“Will’s Weird Desire”

By: Ron564339

E-mail: wbigner@hotmail.com

Summary: A teenager named Will knows that he is different. Unlike all of the “normal” people around him, he has a desire to use something to pee and poop in that nobody else does. How will he cope with his strange feelings, and how will they affect his everyday life?


Warning: This story contains profanity.


            High schooler Will and his three best friends Taylor, Josh, and Todd all talked amongst themselves as they walked down the hall of their school, just like all of their fellow students around them. It was just another day during their normal lives, and they once again were faced with the prospect of going to their second period math class, which they always dreaded.

            As they settled themselves in their seats near the back of the classroom, they prepared themselves for an hour and a half of math lecturing. “Here comes the fun,” said Josh, a confident, brown haired boy who tended to have a quite a mouth on him sometimes. “I sure hate this stupid class.”

            “Not like we ever listen much to her anyway,” responded Will, who was a skinny kid into rock and rap music but also made the best grades in the group, in the whole school for that matter. “My hand just writes whatever she writes while my mind thinks about happy things like puppies and fucking.”

            “Yeah, and I never give a damn about it anyway,” said Taylor, a short Asian kid who was completely into art and literature but hated science and math, after laughing at Will’s previous comment. “I just talk to you guys through this whole class.”

            “And that’s why we come to school, after all, isn’t it?” added Todd with a smile. Todd was very bright but rarely paid attention in school since it was so boring to him.

            As their teacher began their math lesson, the four wrote down notes here and there, but at the same time kept a whispered conversation going on while their teacher droned on. They were careful to act like they were giving her full attention every time she looked in their direction.

            “So, you guys comin’ to Jeremy’s party this Friday?” asked Josh.

            “I don’t know man,” whispered Will. “Michelle’s been trying to get me to spend more time with her, and she’s getting sick of me always dragging her to parties all the time…” (Michelle was Will’s girlfriend).

            Todd cut him off by making the sound of a whip cracking, which resulted in the laughter of the other two. Will smiled at him and said, “Shaddup.”

            “Well, even if Whippy-Willy is out, I think I’m in,” said Taylor. “I need to be scoping out the lady talent.”

            “Yeah, that’s ‘cause you haven’t gotten any from anyone but Mrs. Righty,” said Will.

            “Hey, nothin’ wrong with that,” said Todd.

            “Well, whatever you guys wanna do,” said Josh. “Just let me know…aw damn, man, I’m wet.”

            With that, Josh snapped his fingers, and a human android that looked almost exactly like a real woman came to life where it had been resting in the back corner of the room. It walked over to Josh and lifted him up by his armpits. He kept a hold of his notebook, knowing that there was no way the teacher was going to stop lecturing for this minor inconvenience; after all, it happened at least five times every class. Meanwhile, the other three kept on talking, taking little notice of Josh’s absence.

            The android carried Josh over to a changing table and laid him down on it. As it took off his pants and began to un-tape his wet disposable diaper, he tried to keep his mind on what the teacher was explaining and taking notes in his notebook which he had put on the little table next to the changing table.

            The android had no trouble handling Josh due to it’s strong frame material makeup…this was standard among these androids so they could always perform their duties efficiently. However, their outer coating was so soft that Josh barely took notice of this android as it cleaned his pubic area with a wet wipe. He even managed to take a few notes as it massaged a sweet smelling lotion onto his diaper area as well.

            When it prepared to apply some talcum powder to him as well, he briefly took notice and said, “Hey, can you go easy with the powder this time? During my last change they kinda overdid it and it’s been irritating me since.”

            “Affirmative,” said the android as it only applied a small amount of powder to him. It then unfolded a new diaper and tightly fastened it around his waist. After redressing him, it picked him back up and carried him back over to his desk before putting him down. Neither the teacher, Josh’s friends, nor anyone else in the class had taken any notice of him, since this was a procedure that every one of them went through at least once during their day, and it was quite commonplace.

            Once the math class was over, the four boys made their way to the cafeteria for lunch. After getting lunch, they all sat down together, and continued to converse with one another the way they always did. They never got tired of it since they had been friends for so long.

            Josh began the topic of conversation this time by saying, “Man, last night my grandpa was talking to me…”

            “Oh here we go again,” said Taylor. “What was that crazy old fool telling you about this time?”

            “Oh, you know, tellin’ me about ‘the good ol’ days’,” answered Josh. “He was all like ‘You young whipper-snappers have it so easy nowadays’ and all that stuff.”

            “How so?” asked Will.

            “Get this, man,” Josh said. “He was tellin’ me about how when he was growing up, most people didn’t wear diapers.”

            “What?!” asked Todd.

            “Todd, you never listen in history class, do you?” asked Taylor.

            “Well, I don’t either,” said Will. “But I did pay enough attention to know about the whole ‘toilet’ craze and all that stuff.”

            “Yeah, man,” said Josh. “Grandpa was saying stuff like ‘In my day, we actually had to hold in our pee and our our doodoo. Then we had to actually get up and go take care of our business privately’. Then he went on about how lazy people had become and how spoiled our comfy diapers and high tech androids had made us, and a bunch of crap like that.”

            “Wait, that makes no sense at all,” said Todd. “You mean to tell me that people didn’t wear diapers? That they actually had to HOLD IN their piss and their shit?”

            “Damn, Todd, you really do need to pay more attention in history class,” said Will. “Here, we’ll fill you in on the basics. You see, until about sixty years ago, the vast majority of people didn’t wear diapers.”

            “Well,” said Taylor. “Babies did. It’s apparently impossible for most people to hold everything in until they’re at least 2. And then a bunch of old people seemed to lose the ability at some point, and a lot of them wore diapers too. But for the most part, other than babies and old people, no one wore diapers.’

            “So what the hell did they do?” asked Todd.

            “Well,” said Josh. “They used these things called ‘toilets’. When most of the kids turned 3 or so, they were ‘potty-trained’. Their parents tried to get them to figure out when they needed to take a piss or take a shit. Once they figured that out, they were encouraged to hold it until they got a chance to go over to these toilets, which were basically these things kinda like sinks. They had holes filled with water that were connected to the plumbing. Anyway, the kids were taught to do their stuff in the hole, and then they could get rid of it by ‘flushing’ the toilet, which sent it down the pipes. They also had to…”

            Josh let out a shudder and then said, “Wipe THEMSELVES.”

            “Ugh!” said Todd. “That’s disgusting. In fact, this whole toilet concept sounds really nasty.”

            “Yeah, it was, and it was also really stupid,” said Taylor. “But remember, society was real different back then.”

            “Yeah, and especially since they didn’t have the technology we have today. Especially two key inventions: our new diapers and the androids,” said Will.

            “Wait, what’s so special about our diapers?” asked Todd.

            “Well, the kinds they had were pretty sad,” said Josh. “They tore real easy, and unlike ours, they didn’t absorb piss or shit really well.”

            “Yeah, it was pretty easy to know if you were wet or messy,” said Taylor. “With ours, it’s not nearly as uncomfortable…if it weren’t for the health reasons and good feelings of a clean diaper, we probably wouldn’t want to be changed so quickly.”

            “They also didn’t block the odor,” said Josh. “Grandpa said that when a baby shit it’s diaper, sometimes you could smell it a mile away. But of course with ours, there’s no way you can smell anything.”

            “Yeah, so anyway,” said Will. “Around seventy years ago, these two crazy scientist dudes got together. One put a lot of time into making better diapers, and the other hopped onto the whole androids bandwagon craze that had started up and decided to try to figure out how to program them and improve them so that they could change diapers.”

            “So wait, who changed the babies’ diapers before they had androids?” asked Todd.

            “Well, the parents did,” said Taylor. “I’m sure glad that changed. No way in hell would I ever change my kid’s diaper.”

            “Wait, this whole idea is completely stupid,” said Todd. “I mean, there are just way too many disadvantages of this whole toilet concept. It makes no sense.”

            “Dude, you don’t know the half of it,” said Taylor. “It was really, really fucked up.”

            “Yeah, man,” said Will. “I saw this video in this one class about the whole toilet thing, and it was just sickening.”

            “Definitely,” said Josh. “Remember, using the toilet was just as normal for people as eating and sleeping were. All the times during the day, people would be going in and out of bathrooms, which was where they kept the toilets. They separated them by gender…”

            “Why?” asked Todd.

            “They had these really weird issues about people of the opposite sex seeing each other naked,” said Taylor. “Anyway, so the first idiotic thing about it was how inconvenient it was to have to actually ‘go’ somewhere every time you had to take a shit.”

            “Yeah, and since nobody wore diapers,” said Will. “They couldn’t just do their stuff anywhere. If they weren’t at a bathroom, they had to hold everything in until they got a chance to go.”

            “That must have been a major bitch,” said Josh.

            “Yeah, just imagine having to hold everything in during class. It was a real annoyance for teachers to have to let their kids leave class and miss out on stuff to go to the bathroom. So a lot of times kids would just have to hold it in. Damn, I could never do that during a test and stuff…I’d surely fail.”

            “And you know what really sucked?’ asked Will. “If someone ever just lost it and went in their pants, not only did it make a huge mess, but they were horribly ridiculed.”

            “What?” asked Todd, not believing what he had just heard.

            “That’s right,” said Taylor. “It was one of the most embarrassing things that could happen to someone.”

            “Why the hell would anyone care about that?” asked Todd. “I mean, so you lose it and just let it go. What’s so bad about that?”

            “People just had a weird way of looking at stuff,” said Josh. “But it was really horrible that they would treat anyone like that.”

            “But it gets worse,” said Will. “You see, not everything was picture perfect. Not everybody got potty-trained at the same time. Some kids didn’t get potty-trained ‘til they were five or six.”

            “So what?” asked Todd. “What difference did that make?”

            “Use your brain, Todd,” said Taylor. “Remember, only babies and old people typically wore diapers, so if someone still wore diapers, it was considered a sign of weakness.”

