Title: Telling My Girlfriend
Name: Lucky Diaper
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: Not given
Posting Date: 02/14/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- Pee X- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: The first time I tell my girlfriend I like diapers. This is part true, part fiction.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 5 (25%)

As far back as I could remember I have always had a interest in diapers 
but it was always something I kept to myself I would wear them at night 
and when I knew I was all alone but one night after a few too many 
beers I decided to show my girlfriend of 3 years. I guess somewhere in 
my drunk mind I thought that if I was ever going to live the fantasy I 
have always wanted I would have to show the girl I loved. I knew she 
loved me but I was always worried that once I showed her she would get 
freaked out and leave me and that was something I just could not live 
with we had been together since we were 16 and now 3 years later I was 
going to show her my secret .so let me start from the beginning.

it was a Saturday night and me and Kelly had decided to stay in at my 
place and watch TV you know just a nice peaceful night with my 
girlfriend staying over we had decided to stay in and relax because the 
night before I had a major party and we needed sometime alone so there 
we were sitting there watching TV and drinking the left over beer from 
the night before. I guess I didn�t pay attention because after a few 
hours we were both pretty drunk, and Kelly starts talking about how we 
are perfect for each other and how we don�t have any secrets (you know, 
just drunk talk) but with my drunk mind it hit me that now would be as 
good a time as ever to show her my secret. I figured that if she was 
drunk she might take it better . so it started I asked her if I could 
show her something I had never showed anyone, and she said, �Of course, 
baby, you can show me anything.� (you could see the interest in her 
eyes) I said, �Okay, I will be right back.� I got up and went to my 
room when I got there I noticed I was shaking. I was so nervous for a 
second I thought about calling the whole thing off but then I thought, 
�Well, I have come this far lets just see how it goes so I went to my 
closet and underneath a pile of old cloth I grabbed my stash of medium 
Depends overnights and put one on then still shaking I opened the door 
and walked out. I could see the look of shock In her face as I walked 
over to her in my diaper she was so shocked she didn�t know what to say 
(I thought that my worst fear had just come true) she looked at me in 
shock for what seemed like forever and then she said can we go to bed 
so as she went to go get ready for bed I went and took off my diaper 
and we both went and laid down she fell asleep with not so much as a 

The next morning when we got up it was like nothing had happened she 
gave me a kiss and said she had to get home and change before work. So 
I sat there all day thinking about what I might have done to my 
relationship then all the sudden about 5:00 I got a call from Kelly. 
She said she had to ask me something and asked if she could come over. 
I said, �Yea, come on, I will be here.� When she got there you could 
tell she had something on her mind (I thought this is it she is going 
to break up with me) she looked at me and said baby this may sound 
pretty strange but I was pretty drunk last night and I need to know if 
what I saw was a dream or not, do you wear diapers? I hung my head low 
and said, �No, baby, you were not dreaming. (Then she asked the hardest 
question of my life) �Why?� I told her the truth. �I don�t know, I have 
just always liked them.� Then she asked, �Do you use them?� Again, I 
told her the truth sometimes I do pee in them , she then took a sigh 
and said well lets see it, so without a word I went and put on my 
diaper as I walked out she looked me over for a second and then said, 
�Well, you are pretty cute.� Then she said, We should go on a walk and 
talk.� As I turned to go take off the diaper she said, �No, wait, bring 
me the pack of those things.� (I didn�t know what she was up to but I 
was in no position to ask.) So I went and got them. When I handed them 
to her she told me to lay down (I did not get it, I was already wearing 
a diaper) After I laid down on the couch she started to put another one 
on me, then another, until I had on 5 Depend overnights. Then she went 
back to my room, so I stood up. I could not even close my legs, the 
diaper was so thick, and when I tried to walk I waddled. Then Kelly 
came out of the bedroom with my sweet pants that snap off on the sides 
and she told me I could put these on for our walk (I was shocked) I 
said, �Baby, everyone can tell I am wearing a diaper.� She said, �Oh, 
baby, don�t worry, we are going to drive over to the state park.� (the 
state park up the road never has anyone there) so I said, �Okay, baby, 
if this is what you want, let�s do it.� She said, �It is what I want; 
it will be fun.� So we went outside and got in her jeep (me waddling 
all the way there).

When we arrived at the park I saw there were few cars in the dirt 
parking lot, but I figured that the park was so big that no one would 
see me, so we got out and started down the path in the direction of the 
lake. It was hard to walk at first but after awhile I got used to the 
extra padding between my legs. We were about halfway to the lake when 
someone came down the other way. (When this happened I thought I would 
be ashamed but I wasn�t, I was excited) As they walked by Kelly grabbed 
my hand and held it tight and said, �Baby, is your diaper still dry?� 
(very loud) As the people walked on I could here them whisper and 
laugh, (which got me even more excited.) We kept walking about another 
10th of a mile and made it to the lake. Right on the lake is a platform 
that overlooks the lake about 20 feet off the ground. We went up the 
platform and sat on a look over bench. We sat there and started 
talking. She told me that she knew it wasn�t a dream, and when she went 
home she looked up �diaper lover� and started reading stories. Then she 
told me that she loved me and wanted to make all my dreams come true. I 
asked her how she felt about all of this. She said, it sounds like a 
lot of fun as long as I do whatever she wanted, and I said I will. She 
then said, �Good, now let�s get home.� As we stood up she grabbed my 
snap up pants ripped them off and through them in the lake, so there I 
stand in a t shirt and a very thick diaper. Kelly looks at me and says, 
�If you are going to be my baby you don�t need pants.� And we walked 
back to the car (on the way seeing 5 or 6 people with a look of shock 
on there face). My fantasies finally came true and I couldn�t be 

source: Copied/pasted from file
spellcheck: Spell-checked
proofread: Proofread
notes: this is part true part fiction
CC_D: D-Adult (18+)
CC_F: F-Disposable diapers
CC_I: I-Exposed diapers/Pantslessness
CC_J: J-Multiple diapers
CC_1: 1-Female Domination
CC_6: 6- Humiliation
disposable: I wear disposable diapers
disposablewhite: I wear plain white disposable diapers
disposablemult: 5
pantsless: Always
pee: Pee
sistero: None
sistery: None

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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