This is the continued story of
Simon's Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,
Simon's Journal
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.
The following narrative is nearly a complete work of
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their
awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest
you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.
Simon's Journal
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 –
Out of the Frying Pan
“Let’s get on with it. Here I’ll take the feet
again, you get the head.” Segal ordered.
I felt myself being once again being transported
by the two villains. To where? In addition, to what? At least the grim boat and
truck rides appeared to be over. It did not seem to me that anything could be
as bad as those had been. At the very least, I might soon be having the
smothering blanket and blindfold removed, hopefully be able to get out of the
soaked diaper and to be able to see once again. It didn’t much matter to me
what I looked upon as long as I was no longer imprisoned in a wet diaper and a
suffocating blanket encamped by darkness.
I was only lugged a short distance on level
ground and then up several very loudly creaking steps before we came to a stop
I heard an old style bell ring; it was muffled and distant as if deep inside a
“You sure dey’re expetin’ us at dis godly
witch'n hour?" Doc asked with more then a hint of trembling to his voice.
Segal, sounding like he was able to go nuclear
on Doc snapped back, “It is called an ungodly witching hour you ass!”
And not missing a beat Segal continued, “When
else would we be coming with this kind of delivery you simple minded fool? In
the bright sunshine?” Segal snorted. “Of course they’re expecting us. Don’t
think they don’t know how everything’s done. It’s their business. Now, don’t
you go—“
He stopped at the sound of a door handle
turning, and a door opening with all the special effects of a bad horror movie.
“We’ve got the uh . . . package,” Segal grunted
under his breath.
“They’re waiting for you,” a
nervous, high-pitched voice replied, “Follow me.”
A moment later and I was set
upright, my footie pajama clad feet hitting chilled linoleum that stung the
bottoms of my feet. It was only at this point that I realized I was wearing
pajamas and I supposed that my Jamaican caregiver must have put them on me
before sending me away with my captors again.
Cramped from being bound and
lying for so very long, I was aching all over and stiff with cold, it was too
much for me. My knees buckled, and I started to crumple. Steely fingers
immediately snapped around my arms on either side, jacking me up.
“Come from having too sound
of sleep, I’ll warrant.” Said Segal in a tone of voice suggesting he was
addressing someone deeply concerned with my welfare.
“But I see he has no shoes!”
a woman’s voice said sharply, “An what on earth is on his feet anyway?”
“Well . . . well . . . well
. . .” Doc began to stammer nervously.
Segal cut him off with
lightning speed “No, no shoes, not dressed either. He’s just in his pajameurs.
We didn’t dare . . .”
“Didn’t you bring any of his
things along with him, a coat perhaps?” a man’s voice asked.
“Oh, no!” replied Segal,
sounding shocked at the question. “We couldn’t take the time for that either.
We just left everything behind.”
“Left everything behind?” I
thought to myself, “Yeah, behind in the truck waiting for these two villainous
men to return and pawn it.” I could believe that they were standing there, bold
as you please, lying to, as far as I knew, at least two warmhearted people who
cared that I was in need of shoes and warm clothes. A sudden flash of burning
rage swept over me, overcoming my dread of my two kidnappers. “I must report
their lie at once to my two new benefactors!” I reasoned to myself, “And would
not such caring people protect me against punishment by these criminals?”
Swiftly I drew in my breath
and began, “But they—“ It was as far as I got before the two hands that held
tightly to my arms squeezed mercilessly. From behind came a jab into my plastic
armor which had I not been wearing would have caught me in my ribs just under
my left arm. Despite the protection of my armor the blow was hard enough to
silence me as surely as if a rag had been rammed down my throat. Further, the
blanket had deadened my feeble attempt to such a degree that apparently no one
else in the room heard so much as a squeak from me.
After several awkward
seconds of silence, “Well,” the woman said, “aren’t you going to remover the
cover so we can see him?”
“Begging your pardon,
Madam,” Segal said, “But we’d as soon be gone before that happens.”