            “Yeah,” said Josh. “So getting kids potty-trained as soon as possible was a huge thing for parents. They’d get all frustrated and pissed at their kids if they didn’t get trained as soon as possible, and it could get pretty hard for the kids to learn. Yeah, it was a really stupid thing to care about, but again, wearing diapers was considered a really bad thing, and if someone took a while to get trained, the other kids would make fun of them. I mean, I can kind of understand that parents got sick of changing diapers, but I mean, come on, it’s your fucking kids, it’s not worth it to mess with your kids just ‘cause you can’t stand cleaning up a little shit.”

            “Yeah, and it was even worse for kids who were ‘bed-wetters,” said Will. “You see, some kids, especially boys, had trouble controlling their piss while they slept. Again, this was considered a sign of weakness, so anyone who was a bed-wetter was ridiculed.”

            “That’s just sick,” said Todd. “That’s so fucked up.”

            “Yeah,” said Will. “Especially ‘cause it really tore up some of those kids’ self esteem. But that’s the way it was…so many kids were denied the chance to go to camp or sleep over at their friends’ houses.”

            “And then of course you think about the other stuff,” said Taylor. “I mean, how damn unhygienic the whole thing was. I mean, every time you took a shit you were sitting down on the same spot where God knows how many asses had sat. And then there were the poor people who actually had to clean the toilets…and for all the hard work and nastiness those people put up with, society still treated them like shit, no pun intended.”

            “And like we said, changing diapers must have really sucked,” said Josh. “Thank God for our androids. But now that I think about it, grandpa was right…we do have it real lucky compared to what they had to do. I mean, I can’t imagine getting up every time I had to piss. And most of the time we can get changed right away…I mean, of course if you’re driving, or like, if our teachers are teaching, they have to wait until they get a chance to get changed. But it’s not like our diapers make that really uncomfortable anyway.”

            “Yeah,” said Taylor. “And it’s a good thing that they figured out a way to recycle our old diapers and use them for fuel. They actually used to throw away used diapers back then!” This statement caused all four boys to laugh.

            “Yeah, people sure were stupid back then,” said Will with a sigh.

            “Well, lunch is almost over, and I’m sick of talking about this weird crap anyway,” said Todd. “So let’s get going.”

            With that, the four boys left the cafeteria, and since they had different schedules, they parted ways.

            The conversation really didn’t mean much to Taylor or Josh…it was just something to talk about. Todd found it really interesting because he had never learned about the way things used to be.

            But Will, on the other hand, found himself thinking about the conversation a lot during the whole day. The whole thing had made him very, very uncomfortable, even though he had hidden this well. He had gotten used to hiding it. This was because Will harbored a deep, dark secret, one which he hadn’t ever told anybody, not even his parents, his friends, or even his girlfriend.

            The truth was that Will had a very strange desire to…use a toilet. He of course used his diapers since that was the norm, and since he couldn’t hold it in anyway. But ever since he first learned about the concept of toilets, he had had a strange fascination with them. Yes, he knew it was extremely weird…after all, why on earth would anyone want to do their business in one of these crazy toilet contraptions when it was extremely easier, more hygienic (since the diapers absorbed so well), and better for society to just do it his diaper like a good boy.

            As he walked down the hall of his school contemplating these thoughts, he realized he had in fact done just this, because he had a dirty diaper. He remembered how back when he was about 2 years old his parents had taught him how to recognize if he was wet or messy, and how to let an android know right away so that it could change him. It was just like everyone else had learned…he knew that despite their diapers’ strong absorbance of both pee and poo, it was more hygienic and more comfortable to get changed right away, so that’s what he had always been taught. He then thought about how if he had been born a century earlier, he would have been toilet trained at the same age that he learned to recognize if he had used his diaper or not. ‘Why did I have to be born at this point in time?’ he thought to himself.


Part 2


            Letting out a sigh, he motioned one of the androids that were lined up against the lockers on one side of the hall. It came to life and picked him up by the armpits. Unlike the one who had changed Josh earlier, however, this one looked just like a normal man rather than a woman.

            There were changing tables in designated areas along the hall, but there was no need for them not to be in plain view; diaper changes were common enough that no one even gave a second glance to someone being changed in the hall. So it wasn’t a big deal for Will as the android carried him over to one of the tables in a row contained in a side area of the hall.

            As it laid him down on one and began to unbutton his pants, he noticed that a girl was also being changed on a table. He recognized her; it was one of Michelle’s friends named Stephanie. She was in mid-change, and as she saw him, she said, “Oh, hey Will. What’s up?”

            “Not much,” he responded. “Same old shit, just another day. LITERALLY,” he added, nodding to his messy diaper, which his android had just un-taped.

            She laughed at his remark, and then said, “Yeah, that’s the way it is around here,” as her android, also one who looked male, finished cleaning her off. “I’m about ready for the end of the semester. Hey, are you coming to Jeremy’s party?” This conversation may have just as well taken place in the cafeteria or next to a water fountain…Will didn’t think anything else of it.

            “Hey, you know Michelle hates these parties,” he answered. “And there’s no way in hell she’s gonna let me go on my own.”

            “Oh come on,” she said as her android powdered her. “I’ll talk to her about it. If you wanna go you shouldn’t let HER keep you from doing it.”

            “Yeah, you’re probably right,” he said as his android wiped him clean. “And everybody’s gonna be there, so it should be great. Besides, it’s been a hell of a week.”

            Stephanie’s android put a new disposable diaper on her and finished getting her dressed. As it did so, it stood her back up and she got ready to get to her next class.

            “See ya, Will,” she said. “Hopefully at the party this weekend if not sooner.”


            “Yeah, see ya Steph,” he responded.

            As she walked away, Will let out another sigh while his android powdered him. It pulled out a new diaper and started to put it on him. He wasn’t paying attention and he ended up kicking the android while he wasn’t looking, knocking it back a few feet.

            Realizing what he had just done, Will smiled sheepishly and said, “Oops, sorry about that.”

            The android just smiled and started to tape his diaper on again. Once it did, put his pants back on, and stood him up. “Uh, thanks,” he muttered, not knowing why…it’s not like the android had feelings or cared for manners…he was just thinking about the people who used to have to change diapers and how they must have felt.

            Will made it through the rest of his school day managing to keep his mind off of the topic of toilets. After his last class was over, he rode the school bus home, talking to Josh, Taylor, and Todd about various subjects (they all lived fairly close to one another).

            After Will got off at his house, he walked into his house using the front door. Since his mom did not work, the door was unlocked and Will knew she would be home. Once inside, he saw his mom as well as his ten year old sister, Katie, and his five year old brother, Mikey. His mom and Katie were talking in the hall while Bob, the family android was changing Mikey’s diaper on a changing table against the wall of the living room. They had only named the android to make it easier to talk about…it wasn’t as though the Bob needed to be called by name to follow instructions.

            “Hey there, kiddo!” Will said, walking over to Mikey and rubbing his little brother’s head.

            “Willy!” yelled Mikey back, trying to get up while the android tried to wipe him.

            “Mikey, you know the rules!” said their mom. “You DON’T get up until your diaper has been changed!”

            Pouting slightly, Mikey laid back down while the android proceeded to finish doing its job. Will just smiled and said, “That’s right. You don’t want the android to make a mistake and knock you off the table just because you got in its way, now do you? Besides, we have plenty of time to play, you’ll be done in a second.”

            Turning her attention back towards Katie, Will’s mom said, “Now young lady, I’m tired of this. I asked you to gather up the trash and take it out.”

            “But mom,” Katie whined. “Why do I have to do it? Why can’t you get Bob to do it?”

            “Katie, we’ve been through this a thousand times,” Will’s mom said with a sigh of annoyance. “You know as well as I do that Bob isn’t programmed to do that. A long time ago laws were passed that androids may only be programmed to change diapers unless the circumstances are VERY important. I highly doubt any court would agree that you being too lazy to take out the garbage would fit those standards.”

            “Yeah, otherwise I woulda gotten Bob to do my homework a LONG time ago,” Will said. “So go on, Katie.”

            “Hmmph!” responded Katie indignantly as she went to go empty the various wastebaskets in the house.

            “Hey mom,” Will said. “I think I wanna go to a party this Friday, alright?”

            “William!” said his mom. “You know I don’t like you going to those parties!”

            “Come on, mom,” he said. “What’s so wrong about it? I always drink only a little bit, I get someone to drive me home, and nothing bad ever happens. Besides, I’m still makin’ straight A’s, remember?”

            Not being able to find a strong reason to object, Will’s mom just sighed and said, “Well, as long as your father says it’s ok, I guess you can go. But you have to baby-sit Katie and Mikey on Saturday, then.”

            “Fine with me,” Will said. Although they could be annoying quite often, Will always got along great with his siblings, especially Mikey.

            After a few more seconds, Bob finished changing Mikey’s diaper and set him down on the floor. Mikey then ran over to Will with a big smile on his face. Will smiled back and scooped Mikey up into his arms.

            “So, what did you do today?” asked Will. Ever since Mikey was born, Will had always enjoyed taking care of him and playing with him. Maybe it was because Katie was older, or maybe just because she was a girl (or maybe because she never seemed to shut up), but Will had never been as attached to Katie. But he still loved spending time with Mikey, and Mikey absolutely adored Will.

            As Mikey went on about what he had drawn in kindergarten and how he and his best friend had had a contest to see who could go the longest without having their diaper changed, (this resulted in their mom saying, “Mikey, that’s disgusting!”), Will thought of something; had they been born about a century earlier, he probably would have been one of the ones who would have changed Mikey’s diapers. The idea weirded him out a lot, and probably wouldn’t have enjoyed taking care of him as a baby if he had had to deal with Mikey’s pee and poop all of time. He then wondered how anybody used to put up with it from babies…

            But these thoughts were pushed out of his head as he and Mikey threw around a tennis ball in the front yard and played around in the grass. Eventually, their dad arrived from work. Will’s dad dealt with advertising and marketing, and he was currently working for a diaper company.

            “Hey dad!” Will said as his dad got out of the car. “How was work?”

