

Part 1


I felt the cold air rush around my penis. I opened my eyes, and looked up at my Mommy. She smiled down at me. I opened my mouth, but before I could ask for it, she stuck my pacifier in. I sucked contently. She finished wiping around the base of my very erect penis, and grabbed the powder. She sprinkled some on. The smell of pee was replaced by the lovely aroma of powder. She rubbed it in, teasing my penis. She then instructed me to lift my legs. She slid the old diaper out from underneath me. She told me to turn over, and I complied. She sprinkled some powder over my soft cheeks, and rubbed it in there too, ensuring to get right into the crack. I turned over again, and she slid a fresh diaper under me. I smiled, but it quickly faded when she drifted off into the blackness.


I woke up. Mom was shaking my shoulder gently. I battled with my eyelids, trying to get them open. After a couple of seconds, I broke the crust that had formed during my sleep.


“Morning, sleepy head” she said to me with a smile. “How’re the diapers?”


“Wet, but if you wait a couple of seconds, you can have a load too.” I said. She didn’t mind me talking like this. She preferred it to some of the other names for it. I don’t know what she would have done if she had heard me say ‘shit’. I glanced across the room, and saw my sister just getting up. She looked tired, and made her way into the bathroom. That’s one thing I don’t have to worry about in the morning. I just let go what needs to come, which usually isn’t much, as it usually comes out whilst I sleep. Mom left, so I had time to do what I usually did in the mornings. I made sure that she was downstairs, and started to rub the front of my diaper. Just a couple of minutes of this action made me shoot my semen into the front of my diapers. I then let my bowels go.


‘I love my life’ I thought to myself.


You see, I have never been potty trained. Well, never successfully, anyway. From what I’ve been told, it was started when I was two. Mom and dad had decided that they had had enough with waiting for me to ‘show signs’, so they just went straight on a tried. Only, I didn’t like the idea. I didn’t want to give up my diapers, but not because I liked them (not then, anyway), but because when I did try to hold it in, I couldn’t. Besides, I liked not having to get up from whatever I was doing to go to the toilet. The battle that ensued lasted for over two years. They tried everything: Treats; ‘Big boys don’t wear diapers’; even punishment in the end. But it didn’t work. It seemed that nothing they could do would make me want to give them up. So they gave up. I had won; they just refused to try any longer. But they didn’t completely give up. They kept making it obvious that I was in diapers. They wouldn’t let me have any other clothes on unless we were going anywhere where it was completely necessary. They were biased to my sister, who had been trained at the age of one and a half. When I turned five, I decided that I would have to explain my side of the story to them. I finally managed to get them to listen to me, and explained that I had difficulty in holding it in. they knew, deep down in their hearts, that I had tried to train, but I had failed. Or at least, I had tried for the first 6 months or so. Then I just got bored. So, I had access to my clothes, they stopped being biased, and everything was ok.


I have not used a toilet once since that day. Even when puking, I refused to use the toilet. Instead I have a bucket that lives in my room. If I’m going to throw up, I throw up in the bucket. Then Mom puts the puke into the toilet. For five years, I have only been into the bathroom to have baths, and to do my teeth. That’s it. Of course, nowadays, with no dad, that means that there is never any chance of the seat being left up.


The story of dad is a strange one. Mom and dad are still happily married, but they live apart. As far as I can tell, Mom refused to move one time, but dad went through with it. So now, we live about 15 minutes drive away from each other. We get together sometimes, for a meal, or an outing. But other than that, we don’t really see much of him. So that leaves me, Mom and my sister: Nancy. She’s two years older than me, at 12. She’s the one that usually changes my diapers. She has had this chore since I was 6 and she was 8. She doesn’t mind, and has found it interesting over the years. She has watched my penis go from very small, to quite small, and now its starting to grow with the onset of puberty. But it’s not huge yet.


She walked back in. I saw her glance over at me, and a smile started in her face. I think she knew what I did.


“Are you ready for a change?” she asked, whilst undressing. She’s never been worried about being naked in front of me. She has shared a room with me since we were tiny, so we are used to seeing each other.


“Guess.” I replied sarcastically.


