This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,

Simon’s Journal Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.


The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional.
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.



Simon's Journal

Volume II



Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



Written by

Author of Thirteen Days




Chapter - 5

PART 3 – Thursday, March 05, 2004 – A Friend Indeed


I was only a house away from my own when I noticed someone was sitting on my front porch. I also noticed that dad had finished clearing away the snow from our driveway as well as the sidewalk though there was a light dusting on them again since it kept snowing off and on. I reached the bottom of our driveway and still couldn’t figure out who was on our porch. Whoever it was had there back to me and was leaning against the porch railing with their head down like they were reading or playing a Gameboy or something like that.


I was nearly to the steps before the person finally realized I was approaching. When he lifted his hood-covered head, I saw that it was only Lowell.


“Simon!” he bellowed.


“Hey Lowell, uh, why you standing out here?” I asked.


“Cause no one answered the door and I figured you’d be back sooner or later so I just been waiting.” He said.


“How long have you been waiting?” I asked.


“Oh, maybe five minutes?” he answered but not sounding to sure of himself, “Not really sure, I got lost in this.” He held up a small mustard colored book with the picture of a red foil maple leaf on it.


“What is it?” I asked.


“Just a book.” He said.


“I can see that! I mean what’s it about?” I asked with what I’m sure was a silly sort of grin.


“Oh, yea it’s got all kind of weird facts about Canada. Just something kind of silly.” He said thumbing the pages.


“Why you reading that?” I asked.


“Uh, my dad said he’s taking us there this summer and since I was at the libary.” He said with a shrug.


“LibRARY!” I corrected him.


“That’s what I said.” He was looking at me with a bit of confusion.


“Nuhh, you said li-bary. You left out one of the r’s.” I pointed out.


“I did?” he said grinning and then asked, “Uh, there are two r’s in it?”


“You are so dumb!” I said giggling, him along with me. “Wanna come in out of the cold?”


“Not so cold really.” Lowell said, “But yea, I’ll come in.”


“I’ve been out here all day. I’m pretty chilled and I . . .” but I didn’t finish my sentence. I was going to say that I needed to change and bathe but I was able to catch and stop myself in time.


I opened the storm door only to find the front door to be locked. “That’s odd.” I commented before asking Lowell, “You say no one answered when you rang the bell?”


“I seen your dad’s car was gone and when I called before coming over I only got the machine.” Lowell said.


Lowell followed me off the porch and around the house, “Hey, both cars are gone!” I said looking into the garage.


Lowell started to say something but I cut him off, “I bet mom went to Aunt Catharine’s again.”


“They just leave you?” Lowell said and I gave him a look that said, “Don’t be dumb!”


I got up onto the back porch and tried to slide the door open but it didn’t budge. “Dang!” I said.


“Think maybe their out looking for you?” Lowell asked.


“No, Mr. Otteranski, uh I mean my friend’s dad called them for me before we went to the park.” I said while staring at the door like I might be able to will it to open.


“Oh wait, there’s a spare key in the garage.” I said racing off the back porch. I got to the walk door and tried the knob and sure enough, it opened. “Dad never locks this door because it can’t be unlocked from the outside. It’s broke.” I told Lowell who was still following behind me.


I stepped into the garage when Lowell said, “Man, smells like someone stepped in dog poop!” and I froze instantly in place.


“What?” Lowell said crashing into the back of me because he’d been following so closely.


I didn’t answer right away and that was enough time to allow him to figure out where the smell was actually coming from.


“Oh no you didn’t!” He said with no small amount of joy in his voice.


My chin dripped to my chess as I let out a sign.


“Did you do it on purpose?” he asked.


I spun around and nearly biting his head off I said, “No I didn’t do it on purpose!”


“Whoa, take it easy!” Lowell flinched at my harshness. “It’s no big deal, I do it all the time!” he was smiling as he said this, which I found so odd because I for one was not so happy about the fact that I had a load in my diaper and now someone other then BJ knew about it.


“I’m glad you find it so amusing!” I snapped at him again but not quite so loud or vicious this time. Turning away from him, I went to the back of the garage to dad’s workbench, pulled open the middle drawer and found the house key taped to the inside of the drawer front.


When I turned back toward Lowell, I saw he was standing with his hands on his hips exactly mom does when she’s mad or trying to look intimidating.


“What?” I asked.


“What, what?” Lowell asked back.


“Why you looking at me like that?” I asked.


“Like what?” he said.


Waving him off I said, “Oh skip it!” I held up the key and added, “Got the key!”


“Good!” he said.


We went back up to the porch, unlocked the door and walked on into the closed up and still darkened house.


“Wish they’d get the power back on soon!” I said.


“You guys got no power?” Lowell said.


“Yea, but they are fixing it up the street!” I said pointing through the walls.


“Oh so that’s what those trucks are doing.” He added.


“Yea!” I answered back. “Uh, go a head and close that.” I said to him and he slid the door closed.


“Not much warmer in here.” Lowell said after sliding the door shut.


I went over to the table, which was where mom and dad usually left notes for me. Sure enough, there was one.





Your mom is over at your Aunt Catharine’s. I had to go to work

due to an emergency. I shouldn’t be long but if you get in before

I’m home, call me at work. I’ve left my cell phone by the house



Love, Dad



“What’s it say?” Lowell asked.


“That my mom’s at my Aunt Catharine’s like I thought and my dad had to go to work.” I answered setting the note back down and going over to get dad’s cell phone.


I dialed his work number and on the third ring, he picked it up.


“Hi dad!” I said.


“Hi Simon, you just getting home again?” He asked.


“Yea.” I answered and then asked, “How come you locked me out of the house?”


“I didn’t lock you out! I left the backdoor unlocked for you.” Was his answer.


“Nope! Was locked!” I said back, “I had to use the spare key from the garage again.”


“I’m sorry son, I was sure I had left it unlocked.” Dad said and then asked, “Is the power back on yet?”


“Not yet but I seen them working on it. There are two trucks and some guys up in one of those buckets on a long arm.” I said.


“Hopefully they’ll have it on soon!” Dad said and then added, “I should be home in about an hour. I need you to get cleaned up and if you can, get dressed nice.”


