This is the continued story of
Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,
Simon’s Journal
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.
The following narrative is nearly a complete work of
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their
awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest
you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.
Simon's Journal
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
Monday, March 08, 2004 – Scratchy, Heavy and
Smelling of Mothballs
I was so cold that I couldn’t feel anything below my neck and
when I climbed up the concrete encased bank to the small wooden walk bridge I
could hardly move. Tater made us all strip naked saying, “If we don’t get out
of these wet things we’ll die for sure!”
The two boy’s that had escaped along with us, who I would later
learned had been two of the boy’s that had been kidnapped locally, were named
Billy and Brian and they were brothers. Without any hesitations or complaint
they both stripped off their wet grey clothes until they were standing there in
the night air cold, shivering and completely nude.
I on the other hand was feeling apprehensive as I was wearing a
diaper but when I saw Mikey and Tater were nearly naked I swallowed my pride
and stripped.
Had anyone been in the park then they would probably have gotten
an eye full and more then likely would have fallen over laughing to see four completely
naked and frozen kids running through the park while followed closely behind by
what would have appeared to be a naked adult man.
Thankfully we make it to Bulls car without being spotted. The
five of us pilled in, Tater, Mike in the front seat with Billy, Brian and me in
the backseat, and we sat shivering until the car warmed up enough to begin
blowing out some warm air. No one spoke, no one moved. The only sounds were
that of our teeth chattering from being so cold.
Oddly enough it wasn’t until Tater started driving that Brian
started to cry which got Billy and Mikey going. Tater wasn’t crying but he also
looked like he had gone over the deep end and might never return. He sat
looking out the front windshield of the car while rocking back and forth and
“Where am I going?” Tater asking but the way he said it made me
wonder if he was asking one of us or just thinking out loud.
I decided to answer anyway, “We have to go back for my brother!”
“We can’t go back!” Tater said dismissively.
“We have to!” I screamed at him from the back seat.
We were already on the far side of the park and I’m not sure
where Tater though we were going. All of a sudden out of no where Tater, Mikey
and I all saw Jamie come running out from behind a house and right in front of
us. I never saw the tree we hit when Tater swerved to miss Jamie but I do
remember hearing the squealing of our tires and the crunch of metal as all five
of us were thrown around inside the car.
I can’t tell you what
happened after the car accident or what had happened to everyone that had been
inside the car at the moment of impact with the tree because I just don’t
remember any of it. Actually, my first conscious moments after the accident
were to question if what had happened was real or just another of my all too
realistic dreams.
Without opening my eyes, I
stirred restlessly in that moment of twilight that exists between sleep and
awake. I started to realize that I was experiencing feelings as if I were
suffocating which made me wonder if I was still trapped in the car. Then,
halfway awake, I somehow remembered the times when I had pulled my blanket up
over my head while sleeping, however what was over my face now did not feel at
all like the new, soft sheets of my new bed. What covered my face now felt more
like rough wool—scratchy, heavy and smelling of mothballs.
“This has got to be part of
a bad dream?” I thought to myself as I tried not to vomit from the over
powering smell of mothballs.
I tried to reach up and pull
the covers from off my face, but found that I could not lift my arms or hands
out from under my back. Next I tried to move my legs, but found them
unresponsive as well, almost as if someone were sitting on them. I began to
feel truly frightened and started to battle against the fabric as it continued
to scratch and grate at the skin of my face.
“Mom! Mom!” I made an effort
to call out in desperation, but something, or someone came down heavily like a
clamp over my throat, so hard that not much more came form my voice box than a
small strangled gurgle.
“That’ll be enough of that!”
a man’s voice, low, harsh, and menacing, snarled close to my left ear. “If you
know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your mouth shut tight. Do that and don’t
try something smart and you won’t get hurt . . . much.” There was a pause while
the man laughed and then snarled, “You get that boy?”
I most assuredly did get
that, and made an attempt to nod my head. For the effort I received a rough shake
along with a reminder, “Well, see you don’t forget it!” the man snarled again.
I gasped in several breaths
of the foul smelling blanket after the man released his grip on my throat. I
then felt the coarse wool blanket pulled down to cover my whole body,
scratching against my naked flesh in the process. It felt as though a rope was
jerked around my waist and tightly knotted; making certain that I was firmly
“Doc, you get the feet and I
will get the shoulders.” the man ordered. “Grab the lantern and then let’s get
out of here.”
“What about all this stuff?”
the man address as Doc asked. “Ain’t we gonna take any clothes for ‘em?”
“Don’t be a jackass,” the
first man growled. “What makes you think he’ll be needing them where he’s
going?” He gave a sour laugh.
“Well, maybe he won’t, but
he’ll need shoes, Madam M will want him to have shoes!” Doc whined, “Why can’t
we take the stuff? I mean just in case?”
“Oh, all right then,” came
the grudging reply. “Put the shoes on his feet so they don’t drop and make a
racket; and the rest on top of him, but be quick about it.”
