Title: Timmy's Baby Life
Name: MX
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: Not given
Posting Date: 02/07/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Thirteen-year-old Timmy has lost control over his potty needs and his mum turns him into a real baby.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 3 (15%)

My name is Timmy and I�m a seventeen-year-old diaper wearing baby. I�m 
still very short and most people think I�m only five years old. On my 
first school day they even wanted to put me to the kindergarten class 
because I was so small.

It all started when I was in middle school at the age of twelve. 
Everyone teased me there because of my size by calling me baby Timmy 
and I really hated going to school because I was so lonely without any 

Since my dad left when I was three I live in a small house in a normal 
neighborhood together with my mom Catherine, a blond 35-year-old 
teacher, but she only worked half-time because of me. When I got off 
the school bus she was already waiting for me and I spent all my time 
with my mommy at home. Besides, my mum was a very caring person and did 
everything that made me happy, but she was quite protective too, and 
didn�t let me do many things that might hurt me such as riding a bike 
or climbing trees, but I didn�t miss these things as I was just happy 
that I had a loving mother around me all the time.

In the house next door lived my mother�s closest friend, Judy, who just 
had had her first son Matt some months ago. Judy also had a daughter 
called Debbie who was two years older than me. Matt was still a real 
baby wearing diapers all the time and couldn�t do anything without his 
mother�s help, but that�s normal at the age of not even half a year. My 
mother often visited Judy and I was with her all the time. Then I saw 
how Judy cared for her baby and I really got interested in wearing 
diapers and do baby stuff. So I decided once to sneak into Matt�s 
nursery and try to get one of his diapers on but they didn�t fit as 
Matt was the size of a real baby, not even a toddler. Then I saw one of 
Matt�s pacifiers lying on the floor and put it into my mouth without 
thinking. I started to suck it and immediately started to enjoy it. 
After some minutes I forgot that I was sucking a pacifier and happily 
started to play with Matt�s baby toys. Suddenly Debbie came into the 
room because Judy asked her to get a fresh diaper for Matt. When she 
saw me she was delighted and said, �Look what a big baby we have here! 
Let�s go downstairs to get you a diaper, too!�

Debbie took me by my hand and pushed me downstairs to the living room 
where Judy, Matt and mum were. When mum saw me sucking Matt�s pacifier 
she just said, �Hey Judy, seems that there�s no big difference between 
your son and mine!�

I was very ashamed and quickly put the pacifier out of my mouth but 
Debbie shoved it back, �You don�t have to be ashamed, Timmy! I know you 
like it.�

Debbie was much taller than me and stronger too and I didn�t dare to 
talk back to her so I kept sucking my dummy in front of everyone. While 
Judy changed Matt�s diaper Debbie took me back to the nursery and told 
me to get back into the playpen because that�s where babies play. That 
was too much now and I spit out the pacifier and started yelling at 
Debbie, �I�m not a baby! That�s Matt�s playpen!�

�Timmy! You�re such a bad baby! See how wet your pants are, and you 
tell me you�re not a baby?�

�But I didn�t wet my pants! I�m a big boy!�

�You were a big boy, Timmy! Now you are a baby!�

Debbie took me to the bathroom and poured water on my pants.

�See how wet the baby is! Let�s get you a diaper! � Mum! Cathy! Timmy 
has wet his pants!�

�Get him one of Matt�s diapers, honey! You know, the thick ones!�

I started to yell and scream but Debbie just put the pacifier into my 
mouth and undressed me to cover my butt with a diaper. It was Matt�s 
size and it hardly fit but still. Wearing only a diaper and a shirt 
sucking on a pacifier I had to go downstairs to Mum who told me what a 
baby I was. It was so humiliating. I spit out the pacifier and tried to 
explain, �But Mum! Debbie just poured water on my pants!�

�Debbie is a responsible young girl, Timmy! She would never do that to 
you! So stop lying and suck your pacifier!�

I could do nothing but do what she told me but Debbie�s plan wasn�t 
over yet.

�Mum! Can I go for a walk with Timmy and some friends of mine?�

�Yes of course! But take Matt�s stroller for Timmy! It�s too hard for 
him to walk long distances with a diaper on.�

That was exactly what Debbie wanted. Mum put me into Matt�s stroller 
and Debbie pushed me out of the house to the park where she met some of 
her friends. Right after leaving the house she strapped me into the 
stroller using all the belts to fix the baby in the stroller. I just 
cried through my pacifier all the time.

In the park Debbie�s friends where waiting for us and when they saw me 
they told me that I was the cutest baby they have ever seen.

�And he�s really thirteen? I can�t believe that!�

�Look! He�s wearing a diaper! That�s so cute! � Has he already wet it?�

�Not yet but we will make him pee and poop it!�

I began to cry uncontrollably but there was no way out for me. I sat 
there in the stroller for two hours and Debbie and her friends were 
talking all the time. Then the need to pee came over me and I spit out 
my paci to tell Debbie about my need, �Debbie! Please let me go potty!�

�No! Babies use their diapers, not the potty!�

�But I�m thirteen!�

�You look more like three to me! So put your dummy in your mouth and 
pee your diaper. Then we�ll go home! Let�s see what your mummy says to 
a wet diaper!�

I had no choice and let a fluid of pee in my diaper. When I told Debbie 
that I was done she said goodbye to her friends and pushed me home.

