This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny












Chapter - 16

I can’t believe you’re finally here


It took me a second or two to realize what had happened and why Tom was holding me like a little baby in his arms.

“Tom?” I said.

“Yeah little buddy?” Tom asked with more then a little concern in his eye.

“Um, you can put me down now.” I said.

“Why? I am kind of enjoying it. Aren’t you?” Tom joked, “If I had a few stones I could rock you to sleep.”

“Thomas!” Mrs. Otteranski began, “Don’t tease the poor thing!”

“Poor thing?” I thought.


I was soaked and I don’t just mean my GoodNite, I mean every inch of me was drenched in sweat. Even my hair was wet again and apparently I had soiled myself again.

Back inside the beach house Mrs. Otteranski insisted on giving me a once over in the tub to be sure I was ok; she did this while washing me from head to toe. After I was cleaned up she allowed me to get myself dressed. However, this time, with a little help from her, I only put on a regular disposable diaper and a white tank-top. I suppose I was getting fairly comfortable around BJ and his parents and didn’t mind them seeing me like that. Heck, if I didn’t have the nasty scars that crisscross my back I probably would have been running around all dang day in just a GoodNite or one of my other diapers.

After my bath, and after I was adequately protected, I walked out to the porch where Mr. and Mrs. Otteranski were talking about me. Mrs. Otteranski wanted to call my doctor and my parents but thankfully after I had pleaded for them not to call, Mr. Otteranski took my side and persuade his wife not to call either of them. I definitely didn’t want to see or talk with my doctor again and I sure as heck didn’t want to get my parents upset again. Knowing my mom, she would probably want me to come home right away!

“I am fine, really!” I assured everyone.

BJ wouldn’t leave my side the rest of the day; not even to go to the bathroom. When he needed to pee he made me come with him. And once Tom was absolutely sure I was ok he returned to his camp site atop the hill. I was surprised that he had abandoned his post for as long as he had but I suppose he figured that since he was with me there wasn’t much chance of someone sneaking in to steal me away again.

I suppose it would have been nice if he would have said goodnight and left but then he wouldn’t be Tom. Tom being Tom meant that he couldn’t just leave without slipping in one more of his witty comments. He picked up a pebble, gave it a toss straight up and caught it again before saying, “Let me know if you have trouble sleeping tonight.”

I actually came up with a good come back, ok it wasn’t cool but it was better then nothing. “Why don’t you take your rock and roll on out of here?”

BJ groaned, “Oh Simon what one stunk worse than your diapers!”

Had his dad not done it for me, I would have had to get up and pop him one for that comment. However, he must not have hit him hard enough because he smiled and swung his head back and forth like a church bell as he went, “Gong, Gong, Gong!”


The rest of that day was quiet and after that emotionally draining spell, I was more than a little worn out. I was also incredibly parched. It seemed like I couldn’t get enough to drink and even Mrs. Otteranski commented the fourth or fifth time that I had come in to get a glass of water; she had taken hold of my head, twisted it left and then twisted it right before proclaiming, “Nope, no gills!”

BJ and I stayed close to the beach house, which made his parents happy. The only time we left the house was when he and I walked some dinner up to Tom, which Mrs. Otteranski had cooked specially for him. She had said that when we got back we would be having our dinner. Before we left his mom made me go put on a pair of shorts, my shoes and a proper T-Shirt. I should have known that something was up.

We were getting close to Tom when BJ and I both heard Tom talking but neither of us could make out what he was saying. When we reached the clearing Tom had stopped talking and was sitting on the ground Indian style. With a pocket knife he was whittling the end of a long stick into a point.

“Soups on!” BJ announced.

“Soup?” Tom made a sick face and stuck out his tongue. “I hope you brought more than soup!”

“Fried potatoes, fried tomatoes and fried catfish.” I answered.

“What? No fried caves brains or fried pigs feet or fried chicken lips?” Tom joked and I busted out laughing when I saw how grossed out BJ was.

“What’s that for?” BJ asked as Tom laid the pointed stick on the ground.

Tom licked his lips when he saw the generous helpings on the plate, “Well, I wasn’t expecting room service so I was going to go see if I couldn’t catch that big turtle I saw earlier.”

BJ handed Tom the big bottle of water that he had carried up and Tome invited us to stay for a while. “You boys want to sit down and wait for the stars come out?”

“Nah, we better not.” BJ answered.

“Yeah, we have not had our dinner yet.” I added.

“Suite yourselves but it sure does get beautiful up here when the sun is setting.” Tom said before shoveling in a huge bit of the catfish.

“See ya tomorrow?” I asked as BJ and I started to head back.

