The Story of David Mayter,
By Baby Jake, 2004

Final Chapter: Untitled


“…I have to go…” David said with a chilling tone of voice. He turned around, and began walking towards his house, just as a raindrop fell onto his shoulder. Then, another… until it began to rain around him.


Jason stared at him as the drops began to fall onto his shoulder… they were as cold as ice. He was truly shocked by his discovery… he just could not believe that David was really wearing diapers. He thought that Sven was just being an idiot… just being a jerk… but he wasn’t really lying at all. David was. He couldn’t believe that all this time, Sven was telling the truth… even if he was still being a jerk.


Suddenly it came back to him like a punch in the face… the box in David’s room. It hit him that Sven and David were best friends until then, and after that, they were enemies. Now he was truly confused… he was too shocked from David’s little surprise he had in store for him to really take it in all at once.


He came back to consciousness for a moment, realizing that he had been standing silently and motionless in the hard and cold rain for almost five minutes now. He looked down at the ground, and saw the paper with Sven on it. He let out an exhausted laugh for a second, and picked it up from the ground, examining it closely.


It was difficult to look at it with the rain beating on it, making it soggy and causing the ink to drool down the paper… but he stared at it for as long as he could. But after he had had enough… he gave it one last smirk, and tore it into several shreds, throwing it back onto the ground, letting the rain have it’s way with it.


He looked up at the road, where David had ran. He could barely see due to the rain, since it had become intense. He shrugged, and silently walked into his house.




Sven opened his eyes the next day, slightly startled by what had wakened him, though he was not sure what it was. He looked out of the window in his room, and saw outside. He was freezing, even though he was covered in blankets. He moved the curtains, and glared outside… It was grey, everything was wet and from the continuing hard rain.


He shivered a bit, and walked out of his room, wrapped in his blanket, and walked into the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror, and to his surprise, a bit of his face was covered in dried blood. He looked at it, unsure of why… but then he remembered yesterday…




“YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I’LL KILL YOU!” he screamed as he strangled David.


Sven’s incredible rage was flowing through him like a river, as he wrapped his hands around David’s neck. He gritted his teeth as he suddenly saw David’s eyes begin to roll around, and eventually shut… but suddenly, out of know where, he felt himself get thrown off of David, onto the ground. He felt something very hard crack him in the side of his head.


He was thrown from the force about three feet away from his original spot. He lay there motionless for a few seconds, not quite sure what had happened. Not quite sure what had hit him. His head felt like it was squashed like a watermelon, his ears were ringing, and his vision was unfocused and blurry.


“Uhhhh…” he moaned as he felt a cold sensation come down his face.


He struggled to tap his face, and look at his finger, as well as he could. It was covered in blood. He panicked a bit, and began to slowly stand up. He looked at David, lying on the ground seemingly lifeless, and then he looked at Jason, who was standing where Sven used to be.


For some reason, he did not feel anger at Jason… he no longer felt anger at all. He was in too much shock to feel anything like that. He looked at him confused…


“Sven, have you lost your mind?!” Jason yelled.

He laughed…

”You have no idea” he said…


“Why are you doing this!?” Jason asked.

”Because he’s disgusting!” he said.


“You could have killed him!” Jason said.


“Oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware!” Sven said coldly.


Suddenly Sven looked over at David, and saw it… the opportunity. He stared, and like magic, David’s crotch began to slowly get wet, out of nowhere. He watched the small puddle grow from nothing, and grow all over his front, and down his leg… he smiled.


“Jason, David wears diapers” Sven said.


“No, he doesn’t, you do” Jason said, who had not yet noticed.


“Take a look” Sven said, pointing.


Jason looked down, and saw David, in his helplessness as he wet himself in front of the both of them. Jason’s mouth dropped, and he looked back at Sven.


“Believe me now?” Sven said dominantly.


Jason was too stunned to talk. Sven did not say another word as he turned around, and began to walk down the street, away from Jason’s house… away from them.


He turned to look back, as he was walking to his house. He saw Jason… he could barely make out “DAVID!” he heard Jason yelling. He looked at David, who was now coughing crazily.




