Title: Thank the Diaper Service
Name: Dprdude
Email: dprdude@aol.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 50
Posting Date: 01/03/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: 12-year-old is diapered for bedwetting and for not being able to keep his pants clean.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 18 (90%)  Golden Diaper Pin Award


Wow, summer vacation was finally here. I was walking home after the 
last day of school, only had about a mile to walk; it was early June 
and already starting to get hot out here in Los Angeles. As I turned 
the last corner heading toward my house I saw a truck at the corner 
from a diaper service. This wasn�t all that unusual in 1964 as a lot of 
mothers at that time used those types of services. Our house was almost 
at the end of the block. It was a fairly large house and the property 
which it was on was almost 1 � acres, which in L.A was huge.

I walked in the front door and yelled, �I�m home!� Mom was almost 
always home when we kids got there. My brother was home already from 
high school as he didn�t have as far to walk, and my two younger 
sisters didn�t even have school today. Mom stepped out of the kitchen 
into the front hallway and told me to change out of my school clothes.

As I walked back to the room I shared with my brother I passed the 
family room in which my sisters were watching television. As I got to 
my room I started to take off my school clothes. I was down to my tee 
shirt, socks and underwear when my Mom entered the room.

�That�s far enough, Wesley,� she said. Man, she never calls me by my 
full name unless she is really mad or something, but she didn�t seem 
mad (????). I just stood frozen in place and just looked up at her. She 
then grabbed me by my hand just like a little kid and we headed back 
toward the front of the house. I knew something was not right, but 
what? We were headed to the front bedroom, which my little sister had 
last occupied about a year ago for her nursery, but since she was 4 now 
and didn�t need a nursery she had been moved in with my 7-year-old 
sister and Mom had changed the room to her crafts room.

We entered the room with me still being pulled through the house like a 
toddler. As we entered I was shocked to see all of the nursery stuff 
was back! Mom then told me that she was putting me back in diapers for 
the summer and we were starting right NOW. I�m sure I went into shock 
as I saw my brother folding a stack of diapers from the Tidy Didy 
Diaper Service.

�Mom!� I sobbed �Why? I know I wet the bed, but please, not in the 

�You�re right, Wesley; you�re probably about the only kid in Junior 
high school who still wets the bed every night.�

She then asked my brother how he was doing with my diapers.

�Just fine, mom,� he answered, �but they seem pretty thick, don�t 
they?� as he showed her one.

�No, they should be just fine; your brother needs them thicker than 
your sister did as I�m sure he will pee a lot more.�

She then told me to stand still as she pulled my tee shirt off and then 
she grabbed the waistband of my tighty whities and pulled them down to 
my ankles and told me to step out of them. She then had me climb up on 
the old twin bed that was up in the corner of the room. She then 
removed my socks. I couldn�t believe that at 12 years old I was waiting 
to be diapered by my Mom.

She stood over me and asked my brother to hand her a diaper from the 
stack which he was putting together.

�Here, Mom,� he said as he handed the diaper to her. She took it and 
laid it on the bed which was just covered with a rubber sheet. She then 
spread my legs out and spread the diapers out in front of me. She then 
lifted my legs off the bed until my butt no longer touched either. I 
could feel her pull the diaper under me as it seemed to come way up my 
back, and then she let my legs down. Instinctively, I pulled my legs 
together but she would have none of that. She sprinkled me with powder 
and again lifted my legs again and sprinkled some on the back portion 
of the diaper. Then as she pulled the thick diaper up between my legs I 
knew squeezing my legs together would never work. She then took a 
couple of diaper pins and pinned put one in her mouth. As she pinned 
one side of the diaper she then caught me off guard as she pulled the 
diaper very tightly together and pinned the other side. She then told 
me not to move as she went over to the dresser and got a pair of Gerber 
Super toddler size plastic pants. She walked back to the bed I was on 
as I watched her every move. She shook out the plastic pants and then 
slid them over my right foot and the left foot. She slid them up my 
legs and over my thighs and then told me to lift my butt off the bed. 
She then pulled them over my diapers as she snapped the waist band into 
place. She checked to make sure the diapers were well tucked into the 
plastic pants and seem very pleased with how well everything fit.

She then held out her hand and pulled me off the bed. Wow! Did it feel 
weird standing there with that thick diaper between my legs and those 
babyish plastic pants! I again protested, �But, Mom, why do I have to 
wear diapers in the daytime? Please don�t make me do this!�

My Mom then led me over to my sister�s old crib where she had laid out 
in front of me 6 pairs of underwear. She told me to take a really good 
look at them. As I did she picked up the first pair, noting the pee and 
poop stains in them (well, I�m not a real good wiper) and she proceeded 
to work her way down the line. She did come across a pair or two that 
weren�t to bad but they too were stained from previous accidents.

�This is why you are wearing daytime diapers. You have been warned 
about wiping yourself better and keeping your underpants clean, haven�t 

�Yes, Mom, but I can do better. Please give me another chance!�

With that she grabbed the pair I had on today and they were in the same 
condition as the rest.

�I don�t think you can keep your underpants clean, Wesley, and now you 
don�t even have to worry about it, baby!� She then grabbed all of the 
stained underwear from the crib and threw them in the trash can.

Say goodbye to these, Wesley; you won�t be in need of them for a long 

It seemed my fate was sealed, as was my newfound diapers and plastic 
pants. All the while this was happening my brother was still folding 
diapers he had placed the folded ones on my sister�s old changing table 
and my plastic pants were laying right out on top, visible to anyone 
who entered, not that it mattered with the way I was dressed. Mom then 
took my hand again and started to lead me to the family room. Just as 
we reached the front entry hall I asked for some pants to put over my 
embarrassing diapers.

�NO! You know that babies in this house wear nothing but diapers and 
maybe a tee shirt!�

�Please, Mom let me have some pants!�

Just then the door bell rang and as we were just 10 feet from the door 
she pulled me over and opened the door. This happened so fast I had no 
time to react.

�Hi, ma�am,� I heard as the door was opened; it was Tim from the Diaper 

�Sorry, but I got all the way to my next stop before I discovered that 
I didn�t leave a diaper pail.�

She let him in the front door and we all stood in the entry way. He 
looked at me and introduced himself to me.

�Hi, I�m Tim,� he said, holding two diaper pails. He commented to my 
Mom how it looks like the diapers she ordered fit me well and the 
plastic pants seemed just right. Just what I needed to hear now-- a 
person outside the family has seen me in my diaper shame.

�What�s your name, little buddy?� Tim asked.

�Wes,� I spoke. Mom interjected, �his name is Wesley.�

Tim then took something out of his pocket. It was a marking pen, and he 
wrote my name down the side of each diaper pail.

�There, that should do it; now yours won�t get mixed with any others.�

My brother took the diaper pails back to the nursery, Tim then once 
again turned his attention back toward my Mom.

�I�m sorry, ma�am, but when you placed your order I hadn�t realized you 
had him in daytime diapers as well as nighttime diapers. He may need 
some liners also, which there is no charge for.�

My Mom looked puzzled, �Liners?�

�Yes, for his daytime diapers. Just makes diapers easier to clean up.�

Mom still had that puzzled look on her face.

�You know, when he messes them. Let me get a pack from my truck and you 
can try them.�

The shock was wearing off and soon I realized I had to pee and started 
wiggling around, Mom immediately noticed and recognized from my younger 
day the sign of the potty dance. She asked me if I had to pee.

�Yes, Mommy.�

�Well, just pee,� she told me, patting the back of my plastic pants. I 
began to tear up as I knew I couldn�t hold it to long and with all that 
has happened in the last hour I just let go and felt the warm pee flow 
into the thick diaper. Tim reappeared in the door way and handed her 
the pack of liners.

�Thanks, Tim,� my Mom replied and he said he would be back next Friday 
for a pickup and just call if she needed anything else.

The front door was closed and again she took my hand and led me toward 
the family room. Again I pleaded, �Please, Mom, let me show you I can 
keep my pants clean!�

�Wesley, I know you can�t do that; why, look at you; your diapers are 
already WET! Just think, you don�t even have to worry about keeping 
your pants clean; just wear your diapers and be a good boy.�

With that she patted the rear of plastic pants and we entered the 
family room. Both my sisters looked over as we entered the room and 
kind of started to giggle.

�Girls, from now Wesley will be wearing diapers; he can be your new 
baby brother.�

�Mom, make them stop laughing!� I told her.

�Why should they stop laughing? A 12-year-old boy in diapers does look 
pretty ridiculous, so I suggest that you just get used to it and your 
summer will be a lot easier to handle.�

She left me standing there and told me to stay in the family room with 
my BIG sisters as she left the room but she did remind me not to sit on 
the furniture. I realized then that there was very little else that 
made me feel more like a baby then just wearing a diaper and plastic 
pants with nothing else on.

After my Mom had left both my sisters came over to me to check out my 
plastic pants. Even after they touched them it seemed they couldn�t 
believe that I was really in them. I just stood there standing and 
watching TV and letting all that had happened sink in. I was pretty 
much still in disbelief but all it took to bring me back to reality was 
to look my NEW huge diapers and plastic pants. After standing for a bit 
I finally seated myself on the corner of the couch with my legs 
crossed, kind of sitting Indian style, not that it hid anything. If 
anything, it kind of made my diaper more prominent. About an hour later 
Mom walked by and yelled at me for sitting on the couch.

�What did I tell you, Wesley, about sitting on the furniture? I don�t 
want you sitting on my furniture with that dirty diaper!�

�Ma, I don�t have a dirty diaper!�

�Well, I won�t have a diapered boy ruining my furniture, now get off 
that couch! What do I have to do, get the playpen out for you to sit 

�No, Mom, sorry,� I said as I quickly got off the couch. I definitely 
stayed off that furniture after that threat. I also realized as I sat 
on the floor that I really needed to pee again but I really didn�t want 
to wet my diaper again as I knew everyone would know.

I walked into the kitchen in hopes that I could talk mom into letting 
me use the bathroom to pee but as I was asking her she just turned to 
me a said, �Sorry, but you have to use your diapers now,� and she 
turned back to the sink and turned on the water to fill her pot. You 
know what the sound of running water does, especially when you really 
have to go. I don�t know which filled up faster, my diaper or the pot? 
This was just awful as I walked back to the family room with my diaper 
very wet and sagging. As I walked into the room my sisters looked up 
and started laughing chanting, �Here comes our BABY brother with WET 

My Dad came home and I dreaded seeing him as I knew he would be mad at 
me for wetting so much that I had earned baby diapers. I heard Mom and 
him talking in the kitchen as I waited in my shameful diapers, but 
there was little else to do. It seemed like forever but in he walked, 
giving me that disapproving stare, you know the one that tells you what 
a disappointment you are without even saying it!

�Well, Wesley I see your mother has found a way to take care of a BIG 
BABY, and I see you have already learned to use your diapers.� He then 
came over and hugged me and patted the rear of my soggy diapers.

�Just like when you were two,� he said. �I�m sure you would like your 
diaper changed, but I have to get a little surprise ready for you so 
you will have to wait until after dinner for that change.�

As he exited the room he left me wondering just what kind of surprise 
might be in store, more embarrassment. But just what could he add to 
what had already happened today?

I didn�t have too much time to worry about what might come next as 
about a half hour later we were all called to dinner with my Dad coming 
to get me. I heard laughter from my sisters who were already in the 
dining room before we got there, but as we entered I saw what the 
commotion was all about. Next to mom�s place at the table now was our 
old high chair. I say �ours� because all of us kids used it and then it 
was stored in the garage. My chair at the table was gone. My dad led me 
over to the chair and helped place me in it. I could not believe I 
still fit, a bit snugger than the last time, but still had room. Mom 
then handed Dad the tray and he locked it in place. Then reached down a 
pulled a strap up between my legs to secure me in place, From where I 
was I could see myself in the dining room mirror and sitting as high as 
I was my diapers were in visible to everyone and I looked like an 
overgrown toddler. Not to be outdone, Mom came over and tied a bib 
around my neck with a picture of baby Mickey on it; now the 
transformation was complete.

My dinner arrived all cut into bite-sized pieces and I also had no fork 
or spoon. I asked for some and was told I would just have to use my 
fingers unless I want my mom or dad to feed me. Enough said as I got 
busy eating without any utensils, I found out this was part of their 
plan as I got to be quite a mess as I ate dinner and the bib did its 
job catching everything. By the time I was done I looked just like a 
little kid as my Mom started cleaning me up and finally let me down to 
rejoin the family.

It was now about 7:00 when mom came to get me and told me it was bath 
time, not normally my favorite activity, but at the moment I just 
wanted to remove myself from being in front of everyone, plus, I wanted 
that wet diaper removed. She led me again, pulling me along like a 
toddler to my nursery where my diapers and plastic pants were removed, 
then off to the bath we went and a warm tub full of bubble bath was 
waiting. This part was great as it was quite relaxing and the day 
seemed to just fade away. I spent some time in the tub with my Mom 
washing me from head to toe and when she finished she had me step out 
of the tub and dried me off��

I was then led back to the nursery where Mom had me lay back on the 
twin bed and she produced a very thick nighttime diaper. She asked me 
to raise my butt and when I didn�t she just grabbed my ankles and 
lifted me up. I wasn�t trying to be bad but was just in shock as to 
what was happening so much in so short a time. She slid the thick 
diaper under me and then grabbed the baby powder and sprinkled it all 
over the back of the diaper. As she finished she let my butt down on 
the thick mass. Man, the whole room was filled with the smell of powder 
which actually I was enjoying. She then sprinkled some powder on the 
front of me and started to rub it in; this kind of excited me a bit but 
embarrassed me even more. After all before today I don�t think my Mom 
saw me naked since she last changed me years ago. She then took a 
couple of pins and pinned the back corner of the diaper to the front 
corner one side at a time with the last one she pulled really snug. She 
then went over to the dresser and came back with a pair of plastic baby 
pants that had a pattern of little teddy bears on them. After sliding 
them up my legs and then pulling them over the waiting diaper she had 
me stand next to the bed. These diapers were so thick I couldn�t bring 
my legs together if I tried.

She then led me along back to the TV room and had me say goodnight to 
the family. Yea, it was only 8:00 as I was soon to find out that would 
be my late; bedtime normally it would be at 7:30.

Both Mom and dad took me back to the nursery and put me in the crib for 
the night as Dad pulled the rail of the crib up Mom gave me a bottle of 
water. I was warned not for any reason to get out of that crib as 
someone would get me in the morning.

As it was so early still I couldn�t fall asleep so as I lay there and 
was finally alone I started to feel the new baby attire that was now 
mine. I rubbed the front of the plastic pants that were stretched out 
over the very bulky diapers which were so thick I didn�t think it 
possible to wet them completely, as I started to doze off I also had a 
very weird feeling a kind of sense of calm and also visualized myself 
as a baby again.

The next thing I remember I was waking up as the sun was shining 
through the bedroom window, the sense of calm from the night before was 
now replaced with a sense of panic as I realized that my diapers were 
soaked and even leaked a little on the crib mattress. I wanted to get 
up and rip the diapers off so bad but inside I knew this would not be 
the thing to do, so I lay there waiting for someone to come and get me 
I did have a sense of infancy again but this time from the helpless 
image that I couldn�t do anything until some came to help me. It seemed 
like hours before the door finally opened and Mom walked in to get me 
up. Upon pulling back the covers she then noticed how wet I was as she 
did a complete pants inspection on me noting that there was a little 
dryness still in the back of the night diapers so she let down the crib 
side and got me out of the crib. I begged her to take the sodden diaper 
off but her response was to again take my hand a led me off to 
breakfast, once again I was placed in the high chair where my soggy 
diapers were highly visible for everyone at the table.

After breakfast Mom took me back to the nursery and began the job of 
changing a very wet kid. After the removal of the diapers she wiped me 
with many baby wipes until she had me squeaky clean. Then the NEW set 
of diapers, the ones my brother was folding yesterday, appeared. Again, 
I had to rise up off the bed or I knew she would just lift me by the 
ankles again so I hurried and lifted for her. She slid this new pile of 
diapers under me and again powdered them well as I was sure the next 
diaper change wasn�t planned for some time, then adjusting the diaper 
under me instructed me to lie back down. She reached for the powder 
once more and sprinkled my front area well and began to rub it in, once 
again I started to get hard and this time she said, �looks like my 
little boy is enjoying this.�

