Simon's Journal
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
PART 2 – Tuesday, March 02, 2004 –
Secrets, lies and Vanishing Cream
Now there was no way I was going to be wearing only a diaper when Lowell got to the house. I mean, what if his Dad decided to come in too?
I knew that none of my clothes would fit over the heavy double-layer of diapers Dad had put me into so I went in search of either Mom or Dad to change me really fast so that I could put on some regular clothes.
I didn’t make it half way down the hallway when I heard sounds coming from behind their closed bedroom door. At first, I didn’t know what it was and I thought they were arguing again but I dismissed that idea almost instantly as it didn’t sound like arguing. I moved up to the door and listened but heard no words, only a sort of caveman grunting and that’s when I realized what they were doing in there. I ran to my room, slammed the door, and covered my ears while humming loudly to myself.
I was dancing around in a circle,
trying my best to get the images out of my head of what I knew was going on
only a few feet away, behind my parents’ bedroom door.
“Oh! That is just gross! They are
too old to be doing stuff like that!” I said to myself.
I went over and clicked on the
little television Dad had brought in for me to watch while I’ve been healing up
and stuck here at home. Not much caring what was on, I cranked up the volume so
there was no way I could hear anything other than what was in my own room.
It turned out I was watching the
mid-day news, but it didn’t really register at first. I’d gone to my dresser
and started rummaging through it, looking for anything that would fit over the
double thick diaper Dad had me in. I also started talking to myself.
“I been in this same diaper all
I closed one drawer and opened
“And I already have a rash!”
I closed that drawer and opened the
third drawer.
“I shouldn’t have to stay in the
same wet diaper all day!”
I closed the third drawer and opened
the bottom one.
“Damn!” I swore aloud, but there was
no risk of being heard over the television.
“I got to have something in my
I opened the closet door wide and
started rifling from hanger to hanger.
Someone tapped me on the top of my
head and scared me so badly that I literally leapt right into my closet amongst
my clothes and shoes! When I turned to look, it was Mom standing there.
“Gawd Mom! You scared the shit out
of me!” I said. It was out before I even knew I’d cussed.
She turned, walked over to the
television, and turned down the volume enough that we could talk without
screaming. “How can you stand it that loud, I can’t even hear myself think!”
she said with a smile that was too big to be natural. I was trying to climb
back out of my closet and not look guilty, both about cussing and about knowing
what she and Dad had been doing.
“Sorry sweetie, I didn’t mean to
scare you. I called your name twice, but you couldn’t hear me.” She said. I
couldn’t believe she’d not heard me cuss! When she stopped talking, I heard
something from the television that grabbed my attention.
“What did he just say?” I said,
pointing at the little TV.
Mom turned to look at it and listen,
“ . . . vanished without a trace from his hospital bed where he was reportedly
strapped to his bed after attacking a nurse last night.” The news reporter
Mom looked at me, “Who are they
talking about?” she asked, but when she saw my face filled with a look of total
shock, she forgot about the reporter and squatted down in front of me.
“Simon!” she said.
“Mom, they said Reggie Johnson. That’s Runt’s real name!”
I said, looking past her at the television.
she said, spinning herself around to look back at the TV without standing back
up again.
. . . staff on duty at the time of the disappearance reported the patient was
in his bed at lunch time. However, when an orderly came to collect the lunch
tray, the patient was not in his bed. The restraining straps were reported to
still be in place. A thorough search of the hospital has been conducted, and
police are now canvassing the local area for any sign of the missing patient.”
The news reporter turned slightly so that everyone could see there was now a
police cruiser behind him with its lights flashing and it was blocking the
road. He continued his report. “The missing patient had been wounded in a
police shootout after an alleged robbery in which one police officer had also
been wounded. Police ask that if you see Reggie Johnson, he is to be considered
armed and dangerous. Call your local police department to report the sighting.
For Fox News, I’m Craig Taulbee.”
escaped?” I said in disbielf.
sweetheart, don’t start getting scared and thinking he’s coming here!” Mom
said, but before she could say another word, I butted in.