Sven looked at himself in the mirror, and touched where the blood had come from… he winced at the pain. He shrugged, and spent the next several minutes, washing the blood from his face with a warm, damp cloth. It was silent in his house… and cold. The only sound was the rain pounding on the windows. It was then, the phone rang, echoing through out the house. It startled him, and he jumped, dropping the cloth into the sink. He remembered Jason, and began to jog to the phone.


“Hello?” he asked.


“Sven!” he heard. It was Jason.


“Yeah…?” he asked, with a victorious voice.


“Get up here, NOW” he heard.


“Why?” he asked.


“It’s David!” he heard.


“Screw that diaper-“ he began to say…


“No, NOW. He’s going to kill himself!” he heard Jason say.


Sven thought for a minute…


“So what,” Sven said coldly.


There was silence. Suddenly he heard a dial tone. Jason had hung up on him.




“What do you think could have done this to him?” David’s mother asked.


Jason, his parents, and David’s mom, all sat in their living room.


“I don’t know…” Jason lied.


“I just don’t understand it…” David’s mother said.


She wiped her eyes; suddenly there was a knock at the door. She jumped up and ran down the steps, as did his parents, leaving him alone in the room. He peaked out the window… it was the cops. He shrugged, and slowly walked down the hallway, and into David’s room.


He was careful not to bump anything, or do anything to mess up the scene. He looked at everything… the papers still sitting on the floor, the computer still running… the note… He felt a sinking in his stomach as he looked at everything. He could not believe what Sven had said on the phone. But there was no time for him right now. He had to concentrate on finding David… if he was still alive…




Jason lay on David’s bed… tears slowly rolling down his face as he looked around the bed. It was breaking him down to be an empty room. He thought about everything they had done… all the good times. He thought about David, and what had happened. He thought about Sven… and what he had caused. The rage was coming into him each time he saw Sven’s face in his mind. He slowly stood up, looking around the room… looking at the six sides of the room. It was like a crypt… it was cold… deathly silence, and lifeless. But just as he was about to open the door… it was swung open… revealing Sven.


“Sven” Jason said, looking at Sven.


He was very wet, from the rain, and looked very cold.


“Jason…” Sven said.


“You… make me sick” Jason said.


“Why?” he asked.


“I saw it happen. I know about David. I know about you. And do you expect me to be on your side?” Jason said.


“...Well…” Sven said.


“Listen, you don’t belong here. You tried killing him, and now, you have succeeded,” Jason snarled.


“How?” Sven said.

Jason threw himself at Sven, pinning him hard against the hallway’s wall…


“You should be in David’s place. You should be the one who is forced to wear diapers, and have your two best friends disappear. You should be the one who gets picked on… you should have been the one to kill himself. YOU deserve it” Jason angrily said under his breath, one inch from Sven’s face, holding him hard not to escape Jason’s hold.


Jason let go, and began to walk out of the hallway… leaving Sven alone. Sven swallowed hard as everything Jason had said, echoed in his head. Sven thought of everything… everything Jason had said. And out of nowhere… all the grudges he had against David… disappeared. They vanished out of his mind as he looked into David’s room, remembering everything they had done together as friends… true friends. He realized now what he had done… how ridiculous he was. He thought about the hate he had felt against David for the stupidest reason… and what that hate had done. He could feel the tears from David’s mother, the rage in Jason… the void in everyone’s lives that he was responsible for. And then he began to think… if this happened to him… who would care?




“There is still hope,” Jason said out loud as he tossed David’s journal on the coffee table in the living room.


“Right… if we can read his journal, we might know where he is” Sven said, opening it.


“What do you think could have caused it…” David’s mother asked.


“…we don’t know… maybe the pain of Will’s death was too much for him” Jason lied.


His mother was silent…

”…he mentioned Will in his letter…” David’s mother said, putting the letter on the coffee table.


Jason and Sven leaned forward to read it…


“What does he mean?” Jason asked..

”Will said in his letter that if I were in the same situation, I would follow in his footsteps. I guess he wasn’t lying… I have more reason to follow in his footsteps, than he did. Will is dead, because he was a coward. He was pathetic. But he is dead… What does he mean by that?” Sven asked.


“Sven… Jason… Will he… killed himself….” David’s mother announced.


“What?!” they both said at the same time.


“But… why?!” they asked.


“Will… poor Will… you see… David he… has to wear… this might be a shock… he has to wear diapers…” David’s mother said.