            Will’s dad was a confident man, but rarely arrogant He also had a tendency to speak his mind. He responded, “Oh, just the same old stuff. The boss never listens to me, but it’s obvious that the weakest part about our brand of diapers is the tapes. We are always getting complaints about people going ‘Our android just can’t ever seem to get the tapes to stick on right’, or ‘I’m sick of having to go see an android just to have a tape re-fastened’. I’ve been telling the boss for weeks that he needs to worry less about focusing on the comfort of the inside material in our commercials and more how we’ve been improving the strength of the tapes because it’s obvious…”

            “Ok, ok, sorry I asked,” Will said with a smile. “Hey dad, can I go to this party on Friday?”

            “What? Oh, well, I guess so, as long as you be responsible.”

            “I always am,” said Will matter-of-factly.

            After saying a few things to Mikey, Will’s dad said, “Well, I’m shot. I’m hungry and I need a change. Will, go ask your mom when dinner’s going to be ready. Mikey, go let Bob know I’ll need him.”

            They all went back inside, and Will and Mikey did what their dad said. Later, the whole family had a somewhat nice dinner, and Will didn’t think anything more about the toilet subject. However, once dinner was over, he went back up to the privacy of his room and decided to look into it some more.

            He got on his computer, and after double-checking that the door was locked, he explored some of his favorite web-sites.

            Will had always thought his toilet infatuation was really, really weird, and until he was about ten years old, he thought he was a freak. But around that age, he discovered over the internet that he wasn’t alone. There were other people who had this strange desire to stop using their diapers, and in some cases, to even use toilets as well.

            He found out that they were even classified, although collectively they could all be called “Diaper Detesters”, or DD’s. Some people simply wanted to learn how to hold in their piss and their shit…these were called “Waste Holders”, or WH’s. Others wanted to do this, but also had a particular disgust of the idea of doing their business in their diapers…they wanted to do it openly, such as in their yards. These people were called “Open Pissers”, or OP’s. Still others had a particular desire to do it in actual toilets, and they were referred to as “Toilet Lovers”, or TL’s. And a last group had a particularly strong interest in the actual toilet training process, especially the praise associated with it and the act of using a small child’s actual “potty”, and as a result they were known as “Potty trainees”, or PT’s. Will himself didn’t exactly fit into one category exactly, but he was more of a potty trainee with some strong toilet lover aspects.

            Will had been very surprised to see how big the DD community was on the internet. Not only did they span across the globe, but they had come up with so many ideas and resources to indulge in their fantasies.

            Will had been able to find a lot of fictional stories about characters who had their diapers taken away from them and were forced to use toilets. There were also stories about public pissing, adults being potty trained and praised for it, and kids who magically created toilets for their own personal use. He also found databases of old historical accounts of children being potty trained at young ages, and how this was done, which always interested him. There were many collections of stories, and Will had many favorite sites that he would visit.

            There were also various products that were manufactured and sold. People had written books on how one can teach themselves to hold in their urine and feces, and there were even hypnotic tapes on the subject. There were also “training pants” that were made to help someone get rid of diaper dependency. There were even adult sized “potties”.

            Will also liked to explore message boards and read posts from others with his desires like his. Two of his favorite sites were DPF (Doodoo Potty Friends) and TBN (Toilet Bowl Net). Sometimes there were posts that he knew were untrue, such as kids claiming their parents had built them toilets with plumbing in their houses and toilet trained them. But there were other legitimate cases too, such as people describing how they found old abandoned toilets that were still functional in their neighborhoods (in some cases it was a waste to destroy the old bathrooms or to cut off the plumbing to them, apparently). He read about how certain kids tried to tell their parents or friends and how they had taken it (which ranged from understanding sentiment to phrases like “You’re a sick freak!”). He also met people who mixed their DDism with other things, such as furries who got a kick out of pissing on trees and bushes to mark their territory, or guys who wanted to pretend they were girls when pissing in a toilet by always sitting down.

            All of these things had inspired Will to play out his desires some. It had been extremely hard, but for a few weeks Will had managed to train himself to figure out when he needed to take a piss and how to hold it (it took him about two months to do this). Since he didn’t have a toilet, he settled with going around to the back of his house and letting it loose on some of the soil around the plants back there.

            But after a few weeks he heard his parents talking about how a certain group of their plants didn’t seem to be growing right for some reason. Will became extremely frightened that his parents might do some investigating and figure out what he had been doing, so he immediately stopped, and within a few days he had become incontinent again. He could just imagine his parents thinking, “You don’t want to wear diapers?! What on earth is wrong with you?! We’re sending you to a psychiatrist!”

            Will thought about these things as he scanned through the sites. Eventually, he got tired, and decided to take a shower. Will could take off his own diaper, but he would need Bob to put him in a new one once he was done, so he went ahead and called Bob so the android would be ready. After he finished his shower, Will had Bob put him in a new diaper. After Bob left, Will got dressed for bed and laid down to go to sleep. As he thought about the whole subject, he found it funny that everyone thought he was completely normal and had no idea that he had such a strange desire.


Part 3


            The next day (which was a Thursday) went by pretty smoothly for Will, other than his early morning encounter with Michelle. He met up with her before his first period class, and after he said, “Hey, baby,” and tried to embrace her, she greeted him with a hard push to the chest.

            “Hey, what was that for?” he asked. Michelle was a few inches shorter than him, and she was one of the prettier girls in the school. Her long brown hair and blue eyes just complemented her nice body. She was a cheerleader, and she did decently in school. Although she was a likeable person, Will knew firsthand how bossy she could be, and he often ended up caving in to her desires just to avoid an argument.

            “Why didn’t you call me yesterday?” she asked him with a fierce look on her face. “I barely saw you yesterday. You give all your time to your friends all day, and then you don’t even bother to call me?”

            “Hey, calm down,” he said. “You’re gonna wet yourself.”

            “I already have!” she responded angrily. “I just wanted to catch you before I got changed.”

            “Ok, ok, I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I just didn’t think about it yesterday. It’s been a tough week.

            “Anyway, listen, I want to go to Jeremy’s party tomorrow night, and it’s not gonna be any fun if you don’t come, too.”

            Michelle sighed and said, “Yeah, Stephanie told me you wanted to go. And even though you know how much I hate these damn parties, fine, I’ll go. But you have to promise me that you’ll keep your drinking under control. Remember last time?”

            “Yes, yes, I remember. I didn’t mean to throw up in your car, I mean, I tried to lean my head out the window, but I couldn’t get the window down and…”

            “Well, you better not do it again or I’ll take your diaper and wrap it around your face instead of your ass!”

            “Ok, ok. I’ll keep it under control. I promise.”

            “All right, fine, we’ll go. Now don’t forget to call me today.” With that she left him to go get her wet diaper changed.

            “Geez,” he muttered. “She almost made me wet MY diaper,” as he made his way to his first class.

            The next night, Will got in his car, picked Michelle up, and the two of them made their way to Jeremy’s party. The party was a fairly typical one…Jeremy’s parents were out of town, so there were few limits as to what was going on. Loud music was pumping, alcohol was freely available, and everyone was letting off steam from the previous week. After Will and Michelle saw who was there and said “Hi” to a few people, they ended up dancing for a while, and then Michelle went to talk to her cheerleader friends, and Will took the opportunity to get a drink before going over to see Josh and Taylor.

            “Well it looks like the ol’ lady let you come after all,” Josh said as Will walked up to them.

            “Yeah, even though she still got her diaper all up in a bunch for a bit,” said Will.

            “It’s been pretty crazy in here,” said Taylor. “Jeremy even had to rent some extra androids, given people are gonna be wetting themselves left and right, what with all the booze flowin’.”

            “But he better be careful,” said Josh. “It seems like a few people here have almost broken a couple of them.”

            “Hey, where’s Todd?” asked Will.

            Taylor let out a laugh, and then said, “Well, it’s not really funny, but since it’s Todd…”

            “What?” asked Will.

            “Poor guy got a bad case of diaper rash,” said Josh with a smile. “You see, his family ran out of diaper rash cream, and as you know, you gotta put that stuff on when you go to bed, otherwise you’ll wake up with a killer rash as long as you wet yourself in the night. His parents lucked out and made it through the night with clean diapers, but he wasn’t so lucky.”

            “Damn, that’s too bad,” said Will. “But he’ll be ok. So how’s it goin’ with the ladies, Tay?”

            Josh let out another laugh, and said, “Ol’ Taylor just got shot down to the mother fuckin’ ground.”

            “I just don’t get it,” Taylor said. “I go up to the girl, try to be nice and all, and what do I get? She tells me she’d rather change my diaper than go out with me.” He then shook his head and looked at the floor.

            “Damn, that was cold,” said Will.

            “And I didn’t do much better,” said Josh. “I was doin’ so damn good, and I think this girl was feelin’ me. And then what happens? With a loud fart sound I fill my damn diaper up with shit. She obviously knew it was me and I could tell she was tryin’ not to laugh as I sheepishly called for an android to change me. I mean, there’s no way to ruin your game than like that.”

            Will laughed and got a few more drinks while he continued to talk to his friends. He was having such a good time that he began to lose track of how many drinks he had had, so he started getting pretty tipsy…

            Michelle caught up with him, and since Josh and Taylor still wanted to try their luck with a few more girls, both she and Will made their way to an empty bedroom. On their way over, Michelle noticed a few guys playing a game that seemed to be popular at parties. The guys were seeing who could fill their diaper up with the most piss, and of course they were downing as much beer as they could in order to wet the most.

            ‘Idiots,’ Michelle thought to herself. ‘What grade are we in again?’

            After she pulled Will into the bedroom, she was definitely feeling horny, so she led him over to the bed and motioned for an android to come over.

            Will knew what was coming up…the sex diapers. He had learned a while back that it was a mistake to have sex with someone completely naked. It was quite unpleasant to be in the middle of making love only to have yourself or your partner have a large mess escape out of your ass. He had never heard of anyone pissing in the middle of sex, so he guessed that was why the special sex diapers were basically like regular diapers, but with a large portion cut off of the front so that intercourse could still happen but with enough protection to keep from making a mess.

            The android changed both Michelle and Will into their special diapers, and then the two engaged in making love. After they were done, right on cue the android came over and changed them back into normal diapers. They just continued to lie there on the bed.

