This is the continued story of
Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,
Simon’s Journal
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.
The following narrative is nearly a complete work of
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their
awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest
you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.
Simon's Journal
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
Part 4 – Friday, March 12, 2004 – Alone Together
“I-I c-can do it
m-myself.” I said.
“Ah oh!” she said
and for a second I thought I had said something bad but then she smiled and
sang, “Guess the magic Peach Schnapps is wearing off, you are stuttering
“M-magic w-what?”
I asked.
Schnapps, Peach Schnapps. That is what you were drinking, that is what it is
called.” She sang as she lifting me into the air and had me stand on the lid of
the toilet.
She had my pants
unsnapped before I could protest again, “I c-can d-do it m-myself.”
I thought I might
have made her mad at first but then she smiled and said, “You know something? I
have always wonted my own little boy to take care of. How about just for
tonight, you be my little boy?”
Confused I
answered, “B-but I c-can’t be.”
Auntie Catharine
looked sad, “How come? Don’t you want me to be your mommy just for tonight?”
Not understand
that she was only meaning for pretend I said, “B-but y-you’re my A-aunty?”
She took a moment
to think before saying, “You know how you pretend to be Superman?”
“Yeah.” I
“But you are not
really Superman right? You are just pretending right?” she asked.
I thought for a
second, “Yeah.”
She smiled at
this, “So how about if I pretend to be your mommy and you pretend to be my
little boy?”
I didn’t really
know what to say so I shrugged my shoulders.
“Okay then! So
you will call me mommy and I will call you . . . what should I call you?” she
I shrugged, this
time with my arms and hands too, “Simon!”
This made her
laugh, which I was glad of.
“Okay, but since
you are my ‘little’ boy,” she put extra emphasis on the word ‘little’, “Hum,
what do they call really little boys? Oh, I know! I will call you Baby Simon!
How’s that?”
“B-but I’m n-not
a b-baby!” I answered.
“Oh of course
you’re not! This is just for pretend! Like another game!” she said reached up
again to unzip my wet pants. This time I didn’t protest, through I was feeling
apprehensive about all of this.
“Aft-ter m-my
b-bath, c-can I-I have an ‘S’ l-like in th-the p-painting?” I asked as he had
me lift each leg so that she could remove my shoes and socks.
“Oh I think that
is a grand idea!” she said reaching up and giving my nose a flick with her
She had me
stripped naked in no time and despite my efforts to get her to let me keep the
cape on while I took my bath, she had untied it and hung it on a hook on the
back of the door.
I stood on the lid of the
toilet stark naked with my hands cupped over my nudity. When she turned back
around her eyes fell on me and she smiled, “You are just the most darling baby
boy.” And I felt my face go all hot.
When she lifted me into the
air I could feel on hand placed firmly against my back and the other was
cradling my bottom cheeks as she lowered me into the bathtub. The water was not
too warm and not too cold, it was just the right temperature for a summer day
like today.
At first, I sat stone still
with my hands still placed firmly over my boyish nudity but then she opened the
little cabinet door benieth the sink and brought out several bath toys.
There was a cool wind-up
powerboat that skipped across the water. There was a really neat submarine with
a tube to blow in so that when I blew air into it, it would come to the top of
the water and when I stopped blowing it would sink again. After a few tries I
was able to make it hang stationary in the water, not sinking and not floating.
She also gave me this yellow duck to play with. It wound-up to and had little
feet on the bottom that were like pattle wheels but I think I liked the
submarine the most.
She let me play in the water
until my toes and fingers started to get all prune looking. I was never left
alone, she stayed right beside the bathtub playing along with me right up until
she announced, “Okay, lets wash you up and then we can get dressed and go make
some supper.”
“Don’t forget about my ‘S’
for my chest!” I reminded her by drawing an imaginary ‘S’ on my glissening
chest with my finger.
With her finger she gave my
nose a beep and said, “Beep!”
I grinned and made a splash.
I continued to play with the
submarine while she washed my hair and body. I didn’t mind it at all until she
had me stand up and she began to wash my bottom. She took a very long time
washing back there and it tickled a lot. I tried not to laugh but I couldn’t
help it. And then she started washing my front parts and at first I got a
little scared but then it started to tickle too, but different somehow. She
said something about how my mommy shouldn’t have let the doctors cut me down
there but I didn’t know what she meant by that.
When she had all the soap
rinsed off of me, she lifted me out of the tub but she didn’t put me on the
floor. Instead, she had me stand on the bathroom counter while she dried me off
all over really good.
She had me raise my arms
high over my head so that she could wrap the towel around me, it went around
three times before she tucked the end into the top and carried me from the
As we were leaving I
shouted, “Don’t forget my cape!” and I reached out and snatched it off the hook
at the last possible second.
I was glad when she carried
me to the room she had prepaired for me instead of to the painting room first.
I would have felt more then a little funny standing there in all of my boyhood
glory while she painted a big red ‘S’ on my chest.