“Ah ‘spec tho,” Tom said with his mouth full.

We were about ten or fifteen feet away when I stopped and told BJ, “Wait here, I will be right back.”

I ran back to the clearing and gave Tom a hug.

“What was that for?” Tom asked.

“Just because.” I answered.


I caught up with BJ and the two of us went back to the beach house the long way via the beach. It wasn’t something we did intentionally. We had heard something rustling around in some bushes and neither of us was feeling very brave. We didn’t talk at first; we just walked side by side, picking up stones and skipping them on the water.

I was the one to break the silence this time, “Sorry I went spastic earlier. Hope I didn’t scare you.”

“What? Me scared? I never get scared!” BJ said.

“Yeah right,” I said but let it drop.

“You know something?” I asked.

“What’s that?” BJ said.

I gave another rock a fling and it skipped three times. “I am surprised that you haven’t asked me what happened next.” I said.

BJ made a fist around a round flat stone as though he was trying to crush it with his bare hand, “That’s because mom and dad threatened me if I so much as thought about asking or saying anything.”

“Oh,” I said, “I hadn’t thought about that.”

When he didn’t say anything else I asked him, “Do you want to know?”

BJ stopped turned and pointed at me with the rock still in his hand, “I didn’t ask you to and I am not the one that brought it up. AND,” he really emphasized that last word, “if my mom and dad find out, you got to tell them that you brought it up!”

I took hold of his finger that he still had pointed at me and gave it a side ways shake, “Deal!”

I started out with, “But first you have to promise not to tell ok?”

BJ pretended to zip his lips closed and then locked them with an imaginary key before tossing it into over his shoulder and into the water. What was amazing was the imaginary key actually went plop when it hit the water.

“Holy Hanna Montana! How’d you do that?” I gasped with amazement at the ripples in the water.

BJ giggled and held out his hand with his palm up, “I still had a rock in my hand.”

“Whoa, that freaked me out for a second!” I said giggling along with him, “I thought you could do magic or something.”

BJ waved his index finger as though it were a magic wand, “Abracadabra, you are a fish—POOF!”

I grabbed my throat and pretended I couldn’t breath, “Can’t breath, need to get in water fast....”

BJ waved his finger again and said, “Abraca-dork-ous, you’re a dork again—POOF!”

“Ha-Ha! That’s so funny I forgot to laugh!” I said giving him a shove toward the water.

“Hey!” he complained, “I don’t want to get wet again!”

“Yeah, me either,” I agreed.

“OK so you going to tell me what happened?” BJ asked trying to hide his eagerness.

“What happened what?” I teasted.

“What happened after!” BJ said impatiently.

“When?” I continued.

“Now don’t start that again you brat!” BJ groaned.

I laughed, “Oh so now I’m a brat huh?”

BJ clapped his hands, laced his fingers together and proceeded to crack his knuckles, “Let me put it this way, at least tell me where you hurt the least right now.”

“Huh?” I grunted in confusion.

“Because, if you don’t tell me what happened I am soooooo going to HIT YOU!” BJ said shaking both of his fists in my face.

Laughing I said, “Ok, slow down there Mohammad Ali.

BJ scratched at the pealing skin from his sun baked nose and said, “Hey that was a good movie huh?”

“I guess!” I said with a shrug.

BJ gave me a little shove as he said, “You wouldn’t know a good movie if it bit you on the diaper!”

I honestly couldn’t believe he just said that and by the look on his face I don’t think he could believe it either.

“Alright, alright, alright! So what’s the last thing I told you?” I asked trying to make believe that he hadn’t just said what he said.

BJ proceeded to give me a blow by blow, word for word playback.

“Ok, so everything after that is a complete blank for me until right before the scratchy and heavy mothball stinking blanket was jerked off of me. I was standing but was still tied up inside the blanket but somehow I already knew where I was and who I was about to see... again.”

“Who?” BJ asked.

I elbowed him in the ribs and said, “Stop interrupting and I will tell you.”

“Ouch man! Not so hard!” he whined.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you quite that hard.” I said.

“Oh so you did mean to do it a little hard?” He said half serious and half laughing.

“Yeah, pretty much!” I joked back.

“Just shut up and tell me who it was.” BJ laughed too while he rubbed his ribs.

“Ok so I was standing there under that stinky blanket when I heard Mr. Wriggle say, ‘Welcome back!’ with a sneer of hatered.

BJ gasped, “That was the fat toad man huh?” he asked.

“Yeah!” I answered and then continued, “Then his horrid wife, Mrs. Wriggle shouted from somewhere behind me, ‘Cho! Come untie these little retches and take off these filthy blankets! Hurry it up girl!’ and even with the blanket covering my head I could hear Cho dragging her leg toward us.”

