Tommy 71 -- Tommy, Justin and Tyler, A Night Together

As Justin's mom left the room she turned out the light. Of course, 
being so early, light was filtering through the window, enough that the 
boys could see each other.

Tommy leaned over the edge of the upper bunk, "Tyler, how you like the 

"I guess it's alright." The little boy answered.

"I think you look great in one. Really look cute if you know what I 
mean." Tommy commented.

"But it's too tight, it hurt right here." Tyler pointed between his 

"If you let me, I can loosen it for you!" Justin wanted to help.

"OK." Tyler agreed.

Tyler kicked the covers back so he could lay on top the bed.

Tommy climbed down and sat on the edge of their bunk.

Tyler pulled at the diaper. "It's too tight here!" He pointed out again 
by pushing the front of the diaper.

Justin carefully peeled back the fasteners then opened the diaper so he 
could relieve the pressure.

Tyler's hand went straight to the place of discomfort. Justin and Tommy 
looked at each other grinning.

Tommy had experienced such diaper pain before so he was sure he knew 
the reason for the tightness. No doubt that was the source of pain 
Tyler felt.

"Tyler, you got a boner!" Tommy commented.

"I know, it does that sometimes." Tyler giggled nervously.

Tommy decided this was as good a time as any to bring up the subject. 
"When it gets hard you can play with it?" Tommy whispered.

But Tyler got very upset and rebelled at Tommy's suggestion.

"NO!" I never do that!" Tyler wasn't ready to confess to masturbation.

"Sorry, Tyler, didn't mean to embarrass you." Tommy apologized.

"I'm not embarrassed! It's disgusting!" Tyler lied to cover up his 

"You don't? Not ever? Most boys do." Tommy said.

"Well, maybe sometime, but mommy says it is disgusting." Tyler actually 
wanted to talk about it.

"Sometimes adults tell us kids things cause they don't want us to find 
out about something's!" Tommy explained.

Justin finished re fastening Tyler's diaper. "How that feel now?"

"Lot better, thank you Justin." Tyler felt over his diaper as if 
testing it.

"Hey, Justin, wanta play with yourself?" Tommy asked again.

Tyler did not answer right away. Then he asked, "Do you do it?"

Tommy had just as soon Tyler hadn't been so direct with the question. 
He was about to answer but Justin butted in.

"We both do." Justin interrupted.

"What Justin means is, we do it sometimes because we want to. Haven't 
you ever done it before?" Tommy still pushing Tyler for an answer.

"Maybe sometimes, but momma says it's disgusting." Tyler gave in but 
was somewhat embarrassed.

"Lots of boys do it!" Tommy informed.

Tyler took his time to answer. "My mother told me if I didn't stop 
playing with it something bad would happen."

"Nothing bad happens just because she said so." Tommy informed.

"What can happen? It only makes you feel great, like flying with wings. 
Nothing bad will happen, �� Tyler! It's just a lot of fun." Justin 

"Then why did momma say that?" Tyler asked.

"I think that's what some adults say just to scare us. Maybe so we 
won't do it. Anyway some adults don't understand." Answered Tommy.

"I know it feels good�." Tyler let down his guard and confessed.

"It's your body anyway, you can do it anytime if you want." Tommy said.

"Sure, if adults say they can do what they want because it is their 
bodies then why can't us kids can do it too." Justin confirmed.

"I know� but mommy said not to do it to myself." Tyler said.

"She told you not to do it to yourself, isn't that right?" Justin 

"Yeah, that's what she said." Tyler confirmed.

 Well, then you shouldn't do it to yourself." Justin said.

"How come?" Tyler was confused.

"Because it is more fun if you let someone else do it for you!" Justin 
suggested. "That way you wouldn't be doing to yourself."

"And you would have someone else to watch if someone was coming." Tommy 

"Oh Yeah, That's right!" Tyler caught the point. "But who would want to 
do that?"

Tommy realized Tyler was interested. He whispered in Justin's ear. The 
two older boys giggled.

"Well��. We would if you ask us to���" Justin offered.

"We will help you. But you must never ever tell anybody about it." 
Tommy warned.

"Is it okay when someone else does it for you?" Tyler asked.

"OH sure�� because your not doing it to yourself." Justin explained 
with a little giggle.

Tyler had a big grin on his face.

Both Tommy and Justin could see that Tyler's interest in Diaper Play 
was much as their own. It was clear that he was enjoying talking about 

"Tyler, you wanta?" Tommy asked.

Tyler rolled onto his side facing Justin. It was as if he couldn't see 
too clearly without his glasses. Giggling he agreed. "But are you sure 
your momma won't come in and catch us?"

"We will be quiet then she won't bother us. Besides we can get under 
the covers if she does come in." Justin calmed his fears.

Tyler let Justin pull the diaper open again. But when Justin touched 
Tyler recoiled as if he was being hurt.

"Tyler, have you ever play around with someone else before?" Justin 
touched one more time.

"No!" His eyes were wide open as if he expected the worst.

"Just relax. I will do it and you enjoy!" Justin whispered.

Tyler just looked at Justin anticipating what ever was going to follow.

Tyler began to giggle out loud, but Tommy motioned for him to be quiet.

"Does that feel good?" Justin asked.

"Gee! It really does feel better when you do it?" Tyler giggled in a 
whisper as he relaxed.

"A lot better then by yourself isn't it!" Tommy stated.

Tommy watched Tyler hold his breath just as Justin's fingers slipped 
over the small penis. Tyler giggled out loud once again then grabbed 
his mouth with his hand to stop the noise.

Just at the moment sounds were coming from the hallway. Sounds like 

"Shhhhhhhhh!" Justin quickly pulled back and held a finger to his 
mouth. Then he pulled the covers over himself and Tyler.

"Mom's coming!" warned Justin.

Tommy leaped up and frantically got into his own upper bunk pulling the 
covers over his head.

They knew Mom was standing at the door for a few seconds. They could 
see shadows under the door. Then quietly the door opened and Justin's 
mom walked in.

Tyler made a few snoring sounds as if he were asleep. Tommy was afraid 
the false snoring would make Justin's mom suspicious. But she tip-toed 
out quietly shutting the door behind her.

The boys waited until they knew she had walked away.

"Whew! That was close." Tommy said as he leaned over the bed.

Justin answered, "I didn't think you would make it back to bed!"

"I did, but just barely." Tommy said.

Tyler poked his head out of the blankets, "I thought we were going to 
get caught!"

"Me too!" Justin sat up.

"Has she caught you before?" Tommy asked Justin.

"Yes, a few times when I was younger. But not anymore." Justin laid 
back taking in a deep breath.

"What she do?" Tyler asked.

"I got yelled at mostly but she spanked me sometimes and made me wear 
diapers to bed for a month." Justin answered with a giggle. "I liked 
the diapers and still do."

"Yeah, I think I would like to be punished with diapers, too." Tommy 

Tyler told on himself. "I had to stay with my Aunt one time when mommy 
had to go on a trip. I peed the bed. So she made me wear diapers too. I 
was really little then."

Tommy leaned over the top bunk and asked, "Did you like wearing them?"

"I�. I�. I liked the diapers but she treated me like a little baby. I 
didn't like that," Tyler confessed.

"Hey, Justin. Sometime we should tell Tyler about how to play baby, 
eh?" Tommy whispered to Justin.

"Yeah, the real way to play the game!" Justin giggled.

Things quieted down for a while. The boys were left to their own 
thinking while waiting for sleep to take effect.

"Hey, guess what?" Justin called up to Tommy.


