This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,
I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes
as each picks up were the previous left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Nights – After the Crusade
following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and
characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and
twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals
living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!
following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual
content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and
exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle
tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to
Simon's Journal
Volume III
Adventures Abound
Written by Danny
come, easy go
“Oh sick!” I groaned loudly and sat up
quickly to keep from giving him another opportunity to do it again.
“Wow you’ve been out of it for nearly three
hours!” Jamie said between a fit of giggles and wiping his own tongue with his
“Only three hours? Well why did you wake me
up then?” I said grumpily.
“You taste horrible! You know that?” Jamie
said still trying to get the taste of my ear off of his tongue.
“Serves you right for waking me up.” I said
reaching for my pillow.
“You’ve got company.” He said now trying to
straighten out his shirt.
“Who?” I asked with a big yawn and then I
noticed something. “Wait a sec’; that’s my shirt you’re wearing!”
Jamie looked down, “Son of a gun! You’re
right!” he said without a care in the world that he’d just wiped his slobbering
tongue all over one of my shirts.
“So who’s here to see me?” I said still a bit
grumpy for having been awakened so rudely.
“Come see!” was all he said before bolting
out of our room.
“Jamie, come back here!” I called after him but
it was useless; he had already gone.
When I reached the living room it was sure a
wonderful surprise to see my dear sweet Mary sitting on the couch talking with
“Hi Mary!” I exclaimed upon seeing her
shining face.
“Oh you’re up!” is all she said before
standing up to give me a big hug.
“I told your brother not to wake you!” she
said shooting an evil eye in Jamie’s direction.
“Well I’m glad he did!” I said, “I would have
been more than a little upset if I had missed you.”
“I missed you so much while you were on
vacation!” she said hugging me for the second time.
“Me too!” I said, and then realizing that it
don’t sound right I quickly recovered with, “I mean, I missed you too.”
I could see
“Stop it
“How’d you know?”
“I can see your reflection in Simon’s eyes!”
she said.
My heart gave a flutter to know that she had
been looking that earnestly into my eyes. And then she noticed that I’d cut my
“Oh my gosh Simon!” she said putting a hand
over her mouth in surprise, “You cut your hair!”
The devil in me couldn’t resist a chance to
tease her just a bit. “What?” I said with fake alarm and tried to spin around
like a dog chasing its tale.
Mary didn’t buy into it at all. “Oh Simon, I
really do like it!” she said making me turn my back to her so that she could
touch my braided ponytail.
And then she did something I hadn’t been
expecting but at the same time it didn’t freak me out too much. With a single
finger she pulled the back of my pants and diaper to check if I was in need of
a diaper change. Since I had been sleeping for a few hours I was indeed ready
for a fresh diaper. However, she didn’t say anything about the condition of my
wet diaper or suggest that she or perhaps mom change it.
“Did you use conditioner in your hair? It’s
so soft!” she commented while petting my ponytail.
“Nah, mom just washed it several times,” I
started to say as I turned back around to face her, “because she was trying to
get all the sand out of it from the beach.”
Lowell and Jamie took great delight in
tormenting the two of us. They kept making kissy-faces and acting like us by
hugging one another. For the most part we just ignored them but after Mary left,
you can bet I got even!
Mary only stayed for a short time and the
second Mary was out of the house I spun around to see
I decided to go after
Jamie wasn’t too bright because while I was
Boy mom got mad at us ‘cause the Iced Tea had
splashed all over the fridge, the stove and the floor not to mention Jamie’s
shirt, shorts and hair. The dork ended up having to take another bath which he
wasn’t too happy about but it served him right for messing with Mary and me.
Of course I didn’t let it end there. No, I
wasn’t letting him off with just a little Iced Tea in the face; I had to get
him better then that. So while he was in the shower I got a cup of cold water,
stood on the toilet seat and reaching over the shower curtain I dumped the cold
water right on top of Jamie.
Oh boy did he scream! “SIMON!” he bellowed,
I ran from the bathroom and into my room
where I found
I’m sure things would have continued like
that for a while if mom hadn’t come in and put a stop to us by saying that if
we didn’t stop roughhousing she was going to put us all into separate rooms.
A few minutes later Jamie returned to our
room wrapped in a towel and looking like he wanted to rip my heart out through
my backside.
“Hello beautiful!” I said innocently.
“Don’t hello me dork!” he said as he whipped
off his towel and tried to snap me with it.
“Mom said to stop roughhousing.” I said
holding a hand up is if my hands were going to somehow keep me from being
snapped by the towel.
When he tried again I bellowed, “Moooom!
Jamie’s still being bad!”
“Tattle tale!” Jamie said and then stuck out
his tongue.
“No thanks I use toilet paper!” I said back.
Mom must not have heard me because she didn’t
come in but it didn’t matter because Jamie had stopped. He had gone to his own
dresser, pulled out a GoodNite and stepped into it before laying on his bed to pet
little Vera who was purring loudly.
I’ve no idea where
“What are you doing back there?” I asked him
while kicking him in the diapered butt.
“Hey, no kicking!” He said and then added,
“There is something in the register vent but I can’t get the cover off.
When I looked down through the cover I knew
instantly what it was that
Whispering now, I said to
I had to shush him ‘cause he was talking so
dang loud.
“You want to hold it down?” I hissed.
“Oh, sorry!” he said ceremoniously smacking
his own mouth.
We both looked to see if anyone was watching
us; they weren’t, so we worked together to get the cover off. When we did I
reached down in, pulled the dusty money out and handed it to
“I don’t want that! It’s hot!” he said
pulling away from me and the money.
“Don’t be a dork! Take the money, put it down
your diaper and then go back to my room.” I said in a quiet but commanding
I replaced the register cover and then calmly
returned to my room where I found Jamie already fingering the money with a
greedy look in his eyes.
“Don’t even think about it!” I said when I
walked in and saw him counting it.
He grinned, nodded his head and said, “Oh I
am thinking about it!”
“Well stop ‘cause
you can’t have any of it!” I said.
“Why not?” the two of them said at the same
“Oh now you want it?” I said accusingly to
“What are you going to do with it?” Jamie
asked with big dollar signs flashing in his greedy little eyes.
“I don’t know but we’re not keeping it!” I
“Why not?”
“You know something?” I said to
“What’s that suppose to mean?” he asked.
I didn’t answer but instead went over and
began collecting the money that was now spread all over Jamie’s bed.
“It’s stolen money
and I don’t want it!” I said. “It’s just not right!”
“Hold on a second!” Jamie said, “With all the
stuff you did on the ship...”
I quickly cut him off, “You mean we did!”
“Yeah whatever! But you know what I mean!” Jamie was looking
as though he was getting a bit worked up.
“I said we’re not keeping it and that’s
final!” I said with more confidence than I felt just then.
“Ok then what are
you going to do with it?”
“Will you stop asking me that?” I said
shoving the money back into the bag.
“How about giving it to the needy?” Jamie
“Yeah that’s a good idea.” I said.
Jamie then held out his hand. “So give it
here ‘cause I need it!”
“Ha! Ha!” I laughed mockingly.
As if right on queue there was a tap at my
window which startled all three of us. But then I saw who it was. It was the
bodiless head of Jasper Hawkins, Bulls younger brother.
Quickly I shoved the money inside my diaper
before going to the window and opening the few inches that it would open with
the locking mechanism in place.
“Hi Jasper!” I said surprised that he had come over.
Even after Jasper had learned about
everything that had happened after our disappearance and subsequent return he
and I were still not on the best of terms. Though he hadn’t actually said so, I
got the feeling that he still blames me for all the problems his family is
still having.
“Though you should know,” he started to say
but something in his face alarmed me.
“They posted the class schedules on the front
doors of the school. Me and you,” He was speaking about me, “are going to be in
all but one class together this year.”
“Oh,” was all I could say. I had been
expecting some tragic or alarming news but instead it was just news about the
coming school year which was due to begin in just a few more days. Of course
there was no way I could tell him that Lowell, Jamie and I weren’t planning on
being around much longer.
“Well, that’s...” I faltered for a moment
before saying, “that’s great Jasper! Thanks for letting me know.”
With that he said, “Well, guess I’ll see ya at school then!” and he left.
Once the window was closed again Jamie asked,
“You think he saw the money?”
“I’ve no doubt that he did!”
“We’ve got to get rid of it and fast!” I
Jamie then said, “Are you sure we can’t keep
even just a little?”
“No!” I said firmly. “Besides, dirty money
like this won’t buy you happiness!” Yeah I know it was a bad use of an overused
cliché’ but it was all I could come up with on the spot.