However, from the moment we
stepped into the room, I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach and it
only grew stronger when, instead of lowering me to the floor, she stood me on
top of the odd sort of dresser and removed my towel.
Though I felt peculiar about
being nude, I didn’t bother with trying to cover myself now; I figured that she
had seen everything I had, so what was the use.
Dropping the towel on the
floor to the right of the dresser, she picked me up again and this time laid me
flat on my back ontop of the dresser. She reached across me, pulled out some
sort of yellow belt or strap and stretched it across my chest. I heard a click
as she fastened the end of it to the front of the dresser before sinching it
“W-what’s th-that f-for?” I
asked with my stuttering nearly back to normal now.
“So you don’t fall off.” She
With a single finger, she
tapped my chin, “Open up for mommy!”
“Mommy?” I thought, boy that
sure sounded weird but I did as she asked and opend my mouth.
She placed a pacifier in my
mouth and slipped a strap around the back of my head so that I couldn’t spit it
back out. The sucky part of the pacifier was so big that it nearly filled my
entire mouth and thus making it impossible for me to talk anymore. I attempted
to reach up and pull it from my mouth but that attempt was thwarted when she
took hold of both of my arms, raised them high over my head and tied them in
that position with another strap from the left side of the dresser.
I was beginning to get very
scared, actually I had passed scared and was right on the verge of a full out
fear fest of tears and whaling.
Then just like that she was
gone. She had abruptly turned on her heals and walked out of the room leaving
me laying there naked and strapped to the top of the dresser.
With my wrists and chest
both firmly strapped to the dresser, I attempted to buck my hips and kick my
legs but it was useless. I couldn’t even shake the dresser or make it bang
against the wall.
With tears streaking down
either side of my face and snot running down the back of my throat, I laid
there waiting for my Auntie’s return. Thankfully, I only had to wait about five
She came walking back into
the room carrying what kind of looked like a baby bottle without the nipple.
With a smile she said, “This will make my baby Simon feel so much better!” and
proceeded to attach the bottle to the pacifier that was strapped into my mouth.
A second later I could taste
the sweetness of peaches filling my mouth and I had to swallow to keep from
choking. Auntie Catharine squeezed the bottle until I had swallowed down every
last gulp before removing the bottle again.
It didn’t take long before
my head began to swoon and my ears sounded like they were filled with cotton.
Auntie Catharine was singing something but for the life of me, I couldn’t
figure out what it was she was singing. It was something about babies with beds
in trees; at least that is what the words were.
Laughing, I found myself laughing.
“Why am I laughing?” I wondered.
I lifted my head so that I
was looking down my exposed body. Auntie Catharine was singing her song while
she put cake frosting all over and around my little pee-pee. Of course it
wasn’t cake frosting but in my current mental state of drunkenness it sure
looked like cake frosting and it tickled more then the washing had.
I watched in wonder as she
began to shake a bottle of powder over me. I tried to speak to ask her why but
with the pacifier filling my mouth and all I was able to do was make funny
little grunting sounds; not unlike that of a baby.
With a blink, I tried to
focus my eyes on her hands. They were moving in slow motion and the words to
her song seemed to hang in the air for the longest time.
Her face drew closer and
closer to mine until I could not see her but I felt her wet lips against my
“Swimming, Swimming! My
head, it won’t stop swimming!” I heard the words in my mind but they were
trapped there, unable to escape due to the pacifier filling my mouth so that
words could not form on my tongue.
I don’t know how long I laid
there, it might have only been a few moment, it might have been a few hours. I
honestly had no idea and it wasn’t until I found myself standing in the middle
of Auntie Catharines painting room, looking down at my chest while she painted
a big red ‘S’ on me that I realized that I was no longer strapped to the top
funny looking dresser.
It was weird but I couldn’t
see but about a few inches past my nose. When I looked up, I couldn’t see
Auntie Catharine though when I looked down I could see her hand, which was
holding a long wooden paintbrush with red paint filling the bristles.
“I know it tickles, but try
not to laugh and move or mommy might mess up.” I heard her say.
I tried to stop thinking and
just listen . . . I could hear someone giggling, it sounded like a little kid
joyfully giggling. It was me, I was the one erupting with silly laughter.
“But it tickles so much!” I
laughted to her.
“I know, I am almost done!”
she laughed too.
I looked down, “It’s upside
down!” I observed.
She laughed and moved her
face closer so that I could see her now. She was grinning as she said, “You are
a very silly baby!”
After one last stroke of her
brush she announced, “Okay, all done!”
As I began to move my hand
toward to it she smacked it rather harder then maybe she meant. “No don’t touch
it! Let it dry!”
“I wanna see, I wanna see!”
I squeeled.
“Run into the bathroom and
look in the mirror on the back of the door.” She said.
Extreamly excited, I lifted
my left foot to run but found I couldn’t run, I could barely even walk. It was
like my legs were somehow confused about how to operate.
“Does baby want mommy to
cawwy him to the mir-wer?” she asked in a very babyish voice.
“I tell you what, cover your
wittle eyes!” she said.
