This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.






Chapter - 5

I keep dreaming on


Out off nowhere, Vera jumped into my lap with her tail flared like a bottlebrush, her ears folded backward and her matted hair standing up on her back. There was a low, vibrating growl coming from her and she gave all appearances that she was ready for a battle and for a second or two, I was fearful that I was the one she was mad at. However I quickly realized that she had sensed what was about to transpire and was fully intent on going to war on my behalf.

There have been five times that I can recall ever seeing what I saw in Madam-M’s eyes as she came below deck and approached me.

The first time was in the hospital after she had been shot while trying to arrest Bull, Runt, Tater and Two-toes. Back then I had no idea that she wasn’t the Black Amazonian Warriors I had always envisioned her to be. I first witnessed that look in her eyes when I was sitting by her hospital bed, poring my soul out to the woman I only knew as Police Officer Yolanda Mecums.

The second time was in the cavern beneath the barn in the sports park when she was looking at Segal. At that time I had figured their rolls completely backwards. I thought she was rescuing me and that Segal was the bad guy. Boy I sure was blown away when I finally saw the truth in that.

The third time, and probably the third most angry I have ever seen her was when she arrived at the Banichelli and saw the deplorable conditions that Mr. and Mrs. Wriggle had forced us boys to live in. I’m sure they both regretted their treatment of us for a whole second before they were slaughtered.

Sitting there with my naked bother Jamie and diapered Lowell was the fourth time, but not the final time. I didn’t know that the day would come when I would once again bare witness to the fury that burned within her eyes as I betrayed her by killing her precious Runt, taking command of the Banachelli and setting her adrift in the Atlantic ocean along with those still loyal to her.

There is no denying the fact that Madam-M can be as mercilessly brutal as she can be kind and loving but it’s a murky line between the two.  It’s wise to not try to walk to close to the line for fear of unknowingly stumbling into trouble.


Before anything was said, it was painfully clear that Madam-M was plenty mad and any good points I might have had with her were sure gone now.

She looked at Lowell, placed a hand to his forehead, smiled and as though she could foretell the future she announced, “You’ll live... for now.” And patted his cheek lovingly.

As though I wasn’t even there her eyes passed to my brother. “I suppose you’re the little thief that’s been stealing bits of my breakfast every morning?”

This was another one of those moments where it was difficult to tell if she was being mean or nice.

Jamie stood up, extended his hand and said very ceremoniously, “Pleasure to finally meet you face-to-face Madam-M! I’d be honored if you didn’t toss me overboard and let me join your crew.”

He’d have done good had he stopped there but being Jamie he had to add just a weeee bit more. “Oh and sorry about swiping your sausages and berries but you didn’t really need all that food did ya?” Nearly the entire room gasped at his audacity as he nudged her belly.

I think the ship itself sighed with relief as she smiled and exploded with a ship-rattling laugh as the gripped his hand and shook it as though she were trying to dislocate his arm from his shoulder.

Abruptly her face went cruel, she leaned down and tugged on his arm to bring him closer. She spoke almost in a normal, calm, conversational sort of way, “Let me catch you stealing so much as a crumb of bread again and I’ll be using your hide to make myself a new purse! Got it?”

I nearly choked on my own spit when Jamie leaned forward and softly kissed her cheek, “Got it!” he whispered back.

Standing back up to full height Madam-M turned and scanned the room until she found Sarafina who was standing frozen, half way through diapering one of my fellow bunkmates.

When their eyes met Madam-M asked, “Sarafina darling would you get this stowaway a proper bed, He’ll be staying with us for a while...”

Madam-M’s voice trailed off in thought as she affectionately petted Jamie’s hair the way someone might pet a dog, “Uhh, put him in with his brother if you can and let him fetch his things from beneath the bowsprit.

She looked back at Jamie who was gawking at her with astonishment.

She cracked a knowing smile, winked and half whispered to him, “I knew someone was sleeping in there, but for the life of me I couldn’t manage to catch you actually in there.”

I think maybe Jamie felt a little bit of pride in his ability to stowaway on her ship without once being seen.

Madam-M suddenly turned to me with anger filling her face and voice once more, “You nearly got your friend killed up there! Why didn’t you say something?”

I nearly dissolved into a puddle of trembling tears, “I-I-I . . .” was all I could get out.

Vera sank her claws into the flesh of my legs and hissed loudly as Madam-M took half a set toward me.

Completely ignoring Vera, she yelled with controlled rage. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer or would you rather that I just cast you off my ship right now!”

“I-I-I t-tried!” I bawled.

“The hell you did!”

“H-H-Honest I-I d-d-did!” I could barely see through my tears.

“If that had been you hanging from that railing you can bet we would have heard you loud and clear!”

“P-P-Please, I-I-I” I tried to beg.

“Stop that stammering or I will toss you overboard this minute!” she warned.

I looked over at Lowell. He was setting up looking at me with a sort of pitied expression intermingle with ... was that amusement I saw?

I looked back up into those flaming eyes of Madam-M and all sense of intellect left me as my emotions took over. I couldn’t see or hear anyone else in the room; it was just she and I and for my part I felt that before this was over one of us would be dead.

“You bitch!” My words seemed to take her by surprise.

From the corner of my eye I thought I saw her left hand twitch, “What did you say?” she asked in a peaceful-rage.

“YOU GOD DAMN BITCH!” I shouted.

“What?” she seemed to be growing larger by the second.

“YOU GOD DAMN OVER SIZED BITCH!” I was screaming now.

Her head tilted forward as she said, “Say that again.”



The silence between us hung in the air like the smell of something that had died and had been baking in the summer sun for a couple of day.

Finally she smirked and said, “That’s what I thought you said.” and then turned as if she were going to just walk away. “By the way,” she paused and looked over her shoulder at me, “don’t make it a habit of calling me that.”

I watched in disbelief as she walked out of the room, leaving me alive, after what I had just said. Wait... what had I said?  And it hit me like being clobbered upside the head with a telephone pole that I had not stuttered; as angry as I was and I didn’t stutter.


“You think that is funny?” BJ interrupted me and startled me so badly that a few drops of pee dribbled out of my penis but were quickly lost amidst the soapy bathwater we were sitting in.

“Huh?” I said feeling disoriented from the sudden mental time shift back to the present.

“You said this was going to be funny.” BJ repeated.

I shook my head clear, blew my breath out through puckered lips and blinked a few times.

BJ was sitting in the bathwater across from me. He was leaning against the back of the tub with his legs extended under mine and his feet wedged behind my bottom.  I had my back to the faucet and now being shorter then BJ, my legs didn’t extend as far as his so my feet were resting on his soapy belly with my legs bent slightly.

Maybe I was miffed by his interruption or maybe it was emotions that had somehow managed to time travel with me from the past that caused me to react the way I did. With more force then I thought I was capable of I thrust the souls of my feet into his abdomen. The maneuver had the intended effect on BJ, however I had not figured on the fact that my butt might move as well.

As my thrust forced the air out of BJ’s lungs I was in turn sent slipping only a few inches backward, but a few inches was all that was needed to allow the bathtub spout to jab me vehemently in the back.

I only remember bits and pieced of the remainder of that night. I saw BJ grabbing my legs and looking like he was going to get even for me kicking him. The next image I can recall is him hugging me against his chest and screaming into my ear, “MOM, DAD, SIMON IS BLEEDING!”

The next thing I know, I am laying in the dark, on my stomach, apparently in bed with my back and body aching and someone, I think it was BJ snoring above me.

I tried to move to see exactly where the snoring was coming from but ripples of pain radiated from my back to all of my extremities.


Chapter 6


** As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **