Title: | Why Me | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Rob H. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | bedwetr1@yahoo.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gender: | Male | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Age: | 50 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posting Date: | 06/28/09 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Story Contents: |
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Summary: |
This is a semi-true story of how I met my first diaper guy and fell in love.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: | 0 (0%) |
Hi, I'm Rob. This is my story of how I realized I was very different. I knew I was different from the other boys at an early age. I was potty trained by the age of 2 but I wet my bed every night. By the age of 5 I was still wetting every night. My mom was understanding about it and kept a plastic mattress cover on my bed. I had been to several doctors since the age of 3 for my nightly wetting, but they never found anything other that I was maturing slowly. They'd tell my mom I'd grow out of it "soon". I noticed at "potty time" the other boys in kindergarten got to wear regular underpants while I was still wearing training pants. My mom told me "it's just in case you need them". I always wondered �why me�? About the age of 9 I was still rather small for my age but I was "outgrowing" my diapers. I had begun to enjoy the feeling of a warm wet diaper in the morning. It was how I "normally" woke up. After my "yearly checkup" at the doctor my mom decided that I needed "a new type of protection". So she took me to a medical supply store and told them I was too big for baby diapers and needed something for bedwetting. The man asked if I wanted cloth, or disposable. Then, if I was a "heavy wetter". "most boys your age need a lot of protection. I know, my boy who is 11 wets at night. This is what he wears to bed. Try these, I think they will do the trick. And son, don't worry, a lot of boys your age and older wet their beds, okay"? My mom bought a box and said if they what I needed she�d order more for me. When we got home my mom asked me if I wanted to try on one of the "new bed pants" I'd be wearing to bed. I said "okay, but how do I know it'll work"? "Well, if you want put it on, and wear it until we see how much it holds, okay sweetie"? "Okay, thanks mom" she helped me put it on and said how cute I looked. For the next 3 hours I wore my new "night pants" as she called them, telling me it was okay to wear them as I grew up. "I won�t call them diapers, you aren�t a baby, just a boy who wets his bed like a lot of other boys. I wore it until I was ready for bed. I had peed in it 4 times and it didn't leak so my mom made the comment "I think we have a winner" she helped my put on another one and I went to bed. I woke up early the next morning with a very swollen pair of my "night pants" on. They had held quite a lot. Just a small leak was visible on my sheet. I left it on and went to tell my mom. She was sooo relieved that she was going to get a break from all my extra wet laundry. I don't remember another time that I felt so good. I was a bedwetter, but at least now it was a dry bed in the morning, just wet "pants". Now that I had a solution for my wetting I could do a lot more things with the few friends I had. By the time I turned 12 I'd gone through countless pairs of "night pants" and was the happiest bedwetter going through puberty. I was still wetting at least 4 times a week, but it was improving!! My night pants were now holding a new "fluid" overnight. I had had my first "wet dream" ( ha - ha, very funny!!!). I also remembered it. It was about Mikey Rolands, a boy from school. He was one of the first boys I saw wearing regular underpants back in kindergarten. We had a couple of classes together through the years but never really became friends. "Middle school" was about to catapult me through the most wonderful time of my wet, young life as I knew it. New school, new students, this was great. In home room there were more boys than girls. I liked the fact that I could look at boys or girls, and know who was "cute". My first class was science, which I hated. It was bad enough being a bedwetter, I didn't want to be a science geek, too. Next was sex-ed-- phys.