper or held him in her 
arms, Harry felt so safe and secure, like he was just a little boy 
again. He felt a deep aching inside his heart and soul. He'd never 
known that kind of love and security with his parents even though the 
pictures he had of his Mum and Dad showed him being a happy little boy 
in their arms. He curled up under the covers and cried himself to 
	Molly found him in the fetal position and a thumb in his mouth 
the next morning. She was shocked and didn't know what to do. She 
quietly retreated from the room and closed the door. She stood there 
for a moment and composed herself and then knocked loudly on the door.
	"Come in," she heard Harry say.
	Harry was sitting up and looking much better this morning. She 
took his temperature and it registered normal. She heaved a sigh of 
	"You're normal, Harry. Why don't I give you a bath before I put a 
clean diaper on you?" she suggested.
	Harry thought about that for a moment. The sound of that sent a 
shiver up his spine. He felt himself get hard and wondered if that was 
normal. Oh he knew about puberty and everything that went with it, but 
this was different.
	"Okay," he said.
	He followed her into the bathroom once he was sure the coast was 
clear. Molly ran water into the tub as Harry waited. The emotions that 
were running through him were clashing with the other. He wasn't sure 
what to do.
	"It's ready, Harry dear," she said.
	It was now or never. Harry swallowed his nerves and let Molly 
pull the wet diaper off him and then he stepped into the bath. The hot 
water came up to the middle of his stomach and he sighed. Being in the 
tub felt good. Molly let him soak for a bit before she started in on 
him. Harry closed his eyes and sighed as he felt Molly's hands wash 
him. He laid his head against her chest and sighed again. Molly was 
suddenly struck with the realization of Harry's actions. It was as if 
Harry wanted to be the little boy he never had been once more. She 
decided it was something she needed to discuss with Kevin when he 
showed up later.
	Kevin scratched his face as Molly told him every thing that 
happened so far that morning as they sat in the living room.
	"Regression. It's sometimes common in abused or traumatized kids. 
They do that to go back to a time in their lives where the bad things 
didn't happen and every thing was fine. That takes the form of carrying 
a teddy bear, a bottle, thumb in the mouth, accidents in bed and during 
the daytime, or acting like a baby. Sometimes a combination of those 
things, sometimes all of them. I take it Harry lost his parents when he 
was young?" Kevin asked.
	"He was a year old. Professor Dumbledore found him next to Lily 
Potter, God rest her soul," Molly said, crossing herself.
	Kevin sighed. "Then he's never had the childhood that normal kids 
would have had."
	"Yes. Are you suggesting that we take Harry back to that time and 
help him grow up all over again?" Molly asked.
	Kevin thought about his answer carefully. "I have suggested that 
to a number of parents and guardians in the past. About three quarters 
of them have done so and report success in helping the children. The 
others have dismissed my suggestions. I have personally have done this 
kind of thing before and it has worked. The child regressed has grown 
back up and then was in a better state to be helped. Right now I bet 
Harry's dealing with so much that he just wants to push it all away 
from him and deal with it later when he feels stronger. All you and 
Arthur would have to do is be his parents and care for him. Do every 
thing you normally would for a little boy."
	Arthur had come in and heard the conversation. "Do you think this 
will help him?"
	"Harry's been forced to fend for himself ever since he was 
little. I would imagine the Dursley's kept him in less than ideal 
conditions if you had found him in the garden shed. He's tired of 
taking care of himself," Kevin said.
	"You know this from one conversation?" Arthur said.
	"I know because of personal experience," Kevin said softly. 
"Happened when I was ten, just before I got to Hogwarts. Hogwarts and 
Dumbledore was my salvation."
	Arthur nodded as Molly looked up at him. "We'll do it."
	The Weasley kids blinked at their parents when told of what was 
going to happen.
	"Are you sure of this, Mum?" Bill asked.
	"Yes. Your father and I believe it would help Harry. I don't want 
to hear any more grief for any of you. Lord knows I've had plenty of 
practice at things, especially with you two," Molly pointed to Fred and 
	"Us?" the Twins acted innocent. "I'm sure we were perfect little 
	Bill closed his eyes and Charlie chuckled as Molly snorted. "Both 
of you saints? I don't think so. At least I got a lot of exercise 
chasing you young pups when it came to baths, diaper changes, and 
	That cracked everyone up except for Fred and George. Harry sat on 
the stairwell and chuckled. He pictured Fred and George running 
starkers through the house trying to avoid bath time. He had mixed 
feelings about what Molly was about to do. But something inside wanted 
to be babied once again.
	"Thank God Ron and Ginny were perfect little ones," Molly sighed.
	Harry chuckled at the expression on Ron and Ginny's faces. He had 
a sudden image in his head of Ginny feeding him in a high chair and the 
thought excited him. He felt himself get hard once more. That puzzled 
him to no end. He decided to mention it to Kevin when he arrived. He 
crept back into bed and got under the covers. Molly had been right. The 
bath had done him a world of good. He was feeling better.
	"Why do I feel like that? Why is it every time I think of 
something babyish I get hard?" Harry flat out asked Kevin the next day.
	Kevin exhaled sharply. "That's a good question, Harry. For some 
people, wearing diapers is a fetish. They experience sexual feelings 
while wearing a diaper. The image of Ginny feeding you in a high chair 
caused you to have some feelings and they in turn caused you to have an 
erection. Could be nerves. Could be that it's something you never 
considered before. As a baby you never thought about it, all you knew 
was that it was time to eat, you were hungry. But now you're nearly 
fifteen so this takes on a new direction for you. Some people enjoy 
being a baby. For others it's a way to go back and relieve the stress 
of having to take care of yourself. Ever since you lived with the 
Dursley's, you had to fend for yourself and never knew any form of 
kindness from them. Wanting to regress and have someone care for you is 
a way around those negative feelings. You want to go back to the time 
in our life where you should have gotten lots of attention and the 
right kind of caring to overcome those negative feelings isn't strange 
at all. I've helped a number of kids that way and they turned out okay. 
In fact they were able to overcome their problems much better after 
having gone through the experience. Don't do it because I say you 
should, do it only if you want to. All up to you."
	That gave Harry a bit to think about. He had for the longest time 
been envious of how the Weasley family was so close together. The more 
he thought of it the stronger the feelings got. He finally decided to 
do it. He told Molly when she came up later that evening wit his 
	"Are you sure?" she asked him.
	Harry nodded. "Yes. I really want to do this. I wish you had been 
my mother. I wish I had come here a long time ago. I wish I wasn't hurt 
by the Dursley's."
	Harry's words tumble right out of him, things he had felt for a 
long time and had repressed. Molly held Harry close to her as he cried 
out his sadness and his feelings. She felt tears in her own eyes. She 
would give him a childhood he missed and wanted. Molly gently wiped 
Harry's tears away.
	"Now, now there, dear. You are hungry so let's get you fed," she 
said picking up the soupspoon and feeding Harry his beef soup.
	Harry sighed and relaxed. He felt something happening inside of 
him and he welcomed it. He felt safe and secure in her arms. Molly 
finished feeding him and laid him back in bed. She sat there for a 
moment and held Harry's hand as he drifted off to sleep. Then she went 
downstairs. There were lots to do tomorrow.
	Harry was feeling good the next morning so he ventured downstairs 
after Molly changed him. He wore a pair of Ron's sweat pants and a t-
shirt. Ron looked up at Harry as he walked into the living room.
	"Hey Harry! How are you feeling?" he said, standing up to greet 
his friend.
	"Lots better. Your Mum needs to bottle that soup of hers and sell 
it as a cure all," Harry joked.
	Bill grinned. "That she should."
	Percy popped out of the fireplace at that moment. "Hello Harry. 
Good to see you around. Got good news for you. As of now you are 
officially a member of the Weasley Clan. Your name will remain Harry 
Potter, though."
	Harry grinned as the others cheered. "That's great! Thanks for 
everything, Percy."
	Percy turned and went back through the fireplace to the Ministry 
as Harry went into the kitchen. Molly handed him a cup of tea and Harry 
took it outside. Ron joined him.
	"I'm sure you know by now what's happened," Harry said.
	Ron growled and shook his fist. "I'd like to slug them a time or 
two for what they did to ya, Harry. Serve them right."
	Harry smiled at his friend's wanting to protect him. "Thanks Ron. 
I'm... I'm just so tired, Ron. Tired of trying to keep going and trying 
to take care of myself. I'm... I'm going to change for a time and I 
need to know you'll help me when I need it." 
	Ron put his arms around Harry. "I know all about it, mate. I 
don't understand all of it, but I'll be glad to be your older brother 
looking out for you. I'll do what I can. Don't you worry about a thing. 
Mum's the best when it comes to taking care of us kids. Would you mind 
if I told Hermione?" Ron asked.
	"If I know Hermione, she'd be here in a flash to play nanny," 
Harry chuckled.
	Ron snorted in laughter at the thought. "I'll write her in a 
	Harry sat outside for a bit longer and breathed in the fresh air. 
"I could get used to this country life," he said aloud.
	"That's good to hear," Ginny said as she sat down next to Harry.
	Harry turned to her. "How are you, Ginny?"
	"I'm fine, Harry. Question is how are you?" she asked.
	Harry looked into her eyes and saw something there. He couldn't 
tell what it was, but it captivated him.
	"Harry?" she whispered, knocking him out of his trance.
	Harry blinked a few times. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've 
ever seen."
	Ginny blushed and then looked up at him. Time slowed down and 
then seemed to stop as they looked at each other. Harry's feelings for 
her grew to the point where they overwhelmed him and before he knew it, 
they were kissing. Then the moment ended and they broke apart. Neither 
would ever be the same. They now knew that each loved the other. Harry 
felt her fingers touch his face.
	"I'll be right there for you Harry. I'll help Mum and Dad help 
you," she said and threw her arms around him.
	Molly had chanced to step out the door and she witnessed the 
moment between Harry and Ginny. She had the feeling deep down inside of 
here that Ginny and Harry were forever bonded. She was touched by her 
daughter's concern for Harry. She walked back into the house and left 
them alone.
	By nightfall every thing that was needed was in place. Harry 
looked at the now modified room and saw the change table, the crib, the 
big rocking chair and the mobile over the crib. Something inside of him 
stirred once more and he moved over to the crib and looked in. The 
feelings grew stronger and now he knew he couldn't ignore them. He 
truly wanted this. Molly walked in behind Harry and he turned to face 
	"Thanks for being willing to do this," Harry said.
	She held him close to her. "We really want to help you Harry. 
Take as long as you need to. We want you to be happy."
	Harry sighed and nodded. Molly took him by the hand and led him 
to the bathroom and took his shirt, shorts, and his wet diaper off him 
and had him get into the bath. She started washing him and Harry let 
himself go to the feelings. He rested his head against Molly's chest 
and sighed contentedly. After his bath was done she led him to his new 
room and diapered him up in thick cloth diapers and a pair of plastic 
pants. Then she zippered him into a royal blue sleeper and sat in the 
rocking chair and pulled Harry onto her lap and held up a bottle of 
warm milk. As Harry drank the milk she gently rocked the chair back and 
forth. Harry closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations he was feeling. 
Once the bottle was empty, Harry climbed into the crib and Molly tucked 
him in and left a bottle of water for him. She closed the door just 
enough to keep the light out but open enough to hear him if necessary. 
Harry watched the mobile until he fell asleep.
	Harry woke the next morning feeling a bit disoriented and then it 
came back to him. He was lying in a crib wearing diapers and a sleeper. 
He saw the pacifier on the pillow next to him and he stuck it in his 
mouth and sucked on it. The door opened and Ron walked in holding his 
old teddy.
	"Hey Harry. I found this for you. Used to be mine when I was 
little. I want you to have it," Ron said, handing Harry the teddy.
	Harry took it and hugged it to him. Ron smiled as he watched his 
friend react to the teddy. Harry seemed to like the teddy. Molly walked 
in behind Ron and saw Harry hugging the teddy.
	"Isn't that yours?" Molly asked Ron.
	Ron nodded. "Yes Mum. I thought Harry should have it."
	Molly patted Ron's face. "That was so sweet of you. Now go on and 
get breakfast."
	Ron left the room and Molly dropped the rail on the crib and 
unzipped Harry's sleeper and checked his diapers.
	"Come dear. Let Mum get you cleaned up," Molly said.
	Harry got out of the crib and stood as Molly took his sleeper 
off. He lay down on the change table and Molly unpinned his wet and 
dirty diapers off him and cleaned him up. She pinned fresh cloth 
diapers on him and pulled another pair of plastic pants on him and then 
put him in a light blue sleeper and led him downstairs by the hand as 
he held the teddy under his other arm. Everyone at the table looked up 
as Harry made his appearance with Molly leading him.
	"Now sit here and Ginny will take care of you dear," Molly said 
as Harry took his seat next to Ginny.
	Ginny tied a bib around Harry's neck and began feeding him 
breakfast. Harry ate it all with no complaints. Not a thing was said 
about Harry regressing. The conversation around the table was light and 
cheery. Percy was the first to leave for the day. Arthur followed him 
next. Bill went to Gringott's to file some reports and Charlie went off 
to the Ministry to talk to some people about the dragons he had been 
