Adventure 41 -- Trip to Grandpa's house.

	After a great breakfast the kids went into the living room to 
	The boys played on the living room floor until Justin's Mom came 
for him. After Justin was taken home Tommy asked his Mother, "What's 
there to do?"
	"I don't know. There are all kinds of toys on the floor, why 
don't you play with them?" Mom pointed out.
	"Not fun without Justin." Tommy seemed a bit depressed.
	Kathy had over heard her brother complain that there was nothing 
to do. She offered her help.
	"Wanta come into my room and play with me?" Kathy asked with all 
	"What you want me to do, play with dolls?" Tommy pouted.
	"No, I just thought you might like to...!" Kathy got cut off.
	"Never mind, Kathy I get the picture!" Tommy hoped his thoughts 
did not show.
	"Well, I was only trying to help. I only thought you could help 
me clean my room." Kathy got up and left the room.
	"You could have offered to help her. After all, she has done a 
lot for you." Mom shook her head.
	Lisa was quietly thinking. "I wish we could go somewhere so we 
could get out of the house!"
	"Good idea! Why don't you kids go to the park and play. I can 
pick you up later," Mom suggested.
	"It is getting warmer outside but not many kids would be playing 
there now," Tommy added.
	Mom came up with an idea.
	"It has been a long time since we visited Grandpa. How about if 
we take a drive out to the farm and visit him? His last letter told 
about some new baby lambs." Mom asked.
	"Sure! We could ride 'old Dobbin' and maybe Grandpa would take us 
for a tractor ride and help feed the lambs." Kathy came running back 
when she heard they might go to Grandpa's house.
	"How about you Tommy, want to go with us?" Mom asked.
	"OK, I guess so. Can I go outside in my diaper?" Tommy answered.
	"Oh you and your diapers... If it stays as warm as it is now I 
suppose it would be alright." Mom gave in to his wishes. Anything to 
get him out of his depressed mood.
	"What kind of diapers would you want to take with us?" Lisa 
	"Well... I like to have my bedtime clothes but not the plastic 
pants, just the nice white soft thick diapers pinned with the oversize 
safety pins. Then I want to wear half knee high socks and my sandals 
and nothing else, OK!" Tommy was already coming out of depression.
	"What will Grandpa think of a boy of your age running around in 
diapers?" Lisa asked. "Remember how he fussed about it last time!"
	Kathy added, "He talks about it sometimes, but I think he likes 
to see Tommy in diapers."
	"Why you say that Kathy?" Lisa asked.
	"I saw him watching Tommy playing on the big swing when he didn't 
know I was watching," Kathy said.
	"Your Grandpa loves you all very much and he doesn't get upset 
very easy. In fact, I will tell you a secret, I think he sort of likes 
to see Tommy in diapers, too. Last time we were there I caught him 
taking pictures when you kids were playing out near the barn," Mom 
	"Will we wait tell Daddy gets home?" Lisa asked.
	"No. I will call Daddy at his office. He can come out later if he 
wants. So, go get your things together. After I get your Dad called I 
will get the car out and ready. Meet me by the garage." Mom went for 
the phone.
	The kids ran for their rooms. Tommy picked out a dozen or so of 
his favorite diapers, some pins and other things he would take with 
	Mom dialed Dad's office.
	"Hi. The kids and I want to drive out to Dad's Farm want to meet 
us there after work?" Mom asked.
	"The reason for going...? Well, Tommy feels left out now that 
Justin has left so I thought this would cheer him up. Besides, it has 
been a while." Mom continued.
	"Tommy seems satisfied that we are going... He wants to play 
outside... in his diapers... I know it isn't summer yet but it is 
warming up and I think it would be okay. I feel he needs the freedom, 
besides, the farm is set back from the main roads so it should be 
alright for him. Ok, Dear, if you want to come out do so. We plan to be 
back later tonight. Bye-Bye!" Mom hung up the phone.
	Tommy did not bother to put on his pants for the 15 mile trip but 
his sisters had a couple of pants for him just in case.
	They just turned up the lane that would lead to the farm house. 
Mom asked that the girls give Tommy a diaper change so he would have a 
clean diaper on before getting to the house.
	The two sisters got on the floor of the back seat and had Tommy 
lay on the seat while they removed his diaper and put on the new one. 
While Mom kept her eyes on the road the girls took advantage of the 
situation making this a pleasant experience for all of them.
	Grandpa was coming off the porch to meet them as the car drove 
into the yard.
	"Hi Grandpa!" Kathy called from the rolled down window.
	"Hi there, Kathy. How's my little girl?" Grandpa opened the car 
door letting Kathy fall into his open arms.
	Tommy had to grin when he saw how Grandpa hugged his little 
sister patting the bottom of her shorts.
	By the time Lisa got out of the car Grandpa was already to take 
her into his open arms. Again patting her lightly on the butt.
	When Tommy stepped out Grandpa turned his attention towards him. 
With arms open both Grandpa and Tommy embraced each other. Tommy liked 
the way his Grandpa's big hands grasp his naked sides and then felt the 
soft patting over his diaper butt. This was a nice climax after being 
just changed by the girls then having big hands patting his diaper 
	Tommy loved his Grandpa. He remembers being held on Grandpa's lap 
when he was just a little boy. Tommy knew he was loved and wouldn't 
trade this moment for anything.
	"I love you Grandpa!" Tommy whispered while being held close.
	"I love you too my boy, glad you came a visiting!" Grandpa gave 
Tommy an extra squeeze, a kiss on the neck, a pat on the diaper.
	Tommy and his sisters ran for the house when Grandpa hinted that 
there was some candy on the table. Grandpa watched as they entered the 
house then took his daughter into his arms giving her a welcome.
	"Wish you could come out more often. Since your mom passed away 
It has been sort of quiet out here." Grandpa said as they slowly walked 
towards the house.
	"We really mean to visit more often, Dad. It seems time has a way 
of passing so fast." Mom told him.
	Grandpa helped Mom up onto the porch where they sat in the porch 
	"That boy of yours... Cute as ever!" Grandpa commented.
	"Has he grown much since our last visit?" Mom laughed.
	"My land, I say he has... Still in diapers, eh?" He added.
	"We wondered if you would approve, he did bring some pants if you 
rather...!" Mom said.
	"Don't give it a thought, It is alright�. Really. He'll only be a 
boy for a short time. Let him enjoy himself!" Grandpa strained to see 
into the house to catch a glimpse of the boy.
	"I know it means a lot to you to have us here!" Mom said as she 
snuggled up to her Dad.
	"Yes... Did I tell you have a new digital camera? Will have to 
get a few pictures before you leave."
	"No, you never said anything about a new camera," Mom looked up 
at her Dad smiling. "Take all the pictures you want."
	The kids came out onto the porch with their mouths full and 
chocolate showing on their faces.
	"Grandpa. Can we help feed the lambs?" Tommy asked.
	Reaching out Grandpa pulled Tommy onto his lap. "You bet you can. 
We can walk to the barn in a minute."

Adventure 42 -- At Grandpa's house.

