By Danny
“So what was that all about?” Jamie asked, once he knew Dad was no longer close enough to hear us talking.
“Didn’t he just tell you?” I said with fake mockery.
Jamie softly and innocently replied, “No” I could tell from his expression that he was telling the truth and that Dad must have said something else to him.
“Dad was just letting me know that I have a little more than a day left to live.” I said kind of cryptically. And for a couple of seconds Jamie got a real concerned look in his eyes until he realized what I meant.
Flipping himself around in his bed so that he was laying on his stomach with his head at the foot of his bed and his feet up by his pillow, Jamie propped himself up on his elbows and eagerly asked, “Did he say what he’s going to do?” I sighed heavily and shook my head to indicate that he hadn’t.
Now that I had more time to think about it, I kind of wish Dad would have just yelled and punished me now; just so it will be over and I won’t have to go all night and all day tomorrow dreading my impending doom.
“He didn’t even give you a hint?” Jamie continued to probe.
“Nope! He just said he was going to let me wait until after my birthday tomorrow before we have that talk.” I said as I reached up, took hold of my pillow, and pulled it out from under my head. When I finished my sentence I pushed my pillow down over my face as hard as I could and started screaming into it.
“Feel better?” Jamie asked when I finally remover my pillow for a breath of air.
“Not really.” I confessed. Suddenly remembering, I asked, “Uh, what did he say to you then?”
“I’m not allowed to say,” Jamie said rather straight faced.
My annoyance at his unwillingness to tell me was apparent by my degree of whining. “Why not?”
“Because I’m not and if you try to make me I’m supposed to tell!” Jamie said, rising up and getting into the Indian sitting position.
“Whatever!” I said, replacing my pillow over my face but not screaming this time.
“Want to watch TV?” Jamie asked.
“No!” was my muffled reply.
“Want to play a game?” he asked.
“No!” I said from under my pillow again.
Thinking I wasn’t really paying attention to him, he asked, “Want to go bobbing for chocolate bars in the toilet?”
I removed my pillow again. “Sure, why don’t you go first!”
“Dork!” Jamie said.
“Butt face!” I said.
“Jerk!” Jamie said.
“Bubble-butt face!” I said.
“Butt breath!” he said, leaning forward and sprouting an evil grin.
I tried not to laugh as I said, “Booger brain!”
Jamie’s eyes got big; he glanced down to my still exposed diaper, and started to open his mouth.
I stuck my finger out at him, “Don’t even think about it!” I warned.
His grin grew into a full sneer, “Oh I’m defiantly thinking about it!” he said.
“Jamie, don’t!” I warned again.
He opened his mouth again as if about to speak.
“Jamie!” I got up on one elbow, “I’m warning you, if you say it then we’re through!”
Jamie twisted his head to the side in confusion, “Through with what?” he asked stupidly.
“Through being brothers!” I said.
Jamie’s countenance fell like a brick. “That’s not fair!” he scoffed.
“Oh, and you making fun of me wearing diapers is?” I countered. My tone let him know that I had quite a bit of anger just below the surface that was ready to erupt.
Jamie smiled again; “Yes!” he said, and quickly covered his ears so that he couldn’t hear anything else I said.
Since I knew he couldn’t hear me, I glanced to the door to be sure Mom or Dad hadn’t snuck in without me knowing and then I gave him the finger. Jamie’s eyes exploded! He dropped his hands from his ears and covered his mouth in disbelief.
Without saying another word, he raised himself up on his knees, spun around, and threw himself into his pillow. Despite this sudden display of his, I continued to watch his body language to see if he really was upset but he didn’t move, heck I couldn’t even tell if he was still breathing.
I waited about five or six minutes and then I said, “Did you die?”
He still didn’t move or make a sound.
“Jaaammmie!” I cooed softly.
Still he didn’t budge.
“So you want to be blood brothers or what?” I asked.
He raised his head finally, but only briefly to say, “Or what!” Then he hid his face again.
“Okay! If you don’t want to, well that’s okay with me!” I knew he wanted to but was just being stubborn. It occurred to me that though he knew what getting flipped off meant, that maybe he’d never had anyone do that to him, and that’s why he took it so hard.
“Sorry,” I apologized.
“No you’re not!” He said, removing his face from his pillow again.
“Yes I am!” I countered.
“No you’re not! You are just saying that!” he said, and dropped back into his pillow yet again. He didn’t make so much as another peep for the longest time.
“Did you fall asleep?” I eventually asked.
He kicked one foot backwards into the air as if trying to kick my comments away.
I giggled, “You missed!”
He kicked again.
“OK, stop being a baby!” I said. That was the right combination of words to bring him around again. He flipped himself over and was standing next to his bed, looking like he was about to fly across the room and attack me. I smiled, knowing that the button he was always pushing in me also seemed to work with him too.
Continuing to mock him I said, “What’s the matter? Did I hurt your little baby feelings? Well, how’s it feel?”
I waited for him to say something or to attack but instead he gave a strong exhale of fiery air, and stormed out of our room. I waited for a couple minutes for him to come back in with Mom in tow, but he didn’t return. I continued to wait as five, ten, even fifteen minutes passed, and still he didn’t come back. When a full half-hour had gone by, I realized he must have been watching TV elsewhere in the house.
Giving up on him coming back, I managed to get myself out of bed with little discomfort from my ribs, and got my new E-book, then settled down at my desk, scooted the bear to one side, and began writing again. I guess I had been writing for over an hour about recent events when I was pulled out of my intense concentration by the beeping of a car horn outside. I dared to lean past the bear enough to peer out my window. There was a dark colored truck in the street, but they were waiting for someone from a house across the street. I went back to my writing and finished my last thought before turning my attention to my old spiral-bound notebook, the one that I’d only just learned Jamie had been secretly reading.
I began leafing backwards through the pages, reading various entries I’d made. I didn’t stop until I reached Monday, February 16, 2004. I read what it said:
After reading about so many sighting
reports online and even seeing some on TV, though I am skeptical of anything I
see on TV, I’ve decided to set out on a mission to experience one of these
encounters for myself. Yeah, I know that some, maybe more than some, maybe even
more then half, possibly nearly all are built-up elaboration of what people
hope, think, or believe they saw. But if even one is real, if even one is based
on actual events, doesn’t that mean that maybe, just maybe, I have a chance?
Doesn’t that mean that if I want it to happen bad enough, strong enough, will
it to be, that it can actually happen that I will witness one myself; even if
only briefly?