            Michelle thought about how happy she was with Will. Despite the fact that his drinking could get on her nerves, he was a sweet guy who treated her well. That’s why she was caught a little off guard when he began to speak.

            “Uh…Michelle?” he asked in a somewhat slurred voice. “Tell me, baby, do you love me?”

            “Of course I do.”

            “Would you love me no matter what?”

            “You know I would.”

            “Well, you see, I got somethin’ to tell ya. It’s a secret. A dark, dark secret, and you can’t tell anyone else.”

            Michelle didn’t know what to think of this, but she was very interested. She just hoped that it wasn’t that he had killed someone or anything like that. What kind of secret could Will be hiding?

            “You can tell me,” she said.

            But at that point Will stopped speaking. Michelle looked over at him, only to find out that he was asleep.


            “Dammit!” she said. “He always does this! Well, at least he got on a real diaper before he pisses himself.”

            After trying to wake him for a few seconds, she gave up, and then fell asleep right alongside of him, wondering what in the world he could have been talking about.


Part 4


            The next day (which was a Thursday) went by pretty smoothly for Will, other than his early morning encounter with Michelle. He met up with her before his first class. The next morning, Will woke up with a horrible headache. Looking out the window, he realized that it was probably close to noon, and he remembered that he was still in Jeremy’s house.

            “Dammit,” he said. “My parents are gonna kill me.”

            After he reacquainted himself and put his clothes back on, Michelle entered the bedroom.

            “Well, it looks like my alcoholic boyfriend finally got his lazy ass up,” she said with a smile.

            “Ouch, not so loud,” he said. He knew she had only spoken normally, but it seemed louder due to his major headache.

            “Oh, I’m sorry,” Michelle whispered. “But maybe if you hadn’t GOTTEN DRUNK LIKE YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN’T YOU WOULD BE FEELING FINE! SO GET UP AND…”

            “Arrrggghhh!” he said back. “Ok, ok, I’m sorry…but it’s not like I got wasted out of my mind. I was just a little tipsy. In fact, I still remember everything from last night. So there.”

            “Oh, is that so?” she asked with a sly smile. ‘Ah ha,’ she thought. ‘We’ll see exactly what he remembers.’

            “If that’s the case,” she continued. “Then maybe we can continue on with the conversation we were having before you PASSED OUT.”

            “Uh, ok,” he started. He actually didn’t remember all that much from the last part of the night, although it seemed like it was in his brain, he just couldn’t get it out…

            “Yeah, about that…uh…right…ok, fine, I don’t remember everything. So,” he continued, changing his voice to a sarcastic one. “What was the big issue we were talking about?”

            “Well,” Michelle said, her smile widening. “You were just telling me that you have been keeping a very, VERY deep secret…”

            As she said this, Will’s body filled with nervousness. Trying to hide it behind his cracking voice, he stammered, “Uh…wait a sec…huh?”

            “Oh yeah,” Michelle continued. “You were about to tell me about some very personal secret that you had never told anyone else…”

            “Oh come on, now, you know…I was drunk, I was probably being stupid, you know…”

            “Oh, so a second ago, you were saying you were just tipsy, but now, everything you said didn’t make sense...”

            Will was really starting to lose his cool now, so he took a quick glance at his watch and said, “Damn, it really is late, I better be getting back to my house, my parents will be wondering where I am. So, uh, bye baby.”

            Will raced past Michelle before she could do anything else, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as he passed her, and then he was gone.

            But Michelle wasn’t angry…she was actually intrigued. ‘This must be pretty serious,’ she thought. ‘It’s obviously not a fluke, he’s way too nervous. But I’ll get him to talk.’

            As she looked out the window and saw his car pull out of the driveway, she then realized something. “Dammit!” she said. “Now I have to get another one of these pigs to give me a ride home! And their cars always smell like dirty diapers, for some God awful reason!”

            Once Will got back home, his mom was angry at him for spending the night away from home without calling to tell her. She could also tell he had been drinking, and even though he explained to her that everything was fine, she still wasn’t very happy. She told him that he would have to watch over Katie and Mikey for the whole afternoon as well as the evening, which was more than Will had expected and was frustrating because he knew that he wasn’t allowed to have any friends over while he was watching them. But he knew it was only fair and that it was pointless to argue with her, so he was stuck with his brother and sister for the rest of the day while his parents ran some errands and later went out to dinner and a movie.

            Will didn’t really mind taking care of them, since Katie was pretty much old enough to take care of herself, so he didn’t have to deal with her much, and he always enjoyed spending time with Mikey. His mom had already fixed the kids lunch before he got in, so he could basically do anything with them that he wanted until dinnertime.

            Although Mikey was old enough that he didn’t need to take naps any more, he sometimes got pretty tired. He had spent most of the morning playing outside, so Will wasn’t surprised to see him fast asleep on the couch. Smiling, Will picked him up, carried him up to his room, and put him in his bed. Part of Will was actually glad that Mikey had fallen asleep; he still had a bit of a headache, and as much as he loved Mikey, his little brother definitely had a way of making headaches worse sometimes.

            Will wanted to check on Katie to make sure she wasn’t doing anything she wasn’t supposed to, and he found her watching TV in the living room. She was watching Lizzie McGuire, and even though Will had hated the only bit of it that he had ever seen, he decided to try to be nice to his sister and let her watch. Besides, he wasn’t in the mood to argue.

            As he came into the room, she turned to him and said, “Oh, it’s just you.”

            “Try not to be so happy about it,” he said sarcastically as he plopped onto the couch. “Didn’t mom tell you that we’re stuck together for the rest of the day? And before you ask, no, I’m not taking you anywhere, mom told me I couldn’t.”

            “Ugh, fine,” Katie said. “Couldn’t you at least have brought Michelle over. She’s cool…I don’t know why she likes you.”

            “Mom told me I can’t have anyone over while I watch you and Mikey. Besides, Michelle’s not too crazy about me right now anyway.”

            “Oooh, did you two have a fight?” Katie asked with a sudden enthusiasm.

            “Well, uh, kinda.”

            “About what?”

            There was no way Will was going to tell Katie about his drinking and partying, and he definitely would never tell her that he had told Michelle about a dark secret. So he just said, “That’s none of your business.”

            “Hmphh,” Katie said. “Fine.” But after a few minutes, she continued to ask him. He must have told her “no” about ten times, but eventually he got very sick of her asking. He finally decided that he’d tell her something just to shut her up. Even though he wouldn’t tell her all of the details, he came up with an idea.

            “Okay, okay, fine,” he said. “Well, basically, I just asked her ‘Do you ever think about diapers?’. She was like ‘What are you talking about?’. ‘You know,’ I said. ‘I mean, don’t you ever wonder what it would be like if we didn’t wear diapers?’ ‘No,’ she said. And I guess I kind of pushed it a little bit, and she got a little annoyed with me. But that’s about it.”

            “Why in the world would you ask her something like that?” Katie asked. “I’m not surprised she got annoyed.”

            “Well, come on,” Will said. “I mean, don’t you ever think it’s kind of weird that we do our…stuff…in diapers?”

            Katie looked puzzled. “Uh, what else would we do?” she asked.

            “Well, I mean, you know how people used to do it in toilets? I mean, don’t you ever think about what it must have been like?”

            Katie looked at him like he was from Mars. “No! Why would anyone ever think that? You are so weird, Will! Why can’t I have a normal brother? Toilets…boy you’re stupid. I’m going up to my room to read.”

            As Katie got up to leave, Will said, “Well, I’d be willing to trade with some other guy for a sister who didn’t get on my nerves all the time any day.”

            “Whatever,” she said as she left the room.

            Was there any wonder why he didn’t get along with her? Although he had pushed it a little bit talking about toilets just then, he knew she wouldn’t think anything of it since she was always thinking he was weird or stupid. On the other hand, it made him feel even more stupid about telling Michelle that he had a secret, because he knew if he ever told her what it was, her response would probably be the same as Katie’s had been.

            Trying to get his mind on something else, he changed the channel and watched TV for a while (he knew Katie would be fine on her own and he’d hear it when Mikey woke up). After a few hours, he turned off the TV, and got Bob to change his wet diaper.

            As Bob was taping on his new diaper, Will saw Mikey come racing down the stairs.

            “Willy’s home!” he said excitedly.

            “Hey there, Buddy,” Will said as Bob finished dressing him and let him stand back up. “Have a good nap?”

            “I’m five, I don’t take naps!” Mikey said defiantly. “I just…fell asleep.”

            Will just laughed and said, “Oh, ok. So, what do you want to do?”

            “Hmm…let’s watch Shrek!”

            Although Will was kind of sick of TV at the moment, he liked seeing Mikey happy (and besides, Shrek was a damn funny movie), so he agreed to it.

            As Will was putting the DVD in, he said, “Hey Mikey, let me ask you something; Do you ever feel, you know, WEIRD about wearing diapers?”

            Mikey looked at him, thought about the question for a second, and then smiled and said, “Nope! I love diapers! Don’t you?”

            Will couldn’t help but smile and just say, “Uh, yeah. I guess I do.”

            The rest of the evening was uneventful. They watched the movie, Will ordered a pizza for dinner for the three of them, and eventually his parents got home. But as Will went to sleep that night, he still felt like an outcast among his friends and family for his strange desire.

            It became even harder for Will to ignore these feelings over the next few weeks. This was because Michelle had found a deep interest in his so-called “dark secret”. He knew that she felt that she knew everything about him, and he also knew that it was annoying to her that he had something that he had kept from her. He could kind of understand it, since for all she knew it could range from him cheating on her best friend to him still sleeping with a teddy bear. Still, he couldn’t help but be really annoyed about it, since she simply would not drop the subject.

            Every day, she would be like, “Oh come on Will, you can tell me. I’m sure it’s not THAT big of a deal. Come on, don’t we tell each other everything?”

            “Michelle, honestly, just drop it. I’m not going to tell you. It was a huge mistake to even tell you I had a secret and I never would have done it had I not been drinking.”

            “I TOLD you that you shouldn’t drink like that,” she said.