I’m not worried about that; I’m worried about him! What if he’s sick or laying
in a gutter or . . .” Before I could finish, Mom had swept me into her arms and
squeezed me; she was also pressing my head against her shoulder and shushing
me; the way she used to when I was little and would have a nightmare, or got
scared by something.
finally let go of me. Well, at least enough that she wasn’t hugging me, but she
was still holding on to both of my hands. “Now don’t go worrying about Reggie,
or Runt, or whatever he’s called! The police will find him and get him back to
the hospital. You just wait and see!”
couldn’t believe how naive she thought I was! How could she even think that I
would bite into that load of crap? It was just another bit of proof that she
still thinks I’m a baby that can’t understand anything more difficult than
Sesame Street!
was about to say something; probably something that would have got me into
trouble, but luckily, I was saved by the bell, the doorbell that is.
crap Mom! I don’t want Lowell to see me like this!” I said while dancing on my
let go of my hands and placed hers on my shoulders to hold me down to the
floor. “Now just simmer down!” she said.
turned her head toward the door and shouted, “Honey, can you get that while I
help Simon?”
head popped in my room for half a second, “I’m on it!”
him busy Dad!” I thought it, but didn’t say it, because Dad had already left to
answer the door.
was still looking at my door when Mom pulled my chin back toward her, “Cloth or
disposable?” she asked.
what?” I said before my brain caught up with her. “Plastic!” I blurted out.
get on your bed, and we’ll do this fast!”
was on my bed and assuming the position before she had my dresser drawer
Dad said your rash wasn’t any better this morning, so we better clean you up
first.” She said walking back toward me. I looked at what she had, and I was
surprised to see a blue plastic box of Pampers brand baby wipes.
did you get those?” I asked, but she didn’t answer. She laid them beside me on
the bed, went over, and closed my door; which I was more than grateful for, as
I could hear Dad talking, along with Lowell’s high-pitched squeaky voice.
raise up!” she said while tugging on my plastic pants.
had them down to my knees in a second, and was already working on removing the
diaper pins before I had my butt back down on my bed. Though she didn’t say
anything, I could tell she was thinking, or more accurately wondering, why Dad
had put me into two cloth diapers today. I’m glad she didn’t ask, ‘cause I
really don‘t know, but I sure did enjoy it.
she pulled open my diaper she said, “Oh! You are red. I think we need to make
sure you get changed more often. From now on,” she was talking and cleaning me
up at the same time, “when you are wet, I want you to come tell me or our
father, so we can change you right away. Alright?” she looked at me when she
had asked that.
I said, with a nod of my head, too.
proceeded to lift my left leg, wash my backside really good, and then lifted my
right leg, and repeated the cleaning for that side before having me lift my
bottom into the air so that she could slide the diaper under me. I was ready to
have it taped into place, but she wanted to put on the diaper cream. When I
tried to talk her out of the cream just this one time, she wouldn’t hear about
it, and insisted that I needed it to help heal my rash.
was right of course, I was just scared Lowell might come in while I was getting
changed, which was probably stupid since he was probably the least likely
person that would find it offensive or react badly to it. Anyway, I wasn’t
ready for Lowell to see me being changed.
applied the diaper cream just as thoroughly as Dad had done this morning, maybe
even more so and it felt good, too. The instant the diaper cream made contact,
it felt cool and soothing to my irritated skin.
used another baby wipe to clean off her hand before finally pulling the diaper
up over my boyhood parts and taping it snuggly into place. She then pulled the
plastic pants back up from my knees.
I got to wear the plastic pants?” I asked.
you do!” she said without any hesitation what-so-ever.
went to my closet, got out my blue sweat pants; the same ones that I’d let
Peter wear that one time, and held them open as I stepped into them. She then
pulled one of my plain-white T-Shirts out of my dresser and pulled it over my
now go see your friend!” she said, and she too, swatted my diapered butt. I was
reminded of how hard Dad had done it this morning. Adults must like spanking
kids when they got on diapers. I wonder why?
walked out into the living room, and Lowell was sitting on the couch showing
Dad some new game on his Gameboy.