Though I thought I had all the
heart, raw guts and determination of a Knight on a Crusade, I was not prepared
for the events of the next thirteen days.
A Knight on a Crusade? What was I thinking? What made me think that I had the heart, the raw guts, and the determination of a Knight to take on such a monumental Crusade? If I were truly honest with myself all those days ago, I would have had to admit that I was not prepared, not even remotely, for the events that have transpired in the past two weeks.
I remember that the first encounter I had, which I almost missed, was seeing Lowell at Wal-Mart. It was days later that I would really get to officially meet him and learn his name, and also learn that I’d been right in thinking that he had been wearing something under his clothes that day. I guess before that first day, everything for me had mostly been fanciful dreams, comic book hero’s and diaper stories, army men, fake fart sounds with my arm-pit, cartoons, a Top-Secret night-time problem, and most gullible of all, I believed that everyone I loved would live forever.
Even though this is still my life and my body that I’m in, now everything has been flipped around making me feel like a stranger in a strange land. My fanciful dreams have become real memories of sexual awakenings. I’ve learned that looking like a Super Hero doesn’t necessarily mean a person is one. More than likely, they are just another Super Villain in disguise. And to counter that, I also learned that not all those I’ve perceived to be my archenemies are totally and completely evil. I guess everyone has good and evil in them, but to varying degrees both ways.
Furthermore, instead of just reading about boys in diapers, I now have several real live friends, and I guess maybe new potential adversaries that are bed-wetters and diapers wearers - for whatever their reasons might be.
I suppose that the joys of armpit sounds right in the middle of a big math test have been replaced with shameless daydreams of girls. Well, really one girl in particular. I wonder if she knows just how much time I spend thinking about her?
I’m not really all that sure how it happened that during my crusade, my most closely guarded secret had become nearly common knowledge among those that know my family and I. That’s probably the second most disturbing change I’ve experienced in the past two-weeks; only beat out by my learning that people are mortal, and even good people that I care for can die, way too soon.
I suppose the only thing that’s remained a constant in my life, aside from my bedwetting, would be my love of cartoons. Can I expect that to change in the coming days? You know what? I’ve come to a conclusion just now. Growing up sucks rocks!
After I finished writing everything I could think of at the time, I put both my E-book and my spiral bound notebook into my desk drawer with plans to do more writing later. I had gotten a little stiff from sitting without moving for so long, but I still managed to get up from my desk and waddle my way out of my room to go find Jamie. I was feeling pretty crummy after having examined the events of the past couple weeks, and didn’t feel like being alone with my thoughts anymore. I found Jamie sitting in Dad’s chair, watching World Wrestling Entertainment’s Afterburner on TV. It’s kind of a weekend wrap-up and highlight show of some of the more memorable moments of the past week, and to publicize the next upcoming Pay-Per-View show.
Since Jamie didn’t even acknowledge my presence in the living room I continued to pass on through to the dinning room where, sure enough, I found Mom sitting at the dining room table working another puzzle. This time it was a large puzzle of Elvis Presley.
“Elvis?” I asked. My question startled Mom; she’d not seen me come into the room.
“Jamie! You nearly scared the Holy Bajeebers out of me!” she said, clutching at her heart.
“Oh, sorry about your Bajeebers, Mom!” I snickered.
“How can you tell? I only have the border and this small section done so far.” Mom asked.
“I can see the box lying on the floor.” I said, pointing to the box behind her.
Mom grinned and said, “Oh!”
She dropped another piece into place, and then looked at me again, “How are you feeling?” she asked, reaching out to feel my forehead with her hand.
I protested, “Mom! I’m not sick! I am just broken!”
She gave my diapered bottom a playful swat.
“Ouch!” I said teasingly. Mom grinned again.
“I’m feeling fine. Actually, my ribs are feeling really good right now.” I said.
“Well then how come you don’t look it?” she asked.
For a few minutes there I had forgot about the super powers that Mom’s have, and her question reminded me of them.
“I-I just got stuff on my mind is all.” I said, trying to get her to stop probing.
“Well, you just take it easy and don’t over do it! Okay?” she said.
“Okay. Um, where did Dad go?” I asked.
“He had to run some errands and get some milk.” Mom said, returning to working on the puzzle, almost as if she was trying to ignore my question.
“Oh, in other words, you can’t tell me either?” I asked.
Mom looked up at me again, and in her singsong mommy voice, and while poking me in the nose with a single finger, she said, “No more questions!”
“AARRGGG!” I growled, acting like I was trying to bite her finger. I turned and walked out of the room, but not before hearing her efforts to stifle her giggles.
“Okay, I officially hate birthdays! I hate secrets too. At least the ones I don’t know!” I griped to myself.
Stopping just outside of the kitchen, I turned back around. “Mom, can I have some milk?” I asked.
“Do you need some help getting it?” she asked.
“No I can do it!” I assured her.
I continued on to the kitchen, got out one of my sipper cups, and filled it with milk before making sure I had the lid on correctly. I went back to the living room where Jamie was still sitting looking stubborn. I waddled over and stood right in front of him so that he couldn’t see the TV.
Without looking at me, he said, “Move!”
“Come back to the room with me.” I said, making it sound more a command then a request.
“No! Now move!” was his only answer.
“Please come back to the room with me?” This time I chose to phrase it as a question.
He didn’t reply.
“Jamie?” I said softly. He finally looked up into my eyes.
“I’m sorry!” I said.
“For what?” he snapped back, rather cruelly.
Realizing he was not going to relent I just sighed, tried to shrug my shoulders but couldn’t do it very well without hurting myself, and then waddled myself on down the hallway and into my room.
It was several minutes before Jamie appeared in the doorway. I had sat my milk on my nightstand and was just straightening up my bed and rearranging my pillow when he said, “What?” still sounding mad.
“I’m sorry I flipped you the bird.” I said.
“Apology accepted.” Jamie said.
I thought for a second to two before asking, “Can you do me a favor?”
“What?” his tone had softened significantly.
Realizing he’d nearly broken his blood oath, and that it was still in effect, I still asked, “Can you lay off the diaper and baby jokes for a while?” To my surprise, as I said it, my voice cracked.
“Yeah, I guess I can try.” Jamie said, coming over and standing next to me.
I looked to him and he added, “I’m sorry too!”
“Thanks” I said, giving him a half smirking smile.
Jamie stuck out his hand, “Friends again?”
“Always!” I said, taking his hand and shaking it.
“Don’t expect a hug!” Jamie joked.