working with. Fred and George went outside with something in their 
hands. It turned out to be a big blanket with baby dragons on it.
	"Ginny, bring Harry outside. He could use a little fresh air," 
Fred said.
	Ginny led Harry outside once she cleaned him up from breakfast 
and sat him down on the blanket. Fred had charmed the baby dragons to 
fly around the blanket. Harry lay on the blanket totally captivated by 
the baby dragons. Molly had seen what the Twins had done and kissed 
them on the cheek.
	"Aw Mum," Fred complained.
	"Both of you can be so sweet at times," she said. " I just wish 
you would be like this more often."
	Just then Hermione's voice called out from the living room. 
	"Out here Hermione," Ron called out.
	Hermione came out into the back yard and saw Harry on the 
blanket. She sat down and rubbed Harry on the back.
	"Nice to see you Harry," she said. "I'm here to help."
	Harry sighed and laid his head down in Ginny's lap and she 
started running her fingers through Harry's hair. That relaxed him and 
he felt calm. He slipped his thumb into his mouth and gently sucked on 
	"I think he wants his pacifier," George remarked.
	Ron got up and Hermione followed him into the house. Ron went up 
to Harry's room and looked around for it.
	"Here it is," Hermione said, picking it up. "I have something to 
keep it on his sleeper. I need to get my bag for it."
	Ron followed Hermione down to the ground floor and she opened her 
bag and pulled out a smaller plastic bag.
	"I have two more pacifiers with strings that can be put on his 
sleeper or whatever he's wearing to keep him from losing it," she said.
	"You're awful calm about this," Ron said.
	Hermione looked up. "There is something to regression therapy, 
Ron. Don't knock it. It's helped lots of people."
	Ron grinned. "Can you imagine Malfoy toddling around in a diaper 
and a sleeper, a pacifier in his mouth and a teddy under his arm?"
	A smile crossed Hermione's face. "Don't tempt me Ron."
	They came out of the house and Hermione fixed the pacifier on 
Harry's sleeper and he popped it into his mouth and gently sucked on 
it. Next thing he knew, he was waking up. Ginny was the only one there 
with him on the blanket. She smiled as Harry looked at her. She brushed 
his hair back away from his face.
	"Did you enjoy your nap, Harry?" she asked him.
	Harry nodded his head yes and then there were tears in his eyes. 
Ginny gently pulled Harry close to her and slowly rocked him in her 
arms doing her best to comfort Harry. New feelings were coming up from 
deep inside of her and they confused her greatly. Molly looked out and 
saw Ginny gently rocking a crying Harry. She saw the look in her 
daughter's face and instantly realized Ginny was experiencing her 
mothering instinct for the first time. Harry settled down and sighed. 
Ginny continued to rock him gently, brushing his hair back from his 
face every few minutes. Molly came out and handed Ginny a bottle of 
apple juice for Harry. His eyes lit up when he saw the bottle and Ginny 
shifted Harry in her arms and gave Harry the bottle. Molly sat and 
watched Ginny care for Harry. There was no doubt in her mind Ginny 
would make a great mother. She hoped deep down in her heart Harry would 
be the father someday. Harry finished off the bottle and went to sleep 
once more in Ginny's arms. Ginny held him for a moment longer and then 
laid him down on the blanket.
	Harry spent a month as a baby, getting taken care of by Molly, 
Ginny, and Hermione. Fred and George hammed it up by playing Harry's 
uncles, making funny faces at him and giving him toys to play with. 
Ron, Charlie, Bill, and Percy did what they could to help out. Kevin 
popped in every now and then to check on things. Arthur enjoyed having 
Harry on his lap in the early evenings and would read him stories from 
the Wizarding World. As time went on it seemed that Harry was getting 
better. The first indication of that was the black marker drawing Harry 
left on the kitchen floor one morning after Ron had helped him out of 
his crib. Ron stared at the picture in shock. It showed a large stick 
figure with an ugly face shoving a smaller stick figure into what 
looked like a box. Molly walked into the room at that moment.
	"Mum look," Ron said, pointing to the crude drawing.
	Molly immediately went and got some paper and moved the drawing 
from the floor to the paper and set it aside after writing the date on 
it for Kevin to look at.
	"He's starting to tell us things. Give him plenty of paper and 
colored markers," he said, as he looked it over.
	Molly got a bunch of colored markers and charmed them to work on 
paper only. She instructed people to give Harry paper if it looked like 
he was trying to draw on things. Anytime Harry threw a fit from not 
being able to draw on things, the closest person offered him paper and 
the he was able to draw. For a while it was just the large stick figure 
pushing the smaller one around. Then the pictures started to change and 
get darker, showing the larger figure hitting Harry and really pushing 
him around, and then a smaller figure hitting Harry, all the way up to 
outright getting really beat up. Some of the pictures showed Harry 
holding an empty plate as three of the figures sat around a big table 
with food on it. Each picture told more and more until the last showed 
Harry being rescued. He portrayed Molly as an angel lifting him out of 
the dark hole. The next few kept up that theme eventually including 
Ginny. One picture showed all of the Weasleys hugging Harry and him 
smiling. The last picture showed Ginny and Harry together. Harry had 
written on it in a childish scrawl the message "Harry love Ginny" with 
a red heart around it. Ginny shed a few tears as she hugged Harry. Then 
she carefully folded it up and put it away in her little treasure box.
	Harry started to evolve once more back into his teenage self one 
week at a time. The Weasleys did every thing they could to make Harry 
happy and to try and replace those dark memories with better ones. 
Harry responded very positively to their efforts. Then came the morning 
Harry woke up back in his right mind in the crib after having reached 
the ten year old mark. Ron walked into the room to see Harry sitting up 
in the crib with a smile on his face.
	"Hey Ron," he said in his normal voice.
	"Harry, you're okay!" Ron cheered.
	The other Weasleys crowded into the room. Fred helped Harry out 
of the crib and Harry stretched. There was plenty of hugging all 
	"Okay, all of you clear the room for a bit and let Harry get 
ready for the day," Molly called out over the noise.
	Everyone left the room and left Harry and Molly alone. Harry 
stepped forward and hugged Molly.
	"Thanks for everything," Harry said.
	Molly returned the hug. "You're welcome, Harry. We were glad to 
help you. You'll always have a home here no matter what."
	She helped Harry up on the change table and changed his diaper. 
Harry then got dressed in loose jeans and a shirt. He watched Molly 
transform the room to a teenager's room except for the change table.
	"Best keep it for the times you are here," she said.
	Harry smiled and then went down to breakfast. Harry relaxed as 
the Twins were their entertaining selves at the table. Even stuffy 
Percy cracked a smile at their jokes. Harry put his arm around Ginny as 
if it was the most natural thing in the world. Ginny had been changed 
by the whole experience. She had discussed her feelings with Molly one 
night and that discussion had changed her a bit more. She finally 
understood the feelings she experienced while taking care of Harry and 
it helped her to grow up a bit more. The whole experience had changed 
everyone for the better.
	Harry spent the day relaxing and doing easy things. It would be 
some time before he fully got his strength back. Madam Pomfrey 
estimated another week before Harry was back at full strength. Harry 
was glad to hear that. He decided to start an exercise program to help 
him get into shape so he did. He started out easy by doing a short run 
in the mornings followed by some simple exercise, and then doing chores 
around the Burrow. He slowly built up to the heavy chores over a period 
of three weeks. By the end of July Harry was feeling very fit and it 
showed. He even learned to swim once Hermione found a couple pairs of 
swim diapers for him. That was an experience for Harry, never having 
learned to swim as a young boy. The afternoons down at the river were 
heaven for Harry. He had never known such joy and happiness before.
	July 31st dawned bright and clear. Harry stood at the open door 
to the back yard and watched the sun come up. He wished once more deep 
in his heart he had known his parents. He hoped that they were happy 
where they were. Ginny came up behind him and Harry turned when he 
heard her footsteps. She reached up to his face and touched it gently. 
She wiped a tear from his face.
	"I wish I had known my parents," he said, his voice cracking.
	Ginny gently drew him into her arms. "They will never leave you, 
Harry. They are so much a part of you they will never die. You will 
know them for as long as you live."
	Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny and sighed. "How did you get 
so wise?"
	"Something Mum once told me," she said.
	"Mum is definitely a very wise woman," Harry smiled down at her.
	She smiled and ran her hand over his chest. Harry brushed a bit 
of hair from her face.
	"Morning Harry," Percy's voice came from behind them.
	Harry let go of Ginny and turned to face Percy. "Hey. Tea's on 
the stove."
	Percy set out a couple of cups and the three of them sat and 
sipped the tea until Ron stumbled into the kitchen.
	"There you are, mate. Tea ready?" Ron asked.
	Ginny handed him a cup and Ron sat down. He took a sip and his 
eyes opened up.
	"Just the thing to start the day." He said cheerfully. "So what's 
the plan?"
	"How about another day of fishing?" Fred inquired as he entered 
the kitchen.
	It was a plan cooked up by Ginny and her brothers to get Harry 
out for the day so the house could be set up for Harry's 15th birthday 
	"Sure. "I'll even show Ginny how to bait a hook," Harry grinned.
	Ginny made a face. "Sorry Harry, but Mum needs me to go into 
Diagon alley for food shopping. We're getting low on stuff."
	"Well don't take too long," Harry said.
	Ginny smiled. "Okay dear."
	Fred swooned while George pretended to play a violin. Ginny 
jumped up and chased after the Twins as Harry, Ron, and Percy laughed. 
The rest of the house woke up in short order as Harry worked to make 
breakfast for everyone. Fred and George teamed up to make a picnic 
basket as Harry went upstairs to get his backpack loaded up with fresh 
diapers, two pairs of swim diapers, and change supplies. Harry had lost 
control over his bladder but he was working to keep control of the 
other area. He hated messy diapers. Madam Pomfrey told he might lose 
control there and Harry asked if he worked to keep control there, would 
he lose it? She told him he could try. Harry managed to succeed in 
keeping control in that area and that gave him some comfort and 
confidence. He had compared the muggle world's diapers to the Wizarding 
World's diapers and found that the muggle world diapers worked much 
better for him than the ones from the Wizarding world. The muggles had 
designed them much better and stronger. Harry assumed maybe it was 
because the Wizarding World hadn't much contact with incontinent 
	The guys set out after Harry kissed Ginny goodbye. He was in high 
spirits today and he felt like he was on top of the world. They reached 
the river and set up their fishing poles and then relaxed. George 
stretched out and got comfortable under the large shade tree and 
	"If this isn't the life I don't know what is!" he exclaimed.
	The others had to agree. Harry sighed and leaned back, his mind 
very much on Ginny.
	"So when are you two lovebirds gonna get hitched?" Fred poked 
	Harry looked up at him. "That's between me and her."
	Fred nodded. "Just so you know, you passed muster with all of 
	Harry grinned. "Thanks guys. Means a lot to me."
	"Anytime mate," Ron grinned.
	Harry felt himself go right then. He was still getting used to 
the feeling of filling a diaper with his pee and feeling it run hot 
over his groin, testicles, and down between his legs. He sighed once he 
finished peeing.
	"I'll really never get used to this," Harry sighed as he stood up 
and reaching for his pack to change.
	"Need a hand Harry?" Ron asked, looking up.
	"No thanks, Ron. I have to learn how to do this myself," Harry 
said. "Thanks for asking though."
	Harry went around the tree and pulled his shorts off and then 
untaped the wet diaper. The only real drawback to this particular 
diaper was that sometimes the tapes didn't stick too well so Harry used 
a spell to make the tapes a bit more sticky to keep the diaper in 
place. The Ministry of Magic granted him that accord due to his medical 
condition. Harry got changed and as he started to pull his shorts back 
on he reconsidered and left them off. He walked back around the tree 
and caught them whispering.
	"What's up guys?" Harry asked.
	"Cooking up a new prank," Fred said.
	Harry grinned. "Snape or Malfoy?"
	"Who do you think?" Fred grinned wolfishly.
	Harry roared in laughter as he sat down on the blanket again and 
stretched out.
	"Feeling a bit brave Harry?" Ron asked.
	"Just us here. Didn't think you mind," Harry said as he reached 
for his shorts.
	"Doesn't bother me," Fred said quickly.
	Harry smiled. "Thanks guys."
	He relaxed as he listened to the jokes, one liners, puns, and 
barbs fly back and forth most of the day. At one point they jumped into 
the river to cool off after Harry changed into his swim diapers. Both 
were in the popular surfer style and he liked them. One was red, the 
other blue with Hawaiian flowers screened on them. Harry was beginning 
to feel like a normal teenager and he loved the feeling. He was feeling 
much more in control of himself and he didn't fear the Dursleys 
anymore. They weren't a problem anymore.
	They came back to the house in the late afternoon. Harry followed 
Ron and the others into the shed (he had gotten over his fear of it) 
and helped to stow the fishing gear back. Harry was the last one out 
and he saw the picnic basket on the path to the house sitting by its 
self. He picked it up and walked into the kitchen and was very shocked 
when people yelled happy birthday at him. He stood there with a shocked 
look on his face as people cheered and sang happy birthday to him. He 
looked at the cake on the table and grinned. This had to be the perfect 
birthday ever. Ginny slipped a birthday hat on his head and smiled. He 
hugged her and then greeted Dumbledore, McGonagall, Kevin, Madam 
Pomfrey, Cornelius Fudge, and Snape. He leaned against the far wall and 