“I got to get dressed up?” I whined.


“Yes . . .” his voice trailed off before he said, “Shoot, you need help with that don’t you?” but before I could answer him he said, “Well, wait until I get there and I’ll help you. Just be ready because we won’t have much time!”


“Why? Where we going?” I asked, still whining.


Right then everything went wholly chaotic as the power came back on. The television in the living room came on, as it always does when the power goes out and comes back on. The volume was maxed and blaring like a loud speaker. I had to cover my eyes when the lights all came on because I’d already started to adjust to the lower light levels inside. I tried to yell to Lowell to go turn off the TV but he couldn’t hear me. Dad was shouting into my ear but I couldn’t hear him either.


A few seconds later the TV and lights all when off again and dad, still shouting said, “UNPLUG THE TV IF YOU HAVE TOO!”


“Ah dang dad! You killed my ear!” I cried out, “Powers off again.”


“Quick, before it comes back on. Go unplug the TV.” Dad said.


Lowell, go unplug the TV in the living room please!” and he took off like a shot.


Lowell’s there too?” dad asked.


“Yea, he was on the front porch when I came home.” I said and no sooner did I have the words out and the power came back on again. Lowell had not had time to get behind the TV to unplug it and it was somewhat funny to watch as the TV came on again. As if he had been shot, Lowell stumbled backwards, away from the TV and fell over holding his ears. Dad again was screaming into my ear but just as before I couldn’t hear him. Lowell was back up and rushed to get the TV unplugged and when he succeeded, everything was quiet again.


“Oh that’s better! Thanks!” I said to Lowell who was looking rather assaulted but smiling none the less.


Dad said, “Just leave it unplugged incase they have to kill the power again. Oh and don’t turn on anything, no computers or the microwave; nothing except lights and then only if you need too.”


“Yea okay!” I said into the phone.


“I’ll try to be home within an hour.” Dad said. “I have to go now; I have someone here in my office.”


“Alright, love ya dad!” I said to him but wasn’t sure if he heard me before he hung up. I turned off his cell phone and laid it by the house phone again.


“That was intense!” Lowell said while holding his head.


“Yea it does that sometimes! No idea why either!” I said motioning to the TV. “Dad said he’d be home in about an hour maybe and then we have to go somewhere but he didn’t say where.” I said.


“That stinks!” Lowell said and then with an evil grin he added, “Almost as much as you do!”


Of course, I turned about twenty shades of red and some of it was from embarrassment and some from anger. However, before I could react he asked, “Want me to help you clean up?” and I was shocked to hear myself say, “Sure!”


In no time at all, I found myself standing in the shower stall of the hallway bathroom, stripped down to nothing but my armor and a very wet and very smelly diaper as Lowell was struggling to get the pins off.


“Dang things are slippery!” he said with a grunt.


When he finally got one to open, with the weight of the contents, it was enough that it allowed him the slide the diaper down my legs and then he had me step out of it. He had his entire face all scrunched up and said, “Boy what you been eating?”


“It’s not that bad!” I said though it was that bad and worse still when he had me close the door and turn on the water to wash off the mess from my backside while he stood outside the glass doors watching me. The water was hardly warm at all, actually had I not been so cold from being outside all day, I probably would not have been able to stand the cold water for very long.


When I was relatively sure I’d got the entire mess rinsed away, I turned off the water and opened the glass door back up.


“Turn round!” Lowell ordered and bashfully I did as he asked. He parted my butt cheeks and announced, “Yep that will do but you need to take this off.” He gave my armor a tap between my shoulder blades.


“Why?” I asked.


“Cause you got poop up under it too here in the back.” He said and yet again, I felt my face flush hot.


I turned around so that he could help me remove my armor and then being extra careful; I closed the glass shower door again and turned back on the water while he washed my armor in the sink.


A couple minutes later, I was standing in the middle of the bath while Lowell dried me off. He was very careful not to do anything to hurt me while my injured ribs were exposed and vulnerable. When he was satisfied that I was adequately dried off he held up the back piece for me to put back on but I said, “Need to put powder in it first.”


“Why?” he asked.


“It helps absorb any sweat.” I answered.


So we went to my room with Lowell following me as I streaked down the hall. He went for my supplies while I sat myself down on the side of my bed and just relaxed for a minute or two.


“How much you put in it?” He asked holding the back piece of my armor in one hand and the bottle of baby powder in his other.


“Here, let me show you.” I said reaching out and taking them both from him.


Just the way dad had done, I sprinkled in the powder and then smoothed it around with my hand. Lowell did the same with the front piece though he used a little too much powder and instead of wasting it, he dumped it on my lap. Some of which went onto my bedspread but I didn’t much care, it would brush off after we were done.


He helped me put it on and as he was doing so he asked, “So how does it feel? I mean without this on.”


“I can tell that I’m still tender but really, when I’m wearing it, I can do just about anything I want and it doesn’t hurt at all less I do something really stupid.” I said with a half grin.


After he had both pieced strapped back on me, he had me lay down on the floor, “I like the floor better.” He had said and proceeded to put me into one of my disposable diapers. As he did so, I told him what mom had said when she’d seen me wearing on of Lowell’s Pampers.


“Did she get mad?” he asked.


“Na, she just said that I am only to allow dad and her to change me.” I answered.


“You going to get in trouble for me helping now?” he asked.


“I don’t think so. I mean, it was kind of an emergency right?” I said.


“Yea, more then kind of.” He said grinning as he put the last tape into place.


“Want plastic pants again?” he asked.


“Yea, might as well.” I answered.


“Okay, then stay there!” he said and returned a moment later with a pair of clear plastic pull-on pants.


I had to raise my bottom again so that he could get them up into place and then ran his fingers around the waist and leg elastics to be sure none of the diaper was sticking out.


After helping me to my feet, he then retrieved from the pocket of his coat another CD. “Here, this is the next chapter of Hamanaptra for you. It’s better then the first three because I had more time to do it; oh and it’s also a little shorter then the others.”


I took the CD and said, “I’ll have to listen to it later. Dad said not to turn on anything incase the power doesn’t stay on.”