She then pinned the diaper up very tightly again sensing that I 
wouldn�t be changed for some time. She then produced a pair of pure 
white plastic pants and slid them up my legs and over the diapers 
checking to make sure everything was sealed completely. She then let me 
off the bed and gave me a tee shirt to wear, she let me slip this on 
myself and I was glad to see it was long enough to almost cover my 
diaper. Mom saw this, too, as she called me over, and then, taking a 
pair of scissors cut off about 6 inches of the bottom of the shirt, 
totally exposing my diapered bottom. She then patted my bottom as a mom 
would with here toddler and said, �We don�t want to hide your diaper 
from view, do we?�

The next week progressed with me being the new diaper boy of the family 
and over that week all my brothers and sisters friends had seen me in 
my diapered state. I had adventured outside a few times to play when 
none of their friends were around but as this was summer vacation that 
wasn�t very often. As Friday was approaching I had noticed that the 
diaper pails were filling up fast as I was changed, at least 4 times a 
day. Mom was using the diaper liners in my diaper during the day 
because after that first one she hadn�t was a change we will never 

It was Monday morning she had got me all diapers up like usual. Up 
until then I was able to go at bathtime when she would let me use the 
potty. This morning she was in a hurry to go shopping so she had 
forgotten about my potty time during bath time. She had me dressed in a 
tee shirt (short as they all had been altered now) and a pair of sweat 
pants. The diaper�s bulge was impossible to miss as so with any toddler 
still in diapers. We couldn�t have been in the store more than ten 
minutes when it hit me. I told mom had to go but she thought I was 
still fussing like I had since the diapering had started and told me, 
�just use your diaper.�

�But mom, I need to...�

Oops, too late. I had waited to long and the first little bit slid out 
into the seat of my diaper. then the flood of pee followed and then 
more slid out. In a matter of two minutes I had filled my diaper 
completely and it didn�t take mom that long to figure out what I had 

�Oh, Wesley, that is disgusting!� she yelled as she ordered my sister 
to take me to the car so she could finish shopping. Food shopping 
usually takes my mom about an hour to do as she is always looking for 
the best buys, so I had to sit waiting for here in the car for at least 
45 minutes and my sister was outside the car waiting as I did have 
stinky pants, as she put it. Upon our arrival home mom led me off to 
the playpen which she had me sit in until she put all the groceries 
away. She then took me to the bathroom and had me stand in the tub 
while she removed the messy diapers and then cleaned me up. After that 
mess is when she started to use the liners which she could just pull 
out and most of the mess came with it.

It�s Friday and I just finished lunch. Mom just changed my diaper and 
put me in the playpen since I wanted to watch TV. I had been in there 
very long when I heard someone knocking on the front door. My brother 
answered it and went to get mom. He let Tim in from the diaper service. 
He saw me sitting there and came over to talk. He asked me, �How�s it 
going, little guy?� Like what could I say, �Great never better� or 
�Best summer ever�? I just muttered some unintelligible words back at 

Mom entered the room and then they went about their conversation like I 
wasn�t even there. Tim asked her if the diapers were fitting me 
correctly or if she had any problems with them as sometimes it was 
harder to fit older children. She responded by saying they were working 
fine and doing a fine job. Tim mentioned that they were coming out with 
a contour cut diapers that would fit better with less bulk but Mom told 
him the ones he was supplying are just fine and she didn�t mind the 
bulk. I guess she was right, as if the diapers were less thick I would 
still be the diaper boy of the family so it wouldn�t be any less 

My mom came and got me out of the playpen and had me show Tim where the 
diaper pails were located. He followed me while I was dressed just in 
the daytime diaper and nothing else; at least I wasn�t wet or messy at 
the time. When we got to my room I showed Tim the pails and he went to 
pick one up and said, �Wow, you have been a busy boy; you have used 
quite a few diapers this week!�

After he loaded them into his truck he came back in the house with two 
more pails, both with my name on them. He went to put them in my room 
and mom told him to just set them where he was. Mom told me to thank 
Tim for the clean diapers and diaper pails as I just stood and stared 
at them.

Come on, Wes, thank the diaper man...�

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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