I felt shoes being roughly
shoved onto my bare cold feet and whoever it was must have been having a hard
time while my feet were bound because he nearly twisted my left foot off in his
attempt. Something heavy and soft, understood to be my clothes was thrown down
on top of me but the last I can remember before waking up covered by the wool
blanket, I was naked and my soaking wet clothes were lying on the floor of
bull’s car. My shoes felt loose on my feet and I figured they hadn’t taken the
time to fasten them properly before my ankles and shoulders were grabbed, and I
was swung from wherever it was I had been lying. Moments later I felt myself
being carried down a set of very squeaky, metal sounding stairs.
Even if the blanket over my
face were not all but shutting off any air, my heart was thumping so hard from
freight that I could hardly breathe anyway. And as for crying out, had I dared,
who would have heard my muffled voice, and I am sure if I made so much as a
peep I would regret it soon enough. There was nothing I could do but allow
myself to be carried away as if I had no more voice or life than a sack of
I knew when we were outside,
because I felt the wind biting my nude flesh through the blanket that was
wrapped around me and I heard the crunching sound of the men’s boots grinding
heavily down into gravel. When the crunching sound stopped, it was replaced by
a sort of deafening silent, except for an occasional cursing as the two men
stumbled on a rock or bare root in the darkness until they suddenly stopped
dead. I only knew it was dark because the man called, Doc, made a comment about
not being able to see.
Something squeaked like a
car door being opened, and I felt myself being hoisted up and tossed onto a
hard corrugated metal floor like those in the bed of pickup trucks. Moments
later I heard one pair of heavy boots against the metal and then a second pair
as they brought their owners up to where I lay.
The two individuals dropped
down with a grunt, their boots carelessly kicking into me in the process. I
heard a door slammed shut, the grind of a car’s starter, the roar of an engine
coming to life and the wheels beginning to roll as the van, for that indeed is
what now imprisoned me along with these two strange men. Being virtually blind
thanks to the blanket my hearing seemed to be much keener as I noticed little
things such as when the vehicle we were in began to roll forward slowly, then
hastily picked up speed. A heavy thud that caused my body to bounce and crash
back to the floor told me that we had just gone over a speed bump.
“Should we un-wrap 'em?” the
voice I recognized as belonging to the one the other called Doc had asked.
“What do you have in your head
where your brains should be?” came the reply. “The boy’s not blind, is he? Do
you want him knowing you if he ever sees you again?” The voice paused briefly.
“I didn’t think so, if you know what’s good for you. Anyway, I’m going to try
to get some sleep. It’s a long ride back; let’s hope we get there before
With more deep grunts, my
traveling companions arranged themselves for sleep, their boots digging into me
with no more concern then if I had, in fact, been a sack of potatoes. In no time,
their snores thundered over my head, a hideous accompaniment to the droning hum
of the engine and the near rhythmic thumping of the tires as they rolled over
the cracks in the road. I realized that if the two men that had taken me were
both sleeping then there must be someone else driving the van.
By obeying what I had been
ordered to do, which was to keep quiet, I had learned that I was being taken to
someplace far away; far enough that my two captors felt they had time to sleep.
But to what special place was I being taken to—and by whom? And most curiously
and perhaps most frightening of all—“Why? Why? Why?” I said though not loud
enough that my captors would hear over there own snowing.
The questions whirled
crazily in my head as I lay on the floor of the van, my body aching and bruised
as I was pitched back and forth white the van swayed over potholes or what I
guessed must be highway construction.
Thump! Thump! I groaned
loudly as the tires of the van hit a large pothole, but my moaning was lost in
the thunderous snores of the two men and the roar of the engine.
I am not really sure, but I
think I might have dozed off for a few minutes; actually being wrapped up
inside the wool blanket made the passage of time impossible to measure. Yes I
supposed I had slept and now that I was awake my brain began to push questions
out again, “Who were these villainous men who had stolen me away and felt it
necessary to keep me bound and sightless?” All I really knew of them were their
voices, and those I had heard through the thickness of the rough wool blanket
that engulfed my head. One voice, the one belonging to the man who appeared to
be the leader of them seemed unnaturally deep and gruff, as if he were trying
to disguise it. But why bother to disguise it if it belonged to no one I knew
anyway? Or—or was it possible that I did? If so, who of the people I knew was
the owner of that voice?
Names, first one, and then
another, leaped into my head, each dismissed as too improbable to consider.
Actually, aside from my social studies teacher and possibly Runt, I couldn’t
come up with any real enemies that I had that weren’t already incarcerated,
dead or that I hadn’t already made peace with like Bull and Tater.
But I had no sooner had that
thought, then I stiffened, drew in my breath with a sharp gasp; for a name that
had lain there in my head all along, silent and sinister as a snake coiled up
on a forest floor, suddenly struck out at me.
“Segal!” I whispered.
I began to put the pieces
together in my mind. Segal—so new to my family setting and he would have little
loyalty to my parents. Segal—who had made little pretense of having much use
for me. Segal—who was last seen leaning over me on that cavern as Officer
Mecums attempted to stop him from taking me away, probably to kill me so I
couldn’t tell anyone about him. For some reason it had made my skin creep every
time he would look my way, but I had honestly thought he was a body guard my
parents had hired; I never would have guessed him to be so evil.