At home mum and Judy were already waiting for us and when Debbie told 
mum about my wet diaper mum just said that accidents happen and that I 
was still a little baby boy.

Since that day my mum somehow treated me differently. She used baby 
talk sometimes like when I went to the toilet she said, �Does my little 
Timmy need to go potty?� or �Time for din-din� instead of dinnertime. I 
also had to go to bed earlier than before but didn�t dare to question 

Although mum treated me like other mums would treat a seven year old I 
was still a big boy but it all changed on this one day.

I was walking towards the school crossing the street when suddenly a 
car hit me. I fell down and couldn�t move at first but then I was able 
to get off the street crawling slowly on the floor. My legs and arms 
were hurting but the worst thing was a painful feeling inside my body 
but I didn�t know what it was. Soon the police and emergency came and 
they took me to hospital where some doctors examined me. They told mum 
that there was nothing wrong with except some wounds on my arms and 
legs and that I had been very lucky. When mum saw me she gave me a hug 
and kissed me and I was so happy to be in her arms after this horrible 
experience. Mum took me home and since there was only one week of 
school left until summer break she told me that I should better stay at 
home and recover. I was so happy that I didn�t have to go to school for 
two whole months now and when I was lying in my bed I was thinking of 
what I would do this summer with my mummy. I was looking forward to 
going to the beach or a lake or just playing all the time with my mummy 
but it came totally different.

When I woke up the next morning I got up and went to the bathroom when 
I suddenly felt wetness between my legs. I noticed that I had wet in my 
sleep and started to cry and yell for my mummy because I haven�t done 
that since I was four.

My mum came and observed the wet spot.

�Looks like my little Timmy has had an accident. But don�t worry! Get 
dressed and get your breakfast!�

So I did what mum had told me and went to the kitchen where mum gave me 
my breakfast.

After breakfast we went over to Judy�s house. Judy sent me to Matt�s 
nursery to play because it seemed that I liked that so much and told 
Debbie to watch the babies. She even put a pacifier into my mouth and 
before I could answer I was already sucking happily on my dummy. I ran 
to the nursery and climbed into the playpen where Matt was and started 
to play with some baby toys. I didn�t notice at all that mum and Judy 
where watching me.

�Look how cute they are playing together. My little Timmy is still a 
baby boy at all! He has wet his bed tonight, too!�

�That happens from time to time! But there shouldn�t be added pressure 
to young boys because of these little problems!�

While Judy and mum where talking about me I suddenly noticed that my 
pants where getting wet. I looked down and saw that I was peeing myself 
but I couldn�t stop it and didn�t feel any need to pee so I was shocked 
that pee was coming out with no control. I spit out my pacifier and 
yelled for mum. Debbie laughed at me and mum took me up into her arms 
and saw what my problem was. I was crying so much that mum put my 
pacifier back into my mouth and held it there until I quieted down and 
stopped crying.

�Hey Judy! This really works for little pants-peeing boys, no matter 
how old they are! Right, Timmy?�

I just sucked my pacifier and wanted to get out of my wet pants. So mum 
put me onto Matt�s changing table and took off my wet pant. She got a 
new one from Judy and dressed me. Then she carried me to the kitchen 
still sucking my dummy. There I got something to eat and mum started to 
talk about my problem:

�Timmy! You�ve wet your bed tonight and now you peed yourself while 
playing! What�s wrong with you, son?�

�I don�t know mummy! I didn�t do it on purpose. It just happened. I 
didn�t feel it at all!�

�Than we have a big problem because if you don�t feel a need to pee 
this will happen again and again. So what can we do now?�

�I think you have to wear diapers again until your problem stops!� Judy 
said and I saw in my mother�s eyes that she was pleased by this idea. 
Debbie just said, �I would have done that already last time! Timmy is 
nothing but a baby!�

But I protested, �But mum! Diapers are for little babies like Matt!�

�And if you pee your pants like a baby why shouldn�t you wear diapers 
like a baby?� Mum answered.

�Come on Timmy! Let�s go and get you some diddies to make sure that you 
don�t wet your pants again!�

I started to cry again but mum just put the pacifier into my mouth and 
carried me to the car. Judy got Matt�s stroller packed into our car and 
strapped him into his car seat because she and Debbie wanted to come 
with us. Maybe she could tell mum which diapers are best for me because 
I haven�t needed to wear diapers for such a long time. Also Debbie 
wanted to see how my big boy life would end.

While mum drove us to the shopping mall I watched Matt sleeping in his 
car seat sucking his pacifier and I hoped that I wouldn�t be in the 
same position soon. So I spit out my pacifier and threw it down because 
I wanted to be a big boy, not a baby like Matt.

In the mall Judy put Matt into the stroller and mum lead me by her hand 
to a baby store. There was a huge amount of diapers of so many 
different sizes and brands and Judy told mum that as I only pee my 
pants I just need thin ones you don�t see much at all under my pants. 
So mum bought me some and bought some pacifiers and a pacifier keeper, 
too. She paid for the stuff and led me to the toilet where she put me 
onto the changing table. She undressed me and put a diaper onto my 
butt. She closed it tight and redressed me.

�So, that�s it my little one! Now your pants will remain dry and 
clean!� I was so happy that you didn�t see the diaper much. Just a 
little bulge on the crotch but if you didn�t know that it was from a 
diaper you wouldn�t recognize it as such. I giggled happily and mum put 
one of the pacies she had bought into my mouth and clipped the keeper 
to my sleeve. I spit it out and protested, �Mum I don�t want a dummy! 
I�m a big boy! It�s so embarrassing to suck it out here!�

�But Timmy! I know you do like it! There�s nothing to be ashamed of!�

But I didn�t want to suck my pacifier out in public and just let it 
dingle on its string while going back to the car.

After eating dinner I got dressed for bed and still had the diaper on 
because I didn�t use it since mum had put it on. Mum said that I should 
wear it for the night and if it was dry tomorrow she would give me back 
my regular underwear. She clipped the pacifier to my pajama too just in 
case if I needed it but I wouldn�t suck it.

On the next morning my mum woke me up telling me that not only my 
diaper was soaked, it even leaked. It was incredible that a boy of my 
age went to bed with a diaper and soaked it so much that it leaked. 
Besides, I noticed that I was lying on the floor instead of my bed and 
my arms were hurting a bit. I must have fallen out of my bed after 
wetting it.

Mum changed my diaper and I started to cry uncontrollably but was 
silenced with a pacifier. Then I got my breakfast and mum told me, �You 
soaked your bed with a diaper on and you even fell out of your bed. You 
know, Timmy, this is really worrying me. Maybe you should sleep that 
night in your old crib because it has a mattress that is waterproofed.�

�But mum! I already wear a diaper! Isn�t that enough! I don�t wanna 
sleep in a baby crib!�

�Timmy! Unfortunately that�s necessary at the moment. When I notice 
that your problem is over you�ll get back your old bed! I promise, but 
until then please believe me that I know what is best for you! It�s 
safer for you too because you can�t fall out.�

I had no choice than admitting to mums proposal and went to the loft 
with mum where I saw all my old baby things. There was a crib, a 
stroller, a playpen, a highchair and baby toys and I knew that I was so 
small that all these things would still fit me without any problem. Mum 
carried down the crib and placed it in my room. She carried my old big 
boy bed upstairs and I started to cry because another part of my big 
boy life was taken away so in went the pacifier when mum came back, 
�Now, Timmy, jump in and let�s see how you fit in!�

It was quite hard for me to get into this crib because the bars where 
at my chin but I finally managed it and laid down in the crib. Somehow 
I had a surprisingly good feeling looking through the bars sucking my 
pacifier. I felt so secure and comfy and thought if this was a baby�s 
life then it wasn�t that bad at all. But suddenly mum interrupted my 
thoughts, �Puhh, Timmy. It smells like someone has pooped his diaper!�

I sniffed the air and really, there was a smell of poopy diapers. I had 
just pooped my diaper without noticing anything. I was shocked and my 
first reaction was screaming and crying through my pacifier. Mum just 
took me in her arms out of the crib, took one diaper and went over to 
Judy�s house. She rang the doorbell carrying me on her arms and when 
Judy opened she told her what I had done.

�You won�t believe what has happened, Judy! Timmy has pooped his diaper 
now too! Do you have some diaper doublers to make his diaper thicker?�

�Of course I have! Come in!�

When mum carried me to Matt�s nursery I suddenly peed my dirty diaper 
too and pee flooded out of my diaper because thin diapers like mine 
where not made for babies like me. Mum�s shirt got wet too and she was 
kind of shocked how serious my potty problem was. She put me onto the 
changing table and undressed me. Then she proceeded to wipe my butt 
clean and dry and put baby lotion on my skin. After adding baby powder 
I got my new diaper on that was so much thicker than the one I had on 
before due to the diaper doublers mum had added. I was still crying 
when mum carried me back to our house dressed in just a diaper and a 
shirt sucking my pacifier and all our neighbors saw me as a baby.

At home mum sent me to play and right before lunch was ready I peed my 
diaper again but didn�t tell mum anything because it was so 
embarrassing. After lunch mum put me down for a nap in my crib because 
she said that diaper wearing boys must sleep more than usual. I wasn�t 
tired at all but when mum put me in my crib I got this particular 
feeling again and felt asleep. Mum put my pacifier into my mouth and I 
started sucking it without knowing.

