TOMMY Adventure 31 Tommy took both Bobby and Justin into his bed room and shut the door. "What's up, Tommy?" Bobby knew Tommy had something important to tell them. "We have a problem!" Tommy began. "It seems Lisa's friend wants to watch while we're being changed. Lisa wanted me to ask you two if that would be OK?" Justin sat on the edge of the bed. He had a funny little grin on his face. "What you think about it, Justin?" Tommy asked. "Well, you sure she just wants to watch?" Justin continued his grinning. "Who is it?" asked Bobby. "Mildred!" Tommy answered. "Mildred Tompson?" Bobby's eyes lit up. "Yes!" "She's weird!" Bobby responded. "She's keeps looking at me!" "She's been looking funny at me too!" Justin added. "I know….. But do you wanta have her watch Lisa change us?" Tommy smiled and rolled his eyes up. The boys began to laugh. "I don't care if you don't!" Bobby giggled. Tommy and Justin remained quite for a while. Then Justin sat back up, "OK!" he agreed. "How you feel about it, Tommy?" Bobby asked. "I think it could be fun. Long as it is the three of us. But I wonder if she would tell all her friends at school." Tommy cautioned. "Ya! She might. What does Lisa think about it?" Bobby asked. 'Their friends. I don't think she would tell on us if Lisa asked her not to." Tommy wasn't as sure as his words. "Why don't you go ask Lisa if she could talk with Mildred." Bobby asked. "Good Idea!" Tommy left the boys and returned to the living room where Lisa and Mildred were helping Mom clean up. "Hey Sis!" Tommy called her aside. Tommy told her the fears the boys had about Mildred. Lisa told her brother he had nothing to fear. But Tommy wouldn't take her word for it. "Mildred, please come over her, Tommy wants to talk with you." Lisa motioned. "Hi Tommy!" Mildred smiled ear to ear. "Ah, er... The boys and I…. Well we... You want to watch us get diapers changed?" Tommy stuttered. "Well…. Yes if you want me to!" Mildred grinned. "The other boys think you might tell other kids that we wear diapers!" Tommy explained his concern. "Oh! I would never do that, Tommy. I just thought it would be fun to watch Lisa change the three of you…. You don't mind do you?" Mildred ran her fingers through Tommy's hair. Tommy closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Having a girl run her fingers through his hair gave him more feelings than his years could stand. "You can come in and watch if you want!" Tommy felt his knees getting weak. The girls took hold of Tommy's hands and walked him back into the bedroom. Tommy sat on the bed next to Justin, Lisa went to the drawer and pulled out three cloth pre folded diapers, Mildred closed the door. "Ok, who is first?" Lisa asked. Mildred was leaning against the door as if guarding against any entry while Lisa laid out a changing mat on the floor. The three boys sat very still while the pins and diaper powder was being placed next to the mat. All three boys had their eyes fixed on Mildred. "Ok, why don't we start with Justin!" Lisa pointed. Justin had a look of complete shock while the other two sighed with relief. Justin got off the bed and carefully laid down on the changing mat. Lisa gently pulled his shorts off his diaper tossing them to the side. Then she carefully helped him out of his T-shirt. She even removed his shoes and socks leaving the younger boy only in his day time disposal diaper. It was no secret that Justin needed a change. The smell of fresh pee slowly filled the room. Justin looked up at Mildred just as Lisa pulled the fasteners off the used diaper. Mildred was very quite while her eyes glued to the diaper. She opened her mouth slightly while her eyes widened. Lisa pulled the diaper front down then pulled while lifting Justin enough to fully remove the wet diaper. Mildred bent herself down to watch as Lisa used some baby wipes on Justin. "OH!" she sighed. The other two boys looked at each other then back to Mildred. "He's so cute!" Mildred said over and over. Lisa placed the new diaper under Justin folding the diaper into place. First one pin then the other. Justin was released from the mat. The girls turned towards the older boys. "Next!" Lisa called out. Again the boys looked at each other as if to say "you go first!" But it was Bobby who Lisa chose for the next change. Lisa removed his clothing as she did Justin's . Bobby's diaper was cloth with 4 pins, two on each side. "Give me a hand if you want, Mildred!" Lisa invited. With Lisa on one side and Mildred on the other the pins were soon taken out and set aside. Lisa nodded at Mildred giving her permission to remove the diaper. As if Mildred was changing one of the babies she lifted Bobby's feet into the air then pulled the diaper out. She rolled it into a ball tossing it into the diaper pail. Mildred stared at Bobby while Lisa cleaned him with wipes. Unlike Justin, Bobby had no control over his reactions. Mildred's eyes widened while taking in all the sights. Her behavior only encouraged Bobby's normal boy responds while being fully exposed before the interested girl. Tommy also reacted but quickly tried to reduce the effect before his turn on the mat. Again, Lisa pulled the diaper into place where she pinned him again with two on each side. Mildred now on her knees shifted her attention towards Tommy who was next to be diapered. When Tommy's wet diaper was ready to be taken off he had more control then his friend Bobby when being exposed. Lisa give her brother a tight fit then put three pins on each side making his diaper fit very tight. The girls would not let the boys put on their cloths over the diapers but let them play on the living room floor in only diapers. "Well, what you think!" Lisa asked Mildred. "WOW!" She answered. "Do they always do that when you diaper them?" "Sure, I guess. Boys are like that." Lisa agreed. Adventure 32 Mildred's Mothering Opportunity While the boys played on the living room floor the girls sat on the couch carried on a conversation about boys, diapers and babysitting. Mildred told Lisa how lucky she thought it was to have a brother like Tommy. Mildred had no brothers or sisters but did babysit with a couple of families with small boys. "I guess I am sort of lucky!" Lisa agreed. "Me too!" Kathy said proudly. "I really mean it... I always wanted to care for a brother but the closest I could come is to babysit with babies. Mildred looked the boys over as they wiggled about on the floor before the TV where they played some game with Game Station. Her eyes fell on the butt of Bobby who at the time was letting his diaper butt wiggle while he moved the controls to the game. The boys' laughs filled the room. Mildred turned to Lisa asking, "Do you get to change Bobby a lot?" Lisa was also watching the boys play. She understood what watching the diapered boys could do for a girl. "I guess I have.. And Justin, too!" "I think he is so cute, don't you?" Mildred whispered. "Who, Justin?" Lisa smiled. Lisa secretly enjoyed watching Justin the youngest of the two boys. "Him too!" However, Mildred nodded towards Bobby. "Watch how he lifts his butt... It just gets me!" She added. The girls went on and on with their girl talk. Meanwhile, the boys had just finished playing the game and were deciding if they should began another when Tommy realized the girls were watching them. "I think Mildred likes you, Bobby," Tommy giggled. "How you know?" Bobby whispered back. "'Cause she keeps looking at you like she wants to change you or something." Tommy started to laugh. Bobby turned to look for himself. "I don't know. she is looking at Justin now!" Bobby giggled. "Did you notice how she looked him over when she changed him?" Tommy whispered. "Yeah, I think she never seen older boy's before." Bobby giggled. "I know.. Lisa told me she hadn't.. She wanted to watch us get changed. you suppose she liked doing it." Tommy asked knowingly. Justin seemed to be in a world of his own as he continued to play with the Game Station. "Let's go back into your room, Tommy.. They are making me feel strange!" Bobby looked at Tommy wide eyed. "Okay!" Tommy sat up on his knees. Bobby poked Justin to get his attention, "Tommy and me are going to his room; wanta come?" "I want to stay here and play with the game," Justin answered just as he made a big score with the game. "OK!" Bobby said as he stood up. "Don't let the girls get you!" teased Tommy as he followed Bobby down the hall. "Hey Justin. You want to sit on my lap? You can still play the game," Mildred suggested. Justin just kept playing the