“Oh yea, that makes sense.” Lowell said and then added, “I’m not supposed to tell you this but my mommy has a surprise for you for when you sleep over tomorrow night.”


“A surprise? What for?” I asked.


“For helping me with my reading! She’s so happy that I’m practicing and that you are the one that’s been getting me to do it that she wants to give you something.” Lowell said rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.


“She doesn’t need to do that!” I said feeling humbled.


“Yea, she’s like that!” he said turning toward my closet. “What you want to wear?” he asked.


“So does she know what you are reading?” I asked just to be sure that she didn’t know.


He gave me the funniest expression from over his right shoulder, “No way!”


I responded back with a simple, “Good!” before answering his question, “Dad said I got to dress up! So . . .” I didn’t get to finish as Lowell cut me off.


“Where you going?” he asked.


“I don’t know! He just said dress up!” I answered.


“Oh, so . . . a tie?” he asked.


“I got a blue suite in the other side.” I said pointing to the left sliding door.


“Wowzers! Nice one too!” he said pulling it out from my closet.


He handed it to me by the hanger and I said, “Yea.”


“Um, while you get your pants on, I’m going to go take care of your messy diaper okay?” he said motioning toward my door.


“Yea sure!” I said pulling the pants off the hanger.


I slipped them on, with a bit of difficulty, before going to my closet and finding a white shirt to wear. I was tucking it into my pant when he returned. He was holding the spent diaper out in front of him like it was a ticking time bomb about to go off at any second. “What should I do with it now?” he asked.


“Know where the washer is?” I asked.


“I think I can find it.” He said as he sped down the hall.


A couple minutes later I had my tie tied around my neck and was putting on my belt when Lowell returned looking triumphant. “Wow Simon! You look good!” he said.


“Yea but the pants are kind of tight. Good thing you didn’t put a cloth diaper on me, I never would have been able to pull my pants up then.” I said.


“Yea but you still look good, and really if I didn’t know you had on a diaper, I never would be able to guess.” He said.


I countered with, “Thanks.”


He smiled and appearing hopeful asked, “Want me to help with your socks and shoes too?”


“Sure!” I said giving myself one last look in the mirror before setting myself down on at the foot of Jamie’s bed.


“Your brother coming over this weekend?” he asked.


“I don’t think so. He was here last weekend.” I said.


He then asked, “Oh, so he’s coming next weekend?”


“Yea I think so.” I answered holding up my left foot as he slid on my sock and then shoe.


He was tying my other shoe when dad appeared in my doorway.


“There you are!” dad said.


Lowell and I both screamed and jumped, dad laughed.


“Gee-whiz dad! You scared us to death!” I said clutching at my armor plated heart while Lowell had fallen backwards on his butt and was laughing too.


“That was a good one!” he said holding his stomach.


“I didn’t even here you come in.” I said.


“And you didn’t relock the back door.” Dad said.


Dad said that because, whenever I’m home alone, the rule is that all doors should be closed and locked at all times and I’m never to open them for anyone except mom and dad.


“Oops, sorry!” I replied, “I guess I forgot.”


Dad smiled, “You didn’t need to get ‘that’ dressed up!”


“Huh?” I said looking down at my suite.


“But it’s okay, you look nice!” he added.


Lowell was getting up when I sheepishly said, “I kind of had another accident today. Lowell helped me though.”


“Well thank you very much Lowell!” Dad smiled at Lowell.


Lowell quickly inserted, “Simon had me put the dirty diaper in the washer.”


Dad motioned toward the other end of the house and said, “I’ll go start it. Uh, Lowell can we drop you off at your house on our way?”


“Yea that would be nice!” Lowell answered.


Dad looked at me and holding up the palm of his right hand he said, “Five minutes.”


“Okay, where are we going?” I asked as he started to leave but he didn’t answer.


“Bet you are going out to eat someplace fancy.” Lowell said.


“Na, not without my mom.” I shot back.


Lowell picked up his coat and things and the two of us marched back out to find dad walking out of the laundry room.


“Ready?” dad asked as he combed my hair with his fingers.


“Yep!” Lowell and I said at the same time but neither of us bothered to try jinxing each other.


I put back on my coat and pulled my hat on over my head.


Lowell gave dad the directions to his house and after dropping him off we started down the street and I asked yet again, “Where are we going?”


“You’ve got an appointment.” Dad said.


“I do? At the doctors?” I asked trying to think of where I would have an appointment.


Being cryptic he responded with, “Not ‘the doctor’ but ‘a doctor’.”


“For my ribs?” I asked, not yet getting what he meant.


When dad didn’t answer, I asked, “For my ankle? Because it’s fine today, doesn’t even hurt in the least!”


“That’s probably because you’ve been out in the cold all day.” Dad said turning the car left.


“So why am I seeing a doctor?” I asked.


“Remember our talk the other morning?” Dad asked.


“Which one?” I asked back still totally clueless.


“About you talking to a Therapist.” He said and no more had the words rolled off his tongue then I felt my heart drop into my stomach exactly like a ton of bricks might hit the ground after falling from twenty-seven floors up.


Dad was looking at me in his rearview mirror. “It’s going to be fine, Simon! You were actually supposed to go this morning but with all the snow they reschedule it for next week.”


I quickly butted in, “If it’s not until next week . . .” I didn’t get to finish.


“Then they called and said that since it stopped snowing so hard and the roads had been cleared, you could come this afternoon as they had several openings.” Dad finished saying.


A few minutes later, we arrived at a white and grey house that looked to have been converted into an office sometime in the recent past. The inside smelled of flowers and I didn’t much care for that smell at all. The walls were all painted a kind of pinkish color that dad said was called mauve; I didn’t like that either. Dad gave my name to this girl that didn’t look old enough to be working at a burger joint, let alone in an office. She smiled and asked us to have a seat and that the doctor would be with us in a few minutes.


My heart, which as lodged somewhere around my navel, seemed to be beating so hard and so fast that I felt like I should be running or something to be making it work so very hard.


As dad sat down I managed to capture his gaze, “D-dad I d-don’t w-want t-t-t-to be here!” I said.


He took hold of my hand and pulled me down into the chair beside him. “Simon, it’s going to be alright, I promise! All she’s going to want to do it to talk with you for a little while. You won’t have to take your pants off or anything like that.”