"I think Tyler is already asleep." Justin said.

"Sure he's not just playing�. Like he did when your mom came in?"

"No, He's really asleep.

"OK, Good night Justin!" Tommy called down.

"Good night, Tommy!" Justin called up.

Later in the night Tommy woke up.

Although the room was pitch black Tommy was aware the boys below him 
were moving around.

Some muffled giggling caused Tommy to realize they must not be asleep.

Tommy's first impulse was to join in with them, but decided to leave 
them alone. Instead he lay quietly while amusing himself.

"We'll have other times." Tommy said to himself. "I think Tyler isn't 
as un-cool as he seems!" Tommy smiled.

Tommy 72 -- Saturday Movies

Justin's mom had assigned a few chores for the boys to do Saturday 
morning. Justin and Tommy had to bring in a load of wood for the 
fireplace while Tyler was given responsibility for cleaning up the 
bedroom because most of the things scattered about was his.

After lunch the boys planned to go downtown to see a movie.

"Boy, is it ever so cold outside." Tommy told Justin's Mom when he came 
in with a load of firewood.

"It's supposed to snow sometime today," she added.

"Glad mom made me bring my long pants. Maybe we could play in the snow 
later," Tommy said.

"It's already started to snow," Justin reported as he came in with his 
load of wood.

"Boys, I thank you for bring in the dry wood. And you stacked it so 
well, I think we have enough now!" Justin's mom praised the boys.

"I guess we are all done now, Tommy, want to down town now?" Justin 

"You boys go help Tyler now," she instructed.

"But mom, it's Tyler's mess, not ours," Justin argued.
"I said get... Besides Tyler wants to go with you boys. So you help 
him." Mom sent them to the bedroom.

By the time the boys got to the bedroom Tyler had most of the things 
picked up.

"We can go down town when we're done here," Tommy told.

It only took a few minutes for the boys to finish. Tommy sat on the 
bed. Justin sat in his chair by the desk. Tyler sat on his knees on the 

"You guys going to wear diapers to the movies?" Tyler asked

"I wouldn't go without them, might need them before the show is over." 
Tommy laughed.

"Sure we're going to wear diapers, wouldn't want to be without them, 
would you?" Justin said.

"I'm not!" Tyler sounded so sure of himself.

"Why not?" asked Tommy.

"Cause, what if someone found out... They might laugh at us." He 

"SO!" Justin said, "And what if you had to go pee?" Justin asked.

"And what if you had to take a dump?" Tommy added.

"I'd just go to the bathroom!" he told them.

"You never been there before, have you?" Justin laughed.

"It's very smelly and dirty even some of the toilets don't work." Tommy 
pointed out then added, "Besides, you would miss some of the movie."

"How you know the bathrooms are like that?" Tyler thought if the older 
boys wore diapers all the time why would they ever go to the bathroom.

"Well, they usually are, I think." Justin was only trying to scare 
Tyler into wearing diapers.

Tommy went over to the drawer and pulled out a clean diaper then tossed 
it to Tyler. "Want us to put it on you or will you do it yourself?"

"Do I have to?!" Tyler caught the diaper.

"Yes!" Justin said. "If you hang out with us you will have a diaper on 
at all times. We don't want you be seen with us with wet pants."

"Look at it this way, Tyler... It is cold outside� Diapers make you 
warmer on the butt. Besides the movies seats are just wood, the diaper 
makes it softer." Tommy was showing the advantages of diapers.

"Well OK but I want you to put them on me." Tyler handed the diaper to 

"OK. You lay on the floor and let Tommy pull your pants down." Justin 
said. Soon the three boys had their diapers changed then dressed for 
the weather.

With all the winter clothes on no one could tell that thick diapers 
covered all three.

The boys were about half way to the movies when a voice called out for 
them to, "Wait up, Guys!"

Tommy turned around to see who was calling; it was Bobby whom he hadn't 
seen for a long time. Bobby had taken a vacation with his folks to 
Germany. He had just returned.

"Hi Bobby!" Tommy called out as he halted the other two.

Bob and Justin knew each other. Tommy introduced Tyler to him.

"You guys going to the movies?" Bob asked.

"Yes, are you?" Justin asked.

"Sure, we can go together, OK?" Bob asked.

"Hey, Bobby... you got your diaper on?" Tommy asked so that Tyler could 

"Of course. Don't every boy?" Bob laughed.

They walked on to the theater teasing each other as boys do. Laughing, 
chasing each other, shoving and pushing. Just having a great time.

When it came time to buy tickets Tyler got in for an underage because 
he looked younger then he actually was.

Once they had found their seats Tyler began to wiggle trying to pull at 
his diaper, which was bunching up between his legs.

The lights went out and the movie started.

In about the next 10 minutes Tyler started to wiggle about.

"What's the problem?" Tommy whispered.

Tyler whispered so only Tommy could hear. "I gotta go pee!"

Tommy leaned over placing his hand around the boy's ear and whispered, 
"Time for you to learn what diapers are for!"

"You mean just pee, right here?" Tyler wiggled some more putting much 
effort into holding back the flow.

"Trust me, your diaper won't leak." Tommy promised.

"But they will be wet," Tyler almost said out loud.

Some other kids turned around to see what the noise was about. Tyler 
ducked his head and sank down in his seat.

Tommy knew the boy was having trouble letting go but was not going to 
be able to hold it much longer.

"Spread you legs... open more, it helps!" Tommy whispered.

"Like this?" Tyler asked as he opened his knees wide.

"Yes, great now relax and let it go. Just play like you're a baby." 
Tommy giggled.

"But I am not a baby...!" Tyler didn't like that idea.

"I didn't say you were, I said... Play like just do it." Tommy 

In a little while Tyler began to grin with that smile of relief. He sat 
up and re-arranged his seating. Then he looked up at Tommy.

"I did it!" Tyler seemed rather proud of himself.

"See I told you so...!" Tommy gave Tyler a light tap on the shoulder.

The movie was about over when Justin let out a fart. It was only heard 
between the four boys because the diaper acted like a muffler. The 
giggling boys caused those in front of them to turn around wondering 
what was going on.

Tommy noticed that one little girl continued to stare at them with an 
ear-to-ear smile on her face. Tommy kept motioning her to turn around 
and not stare but she looked down at Tyler's pants making the boy 

"What you looking at?" Tyler asked out loud.

"You pee-pee!" She giggled before the other kids made her turn around 
and sit down.

"How she know?" Tyler asked Tommy.

"I don't know, sometimes little kids just know." Tommy whispered.

Justin had over heard the conversation. "Maybe she had to change her 
big brother." He laughed.

When the show was over the boys made their way for the door. Tyler 
walked with his legs slightly spread more then usual.

Bobby suggested they stop in for a snack before going home. Tyler 
pulled on Tommy's coat, "I'm really wet, can we go home so I can be 

"I'm wet, too, but don't you want a hamburger or something first?" 
Tommy put his arm around the younger boy leading him towards the Malt 

"Hey, what's holding you guys up?" Called out Justin.

"Wet diapers!" Tommy pointed down at Tyler.

"Is that all... I pooped." Justin reported.

The boys laughed but when Bobby told them he had to pee three times 
because of all the pop he drank Tyler began to feel better about 

After spending another half hour in the Malt Shop the boys headed for 
home. Bobby waved them on as he turned toward his house.

Tyler was a little worried about being so wet. He wondered what 
Justin's mother would say to him.