game, not even hearing what she said. Mildred got on the floor beside Justin laying on her side facing the younger boy. She reached out placing her hand on the boy's back. Justin just continued to ignore her even though he did knew she was there. "Is your diaper still okay, Justin?" Mildred asked showing her concern for his well being. "Sure!" is all Justin answered while he flipped buttons rapidly as he made a new score. Mildred was not to be put off. She moved her hand down over his diaper giving him a light tap over his butt. "I like soft diapers, don't you, Justin? I bet they feel so cozy!" Saying that Mildred moved her leg so it contacted against his. Justin lifted his legs at the knee slowly kicking his bare feet in the air. "I was glad you let me change you!" Mildred whispered into his ear then rolled onto her stomach next to him. Justin turned his head and smiled at Mildred. This distraction cost him a couple of points in the game. He dropped his legs back to the floor. "I liked it when you changed me, too!" Justin told her. "Really!" Mildred seemed pleased. All this time Kathy and Lisa sat on the sofa giggling while they watched the two on the floor. "If you need your diaper changed I would be happy to help you again!" Mildred raised her hand ruffling the boys hair. Justin shook his head as if trying to escape having his head rubbed. Missing a few more chances to make score Justin dropped the control turning his attention towards the friendly girl next to him. "Tommy told me you babysit with some baby boys!" Justin questioned Mildred. "Yes I do!" She smiled at him. "Do you like taking care of boys?" Justin asked. "I guess.. I been doing it for a few years." Mildred proudly told him. "How come you don't take care of girls?" Justin asked curiously. "I don't know.. Maybe it is because boys stay in diapers longer then girls," she giggled. "I'm 9 and I am still in diapers!" Justin giggled when Mildred tickled him in the ribs. "Tommy and Bobby are 11 now!" Lisa said as she moved herself on the other side of Justin. "I think they will be in diapers for a long time yet." "I hope so!" giggled Mildred "I think these boys are so cute!" Mildred leaned over and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek. Justin wiped it off as if it were poison. "Why you did that? don't you like to be babied?" Mildred asked. All Justin could do was giggle. It was apparent that he wanted to be kissed but like most boys that age he felt he needed to defend himself. "I don't mind being babied." He rolled over onto his back. Kathy stood up in front of him and asked, "You wanta play house with us, Justin? You can be the baby!" Suddenly Justin realized he was being overrun by the three girls. "What you going to do, playing house!" Justin sat up placing his arms behind him as a brace. "Well, we could take care of you when you pee your diaper!" Lisa suggested. "How you know I peed!" Justin looked a little worried. "We didn't 'til you told us. Now you be a good baby and let us take care of you," Lisa instructed. Mildred pushed the boy back onto the floor while Kathy knelled between his spread legs. Lisa knelled beside him and began to take off his diaper. Mildred had that funny look on her face again. The wet diaper was pulled out from under the boy and tossed to the side. Lisa sent Kathy to get a new diaper. Justin placed his thumb into his mouth while watching the expression on each girl's face. Adventure 33 New use of diapers discovered. Mildred had just finished diapering Justin. After giving him a kiss on the cheek she sent him to Tommy's bedroom where Bobby and Tommy were. "Thank you for the opportunity, Lisa. I will always remember this afternoon as long as I live. I owe you one!" Mildred said while putting on her coat. "I will keep you to that, Mildred!" laughed Lisa. "Well, I have to be over to the twins house in half an hour. I sit all night because their parents are going out all night." Mildred explained. "How come they going to be all night?" Kathy piped up. "I think they said something about needing a second honeymoon or something like that!" Mildred smiled. "I heard mom and dad say something like that before….. Wonder what they mean?" Kathy had a puzzled look on her face. Lisa opened the front door for Mildred. "Thanks for coming to the party! Maybe I can come over some time and help you baby sit!" Lisa smiled. "Why not! Anytime, Ok!" Mildred walked down the steps heading down the sidewalk. She gave a wave as she disappeared around the shrubbery. "What's a honeymoon?" Kathy asked when Lisa returned. "I don't know but I think it has something to do when adults want to be alone a while," Lisa answered. "Why would they want to be alone?" Kathy questioned. "Well, they just do I guess. I suppose Mom gets tired of changing diapers and telling us kids what to do all the time." Lisa answered. "Maybe we can take a honeymoon sometime!" Kathy said. "I don't think kids do that... But we have to stay home with a sitter." Lisa pointed down the hallway trying to change the subject. "Tommy might need us to help him!" Lisa said as they arrived at the bedroom door. The three boys were playing on the floor when the girls returned to the room. "Do you need a change, Tommy?" Lisa asked. "Sure, but don't change me yet." Tommy begged. "How come?" Lisa asked. "Cause I like the feel of being wet, besides I think I will wet some more in a little bit," Tommy giggled. "I'd think a old wet diaper would make you uncomfortable!" Kathy said. "Not when it is still warm with fresh pee. When it still warm it feels great!" Tommy felt over the front of his freshly peed diaper. "How about you, Bobby, are you wet yet?" Kathy asked him. "A little! I need to let it get wetter before I change. Maybe Justin needs his done." Bobby pointed over towards Justin who was laying on his back holding his legs over his head. "Not me... Mildred just changed me and I don't have to pee just yet." Justin patted the back of his diaper while holding his legs over his head. "Come on. One of you boys should let us girls change you!" Kathy seemed upset because she wanted to diaper someone. Kathy announced that she had go pee-pee and was about to leave for the bathroom. "Wait Kathy!" Bobby called out. "You want to pee on my diaper?" The other two boys sat up wondering if they had heard Bobby right. "You want a girl to pee on your diaper?" Justin looked a bit shocked. "Sure, she wants to change me and she has to go pee don't she?" Bobby turned over on his back while he removed his plastic pants. The big white cloth diaper already had a small yellow stain showing in front. "How I do it?" Kathy giggled. "Just sit on my diaper and pee… Come here I will show you!" Bobby motioned her to pull down her panties first. The other children watched as she squatted over his diaper. Bobby pulled her down so she was laying over him with her legs spread wide over the top of his. He held her tight against him. Kathy could feel the warmth of the diaper pressing against her groin. Bobby pulled her T-shirt up so it would not get wet then held her bare butt until he felt the rush of warm pee penetrate his cloth diaper. Being in this position Bobby experienced a very strange reaction when the girl's pee began to run over and under his diaper. It was very different then when he peed himself. The presents of both having the girl pressing against him and having the warm pee flowing into his diaper, Bobby loss control of his own bladder adding more wetness then his diaper could handle. As the others continued to watch this very strange act of bladder release they noticed a small leak forming a small pool of pee just under Bobby's legs. Kathy tried in vain to stop her flow but could not. She too experienced a new group of sensations unknown to her before. "WOW!" was all that could be said at the time. "Wow is right!" Tommy gasped just as he let go with a full bladder filling his own diaper. Soon as Bobby was able to say anything but, wow, he announced that Lisa could now change him. Kathy pulled up her panties still feeling some of the sensations. Lisa grabbed a new clean diaper for Bobby and began to unpin his soaked ones. Lisa said, "Us girls don't wear diapers but maybe we can use you boys' diapers!" She giggled. None of the children talked much about what had happened but each one thought about it for the next few hours. Adventure 34 -- Tommy's Diaper Sighting Tommy and his sisters had a choice as to where they wanted to go out for a late dinner. "I'd like to go to Tony's Pizza and get a Big Tony with everything on it." Kathy made her suggestion. "Me too!" Agreed Tommy. Mom and Dad looked at Lisa waiting for her input. When she did not respond Mom asked, "What about you, Lisa?" "I would like to go to Wilson's Oriental and get Chinese Chow Sweet and Sour Chicken." Lisa finally answered. Both places are fine with your Dad and I but we will have to pick only one. So how are we going to decide?" Mom laughed. Tommy and Kathy held out for Pizza till Lisa gave in. "Ok, but next time we go for Chinese!" Lisa told them. Tony's was a fun place where every outing was like a big party. It was set up for kids more than adults. When they arrived the only table left was in the back next to the electronic game room. "This is going to be too noisy for us," Mom told the waiter. "I am sorry but it is the only place we have at the moment. You can move when another table comes available if you like," she was offered. They all sat down each making their own order. Dad asked for a couple large Pepsi Pitchers. Tommy started looking around for someone he may know. Just then he heard a soft voice. "Hi, Tommy!" The voice repeated. Tommy turned around and recognized the girl calling to him. "Oh! Hi Connie!" Tommy answered. Connie was sitting at a table just behind Tommy. After exchanging smiles Tommy's face began to blush. "Who's Connie?" Kathy asked. "It's Ok, she's in my class at school." Tommy answered. "Kind of cute, isn't she?" Lisa teased. 'I guess!" Tommy acted like he could care less but inside he was rather flustered. Mom and Dad just grinned at each other. Just at that moment a Happy Birthday song broke out and every one looked about to see whose birthday it was. To Tommy's surprise they brought a cake with candles and stood behind him singing the birthday song. "For me! It's for me!" Tommy cried out. "A little late but this is your night!" Dad told him this was all planned just for him. After Tony's Pizza finished the birthday announcement the family started digging into the delivered food. Then Tommy asked, "Can Justin come over this weekend and stay with me?" "I suppose it as been a while since you had any for a sleepover" Mom gave her permission. "Oh Boy!" Tommy reacted. While Tommy was eating he noticed a little boy around 5 years old sat down across from him. He must have been with his grandparents. They were fussing over him helping him out of his snow suit, as it was cold outside, then Tommy noticed the boy had on red shorts. As the boy scooted back on his chair Tommy could not help but notice a white diaper showing clearly. It is not often Tommy has sightings like this but he is always on the lookout for diaper boy sighting. Whenever he does make such a sighting it excites him to no end. Being a diaper user himself he always wants to meet other boys who wear them, too. Of course he would like to talk to the boy about the diaper but in most cases it would not be appropriate to say anything. But Tommy could not take his eyes off the little boy. He wondered if the boy enjoyed diapers as much as he did. He wondered who was the last one to change him and did they enjoy putting the diaper on the boy. He wondered if he had a sister like his that would help. Lisa noticed her brother staring across the table and followed his line of sight. Then she too noticed the boy and realized Tommy was fascinated with the boy. "Tommy!" She called a couple of time to get his attention. Tommy snapped back the present. "What?" He asked. When Lisa only smiled at him and glanced over at the boy, Tommy knew he had been found out. Blushing, Tommy continued to eat his pizza but time to time would glance at the little boy who was kicking his legs back and forth. Tommy returned to his daydreaming. He wondered if the boy would still be in diapers when he was his age. Looking around the room Tommy wondered if any other boys were wearing diapers. It caused him to smile when every he thought about it. After they were in the car driving back home Lisa whispered to Tommy. "That boy had diapers on, didn't he?" Lisa giggled. "What boy!" Tommy denied. "You know what I mean, I know he had on a diaper!" Lisa giggled some more. Realizing he had been found out Tommy answered, "Yea…. Like me!" "I think a lot more boys wear diapers then we may think….. So no big deal." Lisa made her point to her brother. Tommy could hardly wait to tell Justin and Bobby what he had seen. Adventure 35 -- Tommy's Dream Mom had just tucked Tommy into bed. His diaper gave him the most wonderful feeling of comfort. She kissed him then quietly slipped out of the room turning the light off on her way out before shutting the door. Tommy rolled onto his side pulling the covers over his head making himself as cozy as a boy could be. He began to think of the wonderful time he and his family had at the Pizza place. A smile broke across his face when he remembered the little boy sitting across from him. The fact that the boy was in diapers gave Tommy a thrill that he felt within his own diaper. Tommy fell fast asleep with the image of the little boy setting himself up for a night of dreaming. Tommy was walking down a path next to a lake high in the mountains. Coming towards him was another boy. "It's Justin!' Tommy recognized him. "What you doing in my dream, Justin?" Tommy asked as they came near each other. "Your dream…. I thought it was my dream!" Justin giggled. About that same time a couple of older boys came by. "You boys going to the fair?" One asked. "What fair?" Tommy asked. "Why the diaper fair, of course!" The boy answered. "What they do at this fair?" Asked Justin. "You boys aren't from around here are you? The diaper fair is where all the boys go to have fun." The other boy told. "What do the boys do?" Tommy asked. "Maybe you little boy should stick with us so we can explain things to you, come on we will take you." The first boy took Tommy's hand. Justin reached has hand into the other boy's hand. "We think your diapers are just cute as can be!" The boy remarked. As if Tommy and Justin's eyes were open for the first time they looked at the bigger boys and saw they were also in only diapers. "Your wearing diapers too!" Tommy seemed surprised. "Sure, silly….. All boys wear diapers here. You wouldn't want us to go naked would you?" The two boys laughed. "You couldn't get into the fair without having on just a diaper," one of the boys reported. Just then the four of them turned a corner and almost ran into a bunch of little boys running toward them. One older boy was running with the little ones. "Sorry, guys, they just weren't looking where they were going." "That's ok. Looks like they are enjoying themselves." Tommy turned to look at the boys as they ran past. "What's your name, boy?" One of the older boys pointed at Tommy. "Tommy!" He answered. "I like that. My name is Vern!" he shook Tommy's hand. "This is Bob!" pointing to the boy holding Justin's hand. "Hi! This is my best friend, Justin!" Tommy introduced. "Hi Justin!" Bob smiled down. "I like little boys in diapers like yours!" To be polite Justin smiled back and mentioned that he thought Bob's diaper was great, too. Tommy suddenly realized he was not sure just where he was. What is this place?" He asked the boys. "It's never-never-land. Your dream, whatever you want it to be," he was told. On the way to the fairgrounds Tommy noticed little boys sitting on stools drinking milkshakes. Each one was like the boy at the pizza place. Spread out with diapers showing. Just as they were about to enter the main gate into the fair grounds they were met by several girls dressed only in bikinis. "Whenever you need to be changed these girls will take you to the diaper rooms. All rides are free, even the hot dogs are free, in fact, everything is free if you just ask. Justin and Tommy took every ride they could find holding cotton candy in one hand and hot dogs in the other. It was Wonder Full Land. After coming off one ride Justin began to lag behind the rest of the boys. Tommy went back to get him only to find he had fixed his diaper but good. Without even having to call for help the girls came and quickly took him away for a change. Not wanting to be left alone Tommy made every effort to wet his diaper. In less time then to tell about it his diaper was dripping wet. Another set of girls came and took him into the same changing room with Justin. They were helped up on a changing table where all they had to do was lay quietly and let the girls do the changing. Tommy looked around and notice many more