When I woke up three hours later I noticed that my room was smelling 
bad again and felt the poop in my diaper. The mattress of the crib was 
wet too but it was waterproofed so it was no problem to just wipe it 
dry. I yelled for mum with the pacifier still in my mouth but there was 
no response so I tried to climb out of the crib but that wasn�t so easy 
with a messy diaper on. It seemed to get harder to get out of the crib 
the thicker my diaper got. I tried to get out two times but just landed 
on my messy diaper but the third try was successful and I looked for my 
mummy because I needed a change. I wanted to run to the kitchen but 
fell down because of the thick diaper. I could only waddle slowly 
wearing it but finally made it to the kitchen but mum wasn�t there. 
Then Mummy came home because she was at Judy�s house to get some more 
diaper doublers. She saw me and asked me why I wasn�t in my crib. I 
answered that I woke up some minutes ago and was looking for her.

�Timmy! You are not supposed to get out of your bed without your 
mummy�s allowance! It�s dangerous for diaper boys to be without their 
mummy! Your nap isn�t over yet! So go back and get some more sleep, 

She sounded kind of angry and I knew better than questioning her but 
when I wanted to go back to my room mum smelled my poopy diaper.

�Oh, that�s why my baby was looking for his mummy! Let�s get your 
diaper changed quickly and get you back to sleep!�

Mum quickly changed my diaper and carried me back to the crib where she 
noticed that my diaper had leaked again. She cleaned the mattress and 
put me back into my crib where I slept another two hours sucking my 
pacifier. I was only awakened for dinner and then put back into the 
crib with a new diaper on but the crib had a magic influence on me that 
made me feel tired whenever I was put into it.

The next morning after breakfast and a diaper change I waddled over to 
Judy�s house with my mum because mum wanted to do some more errands for 
me. She had a talk with Judy while I was playing with Matt in the 
playpen and Debbie watching us. I was shocked that I was playing with a 
baby in a playpen wearing a diaper and a pacifier in my mouth. Apart 
from the size there was not much difference between us.

After some time mum and Judy came in and carried us to the car. Matt 
was again strapped into his car seat and we went to the baby store at 
the mall again. This time it was more obvious that I was wearing a 
diaper because it was thicker and made me waddling like a toddler and 
the pacifier was dangling on its keeper because I didn�t want to suck 
it in public but mum made me have it ready all the time if it was 
needed to stop my crying.

In the baby store mum took a shopping cart and put me into its baby 
seat embarrassing me even more. Everyone knew that I was too old for 
diapers and everyone was staring at me but what could I do? Mum pushed 
the cart together with Judy pushing Matt in the stroller to the diaper 
aisle where Mum chose the thickest diapers size 6 she could get.

�Timmy! You�ll look so cute in these diddies!�

I just cried and mum silenced me with my pacifier. Matt giggled and 
Judy said, �Wow! Timmy! You need thicker diapers than Matt but he�s 
only six months old. But don�t worry! Your mummy knows best how to 
treat little babies like you! � Besides, Cathy, you need to buy some 
new clothes for Timmy too because his big boy clothes won�t fit over 
these thick diapers.�

So mum bought me some baby clothes too such as playing suits, rompers 
and onesies and I even got a bib for meal.

When we left the store mum went to the toilet to change my wet diaper. 
When I got one of the new diapers on I felt how thick they were I 
couldn�t close my legs any more but I just laid on the changing table 
sucking my paci and knew now how a real baby must feel. Then mum tried 
to redress me but my big boy pants didn�t fit over the thick diaper as 
Judy had said.

�Timmy! Your diapers are so thick now that you really need to be 
dressed like a baby!�

Mum took one of the rompers she had bought in the store and put me into 
it. It was zipped up on the back and I couldn�t open it myself. On the 
crotch it had a snap that allowed easy access to my diaper and mum made 
my diaper stick out to make it more obvious that I was diapered. Now 
she put me down from the changing table and took me by my hand to lead 
me back to the car but I fell down all the time and every time I stood 
up I fell down again. These thick diapers made it impossible for me to 
walk or even waddle like a toddler. I had to crawl like a baby from now 
on but as you can�t crawl through a shopping mall mum just carried me 
out of the toilet where Judy was waiting with Matt in the stroller.

�Hey Judy! Timmy�s diaper is so thick that he can�t waddle any more. I 
think Matt is lighter to carry. Can I push Timmy in the stroller?�

�Yes of course! I�m happy to help your little baby boy!�

Judy took Matt out of the stroller and mum placed me in the stroller. 
To my surprise she even strapped me in with straps between my legs, 
around my waist and my shoulders and I couldn�t do anything but sitting 
in the stroller and letting Debbie push me to the car because she 
wanted to humiliate me even more.

When we arrived there Matt was put into his car seat again and mum 
released me and put me on the back seat of the car. Then we drove home 
but right after leaving the mall�s parking lot we were stopped by a 
police patrol checking cars. When the policeman saw me he started 
talking to my mother:

�You know that it is required by law that babies are to put into car 
seats according to their age and size when you take them with you by 
car like the baby next to the unsecured one. I have to give you a fee!�

�Officer, that�s totally right. I know the law but my Timmy is thirteen 
years old although he looks much younger!�

�Really? He looks like a three year old baby too me. He�s even dressed 
like one. Can you prove his age?�

�No sorry! But believe me! He�s really older than he looks like!�

�Are you kidding me? He�s not thirteen! I�ll give you a fee. That�s 
gonna be expensive!�

The policeman gave mum a 150$ fee and mum drove back home quite angry 
that the policeman didn�t believe her.