“Ah shucks! And I really wanted one too.” I joked back, as I turned away from him for a second.
Jamie surprised me by wrapping his arms around me from behind, and giving me a soft hug, while still being careful not to hurt me. He had my arms pinned to my side so I was stuck and unable to fend him off; not that I wanted too, though. I felt him lay his head on my left shoulder. His hair tickled my neck. He muttered, “I know I don’t act like it all the time, but I really do like having you as my brother.”
I really should have said something back; I should have told him I secretly always liked him as a brother too, but the truth got in my way again. I kept thinking to myself, “Yeah, but I always hated you!” I at least had the ability to keep myself from saying it.
“Jamie?” I said softly.
“Yeah?” he answered, while still holding me and resting his head on my shoulder.
“You can let me go anytime now.” I tried not to make it sound derisive at all.
“Oh, Yeah, right!” Jamie said, raising his head and letting me go.
I turned around, and the two of us were only inches from each other’s faces. I saw that Jamie had watery eyes.
“You know something?” I asked.
“What?” Jamie asked back.
“When you are not being a butt, you are a pretty good brother!” I knew it wasn’t much of a compliment, but I hoped he would take it as one.
“Um, thanks?” he said unsurely.
I couldn’t help but smile, “Yeah, that was a pretty crummy compliment huh?”
What he did next completely took me by surprise, and I didn’t know how to react to it, or him afterward. With no warning whatsoever, Jamie kissed me on my cheek. It happened so fast that I wasn’t sure if it had really happened at first, or if my twisted brain only imagined him doing it.
“Uh-uh-uh . . . d-did . . . did you just kiss me?” I heard the words come out of my mouth, but they didn’t sound like my voice.
Jamie took half a step backward. Waving his hands in the air he said, “What? Me? No way! Never happened!”
I was still very much in shock and brain locked when Jamie went and did it again, but this time slower. He stepped close again, put his hands on my biceps, and kissed my cheek so softly. I remember thinking, “Why didn’t I pull away?”
When he stopped, I just stood there looking at him. No words were forming in my mouth and no thoughts were falling out of my head. I was, for all intents and purposes, shut down.
“Well, say something!” Jamie said, giving my arms a slight shake to get my attention.
“Uh-uh!” was all that came out of me.
Jamie once more leaned in, and this time kissed me directly on my lips. It wasn’t a short kiss like I’d give my Mom or Aunt Catharine, but a long kiss, like lovers do. This time, when he pulled away, I found that words were beginning to form behind my lips.
“W-w-why did you do that?” I asked, though I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.
Jamie shrugged his shoulders. “Well, isn’t that what you did with Tater and Bull?” he asked. Finally, my brain became unlocked as it began to form and connect mental images and thoughts together.
“B-but why did YOU kiss me?” I asked.
Jamie shrugged again. “Dunno! Just wanted to!” he said, and he started to fidget a little.
We were still standing only inches apart, Jamie still had hold of my biceps, and our noses were nearly touching.
“B-but why?” I was still having a hard time grasping onto the moment.
Jamie’s shoulders sagged a little. He then let go of my arms and stepped back away from me. I thought for half a second he was leaving the room again. However, instead of leaving, he walked to the door and closed it, but not before peering down the hallway to be sure Mom was nowhere around.
I was still standing there next to my bed, arms at my side, and my brain struggling to figure out what had just happened. Jamie came back over and stood in front of me again; he was smiling and the tears I had seen in his eyes moments before were gone now.
“What?” the word was out of my mouth before I could stop it.
“Can we try it?” Jamie asked, and it was the first time I had ever seen or heard him sound so bashful and yet forward at the same time.
Not sure what he was talking about I asked, “Try what?”
One side of Jamie’s mouth went up alone with his eyebrow, “What you did with Tater and Bull!” he said, and did I just see a twinkle in his eyes?
“W-w-w-w” my tongue was not working, I couldn’t seem to get it unstuck from the roof of my mouth.
“Please?” Jamie pleaded in a whispered tone.
“B-b-b-but w-w-what if m-m-Mom . . .” I didn’t finish.
Jamie looked at my bed, the TV on my dresser, and then the door. “Well, we can turn on a movie, get under your covers together, and then if anyone comes in, they will think we are just watching the movie together.”
It was my turn to give him half a smile. With that last sentence from him I realized he’d been giving this moment a lot of thought.
“B-but w-what if w-we g-g-g-get c-caught.” I only just noticed how badly I was stuttering.
“We won’t!” Jamie assured.
I looked down past my taped-up ribs at the front of my diaper. “B-but I-I is already w-wet!” I said, trying to concentrate on my words so that I wouldn’t stutter so much.
Jamie looked down at my diaper too. “So! I will go get a washcloth and help you clean it!”
“Clean it?” I thought to myself.
Jamie didn’t wait for me to agree. He stepped away again, and was out of the room before my brain could attempt to form any words that I might use to stop him. When Jamie returned, he found me still standing in the same spot looking like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck.
Once again, before closing the door, he looked down the hallway to be sure the coast was still clear. He then came over and sat the wet rag on my night table before looking me in the eye.
Without really thinking about it I said, “My mouth is dry.” Jamie picked up my sipper cup of milk and handed it to me. My hand did reach up and take the cup, but I didn’t drink from it. I only held it, like some stupid garden statue. Jamie’s lips formed that half-smile again as he took the cup away from me and held it to my lips and I began to drink from it. When I had enough, he returned it to the table.
He then pulled down my covers, went to his bed, got his pillow, and placed it on my bed. I really don’t know why I was acting so shocked and disconnected from reality, and despite random thoughts on this very thought, I just couldn’t get myself to snap out of it. I felt almost like a spectator on the sidelines watching all this transpire; like I was not in my body, but outside of it, and thus not in control of it.
When Jamie stood back up from getting my bed ready, he had a goofy kind of expression, almost giddy I suppose. He reached out and took hold of my hands and directed me to sit on the bed, which I did with his help. Once sitting on the edge, he swung my feet up onto the bed and I laid back into my pillow as he pulled the covers up over my feet.
I saw his gaze go to my diaper and then to the door. He walked back over to the door and looked out it again before coming over and slipping two fingers under the waistband of the plastic pants and pulling down on them. Instinctively I helped by raising my bottom off the bed.
“Keep it up.” He whispered directions to me as he left my plastic pants bunched up around my knees and started working on the safety pins that held my diaper in place. He had them all removed quickly, and the diaper pulled out from under me so that I could rest again.