nodded at Harry.
	"Potter," he said in his usual manner.
	Harry grinned and walked over. Snape stood up and offered his 
hand and Harry shook it.
	"Thanks for coming, Professor. Hope you have a good time," Harry 
	"As I told Dumbledore once before I don't do parties. But I made 
an exception this time," Snape said and then indicated a gold foil 
wrapped package on the table. "A little something for you. I suggest 
you use it wisely."
	"Thank you sir," Harry said.
	He turned to the table and the fun began.
	Harry lay in bed that night and counted himself lucky to have a 
bunch of good friends. They still liked him despite his handicap and 
promised to keep supporting him no matter what. He wondered how the 
Gryffindor House would react once they found out. The Weasley brothers 
and Ginny told him they'd stand behind him. Hermione told him if they 
were true Gryffindors that would understand and support him too.
	"You've pulled Hogwarts out of disaster at least three times 
already, not counting the troll in the bathrooms first year. They damn 
well better support you," Hermione said.
	Harry chuckled as he recalled the expression on McGonagall's 
face. Sebastian and Maryann, Hermione's parents had been shocked as 
well. He was a little nervous about going to have his teeth checked, 
never having been to a dentist before. That would be a novel 
experience. He felt a warm sensation spread through his inside as he 
recalled Ginny's gift to him. It was a pocket watch with a stag's head 
on the cover and a head and shoulders picture of Ginny inside the 
cover. The face of the watch was done in Roman numbers. He felt a bit 
of emotion well up from deep inside and he knew for sure she loved him. 
He sighed once more and closed his eyes. Tomorrow would be a long day.
	The days passed and Harry counted off the time until they 
returned back to Hogwarts. He wasn't sure what he was feeling more, 
happy at going back or dreading it. In the end he decided to let things 
happen as they will and deal with it the best he could. He stepped up 
his exercise program, wanting to get fit for Quidditch. All of them 
played a round or two of Quidditch, helping Harry to strengthen his 
Seeker's reflexes. Ron got quite good at being the Keeper. He decided 
he wanted to tryout for the post of Keeper, now that Oliver Wood had 
left the school.
	"You'll do fine Ron," Harry encouraged his friend after a 
	Ron rubbed his posterior. "My bum hurts. I bet having that extra 
padding helps you from getting a sore bum, Harry."
	Harry laughed out loud. "The thought never crossed my mind, Ron."
	"Aw poor Ronniekins," Fred teased as Ron glowered at him.
	"Don't call me that!" Ron pouted as the Twins giggled.
	Harry shook his head and smiled. "You guys are so much fun!"
	Fred and George looked at each other. "I say! Sounds like we have 
a convert here, brother. Shall we initiate him in the Weasley ways of 
	George scratched his chin. "Perhaps we shall."
	Ron sighed. "You're in trouble now mate."
	Harry glanced towards the house where Ginny and Molly stood with 
crossed arms and glaring at the Twins. "Nah, no worries mate."
	Ron grinned. "You're safe then."
	Harry grinned as he headed up to the house for a change. He'd 
soaked the diaper pretty good and it was feeling a little heavy on him. 
He was feeling sweaty and decided on a shower as well.
	"I'm going in for a shower and a change. That was a good 
workout," Harry said as he put his broom over his shoulder.
	"Sounds like a good idea Harry. I'll get in after you," Ron said.
	Up in the bathroom Harry untaped the very soaked diaper and it 
nearly got away from him as he pulled the tapes off. He grabbed it in 
time and rolled it up. He didn't think a heavy soaked diaper could be 
so heavy. He wrapped it up in a plastic bag and dropped it in the 
trashcan. It immediately disappeared to the dumpster outside. Harry 
started the shower and stepped in. The warm water over his body felt 
good and he sighed. He looked down at his penis and reached for it. It 
grew in his hand and it felt good to hold it in his hand. Harry closed 
his eyes and enjoyed a wank. It felt so good to come and he sighed and 
then finished off his shower. He quickly taped another diaper on 
himself and looked out into the hall and then slipped into his room.
	"Ron? Shower's open!" he called out before closing the door.
	He dressed in loose shorts and a t-shirt and went down to the 
kitchen. Molly and Ginny were putting a dinner together. Harry watched 
Ginny move around in the kitchen.
	"You make cooking look so easy," Harry said.
	Ginny turned and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks dear."
	Harry smiled at that. They were becoming more comfortable with 
each other and talked freely about things. Harry wandered outside to 
enjoy the cool evening breeze. By now he was so used to the diaper 
being on him he didn't give it a second thought. He stretched and felt 
his muscles pop. He sat down and reflected on the events of the summer. 
He was glad that Molly and Dumbledore had found him and rescued him. 
Vernon had started in on him almost immediately and if they hadn't came 
for him when they did, things could have been very different. That 
thought scared him. Harry knew that if he ever needed help he could 
always turn to anyone on his list of people to trust and get the help 
instantly. He had a hard time trying to understand why the Dursleys 
treated him like that and he eventually gave up trying.
	"I guess there's no understanding some people," Harry sighed. "Oh 
	Arthur sat down next to him. "People are very hard to figure out, 
Harry. They chose to act that way and someday they will pay for their 
actions. Sooner or later we all have to be held accountable for our 
actions. Sometimes it's hard to choose the right path when the 
consequences are not obvious. You'll do fine Harry. You have a good 
head on your shoulders. I have no doubts you will be a fine man."
	Harry smiled. "Thanks for believing in me."
	"You're welcome Harry. Come on, long day tomorrow. We're going to 
Diagon Alley," Arthur said.
	Diagon Alley. The Wizarding World's answer to the shopping malls. 
Here one could find and buy what one wishes. Harry felt good about 
stepping back into that world the next day as the bricks parted and let 
him and the Weasleys through. Their first stop was the Wizard bank, 
Gringott's. Harry filled up his moneybag and rejoined his friends back 
on the street after leaving the bank. The goblins there still scared 
him. He never wanted to cross one. He was wearing what became his 
favorite outfit, loose blue jean shorts that came to the knees, short 
socks, trainers, a t-shirt, and an open short sleeve shirt. He had his 
new backpack with him with a couple of diapers and the change supplies. 
Harry was in a very good mood and it showed. People who passed by 
nodded at Harry and commented on how cheerful he looked. Ginny was by 
his side holding his hand as they walked down the street.
	"First stop, Madam Malkin for those who need new robes," Molly 
called out.
	Harry sighed. "Can't believe I need new robes. I haven't grown 
that much have I?"
	"After eating Ginny's cooking you have," Fred cracked.
	Harry grinned and shook his head. "Where are you guys headed to?"
	"The Apothecary for more ingredients for our field potions kits," 
George said.
	"Harry and I will meet you there," Ginny said as they headed into 
the robes shop.
	The witch looked up as the bell rang. She walked towards them 
with a smile on her face.
	"Now here's a sweet couple if I ever saw one," she said, making 
Ginny and Harry blush and smile.
	"We need new robes please," Harry said.
	"Gryffindor House?" she asked.
	"Yes, and a set of dress robes as well," Harry said.
	As Ginny turned to look at some robes, Harry leaned forward and 
whispered into the old witch's ear. She beamed and nodded. It didn't 
take long to get the robes done and the dress ones ordered. Harry and 
Ginny walked over to the Apothecary and met the Twins as they came out. 
Both had huge grins on their faces.
	"Anything left for us?" Harry asked.
	"Yup," they chorused.
	Harry sighed. "Dare I ask what you guys are cooking up now?"
	Fred just giggled. "Meet us at Flourish and Blotts."
	"Those two," Harry remarked.
	Ginny laughed at Harry's expression. "I wonder if Hogwarts will 
survive them this year. Last year was fun."
	"Most likely break their record for detentions," Harry chuckled.
	"Or most received Howlers," Ginny commented as both teens 
	Harry suddenly felt his diaper fill up with his pee. "Damn. I 
need a change."
	"Need help?" Ginny asked.
	Harry smiled. "You can change me anytime."
	It didn't take long to find a bathroom and quickly change. Harry 
came back out feeling better. He knew he'd be fine for a few hours.
	After getting their potions kits filled, they went to the 
bookstore. They found Hermione eagerly picking through the shelves. 
Harry sighed as he watched Hermione.
	"Need Hermione? Look in the library or the bookstore," he said.
	Hermione looked up and grinned. "Harry! Glad you're here! The new 
books are in and there are some fascinating subjects this year."
	"It's the mudblood again," a voice said from nearby.
	Harry turned to see Draco Malfoy leaning against the bookcase.
	"I though I heard some hot air being blown around here," Harry 
said to Hermione as Draco moved forward.
	"Who?" Hermione looked up from the book she was reading.
	She immediately shoved the book at Malfoy. "Thanks for shelving 
it. I didn't want it after all."
	Then she turned to Harry and Ginny. "So where have you two been?"
	They walked to the front of the store leaving an enraged Malfoy 
	They took a large table in a side room and had a late lunch. The 
talk centered on the coming year at Hogwarts and what would happen.
	"Kevin said he was taking the counselor post," Harry commented.
	Arthur looked up at that comment. "He's doing Muggle studies as 
	"That would be a class worth sitting in," Harry commented.
	He had returned from the bathroom after needing another change. 
He wondered why he needed so many changes today. As he raised his 
glass, he suddenly realized why. He had been drinking a lot of soda and 
it was running through him fairly quickly. He set the glass back down 
on the table.
	"Something wrong Harry?" Hermione asked.
	Harry shook his head. "I'm fine."
	"School starts next week. I'm kinda nervous about it," Harry 
	"You'll do alright," Ron said.
	Harry sighed. "I hope so."
	"We're behind you Harry," Hermione said.
	"Thanks guys," Harry grinned.
	He felt a lot better knowing he had lots of support.
		Harry and Ginny stood on the platform a week later and 
looked at the steam engine. The familiar feeling of excitement was in 
the air at his return to a place that he had considered being his real 
	"Going home. I'm going home," Harry said as he watched the steam 
engine puffing steam into the air.
	"Harry?" Ginny nudged him a little.
	Harry turned to her. "I'm okay, love. Just a little anxious to 
get back to Hogwarts. I've always considered it my home. A second home. 
The Burrow has always been my first real home and it's a great place to 
be because you're there."
	Ginny smiled and hugged him. "Thank you Harry."
	Goodbyes were said as everyone climbed on board. Ginny and Harry 
followed the Twins and Ron as they searched for Hermione. She popped 
out of a compartment and waved.
	"There she is!" Ron exclaimed.
	They settled into the compartment and closed the door. The train 
whistled sounded as they were off.
	"Here we go to a new adventure," Harry said.
	"Wonder what it will be this year," Ron said.
	"We'll find out when we get there," Harry said, pulling out a 
liter of water and drinking some of it. "I'm drinking more water 
instead of soda. Dr. Hanson at St. Mungo's wants me to. Says it will be 
better for my system in the long run."
	"Ah. So that explains why you stopped drinking so much Cokes," 
Ginny said.
	"Yup. He even arranged with Madam Pomfrey to come and see me 
there instead of having me show up at St. Mungo's for my check ups," 
Harry said.
	"Cool. What about the diaper situation?" Ron asked.
	"Dumbledore sent me a letter saying he had lockers installed in 
the bathrooms. His story will be that it will make it easier for 
everyone to keep their shower gear in there. I'll stash a number of 
diapers in there for when I need them. I'll carry some in my pack as 
usual. These Wizard back packs are great!" Harry exclaimed. "Thanks for 
getting it for me, Hermione."
	"You're welcome Harry. Thought it would come in handy," she said.
	Harry suddenly felt himself flood his diaper. "Whoops. I need a 
change. Back in a minute or two."
	Harry shouldered his pack and went to the bathroom. He didn't see 
Crabb and Goyle watching him go in. Harry took care of business, 
pulling off the soaked diaper and wiping himself off with the wipes he 
had and the taping a new diaper on him. He disposed of the diaper and 
washed his hands before leaving. After Harry had passed them the two 
boys went into the bathroom and found the diaper.
	"We wondered why he carried a pack into the bathroom and searched 
it after he left. We found a used diaper in the trash," they told a 
grinning Malfoy.
	Malfoy laughed in glee. "Now to have some fun."
	As they got off the train in Hogsmeade, Malfoy and his two 
shadows swaggered up to Harry and the others.
	"Poopy pants Potter!" laughed Malfoy. "I didn't know Hogwarts 
admitted babies! Who does your changes, Weasley?"
	Harry felt himself go cold as people turned to see what was going 
on. He felt a hand on his shoulder and knew it was Ginny.
	"Malfoy, get your own diapers from someone else, like your two 
goons behind you. Didn't I hear you complain about them not being 
housebroken yet?" Harry shot back at Malfoy.
	The Weasleys and Hermione broke out in laughter, as Malfoy turned 
red with anger.
	"Hey look! The baby is going to have a temper tantrum!" Harry 
	Malfoy turned and stormed off much to the amusement of the 
watchers. Potter had shot down Malfoy again.
	"Way to go Harry!" Ron cheered.
	Harry felt as if he had a long hard workout. He had survived. 
They got into the carriages and went up to the school. No doubt it 
would be all over the school by night's end.
	"If they don't like it to hell with them all," Harry said, 
sitting up straight.
	The first match with Malfoy had empowered him and he walked into 
the Great Hall with a firm resolve to keep his head up high no matter 
what. Dumbledore nodded to Harry as he walked into the hall. The buzz 
in the hall was plenty loud and people were looking at Harry. Harry 
ignored them all and took his place at the House table. Dumbledore rose 
and motioned for quiet. Everyone turned to face him and the Hall grew 
quiet. Harry grinned and nodded. The school year had started.