"She won't care, Tyler... she knows we wear diapers, don't she?" Justin 

"I know, but I can feel it wet, you said I wouldn't." Tyler said.

"Hey, that is what diapers are for... You don't ever want to change a 
clean dry diaper, they have to be dirty and wet or else they might make 
us stop wearing them." Justin said.

"That's right, Tyler. You want to be sure to make them really wet or 
poop good before she changes you."

About that time they walked up to the front porch. Mom saw them coming 
and had the door open for them.

"Hmmmmm! It smells like someone needs a quick change!" Mom sniffed.

Tommy and Tyler pointed to Justin.

Tommy 73 -- Tommy and Bobby

Tommy could hardly believe it was Friday again. The school bell rang. 
Chairs in every classroom suddenly slid back making a noise that every 
teacher cringes at. "Okay, children, quietly now, I said QUIETLY as you 
leave the room!" She gives up as the kids banged the door behind them. 
She sat at her teacher's desk exhausted from the day's work.

"Tommy why haven't you left yet?" His teacher asked.

Tommy was patiently waiting at his own desk. His hand was in the air 
trying to get her attention.

"Miss Jeffords, I think I need to be changed," Tommy said with only a 
slight bit of hesitation. Tommy's teacher knew of his need for diapers 
but it has been a long time since he had to have her help. She walked 
to his desk and leaned over so she could talk privately.

"You have an accident?" She asked trying not to embarrass the boy 
anymore then he apparently was.

"Yes Miss, Jeffords. I'm sorry!" He responded.

"My, but your getting to be such a big boy, perhaps we should have the 
school nurse look after you," she questioned.

"Please, I want you to do it. Might be some other boys in there. We 
could do here, couldn't you, Please!" Tommy pleaded.

"Well, to be honest with you, Tommy, I don't think we have any diapers 
in the room. It was such a long time since you last needed me to help." 
She still tried to get out of changing him.

"Please look!" Tommy sat uneasy.

"Well, OK! Let me think... Were they in the desk or in the coat closet 
cabinet?" She stood up nervously.

"They used to be in the cabinet; remember, mom gave you a package and I 
think we only used three of them." Tommy wiggled showing he was 

"Oh dear... Tommy, did you wet or dirty?" She asked, biting her lower 

"Both. I think I got to poop some more." Tommy raised himself, passing 
gas. The diaper muffled the sounds but Miss Jeffords heard.

"Hold on. Oh! MY!" she walked rather fast to the closet cabinet.

Meantime, Bobby had walked by the class door and noticed his friend 
Tommy was sitting in the classroom. He opened the door and walked over 
to Tommy.

"Hey, Tommy... Why you still here... You getting punished for 
something?" Bobby asked in a near laugh.

"No, stupid... I need a change and the teacher is gone to find some 
diapers." Tommy had no problem talking diapers with Bobby.

"I'm wet but mom will change me when I get home." Bobby informed his 

"Yeah, but I peed twice and loaded the rear!" Tommy laughed.

"Boy, I bet the teacher is mad at you!" Booby looked over toward the 
closet where Miss Jeffords looking for diapers.

"I don't think she is mad at me but she thinks I am too old to be 
changed," Tommy said.

"My teacher told me she won't do it anymore,.. That I have to go to the 
school nurse." Bobby whispered.

Miss Jeffords was coming out of the closet with a diaper in hand.

"Hello, Miss Jeffords... Tommy really needs a change, don't he?" Bobby 
was polite.

"Yes he does and this will be the last time. I will send the rest of 
the diapers down to the nurse's office so next time you just go there; 
understand, Tommy?" Miss Jeffords instructed.

"Yes, Miss Jeffords," Tommy answered.

"Bobby, you go out in the hall and close the door, I don't want anyone 
to come in until I get Tommy changed," she told him.

"Can I watch?" Bobby asked.

"NO! Now do as I asked, please!" Miss Jeffords pointed towards the 

"See ya Tommy! I will wait for you and we can go home together!" Bobby 
waved as he went into the hall.

"I think the best place is right on the floor." She had Tommy lay next 
to his desk.

Tommy pulled his pants down below the knees before he lay out so the 
teacher could undo his diaper. Tommy pulled his shirt up above his 
belly button. Miss Jeffords gave him a weak smile as he pulled the tabs 
loose and opened the messy diaper. Tommy raised himself on his elbows 
so he could watch himself being changed. Tommy felt the cool air rush 
around his now open body. A smell began to fill the area that even made 
Tommy's noise wrinkle up.

"Woo! What have you been eating, Tommy, looks like too much 
chocolates!" She quickly pulled the old diaper away from his body. 
Taking some wipes she brought along with the new diaper she gently 
cleaned him while pulling one of his legs up twisting him onto his 

Tommy knew the moment she started to wipe him she would see a boner. 
Try as much as he could he was not able to hold back. After he was 
cleaned up she had him raise his butt off the floor so she could slip 
the new diaper under him.

"You are certainly getting too big to be diapered, young man!" This was 
the only mention she made but Tommy knew what she meant. He was 
surprised she didn't say more about it.

After she had the tabs fastened making the diaper fit tightly she 
helped him pull his pants up. While standing before his teacher she 
helped him zip and fasten his pants.

"Thank you, Miss Jeffords!" Tommy picked up his backpack and started 
for the door.

"My pleasure, Tommy! But remember, next time you go to the nurse 
office." She smiled and waved as he opened the door.

"Ok! See you Monday, Miss Jeffords." Tommy was met by Bobby who was 
standing at the door peeking in the glass window.

As the boys left the school heading for home Bobby kidded Tommy about 
the diaper change. Tommy had just told Bobby about Miss Jeffords seeing 
his hard-on.

"That's why my teacher won't change me anymore!" Bobby said.

"I don't understand, she has seen it before but now she wants me to go 
to the nurse," Tommy puzzled.

"Yeah I know�. But wait until you get the nurse to change you!" Bobby 
rolled his eyes up, "She's really nice, and pretty too!"

"She is? How old is she?" Tommy questioned.

"Sure, she's not an old lady; she is in high school." Bobby giggled.

"How come you didn't have her change you today?" Tommy asked.

"I was going to but she had two first grade boys in there." Bobby 

"Were they wearing diapers, too?" Tommy asked.

"Not sure but they went into her room and she only helps kids with 
diapers, sooooooo...!" Bobby left Tommy to figure it out.

They stopped on the corner where Bobby would be going another 
direction. "Can you come over tonight for a sleep over?" Tommy asked.

"I can't tonight, but maybe Saturday night. I will ask mom. But tonight 
mom and Dad want me to go with them to friends house for dinner. Dad 
will show off some of our vacation pictures."

"Okay, but see if you can come over tomorrow and stay all night. I have 
some new beds and my room is fixed up." Tommy wanted Bobby to see it.

"Ok, then I can tell you about our vacation." Bobby walked backwards 
waving then turned and ran towards his home.

Tommy was glad that Bobby was back. He had missed his friend.

Tommy 74 -- Tommy and Bobby

While Tommy was helping his mom around the house he received a phone 
call from Bobby.

"Hi, Bobby can you come over tonight?" Tommy asked before Bobby had a 
chance to talk.

"That's what I was calling you about. If your mom will let me I can 
come over in about an hour and stay all night, can I?" Bobby asked.

"Sure, mom don't care." Tommy answered.

"I don't care about what?" Mom called out.

"Just a minute Bobby, MOM-- Bobby just wants to come over today and 
stay all night." Tommy called out.

"Thanks for asking. But it is okay by me." She laughed.

"She said it was alright!" Tommy told Bobby.