“But I want to go see!” I
“Simon, I want you to cover
your eyes first.” She said in a slightly stronger tone.
“Alright, I gonna cover my
eyes!” and I placed my fingers over my eyes, “Biiiig peeeeek!” I teased
while peeking through my open fingers.
“No, no peeking!” she said
with a grin that she was trying to hide from me.
“Biiiiiiiiiiig peeeeeeeek!”
I teased again.
“Simon! No more of that!”
she said sternly.
“Alright, I promise! No more
peeking!” I giggled and covered my eyes proper this time.
She must have picked me up
and carried me to the bathroom, but I don’t remember for sure. I just remember
standing infront of the mirror with my hands over my eyes.
From behind me, I heard her
say, “Alright, take your hands away and open your eyes.”
I did just as she asked and
stood there admiring my Auntie’s artwork on my chest. I was wearing my new red
cape and it hung behind me so nicely.
“What do you see?” she
“I see me! Handsome,
handsome me!” I giggled.
She sounded amused as she
said, “Never mind that!”
“So handsome!” I continued.
“Simon!” She said, “I-I just
want you to look hard at yourself in the mirror.”
“Alright! I’ll look at
myself, but I don’t know why!” I giggled and shrugged.
Then I saw something that
puzzled me. I was wearing some funny looking underpants . . . and then I
realized what I was seeing.
I looked disbelievingly into
the mirror at the reflection that stood before me. The boy in the mirror, he
had my face, he was wearing my cape, he even had my ‘S’ painted on his chest
but he was also wearing a big, puffy diaper!
I was so frightened that I
jumped up and squeeled, “Aaahhh!” and tried to run from my reflection but I
couldn’t run. I fell to my hands and knees where I where I began to scamper
over the white tiled floor, past Auntie Catharines legs and hid beside the
“Simon, come back here!” she
yelled, “It was just you!”
“Was not!” I shouted back.
“Yes it was!” she argued.
“Was not!” I shouted again.
She was standing in front of
the toilet and me, though I couldn’t see any higher then her knees.
“Who do you think it was?”
she asked.
“Don’t know!” I grunted
“Now look at yourself in the
mirror again.” She said stepping out of my range of view.
I swallowed and scuttled
slowly out from beside the toilet. I waddled toward the mirror and when I came
to within viewing distance and was able to make out my reflected form again, I
shouted, jumped and fell down again.
I didn’t make it to the
safety of the toilet again because Auntie Catharine had blocked my way this
“Simon now stop that!” she
commanded, “It was you again!”
“Was not!” I started arguing
“Was too!” She said, “Who do
you think it was this time?”
Unable to get past her I
covered my face with my hands, “I don’t know!”
“It was you!” she said
bending over and getting me to my feet.
“Was not!” I struggled to
stay clear of the mirror this time.
“Yes it was!” and she pushed
me toward the mirror, “Now look in the mirror!”
I didn’t drop my hands, “I
don’t want too!”
“Son! Look in the mirror for
mommy!” she tried sounding calmer.
This time I opened my
fingers a bit and peeked through and squeeled at my reflection, “Aaaahhh!” but
Auntie Catharine had a firm grip on me so that this itme I couldn’t get away
from the boy looking back at me.
And the more I looked, the
more I was able to bare looking at myself in the mirror and at the diaper. The
diaper bulged out everywhere and rose so high on the boy in the mirror, that it
covered his bellybutton.
I turned sideways and the
boy in the mirror turned too. Though the back of his diaper was concealed by
his long red cape, it was obvious by the way his cape was hanging that his
diaper stuck way out in the back.
“I-I’m wearing a diaper?”
the words, they came out sounding more like a question.
Auntie Catharines face
suddenly appeared next to the boy’s in the mirror, “Well of course you are, all
babies have to wear diapers!” and I could feel and see her hands petting my
“B-but why?” I asked and I
watched as the boy in the mirror began to cry.
“Sshhhh, don’t cry my
precious little baby boy!” she hushed and kissed my cheek.
“B-but I d-don’t want to be
a baby!” I wimpered.
Staring at my reflection, I
could see now why I was having such a difficult time with making my legs move a
moment ago; there was so much diaper between my legs that it was impossible for
me to stand normally. Instead, I looked like I had spent an entire day riding
the penny pony outside the grocery store. I was so bow-legged that I bed Auntie
Catharine cound have crawled under me.
“Are you done looking?” she
I nodded as she took my
hand, opened the door and proceeded to lead me from the bathroom. It was all I
could do to keep up with her and the harder I tried the more it made my head
swim again. About half way down the stairs, she stopped and carried me the rest
of the way down. However she again made me waddle from the bottom of the stairs
all the way to the kitchen where she had me sit on the floor.
I watched as she took a
normal looking baby bottle out of the same cabinet that earlier today I had
seen her get the Superman cup from. She filled it about half way with milk and
the rest of the way with something from out of a brown colored glass bottle
which she had retreved from the refrigerator when she was putting the milk back
With the nipple screwed
tightly on she bent down and instructed, “I want you to drink this all gone!”
I shook my head, “I don’t
want too.”
She quickly adopted a very
stern tone, “Do you want mommy to pull your diaper down and spank your butt?”
I began to cry again as I
reached up and took the bottle from her.
“Put it in your mouth and
drink it!” she ordered.
For only a second I
hesitated as tears began to flow again. I lifted the bottle to my mouth and
began to suck on it.
I sucked on the bottle,
drinking down the milk while she began making dinner. She kept a very close eye
on me to be sure I finished my bottle.
Dinner turned out to be a
lot more then I had been expecting, though at this point I should have been
expecting anything.
While sitting on the kitchen
floor, I had finished my bottle and was feeling particularly well. I wasn’t
feeling as spaced out like I was after drinking the bottle of Peach Schnaups up
in the room though its effects were still very prevalent. No, this new stuff,
whatever it was, that came from the brown bottle was making me feel . . . well
happy and a little more clear-headed.
“Now doesn’t mommies little
baby feel better?” she cooed as she took the empty bottle away from me.
“Mommy’s almost finished
with dinner . . .” she was saying when the door buzzer sounded from the
Auntie Catharine wiped her
hands on her aprin and rushed past me to answer the door.
“Oh hello, hello! Please
come in! I have dinner nearly ready!” I heard Auntie Catharine say.
“Someone else is here!” I
felt a twinge of panic within my small heart but it didn’t last, whatever it
was that had been in that bottle with the milk seemed to cancel out any concerns
or fears in an instant.
“Oh please
come-come-come-come-come!” I heard Antie Catharine smozing over a guest, or
maybe more then one guest.
A strange sounding female
voice, “Oh Catharine I do love what you have done with this place!”
Yet another woman spoke up,
“Oh how precious these curtains look in here!”
And then there was a younger
sounding voice, like that of a child that asked, “Mommy can I go pay with the
“Me too?” another asked
though this one sounded younger then the first.
“Run along, run along, run
along!” Auntie Catharine said in a sing-song melody and tittered cheerfully.
“Oh Catharine you must tell
me how you manage to keep such a big home so well together all by yourself.”
“Mommy can I go pway too?”
another small voice asked.
Auntie Catharine seemed to
explode into a surprised and loving tone, “Hello there Lowell! I did not see
you hiding back there! Yes, go play, go play, go play! Have fun, have fun, have
There was the sound of
someone thundering up the stairs and then someone asked, “So where is the
little rascle?”
“He’s in the kitchen. He has
just had another bottle so I think he will be very pleasant.” Auntie Catharine
said, “Let me go get him.”
A moment later she entered
the kitchen and without saying a word lifted me off the floor and swept me off
to meet her guest. I did try to protest by squirming a little but the moment I
saw all three ladies I froze.
“Here he is, here he is!”
she announced.
There standing in the middle
of the livingroom were three ladies all looking to be about the same shape,
size and age as my Auntie Catharine though their hair styles varied amoungst
“Oh he is such a darling
baby!” the lady with the big puffy red hair said.
“Oh and look at his
wonderful cape! Catharine you did such a good job on it. You have to make
William one!” A lady with curly brown hair and way too much makeup had said.
The third lady with her
blonde hair pulled tightly into a bun at the back of her head leaned in and
pinched my cheeks, “Oh he has the cutest little cheeks.”
I was feeling overwhelmed
and felt the need to get the heck out of there but with Auntie Catharine
holding me for all three women to ogle, I had no chance of escape.
“When did he arrive?” The
red haired lady asked.
“Just this afternoon, shortly
after lunch.” Auntie Catharine answered, “He’s staying until tomorrow but I’m
sure he will be back.”
“Oh what smells so good?”
the blonde lady asked.
“Could you watch Simon for
me while I finish getting dinner on the table?” Auntie Catharine passed me off
to the Brown Haired lady who began to pat my diapered bottom and bounce me in
her arms.
To my dismay, the three
ladies proceeded to pass me back and forth, each taking turns cooing and
fawning over me. Inside, I kept having moments of panic and in the blink of an
eye, those feelings were gone thanks to whatever it was Auntie Catharine had
added to my bottle of milk.
“Dinner is ready! Dinner is
ready!” Auntie Catharine announced.
“Boy’s! It’s time to come
down for dinner.” The red haired lady called up the steps.
I was placed on the floor
where I sat watching to see who came down the stairs; to my astonishment, it
was three boys, the first was crowned with bright red hair parted neatly on the
left side. He looked to be a little smaller then me, I guessed he was maybe
five and he too was clad in a big cloth diaper. He had not seen me and waddled
around the corner into the dining room.
Hot on his heals came the
second boy with brown hair cut into a summer buzz and looked much older. He
looked to be at least eight or nine though no one could tell from the diaper he
was wearing and the pacifier he was sucking on. He followed the red haired boy
into the dinning room.