Lowell!” I said rather excitedly.
popped up like popcorn, his eyes wide, and a big grin on his face. “Simon!” he nearly
shouted, and as if Dad and he had not been conversing at all, Lowell bounded
past Dad and came rushing up to me.
got a new game with the money I made at the show yesterday.” Lowell shoved his
Gameboy into my hands.
came out of the hall and into the room, “Hello again Lowell.”
hello Mrs. Leonard!” Lowell said very politely, “Oh yeah, and thank you for
inviting me to stay for dinner!” His voice squeaked as he said it.
are glad to have you!” she said, disappearing back into the kitchen, but not
before giving Dad the “Come here” sign. Like a faithful dog, Dad followed her.
and I faded toward the back of the house and headed for my room. All the while,
Lowell talked at about a thousand words per minute. “I sold two TV’s and so I
got a hundred dollars! Fifty for each TV! I really wanted to go back today, but
I couldn’t miss another day of school. Well, that is what Mom said. I think I
could have! You have a cool room! Whose bed is that?”
Lowell finally stopped talking, I said, “That’s my brother's bed.” That was all
I got to say before Lowell started up again.
yeah, I forgot about him! He was really nice at the party. Looks like you a
little too, except he doesn’t at the same time. Whoa, awesome ship!” He’d
spotted the ship Mike had finished for Dad and I and given back to me for my
birthday. I was about to make the comment that he’d seen it at the party, but I
didn’t get a chance. “I didn’t get to see it up close before! Whoa!” He’d moved
so that his legs were right up against my bed, which was as close as he could
get without actually climbing up on my bed. “Look at those cannons, they look
so real! I bet if we were only an inch tall we could sail that ship around the
world! Well maybe not, unless we shrunk the world too, but still, it sure is
cool. So, this is your bed? Funny how it just sits in the middle of the wall
like that. So what’s with the yo-yo trophies?”
I nearly shouted, but not in a mean way. Only just to get him to shut up long
enough for me get a word or two in. “Man, I never seen you so, uh, hyper!”
I had a Mountain Dew on the way over! I get that way if I have sugar, plus
Mountain Dew’s got lots of caffeine. Mom and Dad don’t normally let me have
soda unless it’s diet and caffeine-free, but Dad let me buy one and it was
really good, but now I feel like I could out run a speeding bullet!”
would have continued had I not put my hand over his mouth. I just reached out,
covered it, and he froze, as if my touch turned him to ice.
your calm, or you’re going to blow a fuse!” I joked.
removed my hand and Lowell said, “Right, enhance my calm, right. Need to calm
down, need to bring it down a notch! Hey, wanna play my Gameboy? I can show you
how to get past level-one, that’s all the farther I have . . .”
put my hand over his mouth again. This time grabbing the back of his head with
my other hand so that I could apply a bit more pressure. “You’re blabbering
like a three-year-old!” I said, and I could see from his eyes that he was
smiling behind my hand.
I asked. I would have sworn I saw a gleam in his eye, like happens in cartoons.
glanced at the door and I got the message. Though I was apprehensive about
removing my hand from his mouth again, I had to, so that I could cross my room
and close my door; surprisingly, he didn’t make a peep at all.
I’d closed my door, I turned around and nearly fell over from shock. Lowell was
standing there in the middle of my room with his pants down around his ankles.
I tried to swallow and got choked on my own spit, which made me cough.
Lowell!” I managed to say between coughs. He seemed to be relishing my state of
was wearing what looked to be a real baby diaper, with little yellow ducks on
the front, and it looked like it fit him perfectly. I mean, it didn’t look
small on him at all!
Put your pants back on, you nut!” I said, but he didn’t budge; he just stood
there proudly with his chest out and his pants down.
I tried to sound serious, but I couldn’t stop from snickering.
he said.
my parents might come in!” I said.
he retorted.
they don’t know I like wearing them!” I confessed, “And they don’t know you
wear them at all!”