A Wizard In Diapers 02
A Harry Potter Fan Fiction
By David DAG1064@aol.com

Author's Notes: This story is fiction. All characters except for
"Kevin Stevens" and "Dr. Tim Hansen" belong to the wonderful Mrs.

A Wizard In Diapers 02 Dumbledore rose and motioned for quiet. Everyone turned to face him and the Hall grew quiet. Harry grinned. The school year had started. "I am pleased to see all of you back again after a summer away from Hogwarts. A few start of term items to pass on. First the Forbidden Forest is exactly that, forbidden. Mr. Filch wished me to remind you all that there is no magic in the halls between classes. The Head of House in the commons rooms will post Quidditch tryouts notices in a few weeks. I feel the need to stress that there is absolutely no harassment of any kind directed towards any student or staff. It simply will not be tolerated at all," he said. He waited for a moment or two to let that sink in. "Now Miss McGonagall shall lead the first years in for their Sorting." The Great Hall doors opened and McGonagall led a group of first years in single file up to the front and stopped them just before the stage. She went up the steps and stood next to the Sorting Hat. A moment later the Hat came to life and did the Sorting Song heavy metal style much to the amusement of the kids. Dumbledore just sighed as McGonagall looked shocked. She quickly regained her composure and started the Sorting. Once that was done, the feast got started. Harry grinned as food appeared on the tables. He'd forgotten about the Welcoming Feast and how good the food was. He tucked right in with the others and certainly ate his fill. He sighed on his way back up to the Gryffindor dorms alongside Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. "Now that is a Feast or what," Harry commented. Ron grinned. "Yes it was. The best ever!" "I wonder who made prefect?" Harry asked as they walked into the Commons room with the other Gryffindors. Ron shrugged. "I'm sure we'll find out before long. Let's go check out the lockers in the bathrooms. I'm curious to see what they look like." "Oh yeah! I forgot about them!" Harry grinned. They went up into the bathrooms and looked. The bathroom area had expanded a bit to include the new lockers area. They were made out of what looked like a dark oak wood with brass nameplates on the doors. Harry found his and opened it up. It looked roomy and deep inside. There was a stack of diapers and change supplies in the locker and a note stuck to the inside of the door. "Harry, the locker is charmed to keep it full of diapers so you'll never run out. For added security, you are the only one who can open it. Hope this helps you. McGonagall," Harry read to himself. He made a mental note to thank her first chance he got. As he reached in to touch one, he felt himself flood the diaper he had on. Harry sighed and took a diaper out and what he needed and went to a stall to change. He felt better once he got himself cleaned up and a new diaper taped on himself. The little trashcan magically sent the used diaper to the trash area to be disposed of. Harry came out of the bathroom in time to see Fred and George Weasley sitting on the couch and looking somber. "What's up with them?" Harry asked. Colin Creevey spoke up. "They were made prefects." "The horror! The horror!" George wailed as Fred tried to comfort him. Harry grinned as he walked over to them and stood behind the couch and leaned forward. "Yanking Malfoy's chain. Getting away with it. Think of the possibilities," Harry whispered to them. George suddenly acted as if he heard the voice of God. He jumped up off the couch he raised his arms. "Hallelujah! I have heard a voice of an angel!" He grabbed Fred and started dragging him off. "Come, brother. There are pranks to be planned! Malfoy to piss off! Honor to uphold!" Both of them raced up to their dorm as Harry laughed. "You're a bad man Harry," Ron grinned. "What did I miss?" Hermione asked as she walked over. Ron told her what had happened and she shook her head. "Harry really. You shouldn't have given those two ideas." "You have to admit this will be a fun year," Harry said. Hermione just sighed. Harry relaxed in bed that night, not quite ready to doze off just yet. He let his mind wander over the last three months. So much had happened to him and he was still trying to make sense of it all. He wondered what was to happen next. "No use in worrying about something that will happen, Harry. Just stand on your feet firmly and face it head held high," Arthur's words to him rang through his head. That sounded like something Hermione would say. Harry smiled as he thought of her shaking her finger at him and saying that. "You'd make a great psychiatrist," Harry thought. Then his thoughts turned to Ginny as they usually did. He found himself thinking a lot of her lately. He felt himself get hard and he reached down and rubbed the bulge in his diaper. The good feelings he had first experienced when he was twelve came back up from deep down inside him and then overwhelmed him until he had ejaculated inside his diaper. Harry sighed, feeling good from the high he had experienced. He rolled over and went to sleep almost immediately. Harry stepped into the cold shower the next morning and came wide-awake instantly. He rubbed the cold water over his body and then changed the water to a warmer temperature and then showered clean for the day. He quickly looked around and pulled a diaper from the locker and got it on, taping it in place and then pulling his bathrobe on to cover it. He took a breath to calm down and then left the shower room. Ron was just getting up when Harry walked into the dorm. "Morning Harry. Up early today?" Ron asked. "Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to hit the shower," Harry explained as he sat down on his bed. "Sounded like a good idea, so I did it too," Seamus Finnegan said as he walked in. Harry felt his blood turn to ice as he looked at Ron in a panic. "Cool," he said, trying to keep his voice normal. He turned to face the big Irish lad as he tried to keep his panic from showing. The other boys were filing out of the room they shared. In a moment it was Harry, Ron, and Seamus. Seamus was looking at Harry strangely. Harry's heart sank. "You saw." "So Malfoy was right. You're in diapers?" Seamus asked. Harry explained to Seamus what happened to him over the summer. He watched Seamus's face change emotions from anger to compassion and then sympathy. "Always knew Ginny had a good heart. I'm not saying that just because you're here, Ron. I know it because of the few times I've talked to her. Don't let her get away from you, Harry. If you do you'll be kicking your own arse for the rest of your life," Seamus said as he dressed. "Don't worry, I'll keep this to myself. Malfoy had no right to spout off like that." Harry heaved a sigh of relief and quickly got dressed before the others got back. Harry, Ron, and Seamus passed the others on the stairs down into the commons room and then out. Hermione, Ginny, and Pavaril Patil saw them coming and waited for them to catch up. Harry grinned when he saw Ginny. "Good morning, Ginny. You look great!" he said to her. Ginny smiled as she looked up at Harry. "Thanks dear. Let's get going to breakfast." Ginny and Harry held hands as they walked down to breakfast. Just before they got to the Great Hall, Malfoy stepped out of the shadows. "Well, well, well. If it isn't poopy pants Potter and his nursemaid!" Malfoy snickered as Pansy Parkinson, Crabb, and Goyle laughed. "Mr. Malfoy!" a voice from behind them said. Everyone turned to see Fred and George Weasley standing there with their red hair slicked back wearing black glasses and black robes. Malfoy blinked at the sight. "Who the hell are you clowns!" Malfoy demanded. Fred moved the lapel of his robe aside to reveal a shiny Prefect's badge. "Gryffindor prefects, Mr. Malfoy. We heard you harassing Mr. Potter. That's one hundred points from Slytherin for harassment." Malfoy went ballistic and cut loose a barrage of profanity. Fred and George stood there calmly until Malfoy ran out of steam. "Finished?" Fred asked. "Professor Snape will hear of this," Malfoy hissed. George shrugged. "That's your right, sir. In the meantime I heard at least ten profane words, so that is one hundred points for each word. That comes out to one thousand points taken from Slytherin. Have a nice day, Mr. Malfoy." The Twins nodded and walked off together in step. Malfoy was enraged. He pointed his finger at Harry and then stomped off. The Gryffindors that had gathered behind Harry finally gave into their laughter. There was high fives, backslapping, and more laughter. Harry turned and took Ginny's hand once more and walked into the Great Hall. As they walked in they saw Malfoy talking to Dumbledore and Snape. Dumbledore said something that seriously pissed the blond off even more. He stomped away from the High Table to his. Snape turned to Harry and looked at him with those piercing black eyes of his. Harry stood his ground and met Snape's gaze with his own. Finally Snape gave a tiny nod and then Harry sat down. The Twins joined them a moment later after informing the headmaster and Snape of the events in the hall. Dumbledore nodded and so did Snape. Apparently he was agreeing with the Twins actions. "Huh. Now that's a first, Snape agreeing with the Headmaster," Lee Johnson said as he sat down. "Will wonders never cease," Seamus grinned. "I do believe this is just the beginning of what looks to be a very good year." "Hear, hear!" people at the Gryffindor table cheered. Slytherin table snarled at the Gryffindors as Gryffindors raised their cups in a toast. "Oh yes, the fun is definitely beginning!" Seamus laughed. Transfiguration was first, according to their new schedules. Harry waited for Ginny to get hers and it showed the same. In fact, they had nearly every class together except for one. Harry felt good as he took her hand in his and they headed up to the Transfiguration classroom. As they entered, McGonagall looked up. "Mr. Potter, a word with you if you please," she said. Harry went up to her desk. "Yes, Miss McGonagall?" "What happened with you and Malfoy this morning?" she asked. Harry explained exactly what happened and wisely omitted the words Malfoy used. She nodded after Harry finished. "Then the Twins were right to take points from Mr. Malfoy then. I suggest you continue to keep your cool. Fighting Mr. Malfoy would not be wise," she stated. "I'll try to remember that," Harry said. He went and sat down with Ginny and class got started. They worked for the next two hours learning to transfigure things into animals. Harry idly wondered what his animagus form would be as he watched McGonagall change mittens into kittens to demonstrate to a student how to do it. He had been surprised when he had seen McGonagall change from a tabby cat to her normal form in his first year. She had made it look so easy. He decided to check a book out from the library later and read up on it. The talk at lunch centered around Fred and George. Harry had been having a strange feeling all morning that he had seen something like Fred and George once before and then suddenly it came to him. "Of course," Harry said as he slapped himself. "The Men In Black movie." Hermione turned to Harry. "What was that, Harry?" "Remember when we went to your house for pizza and DVD movies?" Harry asked. "Ron, Ginny, and the Twins came over with us. One of the movies you showed was Men In Black. Guess who Fred and George copied." Hermione frowned for a moment and then grinned as realization dawned on her. "Remind me not to show them the Three Stooges." "Deal,' Harry nodded as a mental image of the Twins acting like the Three Stooges crossed his mind. "Scary thought isn't it?" Hermione asked. Harry nodded. "Definitely a Nightmare In Hogwarts." Harry laughed as Hermione pushed him over. Suddenly life at Hogwarts didn't seem so bad now. However Harry knew that word of his condition would eventually get around but he knew with the Weasleys, Seamus, and Hermione behind him he'd make it. Harry turned his attention to his lunch. He had potions next and he wanted to change his diaper before class so he wouldn't have to leave if he wet. He grabbed his pack and went to the nearest bathroom and changed his diaper. It was a good thing too, because he had flooded it pretty good. Harry knew he would be okay for most of the afternoon now. Harry walked into potions just as Snape appeared. There was nothing on the man's face to indicate his frame of mind. "Cold as always," Harry thought as he took his seat. Snape glanced around the room and then launched into his lecture. Snape was a man that didn't waste any time getting to the point. He started them on a potion that cure the chicken pox because Madam Pomfrey didn't have any in her stores. Malfoy for once was smart and kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to risk Snape's wrath or that of his housemates. Word had gotten around that Slytherin House was pissed off at Malfoy for mouthing off at Harry. It was nice to know that others hated Malfoy at the moment. Even Neville looked relaxed and seemed to be doing okay for once. Even Snape had stopped by Neville and looked into the boy's cauldron and nodded a slight approval at the boy's potion. Neville smiled as Snape moved off to inspect someone else's potion. Snape dismissed everyone after the potions had been bottled. "Potter, stay behind for a moment," Snape demanded. Malfoy smirked at Harry as he left. Harry sighed and turned to face Snape. "I am aware of your condition, Potter. The headmaster has explained it to me. I am not the cold heartless git bastard you Gryffindors make me out to be. If you need to go and change yourself, just tell me you need to use the restroom and I'll let you go. Just have the person next to you watch your cauldron," Snape said, and then stalked out. Harry blinked at what Snape had said. Snape had taken one less worry from him and he should at least have stayed long enough for Harry to thank him. "Not his style, I guess," Harry sighed. He quickly wrote a short note and stuck it in Snape's grade book thanking him for his understanding and then went looking for his housemates. He found them up in the commons room. They were crowded around the bulletin board. "What's going down?" Harry asked. Alice Spinnet, one of the Gryffindor Quidditch team players looked at Harry. "Tryout notice, Harry. That reminds me, we need to call a meeting of the team and vote a new captain in for the year now that Oliver is gone," Alice said. "How about tomorrow evening?" Harry nodded. "Sure. Works for me." Harry headed up to his dorm and got on his bed and closed the privacy curtains. He noticed the package on his bed and unwrapped it. He found a stuffed white teddy bear inside with a note. "Harry, hope you like this. Love Ginny," he read aloud. Harry smiled as he hugged it to himself. Next thing he knew Ron was calling his name. "Harry? Time for dinner," Ron said, shaking his privacy curtain. Harry rolled over and searched for his glasses, found them and put them on. Ron's blurry form solidified as he sat up. "Sorry Ron. I must have been tired, I dozed off," Harry admitted. Ron nodded. "Long day and I'm beat too. Hey, where did the teddy come from?" "Your sister Ginny," Harry smiled. Ron grinned. "She really likes you, Harry." "I think it's going beyond that, Ron. I've been having feelings for her for a long time. I'm falling in love with her," Harry said as he smiled, thinking of her. "If it was anyone else I'd be on his ass. Glad it's you, Harry. I had hoped it would be you," Ron said. Harry looked at Ron as he stretched. "Thanks for your approval, Ron. Means a lot." "Mum and Dad love you a lot, Harry. I don't think you'll have any problem there," Ron grinned. Harry grinned as he followed Ron out to the commons room. Harry felt his diaper fill up and he sighed. "I'll see you guys down there. Gotta run to the bathroom," Harry said. He went up into the bathroom and looked around before reaching into his locker for a fresh diaper and change stuff. He slipped into a stall and quickly changed himself and then washed up before leaving. He joined his housemates at the House table just as the food appeared. "Did I miss anything?" Harry asked. "No," Ron said as he served himself up. Harry looked over at Ginny sitting across from him. He smiled at her as she smiled back. He felt the funny feelings deep inside him and he felt a bit confused. He decided to talk to Dumbledore after dinner. He looked up at the Head table and saw Dumbledore looking at him with a twinkle in his eyes. Somehow Dumbledore always seemed to know what was going on. Harry grinned at the old man and turned back to his dinner. He had always thought of Dumbledore as the grandfather he wished he had. "Ah, there you are, Harry. How was your first day back?" Dumbledore asked as he settled back down behind his desk. "Lemon drop?" Harry politely declined. "Not bad, sir. Having the Twins step in to help me out was nice. Professor Snape even surprised me." "He did now, did he?" Dumbledore asked with a smile on his face. "Perhaps there is more to him than he lets on." Harry grinned. "I do know that Slytherin House isn't too happy with Malfoy right now." "Perhaps it will be a lesson to all to think before saying something," Dumbledore said to Harry. "You are a bit confused about something." It never failed to amaze Harry how Dumbledore could pick up on things. Harry collected his thoughts and then started talking about how he felt about Ginny. Dumbledore sat and sipped his tea and listened to Harry. Harry continued on about his condition and how Ginny overlooked it and treated Harry as she always had. He even told him how he felt while Ginny took care of him during his regression. "She made me feel so good about myself again. I didn't feel embarrassed about the fact she was taking care of a fifteen year old baby, me. I have this feeling deep inside of me that she would make a great mother to our kids and a great wife to me. I'm not really ready to be a Dad just yet, but I do want her to know she's the only one that I want to be with. I have planned on asking her to marry me in our last year here. I have no doubts she'll say yes and that the Weasleys will approve. They have taken me into their lives and I am so grateful for that," Harry said. Dumbledore smiled. "It is obvious to me how Virginia feels about you, Harry. Love is a many splendored thing. It is known to change people's lives. It is obvious to me you love her. Do not hesitate to tell her. Life is unpredictable. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Do it before you regret missing the chance to." Harry nodded. "I will sir." Dumbledore smiled. "I do so enjoy watching a couple fall in love, marry, and have children and seeing them grow up. I hope someday to be teaching your children." "That would be so cool," Harry grinned. "Have a good night sir." Harry left Dumbledore's office with a spring in his step. Talking to the old man had been just what he needed. Harry slid into bed with a big smile on his face and went to sleep. He was up early the next morning, sitting in the commons room waiting for Ginny to come down from the girl's dorm. She came out and Harry looked at her. "Wow," he said to her, "You look so lovely today." Ginny brightened up and smiled. "Thank you Harry." They left the commons room and walked down the hall, hand in hand. The people in the pictures on the walls watched the couple go down the hall. The Fat Lady sighed and sniffed into her hanky. "Oh, aren't they the sweetest thing?" she sniffed. Ron came out of the portrait hole at that moment and he watched Ginny and Harry facing each other holding hands. Harry said something to Ginny and he watched as they kissed. He knew deep down that Harry had found his love. He knew that Harry would love her and take good care of her. The Twins and Hermione nudged Ron and he turned to see Hermione behind him. He suddenly saw her in a whole new light and he smiled at her. When they looked back, Harry and Ginny were gone. When Ron and Hermione got down to the Great Hall, Harry and Ginny were sitting at the table together eating breakfast. The owls were just swooping in with the morning mail and one dropped the Daily Prophet into Ron's hands. He paid the bird and it flew off. As Ron took a drink of pumpkin juice, he glanced at the headlines and then suddenly spat the juice back out. "Ron!" Harry yelled as the juice sprayed him. Ron handed Harry the paper and pointed to the headline. Harry went into shock as he read it. "Wizarding World's Savior Harry Potter Has Medical Condition!" he read aloud. His hands began to tremble as he read the article written by Rita Skeeter. "According to sources inside Hogwarts, Harry Potter has a medical condition that forces him to wear diapers due to injuries given him by his muggle uncle," he read to himself getting that far. Harry experienced a number of emotions ranging from fear to anger. He knew for sure who the source was. He silently rose, dropping the paper on the table. Everyone at the Gryffindor table backed away from the table when they saw the rage building in his face. The hall fell silent as Harry walked to the Slytherin with the paper clutched in his grip. He stopped in front of Malfoy and threw the paper at him. It struck Malfoy in the face and flew everywhere. Malfoy looked up into the face of an enraged Harry. "If I find out you were the source you better run for your life, you worthless piece of worm shit," Harry snarled. Malfoy didn't look up. Sweat broke out on his forehead as Harry stood there for a moment and then he turned around and left the Great Hall. People moved out of his way as He passed by. Harry stopped long enough to drop his Gryffindor robe on the table before walking out the door. Harry picked a direction and started walking. His direction led him to the lake and he sat on the dock and let his feet dangle into the water. He leaned against one of the posts and sighed. In just a few minutes his life had been changed drastically. He didn't know what to do now. Should he just go on and pretend nothing happened? Or should he face them and tell them the truth? Harry felt confused and unsure of himself now. He held his head in his hands, feeling very miserable. He stood up and left the dock and the lake, not caring where he was going. The next time he looked up he found himself at the Quidditch pitch. He sat on the bench at ground level and looked around the field. In his mind's eyes he pictured himself flying at breakneck speed chasing the Snitch. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't hear Kevin approach him and sit down on the bench. "I haven't been in here in an age," Kevin said, making Harry jump. "Sorry about that, thought you heard me." Harry nodded and leaned back, feeling the wood of the stands against his back. "No problem, it's okay." "Are you okay? Ron told me what happened," Kevin said. "For right now, yes. At that moment I really wanted to hurt him. I wanted to hit him so hard he'd wake up back in diapers," Harry said. Kevin had to laugh at that. "Now that would be a sight to see." Harry had to laugh. "All I could do was yell at him and throw the paper at him." "A better action than what you had in mind, Harry. Hitting him wouldn't have solved anything," Kevin said. "I know. Glad I didn't do it, even though he deserved it," Harry sighed. Kevin gently squeezed Harry's shoulder. "My door's open anytime." Harry looked up at the man. "Thanks Kevin. I appreciate that." Kevin nodded and left, leaving Harry alone on the Quidditch pitch. Harry stood up a moment later and moved to the center of the field and felt the breeze on his face. He closed his eyes once more and the memory of his first flight around the pitch came back to him. It had been scary and exciting at the same time. Harry had though then there could never be another high to match that one, but falling in love with Ginny had proved that thought wrong. He opened his eyes and turned when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned to see the Gryffindor team spread out behind him, with all of Gryffindor House behind them. Fred held out Harry's broom. "Here ya go, boss. Your uniform's in the locker room," Fred said. Harry blinked. "Huh?" George stepped up next to Fred and put his arm on Fred's left shoulder. "It's like this. Gryffindor House called a meeting and decided two things. One, you are now the captain of Team Gryffindor. Two, to circulate a petition to have Malfoy removed from Hogwarts and if that doesn't work, at least condemn him for his actions against you." Harry looked at them all. "You guys would do that for me? Knowing full well what's happened to me?" "Hell yeah!" someone yelled from the crowd. Harry slowly grinned as he felt hope rise inside of him once more. "Because we said so," the Twins said. "Because Gryffindor House said so," Seamus said. George jerked his thumb at the Gryffindor locker room. "So go get suited up and run a few laps." Harry took his broom from Fred and mounted it. He blasted up off the ground in seconds, going up to 12000 in a matter of seconds. He laughed joyously as the wind carried him forward towards the edge of the forest. "Woah, he really took off!" Ron exclaimed, looking at Harry through a pair of binoculars, watching Harry fly lazy eights. Harry was feeling really good at that moment. He flew for a moment or two and then headed back down, feeling the wind tug at him. He landed safely as Ginny raced up to him and hugged him. "Harry, are you alright?" she asked. "Feeling better now," Harry grinned. "Let me get changed and suited up. Fred, Alice, please get the applicants lined up and ready to go." Fred saluted Harry as he went into the locker room. Harry peeled his soggy diaper off him and cleaned up. He taped a fresh diaper on him and then got suited up in his Quidditch gear and walked back out. He watched as the team went through their stretches and get ready. George, Fred, and Alicia had a table set up and were getting the applicants signed in. Harry looked up as he heard someone groan. Slytherin House was approaching the field. They climbed into the stands and sat in their seats. Harry nodded. "Leave them be. We'd do the same as well. As a matter of fact, George and Fred, I'm making it your mission to scout out the other teams and observe the games to find their strengths and weaknesses," Harry said. The Twins immediately saluted Harry. "Yes sir, Captain Potter sir!" Harry just shook his head as he turned to Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and McGonagall. "Amazing how life can change from one minute to the next," he said. Ginny hugged him once more. "Yes it is." Malfoy stayed clear of Harry for a few days. The petition to have Malfoy expelled was denied. Harry was disappointed, but he knew for sure that Snape had warned Malfoy and that was enough for now. Classes went on as usual and Harry ignored Malfoy completely. Malfoy was a lot more careful as to when and where he got in his verbal shots at Harry. His two shadows played lookout for him whenever they encountered Harry. Harry worked at controlling his temper and for the most part succeeded. As for Rita Skeeter, the Daily Prophet suspended her for a month. She immediately went to Witch Weekly for the month she was laid off from the Daily Prophet and kept on writing her stories. Hermione swore revenge someday. "She's not worth it," Harry told her one evening. "Sooner or later she'll trip over her single digit IQ and she'll be gone." He was sitting on the couch with Ginny leaning on his right shoulder in front of the fire. Hermione was sitting in a wing-backed chair with a book in her hands, while Ron was playing Wizard chess with Neville. Neville laughed. "Serve her right." "That it would," Ron said, checking Neville's king. "Why she even got a job as a reporter in the first place is beyond me." Harry shrugged. "Who knows? She won't be there forever." "That's what I keep telling you dear," Ginny huffed. Harry chuckled. "You look so cute when you get all ruffled up," Harry said as he kissed her on the cheek. The others laughed at the comment. Harry gently squeezed her close to him and sighed. "Oh, I almost forgot. I'm going to St. Mungo's to see Dr. Hansen in the morning. Want to come with me Ginny?" Harry asked. "Sure. Are we going by floo?" she asked. "Yes. We'll use the one in the infirminary. I have to skip breakfast because he wants to draw blood from me to run a panel," Harry informed her. "A what?" Ron asked, clearly puzzled. "A panel. That's what they call it when they draw blood from somebody. There are tests they do to find out if the organs in the body are functioning normally," Hermione explained to people who were listening in. "Is it painful?" Neville asked. "Just when the push the needle into your blood vein," Harry said. "That part is over in a second and then they draw the blood into a test tube to send to a lab for the tests. Takes about a minute to do." Ron shuddered. "You're awful calm about it, mate." Harry shrugged. "Can't avoid it, Ron. Tim wants to make sure every thing is functioning normally." "Is there a test they can do on Malfoy to detect living brain cells?" someone asked Harry as he sipped his tea. Harry grinned. "Yup. Involves electricity though." Fred grinned. "How is it done?" "Not sure, Fred. I could ask," Harry replied. "Please do," George smiled. "I seriously doubt he has anything resembling a brain cell in that empty head of his," Alicia Spinnet said to the laughter in the room. Ginny noted the time on the big Grandfather clock in the corner. "Almost lights out time. What time do we leave, Harry?" "Eight in the morning. Don't know how long the visit will take, so dress comfortably and warm. I think we'll get snow any day now," Harry said. He let go of Ginny and helped her to her feet. He walked her right up to her dorm. She turned to face him and sighed. "I love you Harry," she said and kissed him. Harry took her into his arms and gently pulled her into a hug. "I love you, Virginia Weasley. You complete me." They kissed once more and then she went into her dorm. Harry walked back down to the commons room and sat down in the wing-backed chair and stared into the fire. His mind drifted and he had a vision of them getting married, having kids, and living a long life together. Something nudged his shoulder and Harry looked up into Ron's face. He nodded and followed Ron up to their dorm. He stopped off in the bathroom long enough to change his diapers and get cleaned up for bed. He got into a sleeper he had packed for the winter here at the school and crawled into bed. He hugged Ginny's teddy close to him and went to sleep in moments. Ron woke him the next morning. Harry woke as Ron shook him awake. He grabbed his glasses and sat up. "Thanks Ron. What time is it?" Harry asked as he got out of bed. "Seven," Ron replied as Harry unzipped his sleeper and folded it up and dropped it back into bed and covered it up. "Was that a sleeper?" Seamus asked Harry. "Yes it was. Very warm and comfortable," Harry replied as he slipped into his bathrobe and went to the bathroom. He examined his face and saw what looked like a shadow on his cheeks. He went into the shower after throwing his wet diaper away and got cleaned up. After he taped a fresh diaper on himself and putting his bathrobe back on, he raced back to his room to dress. He chose to layer some clothes this morning, having found frost on the window overlooking the grounds. First he pulled on a t-shirt, then a long sleeved flannel shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a hooded sweat jacket with a heavier jacket on top of that. He grabbed his baseball cap and put it on backwards and grabbed his pack. Looking in, he discovered he was low on diapers so he dashed back to the locker in the bathrooms and restocked. Then he met Ginny in the commons room. "Very cool, Harry!" Hermione exclaimed as she saw what he was wearing. Ginny was wearing almost identical so Harry handed her a baseball cap like his, which she put on backwards. Both of them walked up to the infirminary and checked in with madam Pomfrey. "Anything we can bring back for you?" Harry asked as they prepared to floo out. "I have what I need at the moment, Mr. Potter. Thank you for asking," Madam Pomfrey smiled. Harry nodded at Dumbledore and McGonagall and they flooed out. "I'll never get used to this," Harry complained as he emerged from the fireplace at St. Mungo's receiving room. Ginny laughed as she helped him to his feet. "I got you checked in." Harry smiled as he gently touched her cheek. "Thanks love." Ginny blushed as a few of the ladies in the waiting room smiled at them. To their surprise, Molly Weasley was there. "You two look so happy together," she said, coming up to them. "Mum!" Ginny exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" Molly sighed. "Did you forget that you told me of Harry's appointment here today?" Ginny nodded. "That's right. I did tell you." "As Harry's guardian, I need to be here, dear. Your father and I want to make sure he's healthy," Molly said. Harry grinned. "All they are going to do is draw some blood from me." "Actually, we're going to be doing a bit more than that," Dr. Tim Hansen said from behind Harry. "We're going to do a full physical examination from head to toes. Your Head of House Lady McGonagall requested it and I agree, because she has concerns about you playing Quidditch." Molly nodded. "I agree as well, so let's get to it." "No use trying to argue with Mum, Harry. You'll never win," Ginny said with a smile on her face. Harry grinned. "Now why would I do a thing like that?" Molly just smiled at him. "Smart boy." Harry pulled off his jackets and shirts and sat down in the chair as Ginny carried them and his pack to the examination room. The nurse did her job quick and efficient as Molly watched. Harry barely felt the needle going in and looked down to watch the tube fill up with his blood. Once the two tubes were filled, the nurse removed the needle and marked the tubes with Harry's name and then cast a spell to send them to the lab. Harry followed Molly to the examining room and inside it. Tim stuck his head in. "There you are. Blood drawn?" he asked. "Yeah. On the way to the lab," Harry replied. "Good. Strip down to the diaper, Harry. I'll be back in a moment," Tim said and closed the door behind him. Harry took his pants off and then sat on the examining table in just his diaper. Ginny picked up his hand and examined his palm. She traced the lines on his palm with a finger. Harry reached out and gently caressed her cheek. Molly could feel something flowing between them and smiled, recalling the same feelings she had for Arthur back when they were kids. The door opened and Tim walked in. "Okay, let's get down to business here," he said. Tim listened to Harry's heart and lungs with the stethoscope and then checked his blood pressure. He had Harry sit up straight and probed his spine with his fingers and then used a tiny hammer to check his reactions. "So far so good. I'm having your chest x-rayed next. Standard testing, nothing to worry about. Then you'll come back in here for the last part of the examination. Unfortunately I'll have to ask you ladies to step out during that bit. Sorry about that," Tim apologized to Molly and Ginny. An orderly showed up with a wheelchair as Harry pulled a pair of shorts on to cover his diaper. The orderly didn't react to the sight of Harry's diaper. Harry was taken into x-ray for the chest x-ray. It took about ten minutes to do, and then he was on his way back to the room. Molly and Ginny stood in the hallway as Harry came back and went into the room. Tim was waiting for him. "The last three things I need to do is to check you for hernias, check your prostate, and to check your testicles for lumps. I didn't think you wanted your girl to see that part," Tim said. Harry blinked at him. "I don't understand." Tim nodded. "Didn't think you would. I'll explain as I go. Drop your diaper, please." Harry untaped a wet diaper and wiped himself off with a couple of wipes and tossed them in the trashcan. Tim stepped forward and checked Harry for hernias while he explained why it was important. Then he had Harry lie on the examination table and checked Harry's testicles for any lumps. He taught Harry how to give himself a testicular examination in the process. Then he had Harry get on his hands and knees while he explained the prostate exam procedure to him. Harry blushed at the description and then again as he felt his penis get hard as Dr. Hansen's finger brushed the prostate. Harry closed his eyes and shivered as he suddenly ejaculated onto the table. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "Don't be. You're a healthy teenage boy. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, if you didn't do that, I'd worry. Let me clean that up and then tape a fresh diaper on you," Tim said to Harry. Harry lay on his back as Tim taped a diaper on him. "Harry, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" "Go ahead," Harry replied. "Do you masturbate?" Tim asked. "What that means is taking your penis in your hand and stroking it until you ejaculate." Harry blushed. "Did that once." "Harry, I think I need to come up and see you this weekend at Hogwarts and give you a talk about this and other matters. You need to know these things," Tim said. Harry nodded. "Okay." "Good. I'll contact Dumbledore and ask him if I can come out this weekend. He doesn't need to know about this conversation unless you choose to tell him," Tim said. Harry nodded. "Thanks, Tim." "No problem, Harry. That's what I'm here for. I'll bring the results of the blood panel as well," Tim stated as Harry started to get dressed. "I'll send Ginny in." He went out the door and Ginny came in. She helped Harry to dress. "So?" she asked. "I'm okay. I can play," Harry grinned. Ginny sighed with relief. "Good. I want to see you wipe the smirk off Malfoy's face." "Be fun to try. I think he has it tattooed there permanently," Harry cracked. Both teenagers laughed as Harry hugged her. Harry caught his breath a moment later and then looked into Ginny's eyes. She gazed into the brilliant emerald green eyes. "I love you Harry James Potter," she said. Harry touched her cheek gently as he looked into her eyes. "I love you, Lady Weasley." He leaned forward and kissed her, time stopping in that moment. It would be a moment they would remember for a long time. The knock on the door ended the moment. Harry finished dressing as Molly walked in. "Ready?" she asked them. Harry grinned. "Yup. Since it is now noon, how about we floo over to Diagon Alley for brunch? I'm hungry!" Ginny grinned and looked at Molly. Molly got a look in her eyes. "Let's go kidnap your father and make it a double date," she suggested. Both Ginny and Harry grinned. Arthur was delighted to see them. "Of course I'll join you for lunch! Let me inform Fudge." Fudge came out into the hall and shook Harry's hand. "Nice to see you, Harry. Everything alright?" "Just saw Dr. Hansen at St. Mungo's for a physical. He says everything looks good," Harry reported. Fudge beamed. "That is good news, Harry. Glad to hear that." "Thank you sir," Harry said. Fudge shook Harry's hand once more. "Excuse me Harry. I must be off. Ministry business. Good to see you." Harry grinned as he turned to Arthur, Molly, and Ginny. They walked to the floo in the main hall and went over to Diagon Alley. They settled on a nice little caf� and sat down at a table in a corner. Harry watched as Molly and Ginny excused themselves and went to the ladies room. Harry seized his chance and turned to Arthur. "Mr. Weasley," he began. "I want to ask you something." "Harry, please call me Arthur. No need to be formal," he said. Harry grinned. "Arthur, in the last few weeks I've been through so much. You and the Weasley Clan have done so much for me and I really appreciate it. Especially Ginny. She's gone the distance for me and I truly appreciate what she's done for me. I've fallen in love with her. I know for sure she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to marry her with your blessing. I know we are a bit too young to marry, so I want to give her a promise ring. A promise that when we are old enough I'll propose to her and marry her. I want to take care of her and love her forever." Arthur stroked his chin thoughtfully the entire time Harry made his plea. He leaned forward to Harry. "Harry, I would love nothing more to welcome you to the family as my son in law. The fact that you want to give her a promise ring and wait for the right time is the most mature thing you could ever say. You have my blessing," Arthur smiled. Harry was ecstatic. He was beside himself. Arthur smiled at Harry's joy. "I think I can easily distract them while you disappear to the jewelry store and get the promise ring," Arthur whispered conspiratorially. Harry grinned. "Cool!" After lunch, Arthur asked Molly if she had gotten some item from Diagon Alley. Molly remembered and Ginny suddenly realized she needed a few things for Hogwarts herself. It was agreed to meet in the Leaky Cauldron in an hour. As soon as the women were out of sight, Harry and Arthur went straight to the jewelry store. "I need to get Molly something for her birthday," Arthur explained. Harry told the salesman what he wanted. Within the hour he had in his pocket a small ring box with the ring inside. Harry felt good about himself as he walked to the Leaky Cauldron to meet the ladies. He detoured to the bathroom for a quick change before heading back to Hogwarts with Ginny. They emerged from the main fireplace in the Great Hall. "Ginny, let's take a walk in the garden. It's nice out right now," Harry suggested. They took hands and walked out the Main Hall Doors and down to the school gardens. Dumbledore stood on the balcony overlooking the doors and he smiled to himself. He knew what was about to happen. Harry led her to the garden house. The snow lay pure and white on the ground and the whole scene looked so beautiful. Ginny pressed close to Harry, feeling so happy. They entered the garden house and the fragrance of the roses floated to them. Harry swallowed hard, suddenly nervous. It was now or never. "Ginny, there's something I want to ask you," Harry said, his throat suddenly feeling dry as he got nervous. He led her to a bench swing and they sat down, facing a large picture window, watching the snow slowly float to the ground. "Yes Harry?" she asked. Harry reached into his pocket for the ring box. "Ginny, I've loved you for a long time. But those feelings I have for you have gotten even more intense since this past summer when you took care of me. You have no idea what you did for me. Thank you for caring for me." He opened the box and pulled out a small diamond ring and slipped it on her finger. "This is a promise ring. A promise from me to you that when we are of age I will ask you to marry me and become Mrs. Harry Potter." Tears rolled down Ginny's face. "Yes, Harry. I will say yes when the time comes." They stood up and hugged each other and kissed. Now Harry's life was complete. Once the word got around in Gryffindor Tower, there was much backslapping and congratulations. That was an excuse to throw a party and they did. Naturally the word got around Hogwarts and the next morning when Harry and Ginny walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, there was applause and cheers of congratulations. Dumbledore and McGonagall both offered their congratulations and then asked them to step up to Dumbledore's office later in the day. "There you are, Harry, Virginia. Please have a seat," Dumbledore offered them lemon drops, as was his habit, too. Harry and Ginny sat down in the chairs facing the desk. McGonagall sat on the left side of the desk. "Now then. I have heard of Harry asking you to marry him, Virginia. Is this true?" Dumbledore asked. "Yes sir," Ginny said. "But Harry hasn't actually asked just yet. He's given me a promise ring. He's promised to ask me when the time is right, after we've both grown up some more. We know it's a serious thing and we want to make sure we're ready for it." McGonagall smiled. "Very wise and mature of you both." Harry grinned. "That's what Arthur said to me when I asked him if I could marry her." "You asked Dad if you could marry me?" Ginny asked. "Yes, and he gave me his blessing," Harry replied. Dumbledore smiled. "Good. That is important. I need to know Miss Weasley, if you are willing to deal with Harry's problem once both of you are married." Ginny looked over at Harry. "Yes I am," she said. "I've accepted that about him a long time ago, ever since he stayed the summer with us." "Good. I am happy for both of you. Good luck dears," McGonagall smiled. Ginny and Harry left the office and went to their commons room. They were happy with Dumbledore's support of them. "Now life is perfect," Ginny said as they held hands on the couch. "For absolutely sure," Harry agreed. "For sure." Naturally Malfoy had to try and spoil things for them. Harry grit his teeth as Malfoy stood there and mocked them. He worked to keep his temper in check and when Malfoy saw they weren't going to react, he walked away laughing his head off. What he didn't see was Marcus Flint glaring at him from the shadows. "Time to fix your arse and put you into your place Malfoy," he snarled. He moved through the shadows and back to the Slytherin common room and whispered his plan of revenge to a few of his friends. They nodded with big smiles on their faces. The plan was afoot, and Malfoy wouldn't like it at all. Kevin did show up at Hogwarts over the weekend and gave Harry the talk. They stayed the weekend in Hagrid's hut since Hagrid went into London. He tried to be honest and open about it all. Harry listened and learned a lot. "Thanks for every thing," Harry said as they returned to the castle for Sunday evening dinner. "You're welcome Harry. This is stuff you needed to know and I was glad to help you. Don't be afraid to send me letters with questions. I'll answer them as honestly as I can," Kevin said. Harry grinned. "Nice to know I can count on you." "As your doctor, I am obligated to help my patients in any way I can. As your friend, I'm honor bound to help you when you need it," Kevin said. "I appreciate that," Harry said. "Now I hear a rumor that you are planning to marry that pretty lady that was with you," Kevin grinned. Harry smiled. "You heard right. Ginny and I am an official couple. I gave her a promise ring and plan on asking her in our final year here." Kevin grinned. "Harry, I'm happy for you. It sounds to me like you have decided to move on with your life and leave the past behind you. Good show." "No use dwelling on the past. I know Ginny wouldn't like it," Harry said. Kevin had to laugh at that. Just then Ron burst out of the Main Doors and yelled at Harry and Kevin. "Come on! You guys gotta see this!" Ron yelled, a huge grin on his face. Harry and Kevin followed Ron into the Great Hall to find Malfoy propped up in an oversized child seat wearing diapers, a bonnet on his head, mittens, and booties. He was struggling to get out of the child seat and spewing baby talk the whole time. It was evident he was pissed off. Harry grinned at the sight. "Hey Malfoy! Need a diaper change?" Harry said as he stood there. Malfoy reacted by screaming at him. Harry noticed a pacifier on the table. "Baby sounds cranky. He needs his pacifier." With that, Harry picked up the pacifier and stuck it into the blond's mouth, effectively silencing him. Malfoy spit it right back out. "Naughty boy!" a girl cried out and picked it up and charmed it to stay in his mouth and stuck it back in. Everyone went to his or her respective tables for dinner. Snape stalked past the Slytherin table and humphed as he hesitated a moment next to Malfoy. Colin Creevey couldn't pass up the opportunity so he took a dozen pictures. Pansy Parkinson secretly approached him and bought a few of the pictures and sent them to Lucius Malfoy a few days later. She thought he would appreciate knowing what kind of boy Draco was. Crabb and Goyle for their parts got a few from Creevey and sent them to their dads. The end result was Lucius banished from the Death Eaters Inner Circle and back down to the lower ranks. Draco was dropped from the Death Eaters recruitment list. He became an outcast in Slytherin house. That ended Malfoy's reign of terror. Ginny approached Harry one Thursday evening. Harry saw her coming and reflected on how lucky he was to know her. "There you are, dear. I wanted to tell you something important," she said. "I was wondering if you would like to spend a weekend with me in one of the private flats." Harry raised his eyebrows as he considered the request. "Of course, love." Ginny smiled. "Good. Find me Friday evening." "I sure will," Harry replied. Ginny smiled as she headed off down the hall. Harry had the feeling the weekend would be something he'd remember for a long time. Friday evening rolled around and Harry met Ginny in the commons room as planned. She took his hand and led him down a hall by the Gryffindor painting and up to a door and whispered a password. The wall shimmered and then a doorway appeared. Ginny smiled and led him into the room. Harry looked around the living room area of the flat. It looked like a copy of the Gryffindor commons room. She led him into a bedroom. Harry laughed out loud when he saw it. It looked exactly like a nursery. "Ginny, I love it!" Harry exclaimed. She kissed him. "Good. I intend to take care of you this weekend. I kinda get the feeling you need a little time out." Harry picked her up and twirled her around. "Oh my dear, you have no idea!" Suddenly he realized he'd just wet himself. Ginny smiled when she saw the blush on his face. She took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom for a change. Once Harry was changed, she sat him on the enchanted baby dragon blanket in just his diaper and a t-shirt. Harry sighed as he relaxed and watched Ginny place a few toys on the blanket for him to play with. He decided he had to do something special for her in return. For now he would relax and enjoy the baby treatment. She came back a moment later with a bottle and sat down next to him. Harry lay back in her arms and started sucking on the bottle. He felt something deep inside of him and sighed. Ginny smiled as Harry drank down the warm milk. "How's my baby doing?" she cooed at him. She saw the smile spread across his face and knew he was happy. Ginny held him for a time until he wet his diaper again. "Time for baby's bath," Ginny smiled and led Harry to the bathroom. She took the wet diaper off him and he got into the tub of warm water. Ginny dropped a few bath toys in there for him to play with while she bathed him. Harry shuddered as she washed his penis, making him have an orgasm. Ginny giggled as Harry blushed. After his bath was done, she taped a fresh diaper on him and zipped him into a sleeper. She put him back on the blanket and watched him play for another hour and then put him down for the night in his crib with his teddy and a bottle of water. Ginny rubbed Harry's back until he was asleep and then got into her bed. She lay there for a bit thinking about her and Harry. She knew deep down in her heart Harry would need mothering every now and then and that didn't bother her at all. She knew it was because of what he had been through and had never been loved as a child like she had. It pained her to know this and she swore in her heart to do what she could to help him get over that pain. The next morning she found Harry sitting up in his crib and she smiled at him as he held out his arms to her. "Did my baby sleep well last night?" she asked as she helped him out. Harry kissed her on the cheek and then she led him to the bathroom to be cleaned up. She put a striped shirt and shortie overalls on him and put him on the blanket to play while she got dressed. Then she fed him breakfast and played with him for a bit. Then Harry crawled up on her lap and she gave him a bottle of apple juice for a midmorning break. She watched him while he napped, doing her weekend homework. Hermione came calling later in the afternoon and watched Harry while she went out to Hogsmeade for Harry's Christmas present. Ginny grinned as the shop lady wrapped up two new sleepers for Harry. She hoped he would like them. "They're so cute!" Hermione exclaimed when she saw them. "I know what else to get Harry for Christmas now." "Good, because I think my baby will have a Christmas celebration in here," Ginny said. Hermione grinned. "I'm sure Harry will love it." Ginny smiled. "He's worth it." "I have to get going. Ron wants to take me into town," Hermione said. "Have fun," Ginny said as Hermione left. For the rest of the day Ginny changed him when needed, played with him, and fed him his dinner when he got hungry. She sighed as she sat down in the rocking chair once she settled Harry down in his crib for the night. She watched him sleep and thanked her luck she had him in her life. Harry was a special person to her and she would never let him down. She knew he'd take care of her for the rest of her life. She went to bed feeling satisfied with what she had done that day. Tomorrow would be another day.
Author's Notes: This story is fiction. All characters belong to the 
wonderful Mrs. Rowling. �Kevin Stevens� and �Dr. Tim Hansen� belong to 
David (DAG1064@aol.com), who�s the writer of the first 2 parts. �Clark 
Hagrid�, �Zachary Howards� and �Andrew Clockheart� belong to Ruurd 
Woltring (ruurd_woltring@hotmail.com), who�s the writer of this part of 
the story.