�Timmy! To avoid things like that in the future you�re gonna sit in a 
car seat like Matt from now on!�

�But mum! Matt�s car seat is for babies! Look at all the straps! Why 
can�t you get me a car seat for older kids?�

�Because everyone thinks now that you are a baby so there�s no other 
way, honey!�

At home Judy got me and Matt out of the car and took us to her house.

�Your mum has to take care of some stuff, Timmy! Go and play with Matt 
meanwhile!� Judy carried Matt to the nursery and changed his diaper. I 
crawled behind her to the nursery. Then she put me and Matt into the 
playpen for play and told me not to worry about anything.

When mum came over later and took me home I noticed that my old baby 
car seat was in the car and I knew where I would sit from now on. Mum 
opened the car and put me into the car seat. She buckled me in and 
pulled the straps tight.

�Now you are a safe and happy baby, Timmy! Right?�

I just sat there strapped into the car seat with no way out because the 
release was between my legs and I couldn�t bend that far and made some 
baby noises through my pacifier to make mum happy.

When we went inside I couldn�t believe my eyes. Mum had set up all the 
baby things from the loft and I knew for who they were for. I started 
to cry through my pacifier but mum quieted me down.

�There, there Timmy! Everything�s alright! Mummy�s gonna make you din 
din now!� She put me on the floor and I tried to follow her but I could 
only crawl and when I tried to walk I fell down. I even hurt myself 
when I fell on my knee and mum put me into the playpen.

�You see that it�s dangerous for babies to play outside of the playpen. 
Now be a good baby and play in here where my little Timmy is safe!�

I tried to get out of the playpen but was stuck with no way out. I 
couldn�t even reach the top of the bars and would be in here until mum 
took me out but I knew that I would just hurt myself out of the playpen 
and so I started to play with some toys while sucking my pacifier 
waiting for dinner.

When mum finally came she carried me up to my room where she had set up 
the changing table next to the crib and all clothes I found where baby 
clothes. Everything that could remind me of my big boy life was gone. I 
was a real baby now. Mum put me onto the changing table and took off my 
romper and my wet diaper. All I could do was struggling a bit like Matt 
did when Judy changed his diapers and mum just put a fresh diaper on my 
butt. Then she took a baby sleeper and redressed me. This sleeper had 
mittens that made it impossible for me to grab anything and it was sewn 
together on the feet so it was even hard to crawl.

Now Mum carried me down into the kitchen where she placed me in my old 
highchair but when she wanted to strap me in I spit out my pacifier and 
protested, �Mum! I�m a big boy! I don�t need to eat in a highchair!�

�Well Timmy, show me how big you really are!�

Mum took me out of the highchair onto a big boy�s seat and gave me my 
dinner. The pancakes mum had made smelled so good but I couldn�t hold a 
fork with the mittens. I was also so small that I could hardly eat 
while sitting on an adult�s seat. Normally mum would put a pillow on my 
seat making me sit higher but this time she didn�t and I couldn�t do 
anything but admit that I had to eat in a highchair. So mum strapped me 
into the highchair and put the tray in place. She put the pancakes on 
the tray and told me to eat them but I couldn�t even reach them because 
the straps held me back so I could do nothing but cry, �Mum, please! 
Undo the straps! I wanna eat the pancakes!�

�Sorry Timmy, but they are for your own safety. You could fall out of 
the highchair if you struggle that much like you did on the changing 
table. You know, babies don�t now yet what�s best for them so they need 
their mummy to take care of them and help them with whatever they do 
because they are so helpless alone!�

I cried so much but mum just started to cut the pancake into pieces and 
started to feed me but the pieces where too big for my mouth and I 
wasn�t able to chew and swallow them so I had to spit it up. Mum just 
laughed, cleaned the mess I had made up and put a bib around my neck.

�I know Timmy! Big boy food is not meant to be fed to babies. I�ll feed 
you some food you will like even better than these pancakes!�

Mum took a jar of baby food and spoon fed me it. At first I didn�t want 
to eat it but after some spoons I really began to like it and finally 
ended up eating five jars. I would have liked to eat the pancake too 
but I noticed that I was just too small to eat big boy food and was 
happy that I had a loving mother who fed me food I was able to eat. I 
knew that my mummy knews best what was good for me.

After feeding me the baby food mum handed me a glass of juice and told 
me to drink it but I couldn�t hold it with the mittens and spilled it 
on my bib. I cried because I didn�t know how to drink from now on but 
mum just said, �You see that only big boys can drink like big boys. 
Diaper boys drink from a bottle!�

Mum handed me a baby bottle with milk but I couldn�t even hold the 
bottle so mum held it for me while I was happily sucking it. While 
sucking the baby bottle I noticed that I really was a baby and that mum 
was right treating me as such. From now on I didn�t want to fight mum 
any more and wanted to be her little baby boy.