"Cool... I'll be right over! Think your mom would mind if we both wore 
just diapers. Is that Ok?" Bobby asked in near whisper.

"Mom don't care, she lets me stay in diapers on weekends but she wants 
me to help her do things around the house. Today I have to clean out 
the storage room in the basement, want to help?" Tommy giggled.

"Great. I'll do anything just to wear diapers! I get to wear diapers 
when at home but mom makes me put on shorts or pants if we go out or 
when we have company." Bobby said.

"Yeah, remember when we could go outside and play in diapers?" Tommy 

"Boy, those were the days, eh? Mom says I am getting too big now to do 
that. It was only last summer! Boy, I don't know if I ever want to grow 
up." Bobby groaned.

"Me too, now even my teacher wants me to go to the nurse to change. Mom 
hasn't said anything yet but I get the feeling she is trying to get me 
out of diapers. She told me that Lisa and Kathy should stop doing my 
changing. I think when we get older it makes adults horny doing it!" 
Tommy giggled.

"Do you still get a hard-on when they clean you?" Bobby whispered.

There was a long period of silent before Tommy answered. Mom had just 
come back into the room and he did not want her to overhear. He waited 
till she left the room again.

"I can't help it, almost every time Lisa or Kathy touch me it makes me 
feel like..." Tommy whispered.

"Like JO!" Bobby filled in.

"JO?" asked Tommy.

"Yeah, you know, jack off!" Bobby giggled.
"I guess so... Justin and I like to change each other now." Tommy 

"Why, so you can get JO?" Bobby busted out in laughter.

"Sometimes. Do you?" Tommy asked.

"What you mean?" Bobby asked.

"JO!" Tommy paused.

"Do you... by yourself?" Bobby asked.

"I asked you first," Tommy giggled.

"We better hang up before we get into trouble." Bobby advised.

"Are you coming over now?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah, be right over... bye!"

"Bye." Tommy hung up the phone.

Tommy ran past his mom on the way to the living room. "Bobby's coming 
right over and will help me with the storage room." Tommy told his mom.

"Do you think Justin would be coming over, too?" Mom asked.

"No, he and Tyler will be doing something with his parents, I think 
they are going out for dinner tonight somewhere," he told her.

"I hope Bobby won't mind sleeping in a crib tonight." Mom commented.

"OH, I think he will like it a lot. I told him I had my room fixed up." 
Tommy said.

"But does he know how you fixed it up, does he know you have baby cribs 
for beds and changing table, etc.?" Mom asked.

"Not really, but I did tell him I had changed my room around.

"What if you boys need a diaper change tonight? You want some help?" 
Mom asked.

"You don't have to come in and change us, do you?" Tommy asked.

"No, not if you rather I don't but would you want Lisa and Kathy to 
help?" She asked.

"I'll ask Bobby first, he might not want a girl to change him, I don't 
know. I will ask him." Tommy said.

Mom smiled as Tommy went for the basement.

Tommy was getting a head start on the storage room when Bobby came down 
the stairs. "Hi Tommy!" he called out.

Tommy turned around. "Wow that was fast, I didn't hear you come in." 
Tommy called out.

Bobby stood at the bottom of the stairs and began to undress. Folding 
his clothing he neatly laid them on a table nearby.

"Glad to get out of those!" laughed Bobby as he showed off his diaper.

Both boys had on shoes and socks.

Tommy noticed his friend's diaper was quite thick. He also noticed the 
safety pins on each side. Not exactly like diapers he saw before. The 
flaps folded around the waist almost touching in the front. The diaper 
was outlined with a red ribbon sewn along the edge. The diaper itself 
was pure white.

"I like your diaper, where you get it?" Tommy asked.

"My parents bought some in Germany, They are made just like the baby 
ones only bigger. The outside is waterproof so you don't need to use 
waterproof pants over them. Wanta touch them?" Bobby stood still while 
Tommy reached out to touch.

"They're so soft!" Tommy explained.

"They feel really great... They are form fitted, too. And they keep 
dry, even after several accidents." Bobby giggled.

"You got a great tan, too. Did you play outside a lot when on 
vacation?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah�. That's something I want to tell you about." Bobby peeked into 
the storage room.

"We better get started in here... I got most of it done but some of 
these things need to be put on the shelves. Then we can play!" Tommy 

While they picked up small items and placed them on the shelves the 
boys told each other about their last summer fun.

Tommy did not tell everything he did at Grandpa's. But he did tell him 
a little about playing 'baby''.

"You actually let a girl do that with you?" Bobby seemed more 
interested then before.

"Yeah, both me and Justin!" Tommy told.

"I had some fun, too... I had stayed at one of Dad's friends house. 
They lived in the country, too, and guess what, they had a boy about my 
age and he wore diapers, too. He spoke both English and German so he 
was our guide most the summer." Bobby said.

"Why he had to wear diapers?" Tommy laughed.

"He was disabled since he was a baby and has to be carried. He has a 
special-made stroller. He liked it when I would push him around the 
park and other places we went." Bobby told.

"Did you have to change him?" Tommy asked.

"Sometimes but he had a younger sister that helped him. She was about 
Kathy's age," Bobby answered.

"She changed you, too?" Tommy giggled.

"Well, a few times." Bobby chuckled.

"Yeah!" Tommy wanted him to tell more.

Tommy 75 -- Tommy and Bobby Sleep over

"Ok, bedtime boys." Dad called out.

"Ah, Dad, it's still light outside." Tommy complained.

"I don't mean for you get into bed yet but you need your bath, brush 
your teeth, and change diapers. So hop to it, boys!" Dad pointed the 
way to the bathroom.

"Can we use the shower"? Tommy asked.

"If that would be your choose, go for it." Dad returned to reading his 

The boys headed for the bedroom but Lisa and Kathy headed them off 
saying, "Get to the bathroom we will bring diapers and things to fix 
you boys soon as your done.

"Don't come in while we're showering." Tommy requested.

"Why not� Don't you want us to wash your backs?" Kathy giggled.

"No� We want to do it ourselves, Don't we, Bobby"? Tommy said.

"Well, Ok� But they can diaper us later can't they"? Bobby asked.

"Sure"! Tommy agreed.

"OK, when you're done come into the bedroom. We will have things ready 
for you." Lisa said.

Upon entering the bathroom Tommy and Bobby took off their diapers then 
walked into the shower together.

"Why you got that silly grin on your face, Bobby"? Tommy giggled when 
the water began to spray over his back.

"Lisa and Kathy� They still like to change diapers, eh"? Bobby poured 
some liquid soap onto his sponge.

"They always have. Kathy likes to change Justin. He always gets excited 
when she does."

"How about that new boy� what's his name� Oh yeah, Tyler. Does he like 
having girls change him"? Bobby asked.

"Not yet but soon I want him for a sleep over. I know Kathy will like 
him, she likes boys, especially little boys." Tommy told him.

"Especially little boys wearing diapers"! Bobby corrected.

"Bobby, wouldn't it be great if every boy were wearing diapers all the 
time, I mean, all boys all the time." Tommy was dreaming.

"Yeah, I know what you mean� Are you going to wear them forever"? Bobby 

"Don't know� forever is a long time� How about you"? Tommy dropped his 

"I saw something on the internet about diapers� It said there is now 
less embarrassment for adults to wear them now and that lots of older 
men use them cause they can't hold it in very long." Bobby laughed.

"Boy, if I had to pee my pants when I get older I think I would be sure 
and wear diapers, wouldn't you"? Tommy turned his back on Bobby 
indicating he wanted his friend to help wash him.