            “Even so, I want you to just forget that I ever said anything. Because I’m not going to tell you. I’ve never told anybody (‘in person, that is’ he said to himself), and I probably never will. So honestly, just pretend I never said anything.”

            She must have asked him about 50 times, and he told her no each time. But even though it may have seemed like he was holding his ground, her constant pleading was having an effect on him. He seemed to be thinking about toilets more than he normally did, and he started to feel weirder and weirder about the whole thing. It was nice to talk to people on-line, but sometimes they just felt like they were imaginary people. He really wished he could just have someone to talk to face to face.

            Slowly, day by day, these thoughts began to chip away at him. Even though he had swore to himself he would never tell anyone about his desires, he found himself considering the idea of actually telling her. As the days passed, he leaned closer and closer to letting the cat out of the bag. Finally, the day came where he decided that he just couldn’t take it any more, and he’d just go ahead and tell her. He had trusted her with just about everything else before, and he knew that if he could tell anyone, it was her.

            So, the next day after school, he went over to her house where he knew they wouldn’t be bothered. After some initial conversation he finally said,

            “Ok, Michelle, since you’re so extremely interested, I’ll tell you what my ‘dark secret’ is. But listen. I’ve never told anyone this before, and to be honest, it’s really weird and even kind of embarrassing. So you have got to promise me that you’ll never tell anyone about this. Honestly, me even telling you is a great sign of trust.”

            Although Michelle was very excited to know what the big secret was, she could also tell how extremely serious that Will was. So, she said, “Ok. If it’s that big of a deal, I promise that I won’t ever tell anyone about it.”

            “Ok then,” he said. “Now, like I said, this is pretty weird. But…well…” This was harder than he had thought.

            “Well, do you remember from class how people used to use toilets instead of diapers?”

            “Yeah…” she said.

            “Well, and I honestly don’t know why, but ever since I was little, I’ve just had this strong desire to…well…use them instead of diapers.”

            She just looked at him strangely and said, “What?”

            “Toilets. I had this crazy interest in them. I don’t know it’s just…”

            But he was cut off by her bursting into laughter. He couldn’t believe it! After all of her pleading and his serious intro, she found it funny! He actually found himself surprisingly hurt by this, and he immediately got very upset and said,

            “You see?! This is why I don’t fucking tell anybody this shit! Well, I’m glad YOU think it’s funny, because…”

            Once he started talking like this, he was surprised to see her immediately stop laughing.

            To his surprise, the look on her face was very serious and full of concern. She cut off his speech by saying,

            “Wait, you mean you’re serious? I’m sorry Will, I thought you were joking! But…you’re not. That means…you’re secret is…toilets…?”

            “Yes,” he said firmly, calming himself down. “I know, it’s very bizarre. But it’s true.”

            “Wow…I, uh…well…hmm. Well, I have to say, I wasn’t expecting that.”

            “Well, are you happy now?” he asked. “You wanted to know my big secret so badly. And now you do. So I guess we really don’t have anything else to talk about.”

            “No, really, Will, I’m sorry.” She had to admit, she had been pretty shocked. But now that the initial shock was over, she started thinking about it. He was still her boyfriend, and this was obviously a big thing for him. It would be best if she was sincere about the whole thing.

            “It’s just, well, that was the LAST thing I was expecting. I thought you were going to tell me you were adopted or something like that. But honestly, even though I have to admit this is very weird, it’s not that big of a deal, is it? I mean, it’s not like you killed somebody or anything.”

            He looked at her with interest. He hadn’t been sure how she would take this whole thing, and he still didn’t know what to think.

            “It’s just…I just don’t understand why anyone would WANT to use a toilet. I mean, it’s just…disgusting, right? Why would anyone not use diapers?”

            “It’s like I told you, I have no idea. I’ve asked myself why a million times. But I do. But just so you know, it’s not like I’m the only person on earth like this. I’ve looked on-line, and there are tons of us. We’re still in the vast minority, but still…it’s not like I’m one of a kind.”

            With that, he got on her computer and showed her some of the tamer sights for people who like toilets (since some of the freaky stuff out there would have surely made her think he was a sicko). That really seemed to help, and he could tell she was slowly warming up to the idea.

            Finally, he left her house. He still couldn’t believe he had actually told her, and he was simply relieved that she wasn’t mad and that she didn’t think he was a total freak. As he went to sleep that night, for the first time he felt like he wasn’t a total outcast.

            It was funny how things went for the next few weeks. It had been so difficult to finally tell her about everything, but now that he had, it wasn’t so hard to talk about it with her. He could tell that she still found the whole thing weird, but she was very supportive of him, and he found himself pouring into her about the whole thing while she listened intently. His guess was that she realized how big of a deal this was to him and that she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Before too long, he felt almost completely comfortable talking to her about it, and he didn’t even think about her true thoughts about it.

            Michelle still hadn’t really completely gotten over the whole thing, though. She really did feel special that he had actually told her something so personal, and because she really did care for him, she didn’t want to make a huge mistake and completely ruin things by being unsupportive. But she still couldn’t shake her own feelings…no matter how hard she tried to look at things from Will’s point of view, she still found the whole thing very, very strange, and it even freaked her out a little bit. What was worse, now that he had told her, it didn’t seem like he could stop talking about it, and as supportive as she tried to be, she was getting kind of tired of hearing about toilets.

            So she wasn’t exactly happy when one day he asked her, “Uh, Michelle, I was wondering…do you think that maybe…you could, you know, do something with me that involved toilets?”

            “You don’t want me to use a toilet, do you Will?!” she asked in shock.

            “No! No! I would never ask you to do that. It’s just, well, I’ve been messing around with this stuff lately, and it would be great if I had someone to help me with it.”

            As much as she didn’t really want to, she knew how important this was to Will, so she agreed. And since his family was always around at his house, she even agreed to do it at her house, where things were pretty calm.

            “Ok then,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, and I’ll bring everything that we’ll need.”


Part 5


            The next day after school, Will went over to Michelle’s house again. Only this time, he took a bucket that he had found in their house one day, the only item that he felt he would need.

            When he got to her house, the two of them went up to Michelle’s room (although there was no one else in the house at the time). The two talked for a while about various subjects, until the inevitable topic of toilets came up. Funnily enough, it was Michelle who brought it up, because she had been wondering what Will wanted to do ever since he saw the bucket that he brought.

            “So, since I know you’re dying to do this, what exactly did you want me to help you out with?” she asked.

            “Well, here’s the thing,” said Will. Even though he was kind of nervous about all of this, he had talked to Michelle enough times about his toilet feelings that he was able to talk fairly comfortably. “If you remember what I’ve told you, there are a pretty wide variety of people who don’t like diapers, and they’ve gotten the name Diaper Detesters. Although they can be split into a lot of groups, a particularly large group has a particular interest in toilets. These are called Toilet Lovers. And like I’ve told you, I fit into this group, so that’s all I’ll focus on.

            “In the group of Toilet Lovers, some are just that; they only like toilets. Of course, there are a few problems for them to live out their desires. Firstly, there really aren’t many around anymore, so unless they’re lucky enough to find an area where they’re still installed, they have to make do with what they can. Hence, the bucket that I brought.”

            Michelle still felt pretty weird, and she couldn’t help but think of Will as being strange, especially because he was talking like this was completely normal. But she persisted and listened as intently as she could, determined to show concern for him because she knew she was one of his only outlets.

            “You mean,” she said. “You’re actually going to…you know, pee in the bucket?”

            “Well, yeah, but wait a sec, I’ll get to that,” he responded. “Now, some people have been able to build some pretty neat little devices, some with water in them, and some that actually flush. You do know how toilets work, right?” he asked.

            “Yeah, basically. You do your stuff, wipe yourself, and put the paper in there, and then you uh…”

            “You pull this little handle thingy and all of it gets sucked down a pipe that leads to a septic tank or a sewer or something, basically just like a sink or a bathtub.”

            “But don’t people get stuck or sucked down, too?” she asked with fear.

            Will laughed and said, “No, of course not, the hole’s too small, only the water gets sucked down, and it’s not like you’re sitting on it when you flush anyway. Like I was saying, though, as you can imagine it’s basically impossible for the average person to build one in their own home, although I’ve heard some people have done just that. However, most people just do what they can, and all I’ve really done is used this bucket.”

            “You mean you’ve done this before? You actually pissed in this bucket?!” she asked, backing away from the bucket.

            “Well, yeah…haven’t I ever told you that?”

            “You said you wanted to, I never knew you actually DID it. Ugh, that’s weird.”

            “Oh come on,” he said. “It’s not like you’re all high and mighty. You do it in your diaper every day.”

            “Yeah, but that’s different. You get changed right away, and cleaned, and…you know.”

            “Anyway, yes, I’ve done it. And it’s not that big of a deal. Afterwards, I just pour it down the sink, and I wash the bucket.”

            Michelle then said, “Now THAT is disgusting. That’s why we have androids, you know.”

            “I have to admit, it wasn’t that pleasant, but you know, way back in the day, that’s what people had to do.”

            “Yeah, and that’s why people were primitive back then. But wait…how are you able to do this? It’s not like you know when you have to pee or poop or anything.”

            “Well, you see, that’s a problem. Some of us want to use something like a toilet so badly that they’ll stand or sit there and wait until it comes out. But I don’t have the patience for that. So I’ve been able to train myself to learn how to know when I need to go, and how to hold it in until…”

            “You mean you actually HOLD it IN?!” she asked in disbelief. “That is SO cracked out. It just gives me chills.”

            “Honestly, what’s the big deal? So I can hold in my piss, so what? It’s not like it’s dangerous or unsanitary or anything.”

            “Yeah, but…are you sure? I thought I once read a study that back when people had toilets they had all these urinary tract problems and stuff like that because they held it in…”

            “That’s a bunch of crap. Maybe in some extreme cases, ok, maybe, but not in general.”

            “Ok, so let me get this straight. You wait until you have to piss, then you hold it in, then you go to this bucket, and you piss in it. And you like this?”