“Yeah… we know” Jason and Sven said.


“…Well… him and Will were very close friends… and Will would sometimes wear a diaper, too… for fun” David’s mother said.


This was an incredible shock to Jason and Sven. Will wore them too… for fun?!


“And I guess he told his mom that he wanted to wear them all the time like David… and she took it all the wrong way… embarrassing Will. She never looked at him the same… she was seriously disgusted by it. She called me on the phone, yelling at me about David. But one day… I had gotten the phone call… she told me that he had killed himself…” she explained.


This was incredible… the similarity was uncanny. Sven and Jason both thought it… how it was so similar. Will and his mom… David and Sven… it was quite sad.


“…How do you know all of this?” Jason asked.


“…Well… I was not aware David and Will were so close friends… but by the time I had gotten the phone call from William’s mom… it was too late” David’s mother explained.


“Did she say anything else?” Sven asked, thinking about all the baby things that he and Will might have shared.


“No… that’s it,” she said. From the look in her eyes and the kind of situation this was, Sven doubted she was lying.


“…Okay…” Sven said.


They were trying to solve the puzzle… where could David be? Jason was piecing it together silently in his mind… suddenly it hit him! He jumped up, and announced it to the room.


“I know where he is at!” he yelled. Everyone jumped and leaned in…

”Where?!” they asked in a panic.


“William’s house! No one moved in since his mother moved out, right?” he asked David’s mother, and his own parents.


“No…” they all said.


“You guys need to check there. If he isn’t, I know another place we can find him.” He said.


“You three” he said, pointing at his own parents, and David’s mother…

”…Need to check William’s house” he finished.


They all looked stunned at Jason’s discovery… Suddenly they all jumped up, and rushed out of the house!


“Why are we staying here?!” Sven asked.


“Because I know he is not there. We are going to look somewhere secret… somewhere safe. The clubhouse” he said.


Sven looked surprised and confused at the same time.


“Why are we wasting time by letting them go somewhere he’s not? Are you stupid?!” Sven yelled.


“No… this whole thing was caused because of you, teasing him about his want to do whatever he does with those baby things” Jason said.


“If we bring our parents along, and this all unwraps for them, he might do what William did, regardless if his mother accepts him or not” Jason finished.


It was quite logical… and for the pressure that was pounding on all of them… it was kind of surprising to have thought that up.


“…I see… your right…” Sven agreed.


“Okay then, let’s go!” Jason said, pulling on Sven’s arm.


“Wait… how did you know about the baby stuff?” Sven asked.


“…When I saw David pee himself yesterday… I remembered what he had in his room,” Jason announced.


“Oh…” Sven said quietly.


“Let’s go!” Jason yelled again, practically dragging Sven…




“Come on!!!” Jason screamed as they climbed the incredible hill.


It was so difficult to do as they climbed, due to the rain and harsh windows. It was almost an impossibility, actually… but the need to save David was stronger than mud, the rain, and the winds.


“We’re almost there,” Jason said to Sven as they crawled up the muddy hill, slipping a few times.


“I tell you one thing, I give David credit for making it up here… if he’s here” Sven said.


But even though they slipped and fell and infinite amount of times… they were still making it closer to where they believed David was, with each passing moment. But in the end, and in a half-hour, they made it to the top, to the flat…


They looked at the top, and looked around… “Dead ahead,” Sven said, pointing towards the barely visible clubhouse. They ran like they never have towards it…


Finally, they had arrived. They panted as they tried to catch their breath, which was difficult from the intense rain and the drowning-ly humid air. They looked at the door, scared out of their lives… what would they see behind the door? David could be there, hanging from his neck… his wrists torn open… his head crushed. Maybe it was too late. Maybe he wasn’t there at all… but maybe they were there, just in time. Jason and Sven looked at each other, as a team for the first time in a long, long time… and opened the door…




“No…!” Sven yelled as light hit the room, revealing David.


David was lying in the sitting position, against the wall furthest away from the door. His eyes were shut, his cheeks were red from tears, but his whole body was soaked from the rain. There was a bag in the corner, half opened. It was filled with shards of glass that looked like it was from a mirror. A large shard was in his hand…

”We can’t be,” Jason said softly, taking a step in.


His body was weak now… as he stepped in. Looking at David’s dead body brought him onto his knees, and to tears.


Sven looked at Jason on his knees, in a bowing position before David’s body. He looked at him, and felt his chest burning with fire.


“Sven…” Jason said, crying and sobbing hard.


“Don’t…” Sven responded, with tears beginning to come into his eyes.


It was a few minutes of crying over David’s suicide… but eventually, Jason couldn’t take it. He left the clubhouse. Sven looked at David’s corpse one last time, before turning around…


“Ughhhh…” he heard coming from behind him.


Sven jumped, and looked behind him, and saw what he could not believe. David was moving! David moaned, and opened his eyes, looking at Sven. This made David jump out of nowhere, dropping the shard.


“You’re alive!” Sven yelled.


David looked at him for a few seconds, until finally he looked at the glass.


“What do you want?” David said miserably.


“David!?” Sven heard, coming from outside. It was Jason.


“David, don’t do it” Sven begged.


“Since when did you care…” David said, grabbing the shard back.


“David, I know what I did,” Sven said.


“Good to know” David said, putting it to his arm…


“David, PLEASE” Jason yelled from behind Sven.


“Why are you two trying to save me? I’m nothing but a freak…” David said, slowly… cutting a bit of his forearm with the shard, not wincing at all.


“David, you got what you wanted,” Jason said.


“How the hell do you know what I want?” David said.


“Your doing this because your think no one cares about you,” Jason said.


“If we didn’t care about you… we would not be here right now…” Sven said.


“Shut up,” David said to Sven.


“…Okay…” Sven said, backing off…


“Listen, David… we know what William did,” Jason explained.


David looked at them with bloodshot, desperate eyes…

”We know what you and William DID…” Jason said.


David suddenly lashed his other forearm, cutting it considerably.


“David, please, stop! I don’t know about Sven, and I don’t for him right now… but I don’t care about what you do! I don’t care if you have to, or want to wear diapers! I don’t care if those things in your room, are yours to use now, later, or if you used those things YEARS ago!” Jason said.


David looked at him again…


“Listen David… Sven made a mistake, a big one. One that changed all of our lives. Yours, mine, his… everyone’s” Jason said.


“But you know what… So did William’s mom. She looked at everything in the worse perspective possible… and he killed himself. You’re looking at him like a coward. Do you want everyone to look at you like a coward when you’re gone?” Jason said.


David looked at him with depressed eyes… not sure what to think.


“Now David… please… don’t do this. Put it down… walk away. You don’t have to forgive Sven… He regrets what he did,” Jason explained.


“Are you requesting that I forgive Sven?” David asked.


“Absolutely not… I’m just requesting that you don’t do this” Jason said.




Sven, Jason… and David… all walked from the clubhouse now, towards the hill. They had succeeded… Jason took many breathes of relief as they walked. Sven, walked nervously by David… and David, walked emotionless. He arms were bloody from the slices he had put in them from the glass. The wind and rain had picked up, and now thunder and lightning had even begun.


“David, can you climb down the hill?” Sven asked… but David did not respond.


“…Can you?” Jason asked, this time…

”Yeah…” David mumbled.


David, Sven, and Jason began their descent towards the bottom…




David hung on for dear life as they climbed down the muddy hill, slipping many times, as did Sven, and Jason. David looked around as they tried not to fall down the hill… the whole bottom was kind of flooded. The fallen trees were still there, still in cut in half from the fall. Where the trees snapped, it was very jagged, and sharp.


But David was apparently paying too much attention to those things, because it was then, that his foot slipped. He flung down hard, yelling as he hung on to very loose rock that was barely staying in the ground…


“David!” Sven screamed.


Suddenly the rock came out, setting him loose, just as Sven jumped over Jason, to grab his arm! Sven grabbed David’s arm, stopping his fall… but then suddenly, Sven slipped too, sending both of them, tumbling hard down the hill, hard.


“Guys!” Jason screamed as he watched them fall down the hill, bouncing off of rocks, like rag dolls…


David screamed, as did Sven, as they helpless tumbled down the hill, doing flips and rolls, landing hard on every bone possible. Suddenly David heard something snap, then, everything went black…




“Da… Dav…id…” he heard in the blinding darkness…


David slowly opened his eyes. His body hurt badly from the fall… he could not move.


