Title: Snowed in at Mrs. Robin's House
Name: James D.
Email: ritzcritz@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 17
Posting Date: 02/14/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Young boy get diapers by an elderly woman in his neighborhood.

The following is my first story, feel free to give feedback and add to it in any way, thanks!!

Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 7 (35%)
It was a couple of days before Christmas vacation was about to start 
and Alex was trying to make sure he could at least get ten sales for 
his fundraiser before vacation started. Alex was 9 years old, and 
unlike most boys his age, he was very, very short, around the height of 
a big toddler. Alex was also very shy and got nervous quite easily, so 
participating in the fundraiser was a pretty big deal for him, to say 
the least.

Alex lived in a small town in South Dakota which got a lot of snow 
during the winter and was about to get hit with one of the biggest 
blizzards in years. He had planned on trying to get some sales from the 
last row of houses that led up to his friend Jimmy's house before he 
would be staying at for a couple of days while the blizzard was hitting 
the town. With very little luck of any sales, he approached the last 
house before getting to Jimmy's house, Mrs. Robin's house.

Mrs. Robins was an older lady around her late 50's/early 60's who lived 
by herself; her kids were all grown up and had moved out years ago. 
Alex had never really talked to Mrs. Robins before but had seen her 
every once in a while letting her cats outside while walking to Jimmy's 
house. She had grey hair and was fairly tall for a woman of her age. 
Every once in a while, she would have her friends over for knitting 
parties, all of whom who were of her age if not older. Her house has 
all kinds of strange garden statues in the front that were rather 
strange but welcoming at the same time.

Alex had stomped some of the snow that had just begun falling of his 
shoe once he approached her porch and slowing but firmly knocked on her 
door. After a couple of seconds of waiting he was about to leave for he 
had to use the bathroom very badly and Jimmy's house was not too far at 
all. Right as he was in motion to turn around to start walking the door 
opened up and Alex was a little intimidated at the old woman's height.

"Hello there, making some fundraising sales for your school, young 
man?" she said in a calm voice. Nervously, he mumbled the special deals 
on chocolate and other candy that his school was selling and was trying 
to hold in his pee at the same time. "Well you know, it�s cold out here 
and a boy on your height shouldn't be walking around in this weather 
judging from how deep the snow will be, why don't you come inside and 
we'll go over some of this?" Not wanting to do so, Alex in a small 
panic let out a stream of pee into his underwear as he walked in the 
door and quickly covered it up with the sales booklet he was holding.

"Now, lets take a look at what your selling, Mr. Salesman?" which made 
Alex a little annoyed inside but he was already super nervous for he 
had peed his pants. "Umm its okay I can just read it off to you 
actually, I know if all off the top of my head" Alex said nervously.

"Oh don't be silly, that book has got tons of things of sale for 
Christmas," said Mrs. Robins as went to take in from his hands and 
before Alex could think to grab on to it hard she slid it from his 
hands exposing his soaked crotch.

"Oh my, did you have a little accident?" Mrs. Robins said with concern 
to which Alex said "yeahhh" in a very quiet voice under his breath in 
embarrassment for peeing his pants and for an old lady to call him out 
on it.

"Hmm, well, it seems the snow is coming down wayyy harder than I 
expected now, it wouldn't be wise of you to go walking out in it at 
this point, you would get lost in it all" said Mrs. Robins. It's okay 
I�ll be fine said Alex as he got up out of his chair to walk towards 
the door but before he could get a couple of feet he felt a hand dig 
into the back of his waistband, stopping him in his tracks and then was 
swiftly swung over Mrs. Robins' shoulder.

Alex's heart sunk from how nervous he was now, he didn't even fight it 
or ask was she was doing and instead was just silent like a baby. 
"Since your going to probably be stuck here for a while, I should get 
you cleaned up seeing as you look a little uncomfortable in these 
soaked pants of yours. Alex still didn't reply and just stared at the 
door as he was being carried upstairs. Mrs. Robins then opened a door 
letting a certain scent his Alex's nose, he knew this scent somewhere, 
something very familiar and upon entering the room there was a crib, a 
changing table with stacks of thick disposable diapers, baby powder, 
wipes, oil and baby lotion. Then it finally hit him, she was going to 
diaper him!!

She then carried him to the changing table and softly laid him down to 
which he then said nervously "...are you going to put diapers on me?� 
Well, you see, I�ve always wanted grandchildren but never had any and 
I�ve always kept this room in my house in case my children ever had 
children of their own so that when they came over they would have a 
room and since your going to be stuck here with me for a little while, 
I think it could be fun to get to know how it feels to be a mother 
again or grandmother and care for a baby. In shock of what was going 
on, Alex just lay on the table in silence just accepting what was going 

Mrs. Robins lifted his shirt over his head, tossing it over her 
shoulder along with his pants in underwear. Now Alex was completely 
naked in front of this old woman that he didn't even know. She then 
pulled the strap tightly around his waist; "We wouldn't want you to 
fall and hurt your little head, would we?" she smiled. The then grabbed 
and unopened box of wipes, Huggies diapers, and a bottle of baby 
powder. She started by lifting Alex's legs by his ankles with one hand 
and wiping him with the other. Her hands were very gentle and soft with 
lots of wrinkles too. She made sure she wiped up all the pee that had 
dripped down his legs and that was on his balls and thighs too. She 
then sprinkled a nice amount of baby powder onto his bottom making the 
whole room smell like baby powder as well. Lastly, she grabbed a thick 
Huggies and placed it under him, slowly lowering his legs on to the 
table but pulling the diaper between his legs quickly and taping them 

"Alex you might just be the cutest little thing I have ever diapered 
and I�m surprised at how well I was able to diaper your little behind 
after almost thirty years of never changing a diaper!" she said very 
happily and very pleased. Alex just sat there with his mind racing.