When the weekend was over, Harry and Ginny went back to the Gryffindor 
Tower. Christmas vacation had just started and no one had to follow any 
lessons. Ron, Hermione, Fred and George were on the couch.

Ron: �Did you have a good weekend in the private flats?�
Harry: �You bet it. It was the coolest weekend we ever had.�
Ginny: �I agree with that.�
Hermione: �Excellent. By the way, Harry, professor McGonagall wants to 
see you.�

Immediately, Harry went to the Transfiguration classroom and sat down 
behind his desk.

McGonagall: �There is something I should�ve told you in your first year 
at Hogwarts, Mister Potter.�
Harry: �Well, what is it?�

McGonagall took a deep sigh and told Harry that he had a 2 year older 

Harry: �You mean my mother had a relationship with someone else before 
she married my father?�
McGonagall: �Exactly, Mister Potter, but your father didn�t have a 
problem with it. He always wanted to be a stepfather and his wish came 
true when Rubeus Hagrid shared a child together with your mother.�

Harry couldn�t believe his own ears. He was the stepchild of his 
enormous friend. Suddenly, the door opened and a 17-year old boy 
entered the Transfiguration classroom. It was Clark Hagrid, who was a 
little bit longer than Harry was. Clark wore turquoise trousers, a blue 
shirt, marine blue socks and black shoes. He had dark-blond hear, blue 
eyes, red lips, a blanc skin and a nice, friendly, sweet, honest and 
smart character.