Lowell didn’t bend over to pull up his pants, I squatted down in front of him
and pulled them up for him. He just stood there as I buttoned and zipped them
up for him.
don’t want to wear pants!” he said with a swat of my hands, trying to stop me
from zipping up his zipper.
got them zipped anyway, and then stood back up. Lowell was looking disappointed
and at the same time somewhat quizzical.
I asked.
nothing; just was looking at your eye. It looks almost normal now!” Lowell
reached up and touched just below my eye. I actually surprised myself that I
didn’t recoil out of instinct.
it hurt still?” he asked.
not at all.” I answered.
retracted his finger, and I watched as his eyes moved down to my chest. Without
him asking or saying anything, he reached out, took hold of the bottom of my
shirt, and lifted it up.
is really cool! Does it help?” he asked, as he ran his fingers over my plastic
helps a lot! I already even forget that I am wearing it. Well, most of the time
anyway.” I answered as he lifted my shirt even higher. He felt each of the
Velcro straps and traced around them with his index finger. I could feel myself
breathing harder and hotter than normal, but for some reason, I didn’t feel
weird about letting Lowell inspect my armor like he was doing. Actually, I kind
of liked that he was as interested in it as I was.
reached up and took hold of my shirt so that he could check out the side straps
with both of his hands. As he did, he traced the line of the waistband of my
sweatpants across the plastic and with out any warning at all, he slipped his
fingers into the front elastics of my pants, pulling them down several inches
to expose my plastic pants and diaper.
my hands shot down and covered the front of my now exposed diaper. “Lowell!” I
exclaimed, but he smacked my hands away as a parent would a child’s.
are Attends Youth size right?” he asked, and I just shrugged as much as I
could, given that my armor restricted that sort of movement to some extent.
“They look like they are.” He pulled down the front of my plastic pants to get
a better view of my diaper. “Yep they are!” he announced. “And they are wet!”
looked down, and sure enough, he was right They were not just a little wet
either! “Holy cow! When did that happen?” I said.
was smiling so wide, that I thought he was going to do something else. Instead,
he put my plastic pants back into place, and then my sweatpants, before giving
the front of my wet diaper a pat and said, “You need to go tell your mommy that
you need your diaper changed!”
must have blushed as red as Rudolph’s nose in a Christmas Eve snowstorm,
because it felt like my face was suddenly covered with molten hot lava!
However, Lowell wasn’t going to let me off the hook. With a swish of his hand,
he attempted to dismiss me, “You better go so you do not get a diapa-ash!” The
way he was talking made him sound like a boy half his age, and made me feel
like a toddler myself.
too late, I already got one!” I confessed quite sheepishly.
Well you better go tell your mommy to change you right now!” he said. What I
was thinking must have leaked out onto my face, because he cocked his head to
one side and said, “What?”
she only just changed me right before you got here! I haven’t been in this one
for more than ten minutes yet!” I said. I could feel a small lump forming in my
Lowell smiled back and said, “Still not gotten used to wetting all the time,
shook my head because I was scared that if I tried to say anything, I might
start crying and that was something I really didn’t want to do in front of
Lowell; or any of my friends for that matter. I don’t know why, I just don’t!
okay, I totally understand.” Lowell said sympathetically, and then there was
that darn glimmer in his eye again. I was absolutely sure I’d seen it this time
too! Returning to his hyperactive-exuberance, he asked; “Hey, w
scared, embarrassed, excited, enthralled, fascinated, and titillated, are all
words that come short of how I felt at that moment when Lowell asked that
question. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I closed it,
swallowed, and tried to speak again, but still nothing came out.
giggled, “You are too funny!”
the ability to communicate, I just looked at him with my mouth hanging so far
open, a full-grown elephant could have camped out in my head, along with two
hyenas, an orangutan, and three fat ferrets!
your door lock?” he asked, and I just stood there like the idiot that I am.
giggled again and snapped his fingers several times, only inches from my nose.
“You still in there?” he mused.
I finally managed to say.
full-out laughed, but managed to stop himself though it looked both painful,
and hard for him to do. Trying to sound serious, but obviously still playing,
he asked, “Yes to which question?”
I grunted with my usual grace and sophistication.
“C-a-n y-o-u u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d t-h-e w-o-r-d-s t-h-a-t a-r-e c-o-m-i-n-g o-u-t o-f m-y m-o-u-t-h?” He spoke so slow that even Forest
Gump could have understood him.
nodded, but didn’t attempt to try to speak again. His next action happened so
fast that it snapped me out of my daze, which was exactly his intent, and put
my mouth back into business. With the reflexes of a cat, he thrust his right
hand down into, not just my pants, or my plastic diaper cover, but right into
my wet diaper, where he gripped my greatly treasured boyhood with the force of
a nuclear powered vice clamp.
HEY!” I squashed a cry as the force of him grabbing me so firmly also managed
to rattle my two gems within their handy-dandy carrying case. “Oh dang Lowell,
that hurts!” I was holding onto his arm to keep him from suddenly ripping my
precious jewels right out of my diaper. That, and to keep from falling to the
floor in a heap.
a voice right out of the who’s who of bad guys, he said; “Oh, so you can
speak!” He was smiling so cute, that there was absolutely no way I could ever
have gotten mad, despite the fact that his hand was down inside my diaper and
holding onto my small boyhood member!
go!” I whimpered, dropping my head forward and resting it on top of his.
the same villainous voice, “Not until you answer us our questions!” Lowell
demanded. He seemed to be relishing his control over me at that moment.
continued my whimpering, “You’re killing me!”
simple questions . . .” He strung out the last word.
okay, okay!” I conceded.
you want us to change your diaper?” he asked again.
my voice was in the clouds.
with his game of torture he said, “Say please!”
please, please!” I moaned.
does the door lock?” His voice went high, and he gave me a bit more of a
squeeze when I didn’t answer immediately.
nodded and answered, “Ahuh!”
you see? That wasn’t so very difficult, now was it?” Finally, he let go of me
and pulled his hand from my diaper as I collapsed to my knees in agony.
I was writhing in pain, I watched as Lowell crossed over to the door, inspected
the knob, and then with the flick of two fingers, locked us in and anyone else
out. That is, unless Mom and/or Dad triggered the lock to open from the
outside, which they could do with a small screwdriver, or a nail if they really
wanted to.
Lowell once again turned my way, it suddenly occurred to me that he’d said I
had to answer three questions but he had only asked two. “So what’s the third
question?” I asked.
to using his normal voice, “I thought you’d never asked!” he said with an evil
looking grin and one eyebrow cocked up on his forehead.
no! I’m not going to like this am I?” I asked, sounding very much like Elmer
Fudd from the Bugs Bunny Cartoons. It made Lowell giggle so adorably. I think
for the first time since I met him that day at Wal-Mart, I saw him as that cute
innocent little boy again.
nothing like that!” he giggled. “I just want to know what you thought of my
with relief that that was all it was, I eagerly told him. “Lowell, it is the
best wetting story I think I’ve ever read!” I paused a second before saying,
“Don’t laugh, but I cried at the end when Jonas was laying in the hospital and
missing his father so much! And that lady; what was her name?”
mean Lillian?” Lowell asked with such a prideful glow.
her!” I agreed, “She sounds really interesting, I mean, she’s a woman, but she
sounds tough and sturdy. I hope she is in more of the story.” As I talked, I
slowly slid myself across the hard wooden floor with one hand to the edge of my
still beaming declared, “Oh she is in the rest of the story and is one of my
favorite people in it.”
grabbed hold of the side of my bed, pulled myself up so that I was sitting on
the edge, and while still holding on to my dear little member with one hand -
though the pain had already subsided - I said, “The second you get home, you
have got to email me the rest of that story!”
smiled like a shaft of light, “I can do you one better than that! I have the
second chapter on a floppy disk for you!” he said, as he commenced to open his
backpack. “I also brought you something else!” He tossed his pack onto the bed
right beside me.
