A Weekend As a Baby.
By: WS-lighting
Chapter One
Buying the Diapers
My drivers Ed class just got over and I came racing for my bike. At last my weekend home alone was here I went home and grabs some of my diaper money I had saved up and went to the store and bought some Luvs size 6. I got the Luvs because they had barney on them and he’s for babies and I going to be a baby for the weekend. I paid for the Luvs and left for home. When I got home I went to my room and put away all my big boy clothing and got my big baby clothing from its hiding place. I had some onesies with Barney and Teletubbies on them and some sleeper with the same designs. I got out of the diapers and then took off my big boy clothes and then but the diaper on. It fit because I was a bit small and skinny for my age then I put on a Barney onesie and went crawled to the T.V. room to find my hidden Barney and Teletubbies movies I stuck in a barney move and started to watch it.
A Weekend as a Baby
Chapter 2
Happiness is a wet diaper.
I awoke from a nap as I had fallen asleep a few minutes into my barney movie. My diaper was still dry and clean but then my full bladder gave way and in to my diaper went the pee. As Luvs have triple layer protection I left my diaper on I like having a wet diaper on then a dry one anyways and my Luvs diaper was only at have of its capacity. I then play my Nintendo 64 one of the big boy privileges I was giving my self. After playing Nintendo for a couple hours I ordered a small pepperoni and sausage pizza from the PiazzraÓ witch was the only pizza place in town. I went out to my clubhouse and got all my baby cloths and baby stuff like a pacifier, a couple bottles, a few onesies and shortalls, a sleeper, and some baby formula. I put the onesie with Scoppy Doo on it and a pair of shortalls for handicapped kids they looked like regular pants. After about twenty minutes the pizza arrived I paid for it and gave the delivery boy a tip (just to be nice.). I placed down on the countertop and then when out side to my club house (which was on the ground.) and open the hidden door which looked like part of the wall and got out a the pieces of my high chair and crib. It took a few trips but I got them inside. I took the crib pieces to my room and then when back to the living room where I left the high chair pieces and set it up. I then took a got a plate and put some pizza on it and prepared a bottle of formula. I set the food on the tray of my high chair put in the movie Baby Geniuses and clubbed in the high chair. I enjoyed the pizza and formula and at very messily by the time I was done I had pizza sauce all over me including my diaper and excluding my back, feet and legs.
I then decided to take a bath I climbed out of my high chair and crawled to my room and got myself two diapers this time and my sleeper. I crawled carrying these items to the bathroom I then had a need to go pee so I finished off the diaper and started to fill up the tub. I took off my wet and folded it up like mommy do when they change a real babies diaper and set it aside I climbed in to the tub and had a nice warm bath to get all the pizza sauce off. I got out and pulled the plug to let the water out I got re-diapered in both the diapers had gotten and I was not going to do any move diaper changed until 5:00 the next day I realized how many I will pee between then and now I crawled back to my room and put 3 more diapers on. I then took the wet diaper out to the burn barrel we burned our garbage in as it was almost dark nobody saw my as they drove by. I then got in to my sleeper and feed the pets and crawled to my room and set up my crib which had a locking to so I would be tempted to use the toilet in the middle of the night. I climbed in a shut the top I realized I would still be able to climb out and use the restroom in the middle of the night. I got out and went to my closet and got off a self a lock with a timer on it that when set disallows it to open until the time is up as I would be woken up by my alarm to do my paper route I set it to be able to open an 5 minutes before I would be woken up. I turned on my alarm climbed back into the crib and shut the top and lock slipped the lock though the latch. I had the crib close to my light switch and so I reached though the bars and turned off the light. No soon had I done this I turned started the timer on the lock and then it came a need for a bowl movement. I always wanted to sleep in a messy diaper so I unloaded in it only to remember that these 5 diapers would be staying on until 5:00 the next after noon. I feel sleep any way with my teddy bear with my fresh poop keeping my butt cheeks nice and warm.
Weekend as a baby
By WS-lighting
Part 3
Last morning in diapers
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off I turned it off by reaching though the bars of my crib. My diaper was full I must of wet it during the night I was hoping that my bed wetting problem would never stop my parent said if it didn’t I would have to wear diapers to bed and diaper when traveling long distances I hoped they would do that do that so diapers would always be at my reach. I got out of my crib and took off my messy diaper over a changing pad on the floor I used some adult sized baby wipes there used for bigger people would need diapers for bowl control problems. After cleaning up I got a fresh diaper on and then got dressed and did my paper route. I stopped at the store after my route was done and bought some XL Pull ups and a spill proof cup I needed to become a big boy again today. I got home and looked at the clock and found out I had a few more hours before my parents got home. I had some baby cereal and a couple bottle of formula for breakfast. I watched some cartoons and then had my morning nap. When I woke up it was time to become a big boy again. I went to my room and told myself I was a big boy and big boys use the toilet not their undies. I took off my baby clothes and my wet diaper I had wet it during my route and during my nap. I put on one of the pull up I had bought I read the package and made a commitment like a toddler to keep the stars that were on the crotch area they disappeared when I wet the pull up. I was going to be like a little kid wetting and messing a few pull ups and using the toilet some times. I opened my sippy cup and but some juice in it and drank it down I realized within a hour that I had to use the toilet but like a little kid they don’t use the toilet within the first hour of potty training. I used the pull up I then went and changed it. I climbed into my crib after my change and fell asleep. I woke up and realized I had used my pull up because of my bed wetting. I change my self again I got some lunch while I was eating lunch I messed the pull up I scolded my self for being a baby and using the pull up like it was a diaper. I changed my self and then realized I needed I had to pee I used the toilet this time and praised my self. A couple hours later I used the toilet again this time the prize was bigger because I acted like I poop in the toilet. I went the pull up web site a printed out there certificate of achievement saying I had graduated from potty training. I then changed back into my diapers and used my digital camera and took pictures of myself in diapers. I then started to download them on to the computer while I put all my baby stuff into it’s hiding places except the diapers and pull ups. I also left the bottles out. I then sent the pictures to my big baby internet pals and also posted them on several web sites. I had just got everything on the computer closed when my parents walked in the door. I turned off the computer and walked to my room as I still had a diaper on it was still dry and clean so I just put on a big boy shirt and big boy pants I took my certificate with my to my room and hid it. I went back down stairs and said “hi welcome home. Did you have a good trip?” I was so nervous I wet my diaper with out thinking. My parents said they had a good trip. They asked my how my weekend was I said it was fine. I then went to my room and took of my wet diaper and didn’t put on a fresh one I was glad to find out that I hadn’t lost control of my bladder and bowl. My parent had bought a box of depends for my bed wetting problem I had a whole box of diapers just waiting to be wet in and some would be messed in I had to be careful though. I was relived that my parent went going to make me wear diapers to school though. I saw though the side of a bag a pacifier. I wonder what it could be for? There was also some formula for teens who are big bays and bottles for the same purpose could my dream of becoming a big baby come true if they were for my I let my parent know where my crib and baby cloths were. I saw my dad come downstairs with what looked like my onesie.
The End
If you like this story please E-mail me and let me know also send my questions. My E-mail address is Annie_skywalker@hotmail.com please put on the subject line story comments and questions also send my questions.