“I expected the blanket to be pulled off just then but it wasn’t yet. Instead I heard someone else speak. So'tiz al' de seem ter yer, we’ll take our pay an' be on our way!’ It was the gruff voice of the man that had not once but twice now delivered me into the same hell hole. One upon a time I had thought that Tom and this guy were the same guy but boy did I have that one wrong.”

BJ gasped again. When he wants too, he can be a good listener.

I continued, “That same guy also said, ‘An' if yer d'nt mind, if yer let de beasties 'scape 'gain, d'nt call us!’ and he made a sort of throaty rumbling sound.”

“There were muttered words, the sounds of shuffling footsteps and than I heard another faintly familiar woman’s voice speak, ‘Dis is as far as mi go wit you two. mi will be stayin' right chere and don't you be tryin' to change me mind 'bout it none!’ I was sure I knew the owner of that voice but I just couldn’t put my finger on it just yet.”

BJ broke in and asked, “Can I ask two quick questions?”

“Sure,” I said.

“Well, actually the first thing isn’t really a question; I just wanted to say that you do that really good.”

“Do what?” I asked.

“Talk like you are from Cuba,” BJ said.

I laughed, “That wasn’t Cuban that was Jamaican!”

“Oh, yeah that’s what I meant.” He said, “Well who was she?”

I slapped my forehead and moaned, “You already met her!”

“Who?” BJ grunted and when I looked at him I could tell he wasn’t joking.

“Sister Sarafina you dope!” I said and wacked him in the forehead with the palm of my hand.

However, I had only meant to thump him jokingly but he had tried to duck at the same time and I really clocked him good. He fell back on his butt and after a second or two he looked up at me. I was sure he was going to be powerfully mad but he rubbed his forehead, smiled with his teeth clenched and said, “I suppose I deserved that.”

“Whoa, no way, I really didn’t mean you hit you like that. Are you ok?” I asked and I probably would have sounded a lot more genuinely remorseful had I not been giggling like a girl. I gave him my hand and helped him to his feet.

“You sure that you’re alright?” I asked again.

“Yeah, just don’t do that again!” He laughed, “And besides, I only got to meet her that one time and it was only for like two minutes.”

“Really?” I said as we continued walking, “I thought it was longer then that.”

“No because you drug me to your room too fast.”

“Oh yeah!” I said nodding, “I remember now.”

“Anyway, you do, do that very well.” BJ said.

He totally lost me again, “Huh?”

“The Jamaican accent!” He said.

“Oh yeah!” I said remembering what we had been talking about before I clobbered him.


The two of us were getting close to the beach house now so I said to BJ, “Better wait until later to tell you more, ok?”

BJ moaned and kicked at the sand but it turned out to be a good thing I stopped talking when I did because his parents were sitting on the porch swing and they were not alone.

“MOM, DAD!” I screamed and ran up to the porch.

I threw my arms around them both and broke down crying but they were tears of joy at seeing them.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“We wanted to surprise you!” dad said.

“You did!” I said excitedly, “But I thought you couldn’t get off work to come?” I said to dad.

“Well, your father worked day and night to get his project finished and so we came up to spend the last night and day here with you.” Mom answered.

I hugged them both again and said, “I missed you!”

I looked over at BJ and he held up his hands as if I were robbing him, “Hey I am as surprised as you are!”

I looked over at Mr. and Mrs. Otteranski but dad jumped in with, “When I called them yesterday afternoon I asked them not to tell you that we were coming.”


Mr. Otteranski went around to the back of the beach house and returned with lawn chairs. I began to recount the fun that I’d been having and seeing how telling the truth can be a hard habit to break I also told them about re-hurting my back.

“I already told then about that.” Mrs. Otteranski said to me.

“You did?” I said.


When I finally got around to mentioning Tom, dad said, “Yeah we talked with him about a half-hour before we got here.”

“So that’s who he was talking to!” BJ said thumping me in the thigh.

“I told you he was talking to someone.” I said.

“No I told you!” BJ said.

“You two spying on me again?” Tom said from behind BJ and me.

I don’t know how I did it, but somehow I had launched myself from a sitting position on the floor of the porch to standing with my back against the siding of the beach house. BJ on the other hand fell over backward off the porch with a sickening thud.

Everyone jumped to help BJ but he didn’t need help; he was laughing.

“Are you ok?” Mr. Otteranski asked him.

Tom lifted BJ up to his feet.

“That was fun, can I do it again?” BJ joked.

“Tom you scared the bajeebers out of me!” I grunted.



Chapter 17


** As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **