The Twins
Let me start off
by saying I have been a d/l since I was 7 years old and this story is based on
my fantasies while growing up. Sometime I think why did I ever come up with
this story, as it has to do with forced diaper wearing. But it has been a story
I have been thinking about for many years I hope you like it.
Chapter 1
Mark and Mitchell
Smith were two normal boys as can be for 6 year olds, they were very happy
boys. Being twins they were very close to each other as close as any brothers
could be. They have another brother ‘Sam’ who was 5 years old and like his
brothers very smart, but Sam was always teasing his older brothers. Mark and
Mitchell have a private secret; they still wet their beds. It was frustrating
for the boys to be unable to stop doing it. The doctors put it down to the boys
being underdeveloped which was no different to thousands of children around the
world. Their parents John and Julie Smith have put up with the constant
midnight wake up call for the boys to go to the toilet, but still the next
morning their sheets would be wet. And there were the times the boys' would
wake up in the middle of the night saying they wet their beds. For John Smith,
this was starting to get the better of him As he worked long hours he didn’t
like the fact he was getting woken up in the middle of the night. John was at a
lost of what he could do to stop the boys from wetting their bed. He thought to
himself there has to be a better solution.
“Julie honey we
have to do something about the twins” said John.
“What do you
mean?” said Julie.
“Well, the twins
turn 7 next week and I just wish we could come up with a solution to help stop
them wetting the bed, that all”
“John darling,
don’t you think I wish they could stop? It is becoming a burden constantly
washing their sheets and pyjamas?”
“Well ,I don’t
know what we can do Julie. There has to be a way to control them from wetting,
but I am at a lost what we can do ?”
“Look John, if I
knew what we could do, don’t you think I would have tried it by
now ?”
“Yes you are
right” said John”. But I think we should come up with something soon ok, the
boys turn 7 soon, and Sam is always teasing the twins about their bedwetting”
“John ,Well I have
given up on it all, I will leave it up to you to decide what we should do. What
ever you think off will be ok with me.”
“Ok honey; Give me
some time to think about that one” said John.
John was wondering
what he and his wife could do to stop the boys from wetting their bed. He
thought hard over many days. As far he was concerned the boy needed to be
stopped, he was at a point where he would try anything to help his boys. Later
that night he was lying in bed when an idea popped into his head. The last time
the boy’s sheets were actually dry was when they were babies, and wearing
diapers. John thought for a moment about what was going through his head at
that moment.
He thought to
himself, could they boys go back to wearing diapers. It would mean the end to
washing sheets and pyjamas.
But John thought
to himself. “What I am thinking off, the boys are almost 7 and I am thinking of
diapers at their age”.
But he did think
it could stop them waking up til morning and that meant no more middle of the
night sheet changing sessions. And the only washing would be a few diapers, and
they would be easier to wash than all the sheets, pyjamas and the occasional
blanket that got soaked.
But the idea
weight heavily on his mind. How would the boys react to them going back to
wearing diapers, and how much would Sam tease his brothers. Sam had stop
wetting his bed when he was 2 years old and the possibility that he would tease
Mark and Mitchell did play on John’s mind. But John thought Sam is only 5 and
he wouldn’t let him get away with him teasing his brothers any more.
So from then on
John had made his mind up. But how was he going to tell his wife what he had
decided, but he would wait til the next evening to tell her what he had
Chapter 2
“Honey you
remember the other night, how we spoke about the twins problem. And you said
you would leave it to me to decide what to do”
“Yes I do remember
John, it’s not something I am going to forget am I? Have you come up with
something then?”
“ Well yes I have”
said John. “But it is something radical. And I don’t know how you will react to
what I have decided”
“Look John, I told
you I would let you decide. At this point I don’t know if I can stand the boys
constantly wetting their beds. So you say it is something radical. Well radical
might be all we have to go with so tell me what you have come up with.”
“Well honey, I
“Come on John,
tell me it can’t be that bad.”
“Ok... I was
thinking we need a way to control the twins wetting their sheets and clothes
and the best way to do that is...” John paused for a moment.
“Will you stop
keeping me in suspense!” said Julie.
“Julie, I have
decided that the only way to control their wetting is to put them back into
diapers at night”
John was nervous
about saying it to his wife, now he had said it. He waited for a response from
“Wow... when you
said what you had in mind was radical. I didn’t think it would be something
like that.”
“Do you think it a
good idea to put them back into diapers, as they haven’t worn since they were
“Well you did say,
we have to try something”. John commented. “And putting them back in diapers
won’t kill them after all. We just have to make sure that we help the boys
through it. That’s all.“
“Ok John if you
think it is for the best, but remember it is your decision, not mine, so it
will be up to you to tell them. And what about Sam? What do you think he will
say when he see his brother wearing diapers ?”
“Look honey, I
don’t have all the answers to everything now, let just play it by ear, and deal
with it when it happens.... Ok” replied John.
“Ok, it will be
nice to have my baby boys’ back,“ Julie smiled.
“Yes we are in for
some interesting time ahead now. All I can say Julie, the boys better get used
to wearing diapers, it might be a while before they ever get out of them”.
“What do you mean,
John ?” asked Julie.
“What I mean, they
haven’t stopped wetting their bed in all this time, so there is n indication it
will stop any time shortly .”
“Well, you do have
a point there; I do feel sorry for them that it has come to this. Wearing
diapers like a baby when you are 7 years old, it’s going to be tough on them.
That’s all I can say,” stated Julie.
Julie was resigned
to the fact her twin (almost) 7 year old boys were about to return to wearing
diapers. Julie had been at her wits end with the boys still wetting their bed,
so wearing diapers might help with less washing. With the twins wearing diapers
it would make it easy for her and John to control the boys’ behaviour. A few
threats might put them in their place.
Julie thought to
herself ‘Well, as radical it is to put the boys back into diapers, it seem the
best solution to keep them dry at night’
So from then on
Julie decided it was a good idea, little did she know what was going to happen
in the future.
Chapter 3
John decided to
wait til after Mark and Mitchell’s 7th birthday, to tell them what he had
decided. Since it was only a couple days away, they could wait til then, which
gave time for John to find a shop that could supply him with all the things the
boys would need. He was very surprised to find out how easy it was for him to
find diapers and plastic pants that fitted older children. Once he bought what
he needed he realised there was no turning back, from this day onward life
would be different for the boys in their house.
“John, did you get
the boys their plastic pants and diapers ?” enquired Julie after John got home
that evening.
“Yes I have gotten
everything ok, so stop worrying will you? I have everything under control.”
“So when are you
going to start putting them in their diapers John ?” Julie asked.
“Well there is no
time better than the present, so I say by bedtime tonight they will be wearing
diapers.” winked John.
Later that evening
while Sam was busy playing in his room, John called Mark and Mitchell to their
room. Little did the boys know what their father had in store for them.
“Yes Daddy what do
you want us for “ asked Mitchell.
Mark was close
behind as they both entered their bedroom.
“Come on, Daddy,
we are in the middle of a game” said Mark
“No that’s ok, I
won’t be long,” John said to his inpatient son.
“Say boys, I have
a big surprise for you both tonight and it is something very special”
“Really, what is
it ?” they both asked.
“Well I can’t tell
you yet, but you will find out later after you have your bath. And don‘t say
anything about it to Sam, either”.
John thought to
himself, ‘These boys have no clue what is going to happen to them‘.
“Please Daddy,
tell us” cried Mark.
“Look you both;
you are having your bath in one hour’s time, so I think you can wait til then”
Anyway, tea is almost ready, so stop whining will you?”
John sensed they
were eager to find out, but in over an hour’s time they won’t be as eager as
they were at that moment. They all sat down for tea, and boys being boys, Mark
and Mitchell were bragging to their younger brother.
“Hey Sam, Daddy’s
got a surprise for Mitchell and me and we are getting it after we have our bath
“ Mark laughed at his younger brother.
“Daddy that’s not
fair” cried Sam. “Why do they get everything and I don’t?”
John scornfully
looked at Mark. “Why did you say that to him, he could have seen it later
without you rubbing it in”
“Don’t worry Sam,
you aren't missing anything, ok” as John put his arm around him.
“Ok Daddy if you
say so “ he replied.
“Ok boys’ time for
your bath now so hurry up and get your clothes off and jump into the bath.”
commanded John, as the boys were prone to run around the house trying to delay
having a bath.
“Mark and Mitchell
you be good for Daddy ok, if you want your surprise”
The boys, being
eager, did what their father told them and got into the bath as quick as they
could. In the end it didn’t matter, if they misbehaved. They were getting their
special surprise whether they were good or bad. And John knew it, so it was a
win-win situation for him.