“But Officer Mecum’s had
called him detective . . . oh what was that name she used? Oh yeah, Thomas; she
had called him Detective Thomas Segal and dad had called him Tom at the door.”
I was still whispering aloud, so caught up in my thoughts that I was unaware of
the fact.
“Officer Mecums knew him,
she must have known he was bad, that he was a dirty cop and had followed him
just has he had followed Bull, Jamie and I to the barn and down into the
cavern, deep underground.
Thrump! Thrump! Thrump!
Those tires hitting the cracks in the road drummed out their ominous song.
But then I came back to the
same question—"Why?" What did Segal, if it were, in truth, him,
intend to do with me? Murder me? Well, he could have done that back in the
cavern easily enough and just before he and Doc carried me out to the van, did
he not all but say that I would not need clothes where I was going?
A voice inside my head
asked, “Then why did they bring your clothes?”
I answered in a hushed
whisper, “Maybe they think they can sell them?”
“No that’s just stupid
Simon!” the voice inside my head retorted.
I lay quiet for sometime
contemplating all these questions when a single word flashed on the movie
screen within my mind, “MURDER”.
It reminded me of a horror
movie I saw a long time ago where this little boy kept righting the word
backwards on the walls and doors, “REDRUM”. It has been so long ago that I
can’t even remember anything else about the movie other then that small part.
“Murder huh?” I asked
Yet what did Segal have to
gain by murdering me? Simply not liking me was hardly a reason for risking the
electric chair. No, there must be another reason, and what other could there be
“Ransom?” the voice in my
head offered.
“Yeah, that must be it.” I
answered back, “I am to be held for ransom.”
Thrump! Thrump! Thrump!
I was shivering
uncontrollably, because after all, all I was covered with was a blanket that
was now wet, and my body seemed to hurt all over and the familiar feel of
pressure within my bowels grew in intensity as the moments passed. It seemed
that it hardly mattered that I might have to wait until the end of my journey
to be able to poop and heck; I might never even get to wherever it is that I am
going alive.
“What if I did make it there
alive?” I asked myself, “What then?”
Perhaps I might not have
such a long wait after all; surely Officer Mecums had reported in already . . .
and then I had a horrible thought that made the blood in my body nearly stop
flowing, “What if she’s dead like that huge man Oloph?”
I felt myself beginning to
cry and fearing I might awaken my captors I managed to stop any tears from
flowing before they started.
“I supposed dead or alive,
kidnapping would naturally be the first thing suspected, right?” I thought to
myself, “No wait, I left the house on my own, they would know that because the
house alarm was turned off and I had left the backdoor unlocked. Mom and dad
would know I hadn’t run away because I hadn’t taken anything that was important
to me like my e-journal, clothes or anything else for that matter.”
I laid thinking for a moment
before saying to myself, “But I bet, if Officer Mecum’s is dead the police will
think I had run away.”
If only I had left my clothe
there on the walk bridge in the park, or maybe if my captors had left them
behind instead of tossing them on top of me before carrying me away then maybe,
just maybe kidnapping might still be suspected; because I would hardly be
expected to have run away on such a murderously cold night in no more then my
birthday suite. However, there are shoes on my feet, and all the rest of my
clothes were no doubt, on the seat by the two villains. So it seemed that the
police would be hunting for me in the wrong places until they received some
notice from the kidnappers demanding the ransom. And undoubtedly that would not
come until they we reached our destination.
“It might be a very long
time before I am rescued, a very long time indeed.” I said to myself, “And what
is going to happen to me during that time? Where am I going to be kept? And
what new terrors can I expect?”
“Run away! Run away! Stupid!
Stupid! Stupid!” I thought, “They are going to think I ran away!” The words
drummed on and on through my aching head. “How could I have been so stupid? How
could I have done such a dimwitted thing?”
Despite my best efforts to
keep myself from crying the tears began to flow down either side of my face and
I softly moaned, “I should have call the police and told them where Runt was
hiding and where Tater and Mikey had been taken?”
As I wept beneath the
scratchy, heaving and mothball and pee reeking wool blanket, my thoughts
drifted to Tate, Mikey and the two boys that had been in the car with me when
we crashed. I couldn’t help wondering what had happened to them; were they
taken captive again too? And what of my brother, Jamie? I am sure we missed him
with the car, I am sure of it!
I was full out crying now
all the while trying to keep from waking my captors or alerting the driver and
having him or her rouse them.
As I balled uncontrollably I
felt another twinge within my bowels telling me that I didn’t have long before
I would not only be lying in a cold, pee soaked blanket but I would also be
covered in my own waste!
“Stupid! Stupid!
Dumb-witted! Pinheaded!” I began murmuring though my tears over and over again
but no matter how many things I called myself or how many times I repeated
them, nothing could undo my actions or how I was feeling.
Next Installment:
Chapter 10 – Tuesday, March 09, 2004 – Parts Unknown
** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: and I promise that I will reply personally to everyone that takes the time to write to me! **