He had to again uncover my feet to get the plastic pants off. As soon as he had them removed, he pulled the covers up to about halfway over my thighs, so that from my thighs up, I was naked and exposed to my brother. Jamie went over, dropped the cloth diaper into the laundry along with the plastic pants, went to the dresser where he took out two disposable diapers, and returned to my bedside.
By now the rag that had been warm had cooled enough that when he placed it onto my privates, it caused me to suck in a breath. “Sorry, that cold?” he whispered, but I couldn’t, and didn’t, respond. Unlike anyone else had ever done, Jamie took his time cleaning my diaper area and the result of this was that my small penis got harder than it had ever gotten before.
When he was satisfied that he had me thoroughly clean, he gave the rag a toss. It flew through the air and swished right into the hamper. Jamie looked down at me with a smile, “Two points!” he said, and I actually smiled back at him.
Jamie pulled the cover all the way up to my chin before picking up the remote and turning on the television. He made quick work of finding a half-way decent movie It was Ocean’s Eleven, which I’d seen so many times I could just about recite every line by heart. He returned the remote to my night table, went over to his own bed where he stripped completely naked, and stuffed all his clothes into his bag that was sitting on the floor beside his bed.
When he turned back around, I saw that he too was sporting a stiff one. My head turned as my eyes followed him as he crossed our room. It was kind of funny to watch his penis bounce as he walked over to the door, and yet again peaked out. However, this time he only barely opened the door. I had to crane my head upwards to watch him at the door. When he closed it again, he looked at me and smiled so sweetly that I think for the first time during all this, I felt something for him other than the tingling in my groin, and the racing of my heart.
Quickly he came back to my bed, and then slipped the two disposable diapers under his pillow before slipping beneath the covers with me. He leaned over with his bare back to me, picked up the remote again, then turned the sound down just a bit as it was a little too loud when the music would start playing. He set the remote down and turned so that he was now resting on his left side, facing me.
I sucked in another breath when his hand found my stiff boyhood member and gave it a squeeze. He then leaned to me and placed his lips against mine and kissed me. Not softly like he had before, but stronger and with more passion. I found myself kissing him back now as the fires within me took over.
As we kissed, I could feel him humping my hip. I allowed my right hand to wander under the covers until I found his penis. It felt hot, really hot, in my hand. When I took hold of it, Jamie let out a small muffled gasp, and kissed me even harder. I felt his other hand find the back of my head and press our lips tighter together.
The two of us got into a sort of rhythm as we stroked and squeezed each other’s raging members. Jamie was humping my hand and leg feverously; letting quiet squeals and moans escape every so often. It seemed like a long time that we continued like this, but in reality it was more like four or five minutes.
I felt Jamie’s whole body tense up. He stopped kissing me and pulled his lips away. He had his eyes closed so tight that they looked like slits of wrinkled skin. Then I felt a sudden hotness spray across my hip as his penis throbbed in my grip. After several seconds he collapsed next to me with his face buried in my right shoulder and neck. The entire time, neither of us let go of each other’s penises. I felt his throb a couple of more times, but unlike Taters’ had, it didn’t go soft right away. It took several more minutes of him breathing hard and hot on my neck before I felt it begin to soften in hand.
Jamie again raised his head, he was smiling so big. Can I try something?” he asked. I only nodded, unsure what he meant. With a quick glance at the door, his head vanished under the covers and a second later I felt his hot mouth completely encompass my penis. My hips and back arched the second he had sucked me into his mouth, but I didn’t explode right away. I both felt, and could see by the movement of the covers, that Jamie was bobbing his head up and down. On the third time his head went down, I lost it and couldn’t help but let out a moan that was probably a little too loud. To my shock Jamie didn’t pull my penis out of his mouth, but continued to suck on it like he was trying to suck the life completely out of me. I stopped breathing for several seconds as my entire body seized up. It was several seconds before I was able to lower myself back to the bed.
Jamie’s head came back out from under the covers. He lay against his pillow smiling and actually beaming. “How was that?” he whispered into my ear.
I still couldn’t answer, and for some reason, I started to giggle. That got him giggling too, but we both had the presence of mind to not make so much noise as to bring Mom in. Jamie leaned forward and kissed my ear, and I felt his hand find my boy-sized jewel sack and begin rubbing it. It tickled a lot, but I didn’t stop him. He kissed my cheek, and then licked my ear, which tickled so much that I said, “Oh don’t do that! That tickles way too much!” Jamie just giggled and kissed my ear.
I turned my head, and this time I kissed his lips as my right hand found his boy sized jewel sack too. We kissed for a really long time. The only way I know how long it was, is that when Jamie had turned of the movie, it was at the part where Brad Pitt was confronting George Clooney about his wife, well actually his ex-wife Tess, and when I looked back at the TV again, George Clooney and Matt Damon were just about to drop down the elevator shaft.
I don’t know when I ended up back in my body. Maybe it when Jamie had started sucking on me, but anyway, now I was back in control as the two of us fondled and kissed each other. After a while, I felt Jamie’s penis poking my leg.
“Are you hard again?” I asked him. Jamie just nodded and smiled. I giggled again, grabbed hold of it, and squeezed it hard. Jamie let out a small cry of pain and dropped his face into my neck again.
Giggling and whispering at the same time I said, “That hurt?”
Jamie didn’t left his head or say a word; he only shook his head to indicate that it didn’t. So I did it again. He let out another small cry, and began humping my leg. After a few seconds he stopped, lifted his head, and whispered again, “Can I try something else?”
“I don’t want to suck on yours!” I said.
“No, not that!” he said.
“Okay then.” I consented.
“I’m going to check the door again, hang on.” He said, climbing back out from under the covers and streaking to the door. He returned in no time.
“Coast still clear?” I asked.
“Yeah!” Jamie said, getting back into bed. This time, instead of laying down beside me, he was positioning himself directly over me so that we were face-to-face.
“What are you doing? You are going to hurt my ribs!” I said.
“No I won’t! I’m being careful!” he whispered, as he lowered his pelvis closer to mine. He had his arms on either side of my head supporting himself and keeping off my chest. He took one hand and guided his penis between my legs just below my boy jewels.
“Spread your legs just a little!” he said, and I did so. His penis slid in and I could feel it pressing against my crack. “Okay, close them together again.” he instructed. When I did, he started to pump me like he was making love to a girl.
“Hey!” he said, and I lowered my head back to my pillow as I had been watching down between our two chests at him humping me.
