Summary: A twelve-year-old babies his younger brothers and has a bed wetting accident himself twice and looses his big boy status. WHO'S THE BABY NOW My name is Donny. It was October 15, the year I turned 12 on November 22. I have two brothers Timmy age 5 and Bobby age 2 ½, almost 3. Timmy was potty trained but still wet the bed every night so he still wore diapers and slept in a large crib. Bobby was still a baby and needed diapers all the time he still ate in a highchair and slept in a baby crib because that is what babies do. I was very small for a 12 year-old, not four foot tall yet and under 50 pounds. Timmy was 5 and just 3 inches shorter than me but 10 pounds heavier. Bobby was 6 inches shorter and 5 pounds lighter. I did not go to regular school because I was taking twelfth grade school from a tutor. I was their babysitter when mom was not home I was good at changing diapers and making my brothers behave. I had to get them ready for bed every night bathing them and getting their diapers on and putting them in their cribs. Even tough Timmy was heavier than me and 3 inches shorter he did what I told him to do. Timmy had a special crib with a top so he could not get out without someone letting him out. It had a release at the floor so the one inside the crib could not reach it. Mom bought it from work because when Timmy was three he would all the time be getting out at night and getting into things. He would do things he should not like turning on the stove and trying to fry bacon causing a small fire and trying to make a milkshake leaving the house to play outside and many other things. Mom works at a hospital in the children's ward. The crib was large enough for me to sleep in with plenty of room but I would not like it at all. Mom made a new rule: if you wet your bed you get your diaper changed and must eat breakfast wearing diapers since you have already use the potty during the night you don't need to use it again until you finished eating your breakfast. After breakfast you must wear Pull-ups every day until you have 21 dry nights; that is the rule. After you are dry at night then and only then can you get a big bed; until that you must sleep in your crib. She did that because Timmy needed something to shoot for because he was wetting more than Bobby at night. It was working because he has been dry since the rule started. I use to wet the bed just six months ago but I stopped just before summer; boy, am I glad I don't wet my bed anymore. I can remember when I did wet my bed. I had to wear diapers to bed just like my brothers but when I got up I removed my own diapers and washed up and got dressed. That was the old rule of our house and I was not allowed to diaper myself mom was on charge of diapering me. When I was bedwetting mom set my bedtime to just a half hour after Timmy and Bobby. Their bedtime was 8:30 PM, mine was 9:00 PM. When I stopped wetting I got out of night diapers. I became a big boy. I could go to bed at 10:00 PM on weekdays and 11:00 PM on weekends. Plus, now I can be boss of my brothers. Mom took a week off work so she could potty train Bobby. That would get him to using only night diapers and out of daytime diapers and be just like Timmy. I was going to the tutor's house in town when Timmy was in full day kindergarten at the town school. She said it would help get Bobby trained faster if there were no interruptions. The first day mom had Bobby out of diapers wearing just training pants around the house. But he still wore night diapers like Timmy. But Timmy was starting to stay dry at night and has not wet his bed for a while. His calendar has a lot of gold stars. The second day mom said Bobby had only one accident all day long. Mom told me not to put a diaper on Bobby after his bath but to let him put his own training pants on. He has not wet the bed in a few weeks. He might need help with his pajamas. She told me Timmy needs diapers still, until he can stay dry for three more nights. That way he would have his required three weeks dry just like you had to. I remember just five months ago I wore diapers to bed because I wet the bed. I remember the calendar with the big BLACK "W's" on my wet nights and the gold stars on my dry nights. Mom told me if Bobby has three weeks of dry training pants he can start sleeping in the bottom bunk of our bunk beds. She said that Timmy's calendar has 19 gold stars in a row now he has only three more nights. Just when we thought Timmy was going to make it Timmy had a wet diaper on his last night he failed to get big boy pants so he could get out of the crib. So he had to start all over at 0 and he had to get 21 nights dry to get out of diapers. The following night he cried as I put an extra thick night diaper on him, so in went the pacifier. The rule is if you cry when you are wearing diapers you have to suck a pacifier for the night until 8:00 AM breakfast. If you cry during the day you need a pacifier for the rest of the day because only babies cry when your feelings are hurt. It was a