After dinner mum cleaned up my messy face and suddenly I noticed that 
my diaper felt like there was some poop in it and mummy just put my 
dummy in my mouth and said, �That�s normal Timmy! When babies eat they 
poop! They can�t help. That�s why you wear such thick diddies. Let�s 
get a change!�

I giggled and mum carried me upstairs to get me a new diaper and put me 
in my crib to get some sleep. Lying in my crib dressed in a sleeper and 
diapered thickly I felt very comfortable and mum kissed me goodnight. 
My pacifier was still dangling on its keeper and I wanted to suck on it 
so I opened my mouth and struggled with my hands and feet and just 
said, �Mummy! Dummy!�

So mum put my pacifier back into my mouth smiling at me happily and I 
felt so secure in my crib where I knew that I couldn�t fall out and 
that nothing could hurt me and fell asleep immediately.

The next morning I was awakened by mum changing my diaper. I just 
sucked my pacifier because this procedure has already become routine 
for me. After feeding me my breakfast mum told me that I would go to 
hospital today to see what�s wrong with me. So I was placed in the baby 
car seat and strapped in and I�ve never felt so secure like this time 
driving in a car. At the hospital mum carried me inside and checked in, 
�Good morning! I want to get some tests done on my son Timmy here!�

�Yes of course! How old is he?�

�Timmy is thirteen!�

The nurse was very surprised and looked at me.

�Okay, but, it seems to me that he�s still like a baby, socially��

�Yes, exactly this is his problem. He started to lose control over his 
potty needs some days ago and I would like to know why he�s doing 

�Well, but as he still wears diapers we have to send him to the toddler 
ward. Normally thirteen year old get sent to the children�s ward but 
there the kids don�t get their diapers changed. So please go to the 
third floor. A doctor is already waiting for you.�

Mum carried me to the third floor where a doctor told her that I would 
have to stay at the hospital for three days to test me. So mum gave me 
to one of the nurses and said goodbye and promised that she would visit 
me every day. I cried through my pacifier when mum left but the nurse 
just put me into a playpen with other babies. I was the biggest baby in 
here playing with one and two year old but that was not new to me since 
I used to play with Matt all the time. At the evening I got fed in a 
highchair again like all the other babies and was put into a crib I 
couldn�t get out of with a fresh diaper and a pacifier in my mouth but 
it was somehow different from home and I had a very bad sleep this 

During the next two days the doctors made some tests on me. That was 
the only time I was out of the crib. When they were finished examining 
me they just put me back in my crib with nothing to do except sucking 
my dummy I really got hooked to. If my dummy fell out of my mouth or if 
the nurse took it away I would start to cry and yell for my pacifier. 
There where only three words I used at all which were dummy, pee and 
poop. Why should I need more than these words, actually, why would I 
need these three words at all? I only spoke when my paci was out of my 
mouth dangling on its keeper what was very seldom and crying got me 
everything I needed. Putting a dummy in my mouth and checking my diaper 
were the first and only things they would do if I cried and if I didn�t 
stop although I had a clean diaper and my pacifier the nurse took me 
out of the crib and fed me a bottle while I was lying in her arms. When 
I thought of that I came to the conclusion that talking was needless 
and I completely stopped talking. Furthermore, I thought, Mummy would 
be happy if I didn�t talk back all the time so stopping to talk was 
needless and better too.

During my time in the toddler ward I became as much of a baby as Matt 
what meant that I was a real baby, no difference. When mum took me home 
after three days in the hospital they told her that my bladder and my 
compressor were hurt and that I couldn�t control them any more. That�s 
why I would pee and poop without feeling it. Mummy knew now that this 
must had happened when I had the accident and asked the doctor, �And is 
there any cure for this disease?�

�No, it�s like a broken bone. You can only wait until it gets better. 
This will take about one year until Timmy has the potty ability of an 
eighteen month old ready for potty training. Besides, you might not 
notice it when the bladder is cured because he will continue peeing 
like he�s doing now. He has to be potty trained again.�

So I knew now that my baby life would last for at least one year and 
was quite happy because I really began to like it. I didn�t have to 
worry for anything and could play all the time. I wouldn�t go to school 
from now on too because babies don�t go to school. Mummy carried me to 
the car and we drove home me sitting in my car seat me being so happy 
that I got my mummy back.

�Judy, Matt, Debbie and I missed our baby so much Timmy! Let�s go home 

At home mummy just changed my diaper and fed me some baby food. Then 
she carried me over to Judy�s house where she told her everything about 
me. Judy listened carefully and suddenly had a great idea, �Listen, 
Cathy. Matt and Timmy have almost the same potty ability. I would say 
that we let them grow up together and get potty trained together when 
Matt is old enough what will be about the same time when Timmy�s 
bladder will be cured. So we can care for our babies together and they 
can play all the time together�

Judy! That�s great!�

So it was mum�s decision that I would be a baby for the next year and 
when I heard that I giggled and clapped my hands because I was so 

My baby life was always the same everyday. Mum woke me up and changed 
my wet and messy diaper. Then I got fed breakfast. The only thing I was 
fed was baby food and it was the only thing I still considered as food. 
I have never held my own bottle because at first I couldn�t because of 
the mittens but even if I was dressed in just a romper or playing suit 
I just opened my mouth and let mum hold the bottle because I was so 
used to it.