I knew that with that last line, he was trying to lighten my mood but I wasn’t into playing games right now. All I knew was that I had to get out of there or I was going to die!


“D-d-dad, I-I-I-I r-r-r-r-really d-d-don’t w-want t-to b-be here!” I said with obvious panic in my voice, as the walls appeared to start moving in toward me.


Now using his hushed yet authoritative dad voice, he said, “Simon, that’s enough! Settle yourself down right now! You’re doing this and no amount of theatrics is going to change that!”


“Theatrics?” I thought. “Is that what he thinks I’m doing? Well if you want theatrics, I’ll give you theatrics!” the voice in my head was screaming.


Just as I was about to start a full out tantrum, I mean I’d taken in a lung full of air when the door across for the childlike receptionist opened and an older, very smartly dressed and professional lady stepped out. She had kind of blondish-gold hair with hints of silver and had it pulled back into a loose bun on the back of her head. However, it was her lips that caught me off guard and managed to halt a near full-out temper tantrum at the very last second. I was thrown into a sort of confused, bewildered and entranced state by the fact that her lips were orange! I don’t mean they were kind of orange-ish pink; no, they were as orange as an orange and they matched her dress perfectly. Nevertheless, despite the shock value of her lipstick, she still looked extremely nice and well groomed.


“Hello, you must be Simon Sr.,” she extended a hand to dad who took it and shook softly. I’d never seen anyone shake hands the way she and dad did. It was somewhat pretty like, not strong, the way I see men do it.


Dad stood up, “Yes, and this is my son Simon that I was telling you about.”


She extended the same hand to me and trying to mimic the same sort of handshake, I took her hand and gently shook it. “I’m so glad to get to meet you Simon, my names Doctor Elisabeth Hound. But everyone just calls me Lizy for short.”


She let go of my hand and speaking to dad she asked, “Is it alright if you’re son and I go chitchat for a minute or two?”  I couldn’t help thinking that she should have asked me if I even wanted to talk to her and I think I was about to say something along those lines when she added, “I believe Aveina has some papers for you to fill out and sign.” She motioned over to the childlike girl behind the desk and with a hand on the back of my head, guided me past dad, past Aveina and into the office she’d emerged from only a moment before.


She closed the door behind herself and said, “Well Simon! I’ve heard an awful lot about you in the past couple days.”


Nervous and sweating like I’d never done before, I sat down in the first chair I came too and tried to sound cute by saying, “Y-yea w-well d-d-don’t b-believe anyth-thing you heard!”


However, she didn’t take it as funny or cute. Instead, she popped a squat right down on the floor in front of me and said, “What parts shouldn’t I believe.”


I looked at her for several seconds before I finally said, “I d-d-dunno, w-what have you heard?”


“Oh that’s a good question! That’s a very good question!” and she slapped her knee and stood back up. She straightened her dress and went to her desk where she pulled out a bright pastel blue folder, like the kind dad uses in his office all the time except his are usually all a sort of creamy-yellow color with the occasional yellow or red one. I’d never seen one before that looked like it must be plugged into the wall to be so bright. It was about an inch think with papers which surprised me given that she’d said that she’d only heard about me in the past couple days.


She came back around the desk and plopped herself right back down on the floor in front of me again. She flipped open the cover of the folder and was thumbing past the first few pages.


“Th-th-that all ab-bout m-m-me?” I asked.


She looked up at me and I noticed she had really green eyes that sort of looked like they belonged on a doll. “Oh my no, I have all sorts of things in here.” She said and then pulled out some kind of picture and handed it too me.


“Like this for instance.” She appeared to be admiring the picture, “It’s an odd sort of picture but I’ve always liked it.” and she handed it to me.


Thinking that I was holding it upside down, I turned it over, but that didn’t help. I turned it sideways and then the other way round, but still nothing seemed to form anything normal looking. “Uh, w-what is it?” I asked, noticing that she was again looking through the papers.


“I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening. What did you say?” she asked.


“I-I was j-just w-wondering w-w-what it is s-s-supposed t-to b-be?” I asked again.


She put a hand to her chin and said, “You know, I’m not really sure! Everyone that looks at it seems to think it’s something different.”


I turned it every-which-way again before saying, “I-I-I th-think it’s a m-m-melting w-w-wax s-s-stat-t-t-ch-chue.”


“Kazuntite!” the lady said which both caught me off guard and made me chuckle when I realized what she said it for.


“N-no, I-I d-didn’t s-sneeze!” I said through my giggles.


She smiled and playfully said, “Oh my mistake then.”


I handed the picture back to her and she pulled out another one that looked to be a photograph of a painting. “This is a picture of a famous painting I saw when I was in France on my honeymoon two years ago.”


“Y-you j-just g-g-g-got m-m-married?” I asked knowing I sounded like an idiot for stuttering so badly but I just couldn’t help myself.


“Oh, Bill’s my second husband!” she said pointing to a photo of an elderly man that was sitting on her desk.


“L-looks l-like a n-n-n-nice m-man!” I said trying to be polite.


“Well thank you! He is very good to me! We met about a year after my first husband died.” She said and despite my wanting to not like her, I found myself thinking about how nice she was and how unlike anything I had expected of her. She seemed to talk to me and treat me like she would any other adult and not like some snot-nosed 12-year-old kid in diapers.


“S-sorry ab-bout y-your f-first husb-band though.” I said.


“That’s very sweet of you to say! He was a good man, lived a good life and died doing what he loved doing which was running marathons.” She said.


“R-r-really?” I said getting excited.


“Do you run? Oh wait . . .” she started thumbing through the papers even faster, “I think I remember your dad saying something about you being on your school track team! Ah here it is!”


She pulled out a small pink post-it. “Yep, got it jotted down right here!” and she showed me the note.


“I-I m-m-made th-the v-v-varsit-t-ty s-squad b-b-before . . .” I was saying.


“Varsity? That’s impressive!” she said.


“Y-yea b-b-but that was b-before P-Peter b-broke m-my ribs.” I said.


She stopped leafing through the papers and rested her chin on the back of her hand. “Yea, your dad was telling me about that. He said you hung questionable pictures of Peter up in the school?”