“I’ll take that as a yes, then” she said, smiling even more. She pulled the changing mat out from under the chest of drawers, and sat on top. I let her take over. She pulled my shirt over my head, and tossed it onto my bed. She pushed me into a lying position, and started to work on my diapers. She pulled away the plastic pants, and felt the front of the mass of fabric.


“You’ve soaked them good” she said, as she started to undo the pins.


“Well, you saw how much I drank yesterday.”


“True,” she replied, “And I suppose you’ll want to refer to the fact that you didn’t have to get up in the middle of the night to pee.” She said.


She knows me too well.


“Well, you did get up four times. That’s a new record” I said.


She smiled.


“Last year, you only managed three.”


“I really don’t see how you can stand to just lie there and pee on yourself. And then you lie in your own pee. You must have been wet when I went out the fourth time.”


“Yes, but I didn’t want to get out of bed, as I was nice and warm and cosy.” I said.


By this time, she had removed the first diaper. It was slightly yellow at the front, and was quickly discarded into the pail. She started work on the second one, noticing that there was a slight brown stain on the back of this one.


“Have you got the shits again?” she asked.


“Don’t let Mom hear you say that. Why do you ask?”


“Well, the back of your diaper is brown, and this is seven layers. That’s a huge amount of poop.” She said, patting the clean part of my buttocks. I savoured the feeling of my loose stool being mashed against my butt.


“You like that, don’t you” she said, after noticing my smile


“And so what if I do?” I replied.


“I didn’t say it was a bad thing, its just weird, that’s all.” She said.


Within a couple of minutes, she had got all of my diapers off, and there was a large pile in the pail. She then set about the laborious task of wiping up all of the excess poop. As she did this, my penis started to stiffen. She smiled.


“You like?” she asked, in a seductive manner.


I giggled, knowing that she liked it when I did. It gave her the feeling that I was just a little boy, as I was at heart. As she touched my penis, I winced slightly.


“You really shouldn’t play with yourself in the morning. It really ruins my fun in the change” she said. I knew what she was talking about.


“It’s this puberty business” I replied, “it makes it impossible not to.”


“I suppose,” she replied, “but you could let me do it for you”


This was a new one. She’d never even acknowledged my habits, let alone offered to assist me. I made a mental note to take her up on that offer tomorrow, or maybe even later today.


She finished off the change, being careful of my sensitive organ, and pinned me into a ten-thick diaper, ensuring, of course, that I had at least ten pins on each side for each diaper. If you do the maths, that’s a hell of a lot of pins!


We went downstairs, me waddling like a three-year-old, and Nancy just walking normally. We took our seats at the table. I, as usual, was sat in my high chair with the table fixed around me. That’s another thing you’ll find about me. I like re-visiting my childhood. I had an OK childhood, I mean, it’s not as though I didn’t have any fun, but I just didn’t want it to end. As Mom started to take away some of my ‘little boy things’ I expressed a dislike. So, she just ended up bringing them back again.


So now, even though I am ten years old, I still play with toys made for kids more around the age of five. I still have quite a lot of Lego, which I flatly refused to give away (and, even though she doesn't want anyone to know, Nancy likes to play with too!), as well as some Fisher Price toys that we got at a jumble sale. In fact, if you look around my life, you will find that i can be a lot more childish than i look at a first glance. That is, if you look around my life. You may not see it if you were just passing through the house, reading the electricity meter, but if you actually got to know me a bit, then you would see it.

After breakfast, I waddled into the lounge, and grabbed a couple of my favourite matchbox cars. As I started to drive them around the rug in the middle of the room, Nancy came in and turned on the TV. She was flicking through the channels, when she came across a diaper advert. Ever since i had started to wear diapers full time again, I had looked out for diaper adverts on TV. She automatically stopped flicking when she saw my head snap up to watch the ad. It was one of the old ones. For Goodnights, as it happens. I went back to driving my cars, and she went back to the flicking. After about five minutes of it, she got bored, and suggested that we played with the Lego together. There we go – you see, she likes the Lego.