A full half a minute later
came the third and last boy. I heard him tromping down the stairs as loudly as
he had when he’d gone up them. Before I saw him, I had already guessed he would
have blonde hair since the other two boys seemed to have the same color hair as
two of the ladies. I was right, he hit the bottom of the steps with a thud; he
had jumped from several steps up. He however did not go into the dinning room
but instead waddled over to me. Unlike the other two boys, he wasn’t wearing a
cloth diaper, he had on a disposable diaper with little blue bunnies and yellow
duckies on the front. It was also obvious from the smell and the way it hung so
low on him that he had pooped and probably peed in it. I could only guess that
this had happened after his arrival as none of the ladies had said anything
before sending him up to play. He was smaller then the other two boys, heck he
was even smaller then me. Out of the four of us, he was the only one that
looked young enough to still belong in diapers; though only just.
He stopped in front of me
and plopped down onto his diapered butt with a squish. “What you name?” he
asked souding like a toddler who had not yet learned to add vowels to his
I was suddently conscious of
the fact that my mouth was hanging open and that I was drewling on myself but
even though I was conscious of it, I couldn’t seem to do anything about it.
“Hey!” he waved his hands in
front of me to try to snap me out of my daze.
“Lowell honey are you coming
down . . . Oh there you are!” said the Blonde haired lady.
She came over to where the
two of us were sitting on the floor, “Boy’s it’s time to come eat.” She said
but stopped, bent down and then called out, “Catharine, I think you might have
given baby Simon here a bit too much. He looks stoned out of his precious
little head!”
Auntie Catharine and the red
haired lady came out of the dinning room together.
The blonde lady said while
helping her son up, “Oh my I think someone needs a change after we eat. Now you
go in and sit at the table with Peter and Jasper like a biggy boy for mommy.”
Without question or comment, he took off waddling his diapered bottom just like
a duck would its feathers.
Auntie Catharine picked me
up and cradled me in her arms while the blonde lady used a tissue that she had
pulled out of the front of her dress to wipe the drewl from my mouth and chin.
“Oh he just needs some food
in his tummy and he will feel much better.” Said the red haired lady as she
pulled at the front of my overly thick diaper and added, “And I think he’s
going to need a change after lunch too.”
out of the dinning room, I could hear singing and it started out quiet and
slowly grew louder and louder. I was genuenly surprised for about half a second
until I realized what song it was that I was hearing sung, “Kirri a,
kirri a, kirri a laisson! Kirri a, kirri a, kirri a laisson!”
I reached up and rubbed at my eyes
with the backs of my hands. A groaned escaped as I yawned, trying to wake back
up. I opened my eyes to see that I was still surrounded by the fowl smelling
darkness and swiftly realized I had been dreaming the whole time.
I yawned and stretched again,
remembering every aspect of the dream I had just had. It was all there in my
mind, and then it occurred to me that it couldn’t have been a dream at all. It
must have really happened, all those years ago it must have happened . . . “But
how could it!” I said aloud, “It’s imposible!”
Had I not been distracted from my
thoughts at that very second I would have broke down crying but the melodious
words once again reached my ears and chased away any negative feelings in an
instant, “Kirri a, kirri a, kirri a laisson! Kirri a, kirri a, kirri a
My heart skipped several beats when
I realized who was approaching. Taking a deep breath dispite the stench that
surrounded me, I sang out as loud as I could, “Kirri, kirri, kirri, kirri,
kirri, kirri, kirri, kirri a!”
Sounding much closer, the reply
came, “Kirri a, kirri, kirri a laisson!”
From directly above me I heard the
sound of two feet stomp hard against the wooden floor as Lowell calling out,
“Squad Halt!”
“Uh, too late, I’m done as halted as
I can halt without going backwards!” I teased up at him because if I had said
anything else at that moment, I was sure I would have broken down and lost all
control over my erupting emotions.
I cried out not bothering to keep my voice down, I mean if we had not been
heard singing then what was the chances anyone could hear anything else we said
way down here.
He hushed with a giggle that warmed me to my very core. “They say I got to go
by Trey here.” Lowell said with he face smashed against the grate.
the fact that my body was almost completely numb from the cold, I was to my
feet and scurrying up the ladder in record time. I stuck my left hand through
the grate and Lowell took a firm hold of it, intertwining his clean warm
fingers with my filth covered ice fingers. We both began weeping but they were
happy tears, well most of them were.
squeezed my hand super hard, “I knew you was still alive! I just knew you was!
I knew, I knew, I knew!” and I felt his tears falling down on my face.
had laid himself flat on the grate and since I couldn’t stay on the ladder much
longer I went down to the bottom but we could still hear each other. We talked
for the longest time. I learned that the police captured Bull but he is in the
hospital cause he was hurt bad. The police also managed to rescue eight missing
boys, two of which were the boys that had been found in Bull’s wrecked car.
about my brother Jamie and Mike and Tate?” I asked.
pausing before answering he finally said, “Uh, the news said that there was a
fire in a cave under the park and they say a bunch of kids and people were
killed, and some police even got killed.” and then he got really quiet.