“N-N-NO!” I nearly yelled. “N-n-not m-me!”


“Oh?” she said sounding like she was asking a question, “OH!” she then said with quite a bit of interest and then finished up with, “Oh...” and now sounded concerned and confused at the same time.


“So it wasn’t you?” she asked.


I shook my head hard from left to right.


“Oh, well that changes everything!” she said closing up her folder and making like she was going to stand up.


“Uh, do you know who did?” she asked.


I honestly wish I hadn’t but I nodded my head up at down to signify that I did know who it was that had plastered the school walls with pictured of Peter wearing diapers.


“I was hoping you might!” she said getting to her feet so that she could drop the blue folder on here desk.


“I don’t suppose you’d tell me?” she asked with an alluring smile.


I shook my head gently from side to side again but only enough for her to get the message.


“That’s okay, you don’t have too. Actually, I’m big on secrets! I think everyone should have secrets. I think of them as the stuff that fuels the mysteries within our lives.” She said sitting down on the corner of her desk and letting her feet dangle in the air.


That was the first time I noticed that her shoes too were as orange as her dress and lips.


“What?” she said looking down at her toes. “Don’t like my shoes?”


“I-I-I l-like th-them j-just fine!” I said trying not to offender her.


“I-I j-just n-never seen someo-one w-wear so m-much o-orange, and st-still l-look s-so n-nice.” I said and I meant it even though I blushed at my own words.


“Oh my goodness, well thank you!” she said moving a strand of hair off the side of her face and hooking it behind her right ear. “Do you think that if I guessed who did it, that it would be okay?” she asked still smiling.


I shrugged, though I meant to say no.


“Let’s see?” she said kicking her feet back and forth and tapping on her desk with her fingernails. “Could it have been your friend Jasper?” she asked.


“Holy c-cow l-lady! How’d you kn-now that?” I blurted out so fast that I didn’t even know I’d said it until it was way too late to take it back. Then I started to really panic, “Y-you c-c-can’t t-t-t-tell anyone! N-n-no o-o-one c-c-can kn-now I t-told y-you!”


“But you didn’t tell me! I guess it, right?” she said slyly. “And besides, I’m not allowed to tell anyone but your mom and dad what you say in here. And I don’t plan on telling them anything they don’t need to know.” She lifted her eyebrows and said, “And I don’t think they need to know that!”


Adopting a serious tone she said, “Call me Lizy, please!”


I smiled at her and was about to say something else but she jumped down off her desk and said. “Whelp, I think we’ve given them long enough to fill out all that boring paper work. Just between you and me, I’d give Aveina ten times, what I pay her, just so I wouldn’t have to do the paper work myself! I rather do the fun stuff!”


“You mean we’re done?” I asked not moving from my chair yet, mostly because I didn’t believe that, that was all there was too it.


“Yep, I mean unless you want to talk some more. I think I can find some more stuff for your dad to fill out of you like.” She was smiling and I knew for sure then that we really were done. I got up from my chair and she said, “If you want to talk again, I’d be happy to have you come by.”


I stopped about two feet from the door, looked up at her and extended my hand to her. She took it and we shook hands, “Thanks Lizy!” I said with a smile.


“Thank you! Can I have my picture back?” she asked.


“Oh sorry, I forgot I had it!” I said raising my other hand that contained the photo.


I handed it to her and she looked at it again. “I always liked this painting, too bad it costs nearly three million dollars.”


“Wow! That’s a lot of money!” I said.


“Yes it is!” She said.


“Who’d pay that kind of money just to see some man sleeping in a bed with his son while his wife was watching?” I asked.


With an odd smile this time, she said, “Well, I think I might, if I had three-million just lying around.”


She then opened the door and let me walk out first. When dad saw us, he stood up, smiled and thanked her. Dad and I then left. When we got to the car I started to get into the backseat like always but this time dad said, “Wanna right up front with me?”


I didn’t give him a chance to change his mind. I was in the front seat and buckled in before he’d had time to get around the car to the drivers door.


“So how’d it go?” dad asked the second he closed his door.


“It wasn’t so bad, I guess.” I said.


He stuck his finger in my ear, “Dad don’t!” I complained and swatted his hand away.


“I think I remember someone telling you that it would be alright.” He said still trying to get his finger into my ear again.


“Stop!” I complained and laughed at the same time.


“So now what?” dad asked.


“What do you mean?” I asked thinking he was still talking about the doctor.


“Should we go home?” he asked.


“Oh, yea! Let’s go home! Uh, that away!” I said pointing out the rear window.


“All-righty-then!” dad said putting the car in reverse.


We were only on the road a minute or two, headed back to the house when I started yawning.


“Getting tired?” Dad asked.


“Maybe just a little.” I said.


“You’ve had a big day today.” He said.


“Na, not really.” I said, “Just played outside and went there.”


“Yes but you have to remember you’re still healing. Even if you might think you’re done, your body knows better.” Dad said.


“I guess!” I surrendered and went to staring out of my window.


“I spoke to your mom while you were in talking to the doctor.” Dad said.


I don’t know why I asked; because I didn’t much care but I asked none-the-less, “How’s Aunt Catharine?”


“I’m not sure, but probably about as good as one could expect.” Dad said and then asked. “You’re mom wants me to bring home dinner. What sounds good to you?”


“KFC?” I answered hoping he’d say yes.


“Hey, that does sound good!” dad said.


So, we stopped at Kentucky Fried Chicken and got the family meal deal and took it home. Mom had only just beaten us home by about five minutes. When we walked into the back door, she still had on her coat and gloves.


“Wowzers dad!” I complained.


“Oh I am sorry! I forgot to turn the heat back on before we left!” he said to mom.


“I’ve turned it on just now!” Mom said and gave dad a kiss.


Mom then asked me about the doctor visit and I told her and dad about it and about my day and nearly told them about finding the barn with BJ but stopped myself in time. I also remembered to tell them that Ruddy Nader said hello.


“Wow, I’d not thought about him in a while!” dad said.


Mom got a funny look and said, “Yea, me either! You should call him and invite him and his wife over for dinner sometime.”


