This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny












Chapter - 34

Jokes on me


I ended up sleeping over at Jamie’s that night and once Ian had got a little bit of sleep and had sent his painting off he and I had time to really talk. The two of us sat alone in his apartment and he explained to me that the woman I know as Aunt Catharine used to be a very near and dear friend of his. They had been friends since school and when she decided that she wanted a baby she had asked Ian to be the father. At first he had refused because he’s not attracted to women at all; he confessed that much to me, but then she suggested that he just donate the sperm. He told me that she had tried for nearly a year before finally getting pregnant but the first pregnancy had ended prematurely. However the second pregnancy worked and that is why I am here now.

His exact words to me were, “The second pregnancy worked better then she could have expected and nine months later she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and girl.”

“GIRL?” I wanted to scream but an asthma attack struck out of the blue. It was a bad one too and I didn’t have one of my inhalers with me at the time. It just hadn’t occurred to me to bring one when I came over to Jamie’s. I guess I had too much on my mind to remember.

I tried to calm myself down but those words kept replying louder and louder in my head “Gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and girl. Gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and girl.”

I felt Ian lift me into his arms and could see his face but I couldn’t hear anything. Ian ran from his apartment, down the hallway and into Jamie’s apartment but Marsha wasn’t in. She had left Jamie and me home alone while she went to the store with instructions that if we needed anything to go get Ian. As soon as she left for the store I left Jamie playing on his computer while I went to visit with Ian and that is why I was over at his place when I had my asthma attack.

Jamie later told me that Ian burst into their apartment screaming his name, “JAMIE! JAMIE! SOMETHING’S WRONG WITH SIMON!”

When Jamie came flying out of his room he wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing, not even a diaper. He was completely nude and sporting a raging erection. Of course he didn’t confess that part too willingly but I have my ways of making Jamie talk to me when he doesn’t want to.

The instant Jamie saw what was going on he raced back into his room. He had remembered that I had left one of my inhalers at his place a long time ago. After fetching it from his nightstand drawer he raced back to the couch where Ian had deposited me.

I guess Ian was freaking out seeing me like that but Jamie was used to it and knew how to help me. Very soon he had helped me past that asthma attack but I was tired and spent. Then I remembered what had triggered the attack and I sat forward with Jamie holding tightly to my arm.

“What do you mean a girl?” I asked and it surprised me how angry my words sounded.

Ian looked nervous, scared even as he mopped at the back of his neck with a large pink handkerchief. “Simon I am so very sorry, I was only joking. We were being so serious that I thought we needed to laugh.”

A tear ran down Ian’s face, “I never meant to upset you like I did.”

I sat stone faced staring at Ian for a full minute before the corners of my mouth curled up and I burst into laughter. Of course Jamie was clueless about what the two of us were talking about but I don’t think he really cared because he was too busy worrying about me.

Talk about timing, Jamie had asked Ian to help him get diapered; the two had just come back out of Jamie’s room and sat down with me when Marsha came home. I can only imagine how that might have looked had she come home and found Jamie completely nude sitting beside Ian and me. Of course nothing bad was happening but it still might have looked really bad to Marsha.

When she walked in Jamie told her that I had another asthma attack and then she suggested that maybe I needed to go home and rest.

When Ian was leaving to return to his apartment he bent over, kissed my forehead ever so softly and whispered something but I couldn’t make out what he said. As he walked out the door I knew it would be the last time I would see him since Jamie, Lowell and I would be leaving for the Banachelli very soon.

Marsha had called my parents to let them know I had the attack and they came to pick me up. When Marsha told me that she had called she said something else that hit me just the same as if she had struck me across the face with her hand. “Besides, you both need to get a good nights sleep for the start of school tomorrow.”


 Yes, I was leaving from Jamie’s on the afternoon before school was scheduled to begin. Due to allowing myself the time I needed to confront Aunt Catharine and Ian I had pushed our departure to the point that the three of us, Jamie, Lowell and I were going to have to endure going back to school for at least a few days. It couldn’t be helped. I knew if I tried to rush things then we might mess up and ruin our chance to make it back to the ship.

Even before mom and dad had got me home I had drifted off to sleep in the van and dad had to carry me into the house and put me to bed. I didn’t wake up until suppertime thus that night, the night before having to go back to school, I was so wound up that I couldn’t sleep. After trying to get to sleep for a couple of hours I finally gave it up and went to my computer to do more journaling.

At first I even had a hard time getting my mind to settle down enough to allow me to focus on writing but eventually my brain surrendered to my will and the memories came flooding out of my fingers and into my computer.


Chapter 35


** I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and as always, your thoughts matter to me, so if you feel moved to do so, I would love to hear from you. **