There's no such thing as a Witch.
Part 1

	It is interesting that as we are growing up, we start to 
make certain distinctions as to what is real in life and what is 
not. We are told as little children, that if we are good little 
boys and girls, Santa Claus will brings us presents on Christmas 
Day. Only to learn that there is no such thing as Santa Claus 
when we get older. We are also told as little children that there 
is no such things as ghosts or witches. Well to the latter I take 
exception. As I discovered when I was entering pre-adolescence, 
and I happened to cross a Witch.
	I know this certainly sounds ridiculous. Since the first 
things that comes to mind when one thinks of Witches are things 
like, turning little boys into toadstools with their evil magic, 
or flying around on broomsticks. I know from my own experience 
that witches are not magic. They do, however, have power. A 
rather assumed power. A kind of power that allows them to get 
deep inside your head. The kind of power that not only allows 
them to see who you really are, but everything you have ever 
been. Power that through words, phrases, and touch allows them to 
open up your psyche and do with you whatever they wish. It is 
almost as though they have a special set of keys in which they 
can unlock your soul and gently place their little curse on you, 
and there is nothing you can do to stop it. They not only can 
manipulate you, but also the people around you. Which pulls the 
knot just a little bit tighter.
	Although my experience with this witch has left me with what 
most people call "an unfortunate condition" , I believe it has 
also made me a better person. There is always two sides of a 
coin, and for everything that is negative there is something 
positive, and for everything that is evil there is something 
good. As bad as it might have seemed, there were a lot of lessons 
learned from Ema Swensen's punishing curse.
	 It was twenty five years ago, though it seems like 
yesterday. I was 10 years old and my mother and I were living in 
a large house that my grandparents owned in Gallup, New Mexico. 
My grandfather had past away two years before and my grandmother 
was in a nursing home in Albuquerque. My father ran off with a 
Filipino woman when I was a baby leaving mom to fend for the both 
of us.
	I had two good friends that I enjoyed playing with while 
growing up. We were the best of buddies. My mom called us "The 
Three Amigos". Billy (myself), Kyle, and Jake. Unfortunately our 
friendship faded shortly after Miss Swensen started paying me and 
my mom visits.
	Miss Swensen moved into our neighborhood from one of the 
other near by counties. Along with her came numerous rumors that 
she was a witch and practiced black magic and voodoo. Our next 
door neighbor told my mother that she had a friend who lived in 
the same town as Miss Swensen before she moved to Gallup. She 
claimed that a lot of strange things happened when Miss Swensen 
was living there. There was a story going around that Miss 
Swensen had cast a spell on one of her neighbors after he shot 
her cat while it was going through his garbage can. He ended up 
going insane and had to be institutionalized. Apparently, he was 
having delusions that there were hundreds of cats that were 
watching him and following him wherever he went. There was 
another story that she paralyzed a woman for two months without 
touching her after watching the woman beat her 3 year old 
daughter. Mom always said that the stories were just silly wives 
tales, and not to pay any attention to them. And besides, there's 
no such things as a witch.
	Being an only child with a working mother and no father I 
had a fair amount of freedom which I abused. I was a bit of a 
trouble maker to say the least. Jake and Kyle and I would often 
get together after school or on the weekends and steal candy and 
cokes from the local corner market, or vandalize other peoples 
property. Yet with all the fiendish things that I did, I never 
got caught. That is until I tried pulling one of my stunts on Ema 
	It was summer break and we were out of school. I remember 
that it was a warm July night. Jake and Kyle and I were hanging 
out together with nothing to do. Kyle was complaining that his 
Dad made him clean up all the dog poop in their backyard left by 
the family's Irish Setter. Jake had heard from his cousin about a 
trick where you fill a paper sack full of dog poop, place it on 
someone's porch, light it on fire, then ring the door bell and 
run. The person living in the home would then come out and stomp 
out the fire. So after grabbing a sack from Kyle's kitchen we 
filled it up with the Setter's delights that Kyle had scooped up 
earlier that day and set out for the Peterson house.
	Mr. Peterson was a total nerd who had twin daughters that 
the three of us enjoyed teasing. We figured that the Peterson's 
would be the best bet for pulling our prank because if things 
went wrong we all could out run Mr. Peterson. When we got to the 
Peterson's, Kyle placed the bag on the porch while Jake got out 
his lighter and started setting the bag ablaze. I rang the bell 
and pounded on the door and we all sprinted into the shadows to 
safely watch. Sure enough, Mr. Peterson answered the door, looked 
down at the flaming sack, then opened the door and started 
stomping it out. Once he had figured out that he had dog poop all 
over his slippers he looked out and shouted, "Yeah, you damn kids 
think your real funny don't you?". The three of us laughed until 
we cried. It was such a great prank that we wanted to do it 
again. The only problem was, we no longer had any dog poop. So 
after thinking about it for a while I came up with the idea of 
just peeing on someone's door mat and ringing the door bell, and 
maybe they might walk out to see who is there and step onto the 
urine soaked mat with their bare feet. Jake and Kyle thought it 
was a great idea. But we couldn't decide who to do it to.
	"How about Miss Swensen?" I remarked.
	Kyle's eyes got big. "Billy are you crazy? That lady is a 
Voodoo Queen."
	"Yeah, my mom said that she practices Witch Craft and Black 
Magic and stuff," Jake added.
	 "Oh come on, you guys, there's no such thing as a witch. 
You're just a couple of scare-de-cats", I laughed.
	"I don't know, Billy. That woman gives me the creeps," Kyle 
said as he forced a shiver.