“Da… David…” he heard again.


David struggled to move anything he could… he moved his neck over a bit… and saw who was talking. He thought it was a dream… but he knew the pain all over his body was too real…


It was Sven… he body was slouched over a log... His mouth had blood coming a bit out of it, and his face was pale. David panicked, and looked down at his chest. A part of the log was stabbed inside of him… Sven had been impaled.


“Sven!” David yelled as loud as he could.


“Shhhh…ugh…” he said with a deathly tone of voice.


“David…” he said, with a face that showed that he was obviously struggling not to scream in pain and agony.


“Don’t talk!” David yelled.


“Dav…id… I’m sorry…for everything…” he mumbled.


David’s heart was rushing, but as much as he tried, he could not move.


“I never meant… to make this happen. I deserve this,” Sven said.


David struggled, and listened to his words. As much as he wanted to say that he didn’t… he knew that he did.


“…You know… I was a real… asshole…” he said.


David listened…


“Dave… don’t forgive me…” he said, before letting out a long sigh, and passing out over the log.


“Was he dead?!” David thought.


He lay there, in the water, alone. Facing the sky… and as the sounds of the rain hitting the water filled his mind… he began to slowly doze off… Like the rain was hypnotizing him. And slowly, like when he was being choked by Sven… he began to see everything in third person.


Now he was almost asleep…


“David, wake up” he heard.


Out of nowhere, all the pain, the sorrow, the anger, everything… stopped. He looked around… the rain had stopped falling. This confused him… and without thinking, like it was automatic, he stood up, without pain. He looked down at where he was laying… and he saw himself!


“What?!” he thought.


“What is going on!?” he thought.


“David” he heard.


He felt a chill move up his spine when he heard his name being called, from behind him. He knew the voice… he slowly turned around…


“Long time no see,” the voice said.


David almost fell to his knees in disbelief… his breath was taken away; the hair on the back of his neck was standing tall…


“…Will…” he said.


There standing before him, was William. THE William. He was standing there, seemingly unaffected by the rain. He was wearing nothing but a diaper, with a string around his neck with a pacifier hanging from it.


“David…” William said.


“…But you’re…” David began.


“Yes, I am,” Will said, stretching, putting his hands over his head… there were two huge gash marks over his wrists, blood rolling down them. They stood out from the rest of his body, which was pale, and glowing.


“These, gashes that I had foolishly inflicted upon myself… David, they are the only thing keeping me from experiencing bliss in Heaven” William explained.


“What are you talking about?” David asked.


“These… blood drooling cuts. They continuous emit pain and suffering for me. But only you have the power to stop it,” William explained, showing his wrists. The blood looked fresh, bright red. It really showed off in contrast with his pale white body.


“Why are you… what… I mean…” David began to say… choking over every word.


“David… please… let me explain…” William said, walking towards him, practically floating over the puddles.


“What you see of me, right now… this very moment… this is what you think of me. You remember me, of wearing diapers with you… sucking gleefully on a pacifier… this is also who I am, up there” he said, pointing towards the sky.


“These, cuts, that you see… they are the only thing from keeping me from experiencing true bliss” he explained.


“…Why…?” David said.


“They pain me each and every day… they are not my physical pain… they are your mental grief for what I have done” William explained.


“What do you mean…?” David said, standing up.


“My death was my fault… my doing… and I have created pain for you, and everyone. These cuts are, yes, how I killed myself… but they did not stop hurting, because of your continuous pain and sorrow” William explained.


“Your forgiveness is the only thing to stop my pain… and yours. Not even God can stop this” William said.


“Well… why should I” David said, looking at William straight in the eyes.


“That is up to you,” William said, his wrists bleeding more.


“David… I did not come here to request your forgiveness for my self-gain” William said, walking towards him.

”I did it, for you” he said.


“What do mean” David asked.


“You need to forgive me… we will both be feeling pain forever if you don’t,” William said.


“Will how could you be so stupid!?” David yelled.


“I wasn’t thinking… and neither were you,” William said, walking over to Sven’s body on the log.


“Yeah, well, I had a much better reason than you” David said.


