Adventure 21 Planning Summer Vacation

	The balance of the school year, these three boys were 
inseparable. They took turns having sleepovers at each others' homes.
	Tommy's sisters treated each boy the same as their brother, 
changing them from time to time even if the diaper was not dirty. The 
boys were very cooperative, allowing the girls freedom to do as they 
	No one in their school could understand why these three boys were 
so happy all the time. But the boys knew, and so do we.
	Now school was out for the Summer. So far the summer was like 
most summers for boys just one long warm continues time for play and 
enjoying the sun.
	Justin's parents were going to Europe for the summer, second 
honeymoon, taking Justin along with them.
	Bobby's parents were ready to leave for a pleasure ship tour of 
the South Pacific Islands for the end of July; they would be gone for a 
couple of months.
	Tommy's folks rented a cabin from a business partner. This cabin 
is located about as far back into the wilderness man can get, located 
in a remote wilderness region of northern Idaho.
	"We got the cabin for the whole month of August." Tommy's dad 
announced. "It is so out-of-the-way that we will have to leave the car 
at a parking lot and take a 4-wheel drive the rest of the trip. We may 
even have to hike the last mile to the cabin. It's all private land, so 
we will be to ourselves."
	"Don't you think it is a bit too remote, what if we needed more 
supplies or something happened to one of the kids?" Tommy's mother 
	"No problem. There is a store about 10 miles away," Dad said.
	"A store? In such a unraveled wilderness?" Mom questioned.
	"Yes, my partner said it was well stocked and the store clerk 
would know of our coming," he answered.
	"Just what kind of place is this?" Mom frowned in unbelief. "I 
thought there were hardly any roads besides the cabin road."
	"Ah, well, you see, the cabin is just outside the boundaries of 
a-- nudist camp. Don't worry, it is alright! We're far enough from it 
not to be disturbed but close enough in case we need things. That's 
where the store is located."
	"Hey, we going to be at a nudist camp?" Tommy piped up.
	"No, silly, Daddy said we were close but not in the camp!" Lisa 
	"What's a nudist camp?" Kathy asked in all innocence.
	"That's where people don't wear clothes!" Tommy answered his 
little sister.
	"Won't people see them if they are naked?" Kathy asked.
	"That's the purpose of being at a nudist camp, so people can see 
each other," Lisa grinned.
	"That's gross!" Kathy said.
	"Nothing gross about it, Kathy. Some people believe being in the 
nude is both normal and very healthy. Some people just like to spend 
time enjoying the sunny weather spending outside in the nude. It's a 
family outing, actually," Mom explained.
	"How come we don't go there?" asked Tommy.
	"Because we are not going to, besides, you play in diapers the 
whole time we're there if you want. Isn't that what you would like?" 
Daddy asked.
	"I guess it don't make that much difference!" Tommy said.
	"What you mean?" Daddy asked.
	"I mean when we wear diapers outside, it is not much different 
then them being naked, I guess!" Tommy answered.
	"I see your point, but I disagree, it's not the same, Diapers 
cover your butt, but they are not covered at all!" Kathy laughed.
	"Won't they get arrested?" Lisa asked.
	"Not as long as they stay in the boundaries of the camp," Mom 
	"That's not fair, Mom, We're told we can't go naked outside but 
they get to, how come?" Tommy was serious about it.
	"You're right, son. For us it don't seem right to be naked in 
public but for them it is a way of life," Dad replied.
	"I don't think it is fair, either," Kathy spoke up.
	"Look at it this way, Tommy gets to wear diapers but you don't, 
does that seem fair to you?" Mom asked.
	"That's OK, I don't need diapers, but Tommy does! Besides, I 
don't want to wear them," Kathy replied.
	"Well, that is the way we look at it too. We don't want to be 
seen out in public without some clothes on but those at the camp don't 
mind it at all. Both the nudist and us get want we want, don't you 
think that makes it fair?"
	"I guess. If some people want to go naked they can do it but if I 
don't want to I don't have to." Kathy accepted the argument.
	Tommy was smiling like he did not fully agree.
	"What you think about that, Tommy?" Mom asked.
	"Well, you and Dad have always let us express our opinions 
without getting mad at us. I can agree that it would make me feel 
strange to walk around naked while other people are looking, but... 
well, sometimes I like the feeling of being naked outside," Tommy 
	"How do you know about such things, have you been naked outside?" 
Dad asked with a look of humor.
	"Well, the night Bobby and I slept out in the back yard we, ah, 
we came out of the tent without our diapers on and ran around the back 
yard one time." Tommy hoped he hadn't opened a can of worms.
	"Tommy, you didn't!" Mom shook her head.
	"It didn't hurt any one. Besides, no one saw us!" Tommy justified 
	"No one will see us at the cabin, would they?" Lisa asked.
	"You're not thinking about going nude up there, are you, Lisa?" 
Mom shook her head again.
	"I just want to get a good tan, that's all!" Lisa thought this 
would be a good idea.
	"That's a good way to get a tan, but if you stay out too long you 
will burn!" Kathy giggled.
	"YA! I can see it now, Lisa with the red butt!" Tommy giggled.
	"Better then your pale white butt hiding in your diaper!" Lisa 
teased Tommy.
	"I only wish Bobby and Justin was going with me." Tommy had a sad 
	"It's OK, Tommy! You will have us girls to take care of you!" 
Lisa smiled, licking her upper lip.
	"Sure! And you can come hiking with us, there's a lot of things 
we can do up there!" Kathy smiled.
	Somehow Tommy understood what they meant as they made eye contact 
with each other. Tommy ginned while moving his head up and down.
	Each member of this family had their own responsibilities to 
fulfill before they would be on their way to the cabin.
	Tommy was to help Dad get all the fishing and camping gear 
together. Kathy and Lisa would help Mom plan for the meals. And of 
course Mom would make sure Tommy had enough diapers to last the three 
weeks they would be away from home.
	"Tommy, do you want to have cloth diapers or disposables?" Mom 
	"I like cloth with plastic pants best. But how would you get them 
washed? Disposables would be easier to change," Tommy answered.
	"I agree with you. Cloth would be a lot cheaper except for the 
washing problem. Tell you what. I will get a twenty-four cloth pre-
folds together and a case of disposables. That should hold you in times 
when we run out of cloth diapers till they get washed and dried. You 
may have to wear them longer up there then you do at home," Mom 
	Dad joked that they may have to get another truck to carry the 
kids' things and a trailer for Tommy's diapers.
	Only three more days before they travel to the cabin.

Adventure 22 Going Camping (coming soon)