I said stongly.
thinks you and your borther Jamie and Tate and his brother Mike were all killed
in the fire too.” Lowell said unable to keep from crying.
Jamie was in the car with Tate and the rest of us! We all were in the car,
those two kids they found, Tater and his brother and my brother Jamie too!” I
paused to take a breath, “Somebody took me someplace after the wreck, I don’t
know where but then they put me on a boat.” I was talking fast and crying at
that same time.
know, I read!” Lowell sniffed.
understanding what he had just said I grunted, “Huh?”
wrote it down, I found it when that girl, uh . . .” he stalled while trying to
think of her name.
I offered as more a question.
her. She put me in a bed and after she left, I found the note pad under the
pillow. I read some of it but not all of it.” Lowell said and coughed softly.
that very second there was the loudest farting sound from above me. It echoed
around the corridor for what seemed like ten minutes. When the echos stopped
Lowell and I both busted out laughing so histerically that neighter could talk
for sometime. I don’t think it was really as funny as our laugher made it seem
but maybe it was fueled by our nervous fears over our capture and enslavement here.
when I managed to regain some of my composure but only just barely I said,
“Don’t let anyone else read it.” I had to stop to stifle a giggle and tell
Lowell to stop laughing, “I am trying to tell you to keep it hid ‘til I get out
of this place!”
two of us continued talking for a while. Lowell was filling me in on what had
happened since the night I went missing and I told him everything that had
happened from my perspective.
they bring you here by boat too?” I asked when he had paused to catch his
by plane! It was super loud and hurt my ears.” He said coughing, “Man I hate
this smell!” he added.
Oh yea, I learnt that if you keep breathing through your nose it goes away but
don’t stop or it hits you again.” I instructed.
okay then!” he said.
is this were they put you last night?” I asked.
that mean drunk little man pushed me down and I landed in the, uh water.” He
said and for half a second I thought he was going to say the ‘SH’ word.
don’t suppose it would have mattered if he had. I mean who’s going to tell our
parents if we cuss down in this place?
talked until there wasn’t much left to talk about and we both grew quiet for a
while before a thought suddenly hit me, “Hey?” I called up to Lowell.
he said sounding like he might have been sleeping or at least dozed off up
did you finish your story?” I asked.
yeah actually I did!” and the way he answered made it sound as if he had been
surprised by my question.
I squeeled with delight.
I wish you had it with you! I would love to hear you read it to me.” I said
excitedly. “Don’t suppose you remember it well enough to tell me it do you?” I
probed, hopeful that he would say yes.
don’t want to hear it now. It’s pretty scary for a place like this.” He said
with caution.
come on! Please Lowell! It will take my mind off the cold!” I begged.
some hesitation he finally relented, “Oh okay, but I might forget some of it.”
okay, just do your best!” I tried to assure his confidence, which didn’t sound
very strong right then.
a surrendering sigh he said, “Okay let me think here a second.”
could hear him russling around overhead and figured he was making himself more
comfortable. By the way he sounded now, I was guessing he was laying on his
back talking into the air.
me back up a bit first.” Lowell said.
that’s a good idea, ‘cause I can’t exactly remember how the last bit ended.”
let out a funny sort of croaking sound that must have been his attempt to clear
his throat, “Huh, my butt itches!”
stop stalling!” I said laughingly up at him.
not stalling!” he paused before adding, “That wasn’t me farting that you heard,
I pooped in my diaper!”
did?” I asked with no small amount of surprise at this announcement.
maybe you should go find Cho to change you again.” I suggested.
way! She gives me the creaps!” He neary shouted.
I couldn’t help but to tease him a bit, “Well, suite yourself but don’t come
down here crying to me when you end up with a nasty case of diaper rash!”
shut up or I will . . .” but when he couldn’t think of anything to say he just
said out of frustration at being bested, “Just shut up!”
laughed and so did he though not has much as I did.
you want me to tell you the ending of Hamunaptra or not?” he said trying to get
one over on me with his idol threat.
I will be quiet Trey!” I said using his Banachelli name.
heard him groan and expected him to say something derisive back but instead he
just said, “Okay then, I think the ending of the last chapter you heard, which
was chapter 5 by the way, went something like this . . .”
Uncle Max helped me back to my feet. We
both looked up to the opening, expecting to see someone but no one appeared. I
felt my legs going weak and I jumped as Uncle Max placed his hand on my
“Uncle Max, don’t do that!” I demanded as
I clasped my chest.
Uncle Max gave me a look that said he was
sorry, “Now we are in a real fix.” He said.
I bent back down to look at the ladder and
could see that it had been cut. I held the cut end up to show Uncle Max; he
looked alarmed but seemed more concerned with Miss Lillian Hassley’s body, or
what remained of her body. Ignoring the fact that someone had just cutaway our
only way out of the tomb, he knelt again next to her and just looked at her for
a while.