“I think I’ll do that!” dad said.


Even though the power was back on mom still put several candles onto the dinning room table and lit them. She said it would help keep us warm but when she wasn’t looking dad and I, both rolled our eyes at her and then giggled secretively.


I never did tell mom about my accident earlier today, or about the fact the Lowell had come over and ended up helping me to get cleaned up, changed and dressed before I left to go talk to the doctor.


After dinner mom told me that I could just stack the dishes in the sink and she’d take care of then later when the house warmed up. So, after removing my suit jacket and tie, that’s just what I did before retreating to my room with my jacket and tie draped over one shoulder.


Now I was really feeling pretty tired and wanted to get myself ready for bed and seeing how the rest of the house was cold, I fully expected my room to be cold too but instead it was like walking into a deep freeze. Mom came in a minute or two after I had and asked if I needed changed. I honestly had no idea if I did or not, so with her standing right there I unzipped my pants. Mom then knelt down in front of me and pulled the front of my plastic pants and diaper out and stuck her fingers down inside before declaring. “I think we better get you into a dry diaper.” And then asked, “Do you want to sit on the toilet before we get you changed?”


I shook my head, “I went earlier today!”


“Oh, okay then.” She said before adding, “It’s too cold in here! Why don’t we get you ready in the living room? If feels at least a little better in there.”


As mom and I were heading for the living room, with mom carrying my diapering things and me carrying my pajamas, we passed dad in the hallway. “I got the old camper heater out of the garage to warm up the back of the house a little faster.” Dad said.


“Oh dad! That thing makes it smell like burning dogs!” I protested as the memories of camping two years ago came flooding back.


That had been one of the best camping trips we’d ever gone on despite the fact that it rained nearly every night and that Jamie ended up being stung by a Yellow Jacket about ten times.


I remember it happening like it was five minutes ago. Jamie and I were out exploring around the camp grounds and met this nice Native American woman that was cooking something in this big black pot, very much like the kind witches use in all the books and movies. Anyway, Jamie and I had gone a little too far into the woods and Jamie had picked up this hollow log, which if you didn’t see the hollow ends you’d of thought it was a real solid log. Well, the log turned out to be more then a log, it was a home to a mess load of Yellow Jackets.


It only took hearing them for Jamie to drop the log and start running. I was right behind him when I saw him flinch from the first sting. We’d made it all the way back to the campgrounds before Jamie started crying from the pain. Mom was trying to get him to calm down but Jamie wouldn’t stop wailing and crying. I think everyone at the campsite heard him and was looking to see why he was carrying on so wildly.


Sees one of the Yellow-Jackets had somehow gone up the sleeve of his shirt and got trapped. In its attempts to get away, it stung Jamie in his armpit, which is the second worse place I can think of to get stung.


While mom and dad were trying to get Jamie’s shirt off him, that same nice Native American lady came walking over carrying a little plastic bowl. She smeared some of this grey looking goop under Jamie’s nose and a few seconds later he stopped screaming and yelling his head off. She then smeared the goop over the stings. It was incredible really! I remember thinking that it was some sort of magic that only Native Americans knew.


Well we ended up getting invited to dinner and it turned out that what she was cooking in that big pot was kind of like chilly with long green leaves in it. I can’t remember what it was called but after my first impressions of how gross it looked, it turned out to be really good and both Jamie and I had seconds!


I remember her husband had told us several really good stories and for the rest of our camping trip Jamie and I played Indians. We wanted to play cowboys and Indians but since we both wanted to be the Indian, we ended up playing just Indians. It really was one of the greatest camping trips we ever took as a family.


Anyway, after complaining about the heater to dad there in the hallway he gave me a pop on the top of my head with his fist, in fun, and then went to set the heater up at the end of the hallway so that it would blow down to both of our rooms.


In the living room, mom stretched out a towel on the floor and after helping me to get fully undressed except for my socks, diaper and armor she had me lay down on the towel.


As she was pulling off my plastic pants I asked her, “Do you remember those Indians we met when we was camping that one time?”


“Sure I do! We still get Christmas cards from them!” She said then stopped and looked up as dad came walking back into the room. “Didn’t we get a letter from the Running Waters not too long ago?” She asked dad.


Dad had to think for a second before answering, “I think it’s still on my desk!”


“Really?” I said kind of excited. “I didn’t know you still knew them!”


“Yes, they are really nice people. We’ve even swapped a few recipes. Remember that stuff you liked so much with the tiny round onions?” she asked.


“Oh yea! You’ve not made that in a long time!” I said as mom was removing the tapes from my diaper.


“That was one that I got from her. I don’t remember what it was called, but I still have it wrote down in my recipe box.” She said.


Dad called from the dinning room. “I’m going to blow out the candles in here if it’s alright.”


“Thank you honey!” mom said.


Mom pulled my diaper open and said, “You were wetter then I thought!”


“Really?” I said.


Changing the subject I said, “Mom?”


“What?” She answered while using baby wipes to clean my diaper area thoroughly.


“Do you think I’m going to have to wear diapers to school if the doctor lets me go back on Monday?” I asked.


“Sweetheart, I’ve already been to your school and talked to the school nurse and your teachers and they know all about it.” Mom said.


“MOM! YOU TOLD MY TEACHERS?” I said suddenly starting to cry.


“Hey!” mom swatted the side of my leg to let me know I was not to use that tone with her. I knew better but she’d just surprised me with the news is all.


Mom went on to explain that my teachers all knew that because of what had happened that I might have some lingering health problems when I came back. She also explained that they all understood and would cooperate with the school nurse as she’d be the one helping while I was in school. I also wasn’t so happy about the fact that mom said she’d talked to my principle, Mr. Freeman and the vice-principle, Mr. Graff. I wasn’t really upset about Mr. Freeman, I mean I’m sure he already knows because his wife was my nurse while I was in the hospital but why’d she have to go and tell Mr. Graff too?


By the time mom had me re-diapered and had helped me to get into my pajamas, I was feeling better about it; plus the fact that dad had come in and told me to stop my whining or else had helped to motivate me to get control of myself again.


Mom had wanted me to curl up on the sofa with a blanket and watch TV since it was still cold in the back of the house but I told her I wanted to go to my room and I got my way.