            “Well, yeah. Once I actually tried to take a shit in it, but that was kind of nasty so…”

            “Ok, piss is bad enough, I don’t think I can handle hearing about you pooping in a bucket, ok? Anyway, so where do I come into all of this? What do you want from me?”

            Will mentally sighed. It hadn’t been too bad telling Michelle all about his toilet desires, but he had only briefly mentioned his other interest. He also had a particular interest in the idea of toilet training, which was why he considered himself to be a Potty Trainee as well as a Toilet Lover. However, he thought Michelle would find this even stranger. But it was one of his secret fantasies to completely engage in the toilet training process, and this was probably the closest he’d ever get to it.

            “Well, you see, even though just about all of us get pleasure from doing this, some of us like more than just the idea of using a toilet. If you remember, I think I mentioned another group other than Toilet Lovers. These people are Potty Trainees, and I fit into this group as well. People in this group have a particular interest in actual toilet training.”

            “Uh,” said Michelle. “What exactly is that again?”

            “Well,” Will said patiently. “If you remember, even back when people used toilets, babies actually didn’t. They wore diapers just like us because they weren’t able to hold it in, and also because as you can imagine, it’s impossible for a baby to get up and around and use a toilet. However, once a kid reached a certain age, which was usually between 2 and 4, he or she was ‘toilet trained’. This is when they were taught to do just what I’ve been talking about; recognizing when they needed to go, holding it in until they reached a toilet, and then using the toilet properly.

            “This was a really big deal for parents. Not only did it mean they didn’t have to change their kid’s diapers any more, but it was like another step in growing up, like learning to walk or learning to talk. So, a lot of times parents would strongly encourage their kids to do this; learn to hold in their waste, tell the parents when they needed to use the toilet, and then use it right. Every time the kid did it right, the parents would praise him or her and tell them that they’re a “big” boy or girl, or something to that effect.”

            “Ok, that is just freaky,” said Michelle. “There’s no way I would ever want my child to use one of these things.”

            “Well,” said Will nervously. “You see, unfortunately, that’s the kind of thing I wanted you to help me out with. I don’t know why exactly, but I also have a desire to not only train myself to use a toilet, but to have someone train me. I don’t know, I’ve read that some of it might have to do with me missing out on some big accomplishment between the age of 2 and 4. I don’t really remember anything out of my life then, but apparently my parents didn’t praise me and make me feel like I was growing up, so I never really got this sense of independence and accomplishment. So, I have a desire to gain this, and it all manifested into one particular goal to accomplish. And for some reason, this is related to my toilet interest, and therefore, I have this great desire to go through the toilet training process. Now, I don’t know if this is true or not, and it’s not like I consciously feel like I’ve missed out on some stage of my childhood. It’s just I’m left with this crazy desire, and that’s the apparent explanation.”

            Michelle just kind of looked at him in disbelief. “Wow,” she said. “I can’t believe it. I just thought you were normal, just like everybody else all of these years.”

            “Don’t you see?” Will asked. “I am normal...I’m still the same person you’ve always known. It’s just I have this crazy interest. But, until now, I’ve never had the chance to live it out, and I was hoping you’d be able to give me that chance.”

            Michelle wasn’t sure about all of this, but it looked like this was something very important to Will. So she just sighed and said, “All right. What exactly do you want me to do?”

            “Ok,” said Will. “I’ve been holding in my piss for the last hour or so. What I want you to do is pretend like I’m a little kid about 3, and that you’re my mom. I’ve been wearing diapers for my life, but it’s time for me to get toilet trained. It’s been really hard for me to do this, and I’ve still yet to actually make it to a toilet without wetting myself. So what’s gonna happen is that I recognize I need to go, I tell you, you tell me that I need to go to the toilet, which will be the bucket, which will be in the bathroom. Just pretend it’s a real toilet. Then, I pull down my pants, undo my diaper, and I pee in the bucket. I act all happy, and you’re all happy too, telling me that I did a very good job and that I’m a big boy, not a baby anymore. Think you can do that?”

            “Uh…”, Michelle said. “I think so…just give me a moment, I really have to stretch my imagination to pretend this.”

            As Michelle took a few minutes to get over the weird feelings she was feeling and try to imagine herself in the scenario, Will found himself kind of nervous but extremely excited. As tough as it was to spit this all out, he would now FINALLY get the chance to live out his fantasy. And he loved Michelle, so there was no better person to fit this role (except for maybe his own mom, but that would be just too weird for him).

            After those minutes, Michelle said, “Ok, I think I know what to do. I’m ready.”

            “Ok, let’s go downstairs into your living room,” said Will.

            The two of them headed to the living room and once they were there, Will said, “All right, here we go…starting…now!”

            Immediately, Will changed his voice. Sense part of his fantasy involved him pretending like he was being toilet trained, he had little difficulty pretending like he was a three year old (even if it was kind of embarrassing around Michelle, it was a small price to pay). In his best little kid voice, he said, “Uh-oh, mommy, I have to go pee pee.”

            It was a good thing Michelle was ready for this. She then said in her best sincere motherly voice, “Ok then, ‘Willy’, where do we go when we have to pee?”

            “The bathroom!” said Will excitedly. Next, he ran up the stairs into Michelle’s bathroom with her right behind him.

            As he stood in front of the bucket, Michelle said, “Ok, now what do you do next?”

            Without speaking, Will unbuckled his belt, and then slid his pants down to his ankles. He then undid the tapes on his diaper.

            “Ok, now make sure you don’t miss,” said Michelle.

            “Ok,” said Will. Then, making sure his aim was true, he began to urinate into the bucket. It lasted for about thirty seconds, and then he stopped. Michelle had never seen this before, so she watched in amazement (that is, she had never seen someone urinate openly before, she had seen Will’s penis plenty of times, so that wasn’t weird).

            Once he was done, he smiled and said excitedly, “I did it! Mommy, I did it! I didn’t need my diaper!”

            “Good boy, Willy! I’m so proud of you! You did it just like a big boy! No more baby diapers for you! You’re growing up…” Suddenly, Michelle’s voice changed and she looked flustered. All of her thoughts and emotions about this whole thing hit her, and she suddenly felt sick of everything

            Looking at Will, in her normal voice she said, “I’m sorry Will, but I just can’t do this. It’s just too weird, and kind of gross. I mean, I know how important it is to you, but…”

            Will’s face fell. For those few minutes, he had been so happy. It had been perfect. But obviously, that’s all it could be. He should have known Michelle didn’t like this.

            “Fine,” he said. “I know, I know it’s really weird. Thanks for doing it, but yeah, it’s pretty stupid.” Motioning for Michelle’s family’s android, he just laid down while it re-diapered him.

            As it was putting his pants back on, Michelle spoke again. “Will, I’ve been meaning to tell you this, too. I mean, I know how big this is to you, and I know how nice it must be for you to open up to someone you know about this, but, honestly, I’m kind of tired of it. I don’t have a problem with you doing it on your own…that’s your business. But I want our relationship to go back to normal. I don’t want to hear about toilets any more. It really does kind of freak me out, and lately it seems to be the only thing you talk about. So, I think it should be like you said…just pretend like you never told me. I won’t treat you any differently, and we’ll both act like I never knew. All right?”

            Will was initially pretty shocked to hear this, but he was self-conscious enough about the whole thing that he immediately said, “Yeah, sure. You’re right. I mean, who would want to hear about it, right? It is really weird, and yeah, I shouldn’t drag you into it.”

            The two just looked at each other silently for a few more minutes. Then, Will said, “Well, I guess I should be going home then.”

            “Ok, then,” Michelle said. They both gave each other a kiss, but there wasn’t any emotion it. After they both said bye, Will left the house and got in his car to go home.

            To his surprise, he was close to tears. It wasn’t that he was upset that Michelle was freaked out about all of this…he had known that for a while. It was just that he felt like a such an idiot. It had been so nice to open up to someone about it that he had completely forgotten about how weird she must have found this. For weeks he had gone on and on about all of his feelings and details about his desires, and now he knew that Michelle never really was interested…she was just listening because it made him feel good. He felt like he had pushed this on her, and he felt like a loser. But he thought she was right. He hadn’t been paying as much attention to her thoughts and feelings, and their relationship hadn’t been the same. He owed it to her to put things back to normal, and just pretend like he had never told her. Still, it was very depressing…he had a lost a very personal outlet for this, and he would never get to live out his fantasy again.

            By the time he got home, he wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. As he walked through the door, his mom immediately recognized that something wasn’t right.

            “What’s wrong, Will?” she asked. “You look really down. Are you hungry? You haven’t eaten, you must be starving.”

            “No, mom, I’m not really hungry…I don’t feel like eating.”

            “Are you feeling sick?” she asked.

            “No, mom…I’m fine…”

            “Do you need a change? You know, Will, any time you’re wet you should immediately go to Bob and…”

            “NO, mom,” said Will with a little irritation. “I don’t need a change. I just…need to be alone for a while.”

            With that, he trudged up to his room, shut the door, and threw himself onto his bed. He didn’t remember the last time he felt this depressed. He was sick of this whole thing. ‘Why the hell am I like this?’ he asked himself, tears starting to well up in his eyes. ‘Why the hell can’t I be normal? Why do I like these fucking toilets?! What the hell is wrong with me?!’ Before he knew it, for the first time in many years, he ended up crying himself to sleep.

Part 6


            For the next few days, both Will and Michelle found that they couldn’t bring themselves to talk to one another. Will was still feeling depressed about his desires and Michelle’s feelings towards them, and he was still adjusting to not being able to talk to her about it anymore. Michelle couldn’t stop thinking about how weird it had been to see Will act like a toilet-training two year old, and she also felt bad about how blunt she had been…so bad that she couldn’t bring herself to talk to him

            After a few days of this, both of their friends started to notice. One day in the hall Josh came up to Will and said, “Ok, man, honestly, what’s up? You’ve been all depressed and down lately. And I know you haven’t been talking to Michelle. What the hell happened between you two?”

            “I don’t know, man…things just haven’t been the same recently. I just feel weird talking to her.”

            “Well dammit, get up off your ass and fix it,” said Josh. “You two have had problems before, but you’ve never been this depressed. You’ll only feel better once you fix the problem.”