contest to see who would be dry for 21 nights first. Bobby was three nights ahead of Timmy. I was happily sleeping in the top bunk giggling every night at my baby brothers. I was the one in charge of their diapers I told Bobby his training pants are just diapers, too. He started to cry so in went the pacifier. He knew better than to spit it out as mom was watching. I made Timmy's diapers so thick every night he could hardly walk. Almost three weeks had gone by. Bobby has remained dry for the entire three weeks so tonight he can sleep in the bottom bed of the bunk beds. I had the top bed I was the big boy. I could no longer tease Bobby about diapers since he was wearing nothing but big boy pants, too. Timmy was still in thick diapers and was fair game for teasing but it would not be long before is a big boy, too. He has been dry for 19 nights. He wanted out of his diapers and his special crib. All he has to do is be dry two more nights and he gets my top bed and I get a new bed. Then his crib will be removed so we can have an all big-boy room, no baby's room. I wanted him to fail so bad. I did not really want a new bed. I liked teasing Timmy more. That night the weather turned cold like winter it was November. I think that is what caused me to go back to my baby ways and wet my bed. I wet so much that every blanket I had on my bed got soaked. Mom knew someone wet the bed as soon as she walked in the room. I was still asleep when she woke Bobby thinking he was the wet one. Then she woke Timmy. Both were dry, leaving only me to check. She knew that it was me so she let both my brothers to get dressed and go to the kitchen for breakfast. After they left she helped me down the ladder out of my wet bed. Mom helped me down the ladder, not letting my brothers see how wet my pajamas were they were blue except the big dark wet spot in my crotch and butt. Mom put my bed sheets and blankets in a wet pile on the floor, leaving a wet plastic sheet on the mattress. Mom said. "Good thing the rule is you must have two years dry nights before you can remove that plastic sheet. Mom removed my pajamas without my help. When I was naked she told me to go take a shower and get dressed for the tutor. My brothers did not find out that I had wet my bed, good thing for me. While I was at the tutor's Timmy was at kindergarten Bobby was at daycare mom was at work arranging to get cloth and disposable youth diapers and some plastic pants for me. When I was done at the tutor's I had to walk across the street to the daycare where I spent the rest of the day. I helped out with the little kids changing diapers and helping keep the occupied playing. When I got home nothing was said about my accident last night. It was Friday I could stay up until 11:00 PM my brothers had to go to be at 9:00 PM. The next morning mom found that I soaked my bed again just like the night before. Mom undressed me again just like yesterday. I took my shower and got dressed for my Saturday play day since I had all my homework done. My brother still did not know that I had been wetting my bed. I played with my brothers all day long no one mentioned my bed- wetting and I had forgotten about it too. That evening I helped mom put Bobby in his highchair and fed him while we ate our dinner. Then we had chocolate cake and ice cream. We watched TV until 8:30 and I gave my brothers their baths and let them put their pajamas after I diapered Timmy in diapers so thick since it would be the last time. Mom had to carry Timmy to bed since the diapers were too thick for him to walk to bed. Mom told me that I needed to take a bath, too. I said, "What about Timmy's crib side? Someone needs to put it up for him." She told me to do what she told me to do. I knew better than to argue with her so I took a bath, not a shower. When I was finished I dried off and wrapped a towel around myself and walked to my room. Mom grabbed me by the hand a led me to the living room where she had diapers all laid out ready for me. I cried to her not to make me wear diapers. "I do not want diapers. I am not a baby." Mom said, "The rule is if you wet your bed you must wear diapers until you have three weeks of sleeping dry. You got away with it one night I thought it was just an accident, but two nights in a row is not an accident. You're not ready for big boy pants yet. It was not fair that you wet and did not get punished the first night. Now you wet two nights in a row this is your punishment. You're just a baby now you need to be diapered and dressed for bed by someone in charge." She pinned a thick diaper on me after she powdered me then she put plastic pants over the very thick cloth diapers. Mom followed the diapering with a blanket sleeper that zipped up the back and had a snap that made it so I could not unzip it. Mom carried me to our room dressed in my infantile clothes I looked just like Timmy in his diapers. When I got there I noticed that Timmy was in my top bunk bed not in his crib. Then I knew where I was going to be sleeping and started