The man grunted, “As you
wish,” followed by what I thought might have been a yawn before he continued,
“so as all transactions are now concluded, there appears to be no further
reason for you to remain. Cho here will you see you out?”
As I listened to the
footsteps as the two mean and the one called Cho left the room, I waited
hopefully to be released form the blanket cocoon; and I waited; and waited.
However, no one came over to remove the blanket, and all around me was only
silence. “Has the kindly man and woman stepped out for a moment?” The question
appeared in my mind followed by, “Perhaps they had gone out with the others,
which explained why I had not heard their footsteps leaving.” I continued to
stand motionless, straining to hear even the slightest sound all the while
still pondering, “But they would return soon!” of that I was certain, for anyone
with such tender feeling would know how dreadful it is was for me to be tied
up. Such sympathetic hearts would not want me to wait a moment longer than
necessary, but more time did pass, and at last I heard footsteps entered the
room. A single set of footsteps. “Who is there?” I wanted to ask but did not
dare incase the men were not really gone.
“Get that thing off of him
Cho, so we can have a look at what we got.” the man said, his voice coming from
the same direction it had come from before.
“And do be quick about it,”
added the voice of the woman. “We might yet get a minute or two of sleep before
“Had the two of them been
there all along doing nothing to relieve me of my misery? Why?” I thought,
“Were both of them perhaps crippled and unable to move? And why were the
fingers of the person now known to be Cho trembling as they struggled to undo
the tight knot in the rope tied around me?”
“Come. Come, don’t be all
night about it, Cho!” the woman said impatiently, and Cho’s fingers trembled
even more, thus becoming clumsier than ever.
But at last, the knot came
undone; the rope slid to the floor and the blanket was dragged off me from
behind. Now, what I had wanted so earnestly was happening at last. The grim
van, then boat, the truck rides were over, I was being released from the
blanket tomb and would be allowed to see again.
It took a few moments for my
eyes to adjust to my surroundings, but only a few, because the room I found
myself in was deep in shadows. What light there was came form two small lamps
that glowed weakly on the walls to my left and right. Tiny tongues of light
licked feebly at a barren metal desk, two unforgiving straight-backed metal
chairs, and an older girl, as much a skeleton as the chair she stood beside,
distinguished ownership of a long, thin, sallow face, a hunched back, and one
leg vastly shorted than the other. Her hair hung like greased straw from her
head in large clumps and draped over one side of her face.
But what was of greater
importance to me was the man and woman, both in bathrobes of some dreary dark
color, planted in front of the desk, arms folded, silently staring at me. These
must be the two benevolent people who cared that I was without shoes and a
coat. Nevertheless, if I had not been certain that these were the two very same
people, I might have had some difficulty in believing it.
Maybe it was odd that I had
the thoughts that I had just then but this is how my brain was working at the
time. “Was it possible that any of the words could have found their way through
the woman’s lips, now compressed into a cruel, hard line, or any tender looks
have come from those glaring, cold eyes? Moreover, what could I ascertain of
her nose and chin that appeared sharp enough to crack stone? As for the general
facial setting in which there objects were located, why it was so shriveled
that any warm blood visiting there must surely have long since departed. Even
the pink ribbon decorating the curler cap that crowned this vision, was so limp
and ejected, one might think that having allowed itself to be placed there, it
now deeply regretted the error.”
“The man who stood beside
her was remarkably short and squat, barely reaching her shoulder. His face, in
keeping with the rest of him, was likewise short and squat, with nothing about
it close to resembling any human face I had ever seen before.”
“Was that bulbous shaped
item compressed and spread across his face actually a nose? If so, then what
was stretched almost form ear to ear like a rubber band must have been the
mouth, though his lips were so thin as to be nearly non-existent. As for a
chin, he owned nothing that could be properly described as that either, for a
wide expanse of flabby, nearly transparent white flesh descended straight from
his mouth making it appear that there was no neck joining his head to his body.