	"Me too,", Jake said.
	"Alright, I'll tell you what," I began, "I'll go up to her 
porch, take a piss, and ring the door bell. You guys can watch 
from the field across the street. What do you say?"
	Kyle looked at me with uncertainty, "Okay Billy, but I think 
you're crazy".
	I just looked at the two of them and mumbled, "Scare-de-
	It was just a two or three minute walk from the Peterson's 
street to Ema Swenson's house. As we approached the house it 
appeared as if no one was home. So Kyle thought we should just 
forget it. I told him that I was going ahead because I needed to 
take a piss real bad. So Jake and Kyle ditched themselves in the 
field across the street and I headed up the sidewalk to Miss 
Swenson's front porch. It still appeared as if nobody was home, 
therefore I figured I would end up taking a piss and nothing 
would happen. I had unbuttoned my shorts pulled down my underwear 
and began to pee on her Welcome Mat. It felt good to relieve my 
bladder which was very full. Right when I was half way through 
urinating, the porch light came on. My heart jumped into my 
throat as I leaped off of Miss Swenson's front porch still peeing 
all over myself . I hit the ground running and peeing, and headed 
down the street thinking that if I were to run into the field, 
she might just walk over and catch all of us. When I got to where 
I thought I was at a safe distance, I hid behind a parked car, 
buttoned up my shorts and looked down the street. Somebody was 
coming although they were quite a ways away, and I could tell 
that it wasn't Kyle or Jake. As the person walked under the 
street light I could see that it was Miss Swenson. Even though 
she was a good hundred and fifty yards away and I was in the dark 
behind a parked car, she seemed to stare right at me as if she 
could see exactly where I was. She stood for several seconds just 
starring at me and then she lifted her arm and pointed at me. I 
got scared and ducked behind the car for a second and when I 
looked back, she was gone.
	The next day we all met over at Kyle's house and had a good 
laugh about it.
	"God Billy, I'll never forget how fast you jumped off that 
	"Hey, I hate to piss and run," I said as we all cracked up.
At around five o'clock Kyle's mother called him for dinner so I 
thought I should get home, too, since my mom would have my dinner 
ready pretty soon. So before I took off, we agreed to meet the 
next day to fool around.
	The trek from Kyle's house to mine involved a shortcut 
through the field near Miss Swenson's house. As I was walking 
through the field I kept looking at the house trying to figure 
out if Miss Swenson had seen me or not. As I was walking along 
and studying the house I heard a voice in front of me that nearly 
scared me half to death.
	"Hello Billy."
	It was Miss Swenson and she was standing directly in front 
of me.
	"Aaaah.....hi," I said.
	"Billy, can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked.
	I began to feel very nervous and my heart started beating a 
hundred miles an hour.
	"Uhh...I have to get home for dinner. Right away."
	"Your dinner won't be ready for a while. Judy went to visit 
your grandma and she's not even home yet."
	"How do you know my mom's name?" I asked.
	"Oh I know a lot of things about you, Billy," she smiled. 
"Was that you urinating on my front porch last night?"
	"No! I wasn't urinating on your porch."
	She shook her head slowly. "You disappoint me, Billy. I 
thought you would be much more mature than that. But then again, 
in this day and age it must be very difficult for little boys to 
grow up. Especially if they don't have a father."
	The more Miss Swenson talked the more nervous I became. How 
did she know that my mom wasn't home yet? And how did she know 
about my father?
	"Billy, does you mommy know that you are out running around 
at night? Perhaps it might be better if you both stayed home so 
she could look after you."
	I didn't say anything. I just looked away from her as she 
scolded me.
	"Now tell me Billy, why did you urinate on my door step last 
	Again, I didn't answer I just looked away.
	"Was it because you couldn't make it to the toilet?"
	I suddenly started to feel small and humiliated.
	"Do you always have trouble making it to the toilet?".
	I looked up at her defiantly, "No!"
	Miss Swenson laughed, "Well Billy, I know three year old's 
who can hold their bladders better than you can."
	I stood there silent hoping that she would just go away.
She stepped a little closer to me. "Billy do you enjoy acting 
like a three year old?"
	By this time I started thinking about just running away from 
	"Tell me Billy, do you want to be a three year old?"
	"No!", I said, "Can I go home now?"
	"You know Billy, I think you should see what it is like 
being back in the pants of a three year old. What do you think?"
	At that point I decided to make a run for it. But just as I 
was bolting Miss Swenson grabbed me and put her arm around my 
chest. She placed her hand on my butt. At first I thought that 
she was going to spank me. But instead she began rubbing my 
bottom and chanting words that I understood but not in sentences 
that made sense. Suddenly I felt numbness and tingling in my legs 
and I stopped struggling. She seemed to be holding all my weight 
in with her arm. I began to feel drowsy and totally exhausted. 
And I'll never forget her drowning chant.
	"Now your three......Now your three.....You have trouble 
controlling your pee."
	She loosened her grip on me and I began to get the feeling 
back into my legs. It took me a few seconds however to stand on 
my own. When I did, Miss Swenson slowly released me and I felt 
something wet on my thigh. I looked down and to my horror I 
realized that she made me pee my pants. I took one look at her 
and ran away. As I was running I could her laugh. "Better get 
home Billy so your mom can change your pants."
	I had never run so fast in my life. I was scared, really 
scared. I knew that Miss Swenson hadn't just scolded me, she was 
in my head.