Trembling with fear, it took me a moment
or two to get the lantern to work but once I had it lit, my eyes began to dance
around the room. I was breathless at the sight what lay before me. I could see
clearly now, that the walls were all covered in gold. As if acting as a
welcoming or maybe a warning two Golden statues stood about twenty feet further
into the room. One of the statues I had faintly seen last night and from above
I thought they looked like some kind of creature that was half goat and half
bird. I could now see that the body was more like that of a horse but with more
powerful looking muscles and with a tail like a whip. The tail had to be at
least fifteen or twenty feet long and rose up over the statue as if it were
being lashed about. The head of the statues were distantly that of the dragons
of Komodo but were covered in short stubbly looking feathers also cast in gold.
What I thought was a beak last night was actually a single long jade fang that
extended about eight inches past its lower jaw and curving under slightly. As I
said, they were two identical statues that stood on either side of the room
with their tails meeting high above and intertwining together.
The walls, though covered in gold, were
also painted with a strange form of hieroglyphics that I had never seen before.
The language seemed to have traces of Egyptian as well as a dozen other
languages and I wondered to myself if it might be the lost language of Babel,
the legendary first ever city and language of man before they were divided and
scattered across the earth by the great god Jehovah.
The floor was indeed encrusted with red
rubies that spanned as deep into the tomb as either of us could see. Several
gold and silver sarcophagi with more red hieroglyphics inscribed on them were
leaning against the sidewalls.
However, what really caught my attention
was what was in the center of the room. An enormous sarcophagus, the biggest I
had ever seen or heard of, ever! The thing that made it stand out as so odd, I
mean besides its massive size was that it was made out of ordinary stone.
Everything in this room was obviously made of the purest and greatest of
treasured materials. The tomb itself was a treasure greater then even King
Solomon had once possessed and yet here, laying in the middle of all these
riches was an oversized and yet un-remarkably plain, stone sarcophagus.
“Uncle Max?” I whispered.
He was still leaning over Miss Lillian
Hassley’s body when I turned to look at him I saw that he was tapping the
fingers of his left hand against his lips as if almost in some sort of
meditative trance. I had to call his name three more times before Uncle Max
finally looked up at me and I saw his eyes as for the first time he too was
noticing the fabulous treasures of this room. I watched, as his eyes grew as
wide as dinner plates. Slowly he lifted himself to his feet and gazed around
the room. I would have enjoyed watching the wonder on his face more had I not
been so anxious and troubled by the mystery of the sarcophagus in the middle of
the room.
“Uh, Uncle Max?” My voice cracked as I
pointed toward the stone oddity.
He followed the invisible line my finger
made and when he finally saw it too, he grunted with an obvious amount of
uneasiness in his voice.
“Last night,” I started to say but had to
stop and swallow because my throat was so very dry, “Last night, when we were
looking in here, did you notice that stone sarcophagus?” I asked and the tone
in my voice was beginning to scare even me. His eyes kept moving from the two
statues and then back to the large sarcophagus.
He took one step and was at my side.
Placing his hand on my shoulder he, ever so slightly, shook his head from side
to side without speaking a word.
“Have you ever seen anything like that
before?” I asked softly as if now worried that something might hear us.
“Never!” His voice broke as he attempted
to answer me.
We looked at each other and we both knew
the answer to my question. Uncle Max still had his hand on my shoulder and was
squeezing a bit too hard.
“Uncle Max, you’re hurting me!” I cried
“What? Oh, sorry Jason.” He said letting
go of me and wiping his face with the same hand.
do you remember all this so well?” I interrupted him.
don’t know. Guess cause I wrote it and have reread it so many times.” He said.
got a great memory for stories!” I complemented him.
He said and as though I had not interrupted him he continued.
“Do you think Miss Lillian Hassley could
have opened it?” I asked even through I already knew the answer.
“That cover must weigh better than fifteen
tons.” Uncle Max took a breath, “There is no way any one man, or woman in this
case, could have moved it.”
“Uh, you stay here.” He said as he took a
single step away from me and toward the sarcophagus.
“Are you nuts? I am not staying alone
anywhere down here!” I knew I was not being brave but had anyone else seen what
Miss Lillian Hassley looked like... Whatever did that to her was obviously big
and powerful and there was no way I was going to be alone. Of course, I know
the irony of it all, especially given that I was told to say up topside and I
did not listen.
Uncle Max stopped, turned and looked at
me. My expression must have been enough to convince him that I was seriously
scared though I was doing my best to keep it hidden. With a twitch of his head
he said, “Okay, but stay close to me.”
He took the lantern from me and we both
walked slowly over to the center of the room. I could feel the wetness of my
pants as the fabric touched the skin of my legs. It caused chills to run
through m,e which only magnified the strong emotions I was already feeling.
After a few steps, my stomach let out a
growl that caused us both to jump, “Oh crap I am sorry,” I said grabbing my
belly, “I guess I am hungry.”
I gave Uncle Max a half smile hoping he
would stop looking at me the way he was, but he did not return my smile. Instead
he said, “How on earth can you be hungry?” he motioned toward Miss Lillian
Hassley’s body.
I shrugged my shoulders and we continued
over to the edge of the stone sarcophagus. I had to stand on my tiptoes to be
able to see down into the stone coffin and what I saw, I hope I shall never see
the likes of again.
“Uh what is it?” I muttered under my
He handed me the lantern so that he had
both of his hands free. I could see clearly now that it was the mummified
remains of a man, a very large man; he looked to be as wide as three normal
sized men dressed in a robe of gold cloth. He was not wrapped in linen
bindings, just a robe of gold cloth with strange symbols woven into the cloth.
Moreover, his head was not a mans head but more like that of some mythical
beast with two rams horns protruding from his forehead and spiraling outward of
either side of his head.
We both examined the mummified man-beast
carefully; my heart was aching within my chest from beating so ferociously and
sweat was flowing down my face as if they were great drops of blood. I moved to
position myself so that I was looking up from his feet, across his enormous
frame all the way up to those deadly looking horns.
When Uncle Max finally said something, he
scared me so bad that I dropped the lantern. It hit the floor with a crash
leaving the two of us in total darkness.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god!” I was mumbling
in the dark.
“Do not move!” Uncle max said in a near
whisper, “Do you hear that?”
I did not so much
as breathe as I listened in the darkness. There was a sound; a very distant,
almost non-existent rumble that seemed to have originated from deep within the
bowels of the earth. It was low and hard and seemed to grow stronger and louder
by the second. When the urge within my lungs cried out for oxogine, I finally
allowed myself to draw in a much-needed breath and my nostrils became filled
with the overpowering sent of sulfur mixed with cinnamon, myrrh and spikenard.
at that moment, as Lowell was telling his story to me, I couldn’t help myself
as I yawned rather loudly.
still awake down there?” Lowell called down to me.
yeah! Just listening is all.” I sent back up.
but if you get sleepy, just go to sleep ‘cause I can always tell you this later.”
He instructed.
but I won’t. I want to hear it all now.” I said trying to hide another yawn.
I think that gets us up to where chapter five ended and chapter six started.”
Lowell then added, “So the rest went something like this . . .”
he began, “Hamunaptra - City of the Dead by Lowell. Chapter six.”
no! That’s not right!” I shouted up at him.
aint right?” He called down to me.
by B.L.!” I jokingly corrected him.
laughed and said, “Oh yeah! See I told you I might not remember everything just
only teasing! Go on then!” I laughed too.
began again, “Hamunaptra - City of the Dead by B.L.” and with another laugh he
asked, “That better?”
better!” I giggled.
then, “Hamunaptra - City of the Dead by B.L.”
done said that part!” I joked again.
up or I won’t tell it to you!” he growled
I’m sorry! Please go on.” I tried to sound sincere.
didn’t interrupt him again as he begin once more, but this time with all the theater
and special effects thrown in to make it even better.
By B.L.
~ Chapter Six ~
I tried to stifle a chuckle.
“SIMON!” Lowell barked in
mock irritation.
“Sorry, it won’t happen again!” I assured him.
Fumbling in the dark we managed to find
the lantern and get it working again. I was never so glad to see light as I was
at that moment.
I pulled the front of my shirt up and
whipped the sweat from my face and eyes; as I pulled it back own over my
stomach my eyes again landed on the enormous creature that lay in the
sarcophagus before us and a shiver ran down my spine.
A second later there was another rumble
but this one did not come from deep within the tomb. It came from me again.
Uncle Max was shining the lantern on me and looking both frightened and agree.
I covered my stomach with my hands and made a grimace.
The odder of sulfur grew so strong that it
overpowered the sents of cinnamon, myrrh and spikenard
When Uncle Max moved the glow from the
lantern away from me it reflected against a picture on another wall and for
only a moment I saw it clearly.
I saw the most magnifince painting of a
blue and gold dragon, the kind from childrens storybooks and Eastern Legons.
“Here take this!” Uncle Max said handing
me a torch he had removed from a wall and lit using the lantern. “And stay
close!” he ordered but I didn’t obey. I
had to get a closer look at that dragon.
I was puzzeled by several things. The head
of the dragon appeared to be that of a hawk with a mane like a lion, and it
appeared to be wearing clothing. A blue robe or cloak that covered a great deal
of its body and most increable of all, it appeared to have been painted in with
tears falling from it’s eyes.
I stepped closer and noticed that the tears
were actually blue saphired that had been set into the wall and at closer
inspection the dragon was not a painting but a sort of statue that had been
only partially carved from the stone wall.
And at that moment I saw another picture,
one I had seen before. It was obviously done by the same hand that had created
the image on the side of the Cliffside graveyard as well as the portrate back
by the tomb entrance.
“Y-e-s...” I whispered to myself.
Yes of course I could recognize her face;
I had seen her before, back at the hotel and again at the airport.
I glanced over to see Uncle Max moving
closer to the sound emanating from somewhere deeper. Assured that he had not
left me, I returned my attention to read the inscriptions cared below her
Next Installment:
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