“Your wrong. Face it… we both tried killing ourselves because we were both too cowardly to face the challenge… you just lasted longer than me,” William said.


David thought about it… and as much as he didn’t to… he had to admit that he was right.


“You let Sven get the best of you, like he wanted… and you never gave Jason a chance. You jumped to conclusions,” he said.


“No! I only did it because of YOU!” David shouted.

”Please… what about that dream of yours that you had before reading my letter?” Will said.


David stepped back…


“You thought about it… you acted on it because of me,” William said.


David thought again… he was right, again.


“…As for Sven…” William said, putting his hand on Sven’s back.


“…What about him…?” David said.


William looked at him pitifully… mercifully…

”He’s getting what he deserves,” William said.


“Death?” David asked.


“No… he’ll live,” He said as he lifted up the back of Sven’s shirt.


They both examined Sven, like a mother upon a child. The spike had not gone through his back… it only stabbed him. He looked so innocent… his eyes shut, his mouth a bit open, slouched over the log, seemingly lifeless… For once… David kind of felt sorry for Sven.


“What about Jason…?” David said.


“What’s going to happen t him…?” David finished.


William looked at him, and looked up on the hill. He was no where to be found…

”Jason has a good heart… he does good things with it. Nothing but good things will come to him…” William said.


Suddenly, out of nowhere, David felt a severe pain in his leg, causing him to scream out of nowhere.


“We are running out of time,” William said.


“Running out of time?” David asked, holding his leg.


“You are waking up,” William explained.


William walked over to David, and put his hand on David’s shoulder. David looked at it… William’s wrist was no longer bleeding… it was now a barely noticeable scar…


“We will meet again some day… and when we do… it will be a long, long time from now… we will both be happy, as friends. But until that day comes… you must be a good person… forgive, or forget…” William said.


Suddenly David felt another spike of pain in his arm… and William began to slowly fade.


“Wait…!” David yelled…


“What’s it like up there?” David said, struggling.


“You’ll see… and until you do… I will be by your side” William said, slowly fading.


David looked at William as he slowly began to fade out of sight… suddenly another spike of pain in his legs and arms… David screamed! Suddenly William appeared out of nowhere, again…

”David” he said.


“…Ugh…. Yeah…” David said, struggling.


“Don’t scream,” he said, suddenly jumping at David, like in the dream he had.


David stood there as William jumped, inside of him… and all of the pain… vanished.




Suddenly he woke up. He body hurt… but not nearly as bad as before. It was only a minor ache… he could move this time… He examined everything around him. He was lying in a bed… in a hospital room. The lights were on… and the door that lay in front of the bed was open. He looked beside him, on the side table. There was a heart monitor, giving a steady beep. He looked around at everything… the white walls, white tail floor… everything white and clean. The only sound he could hear was the beeping of the heart monitor, and the occasional ring of the phone somewhere in the distance. He looked to his left, and saw a CALL button. He reached out for it… but as he reached, he saw bandages around his forearms… instantly remembering the cuts he had given himself…


“Where was Sven… and Jason?” he thought.


He reached out for the button with his left arm, which was not broke, and pressed the button. It was only five seconds that a nurse came jogging to the door…


“David!” she said.


“…Yeah…” he said with a haggard tone.


“You’re awake! How are you feeling?” she asked, sitting in a chair that was by the bed.


“…Like I just broke every bone in my body by falling down a hill that was steeper than a cliff,” David sarcastically said.


“Well you seem to have your energy back… that is good,” she said.


“Do you feel any pain?” she asked.


“Just in my arm…” David said.


“Yeah… it’ll be hurting… I gave your mother a prescription for some painkillers… it should keep the aching to a minimum,” she explained.


She asked David a few more questions, if he felt any pain in any other places, etc… but in the end, the only thing wrong was his arm.


“Okay, well… your mother, and your friends are here,” she finished.


“Okay…” David said.


“Shall I bring them in?” she asked…


“Sure,” he said with a smile.


She nodded, and walked out of the room…




“Hey Dave…” Jason said, walking in the room.


“Hey Jason…” David responded…


“How you feeling?” he asked.


“I’m alright…” I said.

”…How’s the arm?” he asked.


“Been better…” I said, with a sarcastic tone of voice.


“That was a really bad fall…” he said.


“Yeah…” I said.