Over all these items were a pair of black beady eyes, half shaded with one
thick, suspicious eyebrow that stretched across the mans forehead like a fuzzy
black caterpillar had just died there. If the face of this man could have been
compared to anything, it would have had to be that of a bullfrog, although in
any beauty contest, the frog would have surely come of the winner.”
“Still, whatever their
appearances, these were the two who had taken pity on my condition, should I
not try to show them how grateful I am?” Somehow, I managed to produce a
trembling smile.
The smile was not returned.
Instead, although his head
never turned so much as a fraction of an inch and his eyes remained fixed on
me, the man now spoke, but it was to the woman beside him. “And what is your
opinion, Mrs. Wriggle?”
The woman, Mrs. Wriggle,
likewise kept her staring eyes fastened on me as she replied. “No doubt, I am
sorry to say, the same as yours, Mr. Wriggle. Not good for much, reeks of old
piss and is dripping on the floor. Of course, considering the terms of the
transaction . . .“ she allowed her voice to trail off there at the end.
“Exactly!” said Mr. Wriggle.
Then his eyes narrowed even further, a scowl distorted his face ever more, “Do
you know where you are, boy?”
The tone of the words left
no doubt that a smile was no longer required, wanted or of any value. It left
my face in an instant as I shook his head. ”You’ve been brought to the
‘Bancheli Orphanage for Boys’ where you will be schooled, fed, and clothed, and
. . .” He attempted to cover his nose with a his fat but small hand, “bathed!”
His eyes darted up and down my thin urine soaked frame with abhorrence. “For
all of these blessings you will be expected to earn your keep.” Mr. Wriggle
paused to let this information settle in before continuing.
“We are Nihau and Rubella
Wriggle, proprietors of this institution. We desire you to now take particular
notice of the fact that we are not going to ask your name now. Further, we are
never going to ask your name.” After a short pause he added, “Would you care to
know why?”
By now I could not have
uttered a word, for my tongue was frozen to the roof of my mouth and I was
barely able to nod my head.
Mr. Wriggle took a deep
breath and began to cough violently. He wheezed as he took in another breath
and coughed again; spittle flew from his mouth with each cough.
Clearing his throat several
times, he then continued, “We-are-never-going-to-ask-your-name,” said Mr. Wriggle,
drawing the words out as appearing to relish saying each one. His eyebrow
folded in the middle to form an arrow pointing down at his bulbous nose, “We
are not going to ask your name, boy,” he repeated, “because we don’t want to
know what it is. We are never going to want to know what it is. Nor do we want
to know anything about you. Not who you are, nor where you come from. None of
that matters to us, for as far as we are concurred, you have no past, NONE!” He
barked out that last word so forcefully that it sent him into another coughing
“All we care about is what
you are right now, and forever after, and that’s a Bancheli boy. Cho, will you
study the list and refresh our memories on who’s been crossed out lately?”
“Yes, Mr. Wriggle. At once,
Mr. Wriggle!” One foot dragging, Cho limped hurriedly to the desk. There she
pulled out a drawer and lifting out a shabby dark green notebook. Clumsy from
her eagerness to carry out the mans order, she was finally able to find the
right place in the notebook and run a shaking finger down a page, then the
finger stopped. “Here’s Ron. He’s crossed out.”
“Ah yes, Ron,” said Mr.
Wriggle. “Well, that will do. No need to go further. Unless you have an
objection my pet?” he said to Mr. Wriggle.
“None at all,” she yawned.
“Ron’s as good as any.”
“Your name, then,” said Mr.
Wriggle, directing his attention back to me, “is from now on to be Ron.” He
paused only for a moment to clear his throat before adding, “And as every boy
here bares the last name of Bancheli, you will likewise. Now repeat after
me—Ron Bancheli.”
“R-R-Ron B-b-bancheli,” I
“Again!” snapped Mr.
Wriggle. “You’d better do better than that.”
“R-Ron B-Bancheli,” I
repeated, feeling a lump beginning to form in my throat.
Mrs. Wriggle’s eyes flared.
“It wont do, Mr. Wriggle.”