After breakfast I was put into the playpen and played with some baby 
toys. My favorite toy was a rattle and I spent hours and hours playing 
with only the baby rattle. If I was dressed in the sleeper with mittens 
I just lay in the playpen doing nothing. I sucked my pacifier too all 
the time and took it out only to eat and cry. I haven�t talked only one 
single word since mum had brought me to hospital what was almost two 
months ago because the summer was already up. Since I had got these new 
thick diapers I was wearing all the time now, sometimes even with 
diaper doublers, I haven�t made only one single step alone, only when I 
was lead by my mum�s hands to make sure I couldn�t fall down I waddled 
a bit. I hardly even crawled because all I needed was in my reach.

After lunch mum always put me in my crib for a nap and afterwards 
strapped me into my stroller and pushed me together with Judy or Debbie 
pushing Matt in his stroller to the park where I used to watch some 
toddlers playing. Then I always stretched my hands after them and 
wanted to play with them but mum always said that I�m not old enough to 
play like a toddler yet and that Matt is still too young too. I knew 
that this was true but actually, I had become more of a baby than Matt. 
Judy didn�t strap Matt into his stroller, he could move back and forth 
while I could only struggle with my hands and feet. Matt didn�t suck 
his pacifier all the time and has spoken his first word last month. I 
was always sucking on my dummy and when I heard Matt talking his first 
word I tried to say something too but through the paci it sounded like 
usual baby sounds and I didn�t want to spit it out because I couldn�t 
be without my dummy. Matt was more active than me too. When we played 
together in a playpen at Judy�s house he always crawled around while I 
just sat there with a rattle in my hand giggling through my pacifier. 
While Matt grew up and would soon be walking I grew back and was like 
any other six months old. Mum and Judy noticed that but they said that 
there shouldn�t be added pressure to me and that I grow sooner or later 
anyway so I should just enjoy my baby life.

When we came back from the park mum put me into the playpen and 
switched on the TV that was placed outside. So I could watch baby shows 
like Teletubbies and Barney through the bars and clapped my hands to 
the songs.

At the evening mum fed me some more baby food and I was put into my 
crib with a fresh diaper on at only 6pm to sleep. Matt was allowed to 
stay awake until 7pm.

When the new school year started mum had to work again and Judy wanted 
to apply for a job too so they decided to send Matt and me to a daycare 
until next summer. On the first school day mum brought me over to Judy 
who put me into Matt�s playpen. Mum left for work and said goodbye. Now 
that I was in a daycare she worked full time but I could spend less 
time with my mummy. Judy brought us by car to the daycare some blocks 
away and told us that she would come and pick us up in the afternoon. 
The caregivers, an old woman called Miss March and a younger lady 
called Miss Brown carried us inside. There were three doors to the 
three different classes at daycare. One was for real babies not yet 
potty trained. Matt and I were assigned to this class with other real 
babies between the age of six and eighteen months. The second room was 
for toddlers ready for potty training with kids all under the age of 
four and the last room was for all the potty trained kids. My aim was 
of course getting to this class because although I enjoyed my baby life 
I wanted to be a big boy and prove mum that I wasn�t so much of a baby 
but at the moment I was more of a baby than most of the babies in baby 
class. I knew that but I was helpless. I wasn�t able to hold my pee and 
poop for two hours what was the minimum to get to the toddler class and 
knew that I wouldn�t be able to hold it until next summer so I just got 
adapted to the baby class. We weren�t allowed to play much because the 
most important thing here was sleeping. I spent almost three quarters 
of my time here in either my crib or strapped in a baby swing sleeping. 
They only took me out for lunch and diaper change and when I was 
allowed to play with the other babies in the playpen I just took a toy 
I found and forgot about everything but play. I spent the next half 
year as a baby in baby class and when I turned fourteen I was actually 
a six months old. Matt learned extremely fast and at the age of one 
year he could waddle like any toddler at the age of two. He hardly ever 
sucked his binkie and talked more and more every day. I was kind of 
jealous because I was still stuck in here and knew that there was still 
half a year left until there was little hope for me to get to toddler 
class but I couldn�t do anything. In February they decided that Matt 
would go to toddler class next month and July was so proud of him that 
she stopped buying thick baby diapers and got him some thinner ones to 
make it easier for him to walk. He really deserved them too because he 
peed only half as much as I did and pooped his diapers only one time a 
day while my diapers were messy after each nap and meal.