	For the last 2� days the family had been busy getting everything 
together for the camping trip. Mom had all of Tommy's diapers packed in 
a large cardboard box which took up most the room in their van. She 
purchased the extra large diapers, not in size but in bulk. They were 
just right for Tommy but fitted up just under his nipples. Mom bought a 
lot of extra safety pins because these diapers would take at least five 
pins on each side. The disposables would be the same as he normally 
wears except Mom purchased the heavy duty night type because she knew 
he may have to endure them longer periods at a time.
	Dad and Tommy finished packing the van. Each girl only took a 
small suitcase holding their bikini's which was all they planned to 
need. Lisa carried a few bottles of suntan lotion for her sun tanning 
sessions. Kathy took along some dolls to play with as well as a soft 
toy to sleep with.
	Both Mom and Dad packed a suitcase with their personal items. Dad 
took his bow and arrow gear so he could practice for the fall hunting 
season. Mom planned to just sit and catch up on her romance books she 
never got to finish.
	"All aboard!" Dad called from the Van. Mom checked the house one 
last time being sure the doors were locked, stove off and all else.
	The van doors shut the family drove off. Nearing the freeway Dad 
asked, "We forget anything? Now's the time to say so 'cause once we are 
rolling down the freeway there will be no turning back!"
	No one said a word.
	After an hour of traveling Kathy announced that she had a need. 
"I gotta go, Momma. I gotta go bad!"
	"Well, why didn't you do so when you had the chance before we 
left?" Mom asked.
Dad said, "We can't stop here, there is a rest area but it is at least 
5 miles more. Can you wait?"
	Kathy fidgeting in the back seat answered, "NO! GOTTA GO NOW!"
	Only Tommy seemed to know what to do. He crawled into the back 
area of the Van and rummaged through his big diaper box until he found 
one of the disposables.
	"Here Kathy, pee in this." Tommy grinned.
	"Good idea, son!" Dad said as he picked up more speed.
	"Can you help her?" Asked Mom.
	"Sure!" Tommy answered while crawling back into his seat beside 
	Lisa helped pull Kathy's shorts down while Tommy pulled on her 
	"Hurry, Tommy, I can't hold it much longer!"
	Tommy slipped the diaper under her and quickly folded the front 
into place while Lisa helped fasten it tightly around her waist.
	Kathy raising her butt off the seat. She closed her eyes and 
	"You didn't tell us you were going to poop, too!" Tommy held his 
nose between his thumb and finger.
	"I don't, just gotta pee but I am not use to using a diaper!" 
Kathy was almost in tears before she was able to relax enough to let 
	Then Kathy's eyes looked first at Tommy then at Lisa a big smile 
formed on her face. "I peed in a diaper!" she proudly announced.
	"Better then on the seat." Tommy suggested.
	"What it feel like?" Lisa seemed jealous.
	"Hee! Hee!" Kathy laughed with a look of satisfaction.
	Mom handed a empty bread sack they carry in the van in case of a 
need. Tommy took it and began to undo Kathy's diaper.
	"Boy, she soaked it good!" Tommy said.
	"Better hang it out the window to dry, you may need it later!" 
Lisa laughed while she helped remove the diaper.
	"I'm not going to wear this diaper after she peed in it!" Tommy 
made his point clear.
	Once the diaper was in the bead sack and closed up Tommy helped 
Kathy with her panties. Using a clean up pad he gave her a wipe.
	Lisa seeing what was happening leaned over whispering, "Tommy, 
what you doing?"
	Looking up at Lisa he smiled saying, "Just wiping some pee off, 
don't want her panties to get wet, do you?"
	"Oh sure, you think of everything don't you!" Lisa giggled.
	"Here you wanta do it?" Tommy whispered.
	"Not really!" Lisa sat up looking out the window but had to hid 
the big smile on her face.
	Tommy pulled the panties in place and started to put on the 
shorts but Kathy pushed them away. "They're too hot." So for the rest 
of the trip she only wanted panties on because it felt more 
	When they reached the rest stop every one but Tommy and Kathy 
raced to the restrooms.
	"You want me to change you, Tommy?" Kathy asked.
	Tommy looked out the window and seeing lots of travelers walking 
about he turned back to Kathy, "Not yet... Too many people, someone 
might see us. Besides I like wet diapers for a while."
	"It did feel kinda funny when I wet your diaper... Wish I was a 
boy!" Kathy sat back on the seat.
	Tommy looked around to see if his parents were coming back. 
Suddenly his eyes opened wide. He called attention to Kathy as he 
pointed out a little boy of about 4 or 5 coming out of the restroom 
with his mother.
	"Isn't he cute in his baby diapers!" Tommy got excited as he 
hasn't seen many boys bigger boys in diapers when in town.
	"Just like you!" Kathy giggled.
	About that time Tommy spotted Lisa coming towards the Van. "Here 
they come." Tommy said.
	Soon the family were on their way again.
	Coming into a small village consisting of a gas station, general 
store and a few houses, one of the signs pointed up a graveled road. 
'Jay Bird Camp Grounds' it read. While gassing up the van Dad asked the 
man what was up at Jay Bird road. The man looked at Dad rather 
	"You all not from around here are you? The man asked.
	"No were from down there!" Dad pointed back up the highway.
	"Yecken you never heard of Jay Bird Camp Grounds before then." 
The man turned his head and spit what ever he was chawn on. Wiping his 
mouth on the sleeve of his shirt then he said, "that there is for folks 
that go naked as a Jay Bird. Get it?" then he just laughed and laughed.
	"Will, that must be our turn off seeing the nudist camp is up 
there!" Dad trying in imitate the man's way of talking.
	"You all going up there to the big doings." The man looked at the 
kids in the Van. "Great for the youngens I suppect."
	"Nope, we turn off on the Miller cabin road!" Dad told him.
	"Miller's Cabin... Never know no one goes there much. Going to do 
sight seeing are you?" The man probed.
	"Nope!" Dad answered. "Going to rest a lot, this is our 
	"Got a spy glass? I hear the Jay Bird can be seen a ways from 
there." The man hit Dad on the shoulder with his open hand. Then he 
laughed again. Spit again. Wiped his face again.
	When they drove up the Jay Bird road they could still hear the 
man laughing.
	"Hill Billies!" Mom laughed.
	"We are out in the sticks aren't we?" Lisa giggled.
	"What the man mean by having a spy glass, Daddy?" Kathy asked.
	"I think he just wanted to be funny, Dear!" Dad looked over at 
mom and grinned.
	The trees got thicker about 5 miles up the winding road till they 
came to large parking lot. "Must the parking place we were told about. 
He said he would leave the 4-wheeler... And there it is, gang, we will 
have to unload the Van and load up that rig then it is only a few more 
miles to the cabin." Dad pulled the Van into a good parking place 
within walking distance to the jeep.
	"How we going to get all out things into that?" Mom asked.
	"In all probability we may have to make a couple of trips?" Dad 
There was about 5 other cars parked in the lot. "Must be the nudist 
folks have to use this lot too." Dad looked at the two narrow dirt 
roads leading out of the lot.
	"Which one do we take, Daddy" Lisa asked.
	"Not sure. Don't see any signs do you!" Dad looked around. He 
found the jeep keys in the glove compartment just as he was told they 
would be.
	Tommy had jumped out of the Van and ran around the lot looking at 
everything. He came back reporting that that Blue car over there has a 
whole lot of clothes in the back seat.
	"Wow! Do you suppose they get naked here and walk in?" Kathy 
looked around hoping to see someone.
	"We just might run into some nudist folks on our way up to the 
cabin and if we do I don't want any of you to gawk at them just be 
polite and pay no attention." Mom prepared the children.
	"It would be hard not to look, Mommy!" Lisa said.
	"You be good now and watch your attitude." Mom came back.
	After the things were transferred to the Jeep they realized they 
would have to make one more trip back to pick up Tommy's box of diapers 
and a few other things.
	Dad backed the jeep and turned towards the Junction of two dirt 
	Stopping, Dad made an educated guess and took the one on the 

Adventure 23 Going Camping.

