A Trip to the Amusement Park
“Hooray!” Tyler, a blond haired boy of 10, shouted as his mother told him his uncle had offered to take him and a friend to an amusement park the coming weekend. Tyler always enjoyed spending time with his uncle, as he was quite relaxed about all the boring rules adults usually employed. Like, bedtime was when they got tired and sweets weren’t just for Saturdays. Just like most uncles without a child of their own. At 28 John was the object of many a comment as to when he was going to get married and get a family of his own. Tyler’s parents enjoyed the occasional free time and never commented on it. After staying home with Tyler for 9 years Theresa had gotten a job for a small local law firm. At 31 she was a plain Jane with her golden hair as the most distinctive feature. James often joked that she better not try and run off with one of the lawyers. She sometimes hinted she might, although she knew that James at 32 still could pass for 25-26 and she still thought he looked marvelous with his blond shoulder length hair. All in all a peaceful family.
“Mom can I call Brandon and check if he wants to join me?” Brandon is Tyler’s best friend and they hang out all the time playing cards riding bikes and just being boys. They also share the same birth date and usually celebrate together.
“Sure you can, I’ll check with his mother first though”. She was a bit worried they wouldn’t allow it since they didn’t know John. The two families often took each other’s sons with them when they went to amusement parks and on vacations.
“Hello, Susan, how are things?”
“Why, Theresa, it’s been a while; we are doing great. How are things over there?”
”Fine. Tyler is hoping Brandon could go to the amusement park this Saturday.”
“You know we have no problem with you taking him along.”
“Well, that’s the thing we aren’t going Tyler is going with his uncle and he could bring a friend.”
“Hmm… I see… well, let me just check with Kyle.” After about 2 minutes she picked up again.
“You still there?”
“Yes what did Kyle say?”
“It’s fine with him, so I’ll asks Brandon when he comes home.” After a bit more chatting they hung up. Theresa thought as he always did that she would have loved to look like Susan, who at 33, still could turn any guy’s head with her brown hair and Norma-Jean-Baker-like figure. She always wondered how Kyle had managed to marry her, as he was ok looking but nothing special with his tanned skin and dark hair.
“Must be that he was in law school when they meet,” she thought to herself. Tyler was standing next to his mother bursting with anticipation.
“Now? What she say?”
“She says he can but he isn’t home right now.” Tyler wasn’t discouraged by this and went straight out to look for his friend. After a bit of searching he found the tanned brown haired boy in the playground.
“Hey, hey, guess what?” he shouted out.
“My uncle offered to take us to the amusement park with him.”
”No kidding. I hope I can go, too.”
“My mom already called and checked you can go if you want to.” Both boys went straight to Tyler’s house to let his mother call his uncle and set it up. After a bit of discussion it was decided both boys would be driven out to John’s house. He lived on the way to the park and they wanted to save him the extra ride. Saturday morning both boys sat in the car excited about the trip. Upon arrival John came out, only to be plowed over by two boys eager to go have fun, wrestling him to the ground and messing up his dark hair. Although he was a bit overweight, he still rounded the boys up in his arms, holding them tight before hinting that his new X-Box was desperate for someone to play it. That was all the encouragement they needed and they sped off to the living room. Eager to check out what games he had, John arranged the details and also for the boys to spend the night if they wanted to. Getting two extra changes of clothes and PJ’s, they agreed he would call to let them know when the boys were ready to go home that night or the next day. Going into the living room, he found the boys busy playing. John was amused to see them trying to beat each other in car games, both staying as much outside the road as inside it. The boys looked up at him as he suggested that it might be a good idea for the boys to wear Goodnites during the trip. Tyler’s cousin, who frequently slept at John’s house, wore Goodnites and sometimes diapers when he had drunk a lot during the day. John left the boys to let them decide what they wanted to do. The boys looked at each other after he left and thought he was crazy.
“I can’t even remember the last time I wet my pants” Brandon said.
“Yeah, me neither; sure, it’s been close a few times when I have had fun.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean, but diapers?”
“They aren’t really diapers; they are kind of like fluffy underwear.”
“How you know that, you use ‘em?
“No, but I’ve seen my cousin in ‘em several times and they are just plain white.”
“I don’t know. It would be nice to not worry about leaving the lines but if anyone found out I’d die.”
“Same here, but we will both be in ‘em. so it won’t be so bad.”
”You aren’t really gonna wear ‘em, are you?”.
“In a way I think it might be better if we do.” Brandon looked at his friend, wondering if he was serious. Then he remembered the last time he went to the amusement park. He had been standing in a line waiting for a ride and when he finally got there he had to go bad. During the ride he got spooked and let go. Luckily, he caught himself in time and only got a small wet spot. No one even noticed it since he was wearing dark pants. He didn’t feel like tempting his luck again, especially since he was wearing light beige colored pants. But still he wasn’t a baby.