Mr. Wriggle’s mouth
tightened around his teeth. “AGAIN!” he spat out allowing spittle to fly toward
I spotted Cho’s eyes looking
earnestly at me from behind the Wriggles. I swallowed hard. “Ron Bancheli,” I
said slowly and carefully.
“That’s right!” said Mr.
Wriggle. “Ron Bancheli! Anyone asks you, that is what you tell them--Ron
Bancheli. No remembering any names you used to have. The day you do and we hear
about it will be the day you will wish you had never been brought here too us.”
What was he talking about? I
already wished I had never been brought here.
“And remember this well, the
one you trust the most might be just the one you can trust the least not to
come running right to us. Others have learned that to their sorrow.” Mr.
Wriggle said before turning to Mrs. Wriggle and asking, “Now my pet, have you
anything you wish to add?”
Mrs. Wriggle puckered her
face as if she were sucking on a lemon, “Just mind him well, Ron Bancheli. Mind
him well!” this menacing warning from Mrs. Wriggle hardly needed the
accompanying flaring of her eyes to chill me to the marrow of my bones.
“Cho, you can take him to
his bed, you know which one,” Mrs. Wriggle said.
“Oh yes! Oh yes!” Cho
replied eagerly. “Number nine-teen . . . I know which one.” She said never
lifting her eyes from the floor.
“And you’ll see he has
clothes by his bed before rising bell?” Said Mr. Wriggle, more by way of a
command than a request.
“Oh yes, I’ll see to that,
Mr. Wriggle. Yes, I’ll see to that!” said Cho, so anxiously to please that one
word stepped right on the heels of the next. Beckoning to me, she half ran,
half walked to the door, her one foot dragging along the floor.
“And see that he is washed!
His very presence is offensive!” Mr. Wriggle commanded just as Cho reached for
the doorknob.
“Oh yes, Mrs. Wriggle! I
will do that now!” Cho replied almost seeming to bow.
By now, it was certainly
clear to me that I need no longer be concerned with producing any smiles or
showing any form of gratitude for being out of the company of my captors.
Shivering with cold, for I was after all still clad in a soaked diaper and
pajama sleeper, now standing in a small puddle at my feet on the icy cold
linoleum, and so paralyzed from fright I could barely move one leg after the
other, as I trailed after Cho. With every step I took, I could feel on my back
the piercing eyes of the couple who were the proprietors of the Bancheli
Orphanage for Boy’s, the kindly caring, sympathetic, tender, warm-hearted
Rubella and Nihau.
Directly outside the door,
Cho stood with a small flashlight beaming from one shaking hand. Although the
flashlight produced only the barest of fluttering lights, it was enough to tell
me that we were in a hallway as cold and bleak as the room we had just left,
which had featured dingy brown linoleum and walls of a sickly faded olive
green. A network of cracks and stains from grime and greases were a cheerless
reminder that a large number of years had passed since a coat of paint had
visited the walls, or received any other attention. One stark, unpainted,
wooden bench sat directly across from the door appeared to be the only
furnishing in the room.
“Where you sit and wait if
yer called,” Cho said under her breath, her eyes darting nervously from side to
side. It appeared that it was necessary to conjure up for me the picture of a
trembling Bancheli boy sitting there stiffly, in mortal fear as he awaited an
audience with Mr. and Mrs. Wriggle.
Then I saw what might have
been considered a second article of furnishing. It was a portrait hanging on
the wall across from the bench.
“That’s them watchin’ you
whilst yer waitin’,” Cho pronounced solemnly.
It was indeed a portrait of
“them,” and if it were possible to make the subjects appear any worse than
they were in person, the artist seemed to have managed it. However, what he
also managed to do was provide them with the kind of eyes that, while fixed,
seemed to follow the viewer no matter where he or she stood—or sat. Therefore,
it seemed that whether on the bench or off it in the hallway, a Bancheli boy
was never out of sight of the proprietors of the Bancheli Orphanage for Boys. I
felt the eyes boring into the back of my head with every step as Cho led me
toward the narrow, steep stairs rising precipitously up the right-hand wall.