“Did the nurse tell you about Sven?” he said with a grim tone of voice.


“No… what happened?” I asked.


“On your fall… when Sven was falling… he was rolling down the hill… some how managed to get onto his feet and ran down a few feet… couldn’t stop for the spike… ran right into it…” Jason explained.


“Yeah… I saw that… I woke up real quick…” I said.


“Well… he’s alive… but… I overheard the nurses talking… David, Sven is going to be incontinent for the rest of his life” Jason said.


“What?!” I yelled, hearing the heart monitor beep one extra time.


“I am not lying. After recovery, he is expected to be in diapers for the rest of his life” he said.


He was not joking… he was as serious as cancer.


“But… how?” I asked. Of course I knew the answer… but I needed to make sure.


“Well… I guess when he got stabbed… it hit him in the right spot. He won’t have control over his bladder ever again” Jason said.


Suddenly the door opened again, showing his mom…


“Jason… could you please excuse us?” she asked…

”Sure…” Jason said, getting up, and walking out of the room…


David looked at his mom, nervous.


“Hey David…” she said, quietly, as she sat down in the chair.


It was like the rest of the world went on mute… nothing else made a sound except for her, it seemed.


“Hey mom…” he said.


“…David… what happened?” she asked. She was honestly beyond words…


“Mom… I don’t know… I just… overreacted…” he said.


“Overreacted… to what?” she asked… her voice quivering.


He couldn’t tell her what… being a teen baby, having Sven tease him until he attempted to kill himself… it just wouldn’t do her any good…


“…To Will’s suicide,” he said. That much, he wasn’t lying.


She sighed…


“David… I’m sorry about William… why he did what he did, was… not the best idea. I know why he did it…” his mother said.


“…What!?” David asked.


“I know what you and William used to do… with your…protection… and such… I found out when William’s mother called me… after he had…” his mother began to say… not finishing her sentence.


David’s heart was rushing. What did she know about him and William!?


“Listen… David. You should have talked to me… “ she said.


Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was the nurse.


“Ms. Mayter, I’m sorry to interrupt, but we need to have David go through a series of tests, now that he is more alert. His friend Jason said he hit his head on the way down, and we need to check him for any injuries,” she said.


“Okay…” his mother agreed.


They pulled in a wheelchair, and helped him into it, after unwiring all of the equipment that was attached to him, of course. He sat down, and slowly got wheeled out of the room, looking at his mother desperately. There were two tears coming out of her eyes. But before he could see much more, they turned the corner.


David looked in front of him, and saw the whole hallway. White tiles, and white walls. Like the average hospital. It all looked very clean… it was kind of nice. But suddenly, at the far bend, a set of doctors came around the bend, with a stretcher. They weren’t moving fast, it was like they were wheeling whoever was on that, to a room.


But as they rode by, David saw someone he was not expecting to see: Sven. He looked unconscious; his eyes were shut, wearing only a hospital robe. His tummy was wet, and there was a large scar on it with fresh stitches. It honestly looked painful.


But they whizzed by too fast for David to get much more detail. He sighed, and laid his head back… and stared at the ceiling as they wheeled him to wherever he was going…




“Wow…” David read.


“Yeah…” David typed.


It had been many days since Will’s birthday passed… many days since David broke his arm, cut up his leg, and self-inflicted gashes on his forearms. It had been many days since Jason convinced Sven to change his attitude, and save David from making the worst mistake of his life. It had been many days since Sven had fallen down that hill, and got stabbed by that log… and becoming incontinent.


“So Sven, he’s incontinent now?” he read, from the screen name ‘PaciMat667’.


“That’s what I have heard. He’s been going to physical therapy, and doing a few surgeries. He’s all right now… I just avoid talking to him,” David typed.


“Well, I can’t say he didn’t get what he deserved” PaciMat667 typed back.


“I agree” David responded.


“How are you doing?” PaciMat asked.


“I’m good… arm’s broke… few scratches and bruises, but I’m doing alright” David said.


“That’s great… glad to hear you’re okay,” PaciMat typed.


“What about your mom…?” he asked.


“She’s… she’s good. I always feel like I’m getting weird looks… but it’s probably just my imagination…” David typed.


“Does she know?” PaciMat asked.


