Trunks ran toward 18 getting ready to finally kill one of the evil androids when out of no where 17 shows up and knocks trunks out with a blow to the back of the head.
“Are you sure about this?” asks 17.
“Yes I’m sure about this. Not only do I get a baby but also we get to embarrass Mr. Hot shot here.” Says 18 smiling.
And with that said, the two androids flew off with trunks over 18’s shoulder.
“Oh man what happen. Wait I’m still alive?” says trunks.
Just then he looked around him. He was in some sort of nursery in a house that was never touched by the androids. The walls were baby blue and just then he noticed that he was in a crib.
“WHAT THE HELL???” yelled trunks
As he noticed what he was wearing. Instead of his usual boots, jeans, black muscle shirt and capsule corp. jacket he had fuzzy blue socks on his feet, he was still wearing his black muscle shirt, his jacket was gone, he had a baby bonnet on his head and he was wearing a adult diaper that had Muppets on it!
“So my new baby boy is awake huh? I was beginning to think 17 hit you to hard.” said 18
“Huh? What do you mean baby boy? What’s going on here?” asked trunks.
“Well you see Dr. gero when making us gave use some human feelings. 17 got your emotion of anger while I’ve always wanted to have a baby. However I didn’t want to give birth and I didn’t want to steal a real one. I wanted a baby that could survive living with me and 17. Then I thought about you. You’ve got to be tough to have lived through all the fights we had plus this takes you out of the way.” 18 pauses here to let this sink in. “ so do you need a diaper change?” she asks.
“WHAT? THERE IS NO WAY I’M GOING TO AGREE TO THIS!” Yells trunks as he goes super sayien.
“I thought you might refuse at first so me and 17 agreed that we’ll let you get away with trying to run away today but tomorrow you’ll get punished if you try. So go ahead, try all you like but you’re not getting away.” Says 18 as she powers up.
Going at full speed trunks starts firing a bunch of shots at 18. Too bad for him they didn’t do anything. Moving quickly 18 fly’s behind trunks and starts and puts him in a full nelson.
“Now baby, I don’t want to hurt you but your making mommy mad. Now ether you power down and behave like a good little baby or else.” Says 18.
“What makes you think I’m going to agree to wear and use diapers and act like a baby?” asks trunks.
“Because mommy told you oo. Last chance to power down and behave.” Says 18.
“Go to hell!” says trunks.
“Well you were warned. I’ll have to punish you for swearing to.” Says 18.
Who then put trunks in a chokehold till he passed out.
“Getting to be too much?” asks 17 walking in the room.
“I’ll have my baby yet.” Says 18.
Trunks wake’s up about a three hour’s later when he feels a need to release his bladder. This may have been more solvable if 18 hadn’t installed hand and feet cuffs to the crib, which firmly held him.
“I am not going to wet myself. That’s all that I need.” says trunks as the pain build’s.
“Hello sunshine. Heard you through the baby monitor. Does little trunk’s have to go pee-pee? Come on, your only going to hurt your self by holding it.” Says 18.
“But if I let go it’ll make me seem like I should be a baby.” says trunks.
“Well you are a baby or at least you will be soon.” Says 18.
And then she start’s rubbing the front of trunk’s diaper. He’s caught of guard and while shocked begins wetting himself. As he felt the warm piss slowly be sucked up by the diaper he started crying.
“Awwww what’s wrong? Did you just go pee-pee?” asks 18 with a smirk.
“Could you please let me out of this diaper?” Asks trunks.
“Well I don’t know. I mean if you’re not a baby as you say then I think you should stay in that diaper till you’re potty trained. However if you’re a baby and I’m you mommy, then I would be glad to change my babies diaper.” Says 18.
Trunks knew what she was getting at and with his mind still in a weaker state from wetting himself gave in.
“Oh please mommy, little baby trunks have wet his diaper. Please change me.” Says a humiliated trunks.
“There now that’s better. Now my little wet man let’s get you into a fresh diaper.” Says 18 smiling.
And so she takes out anther diaper, some baby wipes, oil and baby power. 18 quickly take’s trunks diaper off and to his embarrassment the semi-cold air in the room causes him to get a hard on.
“Looks like your going to enjoy this.” Says 18.
She then takes the baby wipes and starts cleaning trunks private areas. She wipes between his legs and his butt sticking a finger in there quickly and pulling it out, then she pays a lot of attention to trunks dick. In fact she was getting close to making him cum.
“Oh my god this can’t be right. I-I’m suppose to hate and kill androids not get jacked off and babied by one.” Says trunks.
“Shhhh, it’s okay little one. You just have to accept that your no longer trunks the warrior but trunks the baby.” Says 18 in a smoothing voice.
“But what about my *gasp* real mom?” asked trunks
“Don’t worry, tell us were she lives and what she looks like and we won’t go near her.” Says 18.
Trunks was about to say more when he finally after trying his hardest not to cum did.
“This is just too weird! I’m getting out of here,” says trunks.
And he try’s to go super sayien but he’s to out of energy.
“Awwww how cute. Here lets finish diapering the big strong super sayien.” Says 18 smiling.
So she take’s the oil and rubs it in and then powers trunks and pulls up a Mickey Mouse diaper around trunks and tapes it.
“So little one what do you want to do now?” asks 18.
“I don’t know. Call me crazy but I’m not used to doing things as a baby.” Says trunks.
“You’ve got a point there. Hmmmm, well how about you tell me about your mom?” says 18.
“Well, she’s comes up to my chests, has blue hair, blue eyes a warm face and her name is bulma briefs.” Says trunks.
“No way! Really? Your mom is bulma briefs? Then you know what? Your not the first briefs to wear diaper’s at a older age.” Says 18 smiling.
“WHAT!” Says trunks.
“According to my history files your mom was had the brain of a 8 month old baby for a year!” says 18.
“Whoa. Hey I don’t mean to sound rude or anything but could I have something to eat?” asks trunks.
“Of course baby. Lets see, I have some yummy peach baby food and some apple baby food. Which do you want?” asks 18.
“I’ll take the apple.” Says trunks.
And soon with a bib around his neck and in a high chair, trunks is soon eating baby food.
“Just a little while longer.” trunks thinks. “Then I’ll go super sayien and escape or kill myself.”.
After feeding time was over 17 & 18 decided to go out and meet trunks mom. So putting the handcuffs on trunks again they left.
Bulma was really worried. Trunks had left about 7 hours ago and still wasn’t back. Just then she saw the two androids land in front of the house. Fearing the worst bulma ran out there with a gun.
“What did you two monsters do to trunks!” cries bulma as she changes them.
“Oh my. She thinks we killed trunks 18.” Says 17.
“Y-you didn’t?” says bulma.
“Of course not. I just made him the baby I’ve always wanted.” Says 18.
“You mean you’ve-“ starts bulma.
“Yup. Diapered and every thing. Do you want to see him?” asks 18.
“Yes I would. Thank you.” Says bulma politely.
“All right. It’s put up or shut up time. Ether I break free this time or I’m a baby the rest of my life.” Says trunks to himself.
And going super sayien trunks tries with all his might to break free. In his effort trunks shits himself. He starts to cry as the warm gooey feeling goes across he’s ass. How ever, this last humiliation was all he needed as he went ultimate super sayien. He breaks the handcuffs easily and heads off in the direction of his mother and feeling there’s no time to waste he doesn’t even change himself.
“What the. Hey 18 you sense that? That’s your baby boy and he’s on his why here!” says 17.
“No way! That’s too powerful to be my little super baby.” Says a shocked 18.
Taking the chance, bulma runs back in the house just as trunks shows up.
“Awwww is baby dirty? Let mommy change you.” Says 18.
“NO WAY. You may have just wanted a baby to take care of but all you did was piss me off so…. PREPARE TO DIE!” Says trunks.
And flying strait at 17 trunks fired a burning attack before 17 could move blowing up 17.
“NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to be a nice mommy but now I’m going to kill you!” yells 18.
She then fly’s at trunks and tries to connect with a spinning heel kick that totally misses as trunks teleports behind 18.
“Good bye mommy.” He whispers.
Just before blowing her up.
After the battle with the androids trunks turned back too normal. Bulma can out and took trunks inside. Taking off his dirty diaper bulma proceeded to clean his diaper area and helped him get dressed. It would be two years later when trunks would come to his mom asking her to diaper him.
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