"Me too�" Then Bobby started to laugh.

"What's so funny"? Tommy began to wash Bobby's back.

"When we were going over the ocean I had an accident. It was a good 
thing I had a diaper on� They knew this smell was coming from the 
dinning room but mom got me out of the room before they found out what 
it was". Bobby laughed.

"What did you do with the dirty diaper"? Tommy asked.

"That's the funny part� We couldn't leave it in the wastebasket or it 
would stink up the cabin. So mom thought she would go on deck and lean 
over the railing so she could 'accidentally drop it' in the Ocean. But 
before she did that she washed it out but it still was a dirty diaper.

"That would be funny, did she get caught"? Tommy giggled.

"No, she got away with it, but next time she asked a mother of a 
toddler what she did with his diapers. That's when we found out they 
have a special place to dump them. Guess what"?

"What"? Tommy asked.

"There was a lot of diaper dumped." Bobby added, "It's true, I watched 
and a lot of diapers were put in there and they were not all little 
baby diapers either."

"Did you get to met some of the diaper boys"? Tommy was interested.

The boys sat on a bench while drying themselves. Bobby continued, "I 
saw some small toddlers in diapers out on the deck with their parents, 
I saw some of them in the dining room but I didn't get to see any older 
boys but I did see some empty diaper package wrappers for older boys 
and the ship's store was selling them."

"You told me there was a boy in Germany that was a guide for you and 
your folks� You said he wore diapers." Tommy said.

"Yes, he was disabled and had to wear diapers. He was really nice, I 
liked him a lot." Bobby wiped Tommy's back.

"Did anything exciting happen"? Tommy asked.

"Sure did. When mom and dad went to Italy on a business trip I got to 
stay with Bois and his family. That weekend we went to this place up in 
the mountains where." At that point Bobby whispered directly into 
Tommy's ear. "It was where families go for relaxation. It was a family 
resort." Bobby watched for Tommy's reaction.

"Hey, I got to go to a nudist camp this summer, I met a couple of boys 
that liked to wear diapers too." Tommy told him.

"That's what I want to tell you about, all the boys had to wear diapers 
and nothing else. We wore diapers when going to the store just outside 
of the gates and nobody seemed upset about it. Even most older boys 
were wearing diapers, too." Bobby giggled.

"Wow! Were there girls there too?" Tommy asked.

"Lots of them." Bobby smiled. "Staying at our area were several teen 
age girls from a girl's school. They were kept busy changing us boys. 
Bois said they come up there every year just to keep the boys in clean 
diapers. I couldn't understand them most the time but I know they were 
talking about us boys." Bobby waited for Tommy to comprehend what he 

Tommy thought at first that Bobby was pulling his leg about the girls 
and diapered boys. But it was an interesting thought.

"What all did you do at the resort?" Tommy asked.

"Well, it was a placed so kids can have a lot of fun without too much 
supervision. Oh, they had rules but if you broke one they didn't yell 
at you or nothing, they just reminded of the rules and let you go play 
some more. Like when going swimming they had part of the lake roped off 
for kids to swim in and no one was allowed to swim outside of the roped 
off area. And Guess what?"

"What"? Tommy had just finished drying himself.

"Boys and girls got to swim together and no one was allowed to wear a 
swimming suit and boys not allowed to wear diapers in the swimming 
area. There were adult lifeguards that would take your diaper off if 
you wore it in the swimming area. You just couldn't wear anything in 
the area." Bobby told him.

"You mean you just went naked"? Tommy giggled.

"There were areas where clothing was not allowed but most of the resort 
was ok to wear just a diaper for boys." Bobby explained.

"How about girls, they wear diapers too"? Tommy asked.

"Never�. I seen girls in bikini's and I seen them naked but never in a 
diaper." Bobby told.

"How about the adults"? Tommy asked.

"Most of them just laid around getting sun tanned or were playing games 
or something else. Us kids had adults looking after us but they never 
gave us any problem. We just had lots of fun, that was what the resort 
was all about". Bobby said.

"I mean did they wear diapers or what"? Tommy asked again.

"OH, mostly the men had on shorts and the ladies had on bikini's." 
Bobby explained.

The boys went to their bedroom where Lisa and Kathy were waiting near 
the changing table. When Bobby saw the bedroom he got excited.

Bobby looked all around making comments about this and that. He liked 
the oversized cribs and when he saw the changing table he said it was 
just what he wanted. "This is great"! He told Tommy.

"Glad you like it, you get to use that crib over there." Tommy pointed.

"OK you naked boys, better get over here and get a diaper on before you 
have an accident or worst, we don't want to clean up a messy floor." 
Lisa commanded.

Bobby was the first. While Tommy watched both Lisa and Kathy powdered 
and fussed before slipping a cloth diaper under him. The girls treated 
Bobby just like a baby not allowing him to help with the diapering.

Then it was Tommy's turn. The girls took their time but gave him a nice 
tight diaper all pinned and suitable for bedtime.

The girls tucked the boys into their cribs and turned out the lights, 
shut the door supposing the boys would now go to sleep. But they had 
other ideas. Tommy wanted to know more about this German Family resort.

Tommy 76

Bobby and Tommy were put into their cribs with large fluffy diapers. 
The girls left the boys room supposing sleep would soon silence the 
boys for the night. But the boys had other ideas.

Tommy got out of his crib and went over to Bobby's. After climbing over 
the rail he sat on one end while Bobby sat on the other.

"OK, tell me all about the Family outing resort you went to on your 
vacation." Tommy asked.

"I wished you were there� it was the best time ever. Mom and dad took 
off for the business trip to Italy leaving me with my friend. His folks 
let both of us run around in diapers while living there. His Grandpa 
and dad both wanted our diapers to be seen. His Grandpa smiled a lot 
when we played near him. He would say things in German but I didn't 
understand. My friend told me his Grandpa liked to watch boys in 
diapers. But I think his dad was most interested. His dad was always 
patting our butts when we got too close to him. His mom and Grandma 
didn't pay as much attention to us but before we would go anyplace they 
would change our diapers and clean us up." Bobby reported.

"I thought you said his sister helped out with the diaper changing." 
Tommy reminded.

"OH she did� sometimes she just had us lay on the floor or on the 
ground outside. But Grandma and his mother would watch sometimes and 
help her do it." Bobby explained.

"But what about the Family retreat?" Tommy asked.
"At first I was really embarrassed because I didn't know anyone there 
but my friend and his family. It was a little scary too. No one spoke 
English, it was like being in a foreign land." Bobby told.

"You were in a foreign land�!" Tommy reminded.

"Yeah, but it was really more then that� To get there we had to drive 
miles back into this heavily treed forest. We came to this most 
beautiful lake. There were small cabins scattered near one side of the 
lake with this large lodge like building. We had to go into the lodge 
to register."

Tommy asked, "How come!"

"Well, you see, this is a private club or something like that. They 
don't let just every one come in, so all of the families and friends of 
the family have to register. Anyway, they give us a stamp mark on the 
hand; it was hard to wash off. But that way we can go over to the 
store, which was just outside the gate and get back in."

"What you do there, what was so much fun?" Tommy wanted Bobby to get to 
the story.

"What we did there was fun. After getting registered in we carried our 
luggage over to one of the cabins. They were far enough apart so to 
have some privacy but there was not total privacy."

"You said you got to wear diapers!" Tommy wanted to hear more about 

"Sure� it was required."

"Required?" Tommy repeated.