boys being helped. When they were in a brand new soft diaper they were led back outside where they could play some more. Tommy was just about to say something to Justin when it felt he was suddenly being carried into some dark tunnel. He yelled. He could hear his voice bouncing off the walls then realized he had been dreaming and had woke up in his own bed. His sister, Lisa, came running into the room to see what he was yelling about. "OH did I ever have a dream, you see I was with lots of boys in diapers and we were having so much fun then all of a sudden I was wetting my diaper and..." Tommy was excited. "Well, all I can say is you certainly did wet your diaper." Lisa began to change him. "You'll have to wash your sheet this time, you really leaked a lot!" TOMMY Post Adventure 36 -- Another Sleepover It was 9:30 on a Friday night. Tommy and Justin were playing on the living room floor. Each had a small toy car that they used to play as if they were race drivers. Both boys were in a world of their own as they made loud noises like tires squealing on pavement. Neither of the boys heard mom call out that it was bed time. She had to shut the TV in order to get their attention. The two girls had already gone to their room for the night. Mom sent the boys to Tommy's room telling them to wait for Lisa to change them into night time diapers. After making excuses to stay up longer Tommy realized it was no use holding out any longer. He and Justin headed for his room. Mom knocked on Lisa's door. Thinking it was the boys knocking, Lisa called out in a loud voice, "Go back to your room, I'll be there in a minute!" Then she added, "Go do your thing!" then Both Lisa and Kathy giggled. Mom opened the door. Both girls jumped as if seeing a ghost. "Didn't know it was you, Mom, sorry." Lisa gave a weak smile. Mom asked, "Just what did you mean by, 'do your thing!" The two girls looked at each other as if waiting for the other to speak first. Kathy just shrugged her shoulders as if she knew nothing. Lisa hemmed and hawed for a moment of time. Then not knowing just what to say it she answered, " know, boys!" "Well, I thought I know boys but maybe Tommy has some kind of thing I don't know about. Maybe you can explain it to me." Mom sat down on the edge of the girls' bed. Both girls started to giggle nervously. But mom just sat there waiting for an answer. "Ah... Ah, well, you know how much they like their diapers!" Lisa started. "That's no secret, now is it?" Mom raised her eyebrows still waiting for Lisa to answer question. "Sometimes when I change him. You know, he gets his thing big!" Lisa almost whispered the last part. "And how about Justin?" Mom asked. "Him too!" Kathy cut in with a giggle. "Oh… I see! And that is what you meant by how boys are?" Mom held back a smile. "Yah, Mom. How come boys do that!" Kathy added. "I guess that is how boys are made, dear!" Mom answered. Then Mom continued, "Your Dad and I gave you the job of changing Tommy's diaper. Later we questioned if you should be changing his friends, too. But we both agreed it would be okay because it would give both of you some experience that would help you later as you came into puberty. By letting you change their diapers is one way for a girl to get understanding about boys. It is not just for you girls but for the boys, too. We have allowed both of you to take baths with Tommy so you could come to know the difference between boys' and girls' bodies. We are aware that children who are not allowed to learn these things early usually end up getting into trouble because they want to find out the truth." "Mom, we both know what boys look like but what we don't understand is why they get... you know, they way they do!" Lisa stuttered. "Maybe you're old enough now to be told. I know some parents keep their children in the dark pertaining to these things but I don't agree with that approach." Kathy was sitting very still and quiet. She may be the youngest but she felt very grown up as she listened to Mom talk. Kathy knew this was not just a talk but that Mom was about to teach them something. Mom continued, "I will not tell you everything. Something should be left for you to find out for yourself as it is meant to be. You already know that the purpose of a boy and girl, and their differences, is to continue the human race. It is important for both human and animals to propagate." mom started the lesson. Kathy looked up in surprise. "What's 'propagate' mean?" Mom answered, "It means to breed or reproduce." "Have babies, silly!" Lisa answered her little sister. It suddenly hit Kathy that this conversation had something to do with sex. She knew girls and boys could have fun playing around but did not understand why. Lisa had been listening with interest. She knew more then Kathy about human reproduction only because she was older and had heard much from her peers but she was confused by some things. "Momma, I know a boy can get a girl pregnant. But how?" She asked. Mom realized she may have gotten herself into a situation she rather not handle alone. "Maybe we should have Daddy come in and talk with you. He could help I am sure." Kathy spoke up again. "Why does a boy's 'thing' get big when his diaper is taken off?" Mom thought awhile then proceeded. "Kathy, the boy's thing is called a penis. A boy's penis swells up when he thinks about things that excite him. When the diaper comes off it causes him to feel his sexuality. It is a natural reaction for his penis to swell up and get hard. It is something like you feel when you think about boys and what they look like. You want to be touched. A boy when he has an erection, that is when his penis gets hard, also wants to be touched. Do you understand what I mean?" Lisa understood. She wanted such a talk with her mother for some time but did not know how to start. Now her mother was telling things that she longed to learn for some time. Even while her mother was talking Lisa was feeling her sexuality rising within her. She wondered if this is what a boy feels when he thinks about girls. Kathy heard what was being said but much of it was not making sense to her. She could feel sexy like she wanted to play with herself but she still did not understand why Lisa would feel much more then she. Kathy did not understand why these feelings excited her. But yet it was something she felt she should not talk about. It was a great mystery that seem to overwhelm her. She only knew it felt good to look at Tommy and Justin when changing diapers. Up till now she kept much of this experience to herself. "Kathy, what do you feel when you change Tommy or Justin?" Mom asked. Surprised at the question Kathy answered, "I don't know... it just feels good all over," Kathy giggled. "I am glad to hear that because you are supposed to feel good. Those feelings say you are very healthy and you are getting to be a big girl. I am proud of both of you." Mom smiled. "These feelings make you feel life, you feel emotions and that means you are growing up very normally. You have the right to feel these feelings and enjoy them. It is part of being a girl and human." Mom told her. "And what about you, Lisa does changing the boys give you nice feelings, too?" Mom asked. Lisa never thought her mother would every allow her to talk about such things as her sexual feelings. "I feel it…. A lot! When I look at Tommy when he gets hard and he is smiling at me I know he wants me to play with him. I want to play with him too. I feel it all over just like Kathy said." "I had thought you two were having these feelings. I just was not sure how far it has gone. I must ask…… has it gone….. All the way?" Mom asked. "What you mean?" Lisa questioned. "Well, when a boy and a girl gets playing around sometimes it can lead on to other things!" Mom said it but with some stress. "More things?" Kathy sat up with widen eyes. She had heard some bigger girls talk about 'other' things but she did not fully believe them. Yet what they said gave her some excitement. Lisa, on the other hand, knew what her mother was saying. She had learned in school bits and pieces about reproduction. She knew that boys could make her pregnant but she still had a problem believing how it was done. It was only a few days ago she and a couple of her friends witnessed a big dog mounting a smaller dog. "The little dog is going to have puppies!" giggled one of the girls. Somehow that opened Lisa up to wanting to know more about it. Lisa said, "We never did that. I mean, going all the way?" Kathy