I was about to say, “What?” but he started kissing me. He’d lowered himself so that he was now resting on his elbows, but still not on my rib’s at all. “I’m not hurting you am I?” he asked, only breaking our kiss long enough for me to say, “no.”
It took him longer to reach a climax this time and it really got hot under the covers. We were both breathing hard. As he pumped me, my penis was rubbing against his belly and got hard too. When he came he let out a cry, but it was muffled by my lips.
He carefully rolled off me. I tried parting my legs and could feel the wetness between them. He was breathing hard and panting like a dog. When his head rolled over and he looked at me, he looked exhausted. However, his hand once again found my stiff penis and gave it a hard squeeze like I had done to him. I don’t know how I managed not to cry out cause it really did hurt a lot, and I knew that he’d not told the truth when he said it didn’t hurt him.
“Want to go again?” Jamie asked.
“Gee-whiz you ready again?” I said.
He smiled; “No, I mean for you!” he said, and squeezed me again, only not so hard this time that it hurt. I nodded.
“You sure?” he asked again, and the way he asked it concerned me a little.
“What are you going to do?” I asked. Without answering, Jamie quickly got out of the bed yet again, went to the door yet again, before coming back to the bed and pulling the covers completely off of me so that I was wholly exposed to him. My penis was hovering just above my stomach, still hard.
“Hello there Lil'-Wee-Whillie-Winky!” Jamie cooed softly to my penis. I laughed; causing it to bounce and slap my abdomen a couple times.
Jamie put his hands on the insides of my knees and began to pry my legs open, “Spread you legs a second.” he ordered, and I did as he commanded. Reaching in-between my legs for half a second, he then pulled out his hand again, and started to rub my penis. It felt different this time, and I realized he was buttering my penis with his own sperm. As he was pumping hard and fast, it didn’t take long before I exploded all over my stomach and up onto the tape that encased my broken ribs.
Jamie laid his nude body down beside me. He was still holding on to my penis, though it quickly went soft this time. “How was that?” he asked, nearly laughing.
I looked at him for a second or two, trying to decide what to say next. “You’ve done this before, huh?” I asked, and when he smiled, I knew instantly that the answer was yes. “Who with?” I probed strongly, while still remembering to keep my voice down to a dull roar.
Jamie didn’t answer just then, but got up. I fully expected him to go to the door again, but instead, he went over to the hamper and pulled out the washrag he had used to clean me up earlier. I thought it had been cold before, but this time it was like ice as he wiped his and my sperm from my body. He tried to wipe it off the sheet between my legs, but it had soaked in and left a wet spot that neither of us cared much about. Standing in full view, he started to wipe down his own body before again giving the rag a toss thru the air, and into the hamper for anther two points.
“We need to get you signed up to play basketball for real!” I joked.
“Yeah!” Jamie said with a grin.
I had started to shiver as my body was quickly chilling, thanks mostly to the use of that freezing washcloth. Jamie pulled the covers up to my chin so I could get warm again ,and also so that I was not laying there exposed, just in case Mom or someone came walking in. He went over and took out a t-shirt from his bag and pulled it over his head.
“So are you going to tell me who you been doing it with?” I asked, again still trying to keep my voice down.
He turned, and though he was grinning, he looked serious, “Okay, first off, you got to swear you will never tell a single soul!”
“Yeah, right I’m going to go bragging to the world about what you and I just did!” I said.
“No Dork! Not about that, well yeah, that too, but I mean about what I’m about to tell you!” Jamie said, as he came over and slid back under the covers with me.
“I swear! I swear! I will never tell a soul!” I said, though in my head I was thinking about the fact that he just called me dork. I decided to let it slide. I mean, it was better than baby, diaper-boy, and a host of other names he might have called me.
“Okay!” he said, as he repositioned himself on his left side so that he could whisper it right into my ear.
“Some of my friends that live in my building started a club.” He said.
“What kind of club?” I asked.
“Shush! I’m trying to tell you!” he said, and he did it with so much breath that it tickled the inside of my ear.
Rubbing my ear I said, “Oh man that tickles!” we both giggled.
“Our club’s a S-E-X club!” he said, with extra emphasis on the word ‘sex’.
“W-w-w-what d-do y-y-y-you . . .” I didn’t get to finish my question because Jamie put his hand over my mouth.
“Stop stuttering or I’m going to bite off your wiener!” Jamie threatened, and then smiled a wicked little smile. Like an automatic reaction, both of my hands shot down to cover and protect my little pride and joy.
Jamie laughed into my ear. “Jamie stop! You keep tickling my ear!” I protested, then turned so that my ear was against my pillow. My hands were still protecting my exhausted boy parts. With my face now directly in front of Jamie’s, he leaned in and kissed me quickly, which got us both to giggling again. We both kept trying to keep the other from making too much noise. We’d both ducked our heads under the covers to try to stifle the sound of our giggles and laughter.
There was a knock at our bedroom door and like lightning our heads popped out from under the covers and we both acted like we were watching the end of the movie, which was right at the part where everyone was standing next to the water fountain, looking content as they realized that they got away with the heist.
“Yeah!” Jamie called. The door opened, it was Mom.
“You boys okay in here?” she asked.
“Yeah, we were just watching Ocean’s Eleven.” I answered.
“Well it sounded to me like you were rough-housing.” Mom said, standing and looking down at us over my headboard.
“Sorry! Simon told a stupid joke and we were just laughing!” Jamie tried to make her believe.
“Well if you boy’s can’t lie there quietly together and watch your movie, then I’ll have to separate you!” Mom warned.
Mom’s threat really sounded dumb and childish, but neither Jamie nor I wanted to risk being caught.
“Okay, we’ll stop!” Jamie said.
That seemed to satisfy her and she left, but we both noticed she left the door open.
“See, I told you that you were laughing too loud!” Jamie accused me while trying not to giggle again.
“Me?” I said, and giggled, too.
“Should I get up and close the door?” Jamie asked softly.
“Um, wait a few seconds.” I answered.
The movie credits started so Jamie sat himself up. He made sure that I stayed covered up to my chin with the blanket. After all, I was still completely nude and he had on his t-shirt. He picked up the remote, flipped a few channels, and stopped on an old vampire comedy movie. I’d seen it before. It was about this 300-year-old Vampire that decides to try to become human again with the help of a woman he’s fallen in love with. The jokes are lame, but the story itself isn’t so bad.
“Why’d you stop on this?” I asked.
Jamie looked down at my little head sticking out from under the covers. He smiled, “Can we do it now?” he asked.