	Grandpa took the children to the barn where the lambs were 
separated, bummers from those that the mothers accepted.
	"Grandpa, what is a 'Bummer'?" Kathy asked.
	"Well, sometimes during the lambing time some of the mothers 
won't accept their young. Others have lost their baby lambs for one 
reason or another. Some of these are given an orphan to feed and care 
for. But even some of these will not accept a lamb that is not their 
own. So the Bummer are the lambs that the mother sheep will not raise 
as their own. So we keep them in this area. I and my hired hands have 
to care for them ourselves," Grandpa tried to explain.
	"I will never give my baby away to someone else!" Kathy insisted.
	"That would be good for you to do, Kathy, but what if your baby 
did not live, would you take someone's baby to raise if they could 
not?" Grandpa asked.
	"I suppose but I think a baby should be with it's real Momma and 
Daddy," Kathy answered after a bit of thinking.
	"I feel sorry for these lambs that other sheep don't want." Tommy 
looked sad.
	"Yes, it would be better for them if they had some momma sheep to 
look after them. But, they will be well taken care of because every one 
of them are loved dearly by the rest of us." Grandpa made it clear that 
there would be no suffering if he could help it.
	"I know of a boy in school that is adopted. He has a Daddy and 
Momma now that love him a lot," Tommy announced.
	"Lambs are lot like people, Tommy. They need love as much as any 
person does and they respond to love in much the same way people do. 
They also need someone to help guide them when they are little, like 
you kids. Your mom and Dad watch over you and with their guidance you 
will grow into a fine man and women."
	"I feel sorry for boys and girls that don't have parents to care 
for them," Lisa said.
	"Just as I and my hired men reach out to care for these Bummers 
so you should reach out and give care to those you know to be orphans." 
Grandpa had a look of compassion and was proud of his Grandchildren for 
their concern.
	Kathy began to stand on one leg then the other. She had a pained 
look on her face. Grandpa noticed she had a problem.
	"Kathy, you have to go potty?" He asked.
	Without saying a word Kathy nodded her head as she looked around 
the barn.
	"Well, if you go over to that door over there you will find a 
two-hole seat." Grandpa pointed.
	"Lisa, you coming with me?" Kathy started to run towards the 
outhouse built into the barn.
	While the two girls closed the outhouse door, Tommy talked with 
	"Grandpa, how come Kathy and Lisa don't wear diapers like me, 
then they wouldn't have to go potty all the time?" Tommy asked.
	Grandpa let Tommy sit down beside him on a bail of hay. "I 
suppose they could wear a diaper if they wanted to but girls seem to 
have better control when they are younger. Some boys don't wear 
diapers, either, after they get potty trained."
	"Do you know of any boys around here that wear diapers, Grandpa?" 
Tommy asked.
"Most of the boys that used to live around here are all grown up now 
most of them left the farms for the city. But Farmer Martin down the 
lane over that away (Grandpa pointed) he had a son that wore diapers 
till he was, oh about, 11 or so. I use to see him riding his horse down 
by the creek. He was quite a fisherman that boy!" Grandpa told Tommy.
	"Did he wear just a diaper like I am?" Tommy seemed interested.
	Grandpa thought a while then answered, "Come to think about it I 
think that is all he ever wore in the summer, but when the Martin's 
came to Church he was dressed up, but at home I don't think I ever saw 
him dressed in anything but a diaper."
	"What happened to him, I mean, after he stopped wearing diapers?" 
Tommy asked.
	"Well, he mostly worked the farm... You see, after his Daddy 
passed away he took over the family farm and...!" Grandpa didn't 
	"He still lives over there?" Tommy seemed excited.
	"Yes. He married one of his childhood sweethearts. They have 
about three kids of their own now." Grandpa looked down at Tommy and 
	Three kids... any boys?" Tommy asked.
	"Manner of fact... two boys and one girl." Grandpa could almost 
read Tommy's mind and was waiting for the questions.
	"Are they over there now?" Tommy lit up.
	"As a matter of fact, both boys want to take you fishing while 
you're here," Grandpa announced.
	"You mean they know I came to visit you?" Tommy was flattered 
that they knew about him.
	"Yes, they are friends of mine. I told them all about your 
diapers. They really want to meet you," Grandpa said.
	"How old are they, Grandpa?" Tommy got excited.
	"Let me see, Sonny is about 11 years old... Ah�. Gene is almost 
9." Grandpa guessed.
	"And their sister, how old is she?" Tommy questioned.
	"Now I know for a fact that she is 14. She comes over and helps 
me with some of the housework sometimes. A pretty thing actually, 
reminds me of your Grandma at that age," Grandpa laughed.
	"Oh boy, I bet she and Lisa would be friends cause they are close 
to the same age. Hey! Grandpa... You think she would give diaper 
changes?" Tommy opened his mouth in a wide grin wondering what his 
Grandpa would think of the idea.
	"Wouldn't be a bit surprised!" Grandpa laughed.
	Just then the girls came out of the outhouse.
	Lisa looked at Tommy. "OK, what's up, little brother?"
	Tommy giggled, "I think we are going to have lots of fun!"
	"What's he mean, Grandpa?" Lisa asked.
	"Oh I really can't say but... I bet diapers have something to do 
with it!" Grandpa laughed. "I hope you girls are up to a few extra 
changes!" Grandpa laughed.
	"Diapers!" The girls said together, "We should have known... You 
don't use them, do you, Grandpa?" Lisa asked.
	"Well, not lately, anyway. HA! HA! Not that I wouldn't mind 
having such pretty girls helping with a change or two but no! Not yet 
anyways! Heeeee!" Grandpa got a kick out of that.
	"Is Tommy planning to load up on pop. That makes him pee more?" 
Kathy giggled.
	Tommy could hold it in no longer, "It's Sonny and Gene, they both 
use diapers."
	"More boys!?" Kathy's eyes lit up.
	"Ya, and their sister likes to change them, too!" Tommy reported.
	"What you know! Wonder how big they get?" Kathy giggled.
	"Kathy... I am going to tell Mom!" Lisa acted as if she was upset 
but inside she was smiling.

Adventure 43 -- Country (Cousins) Friends.

	When the kids returned from the barn Grandpa sent them to wash up 
so they could eat a late dinner. It was already getting dark outside. 
Tommy mentioned how he was feeling the cool night air and if he stayed 
outside any longer he would have to dress with more then a diaper.
	All the kids agreed that they liked the spring weather. As Tommy 
put it, "the warmer it gets the sooner it will be good old summer 
	While they were eating the phone rang.
	"Grandpa answered, "Hello." "Yes they are here... Tomorrow will 
be just fine! Tommy is hoping he could get some fishing while out here. 
OK! But not too early, remember these are city kids and they like to 
sleep in a bit. OK... Bye-bye!"
	"That was Sonny's mom... She wanted to be sure Tommy was here. 
Sonny and Gene are coming over around 7:30 in the morning, can you get 
up by then?" Grandpa asked Tommy.
	"Sure! But won't it be too cold that early to go outside?" Tommy 
	"In diapers only, yes but you could dress for the weather you 
know!" Mom explained.
	"I guess so but I wish it was summer already," Tommy answered.
	Tommy was not used to being diapered right in front of every one 
but when Mom and Grandpa could tell that Tommy had made a dirty in his 
diaper Mom insisted Lisa get her brother fixed up right away.
	"Lay right there, Tommy, and don't move," Lisa called out as she 
ran for the boy's diaper bag. Coming back with a new disposable diaper, 
she placed a large changing pad under him and with Kathy's help began 
to unpin his cloth diaper.
	Mom was reading a magazine and not paying particular attention to 
the activity on the floor. But Tommy noticed Grandpa sneaking a peek 
now and then from his big chair as he read the newspaper.
	"Ugky!" complained Kathy when she opened the diaper and saw the 
mess inside.
	Now, it was not like Tommy to poop his diapers. Although he would 
do so on purpose part of the time just to get attention. But he did not 
really enjoy the clean up like he does from just wetting.
	"Sorry, Sis, but I couldn't help it, I had to go and knew I 
couldn't make it to the bathroom besides I only thought I had to fart," 
Tommy explained.
	"Tommy... Lets not use words like that, the smell is bad enough." 
Mom lowered her magazine only for a moment then continued to read.
	"Sorry, Mom!" Tommy lifted his butt while Kathy and Lisa pulled 
the dirty diaper.
	Kathy was told to take it out side into the garbage can.
	"And do it quickly," Lisa commanded.
	Lisa used up several wipes as she gently wiped his butt clean.
	Grandpa took a few more brief glances at the boy. He smiled when 
Lisa wiped around Tommy's private area. Tommy could feel a swelling 
coming on so he tried very hard to think of something else but had 
little success. Tommy wondered what his Grandpa would think about this 
but when Grandpa nodded his head and smiled Tommy understood it was Ok.
	With the new diaper on Tommy was sent to bed. "Early to bed and 
early to rise makes the fishing more fun then ever," Grandpa joked.
	Lisa told Tommy that she would check on him before she went to 
bed just to make sure his diaper was okay.