frowned as if in deep thought. Finally she piped up. "What is 'going all the way?'" Mom started to laugh but held it back with a snickering smile. "Kathy, you are a big girl but maybe we should wait a few years yet about that." Mom tried to get out of answering. But Lisa spoke in behalf of her little sister. "But Mom, she should know. She has asked the question and she should get an answer." "Maybe you're right, Lisa. Okay, I will answer her." Mom was a little flushed but determined to give the girls some facts of life. Adventure 37 -- Another Sleepover Cont. "Maybe you're right, Lisa. Okay, I will answer her." Mom was a little flushed but determined to give the girls some facts of life. "Kathy, I am sure you and your friends have discussed sex, haven't you?" Mom let Kathy crawl up on her lap. "Sometimes, maybe!" Kathy said. "Have you ever wondered how babies are made?" Mom gave Kathy a hug and reached a hand to Lisa. "Carrie Benson said babies come out of the mother!" Kathy said matter of fact. "She told you truth, Dear. Babies start and develop inside mommies. But what else do you know?" Mom asked. Lisa held back but then said, "it takes 9 months for a baby to get ready to be born. We learned that in health class." "That's right. Just think of all the parts that have to be put together before a baby can be born. Arms, legs and head then all that is inside your body. All this in only 9 months." Mom smiled. "It's like magic!" Kathy was wide eyed taking in all Mom was telling them. "More then magic, Kathy. It is miraculous!" Mom continued to tell them of the love that goes into making a baby. "It is God creating a body for a new life. You're so wonderfully made." Mom went on explaining. "How does a girl get a baby started?" Kathy snuggled up next to her mother. "A girl can't do it alone!" Lisa corrected. "That's right, Kathy. You see... we have both boys and girls and it takes each to get a baby started." Mom waited for that to sink in a while before continuing. After a moment or two of quiet Kathy seemed to get an idea. "Is that why boys penises get big?" Kathy knew this had something to do with it but was not sure. Lisa nodded her head. "I knew it had something to do with that... But why is it so secretly? Why not talk more about it?" Kathy reasoned. "The boy develops a fluid that he gives to the girl so she can make a baby. The girl has eggs within her that need the boy's fluid, or seed. In a very special way the boy plants his seed inside the girl. Each month the girl release an egg into a special place where the fluid and egg make contact. The boy's fluid has millions of little seeds in it. We are told that only one of these will enter into the egg to start a baby." Mom tried to keep it as simple as she could. Kathy spoke up again. "How does the boy put the seed into the girl?" Lisa was starting to feel the result of excitement. She knew as nearly all girls her age should know. It wasn't easy for her to control her feelings. It was as if her body had a mind of it's own. She liked to experience these pleasant feelings but she rather it would happen when she was in private. "Remember when we were talking about changing the boys diapers? Remember how you sometimes notice their penises getting bigger?" Mom asked Kathy. Kathy giggled. She also felt some strange feelings when ever this happened but she did not understand why. She only knew she liked to witness this happening. "Yes!" Kathy said questionably. "And you noticed how the boys seem to feel when they know you are looking at them?" Mom continued. "Oh yes!" Kathy giggled. "They like us to look." "Sometimes I think they want us to do more then look!" Lisa giggled without thinking of what she was saying. "I bet you would like to do more then look, too, wouldn't you?" Mom teased. Lisa turned red in the face and quietly sat back realizing she had said too much. "It is alright for you to feel this way, girls…. It is perfectly normal. It is the way boys and girls feel about each other that in time will lead the making of families. In fact, I would be terribly concerned if I thought neither of you had these feelings toward boys. And of the boys not having their feelings toward you girls." "But Tommy is our brother..." Lisa was about to say more but Mom interrupted her. "But Tommy is a boy even if he is your brother. I really am glad to learn you can have these feelings. Most the time bother and sisters may learn from each other but in time they will look outside the family. In other words, you will not marry your brother but hopefully you both will find a good man to be your husband and have your children." Mom tried to explain. "I wouldn't want to marry Tommy anyway." Lisa seemed amused. "I like Justin. He's not my brother," Kathy giggled. Then Kathy got serious again. "Momma, when a boy's penis gets big and hard (see giggles again) does that mean he wants do something?" Mom was taken back a by how directly Kathy asked the question. But Mom quickly recovered to answer her. "What is it you mean by 'doing something'?" Mom asked. "You know... Justin sometimes likes to do it when I am watching," Kathy giggled. "What Kathy means is, both Tommy and Justin sometimes plays with themselves. They say it feels good!" Lisa translated for Kathy. "They actually do that while you watch?" Mom seemed shocked but again soon recovered. "Sure. They like it," Kathy answered with honesty. Lisa got up courage to ask her mom a question. "Mom, some of us girls watched a couple of dogs doing something. The bigger dog was a male and was climbing on the back of the female dog. Were they... You know, making puppies?" "That was a good illustration, Lisa. Yes, dogs, cats and every animal do it the similar way. That is what I was trying to tell you. The boy gets sexy or excited and his penis gets hard. When both the boy and girl feel it is okay to do it he then he puts his penis into the girl's vaginal canal. Boys find this very pleasant if he thrust in and out. After a period of time this friction causes him to reach an orgasm. That means his body reacts in such a way to release his fluid (the sperm) deep into the girl. The boys part is over when he releases his sperm. Now if the girl has already released one of her eggs she has a good chance to get pregnant. If all goes well it will take about 9 months before giving birth to a baby." Mom explained. "What is a vaginal canal?" Kathy asked. "Between your legs, silly!" Lisa told her. "Oh!" Kathy suddenly realized. "If the boy feels pleasant when he does it to a girl, does the girl feel good too?" Lisa asked. She had heard some girls talk about it but wanted to verify with Mom. Mom laughed softly. "Of course. Haven't you ever played with yourself?" Neither Kathy nor Lisa wanted to admit to masturbation. They were a little confused why Mom was asked them about it. Both girls have been caught 'doing it' in the past but although they were not punished they had the feeling it was not something they should be doing. (Parents sometimes give this impression even if they don't think they are.) Kathy was the first to answer. "Sometimes, maybe!" Then she added quickly, "Not often, though!" Lisa agreed to the same conditions. This was not really the truth, however. Once a child starts masturbation it is almost impossible to stop. It is very addictive. Mom knew this but she felt the two girls were older now and she knew they have experimented. "What Daddy and I want for you is to know it is ok but we want you to know it is a very private time and should be something for complete privacy," Mom instructed. "Would it be okay for us to play with the boys?" Kathy in her childlike way said. Mom gave the adults usual word of caution. Somehow she wiggled out of a complete answer as many adults would. "When your older you will understand." The kids have learned long ago when the parents answered something like that it means it should not be talked about. Even with the new openness Mom has shown she still had some hang-ups. But Kathy did ask, "Do the boys know about all this?" "You Dad is talking to them right now." "Can we still change their diapers?" Lisa asked hopefully. "Of course! That's your job," Mom smiled. "Oh boy!" Kathy gave her mother a hug and kissed her on the cheek. "Mom!" Kathy said in almost a whisper. "Yes Kathy!" "Could Tommy and Justin give us a baby?" Kathy waited for an answer. "No…. Neither of the boys are old enough yet but Tommy could in about 2 ˝ years. Justin has a year or two longer." Mom realized she had not covered this