	As I approached the back door of the house I could see 
through the window that my mom was already home and was about to 
start dinner. This gave me a sense of safety. As I walked into 
the kitchen my mom saw the wet spot on the front of my pants and 
the urine trails coming down my legs.
	"Hi honey. Did the sprinkler get ya?" she asked looking at 
the spot.
	I just shook my head, "No."
	"Then why are your shorts all wet?".
	"Miss Swenson made me wet my pants." I said in an 
embarrassed tone.
	My mother's eyes grew large. "WHAT!"
	"Mom, Miss Swenson made me do it. She made me pee my pants."
	My mom stood silent for a second.
	"You mean to tell me you peed your pants?" she asked in an 
angry tone of voice.
	"Miss Swenson made me do it, I swear! She grabbed me and 
started talking funny and I peed my pants!"
	"Nonsense, Billy!" my mother shouted, "No one can make you 
pee your pants. The only one who is in control of your bladder is 
you. So you just damn well better get to the bathroom from now 
on. Understand!"
	I nodded my head yes.
	"Now get to your room and put on some dry pants. And put 
those shorts along with your underwear in the laundry room."
	"Okay" I replied shamefully.
	That night I kept having the strangest dreams about Miss 
Swenson. In one dream I had to pee real bad and all the rest room 
doors were locked. I was running down a long hallway with 
hundreds of doors that had signs on them indicating "Boys Room", 
but they were all locked. Then I saw a bright light coming from 
one of the rest room doors. As I got closer to it I could see 
Miss Swenson holding the door open for me. When I got into the 
rest room I found it to be the largest rest room I had ever seen, 
and it was completely filled with toilets. Thousands of them. In 
every color, shape, and size imaginable. I ran up to one of the 
toilets and began to pee. It felt so good. As soon as I was 
through peeing, all the toilets suddenly disappeared and Miss 
Swenson appeared before me laughing and pointing at my pants. But 
when I looked down my pants were gone and in place of them was a 
cloth diaper with oversized diaper pins. The diaper was 
completely soaked and dripping with urine. Suddenly I woke up 
from the dream to find that I was lying in sopping wet sheets. I 
had wet the bed.
	When I told my mom she became very angry with me again.
	"Billy what is the matter with you!! Yesterday you pee your 
pants, and then last night you soaked the bed. Damn it Billy, 
that's a brand new mattress!! I hope you didn't ruin it!
	"Mom it's not my fault. It's Miss Swenson, she's making me 
wet myself. She's a witch and she has done something to me that's 
making me do it".
	"Nonsense, Billy! Miss Swenson is NOT a witch."
	"Mom you have to believe me. I'm not making this up. She 
cast some kind of spell on me and......
	My mom stopped me in mid-sentence.
	"Billy!! There is no such thing as a witch! Now I don't want 
to hear another word about it."
	"Fine," I said with tears welling up in my eyes.
	Later that morning I met up with Jake and Kyle and we ran 
down to the corner market to get some Cherry Icees. When we 
arrived the store was unusually busy with mostly house wives and 
their children. As we approached the candy counter we spotted the 
Peterson twins Emily and Nora. Jake ran up behind them.
	"Hey you two, I saw your dad the other day and he smelled 
just like dog shit!".
	Nora sneered, "Jake, you're such a jerk. We knew you guys 
did it."
	"Did what?" , Jake laughed.
	"You know! It was a good thing my dad didn't catch you guys 
or else he would of beat the heck out of you," Nora replied.
	I laughed, "Nora your dad is such a wuss, He couldn't even 
beat up the dust off the floor."
	At that point Emily piped up, "Billy, you think you're so 
tough, I dare you to say that in front of my father."
	I laughed again, "Emily, have you ever seen you father 
without any clothes on? I'll bet you his peter is smaller than my 
pinkie finger."
	At that point Nora's eyes narrowed. "Billy, you are so 
immature you make me sick you are such a ....."
	Nora stopped what she was saying and began to stare at what 
I thought was something on the floor behind me. When I looked 
back there was nothing there. I turned back to look at Nora, and 
she and Emily were both pointing at my belt line with their 
mouths wide open and a kind of smile in their eyes. As I looked 
down at myself I began to feel the wetness running down the back 
of my leg. I was peeing my pants. I tried as hard as I could to 
stop, but it was no use. The urine just kept flowing out of me 
and into my pants. Jake and Kyle watched in horror.
	Nora started chanting loudly, "Billy peed his pants. Billy 
peed his pants. Billy peed his pants."
	This of course got the attention of many of the morning 
shoppers who stood and watched while Nora and Emily began singing 
at the top of their lungs. "Billy is a baby. Billy is a baby. 
Billy is a baby."
	I took off in a full sprint out of the store with tears in 
my eyes, and I didn't stop running until I got home. Mom wasn't 
there so I took off my pants and threw them into the washer, put 
in some soap, and turned the washer on.
	Mom arrived home about forty minutes later with two sacks 
full of groceries. As she entered she called out for me. "Billy, 
honey are you home?"
	"Yeah" , I said in a sad voice.
	Mom walked into my bedroom where I was sulking.
	"Are you alright?" she asked, "I heard what happened in the 
store today. I went down there to pick up a few things for dinner 
and Mrs. Jensen told me what happened. She said I just barely 
missed you."
	"I don't want to talk about it," I said with tears running 
down my face.
	"She told me that you had an accident."
	"I said I don't want to talk about it."
	My mom sat down next to me on the bed and put her arm around 
	"Honey, I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I realize now that 
there is obviously a problem and we need to get it checked out. 