“I will wear one if you do,” Tyler said, interrupting his train of thought.
“Okay, but if you ever tell anyone I won’t speak to you again ever.”
“Get real; I will be wearing one, too.”
“Oh yeah.” After a few more minutes of playing John came in carrying two Goodnites.
“If you want ‘em you can change in the bathroom.” Both boys looked at each other and nodded, taking one each and heading for the bathroom. They were in the same class in school and had P.E. together, so seeing each other naked wasn’t a big deal. After stripping off his clothes, Brandon looked at the garment and asked how he was supposed to put it on.
“You just slip it on like underwear.”
“Duh, I figured that, but which way does it go?”
“Oh, the red mark goes in the back.” After pulling them on they looked at each other and started giggling.
“You look cute in those,” Tyler remarked
“Well you look like a little boy in Pull-Ups.” After a bit of arguing they got dressed and went out. John was waiting for them and they all piled into the car ready to go.
After a quick stop at the local store to get some drinks and a few snacks for the ride the three were off for the park a good 2-hour drive away. John wondered if the boys would be wet before they even arrived there, the way they were guzzling down the sodas.
The boys were busy discussing what rides they were going to go on. John was never too fond of rides and just enjoyed seeing the boys have fun. Hoping to get out of a potential stomach churning, he asked if the boys would be fine by themselves on the rides.
“No problem, we will be fine,” Tyler said. When they were standing in line to get in John noticed Tyler fidgeting around. He chose not to comment on it as they soon would be inside. As soon as they got into the park Tyler made a dash for the bathrooms. Brandon, also needing to go, followed suit. As he pulled down his zipper and Goodnite Tyler was embarrassed to see it had a wet spot on it. “Damn, I didn’t think I’d need it this soon”
Brandon, having made it in time, asked if he made it. ”No I got a small wet spot on it” he whispered back. “Are you going to take it off?”
“I cant. I don’t have any underwear here,”. Tyler figured he could make do with the Goodnite a while longer and said to his uncle when asked that it would hold for a while more.
After 2 hours the boys, having consumed several sodas and waiting in line for a ride, were both getting desperate. But since they would get on next time the ride stopped to let on passengers they figured they would wait. On the highest fall of the coaster they both let go, looking at each other and turning a deep red. When they got off and walked over to John he instantly could tell they were wet by the waddle. Both boys claimed to be dry but when they got the wet half-moons between their legs pointed out they quickly admitted to being wet. Spotting a secluded bathroom with a baby emblem, the three headed over. Luckily, John had figured on something like this happening and had a change of clothes in his small backpack. However, when he opened it up he saw he hadn’t put any underwear there and, worse, had grabbed diapers instead of Goodnites (Tyler’s cousin switched between Goodnites and diapers, depending on how much he drank during the day). Both boys were upset but since they didn’t have any underwear they really didn’t have any choice.
John gave each boy a dry pair of shorts, a Molicare youth size, and a small container of wipes. The boys were embarrassed to see the purple color of the diapers. Inside the bathroom both were a bit concerned about how to put the diapers on. Brandon, having a 2 year old brothe,r was used to changing diapers and took the lead. Tyler, although feeling embarrassed about having his best friend change his diaper, realized he had no clue as to change himself. Pulling down Tyler’s pants, Brandon found a very wet Goodnite greeting him. Taking out a few wipes from the container, he cleaned him off and started fitting the diaper. The diaper was a bit big, but he managed to get a decent fit out of it. Tyler managed to change Brandon after a few pointers on how to do it. Both boys tucked their t-shirts into the shorts, hoping to conceal the purple diapers. Checking each other, they headed out for more rides.
As soon as they got out they headed straight for the haunted house. The house had a reputation as one of the scariest around. The park had several people wearing make up, standing behind trap doors ready to scare anyone who came close. This year they had even added a man flying across the room rigged in pulleys. The effect of a man almost flying in your face looking like a grim reaper was quite spectacular, something the boys found out. Both felt their diapers swell up and get hot. Tyler didn’t like to admit it, but it felt pretty good with the squishy gel moving about. Brandon was lost in the feeling, hoping he didn’t spring a leak. After a few hours and several rides, both boys felt like they had a lump of jelly between their legs. Since it was almost time to head home John suggested both boys get a change and get ready. Getting changed was a bit quicker this time and they all jumped into John’s ‘67 mustang convertible. The car was his pride and joy also the main reason he had suggested they wear the Goodnites. Had he known how things were going to turn out he might have reconsidered it.
The author can be reached at register_75@hotmail.com for suggestions hints or just plain slaughtering of the story.