“Sshhhhh!” I hushed him, nudging my head to the door.
Jamie laughed quietly, “I don’t mean that! I mean the blood brothers thing.”
“Oh!” it was my turn to laugh, and Jamie gave my head a slight push with his elbow. “Sorry! I thought you meant . . .”
“I know what you thought!” Jamie was grinning ear to ear.
“Only if you will tell me about the club!” I said.
“Oh Yeah! I forgot!” Jamie said, returning the remote to the table. “I’m going to close the door first.” He got out of the bed quickly and peeked down the hallway before closing it. When he came back, I noticed that his soft penis had shrunk so much that it looked like an overgrown pimple. I wanted so badly to comment on it, but I thought better of it.
Jamie caught me looking and said, “What?”
To cover for my evil thoughts I said, “Don’t you think you should put some pants on before she catches us?”
Jamie didn’t respond right away, but stood there facing me. I could tell he was thinking hard.
“I w-w-want t-to . . .”
“Now who’s the stutterer?” I joked, “Just spit it out!”
“I want to wear one of your diapers!” He whispered so fast, I hardly understood him at first, then it made sense to me why he had brought two of my disposable diapers and stashed them under his pillow. Until that second, it had not occurred to me that he had indeed, taken two out of my drawer.
“Really?” I asked.
Jamie just nodded.
“But?” I couldn’t think of anything to follow the word, so I didn’t say anything else. I looked at him for several seconds. He was staring at me like he was waiting for me to say something, anything!
“Uh, Yeah sure! I mean if you really want too!” I tried to sound calm and cool about it, but I knew he could see right thru my ruse.
“I’ll help you get diapered first, and then you can help me.” Jamie said, and he looked like he was going to start turning cartwheels any second.
“You think you can do it Okay?” I asked.
“Might not be as good as your Mom, but I’ll manage.” He said as he knelt next to my bed.
“Why don’t you put on a pair of shorts first. That way, if Mom comes in again, we can at least say you were just helping so that she didn’t have to do it?” I tried to explain.
“Yeah, good idea!” he said, popping back up like a piece of popcorn.
“There we go!” he announced as he let the elastic waistband snap into place.
Jamie pulled the covers off me again, pulled one of the diapers out from under his pillow, and opened it up. It looked big hanging there, all open in his hands.
Joking, he reached down and took hold of my penis and pulled up on it, “Up you go!”
“Now stop that!” I joked back, lifting my bottom into the air.
He had to let go of my penis to be able to use both his hands to maneuver the diaper into place. When he was satisfied that he had it were he wanted it, he said, “Okay, lower away!” like I was some big building crane or something.
He gathered up the front of the diaper and was pulling up between my legs, but stopped for a second to reposition my penis so that it was pointing down. He also took this opportunity to give my jewels a squeeze. At any other time, all of this manipulation and handling would have had it standing at attention again, but I guess Jamie had tuckered the little guy out!
“Would you stop playing?” I said, but I was laughing at the way he was acting now. I’d never, I mean never, seen this side of Jamie, and never would have even thought it possible.
Jamie fumbled with the tapes a little, but when he was finally finished, the diaper was pretty snuggly in place. He patted the front of my diaper hard enough that it hurt my jewels only a tiny bit.
“Ouch!” I said.
“Oh please!” Jamie scoffed, leaned forward, and kissed the front of my diaper.
“There I kissed it to make it better!” he said, and we both laughed quietly.
I tried to sit up on my own, but only managed to get up onto one elbow. “Can you help me the rest of the way up?”
“Sure!” He said, taking my hands and pulling me all the way up until I was sitting on the bed.
“Can you get me a shirt too?” I asked.
He went to my dresser without any comment or snide remark, pulled out a plain white t-shirt, and brought it over. I reached out to take it, but he wouldn’t let me have it.
“No, I’ll do it!” he insisted.
So I raised my arms as much as I dared or could, and he slipped it over my head and pulled it down over my taped ribs. He was leaning forward, tucking the tag down in the back of my shirt. I don’t know why, but I turned my head only a bit and kissed him right on the side of his neck.
“What was that for?” he asked, sounding surprised.
“I dunno? Just ‘cause!” I said with a small shrug.
Jamie smiled, leaned back in and kissed my cheek before saying, “Okay, my turn!”
“Go check the door first to be sure it’s still safe.” I commanded, and he responded by bounding for the door. He again only opened it a smidgen, just enough to peek out, and then closed it again.
“No where in sight!” he announced, walking back over to me as he started to put his fingers into the elastic of his shorts to pull them down. I put a hand up to stop him, “I’ll do it!” I said, and he smiled one of those smiles like he’d just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“Okay!” he said, taking both of my hands and helping me to my feet.
Before I let him lay down on my bed, I took hold of both of his arms just above his elbows, pulling him close enough that our noses nearly touched so that I could whisper in a hushed tone that he could still hear. “How long have you really wanted to do this?”
“You mean the diapers or the other thing?” he asked.
“Both,” I answered.
“Well I guess I have wanted to try one of your Goodnites for awhile, but I was scared until I read your journal last weekend. I mean before our fight.” he said.
“And the other?” I asked.
“Probably last week too; Yeah, about then; I mean, I never thought about you before that way. Uh, wait, that didn’t come out right.” Jamie said, turning his head away.
“That’s Okay, I know what you mean.” I tried to assure him and then I asked, “So how long have you been in the sex club?”
“Since about the time we moved into the building. I mean, I met them the same day we moved in, but they didn’t invite me until a couple of days later.” Jamie said.
“So who is ‘They’?” I asked, giving his arms a squeeze.
“First you diaper me, then we will get under the covers together, and I will tell you all about it!” Jamie said. I knew he really wanted to try on the diaper.
“Okay, but can I do something first?” I asked, and I nearly laughed when Jamie’s left eyebrow went up a good inch onto his forehead.
“What?” he asked, trying to pull away from me.
I held on to him tight and pulled him back closer and closer until our lips were touching and then I let go of his arms and wrapped mine around behind him and hugged him as we kissed. He took my cue and wrapped his arms around me, one around my back, and with the other, he held the back of my head with his fingers in my hair. We kissed for a while and I felt his lower hand start to massage my lower back so I did that same to him, but this wasn’t all I had in mind. I slowly opened my lips enough to let my tongue out, and to my surprise he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue too.
Gawd, it was so hot, and I felt like I never wanted to let Jamie go but after another minute or so we separated.
“Wow!” Jamie said, “Where’d you learn to do that?” he asked.