	Not sure which of the two roads to take, Dad chose to go left. He 
had been told the way to the cabin was to say left once on the right 
road. But was he on the right road?
	After traveling over rocks and washouts for a little over three 
miles, again they came to a fork in the road. One led off to the right. 
Again, Dad kept left because the man told him once he was the right 
road he was to say left. The key word here was 'once on the RIGHT 
	After another half hour to travel two more miles and climbing a 
very steep hill they came to a fence and gate. Dad stopped the Jeep. A 
lightly clad man came to meet us.
	Mom cried out, "OH my, he's only got on a...!"
	Dad finished it, "...a jock strap."
	The two girls just stared with their mouths open. Tommy got the 
right answer, "Wrong road, Dad!"
	"I think I can see that, son!" Dad said as the man opened the 
gate waving the jeep in.
	"What we going to do now?" Mom was about to have a fit.
	The man was friendly enough. This was the nudist camp greeter for 
the day. He was an older man, maybe in his 60's. Skin like finely 
tanned leather, he came over to Dad's window.
	"Howdy, Friend!" He welcomed us. Looking into the back seat at 
the three kids he smiled. "You all can park right over there. You can 
take your clothes off behind the store there, but not allowed to be 
dressed beyond the other gate over there," he pointed.
	Dad tried to explain to him that we made the wrong turn back at 
the parking lot, but the man must have been hard of hearing because he 
went on to say, "you folks will be required to register in the store. 
Not many of the group are here yet so you get your pick of cabins. The 
kids are meeting with the youth director in about two more hours, so 
you will have lots of time to enjoy the pool."
	Just then a young boy ran up to the man taking his hand. Without 
any sign of being bashful he stood full view of the Jeep. He was just a 
little younger then Tommy. Both Kathy and Lisa swallowed hard but 
managed to smile back.
	"Grandpa, Come on lets go swimming!" The boy pulled on the older 
man's arm.
	"Guess I better take him in, he's been looking forward to this 
week for a long time. See you folks later!" He was almost pulled 
towards the gate leading to the pool.
	"What we going to do?" Mom asked.
	"I will back out of here soon as I can, there is a Ford Explorer 
behind us now." Dad pulled the Jeep around a tree and got headed back 
out of the gate.
	The back seat of the Explorer was filled with other kids. As far 
as Tommy could tell they were all ready naked.
	Dad drove down the hill carefully but as fast as he dared. When 
they came to the turn off road Dad stopped.
	"Wonder if that road connects with the other one we should have 
been on?" Dad tried to make up his mind.
	Mom said, "Oh I would really hate to go all the way back to the 
parking lot. This is such a bad road."
	But the kids all urged Dad to take it and see if it would 
	It was worse then the road they been on and did not look much 
like it has been traveled much in the last few years.
	"I gotta go pee, momma!" Kathy was squirming about.
	Tommy started to get the bread sack that held the diaper she used 
before but Mom said she had to stop, too. Then Lisa thought she should 
go, also. So Dad found a halfway level spot and the ladies got out 
running for the brush.
	Dad went in the other direction. Tommy could see his dad standing 
behind a tree doing his job.
	Tommy sat back in the seat realizing just how lucky he was to 
have a fine, heavy diaper on. At first he felt the warmth as his pee 
worked its way down to his butt. Then came the relief he needed from 
the full bladder. There just is something to say about sitting in a 
newly wet diaper. He knew in time he would have to be changed but for 
now he will enjoy himself.
	A few more miles of hills, rocks and down trees they reached 
another road. It looked better then the they were on and it was heading 
in the right direction so Dad turned left. It proved to be the right 
	Coming out of the dense woods and undergrowth they came out into 
a small meadow. There was a locked gate. Dad got out and tried the key 
in the padlock. It fit. Dad let out a victory sigh and everyone in the 
Jeep cheered.
	It only took them a few minutes to stop in front of a cute little 
cabin. Actually, there was two small cabins connected with a roof over 
them both. The area between the two cabins was the lodge room, with a 
nice rock fireplace and hardwood floors. One end of this large room was 
a kitchen with all the makings of home. The two outer cabins were bed 
rooms. Mom and Dad made their choice and let the kids have the other.
	Each girl chose the bunk they wanted to sleep in but something 
was wrong. No bed for Tommy. The bunks were stacked with a double on 
the bottom and a single on top. Kathy choose the top and Lisa the 
bottom. Tommy complained to mom and dad that he had no bed. They came 
into the kids room to check it out.
	"One conclusion!" Dad said. "Tommy on top, the girls on the 
	For some reason this statement tickled Tommy causing him to 
Lisa also snickered and laughed.
	"What's so funny?" Dad asked.
	Tommy and Lisa looked at each other and could not keep from 
laughing again. But Lisa quickly came up with the right words.
	"It's just that Kathy wanted the top bunk!" Lisa said.
	Kathy was silent but in tears.
	"Well, Kathy why don't you come into Dad's and mine room. You 
could use our upper bunk if you want!" Mom said.
	But Daddy put a button on that idea and shook his head at his 
	"The kids need to stay in this room, they will get along fine. 
Now, Kathy, you will just have to sleep with Lisa on the lower bunk 
that is all it is to it."
	Mom agreed, "Yes, Kathy you sleep with Lisa... Maybe before we 
leave you can sleep in the upper bunk some time."
	Daddy just shook his head up and down.
	After the parents left the kids to work out the sleeping 
arrangements, Lisa said, "Guess we have a problem!"
	Tommy answered, "I could sleep down with you if Kathy wants the 
upper bunk!"
	Kathy had a big frown on her face. "But I really want the upper 
bunk!" She insisted.
	"OK! We'll let you!" Tommy looked at Lisa with his big blue eyes 
	"What if mom or dad come in to check on us, what we tell them?" 
Lisa sat on the bed bouncing a bit.
	"Knowing Kathy, they will understand." Tommy answered.
	"You're wet!" Kathy pointed to Tommy's diaper which sure enough 
showed everyone it was indeed wet.
	"Let's go get our sleeping bags first, then you can change me!" 
Tommy headed for the door.
	Dad just came in the front door carrying some things. He dumped 
them on the floor.
	"Just in time, Tom Boy... You can help carrying things from the 
Jeep." Dad told him to get his sisters to help.
	"LISA! KATHY! Come and help!" Tommy called.
	After bring everything into the cabin they started rummaging 
through everything sorting it out. Lisa had found some bedding in a 
closet all folded up in plastic bags. So when they got the sleeping 
bags on the bed they put on blankets over the top making it just like 
home. But when the girls started getting Tommy ready to diaper they 
discovered he had no diapers. Remember, they were left in the van for a 
second trip.
	"OH I forgot all about it. after all the bouncing around on the 
wrong roads and all I completely forgot it." Dad popped his head with 
his hand.
	"There will just be enough time to get there and back before 
dark, I think." Mom said, "If we leave right now."
	"I don't think we all need to go... Lisa, do you think you could 
look after the kids while Mom and I go back to get the rest of our 
	"Sure, We will just get the cabin cleaned up and ready when you 
return." Lisa looked at Kathy and Tommy, "We can do that can't we?"
	"Sure, we big enough besides no one else is up here are they?" 
Kathy asked.
	"Sorry you will have to wear that wet diaper a little longer, Tom 
Boy!" Mom ruffled her hand through his hair.
	"It's Ok Mom! I don't really notice it yet." Tommy said.
	The kids followed mom and dad out to the Jeep and waved as they 
drove off down the old rocky road.
	"Glad we don't have to ride back there again, it was a rough 
ride," Lisa commented.
	"Yeah, really bumpy, too!" Kathy said.
	"Well, we got at least two hours....!" Tommy smiled. "What we 
going to do?"
	Lisa giggled as she pulled her t-shirt over her head tossing it 
to the ground. "Don't know about you guys but I am going to enjoy being 
outside in the sun."
	"Lisa, what you doing?" Kathy held her hand to her mouth.
	"I don't care, it's just us here, you know!" Lisa giggled then 
pulled her shorts down and kicked them off.
	Tommy watched with fascination. Lisa had on a bikini set that was 
next to nothing.
	"What you doing?" Kathy's eyes about popped.
	"Does mom know you have that bikini with you?" Tommy grinned. He 
remember how his mother reacted when Lisa came home with it. "String 
bikini's are not a good cover for a nice girl." Mom had said.
	"If the nudist can go naked I can wear this bikini, can't I? 
Besides Mom does know I brought a couple others along." Lisa moved her 
hands down her side.
	"Sure she does but they are full bikinis," Tommy said with a 
twinkle in his eye. It was apparent that he didn't really mind seeing 
his sister in such a skimpy outfit.
	"If you can wear a diaper I can wear this bikini. Besides, it's 
too hot for clothes today." Lisa left her shoes and socks on then began 
to run and jump like a butterfly finding freedom from the cocoon.
	"You can wear your bikini too, if you want, Kathy!" Tommy 
	"Tommy, look!" Kathy slipped out of her clothes. She already had 
on a bikini under shorts.
	"I like you to wear a diaper.. Don't you think it would be okay 
for us girls to be cool too!" Kathy agreed with Lisa.
	"Sure, Kathy, I wouldn't care if both of you went naked like 
those people at the nudist camp." Then Tommy giggled. "Oh! Oh!"
	"What's wrong, Tommy?" Kathy asked.
	"I just wet my diaper again and it's too heavy now. I'll just 
hang it up on this tree and let it dry out. It shouldn't take too long 
in this heat!" Tommy had no problem getting the diaper off. He just let 
go and they dropped to the ground.
	"TOMMY! Called out Lisa... "You have to wear your diaper you 
can't go around like that!"
	"It's okay... Before Mom and Dad get back my diaper will be dry 
and I can put it back on."
	"Better not let anybody see you!" Kathy giggled.
	For the next hour the kids played in the woods behind the cabin. 
Tommy climbed a tree.
	"Hey, look at me!" He called from the upper limb.
	"You better come down before you fall!" Lisa was worried.
	"I'm getting hungry!" Kathy announced.
	"Me too!" Tommy came out of the tree wiping dust off his body.
	"I guess it would ok if I made a few sandwiches. I will go make 
them, we have pop too, want some?" Lisa moved toward the cabin.
	"Sure I want Pepsi," Kathy called out.
	"Make mine Coke, Cherry Coke." Tommy requested.
	Lisa went into the cabin and came back with a large blanket then 
spread it out on the ground. The sun was still up but starting to lower 
in the West. None the children missed clothing because the temperature 
was up in the upper 80's.
	While the children sat on the blanket eating their lunch Lisa 
took a walk around down the road just a little ways. She liked the warm 
breeze that blew lightly over her body.
	Lisa wondered about the people at the nudist camp, she wondered 
what it would be like to be completely nude while others, both boys and 
girls, would be looking at her.
	"To be totally naked with other people must be a strange feeling. 
Lisa thought having boys looking at her would make her feel very 
strange. She wondered how they could do that without having sexy 
feelings. She Wondered how she would cope with that. Just being in this 
bikini and having her brother looking at her cause some funny stirring 
	She walked back to the cabin where she could watch her little 
sister stretched out on the blanket. She could not understand why 
children would not be allowed to strip down in the warm summer months. 
It seemed so natural and the results was so satisfying.
	"Maybe the nudists have something going for them that the rest of 
us are missing." Lisa thought.
	Lisa checked out the diaper in the tree and found it was dry. She 
was just about to call out to Tommy and tell him the diaper was ready 
to put back on, when the kids jumped up suddenly facing the road.
	They thought they had heard a vehicle grinding gears down below 
	"It's Mom and Daddy, they're coming back!" Kathy called out.
	"Come on Tommy, I will get your diaper on for you!" Lisa ran over 
to her brother.
	She got Tommy diapered. The two girls quickly got back into their 
shorts and t-shirts. And just in time.
	Soon the Jeep came into view as it reached the top of the hill. 
Mom and Dad pulled up into the drive way.
	"Help your Dad get the stuff out of the Jeep." Mom directed Lisa 
and Kathy.
	She had a clean, soft diaper in her hand. Not knowing Tommy just 
had the dry diaper put back on she took Tommy into the cabin. "lay on 
the floor while I change your diaper." She directed.
	Soon as she opened the diaper she knew something was wrong. 
"That's funny.. You should have been very wet by now. Is this the same 
diaper you been wearing all afternoon?" Mom told him.
	"Yes it is, and I was wet, momma, but it must of got dry 
outside." Tommy told her.
	"It was been very hot today, hope it is cooler tomorrow." She 
said just as she started to pull the new diaper over the front of 
	"Honey, I am so sorry we couldn't change you sooner... Looks like 
you have a bad rash. You're all red, let me put some diaper salve on." 
His mom pointed out how red his private area was. His butt was very 
	But his mother told him. "Don't worry, it is not too bad." She 
had him wait till she found something to put on it.
	While Tommy was laying on the floor with his diaper left open his 
sisters came in and stared at him.
	"Oh! Oh!" Kathy had a look of shock. So did Lisa who thought it 
was her fault for letting him go naked in the sun.
	"I'm sorry, Tommy!" She said in a caring voice.
	"Not your fault, Lisa... Mom thinks it was caused by my being in 
a wet diaper too long." Tommy put a finger to his lips. "Shhhhhh!"
	Just then mom came back in with some diaper lotion. She carefully 
rubbed it over his private area and butt.
	Tommy grit his teeth because he thought it was going hurt while 
she applied the salve. But he needn't have been so frightful. It made 
him very cool and brought relief.
	That first night the kids were so worn out they went right to bed 
without argument. Tommy slept in the upper bunk and Kathy and Lisa in 
the double bottom bunk.