to cry. Mom pinned a pacifier on a string to the front of my sleeper. Putting it into my mouth, I knew that I had better suck on it and be quiet. I watched as the side of the crib went up locking me in for the night it was 9:00 PM. Next thing I knew I had a warm nipple of a baby bottle in my mouth it was dark and I figured I had better drink it too. The next morning I was awakened by Timmy and Bobby giggling as I opened my eyes I saw the empty baby bottle next to me. I sat up just as mom walked in the room saying I see my boys are awake. Bobby said, "Donny big baby!" Mom said. "Yes, he knows. Donny needs to stop wetting his diapers to be a big boy like you don't he?" Timmy said, "Only babies wet their pants and that's why they use diapers." Mom said, "Let's check Donny's diaper, okay?" Mom let the side of my crib down, unzipped my sleeper but she used a zipper that was in the crotch. She pulled my feet out of the sleeper feet and pulled the sleeper legs up to give her access to my plastic pants and diaper. As she pulled my plastic pants down exposing my wet diaper then was the first time I realized that I had wet my bed again. She asked Timmy if his diaper was wet he said no, so she pulled his pajamas off and removed his diaper and told him to get dressed. She turned to me and said, "time to change the baby's night diaper." Instead of just removing the sleeper and wet diaper and let me get dressed she started to clean my diaper area. Then I knew what she had planned and started to cry but I still had my pacifier in my mouth. As I whimpered mom changed my diaper but this diaper was different. It was a youth size disposable. Mom zipped my sleeper closed and took me out of my crib. She led me waddling all the way with my diaper crinkling. Mom put me in Bobby's old highchair and fastened the seat belt and put the tray in front of me followed by a bib around my neck. Mom then fixed us breakfast while I sat in the highchair when I let my pacifier fall out of my mouth to dangle on the string. Mom put it back into my mouth and told me I better keep it there or I would be very sorry. I was scared the way she said it made me not want to stay quiet. So I sat in the highchair and waited to eat my breakfast. When mom put a plate of pancakes in front of everyone my brothers had a fork to eat with. I did not get a fork. Mom pulled my pacifier out of my mouth and started to feed me two jars of baby food just like a baby. Tears came to my eyes as I ate what mom fed me. After the baby food was gone I had to eat a pancake. I said, "I need a fork!" Mom said, "diaper babies don't use a fork; they use their hands, NOW EAT!" I began to eat the pancake with my hands, making a big mess of my face bib and tray just like a baby. After I was finished mom washed my face and hands and held a bottle for me that I started to suck as soon as it touched my lips. I needed to pee badly. Mom said I could not get out of the highchair until I finished my bottle. It was taking so long to suck all the milk from the bottle but it was only three or four minutes. You know when you have to pee and try to hold it until you get to the potty time seams to drag on. Within three minutes I was wetting my diaper uncontrollably. I just sat in the highchair trying to finish the bottle that mom held in my mouth. When I finished the bottle mom put my pacifier back in to my mouth and released me from the highchair and led me to our room. Mom told Timmy to help Bobby to get dressed while she changed my wet diaper and got me dressed, too. When mom had all my clothes off she wiped my bottom with a baby wipe and put another diaper on me, telling me potty rules are for me, too, and since I wet my diaper while I ate breakfast I needed diapers until I learned how to hold my pee like a big boy. Mom dressed me in a T-shirt that snapped at the bottom and overalls with snaps in the crotch that I did not see. My brothers dressed themselves and went to the playroom before mom was finished dressing me. When mom finished with me she let me get off the changing mat to go play, too. On my way to play I looked in the mirror to see what I looked like I got mad and spit out my pacifier and started to remove my baby clothes, yelling and screaming at mom, that I was not a baby, that I am not going to wear baby stuff, and she can't make me. Mom let me get as far as removing my diaper when she grabbed me and put me over her knee and spanked my bare bottom for ten minutes. I was crying so hard because my bare bottom was on fire. Mom put my pacifier back into my mouth and I started to suck right away. I watched her put a new diaper on my bottom and redress me in my baby clothes. She told me if I ever touch my diaper again I would get another spanking. She told me to go play with my brothers and keep my pacifier in my mouth. I pouted and whimpered as I waddled out the door of our room like a toddler that had just been punished. I walked like I had my pants full of poop because of the thickness of my diaper. My brothers were playing and did not even say anything about my thick diapers when I started to play with them. We had fun for about a half hour when I felt the need to pee. I was afraid to go to the potty because I would have to touch my diaper and I did not want to ask mom to take it off so I could pee in the potty. So I waited another ten minutes when pee flowed in to my diaper. It felt so warm and good this time I don't remember a feeling so good before. I continued to play and forgot about my wet diaper after and after a few minutes I could not tell I was wet. We played for another hour when I need to pee again so I just peed and did not even stop playing, so no one knew what I was doing. Soon I needed to pee again. I wet almost without thinking this time but my diaper started to leak, making my overalls wet on my seat for everyone to see. I could not tell how wet I was until I stood up. Then my diaper felt like it weighed 50 pounds. My brothers both saw how my wet pants and yelled for mom. It was only 10:00 AM. Mom came in and saw me standing there sucking my pacifier. Mom said to come over to her. I walked over to her and she done something to me she has not done in a long time, she hugged me, telling me she will make it all better. She led me to the corner of the playroom where the changing table was. With one motion I was laying on my back with a strap around my chest. Mom gave me a bottle to suck while she changed my wet diaper and removed my wet overalls. It was warm so mom told me that this all babies wear when it is warm. I was not done with my bottle, so mom told me to finish it while I played with my brothers. I walked over to where my brothers were playing and sat down sucking my bottle. Just before I finished my bottle my diaper got warm again. I felt so good to have a warm diaper. It was 11:30 AM when Bobby jumped up and said he need to go potty. Him just being potty trained, he ran out of the room to the potty. Timmy giggled and said to me, "babies need to pee a lot. I can hold my pee for a long time so me a big boy, not a baby." Then he looked at me and said, "but you're just a diaper baby. You can't hold your pee like me." I thought for a minute that was the first time Bobby need to pee since before breakfast. Timmy still had not gone potty since the same time they both peed when they got out of bed. Now I forgot how many times I wet my diaper since I got out of bed. I lost count and I did not care. I was mad at mom for making me wear diapers. But the more I thought about how many times I peed the more I needed to pee. My bottle was finished. When Bobby returned and he put my pacifier in my mouth to keep me quiet. I did not what him to call mom so I started to suck it. He put my empty bottle on a table and we started to play. We played until mom called us to lunch. That was when Timmy went to the potty, just before we washed our hands. He peed for so long he was peeing before I started to wash my hands and had finished washing and drying my hands before he finished his pee. When I walked into the kitchen mom put me in the highchair again. Mom removed my pacifier. I forgot I was sucking and started to feed me baby food. When she started to feed me the second jar of baby food I felt the need to poop come to me very fast. I started to squirm a lot but every time I opened my mouth to tell mom my need she put a spoon full of food in my mouth. I tried to spit the food out but mom was ready and had the spoon back in my mouth. I was squirming and trying to talk but mom kept putting the spoon in my mouth. My face and bib had food all over them I look like a one-year-old being fed. Then it happened. I earned diapers for at least three weeks all because I put a big mess of poop in my diaper just like a baby. The rule is if you poop in a diaper you stay diapered for three weeks then if mom thinks you are ready you get potty trained again. After lunch mom changed my wet and messy diaper in our bedroom, I don't remember wetting. It must have happened when I messed. Mom told me it was naptime as she put me in the crib. I waited until mom left the room when I tried to get out of the crib. The crib was a hospital style made so even big kids could not get out of it but I still tried. One half hour later I got tired and fell asleep sucking my bottle mom left for me. When mom woke me up two hours later my diaper was soaked and I still had my pacifier in my mouth. I let my pacifier fall out of my mouth to talk to mom but she put it back, telling me what would happen if it fell out again. I spit it out crying and yelling I was not a baby, that I will not be babied any more. Mom had me bare-bottomed over her knee spanking me so hard I thought I was going to die. After my spanking mom put my pacifier in my mouth and held it there for a few minutes until I stopped crying and started to suck on it. It felt so relaxing to suck my pacifier now after almost two days of having it in my mouth. Mom continued to diaper me just like she did Bobby last week. My brothers took their naps on the couch since they did not wet when they slept like I did. Mom sent me to play wearing only my youth Attends that were so loose even with the side taps overlapping. Mom said when I run out of the Attends she would get me size 6 diapers since they would fit better. My brothers and I played until dinnertime, me needing three more diaper changes and at that rate I would run out of the Attends tomorrow. I again ate my meal in the highchair. This time I just sat there and wet and messed my diaper while mom fed me baby food. Within less than two days I had learned to be a baby and not care about going to the potty. I had diapers to take care of that. When I finished my meal mom asked Timmy if he wanted to help change baby Donny's diaper. He said, "Okay." I found myself lying on my back on a changing mat in the living room getting my diaper changed by my mom and five-year-old brother Timmy. Bobby helped too, by handing Timmy the wipes, powder, and diapers. When they were finished mom put me in the playpen so she would not have to watch me all the time. The playpen sides were just high enough that I could not climb out very easily and my brothers were told if I tried, to call mom. I sat and played with all the baby toys until mom came in the playroom and told everyone it was baby Donny's bedtime. She picked me up out of the playpen and led me waddling to our bedroom. I still had my pacifier in my mouth and did not even try to talk. It wouldn't do any good anyway. Mom changed my diaper and put my sleepers on me and put me in my crib. With a clang up went the side and I was again locked in my crib for the night. I found the warm baby bottle of milk just like last night already for me to suck. I removed my pacifier and started to suck the bottle soon falling asleep. I woke up the next morning feeling the need to poop even before I could react I was pooping. It was so soft going in my diaper before I could stop it. Mom came in the room sniffing, saying, "Somebody has poop in his diaper!" Bobby and Timmy complained that they don't like sleeping with a baby that poops his diaper. Both of my brothers have not pooped in the diapers for six months or longer. Mom told my brothers she would move my crib to the room next to her room so she can keep my stinky diapers clean. Mom opened my crib changed my diaper and dressed me in my new baby clothes and sent me to play before breakfast. While mom and my brothers went out of the room I thought I could take off my baby clothes and get my big boy clothes back on. I opened my closet and all my big boy clothes were gone. I opened my drawers and found nothing but baby things. I removed my baby clothes and diapers and tried some of Timmy's underwear on but since he had a much bigger waist they just fell off. Bobby's underwear was so small I could not even get them up. I tried on some of Timmy's pants. They were too short and too big in the waist. I did not want to go to the tutor's house in diapers I was taking my final test to get ready for college courses. Mom came in and saw me naked, and all the clothes that I had tried on. She put me over her knee and spanked me with her hand just as hard as before, only longer. When she was finished she put my pacifier in my mouth and I started to suck it because it made me feel so good. While she diapered me and dressed me I sucked on my pacifier thinking how good sucking on it made me feel. When I was dressed mom led me to my highchair where I was fed my breakfast while my brothers ate their breakfast sitting at the table in their booster seats. I was eating what mom was feeding me not thinking when poop went into my diaper followed by a flood of pee. It felt so funny to me I giggled as I ate my breakfast. Mom handed me a bottle so I began to suck it not thinking what I looked like. After my diaper change mom took us to town dropped me off at the tutor's house and took my brothers to their schools leaving my diaper bag off at the daycare. Since I had just pooped my diaper at breakfast all I would do is wet. Mom had diapered me with very thick diapers that would last until I was done taking my test. When I finished my test in three hours and the tutor walked me to the daycare for the first time in years, like I was a two-year-old holding my hand. As I waddled in the daycare they led me to the little kid's area where the kids that were not potty trained played. I could not find Bobby there and started to walk out into the other room when some grabbed me and checked my diaper. I was wet so they led me to the changing table. I began to cry, so in went my pacifier. I had to spend the rest of the day diapered and sucking a pacifier. I was not allowed to go play with my brother since he was a potty-trained big boy and I was a diaper baby. I had to eat lunch in a highchair take a nap in a crib just like all the other kids in the room. The cribs were only 52" long, but since I was only 47" tall I still fit with some room to spare. After my nap and diaper change I found that I was not allowed to leave the room because one of the daycare workers would have me by the hand leading me back to the center of the room. When mom picked me up I was still sucking my pacifier at 6:30 PM Timmy was with Bobby in the big kid room where I use to play. Mom took us home with me sitting in Bobby's old care seat because it was the most waterproof one of the three. We all hat car seats-- it was the law-- but the one I was sitting in now besides being the most waterproof was the one I could not get out of because the release was below my reach between my legs. The safety harness would not let me bend that far. At home mom put me in the playpen sucking my pacifier and telling me she would change my wet diaper in a few minutes. I did not even know that I had wet until she told me my diaper was wet I did not feel wet. I had been in diapers for three days so I thought if I could wet so much that they would get tired of changing my wet diapers. But this time I did not know I had wet. Mom changed my diaper and returned me to the playpen. She told me to play with my toys like a good baby. I knew better than to get out because of the last spanking hurt so bad and I did not want another one, so I played with the baby toys that were there while I sucked my pacifier like mom told me to do. When it was time to eat dinner I was again put in my highchair and fed by mom more baby food. I messed my diaper just like I have done every time since I have been fed baby food after the first day of being in diapers again. Poop would just start to come out without even trying to make it come out; it was so automatic. I drank my bottle without a word as mom held it. After I was finished with my bottle mom changed my diaper and I was again in my playpen playing. I was trapped. Mom would spank me if I got out or did anything I used to do as a big boy. Mom would spank me if I did anything a big boy would do. I could find no big boy clothes that would fit me, only diapers and big baby clothes. I had nowhere to run, even if I could get outside. We lived so far out of town and had no neighbors to run to. I was now the baby of the family and my brothers were my babysitters, telling mom if I was bad or good. I had no freedom to do anything but be a baby like my brothers wanted me to be. After all the teasing I had done to them it was their turn to get back at me. Mom was happy, too, because I was getting a little too bossy, talking back at her telling what I would do or not do. With me a baby I could not boss or talk back. I had to do what my family wanted me to do. Mom was worried about doing me harm treating like a baby so much so she made a doctors appointment for me. She was lucky there was and opening in one 8:00 PM hour and if we hurried we could make it. Mom loaded us into the car, not forgetting to bring my diaper bag and we were on our way. At the doctor's office we got right without waiting. My brothers were in the exam room with us. Mom and the doctor talked just outside the room. The doctor asked mom what my problem was. She told him a few days ago I started to poop and pee my pants, so she started to diaper me since she had diapers that Timmy use to wear to bed when he was a bed wetter. She said, "Donny fights about his diapers but since he has wet his pants at the store today he has given it to them." When the doctor returned he started to examine me he took blood, which made me cry like a baby, so Bobby handed the doctor my pacifier. The doctor looked at the pacifier, then at me crying, and in went my pacifier quieting me. The doctor said, "that's better. Now keep it there so I can finish your exam." I found that I had a wet diaper so he changed my diaper with mom's help, taking a sample of the wet part. The doctor said he would send the samples to the lab. He would have the results tomorrow morning. When we got home it was past my bedtime mom changed the diaper the doctor helped put on me I had already wet it and she wanted to get me in my thick night diapers. She wanted to put me in my crib for the night dressed just like I dressed Timmy the last time I diapered him. The diaper was so thick I could not walk or stand very well. Mom just lifted me into my crib and again up went the side and mom had my bottle in my mouth. I started to suck without thinking. I was so comfortable and warm. I relaxed sucking my bottle as mom turned out the light, leaving just the glow of the nightlight light the room. I could see the changing table. I was just changed on and my dresser I was in the room next to mom's room. My brothers got their wish. I was sleeping in the nursery alone. I woke up the next morning with mom changing my wet diaper just like I was a baby. My pacifier was in my mouth and mom was powdering my diaper area and it tickled and I giggled as she fastened the side of my size 6 Huggies. My sleeper was zipped up and mom put me down to walk to the kitchen so I could eat breakfast. I walked in and my brothers were already sitting in their seats, so I climbed into the highchair and mom fastened