Chapter 4
It was a sight to
see in the bathroom. All 3 brothers in the same bath, there was water
everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, even the towels that were hanging up
ready for the boys were soaked. There was more water out of the bath than in
it. But the boys were having so much fun splashing around, they didn’t notice
the mess they were making. It was only when their mother came in the bathroom
did they notice the extent of the mess around them.
“What on earth are
you boys up to ?”screamed Julie. It was then, that John poked his head in the
door to see what the commotion was about. John was flabbergasted at the sight
that he saw.
“What do you think
you are doing in here?, Look at the mess you have made.”
“Sorry Daddy “,
cried Sam.
“We will clean it
up we promise” exclaimed Mark.
Mitchell nodded in
agreement. The boy knew they were in trouble. Both the twin were starting to
cry as they just realised that they would be might miss getting their special
“Well then all of
you get your arse out of the bath and start cleaning up the mess with the
towels that you were meant to dry your self’s with and make it quick.” John
snapped at them. Julie left the room to get some fresh towels. Returning in a
flash with 3 fresh towels for the boys to dry themselves with.
“Ok boys dry off
first, then you can wipe down the bathroom and I want it totally dry before you
leave this room” Julie demanded.
Julie went to find
John, who was busy in Mark and Mitchell’s bedroom folding the diapers that they
would be wearing that night. John had placed the diapers laid out on the bed
ready for the boys when they came in. John thought just in case he would place
a towel over them to hide them. John thought he would leave it as a surprise
til the last moment. If things went to plan, the boys would be both in their
diapers and plastic pant before they knew what they were wearing.
“John, how are we
going to do this?” asked Julie.
“Well since it was
my idea I will always look after the boys at bedtime ok All you have to do is
just back me up on what we are going to do to our little ones.”
Julie agreed to
back up John with everything that was going to happen. She had told John
already that she will let him make the decisions regarding helping the boys
stop wetting the bed. It was agreed that Julie, would wait with Sam in his room
helping him into in his pyjamas, then tuck him into bed and wait until Mark and
Mitchell were in their diapers before telling Sam about what his older brothers
were wearing from now on.
Both John and
Julie went back to the bathroom to check on the progress of the boys.
The bathroom was
thoroughly dry when they got there. Both Mark and Mitchell were
whimpering. Then
Sam all of a sudden starts to cry out loud.
“Sorry Daddy it
won’t happen again” Sam cried with tears pouring down his face.
“Enough of that,
young man! Stop your crying this instant. You’re crying over nothing”
“You have cleaned
it all up now. Will you go with Mummy and get ready for bed ?”
“Ok I will. Are
you going to come in later and tuck me in ?”Sam asked.
“Yes son I will
come in later, I just have to deal with your brothers first.”
The twins didn’t
like the sound off that. They both wondered what he meant by ‘deal with’. They
then started to cry out loud.
“Were we bad,
Daddy ?” Mitchell asked in a sad voice.
“Are we still
getting our surprise Daddy” cried Mark
“We were having so
much fun that we forgot about the splashing.” Mark continued.
“Now boys, I know
you didn’t mean it. Just calm down and wait for me outside your bedroom door, I
have your surprise waiting for you.” whispered John.
Making the boys
wait outside made them more eager to find out what the surprise was. And these
boys loved surprises, though this was one surprise that would become a shock to
them both.
Chapter 5
John didn’t know
what to expect from this point. He felt he was now taking his sons down a new
path. One that was unknown, but for Mark and Mitchell it was a new life that
they would have to learn to accept. John would make sure of it.
“Ok guys time for
your surprise, but before you get it . You have to promise to do what I tell
you and no questions asked ok. So what I mean is. You can only talk when I tell
you to.”
“Ok Daddy “both
boys replied .The boys were so eager for their surprise they were willing to
stay quiet til they were told to speak.
So from that point
John had laid the foundation of his plan. His plan was simple. To keep the boys
guessing and to have them in diapers without them making a fuss before they
knew about what they were wearing.
“Ok now I want you
to close your eyes for Daddy”, said John calmly.
The boys did what
they were told and John proceeded to blindfold them both. He led them both by
the hand and got them to sit on Mark’s bed. He told them to sit quietly and he
would give them their surprise one at a time.