Just before we reached the
stairs however, Cho turned left unexpectedly, leading me through a set of
double doors. And I then felt another shock, for the deadly painted eyes of
Nihau and Rubella Wriggle were once again staring at us! It was yet another
portrait of the two, larger and uglier than the first, looming on the wall as
if to gargoyles magically imprisoned on canvas. The light from the two small
wall lamps set on either side flicked over their likeness, making them even
more ghastly, as if they were thought to be necessary.
Instead of staring at one
solitary bench, however, the eyes now kept guard over a cavernous room
featuring on vary long table, seemingly made up of several tables drawn
together, with wooden benches drawn up to it. The end of the table opposite the
portrait was laden with precariously tilting piles of mismatched pottery bowls,
rows of tin cups in varied sizes and conditions, and a tangled heap of spoons,
mostly bent, and none looking to have come from a matching set.
The whole unappetizing
dining scene was enhanced by the thick smell of over boiled cabbage mingled
with that of disinfectant soap. Remaining stale smells were provided by a row
of jackets in assorted sizes—all well worn, some to the point of being little
better than rags—hanging from rusty nails in an uneven row down one wall.
“Where you get fed,”
Announced Cho.
A curious note of pride
suddenly appearing in her voice, as if a boy should somehow be impressed by the
room and by actually being allowed to eat in it. Then she waved a hand in the
direction of a tall cabinet looming in the shadows of one corner of the room,
and added with an important air, “and do everything else as well.”
All I could think was that
the “everything else” must be yet another horror. However, Cho
chose to say nothing further about it, and I was left to guess what it was as
we left the room and entered yet another. Pictures of the two owners, at least,
did not grace this one.
Cho opened another door I
had not noticed at first. It was surprisingly small, no more then four feet
tall and two feet wide. Ducking and squeezing through the little door, I
followed Cho.
“Mess,” reported Cho and
oddly enough, I had not caught the fact that she had said “Mess” instead of
“Kitchen”. I supposed upon seeing the iron stove and great black pots and pans
dangled from the walls and ceiling made it clean enough to me what room we were
now in.
We did not linger long which
made me glad because the smells in this room were so bad that it was all I
could do to keep myself from vomiting. I was relieved when, once again, Cho
waved a hand, this time in the direction of an open door by the stove, leading
off into darkness.
“Toggery,” She said. The
room was particularly darker then anywhere we had been so far. I looked around
the room as I shuffled my feet along behind Cho. The room was made up of two
very large and deep sinks that were dingy with filth and soap residue. Just
above the sink was yet another painting of Nihau and Rubella Wriggle only much
smaller. They both seemed to be dressed in fine clothes as if they were going
to some kind of storybook ball. Cho pointed up over our heads to a network of
cords stretching in nearly every direction. “For drying.” She said and for half
a minute, I imagined countless boys hanging by clothespins from these cords to
dry after bathing. If I were not so scared, I am sure I would have laughed at
my mental image.
In one corner of the room
was an old wooden table with stacks of what I thought to have once been white
sheets but now looked more like dingy gray rags.
“You ever work in one?” Cho
“Worked in one?” I thought
to myself, “Was she being serious?”
“I . . . I d-don’t th-think
I know w-what it is . . . exactly.” I stammered.
Cho shrugged. “You’d know
if’n you had. Ain’t a surprise if you ain’t—wearin’ a fancy bit of pajamuers
like the ones you got on. Well, you’ll find out ‘bout it soon ‘nough.” Cho
stared at my feet, “I ain’t never seen pajamuers that covered yer feet too.”
She scratched her head and shrugged her shoulders as if dismissing me as an
Already shivering from the
cold, my body gave a violent shudder. A grim bench in the hall, a foreboding
cabinet in a dismal dining hall, and now something with the ominous name of
“Toggery” that I was to know about soon enough.
She pointed to a corner of
the room, “O’er there,” she said sounding more like she was giving a command
then anything else.