It was still cold, so instead of getting on the computer to check my email I decided to drag my blankets, pillow and e-journal into the bottom of my closet, where my body heat soon had the small area heated up nicely.


I think I wrote for about an hour before I fell asleep and when I awoke again, I was in my bed and deduced that dad had put me in it. It was also nice and cozy warm in my room again and I figured that since I was awake, I might as well get up.


A quick glance at my clock told me that it was a few minutes after two in the morning. I went to my window first just to see what was happening out there. I wasn’t surprised to see that it was snowing hard again, but not like it had been, the previous night.


I sat myself at my desk and when I did I felt my diaper squish under me and from the feel of it, I’d sprung a leak.


“Oh man!” I groaned.


I thought about just stripping myself down and putting on one of my Goodnites but I was planning to listen to the next chapter of Hamanaptra from Lowell and I wanted to be diapered properly for it. That meant I was going to have to go wake up mom and or dad. As it turned out, dad was the one to wake up and a minute or two later he came walking into my room looking like he was still mostly asleep. I turned around and showed him the back of my pajamas.


“Okay.” He said shuffling his slipper clad feet over to my dresser.


While he was getting the diapering stuff that mom must have brought back in while I was sleeping, I stripped off my pajamas and put them into my hamper.


Dad didn’t say anything else until he had me re-diapered, this time in a double thick cloth diaper again, which was his preference. He helped me into fresh pajamas and then tucked me into bed before kissing my forehead and saying, “Go back to sleep now!”


Of course I had no intention of going back to sleep so when I was sure he was back in his own bed I got up again and went back to my desk.


I decided to do a quick check of my email to see if there was anything important, there wasn’t. Just the normal stuff from Tater, Bull, Jasper—who reported that he nearly was snowed into his secret fort the other evening. I also had emails from Mike, BJ, Lowell and about a dozen pieces of spam-mail that I went a head and deleted.


It took me about thirty minutes or so to read and reply to all the emails and when I was done I closed out of my mail and put in Lowell’s CD he’d made for me. With my headphones on, I sat there at my desk and listened to the entire production and was feeling a little proud of how well Lowell was reading.


of the Dead


By B.L.

~ Chapter Four ~
Gateway to the Abyss


I stared back at both of them without speaking; I had no words just then. I was feeling frustrated, excited and even scared all at the same time. Turning back to the sandstone slab my hand brushed one of the steel cables that were attached to the slab and my eyes followed it as it rose up to the large hook that hung from the crane. I brought my focus back to the markings, reading them repeatedly.


“It is right here!” I thought to myself, “I know the answer is here but . . .” and there it was again, that smell; that unmistakable smell of cinnamon, myrrh, spikenard all mingled together like some ancient perfume but there was something else now—something  faint, but what?


I could hear Uncle Max and Miss Lillian Hassley talking but their voices seemed far away, distant. The smell was overpowering almost to the point of intoxication and then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, which startled me back into reality.


“Jason, you alright?” Miss Lillian Hassley asked.


“I-I-I…” I was stammering, struggling to hold on to my thoughts.


“Can you smell that?” Uncle Max said nearly shouting in excitement.


“I have never smelled it so strong before!” Miss Lillian Hassley said.


“We have to open it up!” I shouted, spinning on my heel and grabbing one of the steel cables. My eyes met Uncle Max’s. “We have to open it now!” I pleaded.


Uncle Max looked at Miss Lillian Hassley who then looked at me, “I don’t see why we are standing here waiting.” she said with a smile.


Uncle Max shouted something to the locals that were working nearby. They all turned to listen but the look on their faces told me everything. They were scared; more then scared, they were deathly terrified. One of them said something to the others, then someone let out a yell and in a cloud of dust and sand every one of the locals took off, running away from us as fast as there feet would carry them. It was as if we had the just sprouted horns and pointed tails.


Miss Lillian Hassley took a few steps toward them, stopped, removed her hat and wiped her face with her sleeve, “Now what in the world was that all about?”


“Silly superstitions,” Uncle Max grunted, “just more of there dammed silly little superstitions.”


He swung himself around a couple of the steel cables as he made his way over to the engine that powered the crane. Just as he reached the engine, Miss Lillian Hassley asked, “What do you think it weighs?”


I was not looking at her so I did not know if she had directed her question to Uncle Max or me but I interjected, “About seventeen tons is my guess!”


The engine sputtered as it started and then roared to life. Uncle Max shouted over the engine, “We figured it to be right at eighteen and a half tons, give or take a few hundred pounds either way!”


I rejoiced to myself as the engine revved and the cables became taut. For a brief moment, I thought that the sandstone slab was not going to move. The engine revved louder and like magic, the slab shifted and began to move up, slowly; after all, it too is a very valuable piece of history. The sand and dust really started to pick up and blow around as the stale air from under the slab rushed out.


The smell of spikenard, cinnamon, and myrrh was almost over powering wafted out of the ground mixing with the dust and finally I realized what the other sent in the air was.


“Uncle Max? Do you smell that?” I shouted.


“Sulfur!” he shouted over to Miss Lillian Hassley who was pulling a pink frilly ladies handkerchief from her pocket and holding it to her mouth and nose.


Uncle Max shouted again, “That air you are breathing now was breathed by pharaohs long before Moses led God’s people out of slavery!” A look of triumph was beaming across his face now that the stone was more than three feet off the ground.


“OK!” Miss Lillian Hassley shouted, waving her free hand to Uncle Max, “Hold it there!”


My eyes were fixed on the darkness beneath the slab, which was now hovering about six-feet over the opening. My heart was racing as I took a step toward the opening to try and get a better look; the hole seemed to be void of... no it seemed to be sucking up any light that tried to penetrate the darkness.


Uncle Max made his way back over to us.


“Are we going down?” I asked excitedly.


“No WE are not going down, I am... tomorrow.” Uncle Max said.


I was just about to begin my protest when Miss Lillian Hassley shouted, “TOMORROW!”


I added, “We are not going now? But why not Uncle Max?” The whine in my voice irritated even me.