Adventure 24 Visit with Daddy

	The next morning the family woke up early by a noise just outside 
the cabin door.
	"What's that scratching sound?" Kathy asked in a whisper as she 
crawled into bed with Mom and Daddy.
	Just as Dad was starting to get out of bed Lisa came running into 
the room.
	"Something is at the door, Daddy!" Lisa said while climbing in 
next to Mom.
	Tommy ran into the room, "Daddy, there's a big cat out in the 
	"A cat?" Dad asked, "could be a Mountain Lion! There is some up 
here I was told."
	"What's he want with us?" Mom and the two girls poked their heads 
out of the bed covers.
	"Nothing, I hope. Probably looking for food." Tommy said.
	"Hope he don't think we're food!" Kathy grabbed on to Lisa.
	"Don't worry� we're safe in here," Dad reassured.
	Another noise outside. A loud cry then the sound of an animal 
running away. Dad slowly opened the door. Off in the distance they 
could hear the sound of the cat in the distant.
	"Well, he's gone... after a deer or some animal I suppose." Dad 
came back in closing the door behind him.
	Standing in the center of the room was Mom, Kathy, Lisa and 
Tommy. Dad started to laugh.
	"What's so funny?" every one seemed to ask.
	"All of you!" Dad laughed. "Look at yourselves. Tommy standing in 
his diaper, wet at that, and Kathy in her panties, Lisa with her 
nightie inside out. And you mom!"
	Mom let out a squeal and headed back into the bedroom holding 
both hands over her bouncing breast. Nothing seemed to bother the 
girls. Kathy just stood grinning and Lisa took her took her nightie off 
and turned it inside out again. Tommy grinned from ear to ear while 
patting his diaper.
	Lisa said, "By the sound of that diaper I would say you need a 
quick change."
	Lisa ran into the bedroom and came back with a new diaper. She 
had Tommy lay on the rug while she changed him.
	Mom and the girls went back to bed but Dad and Tommy decided to 
stay up since it was nearly 5 AM anyway.
	"Daddy, Do you think that old mountain lion will be coming back 
again?" Tommy asked.
	"Not today I wouldn't think. I bet he has his breakfast by now." 
Daddy said.
	"What we going to be doing today, Daddy?" Tommy asked.
	"Just about anything you want, this is your vacations as well as 
mom's and mine. What would you like to do?" Dad asked.
	"Maybe we could go up to the pond and swim?" Tommy smiled.
	"If that's what you would want. I hear it will be hotter today 
then yesterday. A good cool swim may be just the thing." Dad sat back 
in the chair looking over Tommy's way.
	"What you looking at Dad?" Tommy looked around as if some one 
else was there.
	"I am looking at you, son! Never noticed how big your getting. I 
must admit I had not paid as much attention before. Would it embarrass 
you if I told you I think you're a fine looking boy?" Dad smiled at 
	Then Dad added as if it were a postscript, "I think you look 
great in diapers, too!"
	Tommy looked really surprised that his Dad would mention his 
	"I thought you didn't want me to be in diapers!" Tommy came over 
and sat near his Dad.
	"At first I wasn't sure you should have to wear them, but after I 
knew you would be embarrassed for wetting the bed like you did. Well, I 
think it is Ok for you and that is important." Dad seemed to want to 
talk one on one with his son. This was not the usual because Dad seemed 
to be too busy to spend the time.
	Tommy felt good sitting next to his Dad talking like two friends 
instead of man to son.
	After a period of silence Dad poked Tommy on the shoulder.
	"Tommy, Did I ever tell you how I wore diapers as a kid?"
	"No, I did not know about that? Did you wet your bed, too?' Tommy 
sat up. If his Dad wanted to talk about his childhood, Tommy was ready 
to listen.
	"Yes and no! I not only had a bedwetting problems but I also 
dirtied my pants as well." Dad sat back as if he was trying to remember 
the past.
	"What kind of diaper did you wear, Daddy?" Tommy thought this was 
an interesting conversation.
	"We had no diapers for older boys like they do today. My mother 
used different rags sewn together to make a pad then used my underpants 
as the outside like a diaper with this pad of rags sewn inside. Of 
course I had to wear a pair of rubber pants over the whole thing."
	Tommy asked, "Why didn't you use plastic pants like I do?"
	"In those days there was no such thing as plastic but we had 
rubber instead. I had to use them because the whole diaper would leak 
if not for the rubber pants. I can smell them even today�.. Had a mix 
of wet pee smell and rubber and they were hot to wear in the summer. I 
would break out in diaper rash." Daddy told Tommy.
	"Have you any pictures of that?" Tommy thought he would like to 
see such a sight.
	"Oh no! I don't think your Grandma would ever want any one to 
know I was in diapers at age 11. Pictures like that just wouldn't do." 
Dad laughed.
	Dad asked Tommy if he every felt too hot in his diaper.
	Tommy answered, "Sometimes I get hot and sweat when wearing a 
disposal, but the cloth diapers are lot cooler then disposables. Lisa 
puts diaper lotion on me time to time. I never get diaper rash very 
	"Daddy, you really like seeing me in diapers?" Tommy had a streak 
of exhibition in him. When others would look favorably at his diapers 
it gave him a feeling of pride.
	"Yes, I have to admit I do enjoy watching you play around the 
house in just diapers." Dad ruffled Tommy's hair. Tommy by this time 
had moved in close to his dad soaking up this Father/Son affection.
	"How about Bobby and Justin. You like looking at them too?" Tommy 
asked with a bit of hesitation.
	"Justin is cute as a bugs ear. Bobby is much like you. You like 
your friends a lot don't you, son?" Daddy asked.
	"Their my very best friends!" Tommy had not thought of them for a 
while but now that he thought about it, he was almost homesick for 
	"Because you all wear diapers you have much in common. I was 
wondering... when they came over to stay with us did you and them ever 
	Suddenly Tommy felt something was about to be asked something 
maybe he wouldn't want to answer. He did not want to lie to his Dad 
about it but knew he could not betray his friends. What would his Dad 
think of him if he told secret things?
	Then another thought came to Tommy. What if his Dad would ask 
about how he felt when his sisters changed him? Tommy was very uneasy 
by this time.
	"What's the matter, son, you look a little ill?" His Dad was 
	"I'm ok, Dad. What is it you were going to ask me?" Tommy held 
his breath hoping his Dad would not ask him such questions.
	"Oh, nothing really, I was just thinking of when I was a boy. I 
had a friend that wore diapers. We used to talk about diapers and 
things because neither of us could talk with anyone else. I was just 
wondering if you boys helped each other, you know, about your needs for 
diapers and every thing." Dad seemed interested that Tommy had someone 
to talk with about diapers.
	"We talk a lot about our diapers. We can talk about these things 
and not be embarrassed." Tommy told him.
	"I guess boys are not so different then when I was a boy!" Dad 
	"Daddy, did you and your friend have sleepovers, too!" Tommy 
	"We sure did, those were the best times for us to exchange 
thoughts about ourselves." Dad smiled as he remembered the happy times.
	"I like having Bobby and Justin spending nights with me. We talk 
a lot about things." Tommy answered.
	"This is what I want to talk to you about. I know when boys spend 
time together they talk about a lot of things. Sometimes this leads to 
other things. It is good for a boy to have close friends." Dad told 
	"We do talk about a lot of things." Tommy said.
	"Sometimes other kids do not understand what they say about 
things. I just want you to know you can talk with me also. "I just want 
you to feel you can talk about anything, I will listen." It was obvious 
that Dad wanted to talk with Tommy.
	"The sun is coming up. Lets go outside and enjoy it." Dad stood 
	When they got outside they both stretched tight joints and 
getting in some fresh air.
	"Come on, son, why don't we take a morning walk together. Maybe 
we can go up and see the pond before your Mom and sisters wake up.
	Tommy, with no more then shoes, socks and a diaper, walked hand 
in hand with his Dad up the trail towards the pond.
	"Hope we don't run into that old mountain lion!" Tommy stayed 
closed to his Dad.
	"Doubt if we ever see it again, they have a large territory. Most 
animals will stay away from humans anyway." Daddy reassured him.
	When they got to the pond Dad sat on a log while Tommy threw a 
few rocks trying to skip them across the pond.
	"Son, I been wanting to have a talk with you. Why don't you come 
over and sit beside me. We are alone and I think this is a fine time!" 
Dad seemed a little nervous but had something important to tell Tommy.
	"What you want to talk about, Daddy?" Tommy's guilty feelings 
began to surface again.
	"Most fathers want to pass on certain information to their 
children before they grow into men and women. I am going to come right 
to the point so you will understand me." Daddy took in a deep breath.
	At first Tommy thought his Dad had wanted to talk to him about 
his sisters diaper changing of him. He thought maybe Dad was thinking 
he was getting too big for the girls to change. He hoped this wasn't 
the case because he was getting to enjoy having Lisa and Kathy giving 
him a clean diaper. Mom had brought up the subject a few times in the 
past, thinking Tommy should do his own changing.
	"Is it about my diapers?" Tommy asked.
	"Yes, partly." Dad answered. "You have been wearing diapers most 
of your life now. I know you understand why and that it is necessary 
for you. You have Bobby and Justin as close friends that also wear 
diapers, I think you're a lucky boy."
	Because his Dad said 'partly' Tommy knew something else was going 
to be said. Tommy took a deep breath as his Dad continued.
	"You're a good boy, son, and I am very proud of you. What I and 
you need to discuss goes deeper then friendship. Tommy, you're 10 years 
old now. I think your old enough to understand about boys and girls and 
things like that. I want to talk to you about... sex." Dad raked his 
throat nervously.
	"Oh, that!" Tommy sat back to listen.
	"What you mean, 'Oh, that?'" Dad asked.
	"Well, I know what sex is and I... And I...!" Tommy stammered.
	"OH! What is sex, son?" Dad awaited an answer.
	Tommy suddenly realized he may have spoken when he should have 
been listening.
	"Well, It's having relations with someone." Tommy used the polite 
word, relations, to describe what he thinks sex means.
	"That something to do with it but I would like to go a little 
farther then that." Dad said.
	"Ugh uhg, I..." Tommy almost choked realizing he had talked 
himself into a corner.
	"Do you know what 'relations' means?" Dad asked.
	By this time Tommy knew he should not make any statements before 
his Dad explained what he wanted to know.
	"Not really�.. It was Bobby that told me about relations. I 
thought it has something to do with sex," Tommy sighed.
	"Again you're partly right." Dad gave Tommy big smile. "Sex is 
not a bad word and nothing is wrong about sex, but in our society it is 
not considered to be in good taste to talk about it in public. But that 
is one reason I want to talk to you and right now is a great time for 
our discussion."
	Tommy had often wished he could talk to his parents about himself 
and why he is like he is. He felt really privileged to have his Dad 
talk to him. He knew that Dad will tell him the truth about sex. Tommy 
had heard much from his friends about sex but somehow it did not always 
sound right to him.
	"Ok, Daddy." Tommy answered.
	"Now where was I... Oh, yeah! Tommy, the differences between boys 
and girls is more what meets the eye. Soon you will be old enough to 
make babies. Do you understand what I am telling you?" His Dad asked.
	"Sure! We learned that in our science book. It's like fish 
swimming upstream. The girl trout makes a nest out of small pebbles and 
lays eggs. The boy trout comes over it and pees sperm all over the 
eggs. After a while the eggs hatch into baby trout." Tommy was proud of 
himself for remembering what the book said.
	"Well, that's right for fish... However we don't lay eggs. Humans 
get married, like momma and I, then when they have prepared a home and 
are ready they start having babies. Do you understand so far?
	"Gosh Dad, I know that. Bobby and I talked about it before. He 
knows lots about sex." Tommy surprised himself by telling this to his 
	"I was afraid of this� Son, I know you kids talk a lot about 
things but other kids may not know what they are talking about. Not 
that you and Bobby shouldn't talk about sex and all, I am glad you can 
talk about it. But I would rather you ask me questions if you want 
answers." Dad wanted Tommy to trust him.
	"I have a question that we can't answer." Tommy daringly told his 
	"Okay, I will do my best to answer, what is your question?" Dad 
	"Why is it when we get diapers changed that he get a boner?" 
Tommy came to the point.
	Tommy's Dad wasn't quite ready for the question but he promised 
to answer and answer he will.
	"Boner! We used to call it having a 'hard on'." Dad called a 
spade a spade.
	"We do, too!" giggled Tommy.
	"Adults call it having an erection. What happens is your penis 
gets filled with blood causing it to stand up tightly, thus a hard-on. 
This is part of your sexual system and your body is just trying it out. 
Even baby boys get erections and sometimes you get one for no reason at 
all. But most likely when you get your diaper changed you are feeling 
some degree of sexual arousal caused by knowing someone else is going 
to see your penis, then there is the touching like cleaning around your 
penis, etc. Don't you like the feeling of an erection?" Dad hid 
	Tommy, not knowing how far he should allow his interest to show, 
just shook his head up and down. "Yes, I like it a little!"
	"Just a little?" Dad laughed to himself. "Son, that feeling your 
experience is one of man's most exciting and pleasant feelings his body 
will ever produce."
	"I know!" agreed Tommy.
	"Do you have another question, son?" Dad asked.
	"Maybe, but I don't know if I should ask," Tommy wiggled 
nervously on the log.
	"One thing I want between us, Tommy, is that you can say anything 
to me and I will listen and give an honest answer as I can." Dad made 
it clear, Tommy has someone he can talk to besides his friends.