Since this time I�m alone in baby class and continue sucking my 
pacifier all the time, pooping my diaper and sleeping in my crib. At 
the weekends when we went to the park I had to watch Matt playing 
happily with the other toddlers while I was still not allowed to. Judy 
was so proud of her son that he could already walk and she didn�t even 
put him in his stroller any more. Matt didn�t need it like me. Mummy 
said that I have to learn to walk again before I�m allowed to play with 
the toddlers because it�s too dangerous for babies. I knew that she was 
right because I remembered the day I tried to walk and hurt myself so I 
just slept strapped into my stroller sucking my pacifier. Judy could 
also have some little conversations with Matt. He still used baby talk 
but understood most of what Judy told him. I haven�t talked anything 
since I was put back to diapers and actually didn�t miss it.

When summer came and school was out I didn�t have to go to daycare 
anymore because mum was at home now all the time. Judy had got a job as 
a secretary and wasn�t at home most of the time so mum watched Matt and 
me at our house together with Debbie. Matt could walk as well as any 
kid in the big kid class and as he already wore training pants Mum was 
sure that he would get potty trained over the summer so that he could 
be assigned to the big kid class next school year. I was still a real 
baby and forgot all about being a big boy. Being a baby was my world 
and there was actually no one in my class who was so much of a baby 
like me. As it was summer now I remembered what the doctor said and 
knew that I would be able to get potty trained now but whenever I felt 
my diaper getting warm I didn�t feel the pee coming out, only the 
result. When mum fed me my lunch I wanted to talk to her but this 
turned out to be quite hard. I wanted to tell her that I want to get 
potty trained but all that came out was just a typical newborn�s sound.

�Does my little baby Timmy try to talk? How cute! But my baby Timmy 
isn�t ready yet! Maybe in one year, or two! Now be a good baby and 
drink your bottle!�

It was horrible! I couldn�t even communicate any more. I was so much of 
a baby that I couldn�t even tell mum what I wanted. All I could do was 
point at things I want and hope that mummy would know what I meant. So 
I passed my summer holidays as a baby with no hope of becoming a 

For two weeks Judy, Matt, Debbie, Mum and I went to the beach. At the 
airport Mum checked in our luggage, including my stroller and had a 
diaper bag ready for me whenever I needed a change. Mum held me all the 
time while waiting for our flight and I saw Matt running around the 
terminal happily in his training pants. Judy looked so proud and happy 
too because her little boy already was so big.

When our flight took off I was all the time in mum�s hands looking out 
of the window wondering how big the world was and what a little baby I 
was. While everyone, even Matt got regular food in the plane Mum told 
the stewardess that I couldn�t eat solid food and that she had my food 
ready for me. So all I got were some jars of baby food and since I 
haven�t got anything but baby food since more than one year now I 
wanted to eat something different now, so I pointed towards Matt�s food 
what was rice and chicken and mum said, �Well, let�s see if you like 

So she got me a spoon of rice but when I wanted to swallow it I threw 
it up onto my bib.

�You see Timmy! Babies can�t eat solid food! That�s why you get good 
tasting baby food!� When we got our hotel at the beach mum just put me 
into the crib because it was already late but there was no second one 
for Matt. The room service told Judy that unfortunately there was no 
crib left so it was the first time that Matt was allowed to sleep in a 
big boy bed. On the next morning his bed was dry, like his pull up too 
and he hadn�t fallen out of the bed like I did so Judy said, �That�s my 
big boy! You don�t need any more diapers Matt! Diapers are for babies 
like Timmy!�

Matt came over to my crib smelling my messy diaper and laughed at me, 
�Timmy go poopy in diddy! Timmy baby!�

I started to cry and Mum quickly put the pacifier in my mouth and 
changed my diaper. After breakfast that consisted of baby food mum 
strapped me into the stroller wearing only a short romper and a thick 
diaper. She pushed me to the beach where Judy and Matt dressed in 
regular big boy swimming pants had already found a good place. Mum took 
me out of the stroller and put sun blocker all over my body except my 
diaper area. While Matt had fun on the beach I was all the time sitting 
in a towel watched by mum or Judy and did nothing but sucking my dummy 
and pooping my diaper. It was kind of embarrassing too getting changed 
in public on a beach but that was just usual for me and I didn�t care.

When the next school year started I was still stuck in baby class and 
Matt was in the big kid class. My life still consisted of sleeping and 
pooping my diaper. Mum didn�t try to potty train me and so I am a baby 
ever since. Mum was happy to have a little baby she could take care of 
and didn�t want to change my situation. When I turned seventeen last 
winter I was no longer allowed to go to daycare although I was still a 
baby like all the other babies there and haven�t grown much and still 
fit in all the baby things. So mum sent me to a school for retarded 
kids where all my classmates had some kind of problem that made them 
learn slower than the others. Two of my classmates wore diapers like me 
although they were not real babies like me but I really missed daycare 
now. I don�t think that I�d ever get potty trained again and already 
forgot all about my big boy life. I haven�t talked since I was put back 
to diapers. I haven�t walked since I was put back to diapers and since 
I went to this special school I had to wear a special sleeper that made 
it impossible for me to crawl too or even sit up so I just lay in my 
crib sucking my pacifier playing with a rattle and getting farer from 
being a big boy every day.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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