I'm going to call the Doctor this afternoon and make an 
appointment. I'm worried that you might have an infection or 
something that is causing you to have this problem."
	"It's not an infection," I said, "It's Miss Swensen's spell. 
She's turning me into a baby."
	Mom shook her head. "Where are you getting this idea that 
Miss Swenson is somehow responsible for this? Billy, you need to 
trust me here. There is a perfectly good explanation for why this 
is happening and I can assure you it has nothing to do with 
	"I sure hope you're right," I said.
	"I'll call the doctor right now," she said as she got up 
headed for the kitchen phone.
	For the rest of the day I made sure that I went to the 
bathroom every fifteen minutes so that my bladder would remain 
empty. That night, mom put some large garbage bags under the 
fitted sheets to protect the mattress. It was a good thing that 
she did because once again I had the same crazy dreams and in the 
morning the sheets were soaked.
	The next day my mom took me to our Pediatrician, Dr. 
Phillips, and she checked me out thoroughly. After giving me a 
physical exam, she told us that she couldn't find any thing wrong 
and that she was going to have some tests run to make sure. She 
said that she would get in touch with my mom as soon as the test 
results came back. When we arrived home, Jake and Kyle were 
waiting for me. The first thing out of Jake's mouth was why had I 
pissed myself in front of the Peterson twins. So I told them the 
whole story of what Miss Swenson had done to me and how I was 
wetting the bed and my pants.
	"Billy, I told you not to mess with that woman," Kyle said.
	"Well I hope Mom's right and it is just a medical problem. 
But I don't think so," I said.
	"Do you think she knows that we were with you?" asked Jake, 
"I mean, you said she could see you in the dark. Maybe she saw 
us, too."
	"I don't know," I replied.
	Kyle's eyes got wide. "If she saw us, do you think she'll do 
something to us, too?"
	"If I were you guys, I would just stay away from her house."
	I'm sure that they took my advice, and I think they had some 
advice of their own. Because after that is when Jake and Kyle 
started to avoid me.
	Two days later, after two wet beds and several near 
accidents, Dr. Phillips called to discuss my condition with my 
	"Hi Billy, this Dr. Phillips. Is you mother there?"
	"Yeah sure, hang on."
	I ran off to get mom, but before I did I lifted the 
extension from the living room phone so I could listen in on 
their conversation. The doctor told my mom that she couldn't find 
anything wrong with me physically and that maybe the problem 
might be a psychological one. She explained that I was starting 
to enter puberty and with not having a father figure around, I 
might be having some emotional distress. She then referred my mom 
to a child psychiatrist that she thought would be able to help me 
through this rough time. My heart sank.
	Mom and I talked after the phone call with Dr. Phillips and 
I agreed to see the Child Psychiatrist. So my mom made an 
appointment for the next week. It was an appointment that I never 
	The next morning I went over to Jake's house to see if he 
was around. His mom came to the door and told me that he was on 
his way to Kyle's house and then on to get me. So I headed back 
home hoping to catch them on their way back. As I got to the end 
of the alley I saw them running away from me in a panic.
	"Hey guys wait up!" I shouted.
	Jake turned around and yelled back at me. "Get away from us, 
Billy. We just saw Miss Swenson walking down Canal Street and we 
don't want her to see us with you and get your curse.... I'm 
	I just stood there in shock. They were right. They should 
stay away from me. I wouldn't want to wish what I had on my worst 
enemy. So I turned and started walking the other way. After 
spending a couple of hours at the City Park and taking frequent 
bathroom breaks so I wouldn't have an accident, I finally got 
bored and went home.
	Once home, I walked up to the back door and looked through 
the window. My heart seemed to stop in terror. Standing in our 
kitchen was Ema Swenson. I quickly ducked behind the door frame 
so she wouldn't see me and then slowly peaked around to see what 
she was doing. One of the chairs from our kitchen table had been 
placed in the middle of the kitchen floor and my mom was sitting 
in it. Miss Swenson was leaning over talking to my mom while 
slowly rubbing her back and shoulders. It seemed very strange 
though, because my mother wasn't making eye contact with her. She 
was just staring at the wall in front of her, with this blank 
expression on her face. As Miss Swenson spoke, my mom would 
periodically nod her head very slowly. Suddenly Miss Swenson 
turned and looked right at me. I turned and ran into the front 
yard and hid in one of the old Evergreen bushes that I used as a 
hiding place when I was younger. I figured it would be a good 
place to stay until she left.
	Miss Swenson must have stayed for over two hours. As I 
watched the house I heard the two of them talking and laughing, 
although I couldn't make out what they were saying. Finally, the 
voices got closer to the front of the house and the front door 
opened. Both my mom and Miss Swenson were smiling as Miss Swenson 
said good-bye, and my mother waived and closed the door. As the 
woman came down the front side walk I noticed her brightly 
colored outfit. When she was near the bush where I was hiding she 
stopped, leaned over and said, "Hi Billy, how are you".
	"Terrible," I said as I slid out from behind the bush.
	"Terrible? Why, what's the matter?" she asked with a 
concerned look on her face.
	"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.
	Miss Swenson smiled, "Billy, I haven't done a thing to you. 
You've done this all to yourself."
	"What were you doing to my mother in the kitchen?"
	"Your mommy and I had a very nice chat today. You know, 
Billy, your mommy is a very nice person. You're very lucky to 
have her as your mommy. She has taken very good care of you and 
I'm certain that she is going to continue to take care of you for 
a long time. In fact she was telling me how concerned she was 
about your wetting problem. So I gave her a little advice on how 
she should handle it. You know Billy, even though I have never 
had kids of my own, I still know how to handle little children."