Adventure 25 Family Relations.

	The day spent at the pool of water above their cabin was one of 
the highlights of this camping trip.
	First there was the private talk between Daddy and Tommy. This 
proved to be one of Tommy's turning points of his life. Up till the 
talk Tommy had been mostly in the dark about being a boy, leaving him 
feeling some guilt. But now his guilt was put to rest. Daddy gave him a 
few rules for his own safety. The best part of this talk was he knew he 
could count on his Dad for answers he may have. But he did make a 
promise to Dad to keep the subject between the two of them. Tommy 
really wanted to tell the boys what his Dad told him about.
	Then after Mom and sisters came up to the pool the fun really 
began. Playing in the pool on such a hot day was a blessing indeed. 
Tommy got to go swimming without his diaper.
	"I wish Bobby and Justin could be up here with us. We'd have a 
lot of fun," Tommy said.
	"Aren't you having fun, Tommy?" Dad asked.
	"Oh sure, but if Bobby and Justin were here they could have fun, 
	It was mid afternoon when Mom and Dad told the kids to look out 
for one another while they went on a hike.
	Kathy wanted to go with them but Mom told her this was just for 
Mommy and Daddy that she must stay here with Tommy and Lisa. Kathy was 
not too happy about it but did as she was told.
	The parents were not out of sight more then five minutes before 
Lisa lay down next to Tommy. She had something to tell him.
	Tommy was still in his birthday clothes while laying on a blanket 
taking in some sunshine.
"I want to tell you something," Lisa whispered in his ear without 
stopping her play on his butt.
	"I know what Momma and Daddy are going to do!" Lisa giggled.
	"I know, they are going for a hike," Tommy told her.
	"They're going for a hike alright but they just wanted to be 
together without us kids." Lisa said.
	"What you mean?" Tommy asked.
	"While you and Daddy were up here Momma told me she and Dad would 
like to get some time alone. That's why they made Kathy stay." She 
giggled some more.
	"They usually take Kathy with them, right?" Tommy looked puzzled.
	"Well, they didn't this time!" Lisa smiled.
	"I bet we are going to be alone a while, eh?" Tommy grinned.
	"I think so," Lisa giggled. "Want me to put a diaper on you?"
	"Yeah! Then maybe we could go for a hike, too." Tommy rolled over 
onto his back waiting for his diaper.
	Looking over towards Kathy, Tommy called out. "You want to help 
Lisa put a diaper on me?" he asked.
	"Sure!" Kathy ran over and dropped on her knees so she could give 
Lisa a hand.
	Tommy liked it when both his sisters changed him. Not only did he 
enjoy being the baby but he liked the extra time it took with Kathy 
helped out.
	Lisa finished her side. Kathy positioned herself over Tommy so 
she could get a better hold on the pin. She was careful not to stick 
herself as she pushed it through the diaper.
	"Momma said you were getting to old for us to diaper you, but I 
told her I didn't mind doing it." Lisa mentioned.
	"I know, she told me that, too!" Tommy sat up patting his diaper.
	"I don't think your too old for me to diaper you, Tommy, can I do 
it all by myself if Lisa has to quite?" Kathy asked.
	"I don't want Lisa to have to quite, I want both of you to diaper 
me all the time!" Tommy stood up showing off his diaper.
	"That's what I told Mom, I said you couldn't do it yourself." 
Lisa said.
	"Did she say I had to stop diapering Tommy too!" Kathy looked 
	"It isn't you and I Kathy, Tommy is getting older and lots of 
boys don't have to have their sisters dress them when they are 10 years 
old." Lisa explained.
	Tommy thought about it a while. "I don't want either of you to 
stop changing my diaper, ever!"
	"Even when your out of high school?" Lisa asked.
	"Well, maybe by then but I would still let you!" Tommy giggled.
	"Marty Jones puts a diaper on her brother sometimes and he is out 
of high school now." Lisa reported.
	"I didn't know Johnny Jones wore diapers!" Tommy looked 
	"Don't tell anyone. I promised not to tell." Lisa put her hand to 
her mouth.
	"Don't worry!" Tommy told her.
	Kathy promised Tommy she would change him even after he married 
some girl.
	"I don't think so, sis. Maybe my�. Wife�. Would do it for me." 
Tommy laughed.
	"Maybe your kids would help you!" Lisa laughed.
	"Would you change Daddy if he wore diapers?" Tommy asked.
	"I don't know!" Lisa giggled.
	It wasn't long before Mom and Dad came back. Tommy noticed the 
looks on their face. They seemed to look younger.
	Tommy wanted to ask his Dad where and what they did but decided 
he would wait till a better time.
	After having a picnic from what Mom had brought up to the pond 
the family walked back to the cabin.
	That night Tommy laid in the upper bunk thinking about what took 
place this day. He was so glad he had sisters that would help him with 
his diaper.
	The two sisters laid half asleep in the larger under bunk. Kathy 
curled up close to her older sister. Lisa folded her arms about her 
younger sister.
	"Good night, Tommy!" Lisa called.
	"I love you, Tommy!? Kathy poked the upper bunk.
	"I love you too, Kathy!" Tommy called back down.
	"Oh boy! How lucky can a boy be?" Tommy whispered to himself just 
as he fell off into dream land.