            “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” said Will. He knew Josh wasn’t completely correct since it was more than his issues with Michelle that were making him feel bad, but at the same time, he knew that if he didn’t talk to Michelle, he probably would never feel better. He decided to stop moping and make an effort to change directions.

            Michelle had a similar conversation with Stephanie. Michelle told her how bad she felt for him, and Stephanie told her that she’d just feel the same until she started talking to him again.

            So, after their last classes, Will and Michelle met up with each other. It was pretty awkward for both of them, but they knew they had to make an effort.

            “Hey,” said Will. “How’ve you been?”

            “Ok, I guess,” said Michelle. “You?”

            “Yeah, I’ve been all right. Class sucks, like normal, but I always deal with it.”

            Neither could figure out what to say next, so Michelle decided to try to make a joke to lighten things up.

            “You know, it was pretty nasty when I had to clean that bucket you left over at my house.” She realized right after she said it that it was a bad idea, because Will looked even more uncomfortable.

            After a few seconds, he said, “You know, this is stupid. Ever since a few days ago, it’s like we’re two different people. I’ve been moping around and being all down, and I’m sure it’s been awkward for you to talk with me. So let’s just both do what we said; let’s completely forget about everything that happened and just pretend it never happened. Ok?”

            “Yeah, you’re right,” said Michelle. “I’ve been feeling bad for how I came across earlier, so if I just forget about it, then I’ll feel better talking to you. Let’s just get our relationship back to normal.”

            “Exactly. So, on that note, why don’t we go to Starbucks and talk things over?”

            “Sounds great,” Michelle said with a smile. She gave him a quick kiss and the two of them left.

            They used the time to catch up on everything that had been happening in their lives, and they were both feeling better. Now that Will had had a few days to get over his feelings, he had warmed up to the idea of forgetting about everything. By the end of their brief date, they both had little trouble putting everything behind them.

            Will was happy that his life had gotten back to normal, and over the next few weeks he was almost able to convince himself that he had never told Michelle anything. He went back to keeping his desires strictly personal.

            Still, just like before he had ever told Michelle about everything, he still felt very weird about his desires. He couldn’t help but feel that he was separated from everyone he knew, and sometimes it would eat away at him.

            He went through a brief period where he tried to purge his mind of his crazy desires, believing he could push it out of his system. He stopped looking at Internet sites and stopped posting messages on the boards where he used to. He always used his diapers and didn’t think anything of it.

            For a little while, it seemed to be working, and he was able to go about his normal life and not feel sorry for himself. But in the back of his mind his desires were still there, and every now and then the sound of water running would remind him of a toilet flushing, or he would think about wiping himself when an android did it for him.

            He soon found himself back on the internet looking at his sites, and he felt much more liberated when he wasn’t trying to make himself stop thinking about toilets. It was like some kind of addiction…he felt much better when he let himself indulge in his desires, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but wish that he didn’t need them to make him feel that way.

            He eventually reached a happy medium that he could live with. He managed to push his desires into one part of his life and separate them from his daily life. However, he also allowed himself to indulge in his feelings in limited periods of time.

            This way, he still got the joys of thinking about toilets, but he was able to convince himself during most parts of the day that he was “normal” and didn’t even have them. For the most part, this scheme worked very well. But it was when these two parts of his life collided that he felt horrible for even having these desires at all, and wished that he truly could be normal.

            Still, these times only occurred occasionally, and he felt the bad feelings he got were a small price to pay for an overall happy balance.

            It wasn’t until things started to go wrong between him and Michelle that this plan was thrown way out of balance.

            Like just about any relationship, Will and Michelle’s had never been perfect. They would get into fights about a variety of issues, and sometimes go for periods without talking to each other. Sometimes Will was at fault, sometimes Michelle was, and sometimes they both were. However, eventually someone would admit they were wrong, they would both decide the matter they were fighting over wasn’t really important, and they ended up making up again. But no matter how many times they made up, eventually something else would come up, and more drama would ensue.

            Now, once again, the happiness between the two would be disrupted. This time around, the issue was Will’s three best friends: Josh, Taylor and Todd. Will was still very close to all of them, and they always made his life better when things got tough.

            Michelle had known them for just about as long as Will had, but she never spent nearly as much time with them as Will did. In fact, she hardly ever even had contact with them unless they were with Will. She basically didn’t get along with any of them, and to make things worse, Will acted very differently around them than he did when she was with him alone.

            This hadn’t been a problem to her before, but now it seemed like he was spending more and more time with them, and she barely got to see Will by herself. She constantly wanted to see him, so she forced herself to tolerate being around all four of them together. As bossy as she was, she had a lot more trouble getting him away from them, because Will always seemed irritated by her when she pulled him away. And now, as the amount of time she had to spend with them grew, so did her frustrations with them and Will’s behavior around them.

            She didn’t really have a problem with either Todd or Taylor, she just didn’t click with them. Todd tended to be cocky about how smart he was, and his main interests were anime and video games, two things that Michelle found incredibly boring. So whenever the conversation drifted towards them, she was left out and couldn’t help but blame Todd because he was almost always the one who brought it up.

            Taylor just struck Michelle as weird. He was always reading, and he always seemed to be looking for the true meaning of life and things like that…he was so deep about everything. Sure, he was really nice, and he always tried to act cool when he was around Will and the other two, but for some reason she felt uncomfortable around him.

            But her feelings towards these two were just minor irritations. It was Josh who she really started to dislike, almost to the point where it was hatred. He never seemed to shut up, and he was always cussing or making rude comments. He tended to be chauvinistic and would say things that offended her and made her feel like he thought that girls were only good for sexual pleasure. He would tell jokes that disgusted her, but always seemed to be funny to Will and his friends. And probably worst of all, he would always make little diaper jokes or always talk about gross things like that.

            After a while it got to the point that she couldn’t take it anymore, especially because Will seemed to be spending a lot of time with Josh in particular, and Will even started to act like Josh more and more, sometimes in little ways when she was with him alone.

            Finally, one day while she was over at Will’s house, she brought up the topic.

            “Will, honestly, I’m really starting to get sick of your friends. It seems like every time I see you you’re with them, and I think they’re starting to rub off on you.”

            “What are you talking about? What the hell’s wrong with my friends?”

            “Will, come on, open your eyes. Todd’s a computer geek, Taylor’s a wannabe hippie, and Josh…he’s just a fucking asshole.”

            “Hey! Don’t fuckin’ talk about my friends like that! They’re like brothers to me, and I’m closer to them than anyone.”

            “Well, that’s the problem. Maybe you shouldn’t be hanging around them as much…they having an influence on you, and...”

            “Don’t fuckin’ judge my friends! And who the hell are you to tell me who I should hang out with. At least my friends don’t boss me around like you and try to control my life.”

            “Ok, fine, hang out with Todd and Taylor all you want. But Josh is a stupid bastard, and I’m sick of dealing with him!”

            “Well, you can either deal with it or stop spending time around me, because he’s my bud and I’m not cutting him off just because you can’t handle a little humor every now and then.”

            “You know what? Maybe I SHOULD stop being around you all the time. And I’ll start right now…I’m leaving. Because you know…Josh really is starting to rub off on you…you’re almost as big of an asshole as he is!”

            As Michelle stormed out the room, Will yelled, “Good! You can just get the fuck outta my house.”

            That night both of them went to sleep angry. Will couldn’t get over how uptight Michelle was being about him just chilling with his friends just like he always had…it wasn’t like he hadn’t spent a lot of time with them for years. Michelle couldn’t see why Will was so stubborn and why he kept putting his friends over her. But she still really believed that him spending so much time with Josh was the major problem, so most of her anger was actually aimed at Josh…so much so that she decided she would take it up with him the next day.

            Early that morning, before their first class, Michelle saw Josh at his locker. Although she had originally planned on confronting him with a cool head, all of that went out the window as soon as she saw his face. All of her frustrations exploded in her as she walked up to talk to him. And, in retrospect, she realized that she had been nothing short of a complete bitch.

            As she confronted him, she said firmly, “Listen up, asshole. I’m sick of you, and I’m tired of you…”

            Josh was caught off guard, but he soon got on track and said, “Whoa whoa whoa…calm down, baby. You sound like you just shitted your diaper, honestly…chill out.”

            “Comments like that are exactly what I’m talking about!” she said, not caring to keep her voice down. “You’re just a pig, and you’re lucky that I don’t beat your ass right now!”

            “Oh, is that so? Well, you better get a reality check, honey, because in case you haven’t been noticing, Will’s starting to see the light and he’s not letting your ass boss him around anymore.”

            “Oh, so is that why Will has been spending so much time around you? So you can convince him that I’m too bossy and trying to control him…”

            By this time the two of them were starting to cause a small hallway scene, but not quite big enough to draw a teacher’s attention to see what was going on. It was also right around this time that Will walked down the hall and found out what the two were fighting about, and like Michelle, as Will completely lost his cool when he saw her.

            “Oh,” he said to her as he walked up. “So it’s not good enough for you to tell me what the fuck to do? Now, you have to mess around in my friends’ lives? Honestly, what’s your problem?”

            “Maybe if you were so damn hardheaded you’d realize that I’m just trying to keep you from turning into a complete ass just like your stupid ‘buddy’ here!”

            “Well, if you care so damn much, why don’t you just let me be who I am, and stop being so damn annoying, bitch!”

            As soon as he said this, he knew he had probably gone too far. He heard people in the crowd let out a chorus of “ooh’s” and “aw naw he didn’t!” ‘s. It was also enough to draw a teacher’s attention, who only managed to break up the scene without punishing anybody.

            Michelle was beside herself. Anger boiled inside her for the rest of the day, and then she suddenly figured out exactly what she was going to do to get him back…

            During their lunch period, Will was walking with Josh, Taylor and Todd in the school courtyard, where there was a decent amount of open space, a large number of students on lunch break, and virtually no teachers. So, it was the perfect opportunity for Michelle to drop her bomb.

            “Hey Will, you fucking asshole!” she yelled as he walked by. “So you think I’m a bitch, huh? Well at least I’m not a sick freak like you. That’s right, ‘cause guess what? Right here, right now, I’m gonna tell everyone your dirty little secret!”