- ed. This very quickly became my favorite class. Boys changing in the locker room, naked boys, boys with, well, um,- �pee pees�. As my mom called them. I soon learned they were called dicks, peters, boners, cocks, etc. I liked dicks (ha -ha, no kidding!). I meant the "term" dick. I also decided I liked all the dicks I could see. I had this feeling come over me like it was the most "comforting", or "normal" thing to enjoy looking at, feeling, touching(until now, just my own) them. Needless to say mine sprang up against my stomach and stayed that way. I thought I was in heaven, boys stripping in front of me, me showing off my own boyhood. After some quick glances I found the best one. This boy who had blonde highlights in his hair. He had hair growing down there, and was about 5 inches long. Most of us didn't have hair yet, and until that moment, I didn't know that hair grew there. He looked at me while I was changing, and when I noticed him looking at me, he looked away. Later in gym class we talked. He picked me to be on his dodge ball team. Compared to me, he was built like a football player. He had muscles and a very nice chest. His nipples were about the size of a half dollar. His pubic hair grew from his belly button, down into his shorts.( I learned later that was called a "treasure trail", and now I know why!). A few of the other boys were pretty well built, but none like him. He said his name was Tony. He and I ended up the last 2 on our team. And of course, he was last. A boy on the other team put me out, but Tony got him back and won! We all cheered him and gathered around him. I tried to get really close. I learned that day I liked the smell of boys who were sweating. Tony smelled different. He smelled like he was wearing "perfume". I liked that smell too! After class we were required to shower. I went in the shower with my towel wrapped around me, obviously hiding like a few other boys did. I felt my dick get really stiff again. I felt like I was going to pass out when Tony looked right at me, at my crotch. He grabbed his crotch and lathered up. After he rinsed off he walked by and asked if I liked winning. After I got dried and dressed I started to my next class, math. Tony ran up behind me and asked if I liked being on his team. I replied "yes, very much so". "good, I'll pick you every time. What bus do you ride home"? "29 d, why"? "nothin' I just wondered if you might wanna go to my house after school, I have some great video games to play". "oh, where do you live"? "over by the old funeral home, gants', you know where that is"? I said I did but I was kinda far from my house. It was about 3 miles. "Don't worry my mom will take you home after we play, okay"? He looked at me in a way a puppy would ask you to take him home. I agreed to ride his bus home with him. I called my mom before last period, and told her it was to study for one of my new classes. We got on Tony�s bus and sat in the last set of seats. There weren't all that many kids on his bus. My bus was always full. As we sat in the back we talked about how the "new" school was and how we liked it. He asked how old I was and I told him I'd be 13 soon. "oh, I just turned 14, when is your birthday"? I answered "June, June 14th". Cool, mine is in April, I'm an April fool". "April 1st get it"?( duh, I didn't get it). So he was "officially" 1 year and 2 months older than me. "That�s why you look bigger than me". As we talked I noticed that he smelled good again, so I asked if he was wearing perfume. "perfume, women wear perfume, men wear cologne. I'm wearing deodorant. (I hadn't started needing that yet). "I like how it smells". I leaned a little closer to him. That�s when it happened. "Well, when we get to my house, I'll put some on you, okay"? He put his hand on my thigh and patted me. I was daydreaming until the bus stopped and Tony said "this is our stop". We walked about 2 blocks to get to his house. It was a ranch house with a great big garage attached to it. Tony�s room was up in the attic above the garages. It was huge he had a king size bed, a 51" TV, stereo, video games. He had it made! He told me his dad died 2 years ago and his mom got all this from the insurance company. They had a lot of insurance, so his mom just had to work to pay the taxes. I told him my dad died when I was 3. I never really knew him. He got 2 cans of pop out of his own 'fridge and opened them. "Here, let�s have some fun. Put your stuff over there, take your shoes off, okay?. I'll turn on the TV". I kicked off my shoes and when I turned around Tony had taken off his shirt. "It gets a little warm up here, so feel free to take off your shirt, okay"? I took a sip of my pop, and couldn't