| T-Storm Baby
| Nathan
| xxtripp6996xx@gmail.com
| Male
Current Age:
| 19
Posting Date:
| 07/19/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | | S- Babysitters |
| C- Teen (13-17) | | T- Masturbation |
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations | ●
| E- Cloth diapers* | ● | V- Gay | ●
| F- Disposable diapers | | W- Erections |
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting | ●
| H- Poop* | ● | Y- Accidents | ●
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | ● | Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline | ●
| J- Multiple diapers* | ● | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- Baby paraphernalia | ● | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | ● | 3- Restraints |
| M- Father | ● | 4- Crying | ●
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking | ●
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation | ●
| P- Brothers (diapered) | | 7- Babying |
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | | 8- Regression | ●
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
You have heard the term being caught in the eye of the storm, Well, in this story that's
only the beginning.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.)
10 (50%)
It was a big weekend planned with all kinds of fun for me when I heard
one Thursday evening that my parent's would be going out of town. I
wear 24/7 by choice although my parent's have no clue, or they didn't
when this story took place. So on Friday afternoon my parent's had
packed all of there things and were on there way to the cabin for the
entire weekend, as soon as the car pulled out of the driveway I
instantly jumped for joy, I slipped down my pants to reveal my
disposable diaper and plastic pants already filled from the morning. I
slipped off the old diaper and disposed of it and instantly put on my
new bambino's that I had been saving for a special occasion, topped off
with my plastic pants and onesie, nookie, bottle, and my blankies. I
was just crawling around all day just enjoying myself being who I
really am, while my parent's were away. Now for me telling my parent's
about me was not something I had ever planned on considering they took
me coming out of the closet so well, this would send them to there
graves. Now later that day I had invited my boyfriend over so we could
play together. And when he arrived with his diaper bag filled to the
brim I knew it was going to be a good weekend. So after we had played
for awhile I was getting really sleepy so we took turns changing each
other before we hopped into my bed to take a nap. I had awoke a few
hours later my bed completely soaked from the combination of my
boyfriend and I, leaking through our diapers and of diapers being
extremely messy. So my boyfriend changed me one final time before he
had to leave to go to work, and I continued on my day, I played with
all my toys while watching my favorite cartoons on the television. Well
the news had interrupted my program for a tornado watch that was in
effect for the county I was living in, and at first I really payed no
attention to it, just irritated that I was missing my show, and as the
night progressed it started to become darker and darker until the sky
was a brilliant green that reminded me of the emerald city from wizard
of oz. So I decided to go onto my porch in my front yard to watch the
storm in my diaper, plastic pants, onesie, nookie, and blankie not
thinking anything of it because it was so dark outside my neighbors
couldn't possibly see me. I sat there for quite sometime just watching
the lighting illuminate the night sky. When suddenly a loud crack of
lighting filled the sky bright white and a loud booming thunder
following soon after, startled me so much that I could feel my diaper
filling with my urine and my backside completely messy, and that's when
the tornado sirens went off, frightening I immediately went to let
myself in to my house so I could seek shelter, well as I turned the
knob I realized I accidentally locked the door as I was coming out to
watch the show so I quickly ran to my garage door to let myself in the
alternative way. Well that lightning strike I told you about, caused us
to lose power so I could not gain entry into my house. Frantic I did
the only thing I could think of, go to my neighbors house. I quickly
ran through the grass that connects our houses together and began
banging on the door, until my neighbor opened up to see me completely
soaked in my onesie. Awestruck, she quickly let me in the door. As we
progressed to the basement she gave me a quick glance and asked "Are
you wearing a diaper?!" my face beat red with humiliation simply
nodded. She grabbed me by the arm and said "No way I am going to be
locked in a basement with a baby with a stinky diaper!" so she quickly
ran upstairs and told me to stay right where I was with her two kids
one was 12 and the other was 6. They were pointing and laughing at me
which caused me to cry uncontrollably until my neighbor returned with
wet wipes and a diaper. The twelve year old used to wet the bed a
couple of years back and still had a couple of goodnites tucked away in
case he ever had an accident again. So she layed me down on the floor
and removed my onesie tossing it to the side, and then she slowly
pulled down my plastic pants and set them on top of my onesie. She then
started to unfasten my diaper and I pleaded with her. "please please
please just let me wear the diaper I have on I promise I won't have any
more accidents!" She laughed and continued to pull down my diaper
lifted up my legs and began to wipe my butt with the wet wipes. "you've
been a very naughty baby" she said as she finished cleaning me up and
put the new diaper on me. So as I am puffy eyed, humiliated sitting in
my neighbors house her kids making me the butt end of every joke, I
waited until the storm had subsided. As it started to clear up I slowly
got up to return to my house now that the power had returned. When my
neighbor stopped me and said "oh no no we don't leave baby's home alone
by themselves". So she walked over with me to my house and gathered all
my diapers and onesie's and returned to her house. Where she had
changed me and fed me and made me take naps like a baby for the
remainder of the weekend, until my parent's returned when she had then
explained the whole story to my parent's, and as punishment my parent's
now make sure I am always in the biggest bulkiest diapers with no pants
on, I have to take regular naps, and I am not allowed in the bathroom
besides bath time. I get spankings if I misbehave and I am required to
wear baby clothes in public no matter where we go. I was so embarrassed
by the idea of the whole thing at the time. But now I see the storm as
a blessing in disguise.