	Morning arrived:

	Tommy was surprised just how fast 7:30 A.M. came up. He awoke the 
moment he heard a light knock on the door.
	Grandpa called out, "The boys are here, get up Tommy!"
	He heard his Grandpa asking the boys, "Come in� Tommy will be out 
in a moment."
	Jumping out of bed Tommy picked up the new cloth diaper he had 
laid out the night before. It was then he discovered the disposable 
that he had on at bed time was changed sometime in the night with a 
thick cloth and plastic pants over them. Lisa must not had waken him.
	Grandpa knocked on his door calling his name. "Tommy, the boys 
are waiting on you!"
	"Be right there, Grandpa," Tommy called back.
	But before he could get his wet diapers off Grandpa had opened 
the door and asked, "Need some help!"
	"Maybe!" Tommy answered. "Why you whispering?"
	"The girls are still asleep, lets not wake them up, I can help 
you get ready, okay?" Grandpa came into the room closing the door 
behind him.
	Now, Tommy remembered Grandpa giving him diaper changes when he 
was a little boy but it was a long time ago. He felt a little 
embarrassed at first but soon got over it.
	In a flash the oversized diaper was taken off. A wipe cleaned 
where needed and Grandpa placed a new cloth diaper under the boy. After 
pinning it up Grandpa asked, "do you want plastic pants on, too?"
	Tommy was pleased with how his Grandpa fixed the diaper tightly 
and pinned it just right. "No! I like just the cloth diaper, thank 
	"Are you sure? If you get wet it could leak!" Grandpa held the 
plastic pants.
	"I know, but it dries okay." Tommy said.
	Tommy jumped down off the bed and started for the door.
	"Wait, Tommy!" Grandpa had a pair of long pants for the boy.
	"What you going to do with those?" Tommy asked.
	"Well, the other boys are dressed warm I thought you might want 
to, also," Grandpa motioned for the boy to come back.
	"But I thought you said they always just wore diapers?" Tommy was 
a bit disappointed.
	"I am sure they do but it is cold outside right now... It is 
supposed to warm up quite nice later, but for now it is too cold." 
Grandpa knew best.
	By the time Tommy was ready to leave the bedroom he had on a 
oversize pair of levis. A T-shirt and small jacket, shoes and socks.
	Tommy felt strange in all these clothes but realized he would be 
more comfortable until it warmed up.
	When he got to the living room he found the two boys dressed much 
like he was. Except for the bulky look around their waist you would not 
have known either had on diapers. However, Gene had a bit of white 
showing above his belt.
	After being introduced Grandpa sent them out the front door 
carrying their fishing equipment and sack for lunch.
	"Hope you don't mind riding behind me, Tommy." Sonny pointed to 
one of the two horses standing near the fence.
	"We going to ride horses?" Tommy asked excitedly.
	"Sure, better then walking to the creek. It's about 3 miles up in 
the timber." Gene pointed towards the near stand of trees.
	With Tommy and Sonny riding one horse Gene on the other the boys 
took to the fields crossing through feed grass.
	"Grandpa told me you boys wear diapers just like me!" Tommy said 
almost fearful of the response.
	"Heck yes, when it gets warmer we can take off our clothes if you 
want," Sonny called back over his shoulder.
	"Good!" Tommy was more then willing. He really hated to wear 
pants, even on a cool morning like this.
	Thinking within himself, Tommy tried to visualize what these two 
boys would look like in diapers. He wondered if they would be pleased 
to look at him.
	Riding side by side, Gene called over to Tommy. "Your Grandpa 
told us you wear diapers all the time, do you?"
	"Sure and he told me you guys do it, too!" Tommy said.
	"Oh boy!" 9 year old Gene giggled.
	"Hey Tommy... sometimes Gene and I don't wear anything�.. No one 
is going to see us out here, anyway. Would you go naked if we do?" 
Sonny asked as if he fully expected him to do so.
	"I guess... if both of you do it, too." Tommy was beginning to 
think these boys were not much different then himself.
	"You like to go swimming? There's a place on the creek where we 
can play after the sun warms things up. We always go skinny dipping," 
Sonny continued.
	"You mean, you swim naked?" Tommy asked.
	"Sure... nobody can see us and nobody cares if they do, besides, 
it's fun." Sonny bragged.
	"Your sister might come out to see us," Tommy said.
	"She won't, but she has seen us a lot, so no big deal! She 
changes us all the time," Sonny told.
	"My sisters change me, too. I think my sisters would like your 
sister!" Tommy continued.
	"Yeah! I think they are going to get together today anyway." Gene 
	Then Sonny said, "I think they will be talking about us," he 
	Remembering how his Dad had talked about sex and things few 
nights ago, Tommy wondered if these boys ever discussed 'things' 
between themselves.
	Tommy talked before thinking, "Does your sister like to look at 
you when you get diapers changed?"
	Sonny giggled. He then turned facing Tommy. "You mean, does she 
like to look at our hard-ons."
	Tommy did not know just how to answer this, yet that is exactly 
what he meant. Tommy just giggled rather then say anything like that.
	"Gene likes to show his off!" Sonny betrayed.
	"You do it, too!" Gene called mocking his brother.
	Nothing more was needed to be said. All three boys knew and 
understood that they were just boys and nothing could ever change that.
	Tommy already felt comfortable with them. It was as if he knew 
them all his life. Tommy wrapped his arms around Sonny's waist when the 
horse started to climb up hill. Time to time the boys ducked heads to 
miss a branch or two. In a few minutes the boys reached to a flat area 
where the trees were spread farther apart. Tommy could see green grass 