“I read about it online!” I confessed.
“Man, you are a good kisser! Better then Becky or Vanessa!” Jamie complemented.
“Who’re Becky and Vanessa?” I asked.
“Two girls in
our club!” Jamie said, “Now please, can I try on the diaper?”
“Okay, but only under one condition!” I said,
“What?” Jamie said, trying to pull away again.
“You have to wear it all night, you cannot take it off and you can’t go into the bathroom all night!” I said.
“What if I need to go number two?” Jamie asked, with just a hint of fear in his eyes.
“That’s the deal! Take it or leave it!” I said, and Jamie thought for a good twenty seconds.
“What if your parents find out?” Jamie asked.
“We’ll just have to make sure they don’t!” I said.
“Man!” Jamie whined.
“And you have to tell me all about the club!” I added.
“I was going to do that anyway!” Jamie said, “Now, can I lay down now, or do I have to kiss you again?”
I scratched my chin with a single finger, “Hummm? I think you can lay down first and then kiss me afterward!”
“Deal!” Jamie said, and he started for the bed, but I again stopped him.
“What?” He whispered, but I could tell he was getting overly anxious.
I didn’t answer, but holding on to him for support, I lowered myself so that I was kneeling in front of him. I took a hold of the legs of his shorts and pulled them off. To my surprise, Jamie was again sporting about a half-hard errection.
“You are a sex animal!” I whispered, and I was pleased to see him blush slightly.
“Jamie?” I whispered in a slightly scolding manner, “I do believe you are blushing!” This only managed to make him turn even reader.
I reached out and cupped his boyhood jewels in my right hand and kind of bounded them a bit. I think we need to get him wrapped up so that he will behave himself. Jamie’s face was fully red now; even his ears and neck were glowing red. I was really enjoying this and I could tell he was, too.
“Okay, step out of your shorts!” I told him, but I didn’t let go of his jewel sack as he stepped back. I pulled him forward again using his genitals as a leash, not unlike the way he’d used my penis to get me to lift my butt.
“Now sit!” I commanded, followed by a tug. Jamie sat on the end of the bed and I had to let go my grip so that I could stand up. I used his knees for support to get me to my feet.
“Okay, lay down.” I said, and he did, swinging his feet up on the bed.
Leaning over to diaper my brother with the condition of my ribs was an adventure in pain, but I tried not to show it as I really wanted Jamie to enjoy this. Not for unselfish reasons. No, in my brain I was thinking that if I could get Jamie to like wearing the diaper then maybe, just maybe, he’d stop always picking on me for wetting my bed and having to wear the diapers. Yeah sure he wanted to wear one, it was even his idea, but that didn’t mean he would end up liking it.
I pulled out all the stops for Jamie. I got the diaper cream and powder, and used those on him. By the time I was ready to pull the diaper up into place, he had a full on erection again.
“You’re not making this easy!” I teased as I give the head of his penis a flick with my finger.
“OUCH!” Jamie hissed.
“Shhh!” I hushed him, though really he had not been too loud at all.
“Can I fold it down?” I asked.
Jamie only nodded.
It took some effort to do so, but I got it down and the diaper pulled up. I could tell though, that it caused Jamie some discomfort for me to press it down like that. I got the tapes put into place and had him stand up with the diaper on. When he did, his shirt fell down and covered about half of it. “Gawd, where is someone with a camera when you need one?” I thought.
“You look adorable!” I told him, and he blushed yet again.
Jamie must have seen the discomfort I was currently in because he bent over, picked up his own shorts, and slipped them on by himself.
“Okay, let’s get into bed!” Jamie said, and he helped me to sit, and then lay back down.
As soon as I was lying down, all pain and discomfort faded away nearly immediately.
Before Jamie got into bed, he again checked the door, then went over to my desk, and opened one of the drawers before coming and lying down beside me. He got the covers in place so that both our diapers were covered, but since we both had on t-shirts, we didn’t need to have them pulled up to our chins.
Jamie took a deep breath and began, “Okay, so Becky is thirteen and she knows everything there is to know about sex. She is Catholic, so the only thing she ever does is kiss and watch. Oh, and of course, she’ll talk about anything that has to do with sex. Vanessa on the other hand, is kind of quiet unless she’s mad, but she will do anything and let you do anything you want as long as Becky is there. Oh, and Vanessa is twelve, but she looks a lot older.”
Jamie continued talking and I didn’t even make a peep. I didn’t want to interrupt him for anything. “Then there is Paul and Noah who both live one floor down from me and their bedroom is directly under mine. Paul will be eleven next Friday and Noah is twelve.”
Jamie was on a roll and I just loved how he was so animated as he talked. His hands were flailing about like the Italians do when they talk.
“Noah can cum already too, but Paul can’t. Oh, and Noah even had a little hair down there!” Jamie pointed to his privates. “Both Becky and Vanessa have a little hair there too, but not a lot. Not like in the magazines. They both wear bras, but Becky is the only one that really has any boobies.”
He stopped, licked his lips, took another breath, and continued, “Oh, and no one can suck as well as Noah! He’s like a vacuum cleaner!” Jamie was smiling, but looking at the television while he talked. “I guess Paul’s not too bad either. Paul’s a good kisser too. Like you, but he’s never let me French with him like you did. The other’s have though. He says he don’t like it.” And like someone turned off a faucet, Jamie stopped talking.
“What’s the matter? Why’d you stop?” I asked.
He didn’t reply but was sitting with his mouth open and was breathing kind of hard. Then his eyes closed tightly and a small squeak came out of his mouth that sounded like it came from deep in his throat.
“You okay?” I asked.
Jamie nodded, but didn’t answer or open his eyes.
“What’s the matter?” I asked again.
“Nothing!” he finally answered.
“Well why’d you stop then?” I asked.
“Cause it happened again!” Jamie said, finally opening his eyes and resting his hands on the blanket directly over his diaper.
“What? You wet?” I asked, not getting what he meant right away.
“No, not that!” he said, “I came again!”
Then the light went on for me, “Oh, again? But you weren’t even doing anything!” I said.
“I know!” Jamie was still breathing a little heavy, “It’s never happened before when no one’s been touching or sucking on it or something.” Jamie said.
“Wow!” was all I could think to say.
“Yeah, you said it!” Jamie grinned.
“You mean just talking about that stuff made you do it?” I asked.
He shrugged.
I thought for a second before saying, “Maybe it was cause of the diaper?”