Adventure 26 Last Days -- Saturday

	Tommy was woke up by his Dad. The sun had not yet started to 
raise so the room was still dark. The girls were sound asleep.
	"Your Mom and I are going to drive over to the nudist camp to get 
some supplies, would you like to come along?" Dan asked.
	The very idea of seeing the nudist camp again brought Tommy wide 
	"Sure!" He answered.
	"Mom talked to Lisa last night and she said she would look after 
Kathy if you wanted to go. I think they had something planned for the 
day anyway." Dad motioned for Tommy to come off the upper bunk quietly. 
Tommy followed his Dad out to the kitchen where Mom was waiting for 
	"I have pancakes ready for the girls. I left them a note. Let's 
see... seems I am forgetting something," Mom looked around the room.
	"Better get Tommy diapered before we leave!" Dad reminded her.
	"Oh yes. I have your diaper bag ready to take out to the Jeep," 
Mom pointed towards the bag.
	The sun was now breaking the horizon giving early morning light 
through the trees.
	"Come on, Tommy, I will change you while Dad drives down the 
road." Mom ushered them out the door.
	Mom and Tommy crowded into the back seat where she had Tommy 
laying on the seat. It was not easy to change a diaper on a bumpy road. 
But Mom managed to get him into a cloth diaper and pinned without 
sticking him or herself.
	"Go ahead and climb up front, Tommy. I will stay in the back." 
Mom felt it would be easier for the boy then for her to climb over the 
	Tommy liked to sit in the passenger seat so he could see the road 
ahead better. Being able to sit besides his Dad was a treat he seldom 
enjoyed when Mom was along.
	"It's going to be another warm day, I think," Dad predicted.
	"How you know that, Daddy?" Tommy asked.
	"Look at that sky, clear as can be, and feel how warm the air is 
already," Daddy said.
	Tommy liked to have the vent blow air over his legs. Having only 
a diaper on with moving air around gives a wonderful feeling. Just good 
to be alive.
	Soon they were stopping for the gate to the nudist camp. Mom felt 
a little nervous when the gate keeper came over to the Jeep. He 
remembered the last time they came here.
	"Hi there, How's the camping trip working out for you all?" the 
friendly gatekeeper asked.
	Mom tried not to look at him but Tommy noticed she glanced up a 
few times. The man was totally naked. His hairy tan body glistened in 
Tommy was a little surprised to find an older man without clothes. 
However, this was a nudist group.
	The man seemed to know that Tommy was looking him over. The man 
smiled and winked at Tommy. "And how are you, young man?"
	Tommy felt a little embarrassed at the friendliness the man 
showed him.
	With the gate open Daddy drove in and parked near the store.
	Tommy jumped out and headed for the store. Trying to act as if he 
were a regular customer. Mom and Dad followed behind.
	Tommy started walking up one aisle and down the other. Then he 
turned the corner. Standing before him was another boy about 9 or 10. 
Tommy's eyes widened. He never expected to see such a sight.
	"Hi!" the boy smiled at Tommy.
	"Hi!" Tommy did not know what to do next. For the first time he 
actually felt self-conscious for being in a diaper.
	The boy before him was very naked but did not seem to mind being 
looked at.
	Tommy realized he was staring directly at the boy. Looking up 
Tommy said, "I'm sorry, I just...!"
	"You must be new around here! Are your parents here, too?" the 
boy asked.
	"Yes, they are right over there," Tommy turned and pointed.
	Tommy and the boy seemed to connect at first sight. Tommy was 
impressed by the boy's tan and healthy body. While the boys were 
talking Tommy began to notice his new friend was looking him over as 
	"How come you are wearing a diaper?" The boy asked without the 
slightest hint of embarrassment. Then before Tommy could answer the boy 
continued, "Sometimes I have to wear them, too. Mostly when I am not at 
the camp. Up here it doesn't matter that much, we can wear what we 
want, which is usually nothing."
	"My name is Tommy!"
	"I'm sorry, I am Bud! Every one here calls me Buddy."
	"Do you like to go naked?" Tommy blurted out.
	"Sure... Don't everyone?" Buddy asked.
	"I'm not sure my parents would let me!" Tommy whispered as if he 
would be overheard.
	"Tommy, do you like wearing diapers?" Buddy grinned.
	"I guess... Yeah, sure!" the boys laughed.
	"Are you guys going to stay here for a while?" Buddy asked.
	"Not sure. My parents are just getting some supplies to take back 
to camp," Tommy told him.
	"Oh, so you're the ones staying at the camp over there," Buddy's 
eyes twinkled.
	"Yes how you know?" Tommy smiled.
	"Some boys seen you when you first come up here. They said you 
had two cute girls with you," Buddy giggled.
	Tommy was aware that something was happening to him. He felt 
strange like he does when around Bobby and Justin. He wasn't sure why, 
either. Buddy was a lot like Bobby, only different in some ways. Tommy 
liked his new friend right from the first.
	Buddy was about to say something when Daddy came over with 
another man. Tommy turned around only to find the man standing right in 
front of him. He was big like the gatekeeper only he had on a jockstrap 
or something like it.
	"This is my son, Tommy!" Daddy introduced the man to Tommy.
	"Hi, Tommy, I am bud's Dad." He shook Tommy's hand.
	"Why don't you take Tommy outside and show him around, Bud." 
Buddy's Dad said.
	"You wanta?" Buddy asked.
	"Sure!" Tommy answered.
	"We will be here about an hour longer. Come back and check with 
us." Daddy said.
	"Let's go!" Buddy said heading for the door.
	Tommy walked slowly behind Buddy turning his head watching his 
Dad's reaction. Tommy could hardly believe his Dad allowed him to go 
out into the nudist area. But Dad only waved a goodbye. Tommy felt a 
hand reaching into his. Buddy was leading him hand in hand.
	When the two boys were outside Buddy whispered, "I think your 
kinda cute!" Then he squeezed Tommy's hand.
	Tommy did not know what to make of this. He already felt rather 
strange being led along by a naked boy going towards more naked boys. 
Then being told he was cute gave him goose bumps. Was Buddy trying to 
be polite, or what?
	Either way Tommy was flattered that some one other then his 
family would have feelings towards him. Besides, from the very moment 
Tommy laid eyes on Buddy he knew something wonderful was happening 
between them. Friendship is one of lives greatest gifts.
	Tommy muttered some kind of complementary words that seemed right 
at the time.
	"Thank you!" Buddy said.
	Within the next few minutes Tommy found himself enjoying the 
company of new friends. Several of the boys made remarks that gave 
Tommy confidence in himself, even though he was the only boy in 
	Buddy and one of his friends took Tommy aside. Buddy whispered to 
Tommy, "Want to take your diaper off? We won't mind and I am sure you 
will enjoy the experience."
	Tommy replied, "I don't know, Daddy is coming for me any minute 
	"This is my friend Johnny, he and I both wear diapers when not at 
camp. We like wearing diapers, too. We think diapers are the next best 
thing to being outside naked," Buddy continued to whisper.
	"I know what you mean about diapers. But I also like to go skinny 
dipping," Tommy confessed.
	"Look at Johnny," Buddy pointed.
	Tommy giggled when he saw Johnny acting up just before he jumped 
into the pool. Then Buddy asked if Tommy would like to go in the pool.
	"You can't wear your diaper in the pool, they only let the very 
little kids in diapers do that but they have to have swimmers on. All 
the rest of us have to just go like we are.
	"Ok!" said Tommy as he slipped out of his diaper and placed it on 
a chair next to the building.
	Tommy's two new friends were in the pool looking up at him. Buddy 
said, "Alright, race you to the other side."
	 Soon the three boys were giggling and pointing to each other. 
Like boys everywhere they began to compare one another. It seemed Buddy 
was only a half inch longer then the other two, which were close to 
same size.
	They began to talk personal about each others size. Buddy told 
them, "The longer the better, gets more feeling, too!" Because he was 
longer it made him feel special.
	Both Johnny and Tommy testified to the fact that length has no 
bearing on feelings.
	"I feel great the way I am!" Tommy getting into the conversion.
	"Me, too!" Johnny echoed.
	"I know a place we can go. Wanta come?" Buddy bid his friends to 
	Following a path in the woods the boys came to an old barn. 
Checking it out the boys found it empty except for a few birds. The 
boys climbed up to the loft where they would not be disturbed.

Adventure 27 Last Days (con't) -- Saturday Afternoon

	"See, if you look out between the boards you can see if anyone is 
coming. Sometimes kids come here to play 'hid-go-seek' but that is 
usually after the sun goes down," Johnny demonstrated by peeking 
through a knot hole.
	"That isn't why all of them come up here. We saw Joey's Dad and 
Miss Climas come up here last week!" Buddy giggled.
	"And we watched them!" Johnny snickered.
	"What did they do?" Tommy asked even though he had it figured out 
by now just from the other two boys face expressions.
	The two boys rolled back in some hay laughing out loud. "What 
they do?" Buddy laughed. "They were kissing!"
	"Kissing, heck, they were all over each other!" Johnny rolled in 
	Wanting to change the subject, Buddy asked, "Tommy, when you wear 
diapers and other kids get to see you, don't it make you embarrassed?"
	Tommy, not wanting to sound too anxious about his love for 
diapers, answered "Sometimes, maybe!"
	"Sometimes we feel that way, too, don't we Johnny?" Buddy said.
	"Sometimes, but I still like to have other kids see me!" Johnny 
	Tommy was now sure of his first suspicions about these boys. He 
understood they did like diapers as much as he did and that they like 
what diapers do for them.
	The nudist boys giggled. Buddy went to a secret hiding place and 
came back with a package of boy size diapers.
	"Tommy, you wanta play diapers or something?" Tommy felt himself 
getting excited.
	"Sure! But I thought you guys would like to be naked outside more 
then wanting to wear diapers." Tommy was thinking in his own terms. For 
him to be naked where others wouldn't mind was more exciting for him 
even to be in a diaper.
	"Wow!" Buddy sounded, "You were right, Tommy does want to see us 
in diapers!"
	"I told you he would!" Johnny crawled over next to Tommy smiling.
	"I have wanted to go outside naked and be looked at but you guys 
can go naked outside and you want to wear a diaper. You're strange!" 
Tommy laughed.
	"We don't mind looking at you, Tommy!" Buddy giggled.
	"Yeah! The way you look at us makes us, well, you know!" Johnny 
	"I can't help it, it just makes me feel rather...!" Tommy never 
got the last word out before Buddy spoke.
	"Horny!" Buddy giggled.
	"Yeah, sort of!" Tommy lay back, being sure his two new friends 
could see how they affected him.
	"He's horny, alright!" Johnny pointed.
	Tommy released all his self-control to the nudist boys. He spread 
his legs a little more as if inviting Johnny to get a good look.
	Johnny resisted the temptation offered by Tommy. Tommy watched 
the expression on the boy's face.
	"Tommy, something you must know about us nudists. To be naked is 
natural and yes, fun, too. But when we are not here at camp Buddy and I 
like to play diapers. I guess we find wearing diapers rather sexy while 
you are new at being a nudist find being naked is more sexy then 
wearing diapers," Johnny tried to explain.
	"Or something like that!" Buddy cut in. "Here, put on one of 
these." He said as he handed Tommy a disposable diaper. He also handed 
one to Johnny.
	It was a long time since Tommy had been around other diaper boys 
like Bobby and Justin. This was making this play a welcomed adventure.
	While Johnny watched Tommy put on the diaper. Buddy sat down next 
to him while putting on his own diaper. Johnny giggled some more then 
put his diaper on while standing up.
	For a few minutes the barn was filled with giggling boys enjoying 
themselves. Each boy took turns touching each other without any 
	Tommy told the boys about the two friends he had at home that 
wore diapers and how much they liked to play around with each other. 
Both Buddy and Johnny liked what they heard about Bobby and Justin.
	Both boys told Tommy stories about themselves how they walked 
around the block one night wearing nothing but a big night time diaper.
	Tommy wanted to know if any of them had sisters that help change 
them. Johnny had two older sisters that helped him time to time. But it 
was what Buddy told that gave Tommy a feeling of excitement.
	"I don't have any sisters but do have a younger brother. He is 
only six years old and wears diapers all the time at home." But after a 
bit of silence Buddy told a secret. "Judy, she's my neighbor, she baby 
sits my little brother. She likes to change me too, sometimes."
	That is when Tommy told about Lisa and Kathy his sisters.
	"That's the two girls we saw when you first came up here, eh?" 
Johnny asked.
	"Yes. They like to change me all the time." Tommy reported.
	"Your sure lucky, Tommy!" Buddy said.
	"So are you. Has Judy ever told anyone that she changes you?" 
Tommy asked.
	"No, she is a nudist, too, and is here at camp now. My parents 
know she does it and it is alright," Buddy explained.
	After sitting around talking and telling stories about each other 
Buddy wanted to ask something of Tommy.
	"Tommy, have you and your other friends ever have a sleep over? 
You know, sleep together?" Buddy pulled at his diaper as if it were too 
	Johnny sat back on his spread knees. Tommy could see Johnny was 
starting to get that look again.
	Tommy wanted to say more about it but was afraid he may telling 
too much. So he told them they do some times then giggled but said 
nothing more.
	The boys went outside the barn showing off their diapers. But 
Tommy noticed they wouldn't go near any other nudist even when they 
could see them off in the distance.
	After a while the boys went back into the barn.
	The boys asked Tommy not to say anything about their diapers hid 
out because as Buddy told it, "Most nudists wouldn't understand!"
	Tommy whispered, "OK!"
	For a few more minutes the boys sat around talking and laughing 
with each other.
	"Someone's coming," Johnny jumped to peek out of the knot hole 
again. "It's Pub and Donny!" He announced.
	"They are two 7 year olds, they come up here sometimes," Buddy 
	They remained quiet till the little boys were just below them 
inside the barn.
	Both Buddy and Johnny yelled down, "Booooooo!" The little kids 
yelled out then settled down. "We know you're up there, Buddy!"
	"Why you come here?" Buddy called out.
	"Cause that other boy, his Daddy is waiting for him," one called 
	Tommy completely lost time. He jumped up and climbed down the 
	"Where is my Dad?" Tommy asked.
	One of the boys took his hand, "I'll take you to him."
	"Tommy, leave your diaper here, remember?" Buddy called out.
	"Oh yeah! Here!" Tommy pulled it off and threw it towards Buddy.
	"I have to go by the pool first and get my��. Diaper!" Tommy 
	"Diaper!" The other little boy almost giggled over the word. "Why 
you took off that diaper then?"
	"That's not mine and I have to get mine 'cause I have no other 
clothes." Tommy let the little boy lead him out of the barn.
	"OK, we take you there." The boy said.
	Buddy and Johnny followed close behind.
	"Hey, Tommy, If you want to come back some time, we will be 
here." Buddy said.
	Tommy knew what Buddy meant and if he had his way he would stay 
over night at least.
	When they arrived at the swimming pool Tommy looked around for 
his diaper which was on the chair where he left it. He quickly wiggled 
into it then removed the pins and made the diaper tightened around his 
waist. Buddy helped him get them re-pinned correctly.
	Entering the store Tommy found his Dad standing by the check out 
	Dad looked at his watch, "Where you been? We have been waiting 
for over an hour." Dad wasn't angry with his son but was wondering what 
had happened to him.
	"Buddy and Johnny here was showing me around, guess I sort of 
forgot about the time. Sorry," Tommy explained.
	After saying his good-byes to the boys Tommy got into the Jeep 
with his parents.
	While traveling down the bumpy road Mom had Tommy in the backseat 
so she could change him again. She was puzzled that the diaper did not 
seem to been used very much. But she did not mention anything about it.
	Dad asked what the boys were doing most the afternoon.
	"Not much." Tommy said, "Just messing around, I guess."
	Tommy was glad his parents didn't push the point any farther. For 
the rest of the trip to the cabin they just talked about other things.