Cho walked over to me, took
me by the shoulder and with surprising strength pushed me over to the corner of
the room. In the floor, I could see a drain and I surmised that she meant for
me to shower here.
Cho turned me around to face
her; she studied the pajamas I was wearing for a moment, then took hold of the
zipper, just below my chin and began to pull it down. Without thinking I
reacted quickly by grabbed her hand.
“What are you doing?” I said
“Gonna wash you!” she said
with a puzzled look on her face.
“No! I can do it myself!” I
said earnestly.
“No you can’t!” a strong
look came into her eyes, not unlike that of Mr. and Mrs. Wriggle. She took my
arms and placed them down at my side. “Tis’ my job, I must do it!”
She gave a slight tug down
on m arms as if this would force them to stay in place.
“But I am a boy!” my voice
cracked as the lump I had felt in my throat earlier reappeared with a
“Don’t much matter!” She
said and pulled the zipper all the way down to my left knee.
I felt my face flush
brilliant red and I shivered as the cold air hit the wet skin of my stomach. I
wanted to re-voice my protest of this treatment but something in me wouldn’t
allow me too. Waves of fear were flowing through my little partially frozen
body and I found himself wishing I were again blindfolded like I had been back
on the boat with the Jamaican lady who had cleaned me up and diapered me.
With a swift motion, she
managed to pull the pajamas down to my ankles. My whole body was trembling but
I wasn’t sure if it was from the cold, fear, or shame or maybe it was all
With a quick glance down, I
saw that I had been right earlier; I was wearing a cloth diaper with no plastic
pants. I remember thinking to myself, “Who in there right mind puts a cloth
diaper on someone and do not use plastic or rubber pants or at the very least a
disposable diaper over the cloth diaper to hold back any flooding.
I glanced down again to see
that the diaper I was wearing, now barely hanging on my hips, was daggling down
between my knees exposing the area from the bottom of my armor all the way down
to just above my boyhood. I reached around to grab the diaper to keep it from
falling off me but Cho was faster and grabbed the diaper by the sides and
pulled it off me in one quick tug. Instinctively I covered my nudity with my
hands as my face burned hotter, as if that were even possible, with
embracement. Cho looked me in the eyes, smiled and said, “Step out,” and I
realized she was holding his diaper and pajamas so that I could pull my feet
out. I did as she asked, stepping back into the corner all the while keeping
myself covered with my hands. My body was covered in Goosebumps, as I now stood
completely nude before a girl who only a few minutes ago I didn’t even know
When Cho reached out and
touched my armor I flinched back into the corner as far as I could. The wood
planked wall was like ice but her touch made me more afraid then freezing to
death at that particular instant.
“Wha's dis?” she asked
pointing to my armor.
I don’t know why I looked
down because I knew full well what she was pointing at but I looked down
anyway. What I saw shocked and horrified me. From my right shoulder was a crack
that went diagonally across my chest about ten inches. I was instantly filled
with rage like I had never felt in my life. With everything that had happened,
everything that had been done to me, my friends and my home, this . . . this
was the thing that pushed me over the edge. I was so mad that all I could see
was the crack in my plastic armor glowing as if electricity were escaping threw
It took a gentle hand
caressing my left cheek to bring the furry within me under control.
“Please don’t cry.” Cho said
in such a way as to remind me of my own mother.
I had not even realized I
was cry; my rage had overloaded ever sense within me until I felt her touch. I
looked up into her eyes and saw a softness, a kindness that I’d not noticed in
her up to this point.
I was startled to hear a
high-pitched voice say, “B-brok-ken r-r-ribs,” not knowing that the voice I
heard was my own. I looked around for the origin of the voice before realizing
it must have come from me.
Cho scrunched up her face as
if she were being forced to eat dog crap, “Did those monsters do this to you?”
I must have shaken my head
to indicate that they had not because she next asked me, “What of these?”
She touched my head over my
right eye causing me to flinch at the pain.
“They are animals and should
be shot!” Cho said the words as if she were vomiting poison.