Adventure 44 Diaper Companions

	Tommy could hardly believe his eyes when they rounded a corner 
and entered the most beautiful meadow he had ever seen. At the far end 
a couple of deer stood for only a moment then darted off into the 
trees. Only the sound of the horse hoofs as they slowly made their way 
towards an abandon hunters camp site.
	"Aren't you going to tie the hoses so they won't get away?" Tommy 
	"No need to do that. They won't go anywhere. They just like it 
here as much as we do." Sonny explained.
	Tommy did not want to admit he was just a little afraid of the 
horses. He reasoned it was because he never was around them living in 
the city and all. But he never thought a horse could run free and stick 
around. He told Sunny so.
	"You watch too many Western Movies!" the brothers laughed.
	Tommy watched the horses roll on the grass making themselves at 
	Already it was warming up. The boys walked along the creek's bank 
looking for good fishing holes. The water was slowly moving over downed 
logs and swirled around rocks. Several large holes seemed the ideal 
place to drop a line. But the boys were not in any hurry.
	Gene was the first to pull off his T-shirt. Tying the shirt 
around his waist and walked in front of Tommy.
	Tommy could hardly take his eyes off the younger boy's back. 
Maybe it the sight of Gene's suntan or was it the white diaper poking 
above the boys pants but Tommy's interest arose. One thing was for 
sure! Tommy could hardly wait till he could see all of Gene's diaper. 
More then that Tommy wanted to get out of his own clothes.
	The boys sat on the bank of the creek throwing small pebbles now 
and then while talking like a bunch of girls at a social. The horses 
had followed the boys at a distance lowering their heads now and then 
for a bite of sweet grass. Tommy was leaning back on his arms letting 
his legs hang over the edge of the bank.
	Sonny took off his T-shirt tossing it aside. Gene stood up and 
started to unsnap his Levi's. Tommy watched as the younger boy's pants 
dropped to the ground. A spark of excitement seemed to run up and down 
Tommy's spine. Gene sat down and pulled his pants off giving them a 
kick leaving them where they fell. Tommy's excitement was fully filled 
when Gene turned around exposing his diaper for all to see.
	Meantime, Sonny was doing the same which gave Tommy permission to 
expose his diaper also.
	Not a word was uttered while the clothes came off. But the two 
brothers seemed to be watching Tommy very close as if to compare him 
with themselves.
	Tommy noticed the boys interest in him while his pants came off. 
This caused him some mixed feelings. On the one hand Tommy was pleased 
his new friends wanted to look at him on the other hand he did not know 
what their reaction would be. But he could actually feel the two pairs 
of eyes as they scanned down his diapered body.
	He seemed pale compared to the brothers golden suntans.
It was apparent that Tommy needed to spend more time in the sun if he 
was to catch up with the other boys. He admired the two brothers for 
their darker skin.
	"I brought some Sun lotion for us just in case." Sonny seemed to 
understand why Tommy was looking them over.
	"Good Idea!" Tommy realized he would sunburn if not for the 
You both look... Nice!" Tommy started to say beautiful but caught 
	Gene giggled. Sonny smiled. Boys like to look nice to each other 
just like girls do themselves. Sonny said, "We like you too, Tommy!"
	It did not take long for the boys to model their diapers for each 
	"You look great in diapers, Gene!" Tommy observed. Tommy was 
impressed by how boy's diaper contrasted against his golden suntan 
back. He thought the image of Bugs Bunny on the diaper front was a nice 
	"He can still wear large baby type diapers, but they are too 
small for me anymore." Sonny pointed out.
	"I know what you mean, my sisters use to dress me up like a baby 
till I was starting school." Tommy confessed.
	"Don't tell anyone, but our sister still likes to play 'house' 
with us, of course, we're her babies." Sonny smiled with a nervous 
	Gene overhearing their conversation cut in, "And she likes to 
play with us, too!"
	"Gene, your not supposed to tell!" Sonny scolded.
	Tommy acted as if he didn't hear. Then added, "My sisters make a 
game out of diaper changing, too."
	"Mom almost caught us one time!" Gene giggled.
	"More then once!" Sonny corrected.
	"Do you let your sisters diaper you?" Gene asked.
	"Of course, I told you that already." Tommy said.
	"I mean doing it that way?" the younger boy rolled onto his back 
kicking his feet into the air.
	"You mean playing with me�..!" Tommy couldn't hold back a giggle.
	Both boys looked at Tommy knowingly. Nothing more was said about 
it but giggled silly. Then it got really quiet for a while.
	A bird gave its song from a nearby tree. The creek seemed to had 
joined into the conversation as it gurgled on it's down hill ride.
	After tossing a few more pebbles into the creek Sonny suggested 
they hike up to the cabin. "It's not far."
	"Cabin... Does someone live up here?" Tommy looked around.
	"There's no one up here but us... It's just an old cabin, even 
the roof has caved in." Sonny told.
	"Ok, let's go! Maybe there's hidden treasure!" Tommy followed 
	Gene walked beside Tommy as they headed up path. After walking 
through a stand of pine trees they came out in a small clearing. In the 
middle was what was left of an old log cabin.
	The boys investigated every inch around and in the cabin. Soon 
tiring from their adventure the three sat on the old log steps leaning 
against the door or what was left of it. Tommy sat between the 
	Tommy had a weird feeling that both boys wanted say something.
	Tommy noticed that both boys seemed interested in his white cloth 
diaper. Sonny reached out and touched one of the safety pins then let 
his finger rub against the diaper.
	"Cloth, eh? He asked.
	Tommy could tell that Gene wanted to feel the diaper too.
	"You like" Tommy asked moving himself to give the boy a better 
	"Nice and soft!" Gene felt along the top of the diaper.
	"We have some cloth diapers�. Our sister likes to put them on us 
at bedtime!" Sonny leaned closer to Tommy.
	"Only they are a lot thicker then yours and it takes 4 or more 
pins to put them on with." Sonny giggled.
	"Wow! I'd like to have a pair of them on, bet they feel great 
too." Tommy was starting to feel that strange feeling again.
	"But we can hardly walk in them." Laughed Gene.
	"Why does she put such big ones on you at night?" Tommy asked.
	"I don't know, we always had them for bed time. Guess she wants 
something that holds a lot of pee." Sonny giggled.
	"Do you wake up wet?" Tommy asked.
	"Gene can't help it... he wets a lot anyway. I usually wake up 
dry but I like to pee my diaper before my sister changes me." Sonny 
	"You look like your wet already, Gene!" Tommy pointed to the 
discoloration of the young boys diaper.
	"I know�.. I got wet while hiking up here." Gene pulled at his 
	Tommy looked closer at Gene. "Don't you want to be changed?"
	"Not yet!" Gene giggled.
	"Why not?" Tommy asked. Tommy was about to offer to do the 
	Sonny laughed... "I know why he doesn't want to change yet."
	"Don't." Gene gave his brother a belt with the fist hitting the 
older boys diaper.
	"Wet diapers gives him a hard-on!" Sonny told anyway.
	Gene looked a little embarrassed. "So do you... You get hard, 
	Tommy understood what wet diapers can do for him. He was glad to 
know these boys get hard, too. "All boys get a hard-on... sometimes."
	The two brothers looked at Tommy like he said the magic word.
	It was Gene who asked, "Do you like having a hard on?"
	"Mmmmmm!" Tommy muttered.
	"You got one now?" Gene asked. "you do... don't you?"
	The only thing Tommy heard coming from his own mouth was, "So do 
	"We all do...!" Then with a moment of silence, "You wanta play 
around?" Sonny whispered to Tommy.
	Tommy wasn't sure just how to answer. He knew what they meant but 
didn't want to act too anxious.
	"You want to!" Tommy made a statement more then asking a 

Adventure 45 -- Beyond Diapers

	"I want to!" Gene giggled.
	"I asked Tommy!" Sonny gave Gene the brush off.
	"Well, I don't know��.. !" Tommy suddenly felt shy.
	"We wouldn't do anything that you don't want to do, Tommy!" Sonny 
	Gene had a look of disappointment.
	"Why don't we go fishing for a while!" Sonny changed the subject 
after he realized Tommy might be embarrassed.
	"OK!" Tommy jumped to his feet. "Let go, I saw a great placed 
where I want to fish."
	Tommy started to walk back down to the creek. He turned to see if 
the boys were following. He saw Gene whispering something to Sonny.
	"Maybe later," was the answer Sonny gave Gene as he followed 
Tommy down the trail.
	"What?" Asked Tommy.
	"Nothing, I was talking to Gene!" Sonny put a finger to his mouth 
as he looked back at Gene.
	"Oh!" Tommy knew they had some secret between them but did not 
want to push it. "You catch many fish here?"
	"Sure, some big ones, too! I'll show you a good hole," Sonny 
	Gene followed slowly behind the older boys. It was obvious he was 
pouting about something as he dragged his feet along the trail.
	"What's wrong with Gene?" Tommy asked.
	"Oh nothing really�.. He wanted to do something else, but that 
can wait," Was Sonny's response.
	"I know, he wanted to play around or something�. What he mean?" 
Tommy understood more then he was willing to show.
	"You know!" Sonny giggled. "He's just horny, that's all."
	"Horny?�.. But he's only 8 years old," Tommy remarked.
	"Almost 9, but it's okay� he gets like that sometimes," Sonny 
giggled more.
	They walked on into the stand of pine trees. The only sound was 
the creek below and wind in the trees. Gene was hanging back farther 
and farther.
	"Maybe we ought to go back and get him!" Tommy turned to see the 
young boy but he was no where in sight.
	"He'll catch up with us soon. Besides, he knows how to do it 
himself." Sonny encouraged Tommy to come along. "We're all most back to 
the creek."
	Tommy thought Gene reminded himself of Justin. "I wish my friend 
Justin could have come with us�.. He and Gene are about the same age 
only Justin is almost a year older."
	Sonny stopped and turned toward Tommy. "Does your friend wear 
diapers, too?"
	"Sure does, and he likes diapers as much as we do. Justin gets to 
stay over on weekends. We have lots of fun," Tommy answered.
	Sonny seemed interested, "Does his sister change him? Would he 
let her change him?"
	"He has no brothers or sisters; he's the only kid," Tommy 
	 Sonny sat down on a nearby rock motioning for Tommy to sit 
beside him.
	"Then who changes his diaper? His mother?" Sonny questioned.
	"He likes having his mother to do it when he is home but my 
little sister likes to do it for him when he is over at our house. 
Sometimes I help him, too," Tommy answered with a smile.
	"My sister would like that�. She does some 'babysitting'. Do you 
like to change diapers?" Sonny giggled.
	"I don't care. If my sisters aren't around he helps me, too!" 
Tommy added, knowing Sonny was enjoying hearing about it.
	"Maybe we could have Justin come with you next time!" Sonny 
looked pleased.
	"Okay," Tommy agreed.
	They sat waiting for Gene but he did not show up. "Gene should 
have gotten here by this time!" Sonny suggested they go back and find 
out what had happened to him.
	When the boys reached the last place they had seen Gene they 
called out his name.
	After several times of calling out Gene answered. "I'm coming�.. 
Hold your horses!"
	Gene stepped out of some nearby bushes pulling on his diaper. He 
brushed leaves and grass off his legs as he approached.
	"What you been doing out in the boonies?" Sonny asked.
	"Nothing�.. Something�. okay!" Gene was a little flushed.
	"You been playing with yourself!" Sonny giggled. Gene looked a 
little disgusted as he stuck his tongue out making a face.
	"Tommy thought you were taking a poop," Sonny laughed.
	"No I didn't�. I know you had on diapers!" Tommy corrected.
	Gene gave his brother a pop on the arm.
	"It's okay!" Gene giggled. "I just had to find some relief� You 
know�. I just had to do it!"
	Gene looked over towards Tommy wondering just what this new boy 
thought about the whole thing.
	Tommy quickly gave a responds. "I know what you mean. I think it 
is better to play with yourself then be uncomfortable."
	"Do you do that, too?" Sonny asked.
	"Sure� all boys do, don't they?" Tommy said seriously remembering 
what his Daddy had told him.
	"Maybe�. But I know Billy Wilson never wants to play around with 
us�.. I mean, Billy does it. I know� but never with either of us around 
to watch, anyway!" Gene laughed.
	"Who's Billy Wilson?" Tommy asked. His interest was on the rise 
now that he knew Sonny and Gene like to play around and now another boy 
that likes to play with himself�. It is as if Tommy was just becoming 
aware that he, Bobby and Justin were not the only boys in the world 
that had feelings like this. This new revelation made him feel more 
comfortable with himself. It was a confirmation that his Dad was right 
in saying boys have these feelings.
	Sonny noticed that Tommy did not seemed shocked or upset by their 
talk of fooling around.
	"Do you ever do it yourself?" Sonny asked with more assurance 
that Tommy would accept the question.
	By this time Tommy felt comfortable in revealing his most 
personal feelings to these two boys. Tommy felt he could share some of 
his most confidential thoughts between them.
	Sitting on rocks next to the trail, the boys began to share many 
very personal experiences on the subject.
	Tommy told how Justin and he like to reach over toward each other 
during some of the sleepovers. He even disclosed the feelings he had 
during times of play.
	Both Sonny and Gene listened with much fascination while Tommy 
told experiences with his sisters diaper changes. They asked all sorts 
of questions.
	Both brothers shared many of their private incidents with Tommy.
	Tommy realized he was not alone with his thoughts and feelings. 
These conversations were giving him more confidence in himself.
	While the brothers spoke about their deepest feelings Tommy felt 
they may as well had been talking about himself.
	Maybe it was the warmth of the afternoon, or the security of 
being miles from any prying eyes. Perhaps it was because of the mutual 
need each boy felt within himself. Whatever the reason was, the three 
soon succumbed to the pressures built up within each of them.
	We have no business to butt into their privacy so we will quietly 
slip away leaving them to experience one of life's most powerful of all 
	We will rejoin them a few hours later.