Clark: �Hello, brother. It�s good to meet you.�
Harry: �Exactly what I�m thinking. Welcome in my family.�

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George were glad to meet Clark.

Fred: �I guess you�re in for a whole bunch of pranks and jokes?�
Clark: �Freak-an-A! I only hope my dad is okay with that.�
George: �I�m sure he is, as long as you take it easy.�

The next day, Harry and Clark woke up at 8 o�clock. Not a single person 
was in the boy�s sleeping room.

Harry: �I bet they�re already downstairs.�
Clark: �So do I, bro. Tell me, why are you wearing diapers?�
Harry: �Oh well, my uncle hurt me very badly, and because of that, I�ve 
lost my bladder control.�
Clark: �How mean can that Muggle be!�
Harry: �Don�t worry, Clark. Professor Dumbledore already changed them 
into baby looking humans.�
Clark: �That�s great to hear, man. Speaking of diapers, did you know 
that I wear them, too?�
Harry: �No, but why?�
Clark: �I had the same treatment like you had, but then by that Death 
Eater child Draco Malfoy. Luckily, professor Dumbledore and professor 
Snape took action and punished him for that. Madame Pomfrey used a sort 
of magical trick to create real Hogwarts disposable diapers for me, so 
I can wear and use them. Each of my diapers has the Gryffindor logo on 
Harry: �Those are the same diapers I�m wearing.�
Clark: �Well, that�s good to hear.�

Suddenly, the 2 brothers felt themselves pee in their diapers, just a 
little bit. Also, they needed to poop, so they looked at each other. 
They nodded, got out of their beds and took off their PJ�s and 
underwear. Then, they squatted down on the ground, pushed hard and 
grunted. They were rewarded with a very big piece of regular brown 
soft-hard poop entering their diapers. Then, the 2 brothers took a deep 
sigh, but weren�t finished yet, so they pushed another very big piece 
of regular brown soft-hard poop into their diapers. After taking a deep 
sigh, both of them decided to change themselves, but how could they 
enter the bathroom without anyone noticing it. Luckily, they were found 
by Hermione and Ginny, who took them to a secret nursery, which could 
be found between the doors of the sleeping rooms, but only by Harry, 
Ron, Fred, George, Clark, Hermione and Ginny. Within no time, each of 
the 2 brothers wore a new diaper. Hermione and Ginny threw the dirty 
diapers in the trash bag, which send the dirty diapers to the trash 

Hermione: �C�mon, let�s go to the Great Hall for breakfast.�

The others nodded. Ron, Fred and George were waiting for them at the 
Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Each of the 7 friends took eggs 
with bacon, which was their favorite morning meal.

Harry: �I wonder where Malfoy is.�
Clark: �He�s sent to Azkaban, since he tried to use the Unforgivable 
Spells on Seamus, after Draco became normal again. Luckily, Narcissa 
Malfoy-Black left the Death Eaters forever and has now full protection 
of the Ministry of Magic. She protected Seamus with a protection spell 
and made sure that Draco, her own son, would be sent to Azkaban 
forever. I bet Draco and Lucius will never forgive her for this, but 
Sirius Black will.�
Ron: �That�s good to hear. When I see Narcissa, I will thank her for 
saving Seamus.�

Later that day, Harry, Ron and Ginny had a new Quidditch game. Harry 
was the Captain and the Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, Ron 
was the Keeper and Ginny was 1 of the 3 Chaser. The 2nd Chaser Demelza 
Robins had a little bit influenza, so Clark replaced her, since he was 
a perfect Chaser. The 2 Beaters (Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote) also 
had a little bit influenza, so Clark�s 2 best friends (Zachary Howards 
and Andrew Clockheart) replaced them. Luckily, Katie Bell was still in 
the team, so they would be complete. It was a sunny day, with white 
clouds in the air.

Lee Jordan (commentator): �Welcome at the Quidditch Game between 
Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.�

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw cheered for their teams. Madame Hooch threw 
the Quaffle in the air and Ginny grabbed it, right when the game 
started. When he reached the goal, Clark received the Quaffle and threw 
it through one of the 3 holes.

Lee Jordan (commentator): �Clark Hagrid scores. It�s 10-0 for 

The whole Gryffindor Team, the whole Gryffindor house and Rubeus Hagrid 

Rubeus: �That�s my son who scored.�
Hermione: �Go for it, Gryffindor.�

Within a quarter, Ginny, Clark and Katie scored 80 points together, 
which made the number of points become 90-0 for Gryffindor. Suddenly, 
Harry noticed the Golden Snitch and flew after it. It didn�t take long 
before he caught the tiny winged ball.

Lee Jordan (commentator): �Harry Potter caught the Snitch and received 
150 points for his team.� Madame Hooch: �Gryffindor wins.�

Cho Chang (the Seeker of Ravenclaw) shook hands with Harry.

Cho: �Well done, Harry. It was a great game.�
Harry: �You bet it was, Cho.�

The next day, Harry and Clark went to Rubeus Hagrid, together with Ron, 
Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny. Rubeus made some tea and chocolate 
pie for them.

Clark: �This pie tastes great, dad. Keep it up like that.�
Rubeus: �Thanks, son. I made it by using the original grandmother�s 
George: �Well, you should make this more often.�
Harry: �You know, Rubeus, why didn�t you tell me about Clark�s existing 
Rubeus: �Because both of us thought you�d freak out and that�s why 
Clark and I kept it as a secret.�
Ginny: �That�s no problem at all. Besides, now we have a new friend and 
�a new part of the Weasley Clan�.�

All of them laughed at this reaction. Suddenly, they heard a big bang.

Fred: �Let�s go and check it out.�
Hermione: �Yeah, c�mon.�

They left Hagrid�s house and saw the Death Eaters, including Voldemort 
and Severus Snape.

Severus: �Hello there, Harry �poopy pants� Potter.�
Clark: �Don�t even think about calling my brother that name again, you 
filthy half-blood.� Bellatrix Lestrange: �You mustn�t use that name 
against Severus or the Lord of the Darkness, son of a giant.�
Voldemort: �Don�t worry, Bella. He can call me like that if he wants 
to, but I�m used to it now.�
Rubeus: �We�ll see about that, Tom Marvolo Riddle. The last time I saw 
you, was in my 3rd year at Hogwarts, when you�ve put the blame on me 
and Aragog, for the death of Moaning Myrtle.�
Clark: �If the Basilisk never existed, Myrtle would�ve lived until her 
old day.�

Suddenly, Dumbledore�s Army appeared. It existed out of Neville 
Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Hannah Abbott, Katie Bell, Susan Bones, 
Terry Boot, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Micheal Corner, Colin Creevey, 
Dennis Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Seamus Finnigan, Anthony 
Goldstein, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Ernie Macmillan, Padma Patil, 
Parvati Patil, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet and Dean Thomas. Of 
course, professor Dumbledore (the founder of the Army), Harry (who was 
the teacher and 1st co-founder), Ron (who was the 2nd co-founder), 
Hermione (who was the 3rd co-founder) and Clark joined the Army too.

Voldemort: �That�s not fair. You�re with more than us.�
Neville: �We don�t care, mister. We�ll beat you to the ground with all 
of our powers.�
Cho: �That�s exactly what I�m thinking.�

Immediately, the Death Eaters and Voldemort used the Unforgivable Spell 
of Death, but Clark protected the Army by making an invisible barrier, 
because of his superhuman-abilities.

Severus: �That�s impossible. No one can defend himself against the 
Unforgivable Spells.�
Dumbledore: �That means you don�t know anything about Clark, Severus. 
He has superhuman-abilities, which makes him become faster than the 
speed of sound, smarter than the smartest human, stronger than the 
strongest mutant and more powerful than the mightiest wizard or witch. 
Also, he makes wise and good decisions.� Peter Pettigrew / Wormtail: 
�We�ll see how long he stands the power of Voldemort.�

Suddenly, Remus John Lupin, Narcissa Malfoy-Black and Sirius Black 

Bellatrix: �How could you betray us, niece of mine?�
Narcissa: �I discovered how much Harry means to Sirius and that�s why I 
left the Death Eaters, to protect my cousin and his godchild. You 
should�ve known about that.�
Bellatrix: �Potter is Sirius�s godchild? I will never accept that, not 
even for a whole bunch of Galleons.�
Sirius: �You better accept it, Bellatrix. I won�t let you kill my 
Remus: �Also, Voldemort and Peter, I�ll take revenge on the both of you 
for the betraying and the killing of Harry�s parents, who were the best 
friends I�ve ever had.�
Voldemort: �Well then, let me see your powers.�
Wormtail: �I can�t wait for it.�

Remus made a huge howl and transformed into a werewolf. Immediately, he 
attacked Peter and hurt him by using his claw. He did the same thing to 
Voldemort as well. Sirius did the same thing to Severus, Bellatrix and 
the other Death Eaters. While this happened, Harry and Clark realized 
that Sirius and Remus would never win this, and for that reason, both 
of the 2 boys discovered their Animagi parts. Harry transformed into a 
stag and Clark transformed into a lion. They attacked Voldemort and the 
Death Eaters in a rage. Dumbledore and the Army also attacked Voldemort 
and the Death Eaters. Also, professor McGonagall appeared in her 
Animagi form, a cat. Within no time, they had beaten Voldemort and the 
Death Eaters.

Harry: �Tell me, Riddle, how can I bring my parents back to live?�
Clark: �Don�t you dare to use any tricks, because then I might freak 
Voldemort: �Focus on your parents, bring them to your head and call 
their names.�
Dumbledore: �That�s better language, Tom, but it won�t help you. Even 
if it works, you�ll be sent to Azkaban.�

Suddenly, the Dementors appeared and took Voldemort and the Death 
Eaters to Azkaban, except Sirius and Narcissa. Both of them were now 
free to go.

Harry: �Shall we now bring my parents back to life?�
Clark: �You bet it, bro. I want to see them again too.�

They went to the lake, focused on Lily Evans and James Potter, brought 
them to their heads and called their names. Suddenly, the whole lake 
started to make a whirlpool. Before they knew it, Lily and James were 
brought back to life. They hugged their sons like never before.

Lily: �From now on, the family Potter is complete again.�
James: �Just as I would say.�

They turned to Remus and Sirius.

James: �Good to see you again, buddies of mine.�
Remus: �Welcome home, James.�
Sirius: �Including you, Lily.�

On the last day of Harry�s 5th year at Hogwarts, Clark was declared as 
Harry�s bodyguard.

Dumbledore: �Another school year has come to an end. Officially, Clark 
Hagrid should leave Hogwarts, but since he�s become Harry�s bodyguard 
and the newest part of my Army, he�s allowed to stay, so he can be the 
newest teacher for Defenses Against the Dark Arts. Now, I�ll give the 
honor to James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black to 
declare the numbers of points for each House.�
James: �On the 4th place Slytherin with 497 points.�

The House of Slytherin wasn�t mad at all.

Lily: �On the 3rd place Ravenclaw with 498 points.�

The House of Ravenclaw agreed with this.

Remus: �On the 2nd place Hufflepuff with 499 points.�

The House of Hufflepuff cheered at this reaction.

Sirius: �On the 1st and winning place Gryffindor with 500 points.�

The House of Gryffindor shouted with joy at this reaction. Harry, 
Clark, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny waved their hands and 
together, they took the House Cup. The next day, Harry went to Godric�s 
Hollow, together with Lily, James, Remus, Sirius and Clark.

James: �What do you think of this house, Harry?�
Harry: �It looks great, dad. But what about the Weasley�s? I�m a part 
of their clan.�
Lily: �Don�t worry, honey. You still remain a part of the Weasley Clan 
and you can still live with them, but if you want to, you can live at 
our house and stay the holidays at the house of the Weasley�s.�

Harry took a deep sigh of luck and decided the following thing; he 
stayed in the house of his parents, together with Clark. The Weasley 
Clan found it wise decision, just like Hermione and her parents. At 7 
o�clock in the evening, Kevin Stevens and Tim Hansen paid Harry a 
visit. After a full examination, Tim and Kevin decided that Harry and 
Clark regained full control over their bladder again, but they were 
allowed to wear and use diapers forever if they wanted to. Harry and 
Clark agreed with this and wore diapers for good. Since that moment, 
the big family had a good life with each other and all of them lived 
happily ever after.


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Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
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