help but stare at him. "Hey, we gonna play or what"? He asked shaking the remote for the game. "Huh, oh, sorry. Yeah, let�s play". He opened his jeans and pushed them down. He asked, "Want me to take off your pants, it�ll be cooler". Again, I was entranced. I was really fantasizing about him. But being very nervous too I said, you have any shorts I can wet,- uh, wear"? "Don�t be shy, I wear shorts all the time up here it can get pretty hot". "Yeah, I'll say". He went and got me a pair of gym shorts, but he stayed in his underwear. I took a long gulp of my pop again. "what should we play first, �ultimate war� or �fighter bomber"? " I don't care, you'll have to show me how to play, these are new to me. I've never played video games before, okay"? He loaded the game and as we began playing, and he was explaining it to me I thought, did he say he'd pull my pants down? Hmm. As he showed me how to play, he had to get close, and show me how to use the remote. His legs kept rubbing mine and he leaned against me a lot. "Wow, it is getting hot up here, open a window okay"? He opened 2 windows and it cooled down quite a bit. "You sure you don't want me to take off your pants? We'll play better in our underpants". I couldn't believe he said underpants, most boys say shorts, or underwear, only women say underpants. I was now ultra nervous, and blurted out, "I have to pee, where�s your bathroom"? He led me down the hall and turned on the light. "Need any help, I'll hold it for you". He was directly behind me and reached around me and held my crotch. Without warning I began peeing myself. I couldn't hold it I was sooo nervous. I stood there for about 15- 20 seconds peeing and he never let go of my crotch. I almost started crying, I tried to break away but he said it was okay. He was still holding my crotch as he said in a forceful tone, "Look at me". When I did, he kissed me. Not the usual peck on the cheek. A real kiss. Then said, "I'm sorry, I just really like you." Then kissed me again before he fell to his knees, and buried his face in my wet crotch. As a puddle formed on the floor from the pee running down my legs I began crying uncontrollably. I was shocked, humiliated, and so ashamed of myself. "Please don't cry, I want to make you happy. Be my boyfriend, please"? He immediately pulled my soaked underwear away from my crotch and put my dick in his mouth. It was such an incredible feeling. I stopped crying only to tell him to let me take off my wet underwear. He said he liked them and that I should leave them on. He licked my crotch through them saying he liked how I tasted. "Ever since I used to piss my bed, I've loved the smell and taste of it"! He buried his face again and I was too stunned to move. I started thinking he was teasing me for wetting my bed, but how could he know that? He pulled my underwear all the way down this time and put them in the puddle on the floor. I'll give you some to wear home, I want these for me. Please, I wanna keep them, okay"? He put my dick back in his mouth and I was treated to my first experience at oral sex, or my first "bj" as he called it. When I climaxed and shot into his mouth, I wanted to try the same with him. What a wonderful mutual experience it would be. He was fully erect as he stood up and kissed me again. Without saying anything I knelt down in front of him and pulled his underwear down revealing his very "grown up" dick he was at least 6 - 7inches long and the width of both my thumbs side by side. I cautiously put it in my mouth. As he sighed, I knew I wanted this in my mouth for as long as I could keep it there. Even though I had never done this before, the taste and feeling of it in my mouth was awesome. I instantly knew boys, this boy was what I wanted. I slid him in and out until he squirted in my mouth. It surprised me, but I did swallow every drop of my first taste of cum. It tasted like a sweet and salty butter going down my throat. I wrapped my arms around his butt and kept him in my mouth as he went soft, and I began to sob. I felt that I had finally found my "place" in life. It was with Tony. "I can't wait for you to sleep over, we can do this again". I froze with fear as the words came out of his mouth. I instantly panicked and said I wasn't allowed. "I don't understand, you didn't like this, or don't you want to be my boyfriend"? "Um, I ah, should call home for permission. I know my mom won't let me". "Please, tonight we can do this in my bed, please stay, please. I'll call your mom and tell her, okay"? I