Adventure 28 -- Last Days (con't) -- Saturday night

	"Kathy, They're back!" Lisa called out just as the Jeep drove 
next to the cabin. Kathy and Lisa ran to the Jeep throwing their arms 
around Tommy the moment he set his feet on the ground.
	"Hey, why all the hugging?" Tommy called out nearly being choked.
	"We missed you a lot!" Kathy wrapped her arms around Tommy's 
	After a late dinner Lisa took Tommy to give him a diaper change 
before they took a hike up to the swimming hole above the cabin. Kathy 
and the parents got out a game board to play.
	"See you all later, Tommy and I will hike up to the swimming 
hole," Lisa explained.
	"You be back shortly after sundown. We have to get packed up 
tomorrow to go home," Mom reminded.
	Lisa didn't say much on the way up the trail but once they 
arrived she sat on a rock near the water, motioning for Tommy to sit 
next to her.
	"Tell me all about the nudist camp, I want to know every detail!" 
she giggled.
	"What you want to know about?" Tommy asked.
	"Did you get to see lots of naked people?" Lisa waited an answer.
	"Of course, it is a nudist camp, isn't it?" Tommy thought it was 
an odd question for Lisa to ask.
	"Did you get naked with them?" She giggled again.
	"It wasn't anything really. Besides, no one seemed to mind." 
Tommy wanted to tell her about his new friends, Buddy and Johnny, but 
waited for Lisa to ask questions.
	"You actually got naked. You took your diaper off and 
everything?" She acted as if it were something most unusual.
	"Sure, they don't allow swimming with clothes on, besides, 
diapers wouldn't work too good, would they?" Tommy shook his head 
thinking his older sister was a little duh!
	"What it feel like running around naked?" she asked.
	Tommy started to laugh. He knew his sister would have enjoyed 
doing so herself. "It felt good, like being naked outside, silly."
	"We are alone up here. You want to go naked?" The request of Lisa 
surprised Tommy. Not that she wouldn't do so herself, but that she 
seemed more anxious. Tommy and his sisters have been naked together 
before so this wouldn't be something new for them.
	"Ok!" Tommy stood up and let her pull his diaper off.
	Tommy watched as Lisa undressed. Not that she had a lot to take 
off. She untied her string bikini and let Tommy untie the small band 
covering her budding tits.
	The sun only had about an hour before it would be setting behind 
the trees. A light warm breeze rustled the bushes. The sound of water 
running over large rocks gave a perfect mood to the event.
	Tommy had seen his sisters naked many times so it was nothing to 
get excited about.
	"Did the other boys make fun of you for having a diaper?" She 
asked while staring wide eyed at her little brother.
	"No, matter of fact both Buddy and Johnny wear diapers when not 
at the camp," Tommy told his sister.
	Tommy enjoyed telling her about Buddy and Johnny. He told her how 
they went into the barn to put on diapers.
	"Did you like having them looking at you?" Lisa licked her upper 
	"What's wrong with you, Lisa, you're acting very strange?" Tommy 
wasn't sure he liked his sister acting like this.
	"I don't know�. I been waiting all day for you to return. I been 
thinking about you with all those naked boys. I think they were so 
cute." Lisa made sure Tommy understood her feelings.
	"There was girls there too, Lisa," Tommy informed.
	"I know, but it's the boys I am interested in!" Lisa almost 
	"What?" Tommy knew his sister must have flipped.
	Lisa had a dreamy look on her face. "Wish I could have been with 
you!" Lisa giggled.
	"Lisa, I doubt if anyone would have given you a second look!" 
Tommy said.
	"Why not, don't you think your sister couldn't turn a few heads?" 
Lisa was half-joking and half mad at Tommy's statement.
	"Oh, I didn't mean it that way. I know Buddy and Johnny would 
have liked to had seen you there. They are human, you know, but nudist 
don't have the need to know what a girl looks like; they already know. 
So that is why I said they may not have given you a second look," Tommy 
	"Well, I know that! It's just the idea of being around so many 
boys, you know," Lisa giggled.
	"Ya I do know! I never known a nudist before I met Buddy and 
Johnny. I thought it was nice to know they like to wear diapers too. It 
was kinda funny you know," Tommy grinned.
	"What you mean, Tommy?" Lisa sat on the bank dangling her feet 
into the water.
	"For me to be naked around all of them gave me a funny feeling 
when they looked at me. But they do it all the time. For them to be 
seen in a diaper gives them funny feelings being nude is just normal 
for them." Tommy tried to explain.
	"Could be. It gives me goose bumps just to know a boy is looking 
at me when I get naked," Lisa giggled some more.
	"I bet if you were naked all day outside you would soon get used 
to it, too," her brother answered.
	"Maybe, but don't you like being naked outside like we are now?" 
Lisa leaned back on her arms, letting Tommy view her body.
	"Sure, but you're my sister. Don't get me wrong, I think your 
very�. Very nice looking but..." Tommy did not finish.
	"But what?" Lisa had a look on her face.
	"Nothing, just that you are my sister. When I saw the girls at 
the camp I thought I was going to get all worked up," Tommy said.
	"And you don't get all worked up when you see me naked?" Lisa got 
up placing her hands on each hip.
	"I do like it when you and Kathy change my diapers. And when 
Bobby and Justin were staying with us, they liked being changed too," 
Tommy told her.
	"We might as well get dressed and head for the Cabin. Tomorrow we 
go back to home. I think I will miss being out here in the wilds." Lisa 
started to put on her bikini.
	"It has been fun, hasn't it?" Tommy lay back, letting Lisa re-
diaper him. The two started back towards the cabin. The sun had just 
set in the west and the forest quickly went dark. The kids ran to the 
cabin after hearing some kind of animal howl in the distance.
	Mom and Dad had a small fire going in the rock fireplace outside. 
Kathy was sitting on a log bench with a long stick in her hand. On the 
fire end of the stick was a big fat wiener blackened with the heat and 
spit on one side. Mom had just made a few 'some-mores'. That is a 
Hershey bar between two graham crackers and a hot marshmallow.
	The family fun ended when Mom announced it was time for bed.
	Lisa and Kathy gave Tommy a quick sponge bath then had him 
diapered for bedtime.
	Kathy and Lisa took the double bottom bunk while Tommy took the 
single top bunk.
	Tomorrow night they would be sleeping in their own beds.
	Tommy dreamed that Bobby and Justin were playing diapers.

Adventure 29 Last Day (con't) -- Sunday Travel Home Day.

The kids sat around the table eating breakfast. Dad announced, "If you 
kids want to take one last look around camp you better get going. We 
plan to head for home by 9:00 o'clock. Mom and I will pack up so you 
can have some time to run and play but we want you to come quickly when 
I call you."

"OK, Lets go, I think I left my jacket up at the swimming hole," Tommy 
headed out the door with his sisters close behind.

Mom called out, "Tommy�. Get your dirty diapers together, bring me the 
cloth ones and I will rinse them out before packing in the Jeep. Your 
disposables will need to be brought outside."

"Okay, Mom," Tommy called back.

Arriving at the swimming hole the girls wanted to go swimming but Tommy 
looked around for his coat.

"Hey, Lisa�. Where did I leave my coat?" Tommy called out.

"How would I know? It's yours, not mine." Lisa dived back into the 

"I know I left it right here on that log!" Tommy pointed.

"Should have brought it home with you last night!" Kathy followed her 
sister into the water.

Tommy ran up and down the bank but could not find his coat.

After a few minutes Lisa got out of the water and dried off. She called 
to Tommy to wait up.

"I know I left it right on that log," Tommy insisted. But Lisa started 
to laugh.

"What's so funny, Sis?" Tommy was a bit upset.

"I know where it is and it is not on that log," Lisa giggled. "Don't 
you remember? I carried the backpack with some of your diapers and your 
coat was in it. You did not wear it then. You just wore your diaper. 

Lisa lead Tommy right to the stump they had placed the back pack.

"Oh yeah! Thanks, Lisa," Tommy said. "Might as well get one of those 
diapers out. I loaded this one already."

Lisa had Tommy lie on the ground and began to undo his smelly diaper. 
Kathy dropped to her knees next to Tommy giving Lisa a hand in pulling 
the diaper off.