As she spoke down to me I felt as though I was in Kindergarten 
again. Once again, she seemed to just take over my brain.
	"Well Billy, I have to run along now. I'm sure I'll be 
seeing you soon. Your mommy and I had such a nice time together 
today, that we decided to visit more often. Bye. Bye."
	I stood in the middle of the lawn and watched her walk away 
as my warm, urine soaked pants began to cling to the skin of my 
inner leg.

There's no such thing as a Witch
Part 2

	When I got into the house I found my mother standing in my 
	"Mom, are you alright?" I looked at her very carefully.
	"I'm fine Billy. I'm just thinking about some changes I need 
to make in your room."
	"Why?" I asked.
	My mom just smiled at me, "Oh, I don't know. I just think 
it's time to make some changes around here."
	"What kind of changes?"
	Mom just looked at me as if she were sizing me up.
	"Mom, what did she do to you? What did Miss Swenson say to 
	Mom just gave me a puzzled look, "Billy, Miss Swenson is a 
very nice person. I had a delightful afternoon talking with her. 
I think she is a wonderful, intelligent, and charming person. Why 
in the world do you think she would harm anyone?"
	"Mom be careful please. I know you don't believe me, but she 
can do weird things with your head."
	Mom was getting clean underwear and dry pants out of my 
dresser being fully aware of my wet pants.
	"Billy I told you, I don't want to hear it, okay."
	I just stared at her.
	"Now, would you like me to change your pants for you?"
	"No!" I shouted, "I can change them myself. Thank you."
	My mom just stood in the middle of my bedroom with her arms 
	"Mom, can I have some privacy please?" I asked.
	"Sorry Billy, I'm staying right here."
	"Okay, fine," I sighed.
	"You know, Billy, I had a real nice talk with Miss Swenson 
today. She allowed me to unload a lot of things that I have been 
carrying around for a long time. It was real nice to have an 
adult around who will listen for a change. She even gave me some 
good advice on how to deal with some of my problems."
	"What kind of advice did she give you?" I asked as I was 
pulling up my fresh underwear.
	"Well, I told her about the problem I've been having with 
you and your lack of control, and she gave me some wonderful 
advice. In fact, I have decided that I'm going to handle the 
problem a little differently than I was before. Oh, and by the 
way, we are not going to see the psychiatrist next week. I called 
this afternoon to cancel the appointment. I'll be damned if I can 
afford to pay some shrink a lot of money while you continue to 
wet yourself and the bed every night. When there's a much more 
economical way to handle it."
	I began to get nervous, "What way is that?" I asked.
	"You'll see," she said as she walked toward the door of my 
room. But just as she was ready to walk out, she turn and said, 
"Oh, tomorrow morning your Aunt Jenny will pick you up to go 
swimming with your cousins while Ema and I go out and do a little 
shopping. Please make sure you go to the bathroom before you get 
into my sister's car. I don't want you wetting on her seats."
	"Okay mom," I said, feeling ashamed. I knew Miss Swenson had 
done something to my mom because she was acting very strange. I 
could only wonder what she was up to.
	Aunt Jenny came by early the next morning to pick me up. I 
could tell that Mom was getting ready to go out herself.
	"Where are you going?" I asked.
	"Oh, Miss Swenson and I are going to spend the day together. 
Probably do some shopping. Did you go potty?"
	"Mom, I'm ten years old. You don't need to talk to me like 
I'm a baby."
	Mom looked at me sternly, "Excuse me, little man, but as 
long as I'm your mommy, I will talk to you any way I want to. 
Understand! Now did you go potty or not?"
	"Yeah, I did."
	"Good. Now your Aunt Jenny is waiting for you out front so 
you better get going. When you get home tonight, you and me are 
going to have a little talk."
	"What about?" I asked.
	"Never mind, we'll discuss it later. Now go!"
	I jumped into Aunt Jenny's mini van and we started off down 
the street. As I was greeting my cousins I looked out the mini 
van window to see Miss Swenson walking down the street toward our 
house. She was pulling a cart behind her that had a large box 
tied to it. Once again I began to get real nervous. She waved at 
us as though she had watched me get into the van. But she hadn't.
	I had a great time swimming with my cousins. I didn't need 
to worry about going to the bathroom until we were ready to 
leave, since I spent most of the time in the pool and no one 
could tell if I was wetting myself or not. After we got out of 
the pool we went to the locker room to shower and put our clothes 
on. I visited the urinal after I got out of the shower, then 
again after I got my clothes back on just to make sure I wouldn't 
have an accident in Aunt Jenny's car. As it turned out, it was 
the last time I would ever use a urinal again.
	It was late afternoon when I walked through the front door. 
Mom and Miss Swenson were standing in the middle of the living 
room to greet me. I found this very odd, so I stood in the entry 
way and just looked at them. Both women were just smiling.
	"Did you have a nice time with your Aunt Jenny?" I just 
	"Well I'm glad, Billy," my mother said smiling, "because I 
know that you have been having a real hard time lately wetting 
your pants and bed. But it's okay now."
	Miss Swenson stepped toward me with a sympathetic look on 
her face.
	"Billy, would you like me to help you to stop wetting your 
pants and your bed?"
	Once again I nodded my head, "Please."
	"Well, Billy, I feel that you have had enough so I have 
decided that I'm going to help you. Not only for your sake, but 
for your mother's. Would you like that?"
	"Yes ma'am. Very much," I replied with a great sense of 
	"Okay then, come with me," she said as her hand directed me 
toward the kitchen.
	As I entered the kitchen I saw that one of the table chairs 
had been placed into the middle of the kitchen floor. Miss 
Swenson motioned for me to sit in the chair, which I did.
	Miss Swenson began to rub my back.
	"Do you like this chair Billy?"
	I looked up at her, "Yeah it's alright," I said.
	"It's a very comfortable chair isn't it, Billy?"
	Suddenly the chair felt very comfortable indeed. I never 
realized just how comfortable the chair really was until that 
	"Yeah, it's real comfortable," I said.
	I looked over at mom who was staring blankly at Miss 
	"You know, Billy, it is so comfortable you don't even want 
to get out of it, do you, Billy?"
	She was right, I really had no intention of getting out of 
the chair.
	"In fact, Billy, you can't even get out of the chair if you 
wanted to. Can you, Billy?"
	Suddenly my legs went numb and it felt as though there was a 
huge magnet holding me into the comfort of the chair.
	"That's a good boy," she said smiling, "So you don't like 
wetting your pants, and you don't like wetting your bed."
	I just sat and listened to her. She leaned over and looked 
at me, "I can understand that. It's not nice to wet your pants in 
front of people and it's not fun to wake up in a wet bed is it, 
	I shook my head, "No it isn't."
	"Well, I understand your problem, Billy, and I'm going to 
help you. It's really a rather simple problem. A simple problem 
that many small children have. But it's not as much of a problem 
for them as it is for their parents. Isn't that correct, Judy?'
	My mom smiled at Miss Swenson, "Of course." I suddenly I 
began to get nervous.
	"But since it is a simple problem, it has a very simple 
solution. Right, Judy?"
	"Yes, of course, Ema. A simple solution for a simple 
	"Now Judy, tell Billy what the solution to his problem is."
	My mom walked closer to me and leaned over so our faces were 
at the same level. She seem to be looking right through me.
	"DIAPERS!" she said loudly, "Billy, I'm going to put you 
back into diapers. It's a simple solution for a simple problem."
	I sat for a minute in total shock. Then I tried to get out 
of the chair but I couldn't move.
	"No! Mom, don't let her do this to me, please!
	Then I looked up at Miss Swenson, "You told me that you were 
going to help me to stop wetting by pants and my bed! You 
	"Relax, Billy," she said with a smile, "I am helping you. As 
long as you're in diapers you will no longer be messing your 
pants or your bed. You'll just be wetting your diapers. And 
besides, we certainly can't have you continue to just pee all 
over everything, can we?"
	I sat in horror and panic. "Look, Miss Swenson, I'm sorry I 
peed all over your porch. I promise I'll never do again. I 
	"It's alright, Billy, I know you won't be peeing on 
anybody's porch again. I'll make sure of that."
	I looked at my mom who was smiling and staring blankly at 
Miss Swenson. "Mom, please don't do this. If you love me you 
won't let her do this to me."
	My mom just continued to look at Miss Swenson who had 
reached behind the kitchen counter in order to retrieve 
something. I started to cry. "Please mom! Please help me!"
	Miss Swenson turned from behind the counter holding a small 
ball with pastel prints of clowns and rocking horses on it.
	"This afternoon your mother and I were getting your old 
diaper pail out of the attic and I came across this," she said as 
she held the ball up to my face. "Do you remember this, Billy? 
Your mommy says it's your old baby ball. Don't you remember it?"
	I shook my head, "No," as tears were running down my face.
	"Well, I'm going to help you to remember, Billy. I want you 
to look at the baby ball. Look very carefully at the baby ball."
	All of a sudden I became fascinated by the ball that she was 
holding in her hands. I stopped crying.
	"That's it, Billy. I want you to look deep into the baby 
ball. That's a good boy."
	As I gazed at the ball I couldn't take my eyes off of it. 
The room around me seemed to start spinning.
	"Good boy. That's a good boy. Now I want you to remember. 
Remember the baby ball. Your baby ball. Remember your baby ball."
	Suddenly waves of memories flooded my head. Old memories 
that I didn't even know I had. Memories of when I was sitting in 
my old wooden playpen, playing with the ball. Memories of 
crawling across the living room and kitchen floors toward the 
	"Now, Billy, I want you to remember `the diapers'. Remember 
wearing the diapers. Remember messing your diapers. Remember 
mommy changing your diapers. Diapers, Billy. Diapers. Think about 
the diapers, Billy."
	Another wave of memories began to flood my mind. Memories of 
lying in my crib as the trickle of urine began to soak my diaper. 
Memories of my mom and my Aunt Jenny smiling down at me as they 
were changing my diapers. Another memory of standing next to the 
toilet wearing only a wet diaper and plastic baby pants. Thinking 
that I would never want to sit on the porcelain contraption in 
fear that I might fall in, and taking comfort in my continuing to 
just wear diapers.
	The memories were all good memories. They made me feel good. 
They made me very happy. But the memory that moved me the most 
was one were I was about three years old. My mother had been 
trying to potty train me, but I was reluctant to give up the 
diapers. I remember sitting in the sand box behind my Grandma's 
house. I was in one corner of the sand box and the baby ball was 
in the other. I remember feeling the urgency to pee, and thinking 
very briefly about trying to use the toilet. The thought was 
quickly disregarded as I relaxed and urine began to flow into the 
soft folds of my diaper. As the memory was going through my head 
the feeling of complete freedom seemed to overwhelm me. There was 
no worrying about running to the bathroom. It was just me and 
"the diaper". Soft, thick, and comforting. It was the most 
natural thing in the world to just relax and let the diaper do 
its job. All these wonderful memories made me realize just how 
much I missed wearing diapers. It was like being reunited with an 
old friend after being apart for a long time. Why in the world 
did I want to ever give them up for the toilet? How could I have 
let my mother force me into peeing in the toilet? I didn't want 
to do it anymore. The wonderful memories brought me a very 
intense desire.