again started to sob as I said I'd call, but wouldn't get permission. I just couldn't tell him, I just couldn�t! How do I tell him I was a bedwetter, what would he say, or think of me! I took the phone and as I dialed my number, broke down and in a fit of hysterics and told him, "I'm sorry, I just can't. You wouldn't understand"! He held me from behind in a very snug hold and said, "Please, I want you to be with me, forever if possible, I love you! What is it, why don't you want me"? "I... I, um.. I wear.. I wear diapers to bed!....are you happy, you're new boyfriend needs diapers, do you want me to stay now"? As he held me even closer, he said in a very soft voice " yes, I sleep with a plastic mattress cover on my bed. Ever since I was 10 and wet my bed, my mom makes me keep it on, just in case. You just peed on my bathroom floor, you can pee on me or in my bed anytime, okay? If you want you can bring your diapers next time. Tonight, my bed is yours for the wetting"! He kissed the back of my neck and led me into his room. He opened the door to his room and said, "this way my prince, for tonight and ever more, you are my �bedwetter-boyfriend". As I dried my eyes and calmed myself down he grabbed my butt. Boy, I can�t wait �til I get to diaper those cheeks, I hope you will diaper me too. I'd love to wake up soaked with you. I don't want you thinkin� it will change how I feel about you just because of a problem we both have had". He kissed me again. I jumped on the bed and rolled over on my back smiling as I looked at him. He was so cute, I was admiring how tanned his body was. Then I noticed it-- he had no tan lines. He was tanned all over. He laid down next to me and asked if I had ever done anything like what we just did with anyone else. "yeah, every boy in school, especially the ones who pick on me in gym class. All the ugly girls that are lookin� for a boy who wets the bed". He just looked at me in a very confused way. �I'm sorry,-- no I never have. I've only seen a few boys in their underwear. Never any girls, I don't like girls.-- I didn't mean to be so sarcastic, I'm sorry Tony, forgive me". "Well, that will cost you, plenty!! Two kisses!! Now! Tonight we can try anything we want, okay"? We held each other and kissed. "Tony will you teach me sex. I want you to show me what its like, okay"? "Well, I guess so. But I think we better clean up now, my mom will be home soon. If she sees this mess she'll think that I wet my pants!! Here are some of my sweats and shirts, get dressed. We'll order some pizza. Okay, what do you like, pepperoni, mushrooms, what?". "Pepperoni is good". He called and ordered pizza and had it delivered. We took my pants that I wet, and some of his clothes into the house and started the washer. "see, this bedwetter learned early how to use the washer and dryer. My mom made me do my wet stuff in the morning before school". We got plates and set the table as the phone rang. It was Tony�s mom saying she'd be home in 15 minutes. Tony said he was ahead of her and ordered pizza. He also told her that I was there, and he wanted her to meet me. We finished putting glasses and silverware on the table. I thought how much I liked being with him. "Wait �til my mom gets here, she's gonna like you". Tony poured pop in the glasses and slurped down a bunch of fizz from his glass. "Now remember, no drinks after dinner, we don't want any accidents in your bed tonight, young man"! He began laughing as he said that�s what his mom always told him when he wet his bed. He kissed me and said, "as for you, you better drink 5 glasses, you have to prove to your new boyfriend that you can really wet his bed". I told him I wasn't as upbeat as he was, I always had really bad feelings about my being a bedwetter, I was still very ashamed by it. "Okay, I'm sorry, if it happens its perfectly okay with me. I'll still love you! I just want you to know its okay, with me, and my mom. We know how you feel and what you are going through". He kissed me just as we heard the door open and Tony�s mom came in. "Tony, I stopped at the store, help me with these bags please"! As we both took bags from her Tony said, "hi mom, pizza'll be here soon, this is Rob, he wants to stay tonight, okay"? "Sure sweetie, you have room for him? - nice to meet you Rob, do I need to call your mom"? Um, nice to meet you too, Mrs. Kin�.. - no, um, I um, .. She�s okay with it". "Mom, its a sleepover, he isn't stayin� for a month...geez". "Well sweetie I remember not too long ago when you didn't