The new diaper was fitted just perfect. Tommy liked it when both his 
sisters help change him.

Kathy dug a shallow hole and buried the dirty diaper. They laughed 
about if some one ever dug it up a hundred years from now what they 
would think about it.

The kids hardly had time finish when they heard the Jeep's horn 

Soon as the kids arrived back at the cabin Mom sent them to check if 
anything was over looked before they left.

Mom watched her 10 year old son as he entered the cabin. "Do you ever 
think he will get out of those diapers?"

"Give him some time, Dear, he will stop showing them off whenever he's 
ready. But don't count on him ever giving them up," Dad said.

"I wonder if we made a mistake keeping him in diapers so long?" Mom 

"It won't hurt him. Besides ,diapers show off a boy as he should look 
in these years. Soon enough he will be an adult, lets not rush him." 
Daddy gave his wife a hug.

"I guess you're right, Dear. We better get going before they will want 
to stay another night," Mom laughed

"Hey kids, let's go!" Daddy called out.

"Time to go, Daddy's calling us," Lisa said.

As soon as the kids were all into the Jeep they drove off for home.

Tommy was looking forward to being with Bobby and Justin again.

Mother reminded Tommy that once he is back into town he must dress more 
then just a diaper. Tommy had enjoyed his freedom of being just in a 
diaper and wasn't too happy about having to cover up once he was home.

When they reached the nudist camp turnoff, Tommy looked up the road 
hoping he would see Buddy and Johnny again. But all he saw was dirt 
road and trees.

The temperature began to change as they got closer to the freeway. 
Kathy and Lisa already shed their sweaters. Tommy sat with his legs 
spread so the moving air would run up his diaper.

"It must have been a hot two weeks, glad we were in the mountains where 
it is cooler," Dad mentioned.

"It's not fair!" Kathy cried out.

"What's not fair?" Mom asked.

"It's not fair that Tommy gets to be in a diaper and we have to have 
our clothes on," Kathy complained.

"You're just used to the cool camp area. It will take time for you to 
get used to the warmer air in the valley." Mom wiped sweat from her 
brow. Dad pulled over on to the side of the road and got out to take 
his jacket off. "I think you're right, Kathy, Tommy is lucky indeed."

"Can we take our shorts off, we do have panties on, can we Momma?" 
Kathy already had pulled her shorts below her knees.

"I don't think it would matter. We don't plan to stop along the way but 
before you get out of the car be sure to pull your shorts back on," Mom 
gave permission. It did not take Lisa and Kathy long to strip down.

"That feels lots better!" sighed Lisa.

The trip home was without event. Late afternoon the family pulled into 
their driveway.

"Looks like the yard is in need of mowing," Daddy said.

"I can do that tomorrow, Daddy" Tommy promised.

"We'll help, too!" Kathy volunteered.

"What you know, It's miraculous!" Mom laughed. "I think the kids are 
catching on."

It wasn't until all the things in the Jeep were taken into the house 
that the kids realized something was wrong.

"Yipes!" Lisa yelled.

"What's wrong, Lisa?" Mom asked.

"We forgot. Kathy and me had no shorts on!" Lisa pointed out.

"Tommy was out front in only his diaper too!" Kathy giggled.
"Let's hope our neighbors never seen you!" Dad laughed. "That's what 
happens when you get back from such a trip, we had gotten so use to 
being half dressed out in the woods."

"Because nobody is very hungry why don't I just throw something 
together to eat then lets all hit the sack," Mom suggested.

And that is what they did.
Adventure 30 Home At Last

	School hasn't started for Tommy yet this year. He has another 
week before he will have to sit in his 6th grade Class Room. Although 
his birthday is more then a month away his family has planned to have 
an early surprise birthday party for him.
	When Tommy woke up this morning he could hardly believe he was in 
his own bed at home. They had been gone for about 2 weeks camping. He 
looked about his room until he was convinced it was true that he was 
indeed at home. His thoughts turned to Bobby and Justin his two very 
close friends.
	Lisa came into his room with a warm cloth diaper just taken out 
of the dryer.
	"Got some comfort for you, little Brother!" She held the diaper 
out for him to touch.
	"Gosh, Sis, this is great. I love a warm diaper in the mornings!" 
He held the diaper to his face and took in a deep breath. "OH boy! It 
smells so good, too!"
	Lisa had Tommy layout of the top of his bed so she could diaper 
him. She un-snapped his blue plastic panties leaving them under him as 
she unfastened the four diaper pins holding his night cloth diaper.
	"Boy, I think you are wetting more then every. These are really 
soaked." Lisa lifted the diaper from under him and folded it up in a 
ball before dumping into the diaper pail.
	Tommy closed his eyes while Lisa used the warm washrag over his 
diaper area. He could not help but giggle when she moved over ticklish 
	"Hold still or I might stick you with these pins!" Lisa was half 
laughing while fitting the diaper to him.
After the diaper was pinned Lisa re-snapped the plastic pants then 
stood back to view her handiwork.
	"I think you're so cute when you wear cloth diapers!" Lisa 
	"He is cute, he's our brother, too!" Kathy just came into the 
room but was too late to help this time.
	"I know something!" Kathy teased.
	"What you know?" Tommy asked.
	"You're not supposed to tell him, Kathy" Scolded Lisa.
	"Tell me what?" Tommy sat up on the edge of the bed letting his 
feet dangle towards the floor.
	"You'll be surprised!" Kathy blurted out.
	"Kathy. Shut up!" Angery Lisa shook her head with a frown.
	"Can't tell you, but it is a surprise!" Kathy yelled back as Lisa 
pushed her out the door.
	Tommy sat only for a moment wondering what was up. He opened his 
chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of read shorts that fit very 
well over this diapers. Then put on a stripped T-shirt.
	Stopping in front of the large wall mirror he examined himself. 
"Feels strange to have clothes on after being so free from them for two 
weeks." Tommy said to himself. But he remembered that his mother told 
him to dress before coming out of his room. He left the socks and shoes 
for another time.
	By the time he sat down for breakfast the whole family was 
looking him over. "What?" He asked feeling a bit embarrassed.
	"It's so nice to see you dressed for a change," his mother 
commented. Daddy agreed.
	It seemed strange to Tommy to see his dad dressed in his suit for 
work. He was glad he didn't have to wear ties and all.
	"What is the surprise, Mom?" Tommy asked.
	Mom looked over at Lisa and frowned.
	"I didn't say anything!" Lisa said.
	Kathy sat quietly not wanting to be noticed. We think Mom knew 
that it was Kathy that said something.
	Mom just started to say something when the door bell rang.
	Tommy ran to open the front door. Standing there was both Bobby 
and Justin. "Hi!"
	Tommy felt something was going on when he saw that both boys were 
dressed in shorts, T-shirts half length socks coming almost to the 
knees and shoes. Their hair was combed more like when their mom does it 
then when they do. He noticed that Bobby smelled extra good with his 
fathers aftershave lotion.
	Tommy was so glad to see them he almost give each a hug but held 
back when his mom called them into the kitchen.
	"Bet you're wondering why they are carrying a package, eh, 
Tommy?" Mom laughed.
	Tommy was about to catch on but it wasn't his birthday yet 
	"We're having a surprise birthday party for you early so you can 
have fun before school starts," Mom told him.
	About that time the door bell rang again.
	This time it was three more of his friends each one dressed up 
like going to a wedding or something. A few girls showed up too wearing 
their best dresses or slacks. The boys all wore shorts. Tommy noticed 
how suntanned everyone was. But then again, he himself was nicely 
tanned too. The summer had been a good time for all of them.
	Mom suggested the kids all go out into the back yard to play 
while she got things done in the house. Some of the girls stayed with 
Lisa and Kathy to help mom.
	One of the girls told Tommy's mom that she thought Tommy looked 
really cool. The other girls giggled.
	One of Lisa's friends asked her privately if she thought any of 
the boys would need to be changed. Lisa put her finger to her mouth 
telling the girl that it may be so but some of the kids did not know 
Tommy and some other boys wore diapers and that they should not give 
away the secret.
	"I'm sorry!" The girl lowered her voice. "But can I help you if 
one of the boys happen to need a diaper change?"
	"Sure. I'll tell you when though!" Lisa giggled.
	The party went on for over an hour before some parents came by to 
pick up their kids. Soon it was only Tommy, Bobby and Justin left among 
the boys and, of course, Lisa's friend stayed to help clean up.
	Mom suggested that Lisa take the boys into the other room for a 
diaper check.
	"Can Mildred help? She baby-sits little boys." Lisa asked.
	"You better ask the boys first, Lisa. They are used to you but 
might be uneasy having another girl changing their diapers." Mom 
motioned her to go to Tommy and ask.
	Lisa took Tommy aside and told him what the girls wanted to do. 
She asked if he thought the other boys would let her come in and help.
	"I don't know, Sis! It is kind of embarrassing having girls 
change us," Tommy whispered.
	"Mildred hasn't any bothers but she does baby sit." Lisa told 
	"Does she baby sit boys our age?" Tommy asked.
	"I don't think so. mostly she has baby sat the Bennett Twins and 
Mrs. Wilson's baby. I know she does a lot of sitting for her cousins." 
Lisa said.
	"How old are they?" Tommy asked.
	"The twins are about 2 � Mrs. Wilson's boy is 3. I think her 
cousins are between 1 � and 4." Lisa took time to think it out.
	"Gosh, Sis. Bobby and I are almost 11 now and Justin is close to 
9. Why she want to watch us get diapers?" Tommy asked.
	"She's been asking me if she could help change you for a long 
time. Why don't you let her this one time. She won't bit!" Lisa 
	"I don't know, Sis. It's kind of embarrassing letting another 
girl watch us don't you think?" Tommy was thinking of his friends more 
then himself. Personally he wouldn't care. He has used diaper changes 
to expose himself before. He finds it sort of exciting letting others 
change him.
	"What you think Bobby and Justin would think about it?" Lisa 
	"Bobby wouldn't mind, I know how he thinks and he would let her 
change him but Justin is a little timid sometimes. We better asked them 
first." Tommy went looking for his friends.

To be continued.