“She only knew about William wearing my diapers… didn’t know anything else. As for why I tried committing suicide… all she knows is that I over reacted to Will’s committing suicide.” David explained.


“Ah…” PaciMat responded…


Suddenly the phone rang.


“Hold up, phone,” David typed.


David looked over at the phone, and picked it up.


“Hello?” he asked.


“Hey Dave, its Jason” he heard… obviously, it was Jason.


“What’s up?” David asked.


“Not much man… how’s the arm?” Jason asked.


David looked at the cast…


“Broken” he said.


“Yeah… it happens. But anyways… Dave, I can’t come out right now. But I need to ask you to do something” he said.


“…Depends…” David said, suspicious.


“David, Sven… he’s been really… really bad in the head since this whole thing came into motion.” Jason said.


“…So?” David asked, still holding a bit of a grudge.


“…David, I figured… since you… kind of have this whole situation down… maybe you could help him out. I can’t, I don’t wear them…” Jason said, desperately.


“Why should I do anything for him?” David snared.


“He’s feeling a lot of pain. He’s got a lot of therapy to go through… Anyways, I have got to go Dave. I don’t expect you to… I just thought I’d ask. You going to be around in a few hours?” Jason asked.


“…Yeah… I’ll be here,” David said.


“Alright… maybe we’ll get together some time. But, think about what I said man… he really feels alone” Jason said.


“Yeah well… he brought it on himself” David said.


“Later David” Jason finished.


“Later” David concluded.


And with that, David hung up the phone. He thought for a moment…


“Hey Mat” he typed to his online friend.


“Yeah?” he responded.


“…I’ve got a question,” David said.


“Shoot” PaciMat quickly said back.


”I just got a call, from Jason,” he explained.

”Okay” Mat said.


“Well… he thinks that I should support him… help him out. Basically forgive him,” David said.


“Okay” Mat said.


“Part of me doesn’t want to… but the other part does” David explained.


“…And you want my opinion?” Mat asked.


“It’d be appreciated” David said.

”Alright… well… personally, I think Sven got what he deserved. He got stabbed, has become incontinent, and will be for the rest of his life.” Mat began.


“Right” David agreed.


“And I honestly think not forgiving him is considered cruel… You may become what you hate. And look at the bright side… now you and him can… you know… share diaper experiences,” Mat typed.

”…Right…” David said.


“I think you should help him out,” Mat typed.


“Alright… I’ll consider it.” David said.


“Anyways, I’m gonna go. Parents are home,” Mat typed.


“Alright man, thanks. Later” David said.


“Later, best luck,” Mat concluded, finally logging off.


This left David in his room, alone. But he was in his thoughts. But finally, he came to a conclusion.


He walked out of his room, and yelled


“Mom, I’m going outside”


“Where are you going?” he heard back.


“…Sven’s…” he responded…




“And that is my story… my epic tale. It’s been almost a year since those events took place. My arm has healed… so has my mind. I finished the story, and it was a great success. After that… I had decided not to give up being a teen baby… I tried, but it was too hard. You cannot give up who you are… and certainly not what you have done. I have written this story to make me stronger, but in the process, learned that it is not necessary to hold onto the past. You’ve got to live on. You’ve got to make your mistakes your guide to a better life. Learn from them, let them make you stronger; do not let them hold you back. After all… tomorrow could be your last day.


Some may be wondering what happened to us… Me, Sven, Jason, and our friendship. Well, I decided to give Sven a second chance… but it’s impossible to give him a clean slate. We are friends again… but I can’t look at him the same way ever again. But I forgave him… like Will told me to… As for Jason… I and he have never been so good of friends. He too, has begun wearing diapers, to be like me and Sven, for fun, to be like us. Us three are as happy as ever.


And now it is time to finish it off… time for you to return to your lives. Thank you…. And good bye…”


 -- David Mayter

 Dedicated to William…




The Story of David Mayter (2004).


By Baby Jake.



Instant Messengers…


AIM: megidosyphir





This story is not based off of real events, at all. The characters are based off of real people, except for William, in my life, but the events did absolutely not take place. David is my duplicate so to speak. He is 14, and I am 14 (at the time I write this, Saturday, September 25, 2004). I hope you have enjoyed this story, and I thank you for your time.