Part 2


After breakfast, I waddled into the lounge, and grabbed a couple of my favourite matchbox cars. As I started to drive them around the rug in the middle of the room, Nancy came in and turned on the TV. She was flicking through the channels, when she came across a diaper advert. Ever since I had started to wear diapers full time again, I had looked out for diaper adverts on TV. She automatically stopped flicking when she saw my head snap up to watch the ad. It was one of the old ones. For Goodnights, as it happens. I went back to driving my cars, and she went back to the flicking. After about five minutes of it, she got bored, and suggested that we played with the Lego together. There we go – you see, she likes the Lego.


I agreed, and got up. Just as I got to my feet, I felt my bowels let loose. There was a muffled fart to accompany it. Nancy glanced at me, and I just smiled. She shook her head, almost definitely thinking how weird I am. But then, who isn’t? (Weird that is, not thinking I’m weird)!


We went upstairs, and got out the large box that I had. Nancy tipped the entire contents into the middle of our floor, and started to sort the pieces. I helped, and pretty soon, we had piles of bits, all categorised in the usual way.


“What do you want to build?” I asked, letting another load go into the back of my diapers.


“A toilet?” Nancy asked, sarcastically.


“OK.” I replied, “If that’s what you really want…”


“No, Timmy, not a toilet.” She said, pretending to be annoyed.


We both giggled.


“I don’t know.” She finally said, “Why don’t you choose?”


“Well, anything I choose, you always disagree with, so you choose.” I replied.


“Tell you what,” she replied, “whatever you choose, I promise to build”


“OK.” I said, thinking, “I choose … uh …” I looked around, “our bedroom” I finally said.


“Our bedroom?” she asked, hinting at a dislike of the idea.


“You said you’d build it, no matter what.” I said, before she could suggest something else. She agreed, and we set to work.


I let my bowels loose at least another three times during that Lego session. Nancy was right, I did have the shits.


The fourth time I dirtied my diapers, Nancy stopped what she was building.


“Are you going to keep doing that?” she asked.


“Yes. Why?” I replied.


“It’s disgusting. I think I’d better change you before you overflow.”


“OK. It’s getting cold now anyway.” I said, knowing this would annoy her slightly.


She helped me up onto the top of the dresser, and started the laborious task of unpinning my diapers.


“Geez, Timmy, it’s got a brown stain on the outside. That’s ten diapers thick. You definitely have the shits.” She said, whilst starting to unpin my first diaper.


I just smiled. I always have, and always will enjoy the feeling of fresh poop in the back of my diaper.


Needless to say, when she got down to my bare butt, there was a huge mess. It had even made its way up to near my belly button.


“I’m not wiping this.” She said in disgust. “Come, and I’ll wash it off in the bathroom.” She said, leading me out of our room. She helped me into the bath, and then started up the shower attachment. She washed the excess poop off my butt, and grabbed an old towel specifically used for these occasions. She wiped the last of my poop off with that, and led me back to our room. She then started to powder. She did my butt first. By the time she had powdered the whole of that, my penis was rock hard. She knew what I wanted her to do, and therefore she did.


“We’ll have to get rid of this.” She said, “Otherwise your diaper won’t fit properly.”


Even though a diaper would fit over my erection, my hormones stopped me from disagreeing. She started to rub it. I closed my eyes, and smiled.


“I take it you like that, then” she said, speeding up.


Now, this was quite embarrassing for me, as I had never even acknowledged that I masturbated to anyone, never mind my sister. But for some odd reason, the embarrassment just seemed to add to the pleasure of the experience. After a couple of minutes, I had forgotten about my embarrassment, and just let the natural thing happen. I shot my load all over my stomach, and Nancy just kept rubbing. Only when I started to show signs of it hurting, did she stop.


“There,” she said, “I bet that feels better?”


I giggled, and nodded.

She wiped up my semen with a wipe, and proceeded to diaper my, now soft, penis, being careful not to touch it too much as it hurt.


Part 3


“Come on then, Timmy, time for lunch” Nancy said, as if she was talking to a toddler. She grabbed my pacifier from the floor by my bed, and stuck it in my mouth. I started sucking, and waddled after her. Again, I was in 10 diapers, with 10 pins on either side of every diaper.


I followed her down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Mommy was just finishing making lunch, and laid it all out on the table. I was strapped into my high chair, and Nancy sat down beside me. She proceeded to feed me my food, making it seem as though she was feeding a three-year-old. She kept making aeroplane noises and acting as though the food was not food, but more things like cars, or trains, or aeroplanes, or anything else that she could think of. I willingly accepted all of the mouthfuls that she offered me, and by the end of the meal I was almost completely full.


“I bet you’ve not got any room for any dessert” Nancy said, knowing exactly what this would make me do. I leant to the side, and pushed a large load of poop out of my backside.


“There you go” I replied, “I’ve made room.”


Again, she rolled her eyes at me, thinking how weird I am.


She then fed me the ice cream that was for dessert. I made sure that I didn’t have my mouth in the right place all of the time, so there was quite a lot of ice cream around my mouth by the end, as well as all down my bib. She removed my bib, and snapped away the table of my high chair. She grabbed a damp cloth, and wiped around my mouth, removing all of the left over ice cream that had gathered there.


We went into the other room. There I was, waddling like I was three, with my sister walking normally. I paused by the mirror in the hall to have a look at the contrast between my heavily diapered behind, and her behind, clad in only denim jeans. Just looking made my tiny penis grow to an erect state inside my diapers. Nancy sat down in front of the TV. Daytime TV is so boring! Theres nothing on but chat shows, and house makeovers. I decided that now was a good time to check my emails. I went upstairs to our bedroom, and booted up our machine. As usual, it whizzed and whirred, and then threw up a login screen. I entered my username and password, and the really annoying login sound played. And here I was. Sat in front of my PC. I have always been interested in Computers, and therefore have naturally learned how to do many things. I can outstrip anyone in my family. Probably even everyone in my school. I have played about with Nancy and my machine, and now it is better than almost any of the ones that I know of. I wont go into the details, as that would bore people who are not interested, but lets just say that it can overrun almost any store-bought PC. I opened up my email client, just taking a couple of seconds to think about how good a DSL connection is. Within about 10 seconds, I had 12 emails in my inbox. I glanced down the senders, deleting all of the ones that I deemed as junk. So much for the anti-spam filters, I thought. I opened the first email, which was from one of my close friends. He lives about 500 miles from me, but we exchange emails regularly. It said:


Hey Timmy,


Thanks for the pictures. Nice diapers by the way. Are you gonna be coming up this summer? Its getting really hot already, and they say its gonna get hotter than last year. Just as well we can go round in just diapers, eh! How’s Nancy? I hope if you come up she can diaper my butt. I really like it when she does that.


It went on to describe in detail exactly what he liked about how Nancy diapered him, including all of the description of the pee and poop. My already hard penis was getting stiffer.


I read through the rest of the emails, most of which were from people who had seen my site. You see, I have a web site. Well, I call it a site, but really its just a few pages. It is, naturally, what most people would deem a ‘diaper site’, therefore has my story, and a few smaller pictures of me in my diapers.


One of the emails had a selection of pictures of one of my more distant contacts, mostly showing him in his really thick diapers. My penis was now begging for attention. Just as I was about to go over to my bed to relieve my erotic urges when my best friend started a chat with me. I explained the email that I had just got, and what I was about to do about it, and he started to describe the contents of his diaper. He went into detail about the large poopy load that he had just deposited into the back of it. This only helped me by giving me more to masturbate over. I brought myself to a very pleasurable orgasm right there in the chair that I was sitting in. I thanked him, and logged off, leaving the computer switched on.


I went over to my bed, and lay on it, exhausted after my third orgasm that day.


I drifted off to sleep.


Part 4


Mommy came into my room about two minutes after I had got to sleep, and noticed me on my bed. She came over to me, and felt my arm. She could feel that it was hot, and could visibly see the sweat that had built up whilst I was enjoying myself. She knew that I masturbated regularly, and didn’t do anything to discourage it. She knew that it would just be damaging to me if she did. She knew of many people, including herself, who had been taught that that sort of thing was a taboo, and that nobody did it. She desperately didn’t want that to happen to me and Nancy, so she had promised herself when Nancy was born that she would not interfere with the sexual development of any of her children. She gently pulled a blanket over me, sensing that I was starting to get cold, and pulled the curtains shut. She left, closing the door afterwards.