Adventure 46-- Outside, Warm Breeze, and Diapers

	We moved down the creek a few hundred feet to give them privacy 
while we fished. It now has been several hours since we last saw the 
boys. We can expect them to catch up to us any moment now.
	Oh there they are! Now back to our story.
	"Let's put on clean diapers before we go fishing," Sonny 
	"Good idea!" agreed Tommy.
	"My diaper is about worn out anyway!" Gene held his up to show 
the big hole he got when sitting on the log.
	Sonny opened the diaper bag that carried all the boys' diapers. 
Giving one a toss to his little brother then throwing one towards 
Tommy. Gene required some help to get his fastened correctly. But Sonny 
and Tommy managed to do their own changing.
	Enjoying the rest of the day in fresh diapers, the boys fished 
the holes with great results. Actually Gene caught the biggest an 18-
inch trout. Needless to say, it made his day.
	As the sun started to dip in the West, Sonny started to pick up 
all their things and pack them into the bags. Gene had gone to get the 
horses while Tommy took one last look around the area that he had come 
to love so much.
	"We had a lot of fun, didn't we?" Tommy took a deep breath as he 
watched Sonny and Gene get the horses ready for the trip back to 
Grandpa's house.
	"Sure did. Glad you got to come with us, Tommy!" Sonny smiled.
	"Maybe we can do it again some time before you have to go back to 
town," Gene said as he cinched the saddle. Gene leaned over the horse's 
neck to grab the reins. Sonny rode over next to Tommy and gave a hand 
pulling him up behind himself. Slowly the boys rode back down the trail 
towards the farms.
	"Tommy... I like you, I mean, we did have lots of fun!" Sonny 
sort of whispered back towards Tommy.
	"Yeah, I know. Maybe we can get together again some time while I 
am at Grandpa's." Tommy reached around Sonny's bare stomach, his hands 
touching the white diaper. The movement of the horse caused Tommy to 
rub against Sonny's back. The combination of feeling his friend's warm 
body next to his and his feeling the diaper caused Tommy a new arousal. 
Tommy wondered if Sonny was having any feelings over this contact. But 
Sonny just seemed relaxed as they rode along.
	Gene came along side and called out. "Hey, Tommy! Maybe you could 
come over and stay with us some time!" It was more of an invitation 
then a question.
	"I'd like that... What would your parents say about it?" Tommy 
	"Oh, they wouldn't care!" Gene said matter of fact.
	"How about your sister?" Tommy has been hearing so much about 
their sister that he felt he already knew her.
	Sonny answered, "She'd just love to see you!"
	Gene laughed, "Yeah... She would really want to see you!"
	Tommy had a few mixed feelings about what the boys meant. He knew 
without being told that their sister had some jaded need to look at 
boys when she diapered them. Part of him wanted to show himself off but 
from what the boys have told about their sister Tommy was not sure what 
he could imagine from her.
	"How about it, Tommy? You wanta come over tonight?" Gene 
	"Maybe, but I will have to ask Grandpa first." Tommy explained.
	Sonny leaned back pushing against Tommy as the horse climbed down 
a rather steep hill. Tommy hung on even tighter so not to slip out of 
the saddle.
	Tommy realized he liked to ride a horse in only a diaper as much 
he liked to be in diapers. All the rocking around gave diapers a new 
meaning for him.
	It was now getting dark just as the boys turned into the main 
gate at Grandpa's house.
	Grandpa was sitting on the front porch with Tommy's sisters. He 
had made a batch of lemonade and a pan of cookies. When the boys rode 
up to the porch Grandpa called out that he was about to go looking for 
	Tommy crawled off the horse with Sonny and Gene following close 
behind. Kathy had a silly grin on her face as she watched the boys 
waddle up the steps wearing nothing but diapers. "I bet you boys will 
need changing after your long trip."
	Lisa was looking the two brothers over very carefully. It was 
very clear that she had interest in Sonny.
	Leaning over towards Kathy, Lisa said, "Isn't he cute!"
	"Gene's cute too, don't you think?" Kathy giggled.
"Grandpa! Do you think I could go home with Sonny and stay the night?" 
Tommy just asked without planning just what he should say.
	"Funny you should ask!" Grandpa said, "Paula called a while ago 
asking if you could come over tonight!"
	"Who's Paula?" Tommy asked.
	"Our sister!" explained Sonny.