"Yes� once we got to the cabin us boys were told to strip down to 
nothing. At first I got really scared I did not know what was coming. 
Then Grandpa bought in a couple of special diapers for the two of us."

"What was special about them?" Tommy is an expert on diapers; he knows 
a diaper is a diaper.

"Well, they were like most diapers, I mean, they fit around the waist 
and between the legs and fasten at the hips. But these were really 
nice. They were washable, felt like old fashion cloth with pins but the 
outside was water proof, and washable. The inside was highly absorbent 
giving it a great feeling."

"What you do then, I mean after you got into those diapers?" Tommy 

"We got to go down by the lake. We played in the sand. They had a swell 
fort there and we���" For the next half hour Bobby told of all the 
wonderful things the 20 some diaper boys got to do and all the fun they 
had that first day.

"Then that night we all met in the Lodge where some kids got up in 
front to sing songs and some acted out a play. We all got cheered and 
hand clapped for our doings. Before the week was out we even had a 
beauty contest. It was fun showing off our diapers to the adults. 
Grandpa and the dad did a lot of whistling and hand clapping. Of course 
us two boys were their favorites."

"Where did you sleep?" Tommy asked.

"That was the best part, when we got ready for bed. We were outside 
down by the lake when the adults turned us boys over to the younger 
girls. They paired off with us boys and took us back into the woods to 
the shower cabins where they took our diapers off, gave each of us a 
bath then re-diapered us with a large body diaper. Sixteen pins, eight 
up each side of the diaper that fitted from the shoulder blades down 
under the butt. They pulled it really tight too. They were so large we 
had hard time to walk. The girls took us back to your beds, tucked us 
in and even read a story to us. I did not understand what they said but 
I did understand how much they liked doing it."

"Did you ever get to go swimming?" Tommy asked.

"Sure did and that was fun too. They wouldn't let us swim in the lake 
with diapers and they did not allow suits, guess what?" Bobby asked.

"You all went skinny dipping?" Tommy giggled.

"All of us did. The girls sat on the beach and acted like lifeguards. 
They would point at us boys and laugh. We didn't care� It was fun. Even 
the adults went swimming in the nude with us."

"You could do just anything you wanted to do without being yelled at?" 
Tommy asked.

"Well, while swimming some older boys went back into the woods but some 
adults went after them. You should have heard them yelling and 
hollering when being led back to the lake by pulling on their ears." 
Bobby laughed.

"Naked?" Tommy asked.

"As a jay bird!" Bobby giggled.

"Why they do that?" Tommy asked.

"Guess! Some older girls were found back there too."

"Oh! OH!" Tommy and Bobby were laughing so loud Mom came in to see what 
the noise was all about.

After she left having instructed them to quiet down the boys fell 
asleep in their own crib.

Tommy 77

Both boys overslept the next morning. When they did not show up for 
breakfast Mom came in to wake them.

"Hey, you sleepyheads, wake up or do without breakfast." Mom called out 
while shaking Tommy's crib.

"Oh mom, just a few more minutes." Tommy rubbed his eyes.

Bobby started to stand up in his crib but when he realized his diapers 
were drooping wet he sat down drawing his knees up under his chin.

"I need to be changed." Bobby called out.

Mom came over by his bed but when she saw he had leaked out on to the 
bed she said, "Bobby, not only are you soaking wet your bed is too."

"I'm sorry!" He felt the bed with his hand.

"How about you, Tommy?" Mom asked.

"I always need to be changed in the mornings but my bed is okay." Tommy 
checked himself out.

"OK, boys, I will send Lisa and Kathy in to help you out." Then she 
left the room.

Kathy was the first to come into the boy's room. She was still in her 
long nightgown. Lisa followed carrying a couple of diapers and wash 

"Who's the wet bed?" Lisa asked.

"Mine, I think my diaper leaked. I found one of the fasteners had came 
loose." Bobby stood up so Lisa could see.

"OK, I'll take care of you. Kathy you get Tommy." Lisa said.

"Baby Tommy, get up on your change table so I can get you taken care 
of." Kathy giggled.

As always Kathy took her time making a game out of changing her 
brother's diaper.

"I am going to put a cloth one on you so you will have to wear your 
diaper cover too." Kathy held up a pair of clear plastic over pants.

"Kathy, those make noises when I walk why don't you use the white ones 
they are quieter." Tommy pointed out.

"But I want to hear you when you move around. Besides they smell good 
like wet diapers." Kathy giggled.

"That's the problem, they let me sweat because they don't breath like 
they should. And it's going to be a hot day today." Tommy explained.

"You sure talk a lot for a baby. But you do as I say cause I am in 
charge of your diaper changing today." Bossy Kathy said.

"And I am going to put a cloth diaper on you, too Bobby." Lisa said.

"How come?" Bobby wanted one of his own he brought from home.

"Cause your fastener came off last night making your bed wet. Now I 
have to wash your sheets and everything. These cloth diapers will take 
eight pins to hold them on, you shouldn't have any problem keeping your 
pee in the diaper this time." She laughed.

"How come your putting me in one of Tommy's night diapers instead of a 
daytime one like he has on now?" Bobby wasn't sure he wanted the 
heavier diaper to play in.

"You boys gotta do what we say today cause we are going to play diapers 
all day. You better wet yourselves a lot because we are going to change 
you often and dress you up like babies so we can play house, too. Us 
girls have plans." Lisa giggled.

"You two and who else?" Asked Tommy.

"Oh didn't we tell you� Nancy, Betty and Clara are going to come over 
to play all afternoon." Lisa informed.

"Just us two boys and all those girls?" Bobby looked a little shocked.

"You won't be the only boys� Nancy and Clara are bringing their little 
brothers. We going to show Betty how to change diapers for boys!" Kathy 

"But their brothers are just little kids, I bet mom won't let you do 
it!" Tommy said.

"Oh yes she will, she's going to keep the boys for the afternoon but 
mom said we could help out." Lisa explained.

"But Betty hasn't any brothers, she hasn't seen boys before, has she?" 
Tommy looked pale.

"Sure she has, she had helped Clara diaper her brother before and the 
other boy is the same age." Lisa corrected.

"But we are 11 Betty is same age as we are!" Bobby spoke up.

"He's right, and the other two girls are 12 and 13." Tommy pointed out.

"SO!" Lisa put both her hands on her hips. The frown on her face 
worried Tommy.

"I don't know�" Tommy looked toward Bobby for help.

"I kinda like Nancy, she's cute." Bobby told them.

"Bobby." Tommy called out, "You know what they wanta do with us?"

"Sure, play house!" Bobby smiled.

"And play diapers, too. That means you and I will not be the husbands, 
we're the babies1" Tommy wasn't against the games but was not sure if 
it would be 'safe'.

"So?" Bobby asked.

"So. You get your diapers changed by all of these girls." Tommy 

"Wow!" Bobby smiled even more.

"You mean you don't care if they get to see you?" Tommy waited his 

"No, Kathy and Lisa has seen me a lot of times." Bobby giggled.

"But has Nancy, Betty and Clara seen you before?" Tommy asked.

"Well, no but they all seen boys before besides your mom will be here, 
they won't hurt us." Bobby said.

"Lisa, you sure mom said it would be alright!" Tommy asked.

"Sure, she was going to take care of the boys this afternoon anyway, 
the girls and us had already planned for this afternoon. We can have 
lots of fun if you be our babies too." Lisa told.