subject. "Why?" She asked Kathy. "Oh…. I just wondered." She looked over at Lisa with a look of relief. Just before Mom left the girls she instructed them to give the boys a diaper change before going to bed. "Ok Mom!" Lisa said. Mom closed the door behind her. "Boy, Lisa... Mom told us a lot didn't she?" Kathy seemed a bit excited. "She sure did... But you shouldn't have asked her if Tommy or Justin could give you a baby or not!" Lisa told her. "Why not!" Kathy answered. "Because she might think we have done it. Then she would get mad at us!" Lisa whispered. "Well... They won't shoot sperm for a while anyway, eh?" Kathy whispered back. "So." Lisa giggled. "What does it feel like, to do it? Kathy asked. "How should I know!" Lisa ducked her head to hide a giggle. Adventure 38 -- Another Sleepover Cont. For the last few hours Mom talked with the two girls. Lisa and Kathy, like most kids between 8 and 13, already knew much of what Mom was taking about but now and then both girls learned something they did not know. Like Kathy, the youngest, she did not really understand the method of how babies were made. Now no one, not even the oldest adult, knows all that takes place while a baby becomes a boy or girl. Studies have been made to find the secret of life but they were left with much a mystery as when they began. But Kathy was really stumped by how a baby gets started. Mom cleared that up when she compared the boys with the girls explaining why their bodies were so different yet so much alike. Lisa already knew much more then her Mother gave her credit for. Between what she had learned at school and what the other girls discussed when they got to gather talking about boys and things. The one thing Lisa was not clear about Mom explained in more detail. She knew that when a boy got excited he would expel sperm. She just was not sure at what age that would first happen. She also understood the mechanics of just what has to be done to make it happen. Lisa would have liked to had asked her mother more questions but decided it best not to be too 'forward' lest her mother get upset with her. One question she wanted to ask was why she would get so sexually excited just taking about it. Why does she feel so good when changing the boys diapers and watching them erect while she washes them. Mom had answered so many questions but the girls felt like they had been left high up the mountain, so to speak. It was something like being brought to the point of 'no return' then dumped when all the energy pumping through their veins were pushing to 'do' more. Lisa did not enjoy the slow decent after being brought so close to 'whatever it was she felt but was just beyond her reach.' Lisa had heard a couple other girls tell of their sexual experiences but did not know how much to believe. For some reason it seemed far-fetched to make such a connection with a boy. But something deep inside her seemed to be beckoning her on. Tonight Mom made it clear that that kind of play can lead to a baby. Mom had told the girls that Daddy was suppose to be talking to the boys also. Lisa wondered what Tommy would learn. She smiled thinking that Justin would be listening in on the conversation. That was another thing that Lisa wanted to ask her mother about. Why was it she got more excited watching Justin then when she saw Tommy during diaper changing. Not that Tommy didn't stir up the feelings within her but that Justin just seemed to be more exciting. She and Kathy had talked about that several times after making diaper changes for the boys. Since Lisa and Kathy shared the same double bed they would lay wake talking about how they felt. Lisa knew that Kathy always wanted to change Justin. The two girls would giggle a lot over that. The two girls were getting ready to go change the boys. Just as they opened their bedroom door Daddy stepped out of the boys room shutting the door behind him. Daddy had a startled look on his face when he seen the girls entering the hall. "Hi. I was just talking with the boys. You can go in now and get them ready for bed…" Daddy seemed a bit shook up. As if the girls were in full control of themselves they both answered, "Okay, Good night, Daddy!" "Oh… ya, Good night, girls." Daddy quickly walked back to the living room. Lisa gave the boys door a gentle knocking. "Come in!" Tommy called out. The girls entered then closed the door gently behind them. Kathy leaned against the closed door while Lisa took a few steps toward the boys. Both boys were laying side by side on top of the bed. Each having on a white T-shirt and an obvious wet cloth diaper. Both boys wore a silly smile as they followed the girls with wide open eyes. For a while it was quiet in the room. Kathy and moved over by the bed and sat next to Justin. Lisa opened the chest of drawers and pulled out a couple clean diapers placing them on the bed. Almost the same time both Tommy and Lisa started to say something. "Daddy was just here taking to us!" Tommy said. "Mommy just talked with us!" Lisa said. The for kids giggled. Then Tommy spoke. "Wanta change our diapers?" Tommy spread his legs slightly while placing his hands under his head. Justin did likewise. Justin spoke up….. "My diaper is really soaked…. I peed twice while your Daddy was talking." "What he talk about?" Kathy asked anxiously. "About things!" Justin couldn't finish. Lisa took the two pins out of Tommy's diaper. All eyes turned towards him as Lisa pulled and folded the wet diaper from under his butt. Tommy closed his eyes. Probably because of the other three watching so closely Tommy began to erect as he often did at diaper changes. Kathy called out in attention to this rising salute. "See, he's getting bigger!" Then Kathy continued. "We know why it happens. Momma told us!" Perhaps because of the extra attention, Tommy began to go soft again. Lisa placed the clean diaper under her brother and quickly pulled it over his front and pinned it on both sides. Tommy sat up drawing his knees up and wrapping his arms around his legs holding them close to his chest. Lisa just looked at him and grinned. "Your turn!" Kathy began to unpin Justin. By the time she pulled his diaper out from under him Justin was about as hard as he had ever been. He neither hid himself nor looked embarrassed. But, rather, opened his legs farther as if inviting the girls to look at him. "Your Daddy said it was okay for boys to have a hard on." Justin explained. The others laughed. Kathy asked, "What's it feel like?" "Wanta touch it?" Justin asked grinning. "That's not what I mean. What you feel like? Does it hurt?" Kathy asked again. Justin looked over at Tommy who at this time was laying on his belly letting Lisa give him a back rub. "I don't hurt, does it Tommy?" Justin giggled. "It just feels... good." "Ya! Really good!" Tommy agreed. Kathy placed a new diaper under Justin. Just as she started to pull the front up to pin it, she touched Justin for a moment before letting go. All the kids laughed. "I like that too, I mean when you touched me!" Justin commented. After Justin had his diaper pinned shut Lisa pointed her finger at Kathy and wiped her finger with another saying , "Shame, shame!" then laughed. The girls spent another 15 minutes with the boys. There was a lot of giggling and laughing along with soft talking. Then the girls returned to their own room. Adventure 39 -- Another Sleepover Cont. As soon as the girls left the room Tommy rolled over closer to Justin. For a moment they both just looked at each other and giggled. It was Justin that first broke the silence. "Do you think Kathy might. You know... Want to play around or something?" "You kinda like her, don't you?" Tommy smiled. "She's okay, I guess!" Justin reached over his diaper as if to straighten it out. "I think you liked it when she touched you like that!" Tommy said, "I saw you roll your eyes." "You would have, too, if Lisa felt you like that!" Justin brought both his hands up to his nipples and playfully pinched them. "You still got a hard-on, Justin?" Tommy asked directly. He knew it would not upset Justin cause they talked to each other like this all the time. "Kinda!" Justin gave Tommy a big smile. "Me too!" Tommy declared. The boys made other remarks towards each other that seemed to instill even more reason to have a hard-on. "I am glad your Dad had talked to us about things," Justin shared after a few moments of rubbing his diaper. "Me, too!" Tommy turned on his side facing his friend. "I didn't know what he was going to say at first." "Me