            A number of people let out small gasps of surprise or at least quieted down. They always looked forward to someone airing someone else’s dirty laundry…it was always entertaining if nothing else.

            Josh, Todd and Taylor just looked from Michelle back to Will with puzzled looks on their faces. Will himself was wearing a look of shock.

            “Oh yeah,” Michelle continued. “Guess what everybody? This weird ass freak has this really weird thing for…TOILETS! That’s right! He was telling me all about it the other day. He was like ‘Oh Michelle, I know it’s weird, but I just don’t like my diapers! Guess what, I want to learn how to hold in my pee. And I wish so badly I had a toilet so I could piss in it, wipe my OWN self, and then flush it! Wouldn’t that be cool? And I have a bunch of Internet friends who all think this is just as cool as I do!’ So how do you like that, ‘Willy’? Your little secret is out now!”

            As the crowd listened, they couldn’t help but giggle at this outrageous news. For a few seconds after Michelle finished talking, Josh, Todd, and Taylor just looked at Will with surprised looks. Will’s own face was merely blank. He waited for a few seconds, and then…

            He just burst out laughing. He just couldn’t seem to stop. He grabbed his sides laughing so hard. Michelle just looked at him funny as he said between laughs

            “Wow…mmmph…I mean…<ha ha>…honestly…is that the best you can come up with? That’s pathetic!”

            Josh, Todd and Taylor let out a few nervous laughs, but then started laughing right along with Will. The crowd’s response was similar.

            “What?” Michelle asked.

            “I mean,” said Will. “Honestly, that’s just pathetic. I thought you’d at least tell everyone that my penis is tiny, or something like that. Or you might have said I only last two minutes in bed. Or maybe that I still suck my thumb just like I did when I was three years old, or something ‘embarrassing’ like that. But come on…toilets? What kind of cracked out shit is that?”

            The crowd laughed a little harder as Michelle looked at Will in surprise and while he continued.

            “I mean, really…it’s not even a good lie. If you’re gonna try to make up something to embarrass me, come up with something believable. What, are you gonna tell everyone that I think all day how much I wish I didn’t have to wear diapers? Or that I somehow magically trained myself to hold in my piss?”

            Will let out a howl of laughter between each line, as did his friends and the crowd of people.

            “Or maybe I went and got a bucket and decided ‘Hey…why don’t I fucking take a shit in this thing’? Or maybe I want you to be potty train me just like I was two?” He put on his mock little kid voice and said, “Mommy, mommy, I’m a big boy now, I went pee pee in the potty!’ Honestly, woman, it’s just ridiculous I knew you’d come up with some kind of lie, but I thought you were smarter than this. Whatever, I’m outta here.”

            As Will and his friends walked to their classes laughing, the crowd’s laughter settled and they began to chat about what happened as well as other various things. Michelle, on the other hand, stormed off filled with anger.

            Will actually felt surprisingly calm during his next two classes, and he didn’t really think about what had just happened. However, as he walked out of his final class, he caught up with Josh, and found out that other people were still talking about it.

            “So what have people been saying?” asked Will.

            “Aw, man, it seems like everyone’s talking about it. And I’m not surprised…it was fucking hilarious. And it was quite a scene.”

            “No one actually believes what she said, do they?” asked Will with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

            “Aw, no way man. I mean, who would? Fuckin’ toilets…now that’s some crazy bullshit. It did seem pretty off the wall, so I don’t know how she came up with it.” He then looked at Will a little funny. “Unless…I mean…it wasn’t related to anything you told her or anything…I mean, not that I think you want to use fuckin’ toilets or anything…but…it did seem a little strange. There wasn’t any truth to it at all, was there?”

            Almost immediately (but not too quickly, Will made sure) Will smiled relaxingly and responded with, “Nah, man, of course not. Fuckin’ toilets indeed…she sure was pissed.”

            Josh just smiled and said, “Yeah, she sure was. Well, I hope you two can figure out what to do next. I’m not pissed at her or anything…but I do think she’s a bit too bossy a lot of times. Anyway, man, I’m gonna be going. So ‘til next time, keep your diaper dry, bro.”

            Will smiled and said, “Same to ya, man.”

            As Josh walked away, Will let out a sigh of relief. He was extremely happy that no one had believed Michelle. He had always prepared for something like this to happen, especially after he had told her. He had trusted her, but he knew that there was always a possibility that someone may have looked online and found out his secret, or that maybe Michelle would tell somebody. So, he had decided that he’d use the weirdness of his desire to his advantage, and just like he had predicted, it came off as something completely crazy that nobody would believe (especially since he knew Michelle was just trying to get him back).

            He still didn’t know what to do about the whole Michelle thing. He had cooled down and wasn’t as pissed at her as he had been, but at the same time, he was very hurt by the fact that she had betrayed his trust. This was his most personal issue, and she had exploited him by telling an actual crowd of people. It was way too much to think about at the moment, and he just felt like going home.

            Once he got home, he was so worn out that he went right to sleep. He woke up around dinnertime, and after his family ate, he got a phone call.

            It was none other than Michelle. Before he could say anything, she started to softly cry and said, “Will, honestly, I am so sorry. Honestly, I mean it. I think that’s the worst thing I have ever done. I completely betrayed your trust, and if you hadn’t been so smart, it could have ruined your reputation permanently. And I know also that those three guys are your friends. Today made me realize how close you are to them, and even though I may not like them, I’m not your mother and I can’t control who you hang out with. And not only that, but I do know how bossy I can be. I’m honestly trying to work on it, but that’s jus the way I am. So, from the bottom of my heart, I just want to ask your forgiveness.”

            Will was very taken aback. This was the last thing that he had expected from her. He asked for a minute to process everything she had said. He then let out a deep sigh and began to speak.

            “You know, Michelle, today has made me think about stuff too. Yes, I will forgive you for what you did…if I don’t, it will only make me more bitter towards you. But I can’t forget it. You completely betrayed me by exposing my most personal secret. And over what? Some petty bullshit that we were fighting over. So Michelle, really, I think it’s best that we break up. It’s not just the toilets…it’s that I just don’t feel we really fit together. I have to do my thing, and I’m too young to have to deal with you always worrying about me and trying to boss me into what you think is best for me. Really, I think that it’s best.”

            Michelle was silent for a few more seconds apart from some soft sobs. But after that period of time, she said, “Well, it doesn’t make me happy, but you know, I think you’re right. It’s just not working. I want to stay together, but I can’t always get my way. But can we still be friends at least?”

            Will paused, and then said, “You know, I think that’d be best. You’re still a great girl, Michelle, I just don’t think you’re who I need for a girlfriend. But as a friend, I think you’re great.”

            Upon hearing this, Michelle was able to stop crying, and said, “Ok. Well, that’s that. Will, you’re one of the best guys I’ve ever met, and even if it’s just as a friend, I do love you. Well, I guess until next time, don’t go pissing in any buckets not, y’hear?”

            Will let out a soft laugh and said, “I’ll keep that in mind. See ya.”

            Will softly hung up the phone, let out another sigh, and plopped down on the living room couch.

            About a million thoughts were racing around in his head. He still couldn’t believe everything that had happened that day. But he couldn’t help but feel like it all was wrapped around his crazy toilet desire. He couldn’t get over why he couldn’t just be like everyone else.

            He tried to get his mind off of it, but the more he tried, the more he thought about it. He thought about how horrible it would have been had he been found out. He heard his own laughter in his head and how he had made a complete mockery of his own desire, He heard Michelle calling him a sick freak, and he imagined what the crowd’s laughter would have been like had they realized she was telling the truth. He imagined how they would shun him and treat him like he was a freak, and he heard Josh’s voice saying how weird it would have been Will really did like toilets.

            All of these thoughts kept circling around and around in his head, and once again he truly felt horrible about his desire. He couldn’t help but feel alienated from everyone. He once again found himself in tears, and he buried his face in his arms, asking himself over and over again why he had to be this way, and why for once in his life he couldn’t just be normal.

            Someone must have heard him crying, because at that moment he heard someone’s footsteps entering the room. As he tried to keep his tears in, he looked up to see who it was, and he found out it was none other than Mikey.

            “Whatsa matta Willy?” Mikey asked innocently, but with a look of genuine concern. “Mommy said big boys don’t cry, so why are you crying?”

            Will just looked at him and said, “Well, Mikey, sometimes everybody cries. About really important stuff.”

            “Like what? Why are you sad?”

            “Well, Mikey, I guess I’ll just say that I’m not feeling too good about myself right now.”

            To Will’s surprise, Mikey just smiled and said, “Aw, that’s nuthin’! It’s stupid to feel bad about yourself! Our teacher was talking about that today. She said that all of us are different, and that we should be happy about us. She said that if we were all the same, it would be boring. She said that being different is what makes everyone of us special, and we should be happy if we’re more different than everybody. So cheer up, Willy! I think you’re the bestest person in the world!”

            With that, Mikey excitedly gave Will a hug and then his attention shifted somewhere else and he scampered out of the room.

            But Will found himself getting the biggest surprise of the entire day. He couldn’t exactly figure out why, but he had just gotten an epiphany from the most unlikely of places: little Mikey. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that as cheesy as it sounded, Mikey was right. For just about his entire life, he had been looking at his toilet desire as a bad thing. He had always wanted nothing else than to just be normal, to just be like everyone else. But now that he thought about it, he wondered why he would want that. Yes, his toilet desire was really, really weird. But it was a part of who he was, and it was something that he knew made him unique and well…special.

            Will realized that even though he probably would never tell anyone else about his toilet desire, it still didn’t make him any less of a person than anyone else. He had a wonderful family, a great group of friends, and a cute little brother that looked up to him like he was famous. If they could all be happy with who he was, then he could be happy with who he was, toilet desire and all. He didn’t know exactly what would happen with his friends, with Michelle, or with anyone else, but he did know that even in this crazy diaper filled world, there was always a special place for toilet loving crazy people like him, and he vowed that from this day forward, he would never forget that.

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Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
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