Bobby stood up in front of the full-length door mirror checking out his 
heavy all night diaper with 16 pins. The heavy pre-cut diaper fitted 
from just under the arms to his groin. Between the legs was extra 
thickness making it fit with a big bulge between his legs. With the 
plastic cover making crackling noises it would be hard for him not to 
be seen.

Tommy had on the heavy daytime diaper with plastic noisy pants. They 
were too thick for either boy to wear pants over it all.

Tommy 78

Afternoon Games:

Nancy, Betty and Clara arrived just after lunch. Nancy and Clara 
brought their little brothers, Jessie and Calvin. Both boys were 
wearing diapers with a T-shirt, socks and shoes. Nancy's brother, 
Jessie, is 4 years old. Clara's brother, Calvin, is 5.

"Hi Tommy, Hi Bobby." Betty called out when she saw the older boys 
peeking around the dinning room table where they were hiding.

"Hi, Betty." The boys stood up and walked slowly towards the girls.

Nancy and Clara began to giggle. "Why you diaper boys hiding? Do you 
think we would laugh at you. Well, You're baby boys wearing diapers and 
we wouldn't think of making fun of baby boys!" Nancy held her hand over 
her mouth so the boys couldn't hear her giggling.

"You got a diaper on!" Jessie's eyes opened wide as he looked Tommy 

"So do you, pal!" Tommy patted the boy on the head.

"I know!" Jessie answered.

Calvin stood with his legs slightly spread, his thumbs hooked into his 
diapers. He looked like a Western gun slinger ready to draw. On his 
face was a scowl of defiance.

"Why you wearing diapers?" He managed to speak roughly with authority.

Tommy decided to humor the little 5 year old. "I wear 'em cause I like 
'em, ok partner?"

A grin formed at the corner of the little boy's mouth. "Me too!" Calvin 
pulled his thumbs out of the diaper and rubbed his belly.

"Calvin, I think you're a very cute boy and I do like your diaper too." 
Tommy raised his had for a high five which Calvin accepted.

Bobby flopped himself into a near by chair letting one leg hang over 
the armrest while the other just barely touched the floor. His head 
rested on the other armrest.

Betty stared at Bobby's diaper. Where his legs and diaper come 
together, by the spreading of his legs, the diaper did not fit very 
tight leaving a small gap. Part of his body was exposed to Betty's 
searching eyes. She remained very quiet while the other girls were 
finding a place to sit.

Bobby was unaware of his exposure but Tommy also could see.

"Anyone wanta have some Pepsi?" Tommy said trying to re-direct the 

"I would." Nancy said.

"Me too!!" Clara stood to her feet. "Can I help get it?"

"Sure, come with me to the kitchen." He motioned for the girls to 
follow him.

Betty walked close to Nancy and whispered into her ear, "I think I got 
to see Bobby's 'doodad'!

"What?" Betty laughed.

"What's so funny?" asked Clara.

"Oh, Betty thinks she could see Bobby's weenie under his diaper." Nancy 
giggled to Clara.

"I think she did, I saw part of it, too!" Clara answered.

Betty seemed a bit nervous. "Ah, well, I think I did."

These girls talking about these things was embarrassing to Tommy. He 
opened the refrigerator and handed each girl a can of Pepsi taking one 
for himself and Bobby.

"I will share mine with Jessie." Nancy said.

"Me too, I will share with Calvin." Clara told Tommy.

"They can have one too if they want it, we have a lot of them. See!" 
Tommy pointed into the refrigerator.

"If Jessie had a whole one he would pee his diaper before we start 
playing." Nancy explained.

When she said that the girls looked at each other then burst out 
laughing. "Why not!" Betty suggested.

"OK," the girls reached out for more Pepsi for the little boys.

Betty patted Tommy's diaper saying, "Drink up, baby Tommy. We will soon 
be getting you a dry diaper, too."

Lisa and Kathy came into the kitchen carrying a large package of 
diapers. They laid them on the edge of the kitchen table.

"We can change the boys here!" Kathy said as she spread out a changing 
pad placing it on the other end of the table.

It was obvious to Tommy that Betty was more anxious then the other 
girls to get changing the boys. She had opened a package of diapers and 
held one up to her face to smell.

"Don't you just love the smell of a clean new diaper?" Betty said with 
her eyes closed taking a deep breath.

"Which boy you want first, Betty?" Lisa asked.

"Tommy...!" She said by drawing his name out.

Meantime, Tommy had slipped out of the kitchen so he could tell Bobby 
what the girls had been saying.

Bobby quickly sat up feeling his diaper to see why it was gaping. "The 
pins need to be reset." He told Tommy.

"I think so, sometimes Kathy leaves it loose at the legs." Tommy told 

"Oh gads! Here comes the girls." Bobby sank down into the chair.

"OH T-o-m-m-y!" Lisa called. When Tommy looked up she was wiggling her 
forefinger calling him to come out into the kitchen.

The little boys were playing on the floor. The baby size disposal that 
Jessie was wearing showed the wet indicator was ready for change.

Tommy 79 -- Afternoon Games: Cont.

Nancy, Betty, Clara, Lisa and Kathy stood around the kitchen table as 
they waited for Tommy.

"Tommy, you get in here right now." Lisa commanded in rather a loud 

Betty called out, "Come get your diaper changed, baby Tommy!" She was 
looking forward to seeing this diaper change take place.

Tommy got to the doorway and stopped. He looked back as if hoping the 
other boys would help him but they were just standing around waiting to 
see what would happen. Even the younger boys Jessie and Calvin realized 
something different was about to happen.

Tommy's mother just walked into the living room as she continued her 
housework dusting the furniture. She noticed the tense look on each 
boy's face. Tommy started to say something to his mother but was 
interrupted by Clara.

"Tommy get in her right now... NOW!" Clara stomped her foot and placed 
her hands on each of her hips. The other girls giggled.

"You better let the girls do what they want, Son, They are in charge of 
you boys while I get this house cleaned up." Mom called out to Tommy.

"Yes, Mom... Only they want to change my diaper and..." Tommy started 
to tell what all the girls wanted to do.

"Yes, I know. They are going to keep you boys diapered and dry. So get 
in there now like they asked." Mom went about her work without farther 

Tommy walked slowly up to the kitchen table. Lisa and Betty helped him 
get up on the table having him lie down on the changing mat placed 
there. Betty stood back waiting for Clara and Nancy to remove the 
nervous boy's wet diaper. Tommy look back towards the living room. 
Bobby was standing in the doorway watching to see what he would be in 
for later on. A voice called out to Tommy, "Don't worry, Tommy. It's 
fun to get your diaper changed."

Tommy turned to see it was Jessie standing on a chair next to him. "I 
know, Jessie, I had it done before."

Tommy felt the old diaper leaving his body. The room filled with Ohhh's 
and Ahhh's as the girls observed the naked 11-year-old before them. 
Tommy began feeling excited when the warm washcloth was applied to his 
genitals. He wasn't sure which girl was doing the washing but he lost 
all self-consciousness as he felt the pleasure provided for him.

Tommy could smell some kind of perfume that filled the air next to him. 
Looking up his eyes met with those of Betty. She was gawking intensely 
at his uncovered area.

Tommy knew Betty had never seen a boy old as he. It suddenly occurred 
to him that Betty must be feeling a lot like him right now. The memory 
of last summer, at Grandpa's farm, came into his mind. He remembered 
playing at the old swimming pond. He wondered if Betty would let him. 
He could tell by the look on her face that his thoughts could be a 

"Tommy, Tommy!" Out of the fog of deep thought Tommy could hear his 
name being called.

Being snapped back to reality he responded, "Yes."

"We're done with you, you can get up now," Lisa told him.

"OH! OK!" Tommy sat up and moved his legs over the table's edge. Betty 
took his hands helping him to his feet.

Standing face to face with the girl that just saw him for the first 
time was a near shock for Tommy. Shaking like he had a chill he managed 
to say, "Betty, Thank you!"

With a shy she answered, "You're welcome."

As Tommy walked away he overheard Betty say, "I think boys are so 
cute!" The other girls laughed and giggled. But they all agreed.

The next boy to be diapered was Jessie.

Tommy and Bobby stood in the doorway watching the girls as they changed 
the little boy.

"Why they taking so long with Jessie? Doesn't take that long does it?" 
Tommy asked Bobby.

"Search me! Wouldn't take me that long ,but you know girls!" Bobby 

"Yeah. Wonder why they take so much time?" Tommy scratched his head.

"Don't know, maybe if we changed a girl we might take our time, too� 
Think so?" Bobby giggled.

"Ever wonder why don't get to change girls? Girls always get to change 
boys. How come?" Tommy turned and went into the living room to sit 

Bobby stayed at the door. He stood on tiptoes so he could see what the 
girls were doing. About that time Tommy's mom was coming into the 
kitchen. She saw Bobby.

"Bobby, why don't you just go over there and watch, you do not have to 
stand on tip- toes." She moved past by pushing Bobby to get him 

"Bobby wants to watch." She told the girls.

"Nothing to see. We're done." Nancy said.

"But, Bobby, if you really want to watch you can get up and let us 
change you now!" Betty took his arm pulling him toward the table.

Mom grinned but did not stay. She got what she wanted and left the 

The rest of the girls reached out taking Bobby to the table. He had no 
choice. But because he was resisting Kathy had unpinned his diaper 
letting it fall to the floor. The girls thought that was about the 
funniest thing they ever seen. Betty let go of his arm. Clara and Nancy 
lifted him up onto the table. Lisa got the washcloth under the warm 
water while Kathy pushed on Bobby's naked butt, getting him on the 

Tommy, hearing all the giggling and laughter, got up to the doorway. 
When he saw what was happening he too began to laugh.

"I wanta wash him!" Betty took the washcloth from Lisa.

Clara said, "I think Betty will be helping to change the big boys from 
now on."

"Yeah, we'll have to do this more often!" Nancy added.

Tommy 80 -- Afternoon Games: Concluded.

Bobby was on the kitchen table having his diaper changed. The girls 
busied themselves like they had been doing for the other boys. Tommy 
stood at the door way not sure if he wanted to go up to the table or 

The door bell rang. The girls stopped with the diaper change and looked 
toward Tommy. Lisa said, "Tommy, go see who it is."

Tommy opened the front door.

A well-dressed man stood there with his mouth hanging open in 
astonishment. Tommy was only in a diaper, a cloth diaper with pins and 
all. After a moment of silence the man asked if Tommy's 'Mommy' was 
home. His eyes looked past Tommy hoping he would see an adult. His eyes 
caught Jessie and Calvin playing on the floor. Quickly the man again 
asked, "Is your mother home, little boy"?

"Sure, she's upstairs; want me get her?" Tommy opened the door wider so 
the man could step inside.

The man looked out towards the kitchen. When he saw the girls he 
swallowed hard then asked, "How many children live here?"

"Just three. My two sisters and myself." Tommy walked to the stairway 
and called up for his mother.

The girls had finished diapering Bobby and were helping him to stand 
up. Bobby came out into the living room. Again, the man showed signs of 
been very uncomfortable. "Maybe I should come back later." Then his 
eyes caught a glimpse of Bobby standing just in the kitchen's door way.

"Oh my!" The man blinked his eyes not believing that another big boy 
was only in diapers.

Mom came down the stairs asking Tommy what he wanted. When she saw the 
man standing near the door she wiped her hands on her apron saying, 
"I'm sorry, can I help you?" She walked over towards the man.

"I - I - I- I sell children's books, Yes, that's it, I sell Children's 
books. I notice you have... quite a few. Children I mean. Would you 
allow me to show you our line of books?" The man was acting quite 

Jessie looked up from his play and said right out loud, "You're funny!"

Calvin spoke up, "Yeah!"

Mom never tried to explain why the older boys were in diapers but she 
did tell the man she was not interested in buying books at this time. 
She smiled at him as he turned to leave the house.

The man left the porch walking to his car. After closing the door Mom 
began to laugh.

"Poor man! He must have wondered just what was going on. Heeeee!"

All the children began to laugh. When the excitement settled down Lisa 
looked around and asked, "Which boy hasn't had their diaper changed 

"Calvin!" The others pointed to the little boy. Calvin heard his name 
mentioned wondered what was up.

"Come here, Calvin." Lisa called.

The little boy got up and walked into the kitchen. His sister lifted 
him up onto the table. Once again all the girl's voices blended as one. 
Lots of giggling and girl talk. The two older diapered boys ran down 
the hall to Tommy's bedroom getting away from the girls for a while.

"What you going to do this summer, Bobby?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know yet." Bobby answered. "How about you"?

"I don't know either. Maybe we could go to Grandpa's farm again."

"My Dad told me I will have to get out of diapers on my 12th birthday," 
Bobby told him.

"Why?" Tommy was surprised.

"Cause he said I was getting too old to be in diapers." Bobby didn't 
look too happy. "Anyway, we will be in Jr. High next year and they 
don't have recess but would have to dress down in shorts for gym 

"SO?" Tommy did not understand.

"Think about it... going into a room with other boys. Taking off your 
clothes. Putting on shorts. Taking showers with other boys. Diapers are 
sort of hard to hide, you know." Bobby explained.

"Yeah I thought about that... But we can wear them in the summer 'cause 
there is no school." Tommy looked at the brighter side.

"I know, but Dad said I could no longer wear them to school," Bobby 

Tommy sat on the edge of his bed. "Well, can you wear them after you 
get home?"

"I guess. Dad didn't say I couldn't," Bobby told him.

"And at night, you still need them?" Tommy asked.

"It's either diapers at night or wet bed!" Bobby giggled. "How 'bout 

"At night definitely! I wouldn't want to have the other kids laughing 
at me or making fun about my diapers at school." Tommy felt sad 
thinking about giving up diapers even if it would be only during the 

The door burst open. In came Betty, Nancy and Kathy.

"So this is where you naughty boys ran off to. You're supposed to stay 
out in the living room so we can know where you are!" Kathy scolded the 
boys. Jessie came running into the bedroom just in time to hear Kathy 
yelling at the older boys. "You guys in big trouble."

Jessie fell down on his diaper rump with a thud.

"You okay, Jessie?" Tommy offered him a hand.

"Me okay ... You naughty boy!" Jessie repeated what he heard from the 

The older boys were chased down the hall with Nancy and Betty spanking 
them on the diaper butts. The girls were getting a big kick out of 
playing baby with the boys. For the rest of the afternoon the boys had 
hardly time to get their diapers wet before being changed again. The 
girls got in lot of practice changing boys' diapers. Betty felt like 
she understood boys better then she had at the beginning.

Tommy found out he liked one girl more the any he ever met. Betty was 
officially his girlfriend.

Bobby learned he would not be the only boy wearing diapers this summer 
and he was happy that Tommy would keep on wearing diapers after Jr. 
High even though they may not during school hours. The girls knew they 
would still be diaper changers for a few years to come as long as boys 
like Jessie and Calvin were around.