Adventure 47 -- Grandpa Talks With The Girls

	"Grandpa, you mean I can spend the night?" Tommy asked.
	"I don't see any reason to say no!" Grandpa remembered some of 
his childhood stay-overs. "Don't want you to over stay your welcome so 
you come back here before noon."
	"Okay, Grandpa!" Tommy reached his hand into Sonny's and pulled 
up on the horse.
	"Hey, don't you boys want to be changed first?" Kathy called out.
	"Not now, Paula will do it later!" Tommy remarked.
	The boys rode down the lane then across the field towards the 
next farm.
	"Grandpa, tell us about Paula... is she really going to do diaper 
changes?" Lisa asked.
	Grandpa caught a glimpse of jealousy in her question. He knew 
these girls wanted to change the boys before they left.
	"Paula is a good girl. She is very kind towards her brothers, 
helping them when she can. She loves children and has a few baby-
sitting jobs around the valley. And yes she does change diapers just as 
you two do," Grandpa smiled as he explained.
	"Can we meet her sometime?" Lisa asked.
	"Oh, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. She has asked about you two! 
She wanted to know if you like to diaper change boys, too." Grandpa
	"What you tell her? Kathy asked.
	"Every thing I know. How you love to care for Tommy. I even told 
her how much you like Justin!" Grandpa pulled Kathy upon his lap.
	Kathy liked to sit on Grandpa's lap. She snuggled close as has 
arms wrapped her close.
	"I think Sonny is so cute! Don't you, Grandpa?" Lisa sighed.
	"He is quite attractive when in diapers, I must admit. But I am 
sure you feel something different then I do towards him. I think you're 
in love with him!" Grandpa laughed out loud.
	"GRANDPA!" Lisa yelled out.
	"What, you think about that Kathy? You think Lisa loves Sonny?" 
Grandpa gave Kathy a kiss on the forehead.
	Kathy sat up on Grandpa's lap with a mischievous smile. "I know 
she wants to change his diapers!"
	"Well you want to get Gene's diaper off, too!" Lisa came back.
	Grandpa knew his granddaughters pretty well. "I think you both 
love diapering chores, don't you?"
	"I guess!" Lisa giggled.
	"Do you know why?" Grandpa quizzed.
	"Why, Grandpa?" Kathy asked.
	"'Cause every boy has a little worm in their pants and you both 
like to catch it," Grandpa laughed.
	"A WORM?" Kathy frowned.
	"Kathy, he means penis!" Lisa explained with a giggle.
"Grandpa... You said a naughty word!" Kathy giggled.
	"It's not naughty. It's the truth. You like to change boys' 
diapers so you can see their little wiggly worm!" Grandpa giggled while 
tickling Kathy.
	"Mom told us all about boys, Grandpa. Why do boys get hard when 
we change them?" Lisa wanted conformation of what Mom had told her.
	"I am glad to hear your mom has had a talk with you kids about 
these things. Both of you are old enough to understand. Well, you see, 
boys and girls are different in some ways. Boys get hard because it is 
the way they are made. They react to sight, touch and even thinking. 
Boys don't have much of a choice in the matter of getting hard, it just 
happens when they... well, like when they have a girl looking at them. 
Don't you feel something, too?" Grandpa asked.
	The girls were silent for a while then Lisa spoke up.
	"I... I don't always feel something but when I do I want to... 
To!" She couldn't say it.
	"I want to touch it!" Kathy giggled.
	"Do you know why?" Grandpa asked.
	Kathy shook her head.
	"Kathy, it is natural because you are a girl and he is a boy. 
That is why you want to touch him and he wants you to touch him," 
Grandpa smiled.
	Lisa was listening and pondering. "But why do girls and boys want 
to play like that?"
	"Besides feeling really good it is the way our bodies work. You 
see, it takes a boy and a girl to have a baby and...!" Grandpa started 
	"We know that, what we don't understand is why we can't do it, I 
mean, why is it wrong for us to play like that when it feels so good?" 
Lisa asked.
	Grandpa asked, "Have you tried it?"
	"Well!" Kathy stuttered.
	"Not that, Grandpa!" Lisa corrected.
	"But you know what I am talking about?" Grandpa asked.
	Lisa giggled, "Sure. But why is it wrong?"
	Grandpa thought a moment then gave his two Granddaughters an 
answer. "It isn't wrong. Not at all. But really not for kids to be 
doing. Kids do experiment sometimes. But sex is for adults later in 
life when they are ready."
	"Grandpa, that is no answer. That is what all adults say but kids 
have feelings, too," Lisa argued.
	"I know that, Lisa, but let me ask you a question. It probably 
feels good, or at least gives you a rush, to jump out of an airplane, 
but wouldn't it be better to have a parachute on. And wouldn't it be 
best to be ready for the jump?"
	"We don't want to jump out of an airplane, Grandpa!" Kathy sat up 
turning her head facing Grandpa.
	"He doesn't mean WE jump out of an airplane, Kathy. He is telling 
us that when we do something like adults do we should be ready for it, 
right, Grandpa?" Lisa said.
	"That's right, Lisa. Life has a lot of wonderful surprises for 
you, and having sex with a boy is one of them but there are a lot of 
problems that can arise from doing it when you're not ready. Like 
having a baby when you cannot take care of it or losing friends who 
think you're a bad person. You loose your childhood also, you lose 
having something to share with someone you really love," Grandpa tried 
to explain.
	"If we wouldn't have babies, then is it okay to play around?" 
Lisa asked. "I learned in school that if the boy wears a condom then we 
can do it without making a baby!"
	Grandpa knew if he did not answer correctly he could lose his 
argument to withhold sex until adulthood.
	"There is a lot more to this then making babies; besides, wearing 
a condom does not insure safety no matter how much some teachers teach 
otherwise!" Grandpa answered.
	"We cannot have babies yet, Grandpa, we're too young. Besides 
Tommy, Bobby and Justin are too young to make babies, too." Kathy 
	"You can't be too sure of that, Kathy. The boys are at the age 
that puberty can start at any time. Some boys began younger then 
others. And some girls are ready before others, it has been recorded 
that some girls as young as 9 have become pregnant," Grandpa warned.
	"But Grandpa, if most boys and girls don't make babies how we 
know Tommy would? Can someone tell if a boy or girl would make babies?" 
Lisa asked.
	"Yes there is a way to know, but to be sure it would take a 
doctor to make some test. All I am trying to say to you is don't get so 
involved sexually until your really ready to be so. Lisa, you are 
already beginning to show you're into puberty; your body is changing. 
Your breasts are enlarging, your hips are shaping. Besides, I think you 
already know about those things," Grandpa pointed out.
	"I know I could have babies but Kathy is younger so is Justin and 
Tommy. If I would let either of them do it with me I still couldn't 
have a baby would I?" Lisa asked.
	"Could be. It is possible to have sex with someone that could 
make babies and still not make a baby. Things have to be just right to 
do so, but why take the chance? Having sex with a boy that doesn't 
release sperm is safe as far as not getting pregnant. But you run a 
chance of getting into big trouble with the law. What would keep him 
from telling on you? Then you would be in deep trouble. Same goes for 
an older boy having sex with Kathy. Understand?" Grandpa was not sure 
he should have gotten into this conversation.
	Lisa asked Grandpa, "Have you ever had sex before you could make 
	Grandpa had no problem taking with the girls about sex but to 
answer this question put him in a bad spot.
	"Well... Er... that's not the issue here." Grandpa tried to get 
out of deep water he found himself into.
	"We don't have to have sex, I guess. But what if we just touched 
and played around, you know. What I mean, don't you?" Lisa asked.
	"Actually, masturbating or petting is one of the safe ways of 
satisfying these kind of feelings. Touching and rubbing can produce the 
same effect that sex would give without making babies," Grandpa agreed.
	"You mean nobody would care if we did that?" Kathy asked.
	"Masturbation is just another way to have sex. Self-masturbation 
is having sex with yourself. Mutual masturbation is having sex with 
some one else, but without the problems that intercourse so often 
creates. You still do not boast about masturbation because it is not 
something talked about in public," Grandpa tried to explain.
	"Is it like a secret, eh, Grandpa?" Kathy giggled.
	"I guess so! In a way it is a secret! Actually, you should treat 
it as a secret. It is between yourself and no one else," Grandpa 
	"It's naughty to masturbate, eh?" Kathy continued with a look of 
sadness on her face.
	"No! Rather it is just that some folks don't understand human 
nature. It offends some folks 'cause they just can't accept that some 
others can have different understanding of things. Masturbation is for 
kids. It is a safe way to experiment with themselves�. Also, it is for 
anyone who needs some relief from the pressures their bodies produce 
naturally, young and old," Grandpa continued to educate.
	Tommy and Justin play together!" Kathy announced.
	Kathy your not supposed to tell!" Lisa tried to shut her up.
	"Well, they do!" Kathy reported.
	"It's okay, Kathy! Every boy does experiment time to time," 
Grandpa said.
	"So do girls!" Kathy giggled as she and Lisa looked at each 
	"I am not surprised!" Grandpa said.
	"Your not going to tell on us, are our Grandpa?" Kathy asked.
	"Girls... I would be very sad if I thought neither of you had 
these human feelings. Both of you are free to explore your feelings and 
to learn about yourselves. I am sure your parents feel the same way.
	"Thanks Grandpa!" Lisa hugged him around the neck.