	"I want diapers. I want diapers," I thought to myself.
	I felt completely relaxed as I looked up at Miss Swenson as 
she smiled down at me. As I looked down at myself I noticed that 
I had peed my pants again. But this time I just didn't care.
	"I can see a little boy who needs changing," Miss Swenson 
said as she turned toward my mother, "Judy, I think Billy is 
ready for you to put him back in diapers now."
	I didn't argue. My mom smiled at me as she held out her hand 
and I took it getting up off the pee soaked chair. We walked 
together hand in hand down the hall and into my bedroom. My heart 
raced with joy as we walked in. On top of the dresser were stacks 
of diapers. My closet door was open and I could see even more 
neatly stacked in there as well. There must of been a hundred 
diapers in the room. Cloth diapers. Disposable diapers. You name 
it. Numerous cans of Baby Powder and Baby lotion were spread 
around the room along with baby wipes and a small jar of diaper 
pins on the night stand. Mom stood behind me as she undid the 
snap on my wet pants and began to zip my zipper down. She told me 
to lie down on the bed and began removing my pants. I didn't help 
her, although she didn't mind, as I gazed across the room at the 
soft white stacks and felt reassurance knowing that this was 
where I belonged. Miss Swenson handed my mother two folded 
diapers off the top of a stack that was sitting on top of my 
dresser. Mom smiled as she unfolded the soft cloth and spread one 
on top of the other then refolded them into an hourglass shape. I 
lifted my bottom as she slid the diaper under me. As my bottom 
met the thick softness underneath it, my heart filled with joy. 
Mom gently powdered me and than began to pull the two thick 
layers up between my legs gently forcing them further apart.
Miss Swenson placed her hand on my mother's back, "Judy, make 
sure you double pin that diaper. We want to make sure it's snug 
and secure. Isn't that right, Billy?"
	"Yes, Miss Swenson," I replied.
	"What a good little boy," she said before turning around and 
retrieving some large plastic baby pants from the top drawer of 
my dresser and setting them on the bed.
	I looked down at the large mass of white cloth that 
enveloped my loins. It was like a wonderful homecoming. Mom shook 
out the plastic pants and fit them over my feet, and pulled them 
up my legs. I raised by behind as she slid them over the thick 
	Miss Swenson just smiled, "That'll keep your pants and your 
bed dry. Won't it?"
	"Yes Miss Swenson," I said respectfully.
	"You see, Billy, I told you I would help you, and I did. 
You'll never have to worry about wetting your pants or your bed 
ever again. And you certainly won't be urinating on anyone's 
porch again, will you?"
	"No ma'am," I said as my mom helped me up off the bed.
	My mom smiled as she checked to make sure that the diaper 
was fully encased in the plastic shell of the baby pants. "Billy, 
I want you to go watch television and I'll go get dinner ready."
	"Okay mom," I said as I started down the hall to the family 
room. I felt the bulk of the diaper as I walked down the hall. 
The feeling gave me a great sense of comfort and security.
	 Miss Swenson didn't stay long that evening. But just before 
she left she asked me to come stand in front of her. As I did she 
gently rubbed the back of my diaper with her hand.
	"So Billy, how does it feel to be back in diapers?"
	"It feels good," I said.
	Miss Swenson's face beamed with joy.
	"That's a good boy. That's what I want to hear. Now Billy, 
can you tell Miss Swenson why you still need to wear diapers?"
I hesitated a moment then replied, "Because I still wet my pants 
and pee the bed."
	"Don't ever forget Billy.", she said.
	"Yes, Miss Swenson, I won't forget," I said.
	"Good boy."
	I didn't see much of Miss Swenson after that. Once and a 
while mom and I would run into her at the market, or I would see 
her walking in the neighborhood. I do know that she paid a visit 
to Dr. Phillips office, and afterward Dr. Phillips came to the 
rather sudden realization that she had misdiagnosed my problem 
and indeed I did have a neurological problem which caused me to 
be incontinent. Diapers were the only solution.
	Mom, on the other hand, was always very attentive to my 
diapers. Always checking to see if I was wet, and changing me if 
I was. It was totally natural to her to maintain vigilant diaper 
duty on her pre-adolescent boy. And thanks to Ema Swenson, it was 
totally natural for me to let her. Later, when I was in college 
and I would come home to visit, mom would take over 
responsibility of my dirty diapers.
	While living at home, mom kept me in cloth diapers when I 
was in the house, but would send me to school in disposables with 
plastic pants over them. Most of the kids at school knew I wore 
diapers. In the beginning, some of them would tease me but I 
didn't care. I had a good sense of who I was and what I wanted. 
Besides, once it got back to the parents of the kids who teased 
me, they would put an end to it . The parents usually being 
sympathetic to my so called "unfortunate condition". I was 
excused from things like Physical Education classes, but I still 
seem to get plenty of exercise anyway. I was allowed to come home 
for lunch each day where mom would have lunch and a fresh diaper 
ready for me. Then I would go back to class. When I would arrive 
home after school, mom would change me into thick cloth diapers 
whether I was wet or not. I usually was, though.