too! I wondered if he was going to yell at us cause he found out what we have done sometimes." Justin gave a sigh of relief. "Boy! I'm glad he didn't say something about that. I was scared he was going to punish us or something." Tommy rubbed his leg against Justin's. Justin giggled in his high pitched voice trying to keep it into a whisper. Tommy reached up and turned off the bed lamp, making the room pitch dark. Sounds of muffled movement and boy whispers along with a few giggles now an then were the only sign that the boys were not asleep. "That tickles…. Heeeeeee!" Justin voiced out in near normal tone. "Shhhhhh! Keep quiet!" Tommy responded. In boyhood whispers Tommy asked, "Do it to me like this!" "Your diaper's too tight; can't get my hand in far enough!" Justin whispered. "There, that helps!" Tommy said as he sucked in his stomach. "Oh! Oh! You got a snake down there!" Justin giggled. Tommy began to breath heavier as he wiggled into position. "Don't stop! Oh! Please don't stop!" Tommy's voice sounded off the walls as if he no longer cared to keep quiet. "Ohhhhhhhh! Tommy grunted as he gasped for some breath. "You gotta do me, too!" Justin pleaded for his turn. "I will but keep doing it for a while... oughggggh!" When Tommy began to feel more then he could stand he pulled Justin's hand out of his diaper. Justin lay over on his back preparing himself for some of the same with Tommy's help. After more then a half an hour of whispering and groping each other the boys settled down to a few hugs and kisses. "I sure am glad your Dad talked with us tonight!" Justin repeated. "Ya! It is fun to do that, isn't it?" Tommy whispered into Justin's ear. After crawling under the covers the boys came closer together once again. Tommy was just about asleep when Justin whispered, " I bet Bobby would like to try it, too!" "Maybe. He always talks about wanting to do it with a girl. I wonder if he knew what boys can do?" Tommy whispered back. The boys fell quiet for a while. Then Justin asked, "Tommy, do you think Kathy would do it for me?" "I don't know, maybe. But remember what Dad told us about getting a girl pregnant?" Tommy giggled a bit. "Well, we wouldn't have to do it that way. We could do it the way we do, couldn't we?" Justin began to rub the front of his diaper again. "Maybe. But don't you like it when we do it?" Tommy knew how he felt about it but wanted Justin to say so. "Sure! But I wouldn't care if Kathy did it too," Justin giggled again. Tommy began thinking about having Lisa play with him like she used to do when he was younger. "Go to sleep. You're giving me a hard-on again!" Tommy laughed then turned over on his side. After a few more minutes passed Tommy heard Justin snore lightly as sleep fell over the room. Adventure 41 Trip to Grandpa's house. After a great breakfast the kids went into the living room to play. The boys played on the living room floor until Justin's Mom came for him. After Justin was taken home Tommy asked his Mother, "What's there to do?" "I don't know…. There are all kinds of toys on the floor, why don't you play with them?" Mom pointed out. "Not fun without Justin." Tommy seemed a bit depressed. Kathy had over heard her brother complain that there was nothing to do. She offered her help. "Wanta come into my room and play with me." Kathy asked with all honesty. "What you want me to do, play with dolls?" Tommy pouted. "No, I just thought you might like to……!" Kathy got cut off. "Never mind, Kathy I get the picture!" Tommy hoped his thoughts did not show. "Well, I was only trying to help. I only thought you could help me clean my room." Kathy got up and left the room. "You could have offered to help her. After all, she has done a lot for you." Mom shook her head. Lisa was quietly thinking. "I wish we could go somewhere so we could get out of the house!" "Good Idea! Why don't you kids go to the park and play. I can pick you up later." Mom suggested. "It is getting warmer outside but not many kids would be playing there now." Tommy added. Mom came up with an idea. "It has been a long time since we visited Grandpa. How about if we take a drive out to the farm and visit him? His last letter told about some new baby lambs." Mom asked. "Sure! We could ride 'old Dobbin' and maybe Grandpa would take us for a tractor ride and help feed the lambs." Kathy came running back when she heard they might go to Grandpa's house. "How about you Tommy, want to go with us?" Mom asked. "OK, I guess so…. Can I go outside in my diaper?" Tommy answered. "Oh you and your diapers….. If it stays as warm as it is now I suppose it would be alright." Mom gave in to his wishes. Anything to get him out of his depressed mood. "What kind of diapers would you want to take with us?" Lisa asked. "Well…. I like to have my bedtime cloths but not the plastic pants…. Just the nice white soft thick diapers pinned with the oversize safety pins. Then I want to wear half knee high socks and my sandals and nothing else, OK!" Tommy was already coming out of depression. "What will Grandpa think of a boy of your age running around in diapers?" Lisa asked. "Remember how he fussed about it last time!" Kathy added, "He talks about it sometimes, but I think he likes to see Tommy in diapers." "Why you say that Kathy?" Lisa asked. "I saw him watching Tommy playing on the big swing when he didn't know I was watching." Kathy said. "Your Grandpa loves you all very much and he doesn't get upset very easy. In fact, I will tell you a secret, I think he sort of likes to see Tommy in diapers, too. Last time we were there I caught him taking pictures when you kids were playing out near the barn." Mom laughed. "Will we wait tell Daddy gets home?" Lisa asked. "No…. I will call Daddy at his office. He can come out later if he wants. So, go get your things together. After I get your Dad called I will get the car out and ready. Meet me by the garage." Mom went for the phone. The kids ran for their rooms. Tommy picked out a dozen or so of his favorite diapers, some pins and other things he would take with him. Mom dialed Dad's office. "Hi… The kids and I want to drive out to Dad's Farm want to meet us there after work?" Mom asked. "The reason for going…..? Well, Tommy feels left out now that Justin has left so I thought this would cheer him up. Besides it has been a while." Mom continued. "Tommy seems satisfied that we are going….. He wants to play outside… in his diapers….. I know it isn't summer yet but it is warming up and I think it would be Ok. I feel he needs the freedom besides the farm is set back from the main roads so it should be alright for him. Ok, Dear, if you want to come out do so. We plan to be back later tonight. By-By!" Mom hung up the phone. Tommy did not bother to put on his pants for the 15 mile trip but his sisters had a couple of pants for him just in case. They just turned up the lane that would lead to the Farm house. Mom asked that the girls give Tommy a diaper change so he would have a clean diaper on before getting to the house. The two sisters got on the floor of the back seat and had Tommy lay on the seat while they removed his diaper and put on the new one. While Mom kept her eyes on the road the girls took advantage of the situation making this a pleasant experience for all of them. Grandpa was coming off the porch to meet them as the car drove into the yard. "Hi Grandpa!" Kathy called from the rolled down window. "Hi there, Kathy. How's my little girl?" Grandpa opened the car door letting Kathy fall into his open arms. Tommy had to grin when he saw how Grandpa hugged his little sister patting the bottom of her shorts. By the time Lisa got out of the car Grandpa was already to take her into his open arms. Again patting her lightly on the butt. When Tommy stepped out Grandpa turned his attention towards him. With arms open both Grandpa and Tommy embraced each other. Tommy liked the way his Grandpa's big hands grasp his naked sides and then felt the soft patting over his diaper butt. This was a nice climax after being just changed by the girls then having big hands patting his diaper behind. Tommy loved his Grandpa. He remembers being held on Grandpa's lap when he was just a little boy. Tommy knew he was loved and wouldn't trade this moment for anything. "I love you Grandpa!" Tommy whispered while being held close. "I love you too my boy, glad you came a visiting!" Grandpa gave Tommy an extra squeeze, a kiss on the neck, a pat on the diaper. Tommy and his sisters ran for the house when Grandpa hinted that