Adventure 48 -- Baby Play!

	The three Diaper Boys rode up front of the barn. Tommy slid off 
the horse. Gene handed the reins to Sonny before he slipped to the 
ground. Sonny took the two horses to the barn. Gene and Tommy followed 
close behind to give a hand caring for the horses. What a picture it 
would have made to see three boys brushing the horses while wearing 
only their cute diapers.
	Leaning against one of the stalls stood a husky girl in old tight 
jeans. She was smiling. You could tell she found pleasure while 
watching the three immature diapered boys. It was Tommy who first 
noticed the girl standing in the darkness.
	"Who... Who are you!?" Tommy called out. The other two boys 
looked up in surprise.
	"You must be Tommy?" came back a pleasant female voice that did 
not seem to fit the tough looking girl.
	Tommy stood facing her, not knowing if he should run or not.
	"That's my name," Tommy answered trying to act a little tough 
	The girl stepped out into the dim light that came shining through 
an open window from the upper part of the barn.
	"You must be Paula!" A nervous smiled covered Tommy's face.
	"You got it, Sweetie!" Paula answered, still trying to act rather 
tough. It was Paula's nature to control all situations. She could tell 
a nervous boy when she saw one.
	Tommy did not know just what to do when he saw the girl walking 
towards him. He felt more secure when Sonny came up beside him. Gene 
hung a couple brushes on a large pole that went from the dirt floor to 
the roof of the barn.
	Without another word the girl stood in front of Tommy. She spread 
her legs holding her thumbs inside her large belt near the buckle. 
Looking down to the small 10 year old as if she was about to eat him 
	Tommy was visibly shaken. She was more mature then his oldest 
sister and taller, too. When she pulled one of her hands out of the 
belt Tommy started to back up but his feet would not move. She placed 
her open hand over the front of his diaper.
	This was more then Tommy to stand. It was as if she turned on a 
faucet. Tommy had been holding back from peeing his diaper but the 
moment Paula touched him his diaper flooded.
	Paula knew exactly what she was doing. "You're my kind of a boy, 
Tommy sweetie!" Paula continued to feel as the diaper warmed up.
	Tommy felt embarrassed but did nothing to stop the girl from 
feeling him. Tommy was sure she could feel his boyhood rising to the 
	Paula had full attention of the three boys standing before her. 
They knew she had full authority.
	"OK, Mom left me in charge of you babies!" Paula began. "Both mom 
and daddy have gone to town for groceries. They won't be back for a 
while. Just thought you should know!"
	Paula pulled her hand away from Tommy's diaper giving him a wink 
of the eye.
	"What you got in mind, Paula?" Sonny asked knowing she had 
something planned.
	Paula just continued to grin. "Well, little brother, I know you 
boys have been in those diapers for a long time. Tommy just gave his a 
soaking and if I am not mistaken Gene did a little poo poo and you're 
wet, too. I think it is time to 'play baby', don't you?" Paula laughed.
	"Oh, Oh!" Gene giggled.
	"I told you so didn't I Tommy?" Sonny giggled.
	Not sure of what was about to happen Tommy felt like he wanted to 
run and hide from this girl. She was not at all as he expected. He 
thought she would be a lot like his sisters but Paula seemed much older 
then 13 years. She was bigger and more filled out than his sister, too.
	Just looking at her he would have expected her to smell like a 
barn but when she got close to him he smelled a powerful overcoming 
perfume. The shirt she was wearing seemed to be bulging out a lot more 
then his sister Lisa did. Her hips were wide, her belt tightened around 
her waistline. But it was those breasts that caught Tommy's attention.
	Tommy wondered what it would be like to have this girl diaper 
him. Sonny had prepared him somewhat about Paula and how she likes to 
diaper and play baby. Tommy was sure he understood what she would be 
doing with them. But...! Nothing could have prepared Tommy for what 
happened next.
	"Ok babies, let's get those diapers off, NOW!" Paula commanded.
	She had them strip naked right there in the barn. The way Paula 
commanded them gave Tommy the willies.
	Gene and Sonny pulled on their diapers letting them slip to the 
ground. Gene quickly carried his over to a large bucket. Sonny did the 
same Tommy took the example of their quick obedience and did the same.
	"Ok babies. Let's get to the house so I can bathe you before 
putting you to bed." Paula took the boys by their hands leading them 
out of the barn.
	The sun has just gone down in the West leaving the trees and 
shrubs looking like shadows. The naked boys waking hand in hand with 
Paula following close behind. As they reached the house Paula had the 
boys go directly to the bathroom. Soon she had the three boys in the 
	"You boys are so cute!" Paula began to fill a washrag with soap.
	"What she going to do?" Tommy whispered to Gene.
	"It's okay, you will like it!" Gene whispered back.
	She started to go after Tommy but as if changing her mind she 
chose Gene. She had him stand up while she used the washrag to suds him 
all over. After giving her little brother a good scrubbing she rinsed 
him off then picked Tommy for the next.
	Paula spent a lot more time with the washrag on Tommy then she 
did Gene. Tommy responded in a way that seemed to please the older 
girl. Paula made sure his parts would be really clean. Tommy's head was 
spinning so much he thought he would pass out before she finished.
	Once the boys passed Paula's inspection for being clean she 
helped them dry with large soft towels. Paula led them upstairs into a 
room that had lots of baby furniture in it. There was a changing table 
large enough for the boys. Another table had stacks of diapers some 
cloth pre-forms and some large boy disposables. One open shelf had 
large baby type diapers in packages.
	Paula helped Gene onto the changing table first. She had the 
older boys stand around watching while she gave him the full diaper 
treatment. Tommy noticed how much Gene enjoyed what she was doing. He 
could tell it was hard for Gene to lay still. The room filled with 
giggling and happy laughter.
	After a while Paula put baby diapers on them, fastening them very 
tight. She put on some kind of baby shorts made of soft cotton. They 
snapped in three places between his legs The diaper showed under the 
legs of the shorts. Then she put baby type undershirt that also snapped 
onto the cotton shorts. She put on small colored socks and little 
booties. She gave each a pacifier to sucked on.
	She put a bonnet on each of them then helped each into their own 
	"Okay, babies, try to pee or poop your diapers!" Paula said as 
she leaned over each crib kissing the boys on the face. Both Sonny and 
Gene were making cooing sounds and wiggling like little babies. Tommy 
took their lead and did as they did.
	"Because you babies are so good, I will soon feed you." Paula 
rummaged through a small chest looking for nipples and bottles.
	Tommy sat up in his crib and asked, "What if your parents come 
home? Won't they be mad at us for playing like this?"
	Paula came over to Tommy's crib and helped him to lie down again. 
She leaned over him, and as if reassuring him, she said, "Don't worry 
about it... We will know when they come up the lane, besides we play 
baby all the time, they don't really care."
	Then Sonny spoke up, "But don't say anything about getting 
boners! Okay!"
	"But I wouldn't say anything about that anyway." Tommy promised.
	"Do you like being played with, Tommy?" Paula asked straight out.
	"Sure, I don't care!" Tommy giggled.
	"And don't tell anyone about this!" Paula stood before the boys 
and took off her shirt exposing her maturing breast.
	None of the boys said a word but all three stared wide-eyed. 
Tommy's pacifier fell out of his mouth.
	Tommy's eyes popped when the girl pulled off her jeans leaving 
herself dressed only in a very small red bikini bottom with no top. She 
made sure the boys could see all of her while going from crib to crib.
	She stopped by Tommy's crib and pulled down the sliding 
guardrail. Taking Tommy by the hand she led him to the rocking chair 
where she sat down pulling Tommy onto her lap.
	"Why don't you be my little baby for a while?" Paula gave his 
head a gentle push toward her nipples.
	Tommy lay back on her lap with his head pressed next to one of 
her nipples. Paula encouraged the boy to continue. Paula patted his 
diaper lightly. At times Tommy thought he was being smothered. But she 
kept rocking while playing with her 'baby'!
	Suddenly Tommy felt dizzy while something wonderful was 
happening. Somehow this was a little different experience for Tommy. 
When Paula finished with Tommy, both Sonny and Gene were patiently 
waiting their turn.
	Sonny was sitting by the window watching down the lane.
	"They're coming!" he called out.
	Paula quickly got the boys back into their cribs then just as 
quickly pulled on her jeans and shirt. Putting he finger to her mouth, 
she tiptoed out of the room and closing the door.