	After being put back into diapers I seemed to enjoyed school 
a lot more, and I was a good student. During my first year in 
High School I joined a support group that Dr. Phillips told my 
mom about. It was for High School age kids who were either 
incontinent or chronic bedwetters. It was at this support group 
that I met Janet. Janet was a year older than I was and had worn 
diapers all of her life. She was born with a congenital defect 
that made her incontinent and left her with partial paralysis in 
one leg, which caused an unusual gait in her walk. Janet and I 
became the best of friends. Although we lived almost one hundred 
miles apart, we still were able to spend a lot of time together. 
Janet's parents were delighted that she had found a loyal friend 
since she didn't have many friends while she was growing up due 
to her condition. And the problem was much worse now that she was 
in High School and many of her peers were starting to date. But 
they could see that when Janet and I were together, we were 
almost inseparable.
	Mom also really liked Janet. But it took some time for Janet 
to warm up to my mother. Janet found it very odd that my mom was 
still changing my diapers. Janet's parents always insisted on 
Janet taking care of her own diapering. So every time she would 
come over to my house to visit she would always be a little 
uncomfortable with my mother always checking my pants and asking 
me if I needed changing. Then if I was wet, she would march me 
off to the bedroom for changing time. Janet also found it strange 
that my bedroom looked like a nursery rather than the bedroom of 
a high school boy. But eventually she came to accept it and she 
accepted me for who I was, and that brought us even closer 
together. In fact Janet became such a close member of the family 
that over time she began letting my mom change her diapers, too. 
She later confided in me that it felt strange at first but after 
a few changes she began to enjoyed my mother's attention while 
she was getting changed ,and that my mom always made her feel 
comfortable about having to wear diapers.
	When I was a junior, and Janet was a senior, our parents 
allowed us to have sleepovers on the weekends as long as it was 
supervised by the adults. This allowed us to spend time together 
without having to drive long distances. When Janet would stay 
with us she would have to sleep in my mothers bed with her. Mom 
always preferred to have Janet stay with us so she could keep me 
in cloth diapers which she thought was much better than the 
disposable diapers in preventing diaper rash. Mom also worried 
that the disposable diapers and plastic pants that she packed for 
me when I was staying with Janet's parents, might leak and soil 
their bedding since I was always a heavy wetter at night. But 
Janet's parents were always very nice and didn't seem to mind if 
there was a small wet spot on the bed. Besides, they kept a 
bedwetting sheet on their extra bed.
	Later, both Janet and I attended Arizona State University 
together. She majored in Business and I majored in Political 
Science. We shared an apartment together and she took over the 
task of changing my diapers since I didn't like doing it myself. 
Mom bought us a clothes washer since she knew we would need it 
for my large diaper loads. She would come visit us periodically 
and bring a fresh box of new diapers and hall away the old ones.
	 Later we both attended graduate school at U.C.S.F.. Janet 
received her M.B.A. and I, my Law Degree. A week after Janet 
completed Graduate School we got married. The wedding was held in 
Gallup. It was a small ceremony since neither Janet nor I had 
very many friends. At the wedding we had a surprise guest. Ema 
Swenson. I hadn't seen her since I was twelve or thirteen. The 
most amazing thing however was that she had not aged at all. She 
looked the same as she did the day she held the baby ball to me. 
She and my mom approached me just before the ceremony.
	"Billy, you remember Ema Swenson don't you?"
I smiled, "Of course I do. Miss Swenson, how are you? I haven't 
seen you for a long time. You look terrific."
Ema smiled backed, "It's good to see you Billy. Your mother tells 
me that you just graduated from law school. I think that's 
	"Thank you," I said.
	Just then my mother got called away and Ema and I were left 
	"Are you still wearing diapers?"
	I nodded, "Yes, Miss Swenson."
	"That's a good boy Billy. You didn't forget, did you?"
	"No Miss Swenson."
	Ema Swenson took my hand in hers.
	"Billy, I am so proud of you. You've done so well with 
yourself and you are going to marry a wonderful woman. I know you 
will go on to do some wonderful things with your life. "
	"Well, thank you, Miss Swenson, I appreciate that."
	" You know Billy, there was a time when I was very worried 
about you. I felt like you were going down the wrong path and if 
I hadn't of intervened you would end up dead or in prison. You 
realize that now don't you?"
	I smiled, "Yes, Miss Swenson. I do. Thank you for helping 
	"Oh Billy, you're so welcome."
	Ema paused briefly then looked up at me. "Billy, if you like 
I could give you back your bladder control."
	I thought about if for a few seconds then replied, "No thank 
you Miss Swenson. I prefer the diapers".
	Ema just smiled.
	Just then the Pastor approached us. "William, we're ready to 
	"I'll be right there."
	As I turned to tell Miss Swenson to stay for the reception, 
she had vanished into thin air. It was the last time I ever saw 
her. But I knew in my heart that she indeed had the best 
intentions for me. And if she had not reversed my potty training, 
my life most likely would have been much worse for the wear, and 
I wouldn't be enjoying my new success. In fact ,if it wasn't for 
Ema Swenson I never would have met my wonderful soul mate, Janet.
	Today I have my own Law practice and Janet is running her 
own wholesale clothing distributorship. I am still in diapers and 
I still haven't forgotten why. And I certainly will never forget 
Ema Swenson, for as long as I live. So next time you hear someone 
say, "There's no such thing as a Witch," keep in mind, there are 
some things in this world you just can't explain.

The End.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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