I woke up to the smell of dinner. It had been decided that Daddy would come over for dinner, so Mommy had put in the extra effort. She was doing one of her pot roasts, which was one of her best dishes. I pulled the blanket off me, slightly confused as I had not put it there, and went downstairs. Nancy was in the lounge, watching TV, so I went in and joined her.


Of course, by this time, my bowels had gathered a very large amount of poop. I could feel it starting to want to push its way out of my backside. I leant back, and just let rip. I could feel it push its way out, making its way up the back of my diapers and right down into my crotch. I just kept on pushing, forcing the last of my, now very runny, bowel movement out of my poop-covered behind. As I pushed the very last globs of poop out of my butt, I could feel that there was not enough space. I delighted in the feeling of my large load pushing its way up past my balls, and towards my now stiff penis. The entire movement was accompanied by a few muted farts, and there was no doubt that I had just filled my diapers. A couple of minutes later, I stood up, feeling some of what was up past my balls fall down into the crotch of my diaper. As it moved, some of the smell escaped, and I filled the room with a foul-smelling odour. I left, and went towards the kitchen. I could hear the radio on, and that Mommy was doing the cooking. I waddled in, liking the feeling of my soup-like load in the back of my diapers. She smiled at me when I walked in.


“Been enjoying yourself again?” she asked, smiling.


“Maybe” I replied. “is there anything wrong with that?”


“No. That’s true” she replied. “It’s a lot better than some of the things that you could be doing. I’d much rather you did that than do drugs or anything”


Then the smell hit her.


“Do you want to get Nancy to change you?” she asked.


“In a bit” I replied, not wanting to get rid of my warm poop just yet.


“Oh, of course.” She replied, “You like it, don’t you?”


I nodded. She knew anyway, so there was not point in trying to hide it from her.


After about 30 minutes, I asked Nancy for a change.


As always, she led me into our room, and I lay on the top of the dresser. This time she wiped up my mess, stimulating my small organ to life. This time she gave me a choice.


“Do you want me to get rid of that, or would you rather I leave it be?” she asked.


“I don’t mind.” I replied “If you want to play with it, go ahead. If not, don’t.”


She decided that she would, and quickly brought me to my fourth orgasm of the day.


Part 5


I woke up to the sight of Daddy leaning over me. He was wearing a large smile, as he shook my shoulder.


“Hey there, kiddo, how goes it?”


“Daddy” I replied, happy to see him. Then, to answer his question “I’m ok.”


“Well, your Mom says its time for dinner, so I just came to wake you up. Do you need a change?”


I did a quick check of the diapers. I was wet, and there was a small amount of poop in the back of them, but I knew that I would just fill them up again, so I declined.


Suddenly, Daddy picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed with joy as he carried me downstairs.


He carried me right into the kitchen, and strapped me into my high chair. He then took his place at the table opposite me.


Dinner smelt really good at this point, and I could tell that Mommy had put all her effort into making it nice for Daddy. She brought the casserole dish over. It was one of my favourites - beef casserole with dumplings. She served us all up some, and proceeded to feed me mine. I could see Daddy snatching a sideways glance at me every now and then. When I finally made eye contact on one of these glances, he just smiled, and looked away.


After dinner, it was decided that we would play a board game. This had been one of the traditions for the meals that we had together. Every time, we would play a couple of board games, and catch up with what had happened since the last dinner outing.


We settled on playing Monopoly, and after one round I was quite tired.


“Looks like you might have to miss the second round” Dad joked as I yawned.


“I dunno.” I replied. “I’m kinda tired, but I haven’t done anything tiring today.”


“Well, little kids need their sleep.” Nancy said.


I smiled, and agreed that I should go to bed.


Again, Daddy threw me over his shoulder, and carried me upstairs. He changed my diapers (as now they were full of runny poop), and tucked me in, kissing me on the forehead.


I grabbed my teddy, and snuggled down into the covers to drift off into the land of nod.


Feel free to email me telling me what you think of the story. My address is:




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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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