“Ok which one goes
first ?” asked John
“Me “ called
“No I am first
“replied Mark
“Hang on boys you
both can’t be first, let’s settle this the old-fashioned way.
“Heads Mark is
first. Tails Mitchell goes first.“
John reasoned that
was the easy way do it. If only they knew that were fighting to see to get to
wear their diaper first. John thought it was funny. The coin was tossed and it
landed on tails.
“Ok boys remember
what I told no talking til I tell you to ok” John told them firmly.
Both boys nodded
in agreement, even though they didn’t know the other was nodding at the same
“Ok Mitchell,
you’re first”
John then went
over to Mark and told him lay back on the bed and wait for his turn. Mark did
what his father asked and remained silent. John then went over to Mitchell’s
bed and uncovered the pre-folded diapers that were lying there. John then took
Mitchell by the hand and got him to lay his bed . John then proceeded to put
some diaper cream on Mitchell’s 7 year old little bottom. Mitchell didn’t know
what was happening he just laid there still. John then picked him up and placed
him on his diaper.
“Ok son, please
spread your legs a little bit” said John gently.
Mitchell did what
he was asked and John then pulled Mitchell’s diaper up between his son’s legs
.The diaper was the perfect size. It covered right up to his Mitchell’s navel.
John then pinned each side with 2 diaper pins to make sure it didn’t come off.
John stood back and admired his handy work. He thought to himself, ‘wow there
laying on the bed was his 7 year old son wearing nothing but a diaper’. He
thought he looked cute in the state he was in. All that was left was to put on
the plastic pants. John then brought out a pair of white plastic pants.
John asked
Mitchell to lift his legs in the air. Which he did without a murmur. The pant
slid easily over Mitchell’s diaper and John made sure of tucking in the elastic
leg and waist bands. Mitchell remained motionless, he was unsure what just
happened to him .But it was a ritual that both he and Mark would have to get
used to.
“Ok son, you can
sit up for Daddy now” whispered John.
“Daddy I feel
funny now” whimpered Mitchell.
“Hush baby, Just
relax everything is ok Remember what said, no talking til I tell you”
“Mmmmmm” grunted
John then put
Mitchell’s Pyjama top on his subdued son. John reasoned the boys need to come
to term with have to wear diapers every night so he decided that the boys weren’t
going to wear pants. That way every time they are in their diapers they can’t
hide the fact they were wearing diapers wearing at home.
John then got
Mitchell to lay back on his bed and told him to stay quiet or else he was in
big trouble .Mitchell was scared to ask what he was wearing, so he just laid
there til his father repeated the same procedure with Mark. So began the first
night that the twins wore diapers since they were babies.
Chapter 6
John got the boys
to both sit on the edge of the bed. Then proceeded to take off their
blindfolds. The boy automatically looked at each other. Both were stunned at
what they saw. John did tell them that he had a surprise for them and this was
one major shock to the boys who started to sob.
“Well guys, you
are now 7 years old and you still wet your bed. So Mummy and I have decided
that you are now going to wear diapers every night, so you don’t wake up in wet
clothes and to make it easy on us. Washing your sheets every night is a pain,
so we think a wet diaper is easy to wash than a load of sheets. That our final
decision and you will now wear diapers til you can stop wetting them at night.
“But that’s not
fair Daddy “cried Mark.
“Only babies wear
diapers and I am no baby,” bawled Mitchell.
“If you think that
,stop crying like one Mitchell” John replied.
The same goes for
you Mark, if you think only babies wear diapers and you keep crying like one,
then Mummy and Daddy will treat you like one. What do you say to that ?”
“Noooooo, I am no
baby” wept Mark.
“Me too ” Mitchell
“Ok then , from
now on you will be wearing diapers every night and if you misbehave. You will
be treated like a baby, do I make myself clear ?”
“Yes Daddy” they
both replied.
“Well you be good
boys for Daddy and jump into bed” John said in a quiet voice.
John finally had
the boys at his mercy. He knew they didn’t have a choice but to behave.
Everything had gone to plan. Now all that was left was for Julie to tell Sam
that his brothers were now going to be wearing diapers every night.
“Sammy darling ,I
need to tell you something” Julie said anxiously as she started to tuck Sam
into bed.
“What is it
Mummy?” Sam enquired.
“You know how Mark
and Mitchell told you they were getting a surprise from Daddy? Well that what I
want to talk to you about” Julie said calmly.