there was some candy on the table. Grandpa watched as they entered the house then took his daughter into his arms giving her a welcome. "Wish you could come out more often. Since your mom passed away It has been sort of quiet out here." Grandpa said as they slowly walked towards the house. "We really mean to visit more often, Dad. It seems time has a way of passing so fast." Mom told him. Grandpa helped Mom up onto the porch where they sat in the porch swing. "That boy of yours….. Cute as ever!" Grandpa commented. "Has he grown much since our last visit?" Mom laughed. "My land, I say he has….. Still in diapers eh?" He added. "We wondered if you would approve, he did bring some pants if you rather……!" Mom said. "Don't give it a thought, It is alright…. Really……. He'll only be a boy for a short time .. Let him enjoy himself!" Grandpa strained to see into the house to catch a glimpse of the boy. "I know it means a lot to you…. To have us here!" Mom said as she snuggled up to her Dad. "Yes….. Did I tell you have a new Digital Camera? Will have to get a few pictures before you leave." "No you never said anything about a new camera?" Mom looked up at her Dad smiling. "Take all the pictures you want." The kids came out onto the porch with their mouths full and chocolate showing on their faces. "Grandpa… Can we help feed the lambs?" Tommy asked. Reaching out Grandpa pulled Tommy onto his lap. "You bet you can. We can walk to the barn in a minute."
Adventure 40 -- Another Sleepover Cont. Morning came almost too fast for the boys. Seemed like they just closed their eyes in sleep when suddenly it was time to wake up. Justin sat up rubbing his eyes. Tommy pulled the covers off his head blinking his eyes as the bright morning sun beamed through the window. Tommy turned his head and smiled as he was greeted with the sight of Justin stretching his diaper covered body. A warmth flowed over Tommy as he remembered of the activities shared in the darkness the night before. A deep feeling of love seemed to stir over him in a wonderful way. Tommy just knew he and Justin would be more then just simple friends. Justin looked down at his older friend with a smile. "I didn't think you were awake yet!" Justin uttered with his sweet voice of a young child. Tommy smiled back then kicked the covers off his own diapered body letting the cool morning air to wash his body. Justin began patting his diaper. "I gotta pee some more!" He giggled. "Go ahead, the girls will change us in a little bit anyway." Tommy checked himself out. "I'm already soaked, might leak." Justin decided to stand up beside the bed just in case. "I don't know, these are good diapers for soaking." Tommy watched as Justin stood on tip toes with legs spread. Tommy grinned as he gaze at his friend releasing his morning bladder into his diaper. Justin leaned over to see if any leaked. "It didn't!" the younger boy slowly walked towards the changing table lifting each leg like he was in deep mud. Tommy had to laugh out loud. "You look like a big baby needing his diaper changed." Justin continued to stand while he felt his diaper. "It's about to fall off. It's so warm, too!" "Want me to change your pee diaper?" Tommy asked as he climbed off the bed. "Heck no. I like to feel it when it is warm with fresh pee." Justin lifted his diaper with both hands holding each side just under the pins. This let the wet diaper from around his genitals adding to his pleasure. By this time Tommy planted his feet out from the bed and leaned over holding himself up with both arms as he pressed himself against the bed. He too released his morning bladder letting his diaper hold what it could. Justin started to laugh as he pointed at Tommy's legs. A small stream of pee began to zigzag down dripping off his knees. "You're leaking!" Tommy did not care because he always enjoyed freshly wet diapers. Tommy pulled out a new diaper from his drawer just as Lisa came in with her cheery voice, "OK boys, diaper time!" "Just in time, too. Our diapers are getting heavy. I was about to help Justin change," Tommy said. "Better not have. Kathy is looking forward to doing that," Lisa laughed. Kathy came in the door wearing her new baby doll sleepers. Justin nearly fell over when he saw her. Even Tommy was taken back a bit. "Get up on the table, Justin." Kathy commanded as she grabbed a clean diaper. "I can't. I have to stand up or else my diaper would fall off." Justin gripped tighter at his diaper. "Oh that's ok. You can let it fall to the floor if you want," Kathy stood facing him. Justin looked over at Tommy and Lisa for support but they only stared hoping he would just let them fall down. "What the heck!" Justin let go and wiggled his butt. The diaper hit the floor with a flop exposing the yellow wetness within. Smells of fresh pee filled the room. But no one seemed to care. Tommy pulled his diaper off then laid on the floor letting Lisa clean him up. She reached up on the end table and got some wipes. "You did some pooping too, yeck!" Lisa began to wipe between his legs. Meantime, Justin was on the table while Kathy standing on the stool began wiping around his butt. When she cleaned over his front Justin giggled. "That tickles!" he explained. "I know. Your supposed to like it." Kathy continued longer then usual. "It's Ok, Kathy, I do like it! A lot in fact." Justin showed every evidence that he was enjoying it. Lisa used a hand towel to dry Tommy. Neither was she in any hurry to finish. "Lisa, remember when I was little and how you would do that?" Tommy sat up on his elbows so he could watch Lisa. "Do you still remember?" Lisa seemed surprised but did not really care. "Lisa, do you think Mom and Dad are aware of what we are doing?" Tommy asked. "I don't know, maybe. I think Mom thinks you and Justin are doing something!" Lisa gave a quite giggle. "Dad said that boys experiment sometimes, he said it is a way to learn about things," Tommy told her. "Did he give you permission to play around like that? Lisa asked. "Not really but what he said was that boys are more apt to try it then girls do. He didn't come right out and say we could do it but... sounded like he said it would be alright if we did." Tommy tried to justify what has happened. After a few moments while the girls were finishing up the diapering job, Tommy asked Lisa, "Did Mom say anything about girls playing around, you know, playing with each other?" "Well... not really... But I know she would not care if we did. She did mention that girls sometimes experiment," Lisa said as she placed a diaper under Tommy. Tommy whispered to Lisa. "Justin wants to play with Kathy. You think she would let him?" Tommy whispered. "Really?" Lisa seemed Pleased that Tommy told her that. "That's what he told me last night!" Tommy answered. "I know you and Justin have played around, haven't you?" Lisa asked knowingly. "Maybe, sometimes!" Tommy giggled. Then he added, "Do you and Kathy mess around sometimes?" Lisa got a little silly, she giggled. "Could be!" "Dad said girls sometimes play with each other,.. But how? Girls don't get a hard on cause they don't have,,,.!" Tommy took in a deep breath. "Penis... No, we don't, silly! But we don't need one!" Lisa giggled same time she tickled her brother. Tommy started to show his excitement while Lisa was attending to his diaper. She quickly covered him with the diaper and pinned it tightly. It was then that Tommy noticed Kathy and Justin had been watching every thing. The two were grinning ear to ear. Kathy asked Justin, "You want to see how girls do it?" The boys sat up in surprise. "Sure!" Justin sat up with his tongue about to hang out. "One day maybe when your not so anxious." Lisa laughed. But Kathy started to remove her new shorts. She had every intention to demonstrate for Justin. Just then Mom called from the hall, "you kids better get out here or no breakfast for you. "Coming, Mom!" Lisa called out. "Sorry Sis!" Lisa said as she patted Kathy on the shoulder. "Not now!" cried disappointed Justin. Kathy had her bottoms pulled half way down exposing herself to Justin. But when Mom called she pulled them quickly back up. Lisa took Kathy by the hand and led her out of the boys' room. Tommy got to his feet and followed. Justin said, "I think Kathy was really going to do something!" Tommy answered. "I know she was. Maybe next time!' The boys followed the girls down the hall towards the kitchen. "Well don't you children look happy this morning, all full of grins and smiles." Mom greeted them. To be continued.