This little compilation is simply a log of Instant Message Role Play between me and a friend. You’ll have to excuse all the bad spelling and mistakes, but I feel that those are part of the story.


This story (surprise, surprise) is about diapers, and if the subject doesn’t appeal to you, I suggest that you remove yourself from this page. Please also note that there is some mild spankings in parts of this story, so if you are easily upset by such actions, watch out.


Just to introduce the characters, their names are Jack and Luke. They live in a stable relationship with their mother, and her boyfriend Jerry.


Finally, enjoy the story!


Luke says:

*tickles his lil brother*

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

*wets diaper*

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

oh dear

Luke says:


Luke says:

moms gonna be sooo mad

DiaperedKid says:

*giggles again*

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*laughs at u*

Luke says:

*then wets his* ah man >.<

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

snot funny

Luke says:

*stick tongue out*

DiaperedKid says:

*stick tongue out back*

DiaperedKid says:

*runs downstairs to get changed first*

Luke says:

*throws dirty diaper at jack*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*runs faster cause hes older*

Luke says:

haha im gonna beat u!

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

wheres mom?

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

*stops half way down, realising that Mom's upstairs. Swiftly beats Luke to hre*

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

i get mine changed first

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*runs upto mom*

Luke says:

*sits on the floor looking fed up while jack gets changed*

DiaperedKid says:

*giggles at Luke being bored*

Luke says:

*stick tongue out at jack*

DiaperedKid says:

*giggles more at the tickling around my thingy*

Luke says:

Mom: Luke, do not stick your tongue out at your little brother!

DiaperedKid says:

*sighs at the feeling of a fresh diaper

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Mom: Say sorry!

Luke says:


Luke says:

Mom: Don't make me come over ther!

Luke says:

sowwy jack u.u

DiaperedKid says:

vats ok

DiaperedKid says:

*climbs down from bed*

DiaperedKid says:

u can get changed now

Luke says:

mom can u change mine now?

DiaperedKid says:

*grabs paci off my bed*

DiaperedKid says:

mom: by all means, Luke

DiaperedKid says:

mom: hop up

DiaperedKid says:

*starts sucking paci*

Luke says:

*climbs onto the bed and lays down and grins *

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

i want a paci

Luke says:

thats not fair ma!

DiaperedKid says:

*grabs paci for Luke*

DiaperedKid says:

*hands it to him*

Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

*sucks what? *

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

ur str8

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Mom: Jack, dont say things like that!

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

(i really am str8, i was just making a joke)

Luke says:

mom shouted at u!

DiaperedKid says:

didnt shout, just admonished

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

*rolls around on floor, giggling*

Luke says:

how come im the bigger bowther but u use big words

Luke says:

thats not fair

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

I'm sorry

Luke says:

i want my diapy changed

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

u not done it yet mom!

DiaperedKid says:

*mom changes Luke's diaper*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*hops off of bed and runs to living room* I get to play xbox ^_^

DiaperedKid says:

*runs after luke* Let me play too...

Luke says:


Luke says:

only one controller

Luke says:

na na!

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

and its too violent for u

Luke says:

cause ur lil

DiaperedKid says:

so r u

Luke says:

no as lil as u!

DiaperedKid says:

lil enuf to fit in *sniffs* pampers

Luke says:


Luke says:

*plays on xbox anyway*

DiaperedKid says:

Mom: alright boys, you know I'm going out tonight. I've asked Nancy to come round and sit you

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

nancy doesnt like me

Luke says:

she spanks me mom!

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Mom: dont be so silly, she merely makes sure you do what she tells you. If you did what she asked, she wouldnt need to spank you

Luke says:

but i do

Luke says:

jacks her favourite

Luke says:

last time she locked me in da cupboard

DiaperedKid says:

Mom: Now, Luke, thats just silly

DiaperedKid says:

Mom: You know she likes you too

DiaperedKid says:

Mom: and I've told her that she cant lock you in the cupboard today

Luke says:

but but

DiaperedKid says:

Mom: no buts

Luke says:

please dont go mom

Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Mom: except yours, safely in a diaper

DiaperedKid says:

*giggles at mom's joke*

Luke says:

thats not funny mommy

DiaperedKid says:

*dances round the room at the idea of nancy sitting*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Mom: Now, Luke, I'm sure you'll be fine

Luke says:

she gives him cookies and lets him be a big boy

Luke says:

im forced to drink outta a bottle!!!!