opened it so wide that I saw right away that he’d come prepared for any
accidents. There were two diapers just like what he had on, two Goodnites, and
one of those travel size baby-wipe containers, along with a small tube of
Vaseline and a light-blue bottle of baby-powder.
you sure do pack everything, huh?” I said. He smiled that same ultra-cute smile
of his.
pulled out a green floppy disk and handed it to me. “You got a Mac right?” he
right there!” I said, pointing to my computer.
good! That’s what we got at home too.” He said.
you know I had one?” I asked, as he went back to rummaging through his pack. I
moved over to my computer and turned it on.
seen it through the window that one day,” he said without looking at me.
you were kneeling on the ground!” I popped the disk into the drive.
was only after you seen us! I’d already been looking in before that!” he said,
as if it was nothing at all that he’d been peering into my window like some
no-good Peeping Tom.
I started the story printing, I turned back to him, and joking of course, I was
about to accuse him of spying on me when he pulled out a little white box no
bigger than a yo-yo. That is what I thought it was at first, but boy was I ever
he said putting the box in my hand, “Open it.”
did as he said and couldn’t believe my eyes. “It’s brand new, I have loads of
my own at home, and I thought you might like this one.” He said pulling the red
and yellow pacifier out of the box, holding it up for me to examine.
didn’t have to . . .” I started to say, but he cut me off. “I just thought you
might want one and I figured you probably didn’t have one.”
smiled again, held the pacifier in front of my face, said “Open up!” and then
stuck the sucker (no pun intended) into my mouth. With a giggle he said, “That
should keep you quiet while I get your diaper changed!”
sure my eyes were bugging out of my head, however the pacifier gave me
something to concentrate on while Lowell went to work.
lay down on the floor.” He instructed. For maybe half a second, I hesitated,
only because no one had changed me on the floor yet.
did just like he said, and while he had me lift my knees up and spread them
wide apart he said, “I actually wanted to give it to you as a birthday present
at your birthday party, but Mom thought that would embarrass you.” He reached
and took hold of my sweat pants by the elastic and pulled on them until he had
them all the way to my ankles. I couldn’t help but think of what I would have
said had he given it to me at the party. Every scenario I came up with was not
good for my reputation. Actually, giving it to me now was so much more
Cool plastic pants!” he said, lifting my shirt up enough that it was out of his
found Lowell’s methods slightly different than anyone else that had changed my
diaper so far. He seemed to give extra effort at every opportunity, and it made
the whole experience so much better for me!
pulling off my plastic pants, he slipped a single finger under the elastic of
each leg opening, and ran his finger all the way around Kind of like he was
breaking the seal of the elastic to my skin. He did the same thing around my
waist, though my plastic body armor sort of made that unnecessary. However, it
was still a nice touch. Only then did he take hold of the elastic waistband and
pull my plastic pants all the way down to my ankles.
to this point, I had been holding my head up so that I could watch him doing
all of this. I wasn’t flabbergasted when I saw the front of my diaper beginning
to expand as my boyhood member swelled within and strained to be set free.
Lowell saw it too, and was grinning like a kid at a candy store.
placed his left hand on the front of my diaper, and with his other hand, he
removed the first tape, and then the second. I could tell he was being careful
not to rip the outside of the diaper too. With equal care, he did the other
side, switching hands to do it. He laid open both sides, and refastened the
tapes to the back of the diaper just the way they were before Mom had put it on
me just a few minutes ago.
he removed his hand from the front of my diaper, I could see that my small
flagpole was holding up the front of my diaper until Lowell freed it by lifting
the front of my diaper off me and laying it neatly between my bent legs.
expected Lowell to say something about my obvious enjoyment of his detailed
care, but he didn’t. He just continued to work with that grin of his stretched
across his face. I was also going to tell him in which drawer of my dresser
he’d find my diaper supplies, but he just took his baby-wipes from his pack and
used those to clean my diaper areas. He took his time to make sure I was good
and clean on the front before having me lift up so that he could pull out the
wet diaper.