Without another word, Cho
turned away from me, dropped the soaking-wet diaper onto the floor by the
doorway and tossed the pajamas I had been dressed in into the left side of the
deep double sink. She turned the water on briefly, dropped a large block of
yellowish-brown something into the water, I could only guess it must have been
some kind of soap, and swished the water a bit with her hands.
She then returned her
attention to me; hobbling back over to where I was cowering as tightly into the
corner as I possibly could while still attempting to hide my nudity from her. Cho
pointed to my right and without thinking I grunted, “Huh?” I looked in the
direction she was pointing to see a length of hose was coiled and hanging on
the wall with one end connected to a faucet. I looked back to Cho with
questioning eyes.
“Dey say yer to 'ave a wash
a'fore I showed ya to yer bed.” And taking hold of the free end of a coiled
hose she then turned on a faucet and after a few low groaned from the pipes
overhead water proceeded to spray from the end of the hose in Cho’s hand. I
could not help but notice that the water coming out of the hose looked more
like rust then it did water and I was reminded of my new friend, Lowell and his
story he had been sharing with me.
My eye caught Cho’s as she
began to spray me with the rusty water. I gasped when it hit me; it was ice
cold and smelled like meat that had long since gone bad. I actually had the
thought, “This was supposed to make me stink less?”
Once Cho was satisfied that
I was wet enough, she turned off the hose and hung it back up on the wall,
being sure that it was coiled just right. She turned back to the sink and left
me standing there, my teeth chattering, my legs quaking and the rest of me
shivering all over.
“Where’s the soap? A wash
clothe? A towel?” I thought to himself.
Cho again turned on the
faucet at the sink, placed the large cake of soap back on a shelf over the
faucet and began to rinse the pajamas I’d arrived in.
I honestly don’t remember
much of what happened next. I supposed I have blocked it out of my mind for
some reason. All I remember is Cho kneeling down in front of me and beginning
to wash me with that same big block of yellow soap.
I don’t remember anything
after that until she was taking me by the hand and leading me out of the
Toggery, clad in a cloth diaper that was way too big for me and brownish-yellow
plastic pants over them. As for my armor? I had no idea what came of it;
actually, it wasn’t until the next day that I realized it was gone.
Horror upon horror upon
horror, in a night already filled with horror! Was there more to come? When Cho
led me from the Toggery back through the kitchen into a stale-smelling back
entryway and then down, down, down a perilously steep set of cold, damp wooden
steps, I felt as if I were being led down to a dungeon or—a tomb. By now, that
could hardly be surprising.
However, when at last I had
stumbled off the last of the steep steps onto a rough uneven wooden floor,
equally cold and damp, I saw by the flickering light of Cho’s flashlight that
we were in another hallway. Thud, shhhh. Thud, shhhh. I waddled along, guided
by the feeble light of the dimly lit flashlight and the sound of a dragging
foot. I followed Cho past a closed door to a doorway appearing to be no more
than a black hole in the wall. Cho jerked her head at me and entered through
We had come into a room
barely large enough to hold six narrow iron cots in two rows of three each
against opposite walls. Hanging on the wall by all but one cot were what must
have been clothes, or what passed for clothes at any rate. In all but one cot
lay a boy seaming to be very much asleep With no time to take in the
surroundings Cho led me to the only empty cot at the far corner of the room.
“Dis' yers,” she said,
waving the flashlight over the cot. “In da mornin’, whish ain’t too far off
now, there’s a bell goes off. Ya bez jums faster’n ya ever dream'd were
possible; pull up yer bedco'ers, and jums in'a yer clothes. Then you go wit da
rest to the facilities, which is up the stairs at the other end of the hall and
through the door. No dawdlin’ neider. Af'er dat ya get on up ta da dinin’ 'all
where ya was jus' at.” Cho paused, raised her flashlight, and with appraising
eyes studied me from shoulders down to my feet. “All right, now I got yer size,
you can get into bed. I’ll be right back with yer stuff. I a hang yer clothes’
on dis chere nail nexter yer bed. Socks’ll be in yer shoes under da bed.”