Luke says:

shnot fair

DiaperedKid says:

Jerry (as he enters): Luke, I am your father

DiaperedKid says:

Jerry: Well, not quite, but almost

DiaperedKid says:

*giggles again (this time at dad's joke)*

Luke says:


Luke says:

darth vader

Luke says:

*runs out the room*

DiaperedKid says:

*suck in*

DiaperedKid says:

*suck out*

DiaperedKid says:

*suck in*

DiaperedKid says:

*suck out*

DiaperedKid says:

*and so on, and so forth*

Luke says:

*curls up in a ball in the corner of his bedroom and cries*

DiaperedKid says:

*goes over to Luke*


It'll be ok. She isnt *that nasty is she?

Luke says:

not to u *sniff* but to me she is

Luke says:

she doesnt like my hair, cause its too long and blonde

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Mom (calling up the stairs): Nancy's here, we're going now. Have a nice time, and we'll see you in the morning. You'd best not still be up when we get home...

Luke says:

*goes and locks himself in da baffroom*

DiaperedKid says:

*thru the baffroom door* Come out Luke, we dont use the baffwoom

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Oh, hey, Jack.

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: What lovely blue eyes you have

DiaperedKid says:

ffank you

Luke says:

*still cries in da baffroom*

DiaperedKid says:

*gets picked up and carried into the bedroom by Nancy*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Hey, where's Luke?

DiaperedKid says:

in da baffwoom

Luke says:

*sits hiding behind the toilet in the baffroom*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy (thru the bathroom door): Come out, come out, wherever you are

Luke says:

*sniffles some more*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *tries door and finds it locked* Luuuke, I know you're iiiiin there

Luke says:

im not

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: I can hear you

Luke says:

im on the toilet

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Luke, both you and I know that you wouldnt know one end of the toilet from the other

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

mommy potty twained me

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Oh, yeah, and I'm the queen of England

DiaperedKid says:

*comes out of bedroom to see what's taking Nancy so long

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

*knocks on door* Luke, its me, Jack. Let me in for a sec...

Luke says:

*opens door a lil bit*

DiaperedKid says:

*slides thru the gap*

Luke says:

whatya want jack *sniffle*

DiaperedKid says:

its no fun without you

Luke says:

but nancy will be mean to me

DiaperedKid says:

(how old are you playing, btw?)

DiaperedKid says:

alright then, If you're going to stay locked in here all night, I'm staying with you

DiaperedKid says:

*hugs luke*

Luke says:

*hugs back* were staying in here nancy

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Are you sure?

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

cause u gonna be mean to me, u always are!

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy (sounds upset at Luke's accusation): alright, is there anything you want?

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

u too promise me u wont spank me again

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: ok, Luke, I promis I wont spank you. Will you come out?

Luke says:


Luke says:

*comes out of the baffroom looking sheepish and holding jacks hand*

DiaperedKid says:

*leads luke into the bedroom*

Luke says:

lets play wit the cars dude ^_^

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

*grabs a couple of matchbox cars*

DiaperedKid says:

*starts pushing them round the carpet*

Luke says:

fooled u *runs downstairs* XBOX YAY!

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *running downstairs* Luke, Dont Make Me undo that Promise

Luke says:

what i do?

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy (shouting now): Luke, turn that Xbox of now!!!

Luke says:

*gives nancy puppy dog eyes*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Those games may be alright when your mother is around, but I cant be letting you play them

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy (softer voice): Luke, I'm sorry, but thats the way it is

Luke says:

i not a baby

Luke says:

i dont need u to protect me

Luke says:

i pway em all da time

DiaperedKid says:

Nnacy: Oh, and who was it that locked himself in the bathroom?

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: I know that your mother would let you play them, but I'm not your mother.

Luke says:

no ur a meany

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Luke, how old are you?

Luke says:

*sticks tongue out*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: and how old is the age limit on the game?

Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

*runs downstairs to see what has happened*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: exactly

Luke says:

but mommy said im more of a 12 year old than most my age

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Luke, I dont think locking yourself in the bathroom displays that

Luke says:

it's cause im scared of u *wets himself*

Luke says:

*goes red cheeked*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Your 6 yr old brother acted more of a 12 year old than you in getting you out

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *notices Luke blushing*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Did you have an accident?

Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy (not convinced): Are you sure?

Luke says:

ummm yes

DiaperedKid says:

I think he did, I think he *wets himself* Uhh. I mean, i dont think he did

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Luke, if you need a change at any point, just ask me, and I'll change you

Luke says:


Luke says:

im a big boy i can do it myself

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: No, luke, you're not

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: the last time i let you do that, it leaked all over the place

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Do you remember?

Luke says:


Luke says:

and u spanked me

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: and i wouldnt want to have to spank you again

Luke says:

i need, ummm

Luke says:

a change i fink

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: cos beleive it or not, cutie butt, I dont like spanking you

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Alright *offers hand to Luke* Do you need one too, Jack?

DiaperedKid says:

Umm *looks at ground* kinda

Luke says:


Luke says:

can i have pullups pwease

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: as you've been a good boy, i dont see why not. What pattern would you like?

Luke says:

can i have buzz lightyear

Luke says:

he's my favourite ^_^

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: One buzz lightyear pullup coming right up

Luke says:


Luke says:

fank u

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *tears off sides of Luke's diaper* Geez, Luke, you gotta be careful, we wouldnt want you floating away, would we?

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

theres some

Luke says:


Luke says:

poop aswell

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *wafts face* I can smell that

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *starts wiping Luke's butt*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Did you say *some Luke?

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: I would say this was slightly more than just some

Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *grabs another packet of wipes from the closet

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

u dont need anofer one

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy (showing Luke the empty packet): Well, we've run out, and I cant very well wipe your butt with thin air, can I?

Luke says:

i guess not

Luke says:

*a few tears trickle down his face*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Awww, Luke, Its OK, I know you cant help it

Luke says:

i didnt mean too

Luke says:

im really sowwy

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *pats Luke on the head* There, There

Luke says:

jack does it all the time

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Thats OK

Luke says:

and i fought

Luke says:

if i do it

Luke says:

it'd be ok

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Thats right, Its fine

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *hugs Luke* There, there, let it all out

Luke says:

*poops on changing mat*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Luke, was that really nescessary?

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *sets about wiping up Luke's butt *again*

Luke says:


Luke says:


Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *grabs a clean diaper* Here, best put this over your little pee-pee in case you need one of those too

Luke says:


Luke says:

tish funny

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *grabs (slightly oversized) plastic potty from corner of room* Had I better sit you on this for a minute?

Luke says:


Luke says:

i dont like the potty

Luke says:

tis evil

Luke says:

jack finks soo too

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *picks up luke, and sits him on the potty anyway* I think that its probably best. I cant just have you pooping all over the changing mat, now can i?

Luke says:

*starts to sniffle*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *picks Jack up off the floor, and starts to change him* Do you want a pull-up too?

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: And what do you want on it?

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Nancy: come ob make ur mind up

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

cars and trucks

Luke says:

Nancy:  there arent any

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

how about the outer space ones

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Nancy: umm

Luke says:

let me see

Luke says:

Nancy: out of those too

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Nancy: we only have the pink ones left

DiaperedKid says:

they're my favowite

Luke says:

Nancy: your brother took the last one

DiaperedKid says:

me not wearing one of those

DiaperedKid says:

i'll wear a diaper instead

Luke says:

Nancy: *puts a pink one on jack*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

*rips it off again

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

*runs away from Nancy*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Nancy: Jack i will put a nappy on u

DiaperedKid says:

Not a pink one, pweease

Luke says:


Luke says:

Nancy:  ud look very cute in one

DiaperedKid says:

i dont care

DiaperedKid says:

*pouts* me not wearing a pink one

Luke says:

Nancy: i'll let u have a bottle of milk

Luke says:

*sits on the potty moping and pooping*

DiaperedKid says:

wot, out of a special bottle?