up there for a second!” he said, then he reached back into his pack and pulled
out one of his baby-style diapers. “I wanna see if these will fit you.” He said
as he opened it up and slid it under my bottom. While he had my backside in the
air, he took a second baby-wipe and washed both of my cheeks all the way up to
the edge of the back part of my armor. When he ran his fingers with the wipe
several times through my crack, I thought I was going to explode, but somehow I
managed not to.
lower away!” he said, and I did. “You do have a bad rash, doesn’t it itch or
wittle.” I answered past the pacifier.
he reached into his pack and pulled out the tube of Vaseline. “This has stuff
in it that helps heal rashes super quick!” he said, holding the tube as if he
were posing for a magazine ad for the stuff.
I could clearly read the name I asked, “Wha ‘tis it?”
Diaper Care and it is good stuff!” he said.
reached up and pulled the pacifier out of my mouth long enough to clearly say,
“I’ll buy ten tubes!” I joked. He laughed, opened the flip cap, and squeezed a
sizeable amount into the palm of his hand before working it into my entire
diaper area. Well, everywhere except my stiff guy. He’d even had me lift my
bottom again so that he could smear the stuff on both cheeks and into my crack.
I honestly thought he was purposefully avoiding my mini flagpole, but he
wasn’t. He was just saving it for last.
have to do something about that!” he said, pointing down at the proud little
guy. I didn’t respond, I just looked him in the eye and sucked hard on the
pacifier. As if I’d asked him to, he squeezed another glob of the jelly out of
the tube and into his hand. Instead of applying it directly this time, he
rubbed his two hands together then finally took hold of my little, eagerly
waiting, member with his left hand, and my two marbles in his other, and began
to really work the stuff into my skin.
rested my head back against the floor as Lowell slowly massaged my stiff little
guy with a firm grip while being approvingly gentle with my two marbles. It
sure didn’t take long before I exploded with the force of a hurricane, but I
wasn’t sprayed with my boy-juices as I had expected. Nope, Lowell had been ready
with one of the wipes and as soon as he seen I was about to blow, he gripped
the end of my penis with the wipe and caught it all.
didn’t see him finish putting the diaper on me, which by the way, did fit me
just fine though it didn’t come up as far on my belly and back as mine did. I
had my eyes closed and was panting hard while still reveling in my state of
bliss. I only knew when he applied the powder because the smell filled my
nostrils, though there was no cloud like when Dad had done it this morning.
When he had the diaper taped into place, and with the same care that he’d used
when he took them off, he put my plastic pants back on me, then ran his fingers
around the elastic to be sure none of the diaper was sticking out. He then
pulled up my pants and helped me to my feet.
you go, all dry and clean!” he said.
didn’t know what to say; really. I just felt somewhat awkward. I mean, a kid I
only met a little over two weeks ago just changed my diaper and jerked me off
at the same time. The only thing I could think to say to him was, “Thanks” but
with the pacifier in my mouth, it sounded more like “Sanks.”
he answered back, still sporting that smile of his.
popped the pacifier out of my mouth and asked, “Uh, do you need changed too?” I
asked half hoping he’d say yes, and yet at the same time hoping he’d say no.
saying anything, he unbuttoned his pants, pulled down his zipper, and then slid
down his pants enough that I could see his entire diaper for the second time. He
looked at it too. “Nope, still dry!”
kind are they?” I asked, not sure if he’d already told me or not.
Size-6! Biggest diaper Pampers makes. They are for toddlers mostly, but they
fit kids our size and they hold a lot too.” He said, and started to pull up his
pants again but I asked, “Can I look closer?”
sure!” he said, and bent over so that he could push his pants all the way down
to his shoes. He also lifted his shirt up past his chest giving me a nearly
fully-uninhibited view of his boyish form.
slipped the pacifier into my pocket and bent over as far as I could with my
armor on and had my face only inches from the front of his diaper. I could
smell the unmistakable sent of baby powder and it was so wonderful.
a head, you can touch it!” he said and I gratefully did!
Next Installment:
3 – Part 3 – Those who
live by the sword
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