Jamie stuck out his lip like
he was pouting and said, “Well even still, it would be nice to have the chance to
prove that money can't make me happy.”
And then Jamie jumped up from the bed, thrust
out his hand and said, “Give me the money!”
“Jamie I already said you can’t...” I started
to say but Jamie stopped me.
“No you dork! I know how to get rid of it so
that we won’t get in trouble!” he said with his hand still outstretched.
Reluctantly I reached inside my diaper and
pulled out the money.
“Ah dude! It’s all wet!” Jamie complained
while wiping it on his shirt.
“Sorry but I need a change still.” I said and
even before I finished Jamie was racing for the door.
“Wait here! If this works then I shouldn’t be
but a minute.” Jamie said excitedly.
“Where’s he going?”
“Now how am I supposed to know?” I said
playfully messing up his hair.
“Ah man, don’t do that!”
Sure enough Jamie was back in no time looking
thoroughly pleased with himself.
“So?” I asked expecting him to tell us what
he’d done with the money.
“So nothing, it’s gone!” he said with no
excitement at all.
Jamie laughed, so did
“I gave it to Tom.” Jamie said walking over
to my desk, pulling out the chair and sitting down.
“You did what?” I said forgetting to keep my
voice down.
“Boys! I said no roughhousing!” mom called from somewhere else in the
Lowering my voice I repeated, “You did what?”
“I gave it to Tom!” he said just as calmly as
“Hold the phone!” I said as something else
occurred to me. “Tom’s here?” I asked.
“No,” Jamie said waving me off as if what I’d
just said was the dumbest thing ever said in the history of dumb statements.
“Boy! You are about this close,” I held up my
fingers to indicate a tiny bit, “to getting your ever loving butt kicked if you
don’t start making sense!”
Jamie chuckled again. “Haven’t you ever seen
the black cars that follow us around all over the place?”
“Uh yeah but it wasn’t there when I came back
from the beach!” I said.
“Well it was there when I got here.” Jamie
said and
“Yeah me too!” he said.
“So Tom is out there right now?” I asked.
“No, he just left with the money!” Jamie said
and then looking at
I was getting upset now and so that I
wouldn’t lose my cool I thrust a curled finger into my mouth and bit down on
“What?” Jamie said with a shrug.
“Why in the hell did you give the money to Tom!” I said threw clinched teeth.
“Would you relax,” Jamie said, “I told him it
was the stolen money from the store robber.”
I couldn’t believe my ears and I was having
trouble breathing.
“Geeze guys! How dumb do you think I am?” Jamie asked.
“Well if you need confirmation, I’d say
you’re about as dumb as dumb can get!”
Jamie chuckled at that.
“I also told him that Runt and the guys made
you hide it for them and that you were scared of getting into trouble for
having it.” Jamie said with a wise-guy grin, “He said he’d take care of it for
“He said what?” I said not yet understanding.
“Seriously, Tom’s going to get rid of the
money like I knew he would.” Jamie said.
“Wait a sec’ here!” I stood back up, “How...”
I started to say but then I didn’t know what to say so I didn’t say anything.
“I promise that Tom’s going to take care of
everything and we won’t have to ever worry about the money or anyone ever
finding out that you had it.” Jamie said.
“So how did you know Tom would do that?”
Jamie shrugged, “Cause
he told me a long time ago that anytime I needed his help I just had to ask and
he would do whatever needed done.”
“Why’d he say that?”
“Because I took care of him when he was
locked up in the Banachelli.”
Jamie said proudly.
Now I got it. “Ooooh! Ok now I get it! You were sneaking him food
weren’t you?”
Jamie just grinned.
“Well you could have told us that before you
scared the crap out of us!”
“Yeah well I took care of it didn’t I?” Jamie
asked feeling under appreciated.
“Ok, I got to give you props for that one!” I
said, “But still you could have told us before.”
A few minutes later mom poked her head into
the room and asked if anyone needed changed before she ran to get some milk.
All three of us raised our hands and one by one we were each taken out of our
wet diapers. Jamie had stripped himself out of his wet GoodNite, and we were
all then put into cloth diapers with plastic pants.
Now the three of us were really just getting
comfortable on the sofa to watch another movie when
“Man that just sucks!” Jamie said punching
the cushion on the couch.
Jamie was bummed out too when his mom showed
up about an hour after
** I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and as
always, your thoughts matter to me, so if you feel moved to do so, I would love
to hear from you. **