Watching Little Danny Mess His Diaper by H. Grant It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nancy Sims and two of her female companions were sitting around the plush table in her living room having tea and talking about the latest gossip around the small town of Fairwood. It was quite an old-fashioned town in many ways despite its share of modern chain stores. Most of the people in Fairwood were quite wealthy thanks in part to a massive contingent of doctors and lawyers throughout the town. As a result, most of the women didn't work. In the case of Mrs. Sims, she was a nanny for hire who ran a small babysitting service out of her beautifully decorated mansion. Today she was watching little Danny. The sweet young toddler had just turned two years old about a month ago and was quite a handful. The young women doted on him every time they came over for tea on Sundays. They showered him with baby talk and plenty of tickling games. Now that he was entering his "terrible two's phase," Nancy needed all the help she could get with the little tyke. Today was one of those days. "Oh isn't this sweater adorable, Layla darling?" Cheered Mrs. Sims holding up the garment that Kimberly Atkins had spend many weeks making. Kimberly blushed as her long time friend handed the sweater over to Layla Hill. She wasn't used to such compliments from anyone else. "It's simply marvelous, Mrs. Sims. I'm sure it will fit little Danny quite comfortably during those chilly autumn days outside," Layla beamed with pleasure. Layla respected Mrs. Sims for her fine work as a nanny. Though Mrs. Sims was still in her early 30's, she seemed to have a lifetime of knowledge when it came to children - especially infants. She loved watching Nancy breast feed and play with little Danny. He was the cutest little boy - except when he made accidents in his diaper. Danny wasn't the brightest little baby by any means. He would continuously babble and drool while he watched cartoons on the TV. He knew only a few words like "mommy," "nanny," "candy," and "pee pee" (for when he had accidents). The rest of the time he was mostly prone to fussing and getting into things that he had no business getting into. As the women continued their usual afternoon gossip and chatter, baby Danny toddled into the living room wearing the cutest blue cartoon t- shirt and disposable diaper with Sesame Street designs. It made the usual raspy noise whenever he walked which was a telltale sign that he was nearby - alerting the young women to his presence. He had the softest baby skin and the cutest dimples whenever he smiled. His smooth, milky white complexion translated into the nicest pair of little legs and feet. His hair was sandy blonde and curled up in the back. The little tot plopped down on his pamper covered rump and began watching TV. He yelled quite loudly and clapped his hands together when his favorite cartoon came on. "Isn't he the most adorable little boy you ever saw, girls?" Chimed Mrs. Sims. "He certainly is, Nancy. He's such a sweetie. Just look at his cute lil' t-shirt," Replied Layla. "Isn't it time for his feeding?" asked Kimberly inquisitively. "Yes indeed, I almost forgot! He hasn't been fed since before church," answered Mrs. Sims. "He's probably very hungry." Nancy Sims walked over to the little baby boy and waited patiently for the next commercial break to come on so as not to upset him. Then she scooped the little tot up under each of his precious little armpits and gently placed a loving hand underneath his Pamper for support. No wetness. That was good. The other women followed her into the kitchen. They watched intently as Danny's soft little legs dangled at the side of his nanny's voluptuous body. His precious baby feet brushed gently against her sides and his arms clung instinctively around her neck and shoulders for support. Nancy Sims had a very nice figure. She was strong in stature and had the nicest pair of ripe breasts - a prerequisite for most nannies as breast feeding was a large part of their daily tasks with children close to his age. Her hair was dark brown and quite lengthy reaching down her back. It was well kept and had a beautiful luster and sheen to it. Mrs. Sims was quite meticulous about her appearance - even when she wasn't in the presence of her wealthy husband. She took her role as a nanny very seriously and it showed. The other women (particularly Layla) were aspiring to be full time nannies as well, so Mrs. Sims did the best she could to let them in on the various tasks of caring for baby Danny. Mrs. Sims placed little Danny gently into his highchair and began to strap him in for support. First one leg. Then the other. The little boy giggled and smiled up at the other girls. As usual, he enjoyed the attention being showered upon him. It was as if he was the center of the universe to these young women. A little pile of baby drool escaped his soft wet lips and dribbled down his chin. "Oh Kimberly. Would you fetch the baby bib for me, please? I think it's in the pantry next to the coat closet," requested Mrs. Sims. "Certainly, Nancy. It looks like Danny's making 'dribble dribble' again on his shirt....silly boy!" "And Layla, would you fetch me the Gerber�s from the fridge?" "Certainly. I'll bet our precious baby boy is hungry by now," cheered Layla as she eagerly brought the baby food over to Mrs. Sims. The young babysitter scooped some of the mushy substance onto a small plastic spoon and pressed it against little Danny's soft moist lips. More totty drool dribbled out of his dumb little mouth as he opened up obediently for his nanny. Mrs. Sims gently inserted the spoon into his wet waiting mouth and watched the soft goop disappear off of the spoon. Kimberly returned with a napkin and a blue baby bib for little Danny to wear. Gently she wiped the little pile of spittle that had formed on his mouth, chin, and shirt and swept it clean. Then Nancy tied the bib in a nice bow and placed it lovingly around Danny's soft little neck and over his smooth baby chest. Another spoonful of Gerber goop followed, then a sip of apple juice from Danny's favorite alphabet bottle served to wash down the mushy substance. "Now Danny, you be a good little boy and finish your baby food. You know how Nanny Sims loves it when you do what you're told." The other women giggled at the spectacle of Danny attempting to chew his baby food and letting some of the mush dribble out of his mouth and onto his precious baby chin. He was such a mess. More drool and dribble escaped from his moist little lips and dripped onto his bib. He was such a brainless tot. The little boy started to fuss slightly as he realized - though quite dimly - that he was being 'put down' for the mess he was making on his mouth and shirt. Danny looked all around him at his surroundings. The kitchen was well lit with sunlight from the many large windows in Mrs. Sims house. It was not unlike the house where he resided with his parents. Like most Sunday afternoons, he had been entrusted into the care of Mrs. Sims while his mommy and daddy went out to the nearby city to conduct their business and fill their weekend entertainment needs. He had grown quite used to coming over to Mrs. Sims large estate to be pampered and taken good care of. He had been under the watchful eye of nanny Sims since his early infancy and an afternoon of affections from she and her mouthy companions was no longer out of the ordinary. However, at the age of two, Danny - despite not being all that smart, began to develop his mental capacities at a very fast rate. He began to articulate not only what he was saying better, but what was being said to him. He had begun to differentiate the meanings of what was being said to him just by the decibels and tones of voices being used toward him by his parents and his nanny - not to mention her gossiping companions. He began to encounter strange new feelings that had - at one time - been quite alien to him. He began to feel more ticklish when Kimberly and Layla played "tickle-tickle" games with him. His little baby penis would begin to stand up and throb whenever the prospect of being touched was a certainty. Not only did this occur during diaper changes, it occurred almost every time he was picked up or held. Indeed, he was becoming much more sensitive to touch - especially when it came to genders of the opposite sex. Young Danny also began to articulate feelings of embarrassment at the tender age of two. It used to be he would lie still when he was being changed. He would not (and could not) understand what was being said to him during the changing process - let alone what he should be feeling during such times. But gradually, as he came to understand what the different tones and words meant to him as he was encountering such interactions with the women, he came to realize more and more the meaning of shame or guilt about what he had done. The words being uttered to him during his diaper changes were by no means words of love or affection (most of the time), they were words of a scolding nature and tones of disapproval. For the first time in his small life, Danny began to come to grips with the feelings of shame, guilt, and most importantly - feelings of severe embarrassment. These early feelings became most evident whenever he drooled or needed to be changed on that special table in Mrs. Sims private nursery. What also became apparent to little Danny, was the first stirrings in his mind of a desire for privacy during such intimate moments. He no longer enjoyed being observed by several women during feeding or changing times. This led to a great deal of fussing during those intimate occasions - especially while being changed. Danny finished his Gerber�s meal and apple juice. Mrs. Sims allowed Kimberly to unstrap him from his highchair and pick him up. The young "nanny to be" cuddled him for a while, then took him to the nursery and plopped him on the floor to play with his toys. There was nice variety for him to choose from. The other women gathered round as Kimberly brought out more toys for little Danny to play with. There were the usual assortment of blocks and Legos, and there were also crayons with all sorts of colors. Danny's favorite toy was the Jack-in-the-Box which featured a small clown that popped out after winding it several times over. He would cheer and clap his hands whenever the clown popped out for a visit. Little Danny tried to stand up. He was able to do it with some difficulty, and he even wobbled a few steps. He toddled around aimlessly while the women watched with great delight at his apparent progress at walking. The little tot felt the need to make "pee pee potty." As he continued toddling around the nursery, little Danny felt a few squirts of piddle exit his penis. Then a few more squirts. SQUIRT.....ZZZZZTTT....SQUIRT. Little Danny was peeing his diaper! The little tyke felt the small rivulets of baby tinkle trickle down his totty balls and into his thirsty pamper. The Sesame Street characters greeted the golden yellow stream of toddler pee with open arms. Soon, a golden puddle of magic piddle began to form in the frontal crotch of his diaper. It was filled with Danny's special pee pee! The wetness would soon become evident upon closer inspection from the young girls. It was inevitable that they would notice one way or another. Young Danny began to cry. Partly out of discomfort from wetness and partly out of shame as he knew that soon his little wet spot would be discovered and he would be placed on that special table again. Little Danny made the mistake of trying to avoid the women in the nursery. He toddled over to the corner of the nursery and sat down with his back to them. This, of course, was an unmistakable sign to the women that the little tot had done something "naughty" and didn't want to be found out. "Aww! Little Danny is crying." observed Layla. "Did little Danny make wetsy?" asked Nancy. "I think he did. I don't smell any BM. He's trying to hide from us...naughty baby," added Kimberly. "Layla, dear. Please check the closet over there for pampers. This little one needs a new diaper!" said Nancy. Layla dutifully walked over to the little closet at the far end of the make shift nursery and opened the door. To her dismay, there was only one diaper left! "Oh Nancy, what are we going to do? There's only one diaper left!" "Oh my heavens! Only ONE diaper? I thought I bought more just this past week!. Boy, these children go through diapers like there's no tomorrow," replied the seasoned babysitter. "Well, if we use this one up, what happens if he know what later?" asked Kimberly inquisitively. There was a moment of pause between the three gossipers as they pondered the same disgusting and dirty image in their minds. They understood that young Danny would be with them for at least another four hours - perhaps more. "Well, I guess we'll have to let him wallow in his wet diaper until he poops in it, then we can change him into the clean one. By that time, his mother will be here to pick him up," stated Mrs. Sims matter-of- factly. "But he might get a rash!" explained Kimberly, eyeing the toddler's rump. "We'll put ointment and powder on him when he does his duty. Until then, we'll just have to keep a close eye on him so that we can change him as soon as he does 'IT'," replied Nancy. Her companions nodded in agreement. Mrs. Sims idea made sense. They would have to watch little Danny very closely until he had his next accident. That way they could minimize the time that he spent rubbing his legs together in his puddle of wee wee. Besides, it was Sunday and the local stores were closed. They would have to travel all the way across town to a drug store to get more diapers - a task that none of them felt like doing since they were having such a great time keeping their dear friend Mrs. Sims company. "It's settled then. We'll stay in here and watch him play. There's plenty to talk about anyway. Layla, go fetch some chairs from the kitchen table so we can all sit and watch little Danny in here." Layla went to fetch two more chairs while Nancy took her customary place in the nanny's rocking chair next to the changing table. When the chairs were brought in and settled, the three women began to gossip again. They talked for hours. They kept a close eye on baby Danny the whole time they were talking. The conversation went from one thing to another, but it always seemed to settle on little Danny inevitably. The women took slight pity in knowing that he was already wet with childish wee wee. But they knew that his "pee pee accident" was only a preview of things to come. They weren't disappointed. After several hours of chatting, the women noticed Danny stand up and waddle over to the corner of the nursery. The young baby boy took wide steps - reflecting his obvious discomfort from the pee-pee stains that were now embedded in his disposable Sesame Street Pamper. The girls knew at once what he was about to do. "Come on, girls, let's have a closer look!" cheered Nancy. "This way each of you can learn what kinds of symptoms a toddler displays when he's about to make a poo poo in his diaper." The young girls were slightly disgusted, but eager to learn about this special activity that babies did on a daily basis. They all gathered around little Danny in a semi-circle and kneeled down on each side of him. Little Danny began to blush as he squatted down. His fleshy cheeks grew rosy red with shame and embarrassment as the women surrounded him and watched his every movement intently with eagerness to learn more about him. The babysitters watched as the little boy parted his soft little legs slightly. Then he placed his hands on each wall in the corner for balance. What a terrific view for learning about little boys! Baby Danny's diaper covered bottom faced each of the girls. There was no way to hide it. The young babysitters could hear little Danny begin to grunt. Slowly and softly, a small sliver of creamy child poop weaved its way out of little Danny's bottom. The first sliver coiled up in a circle and plopped lovingly in between his hiney cheeks. The women smiled and giggled at the beautiful smell of his baby progress. Another soft smear of mud squeezed out of little Danny's tight brown anus ring. Then another small "plop" followed. His Sesame Street diaper began to bulge outward from the weight of his pooey mess. SLITTHHHER.....GGGLIIPP.....GLOOOP....SHHPLOPPP....SQUUUUSHH!!! Danny continued making special potty for the girls. He began to get stinky and smelly. Danny's baby poop began to grow and blossom into a large pile of smelly "squish squash" around the center of his tiny boyish bottom. It grew so big that some of the chocolate filth smeared itself against his baby balls. The odor of 'poo poo' and other baby smells greeted each of the girls� nostrils one by one as they began to wrinkle their eyes in disgust. Danny felt the large pile of brown mess smear itself all over his pure white hiney area. The steamy pile of smelly brown mush gradually became acquainted with the Sesame Street characters and tried to make friends. Some of the cartoon characters began to disappear in disgust. What an awful mess he was making in front of everybody! The soft pooey smell permeated the nursery room. The stench of baby poopies surrounded the little blocks in the nursery, the rocking chair, the hobby horse, and his favorite Jack-in-the-Box. Even the clown hiding inside could smell his sweet little mess. The messy smell became much stronger, and the women had to hold their noses in disgust. "Filthy boy! You've made poo poo in your diaper!" exclaimed Kimberly. "Now we have to change you!" added Layla. "You're all wet and sticky." "And he stinks too!" said Nancy. "Peeeeuuuuuu!" Nancy Sims picked little Danny up by the armpits and swung him around to her side. His feet dangled delicately near her waist again. The young nanny placed a hand underneath his baby bottom for support. Of course, this only served to smear and mush the beautiful brown clay within. The other girls followed as Danny pouted openly with little boy shame. He had not only peed his pamper, his accident was now extra special - it was MESSY! Despite being shamefully embarrassed, little Danny felt strangely aroused. His little "pee pee" began to grow stiff and erect - despite the special soft mush that was caked against his child-like testicles. He felt as if his entire bottom was filled and caked with brown "Play Doh." Mrs. Sims felt the large lump inside baby Danny's diaper. It felt soft, warm, and inviting - begging to be exposed for all to see. As Danny was being carried to the changing table, his legs dangled in little circles causing the soft brown poop to make squishy and squashy noises for all the girls to hear. He had made such a big mess! Gently, Mrs. Sims lay Danny down on his back and removed his cartoon t- shirt - exposing