“Ok. Mummy tell me
, is it something nice?”
“Well Sam, you
know how your brothers still wet the bed?”
“Yeah,“ Sam said
with a snigger in his voice.
“Well, Mummy and
Daddy have decided that your brothers need some help with their wetting the
bed. So...”
Sam interrupted
his mother, “What sort of help, Mummy?”
“Well that is what
Mark and Mitchell’s surprise was honey. Since your brothers show now sign of
stop wetting their beds, Mummy and Daddy don’t want them to wake up in wet
pyjamas anymore ,so they will be wearing diapers to bed.”
“ So Mark and
Mitchell are wearing diapers like babies,” Sam laughed out loud.
“Excuse me young
man, they are not babies” Julie said firmly.
“Well only babies
wear diapers” replied Sam Julie grabbed Sam by the arm.
“I will make it
clear to you Sam, If I or Daddy hear you ever call your brothers ‘babies’
because they wear diapers, You’ll be in major trouble mister. Do I make myself
“Yes Mummy” Sam
said with a sense of arrogance.
“And another thing
.If I ever find out you talking to anyone outside this house about Mark and
Mitchell having to go back to wearing diapers. You will be in so much trouble
that you will wish that you weren’t born.” Julie said with authority.
“Now go to sleep”
whispered Julie
“But is Daddy
coming in to kiss me good night” asked Sam.
“Ok I will go and
get him, but please say in your bed”
No sooner than
Julie left the room to get John. Sam jumped out of his bed and ran to see Mark
and Mitchell. He then stuck his head in the door. Noticing that his father had
already left, Sam thought he would tease his brothers.
“Look at the big
babies. Did you wet your diaper yet?”, teased Sam.
Mark and Mitchell
didn’t know what to say, they were overcome by the whole ordeal of wearing
They broke down
and cried,. “Mummmmy..... Dadddddy......”
John and Julie got
to the door as Sam was just about run back to his room.
“What are you
doing here young man! I thought your mother told you wait in your room until I
came to kiss you good night.” John yelled.
“I just came in to
see Mark and Mitchell that’s all” sheepishly grinned Sam.
“Did you now?,
Then why are they both crying then ?”demanded John.
“I dunno Daddy”
smiled Sam.
“Well I bet I can
guess, So I will make this clear for the last time Sam Smith, If either I or
your mother find out you were making fun of your brothers. Well.... Let’s say
you are in for some punishment that you won’t like”.
Sam wasn’t sure
what his father meant but he knew enough to go to his bedroom that instant.
Once the twins calmed down they both fell asleep. Sam fell asleep as soon as
his head hit the pillow.
Chapter 7
The next morning
the twins woke up to the sound of the TV in the next room. Sam had gotten up
early to watch the cartoons. The twins slowly got out of bed to see each others
diaper soaked and droopy. The shock of having been put back into diapers still
affected the boys greatly.
“Look at us Mitch,
we’re 7 and we are wearing diapers” Mark said sadly.
“I know, What can
we do? Daddy said, we will be wearing diapers til we stop wetting them. I can’t
remember the last time I didn’t wet my bed. So we could be wearing them for
ages.” Mitchell said despondently.
At that moment Sam
came into their room. His eyes lit up when he saw the twins in their drooping
diapers. He start to snigger.
“What do u want,
Sam?” Mark said angrily.
Sam started to
say, “Nothing Ba...” just as his father walk in the room behind him. But
sensing he was there, he continued with “..oys”
“Excuse me,
mister, what were you going to say then?” John enquired.
“Ummm.... I was
saying nothing ‘boys‘. That's all Daddy, I promise.”
Sam had a way of
telling lies and getting a way with it. But John was fully aware of what Sam
was up to. It would only be a matter of time for Sam to find out what his
father had planned for him.
“Ok you boys, I
think we better get those wet diapers off you before you get a rash” said John.
He then continued with .”This will be the procedure for every morning ok, I
will take off your diaper each morning and place it in the diaper bucket that
your mother bought for you, the plastic pants can go in it as well. Then go
have a quick shower and then get dressed and come and have your breakfast, any
“Are you going to
tell Sam off for teasing us Daddy?”, asked Mitchell .
“Don’t worry about
your brother, I will make sure he doesn’t do it again, ok” John said with
“Ok you two, let
get your diapers off. I bought this change pad for you to lay on. Since Mitchell
was first last night, Mark you can go first this morning.”
That morning was
quiet, everyone knew there was tension in the air, so everyone kept to
themselves. Even Sam who was normally a constant chatter box was not saying
much. Everyone went about their normal routine, the boys got ready for school.
John was organizing his work schedule for the day. And Julie just cleared the
breakfast table.
As the boys were
about to walk outside to catch the school bus, John reminded Sam about keeping
his mouth shut about his brothers.
“And don’t you
forget it mister or your in big trouble” John commanded.
“Yes Daddy I
promise” Sam replied.
So everyone went
their merry way. The day just flew by .Up til then Sam had kept quiet the whole
day, which for him was a feat as he was a bit of a blabber mouth, but he never
told any of his friends about Mark and Mitchell bedwetting, so on that point he
was good. But now his brothers were wearing diapers. Sam felt he had his
brothers over a barrel with what he could tell his friends Sam being Sam
couldn’t help himself He wanted to let his brothers know that he now has power
over them. When the boys got home from school. He told Mark and Mitchell that
they better do what he tell them to do or else he might tell his friends about them
wearing diapers .The boys were stunned by what their younger brother told them
and they went despairingly to their room to have a cry.
Julie who happened
to be in the next room, overheard what Sam had said, she was angry. Her first
reaction was to go in and tell him off .But she thought she would leave it for
John to sort him out. The house was quiet for the next hour. Julie was
wondering why?
She found Sam in
Mark and Mitchell’s room sitting on the floor laughing quietly.
“What are you
doing in here? And why are you laughing ? “Julie demanded.
“Well mister.”
Having heard what
Sam had said earlier. Had made her furious and she was in no mood to be trifled
“Look Mummy, the
babies are sucking their thumbs”.
The boys were so
upset they had gone to their bedroom to cry, and ended falling asleep on their
bed. Looking for comfort they ended up sucking their thumb unconsciously while
they slept.
“Sam what have I
told you about teasing your brothers, now get out of here pronto, NOW!” Julie
said in frustration.
By the time Sam
had left the room ,Julie’s comment to him had woken Mark and Mitchell.
“What’s the matter
Mummy?” asked Mark.
“Nothing sweetie,
it’s time to have dinner”
So the boys got up
and went in to have their dinner, by then John had already had come home from
work and Julie informed him of all the things Sam had said during the day. John
wasn’t impressed with what he heard and decided Sam needed to be punished. As
soon as dinner was finished John ordered the boy to have their bath. After the
other nights performance the boys managed to keep the water in the bath. Mark
and Mitchell knew what was going to happen when they went to their room. John
was waiting there for the boys. On each of the bed lay , one doubled up diaper,
a pair of white plastic pants and four diaper pins.
“Ok boys we will
do the same as we did last night ok. But from now on you will take turns each
nigh going first, so there won’t be any arguments.” said John calmly. So each
in turn the boys were placed into their diapers. The boys were quiet while it
all happened, they had been resigned that they didn’t have a choice. So they
didn’t make a fuss about it. John decided as it was Friday night the boys could
stay up and watch TV for a extra hour. So the boys headed to the lounge room,
when they got there Sam was sitting on the floor playing with his Gameboy. Sam
couldn’t help himself when his brothers entered the room, just in a diaper and
a pyjama top. He started to break out into laughter.
“Look at the big
babies” said Sam mockingly.
As soon a Sam had
said it, he feel a tug on his collar of pyjamas. John had overheard what he had
said and thought right that was it.
“Come with me
young man” said John as he marched Sam to the kitchen. “So you think Mark and
Mitchell are babies do you?” “Nooo..... I was only joking Daddy I promise” Sam
said in a sorry sounding voice.
“Well Sam enough
is enough. You have been very naughty teasing your brothers You were told if
you did it, you will be punished . So you will be, but not til tomorrow.” John
said with authority.
“No, please I will
be good I promise” Sam said quickly.
“Sorry buddy, you
have been naughty so you will be punished.”
Sam didn’t know
what sort of punishment to expect from his father. He had never seen his father
this angry before. John then went to the refrigerator and got out some
lemonade. He then poured a glass and told Sam to drink it. Sam thought this was
‘cool’. So he gulped it down as fast as he could.
“Oh, you liked
that did you?” John asked.
“Yes Daddy that
was so tasty.”
“Ooooh it was, was
it?” John said sarcastically. “Well in that case have another one”
“Can I really?”
“Yes, of course
you can” said John, who was encouraging him to have more.
“Thanks Daddy”.
With that Sam
proceeded to drink another glass of lemonade .Sam was unaware of what his
father was up to.
“Daddy I feel
really full now”
“I would expect
you to be, drinking two glasses of lemonade. Ok... Now off to bed.”
Julie at the same
time was sending the twins off to their room as well. When they were in their
beds Julie turned off the lights. The boys didn’t fall asleep straight away.
They started talking about Sam and on how he was in so much trouble. They knew
he was being punished the next day, so they quietly drifted off to sleep. Both
with a smile on their face.
Chapter 8
That night the
lemonade that Sam drank took a toll on his body .He couldn’t control himself
while he was sleeping , and wet his bed. Sam woke up fully soaked. When he
realised what he had done he broke down and cried. John heard Sam crying and
came in to see what the fuss was.
“What’s the matter
?” asked John.
“Daaaaaaaaddy I
wet my bed” cried Sam.
“Well how do you
think you brothers feel every night, when they wet their bed?”
“Ummmm” Sam was
lost for words.
John helped Sam
get changed and cleaned up his bed.
Mitchell noticed
his father removing the wet sheets form Sam’s room. He then ran to see Sam.
“Hey Sam !, I know
what you did last night .Who’s the baby now?” .Mark said with glee.
Sam knew he had
been wrong in teasing his brothers and told them he was ‘sorry’.
Later that evening
after the twins had got put in their diapers. John went to Sam’s
room to dish out
the punishment he had for him.
“Right Sam, I told
you yesterday you were going to be punished and it is time
for you to get it.
“Please Daddy, I
will be good” Sam pleaded.
“Yes I know you
will. Well last night you wet your bed, and now you know how it feels for Mark
and Mitchell to wake up wet every morning”
John was building
up to the plan he had started the night earlier.
“Well Sam since
you think it is funny that your brother wear diapers, I have decided for your
punishment that you will wear a diaper tonight.”
“But I don’t need
to wear a diaper , I don’t wet my bed.” Sam said with self assurance.
“Well you did last
night” John replied.
“Well I won’t
tonight, will I !!”
“That’s fine Sam,
But you will, and I know you will”
“How?” Sam cried.
“Well... Last
night you drank all that lemonade, and that made you wet your bed” Sam then
realised how he had wet his bed. John then opened the bottom drawer of Sam’s
bed side table, and brought out a glass and a large bottle of water. Then
filled the glass to the top.
“Sam I told you
that you would be punished, so you are going to drink this.”
“But...but” Sam
“No buts about it,
drink up .And when you finish that one , you will be having another one”.
Sam reluctantly
drank the glasses of water.
“Daddy I am full
now” Sam cried.
“Yes I know you
are, son. Now come over here and I will put your diaper on you.”
Sam knew he didn’t
have a choice. So he just lay there while his father put the diaper on him.
“Ok Sam, don’t we
look cute”, said John . Feeling quite happy that he had achieved his plan.
“Very funny Daddy”
Sam snapped.
“Yes it is, and do
you want to know something else.”
“What ?”Sam said
“Well your
punishment don’t end with you wearing just for tonight” ,said John with a
hidden agenda in mind.
“Well you will
wear a diaper to bed til you can stop wetting it and every night you will be
drinking two glasses of water before you go to bed, so you see Sam that how I
know you will wet your diaper tonight and every night from now on.”
Sam was shocked by
what his father told him. He was speechless, he then broke done and cried. It
took him a half hour to fall asleep. With in a couple minutes of being sound
asleep he wet his diaper.
The next morning
the boys were told to come to the lounge room as soon as they got up. Mark and
Mitchell still didn’t know what punishment Sam had gotten, only when Sam walked
in the room with a soggy diaper did they know .The twins looked at their father
and knew full well not to say a word. From then on there was no more teasing
about wearing diapers.
THE END..... (or
is it ?)
Written by Mike
The Tike. 2003
This story is my
first one that I have written ,that I believe that is any good.
So if you have any
comment on what you think about it , let me know.
All I ask is not
to change the content what so ever, I would like some one to fix up any bad
grammar in the story. I am thinking of continuing the story, so all characters
in this story are mine and I want the chance to continue the story with out any
one writing it. thanks.. email me at