my seat belt and put the tray in front of me. Sometime during breakfast I wet and messed my diaper and did not even try to stop it. By now I did not care if I made it to the potty or not. Today I would not go to the tutor's house. I would go to the daycare with Bobby. I did not know that but Bobby and Timmy did. They were happy to see their big brother treated like he treated them just days earlier. After mom finished feeding me I drank my bottle while everyone else ate their breakfast. When I was finished mom quickly changed my diaper and we were on our way Timmy to school, Bobby and me to daycare and mom to work. We dropped Timmy off at school and Bobby and I went to daycare two blocks down the street. Bobby walked to his room and I tried to follow because that is where I would go after I was finished at the tutors. Miss White grabbed my hand and said babies are not allowed to go to the big kid room until they are out of diapers. Mom said bye and left my diaper bag with Miss White and walked out the door. Miss White led me to the toddler room that smelled of baby powder and lotion, wet and messy diapers, depending where you were in the room. The diaper pail area smelled like pee and poop but the rest of the room smelled so good. At first I just stat on the play mat and did not move. I got bored and crawled over to a pile of toddler toys and found a big dump truck I could push around and put other toys in and dump in piles. Soon I was playing just like all the other toddlers without a worry of what someone would think of me. I don't remember wetting my diaper but when Mrs. Gill checked my diaper she found I was soaked so she led me to the changing table pulled out my pacifier and gave me a bottle that I started to suck while she changed my bottle. I was one of only two kids that need to be changed. After my diaper change she sat me on the floor where I finished my bottle. When I was done with the bottle I put my pacifier in my mouth and crawled over to the big spring horse. I always loved to ride a spring horse and now there is one for me to ride and ride until I get tired of it. I had a lot of trouble getting on it because I was big enough for a big kid or adult. It was moved here from the big kid room because no big kid ever wanted to ride a baby thing like that. I did not even know it was around or when I was over in the big kid room I would have wandered over here to ride it. Now it's all mine; I can ride and ride. I began to spring up and down back and forth having so much fun until Mrs. pulled me off telling me it was lunchtime. She was a big lady and could carry me with ease. Mrs. Gill put me in one of the highchairs and she started to feed me more baby food just like mom had been doing for the last three days. I was soon filling my diaper just like I was at home. Eating and messing was just automatic to me. I now had the potty training of an eighteen month old when I need to go potty. I cannot hold it more than a very few minutes or seconds. I did not care anymore that I was peeing and pooping a diaper just like a baby. I could play and do things I missed out on as a little kid. I was all the time schooled and tested because I was so smart. Even at eighteen months old I was doing first and second grade schoolwork. I was potty trained at fifteen months old. I was always pressed to do more and more never got to play with toys or be a kid. Mom found out that I got a score on my college exam the placed me in the top 1% of all time. She also found out from the doctor that I was healthy and had nothing wrong with me, and puberty was nowhere in my near future. When mom picked me up at daycare she found out that I used as many diapers as the one-year-olds' do. Timmy and Bobby were talking about how much fun they had playing at daycare, all the toys they rode and played with. I still had my pacifier in my mouth because I had become so attached to it and if some one would remove it I would whine or cry until they gave it back. I spent the next three weeks living like a real baby-- no talking and very little walking. Feeding, diapering, sleeping in cribs eating in highchairs riding in strollers playing in playpens. I was just a big oversized baby and did not care now I was having so much fun having people take care of me. After my three week punishment in diapers I forgot about get potty trained and just continued to be a baby with my brothers' help. They learned to feed and bathe me and changed my wet diapers. They did not do messy diapers; mom would not let them. They could dress me in baby clothes because most of the baby clothes just snapped on. After three months of being a baby I was allowed to talk and feed myself a little. I was just like an eight month old. One morning mom told my brothers it was time to potty train baby Donny they giggled and said, "he is too much a baby. He pees in his diaper too much." Mom told them they needed to help remind me not to be my diaper and hold it; that would help me be a big boy again. Next story WHO'S THE BIG