This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,
I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes
as each picks up were the previous left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Nights – After the Crusade
The following narrative is nearly a complete
work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have
been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity
to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would
be incredible!
The following story contains diaper use,
violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age
story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality
doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then
I suggest you select something else to read.
me from the storm
As we were dragging our tired selves out of
the plastic factory I heard someone cursing from back inside, “And as far as I
am concerned you are already gone!”
I’m not sure why I stopped and turned; maybe
I thought that they were speaking to me. When I turned and looked back through
the door I saw Harpo’s fist colliding with Paul’s face and the resulting spray
of blood that seemed to hang in the air like little glinting droplets of liquid
“Hey! Leave him alone!” I screamed and
started running back toward the furnaces as fast as my legs would carry me,
which wasn’t very fast at all. By the time I reached Paul, he was already dead.
Harpo stood over Paul’s motionless body and
it wasn’t until I looked up at Harpo and saw the look of alarm on his face that
I realized I wasn’t the only one that had tried to come to Paul’s aid.
I turned my head to the side and witnessed
every boy that had been in the factory that day standing behind me. Their
attentions seemed to be equally divided between Paul’s bloody body and Harpo.
With diminished power behind his words Harpo
tried to regain control and authority. “I’m gonna give you worthless bed
pissers just two seconds!”
A trickle of urine began to run down the
inside of my left leg as he stepped over Paul and was within reach of me. “Or
maybe yah want to end up like ‘im?”
Off to our right came the most terrifyingly
demonic sound. It was as if Hell had just opened up and something feral and
enraged had emerged; I knew what it was immediately.
The sound was so loud that Harpo jumped
backward tripping over Paul’s body and fell on his butt with a bone jarring
thud. A streak of fur shout out from the shadows and launched itself at Harpo.
He screamed in agony as Vera sank her claws into his back as he was attempting
to get up.
Vera seemed to move so fast that Harpo
couldn’t stop her from ripping through his shirt and slicing open his arms,
back, neck and face. And as quickly as she had appeared, she vanished again,
leaving Harpo gasping in pain and looking around frantically for her.
His eyes landing on me but they didn’t seem
human; they were cold and dark like sharks eyes. Harpo put a hand on the floor
to steady himself as he attempted to stand again. Without breaking eye contact
with me he lifted his body back to an erect posture and his lips began to curve
up in a deadly smile.
Behind Harpo I saw Vera crouching, preparing
to pounce again. I remember considering how mangy and unfavorable she seemed in
that split second before she once again attacked.
Harpo howled with pain as Vera tore at his
calf muscle. Loosing his balance he staggered backward, fell against one of the
furnaces and collapsed to the ground leaving much of his flesh sizzling and
smoking on the side of the furnace.
When it was apparent that Harpo wasn’t
getting up again one of the boys, whom I didn’t know, stepped past me and
walked up to Harpo who was face down, motionless on the floor. The boy looked
at Paul’s blood covered face and then spat on the back of Harpo’s head.
I watched as each boy did the same and when
the last boy had spat I turned and started for the door with only one thought
in my head, ‘Go get Lowell and get out of here’!
As the Banachelli came into view it became
apparent that something was not right. Every window was brightly lit up and
there seemed to be some kind of disturbance occurring inside.
The main door swung opened and the light from
inside escaped past the recognizable form of Mr. Wriggle standing in the
doorway eclipsing much of the light. My feet slowed and then stopped all
together. The lack of forward momentum caused an argument to ensue between my
brain and my feet.
Looking down at my feet my brain asked
impatiently, ‘Why did you stop?’
‘Sorry we’re not going another step!’
my feet replied.
Rather perplexed my brain said, ‘What?
Well you have to!’
‘Nope, it’s no use! We’ve decided,
not going to move, no way, no how!’ my feet said resolutely.
‘But, but I am the Brain! You have
to listen to me!’
My toes curled within my shoes, ‘It’s no
use trying too tell us what to do. We are through listening to you!’
“What’s he doing?” someone whispered behind
“Shhhh! He’s thinking!” someone else
A hand came to rest on my right shoulder but
I didn’t look to see who it belonged too.
“I can’t go in there.” I said speaking more
to myself then anyone else.
“Then let’s get out a here b’fore he comes
after us,” the voice beside me offered.
“Can’t!” I answered.
We were far enough away still that we could
have took off, and I am fairly sure that is what my feet were planning.
“What’s that ol’ fat toad doin?” someone half
“Looks like he’s dancin’ now don-it?” Someone
It was truly a befuddling sight to witness
Mr. Wriggle’s silhouetted form twirling about. Something like that was just so
unexpected, so unbelievable that I questioned whether I was actually awake or
if I was sleeping and dreaming this ridiculous spectacle.
There was a large flash of orange light from
above Mr. Wriggle and we had just enough time to wonder what had caused it
before we heard the loud crack of a gun being fired into the air.