wanna have sleep- over�s, right"? "Yeah, but...um... Now it�s okay if it happens.... Okay, Mom. Enough said". He looked at me and winked. He knew, I knew what she meant. I felt my face flush. The doorbell rang. �cool, the pizza�s here�. Tony got money from his mom and paid the pizza guy. "wow, the pizza smells great, where�s it from"? I asked to relieve that awkward silence. We looked at each other and laughed. "well Rob, are you in Tony�s grade"? "oh, no, I'm a sixth grader, but I like everything he�s showing me about "middle school". He has taught me a lot so far. I really like your house Mrs. Kinney, especially Tony�s room, its awesome". "Speaking of my room, we better hurry and eat if you wanna play those video games tonight". "Tony, slowdown, you'll have plenty of time after we eat. Your guest needs to refuel, right Rob"? "yeah, Mrs. Kinney, I really worked up an appetite after school today". Tony and I giggled and looked at each other. We devoured the pizzas and talked with his mom until I thought my stomach would burst. "Tony put clean sheets on your bed if Rob is staying over. I don't know when you changed them last". "okay mom, I will". We looked at each other and grinned. All I could think was, *if she only knew that I would probably soak his clean sheets, she wouldn't make him change them for me.* she got up from the table and asked if he had clean set of sheets in his room. "I'll get you a set just in case. Spray that cover with Lysol, okay sweetie". She said as she headed away down the hall. She got a set of sheets and a spray can of Lysol disinfectant out of the hall closet. "You know I hate a dirty bed. You can't expect your friends to sleep in a bed that you haven't changed in a week"! "Mom, Rob won't mind, and it hasn't been a week"! We took the supplies and headed to his room. "Who needs clean sheets, we�ll just dirty them anyway in the next 2 days. I'll keep these until we need them". He nudged me as we walked up the steps to his room. "hey, lock the door. My mom will knock at the bottom door if she comes over. I wanna play with you, get naked"! Without hesitating, he started stripping. First his shoes, then his shirt then his pants. He dove onto the bed and motioned for me to follow. I took off my clothes except for my underwear. As I dove on the bed he rolled over on me. He felt so soft and warm against me. "Okay, we're gonna play a game. You have to kiss me every 15 seconds without repeating a location, okay. If you repeat a spot I get to pick the next spot!" I started at his lips, then his cheek, then his chin. I worked my way down his chest and stomach, kissing both nipples. When I got to his naval I licked it for a few seconds. I said, "okay, your turn". He wanted me to keep going, but he agreed to start. He started at my lips, saying, "I love you". Then followed the same course I took except he tickled my nipples with his tongue. He kissed my shoulders, then my underarms. He licked each of them asking if I liked it. I was almost shaking from the incredible feelings he was giving me. He kissed my lips again and then went to my crotch. Ever so gently he licked and kissed my balls. Then put them in his mouth. I felt like I was going to cum. He must have known because he paused. He pulled my legs up and put his head between my thighs. He began licking the area between my balls, and my butt. The feeling was awesome. He pulled my butt cheeks apart, and as he licked my hole I came. When he felt me cum, he licked all my cum from my stomach. With the last of it on his face and lips, he kissed me again. I could taste my own cum.(that wasn�t the first time I tasted my own). "I want you, I want to be inside you, can I, pleeaasseee"? I was so naive I didn't know what he wanted. But I said yes. He licked my hole again a few times, then he asked again if I was sure. I repeated a definite "yes" as he got between my legs and pulled me toward him. His dick was at my hole and he said "I love you" again as he pushed towards me. My hole was expanding as he tried to enter me, but he was too big. He spit in his hand and rubbed it on his dick, then my hole, slipping a finger in me. Just as his finger went in me I had a "dry" orgasm. He pushed again and as he went inside me it felt like I was being "split" open. I gasped a few times as he kept going. He asked if I was okay and I began to cry. He stopped and asked why I was crying. I told him I'd never had such a wonderful feeling before. It hurt, but in a way with what we were doing I knew it was what