Adventure 49 -- BABY PLAY!

	Tommy lay quietly in his crib bed listening to sounds coming from 
downstairs. He still felt the result of Paula's last two hours of baby 
play. Almost wishing the girl would return even to just say, "good 
	The voices downstairs could not be understood but the mumbling 
that drifted up to the boys' room seemed to say all was well.
	Then came the sound of footsteps up the stairs. Tommy held his 
breath as the door slowly opened letting the light in the hall brighten 
the room.
	Paula stood carrying a tray. Tommy could smell goodies that made 
his mouth water. She gave each boy a bottle of warm milk in a nippled 
bottle. She sat down a bowl of cookies for each boy.
	"Mom will be up to check on you boys in a little while," Paula 
said. "I'll be back later to check your diapers!"
	Sonny turned on the lights just as Paula left the room. The three 
boys sat around a small table eating cookies and tipping the baby 
bottles of milk.
	The boys' mom came in to check on them. "Glad you could come over 
tonight, Tommy!" She said as she picked up his empty bottle and dish.
	"Thank you for the cookies!" Tommy said politely.
	"Your very welcome, Tommy," she smiled at him. After gathering up 
the rest of the dishes and bottles Mom had the boys settle down for the 
night. Turning out the light and closing the door returned to the 
stairs. The boys talked just about everything boys would talk about. 
Soon all three were finding themselves falling asleep.
	Tommy was the last to actually go to sleep. He lay quietly 
thinking about the day. He smiled to himself when he remembered getting 
to know the boys up the trail by the creek. Tommy was just about to 
close his eyes when the door opened and closed. In the dark he could 
see Paula leaning over her brothers cribs. She tested their diapers 
then covered them with a blanket.
	Tommy played like he was asleep when she came over to him. 
Lowering the crib safety rail Paula kneeled down onto her knees then 
bent over Tommy. He felt her hand as it felt over his diaper. He was 
surprised when she slipped her hand down inside his diaper to test for 
wetness. It was all he could do to keep quiet as her finger tickled 
him. She kissed him on the cheek and covered him up with a blanket. The 
door closed as quietly as it opened. He heard he soft footsteps 
disappear down the hall.
	Once again Tommy was about to fall asleep when he realized 
someone was standing over his crib once again. Thinking Paula may have 
returned, Tommy braced for what ever may come of it.
	But it was Sonny. "Hey, Tommy you awake?" He asked.
	"Ya! Just about!" Tommy answered.
	"Move over. I wanta get in bed with you!" Sonny pulled the safety 
rail down and pushed against Tommy. There was room for both boys but it 
was tight. Still feeling good from Paula's diaper testing of moments 
before, Tommy told Sunny what had happened.
	"You like what she was doing?" Sonny whispered in Tommy's ear.
	"It's okay!" Tommy giggled.
	"She does that sometimes. Ya, we like it, too," Sonny rolled onto 
his side, facing Tommy.
	Neither of the two boys got much sleep that night but they did 
enjoy each other's company though out the night.
	Next morning Paula checked on the boys and when she found Tommy 
and Sonny together she just shook her head and laughed.
	"Get up you lazy boys. Time to get your diapers changed then eat 
Adventure 50 -- RAINY DAY!

	Paula saw to it that each boy was diapered in clean cotton cloth 
diapers covered by a clear plastic pants. Only other thing they had on 
was soft slippers.
	Paula led the boys down the stairs to the kitchen where they 
found a table set with pancakes, jam and real butter. At each boys 
plate was a baby bottle of warm milk. And of course, each with a 
	Tommy noticed the plastic diaper pants made cracking sounds with 
each step. He wasn't sure he liked that. His sisters would cover his 
cloth diapers with a quiet soft covering. That is, when ever he had a 
	"Have some more pancakes, Tommy!" Their Mom called from the stove 
where she was busy stirring up another batch.
	"Maybe a couple more, Thanks!" Tommy was hungry.
	"Mom, look outside!" Paula called out.
	"What? Oh! I thought it was getting darker. Look at those 
clouds!" Mom instructed Paula to make sure all the windows were closed.
	"What's going on?" Tommy asked as he looked around.
	"It's raining... hard!" The boys echoed.
	"Does that mean we can't go outside to play?" Tommy asked.
	"I don't think so. Maybe it's too wet to go outside but we can 
play inside!" Sonny said.
	"I have to go to Grandpa's house by noon anyway," Tommy reminded.
	"We know. But we got all morning!" Gene pointed out.
	"What can we do inside?" Tommy was disappointed because he wanted 
to run around the farm outside.
	"Things!" Sonny answered.
	"Ya?" Tommy asked.
	"What you wanta do?" Gene asked.
	"I don't know. Maybe go horse back riding!" Tommy laughed.
	"Babies!" Paula butted in.
	"OH NO! We did that last night," Sonny answered.
	"We could go down in the basement!" Paula suggested.
	"Tommy has to go home by noon!" Sonny reminded.
	"Well, we could!" Gene continued, "We could play with my electric 
	"You have a train?" Tommy was thinking of toys.
	"Wanta see it? It has houses, trees, cars and roads. Looks real." 
Gene motioned towards the basement door.
	When Tommy saw the layout he got excited. It was not a toy like 
he had thought but a complete corner of the basement was like a 
landscape with dirt, trees and houses and, of course, several small 
	The boys played with it most of the morning. Paula came down to 
check on them several times. Once she had taken Gene aside to change 
his diaper.
	The boys' mother called down the stairs telling Tommy that his 
Grandpa was here with his sisters to pick him up.
	"Come down and see what they have here!" Tommy called up to his 
	Lisa and Kathy came down the stairs with Grandpa.
	Sonny and Gene stood back so the girls could get a better look at 
the train set up.
	"Hey this is great!" Kathy reached out to touch one of the cars.
	"Careful, Kathy, you sure don't want to break something!" Tommy 
	"I won't break it, just wanta look at it." Kathy sat the car back 
on the tracks.
	Grandpa said he knew the boys had been collecting train parts for 
some time but didn't know they had such a elaborate lay out. More then 
an hour went by before Grandpa decided it was time to take the kids 
	"Come on, kids, time to leave." Grandpa laid his hand on Tommy's 
	The girls took Tommy into the bedroom for a diaper change before 
leaving. Paula and Lisa kept talking about everything under the sun.
Kathy listened to the older girls while helping with Tommy's diaper.
	"If you girls want to come over sometime I would like to have 
you!" Paula invited.
	"We'd like to, wouldn't we, Lisa?" Kathy asked.
	"Sure would. Maybe Grandpa would let us come back tonight." Lisa 
	"Let's ask him." Kathy started for the door.
	While Lisa and Kathy asked Grandpa about staying with Paula, 
Paula was asking her mom if the girls could stay.
	"I think that would be up to their Grandpa but if he says it is 
alright I will agree too." Her mom told.
	Kathy asked Paula what they would be doing. Paula answered, "We 
could talk about boys and, have you ever played 'Baby'?"
	"Baby!" Kathy looked puzzled.
	"Sure, the boys are babies and the girls are mothers." Paula 
	"The boys might not like that!" Kathy giggled.
	"I think they might like it a lot. So will you!" Paula laughed.
	Grandpa had given permission for the girls to remain at the farm 
with Paula but he took Tommy back to the farm with himself.
	While driving away towards home Grandpa asked Tommy, "Did you 
have a good time last night? What did you do?"
	"Sure. We had a good time. Got to ride the horses and every 
thing!" Tommy turned his head so he could see out the side car window. 
Grandpa kept his eyes on the bumpy road.
	"I hope the girls have as much fun as you had!" Grandpa said.
	"I got a feeling they will have lots of fun, Grandpa!"