his soft baby belly and chest to Kimberly and Layla. The two girls helped Mrs. Sims by taking hold of the straps on each side of the changing table. Gently they strapped little Danny down to the changing table mattress. The little baby mattress had cute little Winnie The Pooh and Tigger designs made especially for baby boys like Danny. Mrs. Sims smiled down at little Danny and gave his little tummy a tickle while Layla and Kimberly began to peel the special Sesame tapes on each side of his disposable diaper. One by one they peeled the tapes off. The disposable pamper loosened and fell forward slightly. Little Danny struggled against the straps and tried to get away but his efforts were useless. He was firmly strapped down and surrounded by the three girls. Gently, Nancy peeled the smelly diaper away from little Danny's struggling body. Layla and Kimberly each got their first glimpse of Danny's sweet little "pee pee" place. His cute little penis bobbled and throbbed with a combination of shame, embarrassment, and sexual excitement at the prospect of being touched and prodded by all three women at once. Nancy peeled the diaper back further. The first traces of yellow piddle became evident to the girls. Little Danny's penis bobbled and jiggled uncontrollably. The little knob tingled with anticipation and excitement. "Awe... look girls! I think little Danny likes having his diaper changed. His little pee pee is standing up!" The other girls smirked and giggled at the sight of little Danny's tiny throbbing penis. They thought it was sooo cute! But when his cute little diaper was pulled back further and lowered to the Winnie The Pooh mattress, a not so cute site greeted the babysitters. Baby Danny's balls and bottom were smeared with light brown "baby squash." Danny had made an awfully big mess this time! Each of his ass cheeks were covered in poo poo - almost like a smiley face. His tight anal crack was buried in soft squishy poop! And boy did he SMELL! The odor made him appear even more dirty and stinky to the girls. "Oh what and smelly boy you are! Kimberly you hold his legs up. Layla you use the baby wipes on him. I�ll distract him with some toys." commanded Mrs. Sims. Little Danny was momentarily distracted by Nancy and the rubber ducky glider above him while his tiny little legs were held in the air by young Kimberly. Soon, he felt the soft moist feeling of baby wipes being rubbed against his precious bottom. Layla was applying them expertly. She made sure to scoop up the large chunks of child poop first and place them into his dirty Sesame Street diaper. Then she took out more wipes and wiggled her womanly fingers into the tiny cracks and crevices of his messy bottom. Peeeeuuuu! What a disgusting smell! Next it was time for the ointment and baby powder treatment. Kimberly continued holding little Danny's legs together by the ankles while Layla squeezed some ointment out of the tube. Then she began to rub and smear the slimy goop all over his cute little butt cheeks and crinkly brown anus. Then she sprinkled some baby powder on her hands and began to smooth the sweet "baby smelling" substance all over his base of his penis and tiny testicles. Then she slid her hand down his bottom and rubbed some of the white powder between his anus cheeks - dabbing a finger gently against his special brown "potty hole." Little Danny was no longer struggling. He was wiggling and squirming in pure excitement and delight. Short blasts of infant orgasms rocked his tiny penis as nanny Layla worked her magic fingers all over his special potty place. Kimberly sensed his excitement too as she observed his penis remain thick and erect with little totty pleasure. The dirty diaper still lay beneath his bottom completely filled with toddler poop. The Sesame Street characters were no longer cute. They were covered with filthy baby boy poopies! Layla placed the rest of the dirty baby wipes inside the Pamper and folded it over. Then she taped the smelly spectacle shut and tossed it in the nearby diaper pail. Nancy Sims went to the closet and withdrew the last remaining pamper. It had baby block designs and balloons on it. Kimberly held Danny's legs a little higher so that Nancy could slide the precious little pamper underneath Danny's clean smelling bottom. The little boy cooed with pleasure and giggled loudly as the new diaper was folded back over his penis and the little baby tapes were fastened and secured on each side. The young babysitters smiled down at little baby Danny. And Danny smiled back up at them. He had just experienced one of the best orgasms of his short young life. Hopefully for him, there would be more where that came from!The End If you enjoyed this story, e-mail me at: