Title: Weekend at Reid's
Name: Reid
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 17
Posting Date: 03/14/10, updated 04/11/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- White diapers*2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 9 (45%)
Adam didn�t really like the other two captains of the soccer team, the 
three juniors were the first all junior group of captains the team had 
ever had. He didn�t trust them and found them to be irresponsible. They 
seemed to be really good friends and somewhat exclusive but when one of 
them suggested that they have a preseason captains meeting he was 
pleasantly surprised. Reid, the one who was going to host the 
sleepover, informed Adam on Friday afternoon that his parents were 
going up to their cabin so the boys would have the house to themselves 
all weekend. This made Adam a little nervous because he knew that both 
Reid and Taylor, the other captain, did a little drinking; however, he 
decided everything would be fine. Reid told Adam to show up around 5:00 
which gave Adam time to go home and get everything he needed for the 

Adam pulled into Reid�s driveway and texted Reid telling him that he 
was there. Reid texted back telling him to come in through the garage. 
Adam thought this was a strange request be went along with it. Adam 
grabbed his bag out of the trunk and walked up the driveway, looking 
forward to a weekend of planning for a great soccer season.

Adam opened the door into the house and immediately noticed how dark 
and quiet it was. He was halfway into yelling, �Rei-� when two big arms 
wrapped themselves around him. Not really surprised Adam responded with 
a �Hi Reid, how�s it going�. Reid often came up behind Adam at school 
and picked him off the ground. It was when Reid didn�t put him down 
that Adam got annoyed.

�Reid, put me down please. Please put me down.�

Reid just laughed and said, �Taylor, do you have that duck tape?�

Adam started to yell when the stronger Reid slapped a piece of duck 
tape over his mouth. Adam started to fight more and more, getting 
angrier and angrier. Suddenly he felt his hands being pulled behind his 
back and his wrists put together. Taylor had come behind and wrapped 
duct tape around his wrists. Adam began thrashing but Reid dragged him 
to the ground and kicked him once in the gut. That got the thrashing to 
stop. As Adam lay on the floor in pain, Reid and Taylor stooped down 
and told him that if he continued to fight, the pain and embarrassment 
would only increase. Adam didn�t know what he meant by embarrassment 
but he didn�t really want to find out.

�Are you going to fight us?� Reid asked mockingly.

Adam shook his head.

�Good, now stand up and walk downstairs�
Adam was hoisted to his feet and marched downstairs with Taylor in 
front and Reid in back. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Adam 
was directed into the guest bedroom. It was dark and Adam was unable to 
see much. Reid stopped him in the middle of the room, next to the bed.

�I�m going to untie your hands but if you do anything I will punch you 
so hard you�ll be pissing blood for a week.� With his mouth still 
taped, all Adam could do was nod his head in understanding. Reid cut 
the tape off Adam�s wrists and Adam stood there in shock, his first 
move was to go and remove the tape from his mouth but Taylor grabbed 
Adam�s hand and said, �I don�t think so, not quite yet.�

Adam just stood there dejectedly and turned around to his Reid bringing 
Adam�s bag containing his clothes downstairs. He watched as Reid set it 
down on the bed and unzipped it. Reid then left it and proceeded to the 
closet and came back with, what appeared to be towels. Adam all of a 
sudden realized, they weren�t towels but diapers. His eyes widened as 
he watched Reid position them clearly in the bag and then watched as 
Reid took a picture of his bag with the diapers in it. Reid turned to 
Adam, whose arm was still being firmly held by Taylor, and said, �Now, 
if you say anything or do anything, I will send this picture out to the 
team. Adam realized they had leverage. With that, Taylor ripped the 
tape off Adams mouth and handed him a pacifier. �Suck on it� he said. 
Adam opened his mouth as Taylor inserted the pacifier. Adam stood in 
the middle of the room sucking on a pacifier with no escape.

Reid then moved the bag off the bed and went into the closet and, this 
time, emerged with a large changing pad which he laid out on the bed. 
It didn�t take Adam long to figure out what was next. Taylor grabbed 
Adam�s shirt and pulled it off a resigned Adam. Then Reid came over and 
kneeled down and undid Adams belt then the button and slid off Adams 
jeans. Adam was almost in tears as he knew there was nothing he could 
do but take what they dished. Reid looked up into Adams tear-filled 
eyes and smiled, �We are gonna have fun this weekend.� And with that, 
he grabbed the waist line of Adam�s boxers and slid them down. Adam was 
now completely naked in the middle of the guest bedroom in his friend�s 
basement. Surrounded by, what he girls in his grade would consider to 
be the two hottest boys in his grade.

Reid grabbed Adam�s bicep and guided him over to mat on the bed. He 
tapped it, motioning Adam to lay down on it. Adam looked at the door 
and thought about running, but where would he go, he was naked and his 
keys were in the pocket of the pants Reid had just locked in the family 
safe. Also, Taylor had been taking picture during this undressing and 
between those and the photo of the diapers in Adams bag, they could do 
a lot of damage. He laid himself down on the mat and closed his eyes, 
praying it would be over soon.
Part 2

As Adam lay on the mat, a gust of cold air sent him shivering. Reid's 
calming voice told him to relax and Adam tried. With his eyes still 
closed, Adam heard Taylor hand Reid a diaper. Then, with a firm grasp, 
he felt Reid's powerful hands clasp his feet and lift them into the 
air. Adam could hear rustling as a diaper was unfolded under him. 
Gently his legs and bottom were lowered down until his bottom was 
squarely centered on top of the diaper. Reid reached between Adam's 
legs and pulled the front of the diaper over Adam's crotch. Pulling the 
sides to meet the front, Adam felt the diaper pulled snug and crinkling 
tapes as the diaper was secured around him.

"Open your eyes," Reid whispered into Adam's ear. Adam slowly opened 
his eye and looked down to see a smiling Reid and Taylor admiring the 

"You look kinda cute," Taylor said hesitantly. Adam had to admit to 
himself that he did look kinda cute.

"I told you the Attends would fit," Reid said to Taylor.

Reid grabbed Adam's wrist and pulled him up. "Let�s go watch some TV," 
he said to Adam. "My pants..." Adam began to say. "Why would you need 
pants? We already know what you�re wearing." Adam reluctantly allowed 
Reid to guide him out of the bedroom and into the living room. Reid sat 
down on one end of the couch and motioned for Adam to sit beside him. 
As Adam took his seat, he could hear his diaper crinkling loudly. After 
turning of the lights, Taylor took his spot on the other side of Adam. 
Reid flipped through the channels until he found Mission Impossible. 
Only a couple of minutes into the movie, Adam felt Taylor's arm 
creeping over his shoulder until it and rested on the opposite 
shoulder. Adam again let out a slight shudder. Reid moved in a little 
closer but aloud his hand to rest on Adam's upper thigh. Adam felt 
surprisingly secure between both boys.

Half-way through the movie, Adam could feel the pressure building in 
his bladder. He needed to pee! Noticing Adam's squirming, Reid leaned 
over and whispered in Adam's ear, "Just do it." Adam turned to face him 
and shot him a pleading look. Reid simply sneered. Then Adam turned to 
face Taylor, the tall blond. He again shot Taylor a pleading look but 
Taylor shook his head. For a few more minutes, Adam held it but soon it 
was too much. As Adam began to relax his body, Adam felt Reid�s had 
slide up his leg and landed on the crotch of Adam's diaper. A warm rush 
of pee swelled the front of Adam's diaper and this strange sensation 
crept over Adam. A deep exhale came from his mouth as the tension was 
released. Adam turned to Reid and was about to ask him if he was happy, 
but the look and Reid�s face said it all. Reid had a gentle smile on 
his face and his other had was on his own crotch that was clearly 
erect. Adam resettled into his seat as the warmth began to spread back 
into his diaper. Reid affectionately squeezed the front of Adam's 
diaper, sending more urine farther back.

When the movie finally ended, Adam had fallen asleep on Taylor�s 
shoulder. Gentle shaking woke Adam as he opened his eyes, he saw Reid. 
"Hey sleepy, lets change you then go to bed. Adam nodded OK and sat up. 
Taylor stood and stretched and it was then that Adam realized what a 
beautiful body Taylor had. Toned biceps and pecs and a nice 6 pack. 
Adam stood up next and it was then that he realized how much he had 
peed. His diaper was swollen and yellow and sagged greatly. "Wow, you 
did have to pee," Reid remarked. "Why don't you change him, Taylor," 
Reid said. "Okay," Taylor responded. Adam's heart leapt at this thought 
as he followed Taylor back to the bedroom. "Reid, what do you want me 
to put him in?" Taylor yelled up stairs. "Put him in one of those 
Bambino's," Reid yelled back. Adam didn't know what a bambino was but 
if Taylor was changing him, he didn't really care.

"Okay," Taylor said, �hop on up their while I grab a clean diaper." 
Adam lay down on the mat and waited. As Taylor emerged from the closet, 
he was holding an even larger diaper than the Attends. It had looked 
more like a baby diaper and had a baby patterned strip along the waist. 
He laid this new diaper down on the bed next to Adam and rolled up his 
sleeves. "Let�s see what the damage is," Taylor joked. Adam could only 
smile sheepishly. Taylor began by undoing the tapes and Adam 
immediately became erect. The soaking diaper was undone and Adam's 
penis sprang straight up. Taylor laughed and made a comment about Adam 
clearly enjoying his diapers. He grabbed Adam's ankles and lifted 
Adam's butt into the air and slid the wet diaper out from under him. 
Adam felt his body become cold as his damp skin was exposed to the cold 
basement air. Taylor rolled the diaper up and tossed it into the trash 
can. Then, opening a box of wet wipes, he began to wipe Adams damp butt 
and crotch. Wiping Adam's butt, Taylor realized that he too was 
enjoying this opportunity to offer affection. After sufficiently 
cleaning the diaper area, Taylor next picked up the container of baby 
powder. He shook the powder all over Adam's diaper area and then worked 
his way up to Adam's stomach and chest. Taylor put the powder down and 
began to rub the powder in. After rubbing Adam's stomach, Taylor worked 
his way down to Adam's erect penis and began to stroke it 
affectionately. Taylor stopped mid-rub as the sound of Reid�s 
approaching feet coming down the stairs. Taylor frowned playfully and 
unfolded the Bambino diaper under Adam's bottom. Taping it up as Reid 
entered the room; Taylor taped the diaper snuggly in place, even 
tighter than when Reid diapered him. Leaning down, Taylor kissed the 
crotch of the diaper and patted it lovingly. Reid smiled as he watched 
Taylor and Adam and said, "Come on lovers, let�s get to bed. It's 
already 2am. Taylor helped Adam to his feet and admired the diapering 
job. The bambino rose over Adam's belly button and up a third of Adam's 

Adam followed Reid and Taylor upstairs into Reid's parents bedroom and 
saw the large king size bed. Reid pulled off his pants and shirt and 
got into bed in just his boxers. Adam watched in awe as Taylor removed 
his shirt and pants and playfully pushed Adam into the bed. Reid 
motioned Adam to move into the middle of the bed and Taylor hopped in 
after Adam. Now Adam was again in the middle with both boys surrounding 
him. As the boys got situated, all three boys snuggled up close in a 
spooning position and Adam drifted to off to sleep, warmly snuggling up 
next to Taylor and being snuggled up to by Reid. Adam's last thought 
before falling asleep was that this weekend in diapers wasn't going to 
be too bad after all.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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