Thud, shhhh. Thud, shhhh.
Cho and her flashlight departed the room, leaving me in darkness thick as
pitch, to climb under the rough wool blanket that was the only covering the cot
provided, and lay my head down on the small, hard lump that hardly passed for a
pillow. However, I did not have long to lie there, rigid and shivering, before
Cho, as announced, was back with my “stuff”; otherwise knows as clothes.
Silently, she went about hanging them up on the nail provided for the purpose
and finally shoving under the cot what had to be the shoes and socks, she meant
for me to wear. Wearing a satisfied look on her face, she shone her flashlight
around the room, and then left without another word, taking every twinkling of
light with her. Once again, I was left alone in the darkness. Or as alone as
possible when taking into account the fact that there were five other boys in
the room with me.
Five boys! Five boys who, if
they were anything like Peter and his gang, would be five teasing, taunting,
tormenting boys. Moreover, they would not be boys who would return to their
homes when an afternoon of play had ended. No, they would be right in the room
with me, living with him. Five boys! I could hear them sniffling in their sleep
around me.
“Is this the final horror?
What more could there be?” both questions flashed in my mind as I was clamping my jaws together to keep my teeth from
chattering. I drew my feet up under the blanket and pulled it tightly up around
my chin just as I would have done at home.
however, it had been with cotton sheets and a down comforter. Under my head had
been a cloud-soft pillow for me to burrow the back of my head into. But now
around my chin was a coarse wool blanket that bit into my skin. The small, hard
lump of a pillow already made my neck and head hurt and my ear grow numb. It
seemed that only a few hours had passed since I had been in my own cozy bed, but
oh, what a difference it was for me now!
whispered softly to myself “How could so many terrible things have happened to
me in such a short time?”
And then
I thought of my parents and begin to weep quietly to myself. "I bet they
have been looking for me. I bet the police and everyone have been looking for
there was something I knew, deep down inside of myself. It was something I
could tell myself over and over—that all this horror was not going to last. For
once, the villainous Segal had received the ransom he demanded, I would be
returned to my home and my family. And there was no question in my mind now
that I had guessed right about being held for ransom. Were not the sinister
words "terms of the transaction" spoken by Mrs. Wriggle proof
of that?
Segal had chosen such a grim place for him to be kept while waiting to be
ransomed, I could not guess. However, no prison could have kept me more
secluded. I had been warned that nobody here cares who I was or where I came
from. I was now just another Bancheli boy, and if I ever told anyone otherwise
. . .
thoughts over come me and for several minutes, I wept bitterly with my head
beneath the blanket to keep from waking he other sleeping boys.
the glaring, venomous eyes of Mrs. Wriggle, or the hideous toad like stare of
Mr. Wriggle, who could doubt that no iron bars or heavy padlock could do a
better job of keeping a young boy safely imprisoned?
“No! No!
No!” I cried and with a sudden jerk, I pulled the blanket even tighter over my
head. My eyes darted from side to side in terror; for though I could see
nothing in the deep, suffocating darkness, there was also nothing to say those
terrible eyes were not there piercing my soul.
repeated to myself, “I must no longer even think the name I had grown up with.
Ron, Ron Bancheli-that is who I am now; and if he want to save my skin, to
still be alive when I was finally rescued, I must remember that!”
And then
a voice inside my mind asked, “But for how long? Days? Weeks? Oh, how will you
bare it?”
to ignore the voice I kept repeating to myself, “I am Ron Bancheli! I am Ron
Bancheli! I am Ron Bancheli. Remember it! Remember it! Ron Bancheli.”
“Could I
remember it when I awoke later? What if I don’t? Well, I will just not fall
asleep.” I thought.
“I will
stay awake saying it over and over again; over and over. Ron Bancheli, Ron
Bancheli, Ron Bancheli.
I don’t
know how many times the name had marched through my head before my weary
eyelids drifted shut, and the marching came to a stopped.
Next Installment:
Chapter 12 – Thursday, March 11, 2004 – And into the Fire
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