Jamie only shrugged again before saying, “I’m thirsty!”
“Have some of my milk.” I offered.
“Oh gross, I’m not drinking after you!” Jamie objected.
Nearly forgetting to whisper I said, “What?” I was looking at him with my mouth hanging open, “You just . . . I mean you were sucking on . . . You kissed me and . . .” I didn’t need to finish.
Jamie laughed, “Okay, Yeah, you are right!” He picked up my cup and drank.
After that, we lay quietly for about a minute until Jamie turned his head and whispered, “Give me your right thumb.”
“What for?” I asked, while offering my hand to him. He didn’t need to answer as I saw that he had my drawing compass in his right hand. “Oh” I said when I saw it.
Nothing else was said between us for the longest time. The blood brother ritual we were about to do seemed almost holy, and talking seemed like it would have tainted it somehow. Least-wise, that’s how I felt.
Jamie didn’t just prick my finger as I had done earlier to him when I had him sign the oath in blood; no, he used the sharp point to lay open my thumb. Blood dripped onto his cheek and he quickly stuck my thumb into his mouth. He then did the same to his own thumb, only a little worse as the blood really gushed, and he quickly stuck it into my mouth without saying a word.
We both laid quietly watching television with each other’s bleeding and throbbing thumbs in one another’s mouths for over an hour. The taste of Jamie’s blood was like licking something metal, and the taste seemed to come and go for a while. After about an hour, Jamie pulled my thumb from his mouth with his free hand and looked at it. It had stopped bleeding but then he put his puckered lips to it and sucked on the wound so hard that I felt like a straw as the blood began to flow again. I just continued sucking on his thumb as though I were sucking on my own, maybe with a little more pressure.
I don’t know what time it was when we heard Dad come home, but we were into our third movie and still sucking away on each other’s thumbs. Mine had stopped throbbing with pain sometime ago, and I also stopped tasting blood from Jamie’s. When we heard someone coming down the hallway, we pulled our thumbs from each other’s mouths, and hid them under the covers.
Dad came in and told us both good night. He’d tried to get Jamie to go to his own bed, but we both protested and Dad relented. I guess because we were being so quiet and still. We didn’t see either Mom or Dad again until the next morning at the breakfast table.
Once Dad was gone, we pulled our thumbs back out, looked at them, compared them and I asked, “Does yours still hurt?”
“Not anymore, but it was at first, a lot!” Jamie answered, as he turned on his side to face me before putting my thumb back into his mouth. Taking his cue, I did the same thing with his thumb. Then with his free hand, he reached over and took my free hand and placed it on his side and then placed his on the front of my diaper. I watched his eyes and I could tell the second he realized that I had already wet myself. I allowed my hand to find the front of his diaper and after a couple minutes I felt it get really warm. And that is how the two of us went to sleep.
Around one in the morning, I awoke when Jamie accidentally bumped the front of my chest. It didn’t hurt a lot, only enough to wake me up. However, Jamie was still out cold. He had his right arm draped over my chest, and his right leg was crossed over mine so that I was pretty well pinned to the bed, unable to move. Our thumbs were both out of each other’s mouths. Though I tried to look at it in the dark, I couldn’t really see the cut but I could feel it when I touched my thumb to my finger. I also noticed that the television was off now. I wondered if Mom or Dad turned it off, or if Jamie had. I found out later just before breakfast that Jamie had turned it off around midnight.
Laying there with Jamie sort of half on top of me, and thinking about the things we did, well, it got me all excited again and soon I felt the front of my diaper getting tight as my little solder strained to get to attention. I slid my hand down over the front of my diaper and tried to adjust myself, but Jamie’s leg was sort of in the way. My fingers brushed his diaper and a shiver shot through me like I was being electrocuted.
I tried to see if Jamie was sound asleep, but he had his face buried in the nape of my neck. I allowed my fingers to follow the elastic gathers of his diaper that encircled his hip, up the side of his diaper, where I felt the tapes that held the diaper securely into place and up to the elastic waistband. When my fingers made contact with his flesh again he felt so soft and warm. I allowed my hand to rest for a moment on his side before sliding back down to the waistband of the diaper and slipping under it. It took some doing, but I managed to get my hand under the elastic and down into his diaper to where I could almost touch his penis. Suddenly, Jamie moved and rolled over so that he was now lying on his back. At the first sign of movement from him, I’d quickly removed my hand to keep from being caught, but when I was sure he was still asleep, I used my right hand this time to find his belly and slowly work my fingers under his diaper until my entire hand was inside the warm moist environment.
I finally found his penis, and sure enough it was about half stiff and like mine, straining to stand up. When my fingers wrapped around it, he stirred again and I froze again. This time, I didn’t remove my hand, but waited for him to settle down again. His left hand came to rest on my stomach, which sent tingling waves though my body.
Now I had fully intended to do more, but I guess sleep was stronger than desire at that point. Maybe because I’d already had two wonderful fireworks shows this evening of my own. With my hand down the front of my brothers’ diaper, I fell captive once again to the sandman and drifted off to sleep.
~ The End ~
~ ? ~
I really do hope that this ending is more to your liking then the
ending I had intended to use a few weeks ago. Actually, another writer friend
recently completed his own epic novel with an unhappy ending and he’s been
inundated with complaints ever since. So I’m glad I listened to all of you and
changed the ending. However, I know some, maybe more than some, maybe most, if
not all would like for this story to go on and on and not to end with only
thirteen days. So to each one of you that long for more I can only tell you one
small thing that might ease your longings . . . * Wish Granted * . . . if everything works out right, you will
be seeing Simon again next week. I’ve already started working on the sequel to
this story and hope to have the first installment available shortly. I’ve have
finally settled on a title for the sequel, which if you are interested in
knowing you can see on my website
I would like to thank several friends who’ve been of immense help
to me over the last seven months. My first thanks must go, as always, to Deeker
for allowing me the opportunity to share this story with you. I also need to
thank Frank (you’re the best man!) for helping to proof read most of these
chapters. Special thanks to Todd whose story Diapers, Sunshine, and the Great State of Alabama which can
be found on Deeker’s site, has been such a tremendous inspiration to me and has
acted as a river of water when my own creative thirst needed quenched. And then
there are the most important of all, each and every one of you that have taken
the time to write to me over these many months; everyone has been so kind and
supportive and a few have really helped me to become a better writer. Thank you
so very much!
And as always, your opinions do matter
to me so please send any comments, questions, suggestion, or criticism to I promise to reply to everyone that takes
the time to email me!