Luke says:

Nancy: ummm yes a 'special' bottle

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

*thinks about it*

DiaperedKid says:

oh, alwite then

Luke says:

Nancy: *puts pink pullup and onsie on jack*

DiaperedKid says:

i like this RED onsie

Luke says:

Nancy:  nuuu pink is for u

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *picks Luke off potty* You see, you've been doing lots of pooping

Luke says:

i cant help it

Luke says:


Luke says:

i fink mommy put summin in my milk i had at lunch

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Theres nothing wrong with it, sweetie, but I think you may have to wear a pink nappy too - you pooped all over the buzz lightyear onne

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

i just want a normal nappy pwease

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: uh, uh, uhhhh, u have to dress like your brother

Luke says:


Luke says:

i dun

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *quickly puts a pink pullup and onsie on Luke*

DiaperedKid says:

Luke says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

*rips it off*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Luke, what was it about you acting like a 12 year old that you were telling me about earlier?

DiaperedKid says:

*can be heard noisily pooping his pullup*

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

pwease i wants a white nappy

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Oh, alright

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *puts a white nappy on Luke*

DiaperedKid says:

(you can play nancy again)

Luke says:

i want the one with teddys!

Luke says:

Nancy: now jack, u did that just to annoy me didnt u?

DiaperedKid says:

nuuuuuu I cant help it, honest

DiaperedKid says:

*poops again*

Luke says:

i dont think so

Luke says:


Luke says:

i think u did it just to annoy me jack

Luke says:


Luke says:

Nancy: so

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

mommy put something in the milk earlier

Luke says:

Nancy: i fink its time someone taught u a lesson

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Nancy: ur mother told me she did that to luke only!

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Nancy:  now come here jack

DiaperedKid says:

cos, right, I had a sip of luke's milk

Luke says:

Nancy: i dont believe u

Luke says:

Nancy: come here

DiaperedKid says:

i did, honest

DiaperedKid says:

*whimpering* I cant help it

DiaperedKid says:

*curls up into a ball*

Luke says:

Nancy: *looks angry*

DiaperedKid says:

*poops his diaper so much that it starts to overflow*

Luke says:

Nancy: *smacks jack hard on the bottom five times even though he has a poopy diaper*

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

Nancy: now

Luke says:

are u going to be a good boy and stop pooping?

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

*sobs* I cant help it

Luke says:

Nancy: now stop it

DiaperedKid says:

*throws up on the carpet*

Luke says:

Nancy:  i have a paddle in my bag

Luke says:

Nancy: jack

DiaperedKid says:

I think something i ate didnt agree with me

Luke says:

now u have made me angry

DiaperedKid says:

I didnt do it on purpose

Luke says:

Nancy: *leads jack by the hand to the broom cupboard*

DiaperedKid says:

*breaks away from nancy*

DiaperedKid says:

*runs towards the baffwoom*

Luke says:

Nancy: *catches jack and lifts him over her sholders*

Luke says:

*puts him in the cupboard and locks it*

DiaperedKid says:

*throws up again*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

*poops his pull-up yet again*

Luke says:

Nancy: jack u will stay there untill u apoligise to me and promise me u will stop pooping

DiaperedKid says:

*sniffles* I'm sorry, but I cant help it

DiaperedKid says:

*dry heaves a couple of times*

Luke says:

Nancy: I will let you out on one condition

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Nancy: u have to let me baby u

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*unlocks the door*

DiaperedKid says:

*sees the mess he made* Yikes

Luke says:

Nancy: *leads jack to the changing mat and changes him into thick cloth diapers that will hide any mess he makes*

Luke says:

*puts plastic pants over the top with teddy bears on them*

Luke says:

Nancy: *gets a teddybear footed sleeper and puts it on jack*

Luke says:

Nancy: *gives jack a blue paci and ties it round his head*

Luke says:

Nancy:  finished

DiaperedKid says:

*starts sucking paci*

DiaperedKid says:

*poops diapers again*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *checks luke's nappy* Luke, you've pooped in this already

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: I think it would be best if i put you in some cloth ones like Jack

Luke says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

i dont need em

Luke says:

i can wear underwear

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *changes luke into a thick set of cloth nappies with locking plastic pants. Puts the key deep in her jeans pocket*

DiaperedKid says:

*yawns* Is it almost our bed time?

Luke says:


Luke says:

*runs to his room and buries himself deep under his covers*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: I think so, its almost half past ten

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *picks up Jack and lays him in his bed* There ya go. Do you want anything?

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

a bottle?

Luke says:

*mumbles* me too

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Ok, two bottles coming right up

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *walks downstairs*

Luke says:

why'd u have to ask for a bottle

Luke says:

that's sooo babyish

DiaperedKid says:

I like it

DiaperedKid says:

you didnt have to ask for one

Luke says:

u a big baby

Luke says:

i'd look silly if i didnt

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *walks in* Whats wrong Jack>

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*hides under his duvet*

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: I dont quite know what you find so funny, Luke. You are, after all, the one who just asked for a baby bottle, are you not?

Luke says:

jack did first

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: This person who likes to be called 12 years old

Luke says:


Luke says:

this is why i hate u!

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: That'll teach you to make smart comments about your brother

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *hands bottle* Now, drink up, and its time for bed

Luke says:

*throws bottle across the room*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Luke

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: Pulls luke over her knee and starts spanking

Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*hits nancy in the leg*

Luke says:

get off!!!

Luke says:


Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: There, thats what you get for throwing your bottle

Luke says:

i dun want it

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: then why did you ask for it?

Luke says:

cause ummm

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: You wanted it, didnt you

Luke says:

i dunno

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *tucks Luke in* Now, you think about that whilst sleeping and tell me next time i sit you

Luke says:

can u feed it to me?

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: I shouldnt see why not

DiaperedKid says:

*feeds Luke his bottle*

Luke says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

*gives jack an evil look*

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

*after nancy finishes* Ummm, could you feed me mine too?

DiaperedKid says:


DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *walks over to jacks bed and feeds him his bottle*

Luke says:

*rolls over in bed and starts to fall asleep*

DiaperedKid says:

*falls asleep whilst drinking bottle*

DiaperedKid says:

Nancy: *thinks how cute they look, then takes the bottles downstairs and watches TV until the parents get back*

Luke says:

jack are u awake?

DiaperedKid says:

*no answer*

Luke says:

jack wake up!

DiaperedKid says:

*still no answer*

Luke says:

*climbs outta bed and shakes his lil brother*

Luke says:

wake up

DiaperedKid says:

*sleepily* what?

Luke says:

i fink we should pway a twick on nancy

Luke says:

she doesnt suspect anyfing

DiaperedKid says:

*still sleepily* What kinda twick?

Luke says:


Luke says:

i dunno

Luke says:

u gots any ideas?

DiaperedKid says:

I wanna go to sleep *rols over*

Luke says:


Luke says:

*shakes again*

DiaperedKid says:

Luke, stop it

DiaperedKid says:

I'm tiref

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

*crawls back into bed*

Luke says:

spoil sport

DiaperedKid says:

*turns over and goes to sleep*

Luke says:

*falls asleep too*

Luke says:

-------the next morning-------

Luke says:

Mommy: wake up munchkins

Luke says:

Mommy: time for a new day

Luke says:

awww mom

Luke says:

*rolls over and buries head in pillow*

DiaperedKid says:

*rolls over and tries to go back to sleep

Luke says:

Mommy: up now otherwise no diaper changes

DiaperedKid says:

*jumps out of bed*

Luke says:

*jumps out of bed too*

DiaperedKid says:

*stumbling* I'm up

Luke says:

Mommy: now, i need you too to do some chores for me today

Luke says:

Mommy: ok?

DiaperedKid says:

awwwww mom

Luke says:

nuuuu i dont wanna do chores

Luke says:

Mommy: you will both clean the bathroom and toilet

DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:

Mommy: and walk the dog

DiaperedKid says:

but we dont even use them

Luke says:

Mommy:  i will only change ur diapers after that

Luke says:

yeh mom

DiaperedKid says:

dont mind walking the dog tho

Luke says:

we dont use the potty

Luke says:

Mommy: u will clean it anyway, ok?

Luke says:


DiaperedKid says:


Luke says:


Luke says:

*walks off to the bathroom holding jacks hand*

DiaperedKid says:

*kinda has to walk off with Luke*



Story copyright © “DiaperedKid” and “Luke” 2005

Please do not reproduce this story. You may keep one copy for your personal use, but please do not re-post


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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