Everyone scattered in all directions except
toward Mr. Wriggle. That is everyone, except for myself and the one that was
standing beside me with his hand still resting on my shoulder.
“Stark raving mad that one!” the boy said and
I glanced over and seen that it was the same boy that had given Micky the
little brown bag of sugar.
He smiled at me and I smiled back.
“Poppy,” he said.
“W-what?” I asked.
He repeated it with more gusto, “Poppy!”
I didn’t know if he was suddenly speaking
another language or what.
“W-what’s th-that m-mean?” I asked a bit
“Don’t mean nut’n; it’s my name.” He said really
grinning now.
“Oh, uh... O-OK sure, P-p-poppy.” I
“They call you Ron right?” he asked.
I looked down at my shoes hoping that my feet
might give up their strike and get back to work. That’s when I noticed that the
front of my pants were soaked. I looked over at Poppy’s pants and they too were
wet, and much more so then my own. When I lifted my eyes back up to his I saw
that he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking toward the Banachelli.
“Where’d he go?” Poppy asked.
Mr. Wriggle was no longer standing in the
doorway but the door was still open and the light was still spilling out.
“Simon” I said into the evening air.
“That y’r real name?” Poppy asked as he gave
my shoulder a squeeze.
I took in a deep breath and as I let it out I
said, “It’s my only name!” and I took off running for the open door with
determination fueling a growing fire within me.
Several of the other boys had once again
taken to following me, but not all. I would guess that more then half of the
boys had taken the opportunity to get away and I couldn’t blame them.
To them I am sure that my strides looked less
like a runner and more like a lame mutant struggling against ever increasing
With approximately twenty-five feet before I
reached the open door my right leg bucked under the strain and my knee hit the
hard pavement leaving a streak of skin and blood. Someone must have been right
on my heals because when I stumbled I felt someone kick the sole of my left
shoe. An instant later their body crumpled on top of me.
“Aaaah, get off!” I cried out!
My cry was followed by a loud popping sound
and someone screamed, “He’s shooting at us!”
“No look at his arm!” one of the boys
Despite the plastic armor that encased my
upper torso it felt as though I was having every molecule of air forced from my
When you can’t breath seconds seem like
minutes and minutes seem like eternity. In reality Poppy was only laying on top
of me for a couple of seconds before he slid off me and onto his back.
Air rushed back in and I pushed myself up so
that I was kneeling on my undamaged knee. I noticed Poppy’s elbow was bent in
the wrong direction.
I was about to scream for help when someone
took hold of my ear and pulled me to my feet; it was Mr. Wriggle. “Gotcha you
lithle sheet!” he spit as he spoke. He was drunk and the front of his clothes
were covered in vomit.
Clutching my ear he pulled me close so that
our noses were touching and he belched in my face. How I managed to keep from
blowing chucks is beyond me.
“Listen here you lithle sheet!” he spat.
“Did ya just call ‘im a sheet?” one of the
boys asked.
The question surprised us both. Mr. Wriggle
attempted to refocus his vision, “What?”
The same boy chuckled, “Ya just called ‘im a
Mr. Wriggle looked at me, then the boy, then
back to me again, “You, you, you know what? I think he’s right!” he said
exploding with laugher.
“He’s stinking drunk!” another boy remarked.
Releasing my ear and taking hold of the back
of my head he put his mouth against my ear, “You got some very intel...
intele... uh... smart friends,” and proceeded to vomit down my neck and back
before passing out.
Thinking fast one of the boys had taken hold
of my arm and pulled me to one side just as Mr. Wriggle fell face down on the
pavement with a squish.
“Thanks for that!” I said to the boy who was
still holding my arm.
He grinned and gave me a salute, “Anytime!”
I was shocked to find Poppy standing up and
looking almost normal, well as normal as a Banachelli boy could look anyway.
His arm was hanging limply to his side and his face was white as a new baby
It was hard not push the aromatic bouquet of
liquored and vomit out of my mind as I asked, “You alright Poppy?”
With glassy eyes he looked up, shook his head
softly and said, “Think I broke my arm.”
The boy who had saved me from being flattened
like a pancake asked, “Do it hurt?”
Poppy looked down at his arm and screwed up
his face like he was thinking really hard, “Kind a tingly.”
From behind us there was a crash that drew
our attention away from Mr. Wriggle and the continuing commotion inside the
Banachelli. There was another crash, and another; like glass being smashed.
From a rust colored brick building a girl
came running out wearing a stain covered pink nightgown. At first she looked
like she might only be six or seven years old as she ran towards us crying and
looking terrified. When she got close enough I realized that I had seen her
before. She was the same girl I had come to the aid of when to bullies were
trying to take her broom from her.
** As always, your thoughts matter to me
very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or
criticism to me at: **