I wanted. I gasped again as he pushed all the way in. He began kissing me as he held himself in me as far as he could go. "oh my god,... Oh... Ohh, ahhh.. I love you Tony". It just came out as he was kissing me and I had another dry orgasm. " I love you too, do you like it? Can we keep going"? "there�s more?... Oh yeah,...yeah, keep it in me, I love it. Then he ever so slowly began to pull out, then back in. He kept a slow steady rhythm and rocked me with him. He kept a slow pace until he tensed up and pushed as far into me as he could. He yelped "I love you Rob" and I could feel him deep inside me. The feeling of him so far up in me was to this day, the greatest sensations I've ever had! He collapsed and laid on top of me panting. I could feel his heart beating as he slowly regained his breath. We kissed as he caressed me all over. He slowly went soft inside of me and that�s when I realized that he had just made me his boyfriend by putting his cum inside of me. I had just been made love to by another boy, �the� boy of my dreams. It was the most incredible experience of my life to date. We kissed and fondled each other until we fell asleep in each others arms. Early next morning I awoke to another of my puddles. I tried to move out of bed without waking Tony. "wh-- what time is it. Mmmmm... You wet my bed. Come here sexy boy"! "I just wanna get a towel to clean you up. Where are those clean sheets"? "Will you stop..... I told you, its okay to wet my bed, really!!! Now come here and kiss me"! He pulled me back into bed and asked if I need to take a "morning pee". �I know I do". As we were lying facing each other he began peeing on both of us. "Go ahead, let it out. I don't want you thinking that anything you do will make me not like you, ever, get it.? Now pee"! I did what he said, I peed. He aimed my dick at his chest as I let go a full stream. "If you stay a bedwetter for all our lives together, I will still love you". He kissed my chest as he aimed my pee directly at his face. As my pee receded I felt him fingering my butt. He put two fingers in then asked if I was ready. He slid his dick into me. Between the wetness, and the smell of our pee I was very aroused. He rolled me onto my stomach, and he laid on me as he made love to me again, gently stroking in and out of me. As I laid in our pee I played with my dick ( I had done this in my own wet bed). I had never been as hard as I was then. He made love to me for at least ten minutes before he said he was ready to explode. He filled my insides with his cum. As he pulled out of me he rolled me over and began licking and kissing me. He started at my nipples and slurped his way to my crotch saying our pee tasted great. He kissed me on the lips to let me taste it. He moaned as he took my dick in his mouth. He went all the way down to the base of my dick, then licked my balls. I was as hard as a steel �I beam�. He lifted his head and asked, �wanna do me?-- wanna go up in my ass? Please, fuck me�! (that was only the second time I ever heard the �f� word). I realized that that is what �fucking� meant. �Okay, I�ll try�. With my dick sticking straight up, he pushed his butt down. As I entered his butt, he took a deep breath and sighed. �Oh Rob, I love you. Pump me�. I went up and down like he said to do, it was incredible. As I sped up my pace, he began moaning again. I started to feel my body tense up. As I shot my cum into him I felt like my dick was a pistol shooting a bullet. It also felt like a gallon of cum was in that bullet. After I came, Tony paused and sat on my dick. He leaned forward and kissed me. �no more virgin bedwetters here. Just us wet boyfriends�! As I went limp and �plopped� out of his butt he said he�d just had the best night of his life. He kissed me and said when we get up we had better do some laundry, then he giggled. �unless I tell my mom you wet my bed�. I went beet red in the face as he said that. �just kiddin�, I�d say we both wet it. --I love you Rob�. We laid in each others arms kissing for a few minutes before Tony said we should take a shower. It was at that moment that I realized I was just another �normal� boy in love with an incredible boy who was a bedwetter just like me. I also knew right then why I always asked: �why me�? There were quite a few boys who asked that too!! Being a bedwetter wasn�t so bad, being a gay bedwetter became a wonderful thing for me. I�m now 49, and Tony still loves my wet mornings!! Needless to say, we are still very much in love and still very wet!!