“Like I said, WE are not going down, it’s too late tonight, the sun will be going down soon and I have to see where my workers have run off to.” Uncle Max readjusted his hat as he took a quick look into the hole, “Wow it is dark in there!”


He turned back to me and caught sight of the cold gaze I was giving him.


“This has been here thousands upon thousands of years, it will be here tomorrow!” Uncle Max tried to convince me but I was not buying it.


“Let’s at least shine a lantern down there.” Miss Lillian Hassley argued.


I think she was as excited as I was and I could not understand how Uncle Max could be so calm, cool and easy going when we could be on the brink of a discovery unlike anything ever in history.


Miss Lillian Hassley did not bother to wait for Uncle Max to say anything. She grabbed a lantern and crouched down at the edge of the opening. As I knelt beside her, I realized for the first time that my pants were soaked, again. I had been so enthralled with our discovery that I had not even noticed that I had wet myself. However, I did not really care about the condition of my pants given that my embarrassment gave way to excitement as I took my place beside Miss Lillian Hassley. Uncle Max took a knee next to me as we each peered into the chasm.


The lantern broke through the darkness and I could make out brilliant wall paintings that looked to be in as good a condition as the day they were painted.


Miss Lillian Hassley pointed, “Look over there!”


Uncle Max and I followed the line of her finger to several sarcophagi standing against one wall.


“I... I have never seen vertical sarcophagi before.” Uncle Max said with a confused tone I had never heard him use before.


My heart was racing as the lantern exposed treasures beyond any archeologists’ greatest dreams. Golden statues of what looked to be half-bird and half-goat. At least from here it looked like a goat’s body. The floor looked to be about 12 to 14 feet below us and was surprisingly dust free. I think the only dirt and dust that was down there had come from us removing the sandstone slab. I had to look hard, because my eyes did not seem to want to focus on the floor. After a moment I said, “It looks to be tiled with brilliant round and shiny red stones . . .”


I looked at Miss Lillian Hassley and then to Uncle Max, “Are those red rubies?” I asked in amazement.


Uncle Max got to his feet and was about to say something when Miss Lillian Hassley said, “I have to have a closer look.” Before Uncle Max or I could stop her, she jumped down into the room below us.


She hit the floor with a hard crashing thud and let out a groan, “Oh man that was farther then I thought!”


“You ignorant woman!” Uncle Max shouted down at her at the same time I said, “You idiot!”


“Now don’t go running around down there!” Uncle Max shouted, “It might not be safe.”


“What do you mean, not safe?” Miss Lillian Hassley sent back up to us.


“Booby-traps!” I shouted back at him.


“Great! Now you tell me,” she said just barely loud enough for us to hear.


“Go over behind the crane engine. There is a rope ladder in a canvas bag. Bring it over would ya?” Uncle Max said to me while still looking down in the hole.


“I have half a mind to close this hole and leave you down there for a few thousand years you foolish bit...” Uncle Max was not a man taken to swearing so I knew he was pretty annoyed at Miss Lillian Hassley right now but I also knew he wouldn’t close it up with her still in it.


I scrambled to my feet and again noticed my wet pants as the sand was caked onto my legs and the tops of my shoes where I had been kneeling down to look into the room. I did not waste time trying to wipe it off; I just headed over to get the ladder as fast as I could.


Miss Lillian Hassley shouted up again, “Hey Max!” she called up.


I heard the irritation in Uncle Max’s voice as he called back down to her, “What?”


“There’s a picture on the wall,” she said.


I had reached the ladder and looked up at Uncle Max as he gave me a look of disgust and I was not sure if it was meant for Miss Lillian Hassley or because he saw the condition of my pants and without giving away for whom the his disgust was aimed at he yelled down into the whole, “What picture?”


“Over here on the wall...” there was a small crash of metal from inside the hole and then, “Oh darn-it, I dropped the lantern.”


“Lillian, stand still. Jason will be right back with the ladder!” I do not think Uncle Max was going to be able to hold back his mounting anger for much longer.


“Uh? Max?” Miss Lillian Hassley’s voice seemed shaky.


There was no mistaking Uncle Max’s anger now, “WHAT NOW?” he snapped.


I was making my way back with the ladder as fast as I could but it was heavier then I thought it would be and it was taking all of my strength to carry it.


“Max? There is something in here!” Miss Lillian Hassley sounded nervous.


“Well be careful, it might be a viper!” Uncle Max yelled back.


“No it isn’t a snake, it’s... AAAAH!” Miss Lillian Hassley let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed through the room below.


“LILLIAN! LILLIAN!” Uncle Max yelled down but there was no response.




Just then, I heard one of the steel cables that was holding the sandstone slab in the air snap and whip past my head and laying open my left cheek, “UNCLE MAX! LOOK OUT – THE SLAB!” I screamed as I dropped the ladder and grabbed my face.



As soon as the recording ended I was so excited that I had to email Lowell right away. I also had to email him because in his emails earlier, he had been going on and on, asking if I had listened to this part of the story yet. I knew the first thing he’d do upon waking in a few hours would be to check his email to see if I wrote. I wanted him to see that I had finished the chapter so; I logged back into my email and fired off a quickie before shutting everything down.


I got my e-journal, which I found still in the bottom of my closet, and climbing into bed with it. I wasn’t back in bed more then five minutes before a message popped up on the screen of my e-journal.




Power Cell Low


It is strongly advised that you save
your work, shut down and change the Power Cell.




However, I remembered seeing an AC adapter in the accessory kit that dad had bought me at the Electronics Show. I fetched it and had it plugged into the side of my e-journal and into a wall outlet in no time. The massage disappeared and I was able to continue working for about another hour, which allowed me to finish journaling about the day’s event.


When I was done journalling, I saved my work, shut down and unplugged my e-journal. With a big yawn I reached over and sat it on my nightstand to remind me to tell dad in the morning that I needed fresh batteries for it.


I yawned again, rested my head against my pillow and curled up into a ball under my covers and allowed myself to be carried away to the land of dreams.



Next Installment:

Chapter 6 – Part 1 – Friday, March 05, 2004 – In the Presence of Mine Enemies?



** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at  As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: and I promise that I will reply personally to everyone that takes the time to write to me!  **