Mrs. Robins then unstrapped him and slung him over his shoulder again 
with her hand supporting his very thickly diapered behind. She carried 
him into her living room and placed him on the couch and handed him the 
remote to the TV. "now you watch TV. Like a good little boy and I�m 
gonna go make you some hot chocolate and cookies." Once she left to go 
to the kitchen Alex sat there mindless flipping through channels as he 
though about what was going on, as much as he didn't like it he thought 
well at least she's going to make me some nice cookies and hot 
chocolate and he knew that old woman knew how to bake when they wanted 
to. Maybe he'd be able to leave after he ate too, so for the time being 
he would just somehow make an attempt to enjoy the situation even know 
it wasn't easy to. She called him into the kitchen and put a shirt over 
him knowing he was probably cold just wearing a diaper to which he 
mumbled "thank you", "no problem sweetie, now enjoy those while they're 
hot!" she said with enthusiasm.

A couple of hours pasted as Alex sat there watching TV. and wondered 
when Mrs. Robins would let him leave. He then felt his stomach start to 
grumble and he thought he should go use the bathroom quick before he 
messes himself again but this time only worse. He hopped off the couch 
and walked over to the bathroom and reached up to open it but only it 
was locked. Alex then walked to the kitchen where Mrs. Robins was 
knitting and said, "Mrs. Robins, your bathroom is locked for some 
reason and I gotta use the bathroom, I think.�

�You�re a silly baby, aren't you? The bathroom is around your wittle 
butt, silly, oh, and I called your mom to let her know you'd be staying 
her a few days with me until the storm passed us." Mrs. Robins said.

Then the reality of the situation hit Alex: �This old lady is going to 
baby me! And she called my mom so now I�m going to be here for days 
until this storm passes!� Having a hard time processing what was going 
on, Alex walked into the basement to be alone to think of what to do. 
He tried holding in the poop for almost three hours downstairs but then 
finally accepted what was going on: �This lady was going to diaper me 
and baby me whether I liked it or not.� With some hesitation Alex 
slowly started to push the soft poop in his diaper while couched on his 

After a minute of pushing he finally got it all out and the relief made 
him accidentally fall back, landing on his bottom and smearing the poop 
all over his butt. He just sat downstairs for another hour trying to 
avoid Mrs. Robins so that she wouldn't change him even though he knew 
it was unavoidable. He then heard her coming downstairs.

"Alex? You down here?"

She then saw him on the ground and smelled the poop at the same time 
too. "Phew! did you make a stinky? You left me an early Christmas 
present in your diaper didn't you?" she said playfully as held her nose 
playfully teasing Alex. He sat there blushed and thought to himself. 
Well, maybe it would be kind of nice to get out of this filthy diaper 
and get cleaned up, so then he didn't really care about getting changed 
anymore, and in fact was hoping that Mrs. Robins would stop teasing him 
and just change his stinky diaper.

"Well, I'd love to get you out of that stinky diaper but the only 
problem is that I need to ration how many diapers we use; who knows how 
long that storm will go on for, I�m sorry sweetie." This was just 
great, he had revolting the thought of her putting him in a diaper and 
changing him and when he finally just wanted for her to change him; she 
told him he would have to bear with it for a while so that they didn't 
use diapers up too quickly.

"It�s okay, honey, babies and toddlers always make messes in their 
diapers and go hours without being changed, after you eat dinner in a 
couple of hours, I'll change you before I put you to bed," said Mrs. 
Robins. Which was just great considering it was only 4 in the 

Alex sat on the couch watching TV. in a pile of his own poop just 
hoping that the hours would go by quickly as Mrs. Robins sat next to 
him humming to herself as she continued to knit. Alex then began to 
shiver from how cold it was in the house and Mrs. Robins noticed, "Awe 
poor thing you must be freezing, lets get you into something a little 
warmer" she said before picking Alex up again and holding him with her 
hand against his bulging diaper seat and carried him into the nursery 
and open the closet. She then pulled out what looked to be a little 
bear suit, which looked like a footed sleeper except with leg parts and 
a little hood with ears on them. The inside also had very, very soft 
fur on the inside and had two buttons on the back where the butt was, 
so that it could be accessed very easily. She quickly took off his 
shirt and slid him into the little bear sleeper which Alex instantly 
felt warm, and said "thanks, I feel a lot better now." She smiled and 
said "it�s good to know this went to some good use, this wasn't very 
cheap but I�m glad to know that its keep at least one stinky little boy 

She made him some macaroni and cheese for dinner, with some milk that 
she had slid some laxatives into so that he would poop it all out when 
he went to sleep. Alex was starving and ate the macaroni like it was 
the best meal he had ever eaten.

"Be careful that you don't eat the table, silly," Mrs. Robins said to 
which Alex let out a slight smirk. He was all done and downed his glass 
of milk very quickly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Robins," Alex said putting down his empty glass. Mrs. 
Robins smiled and said, "You know what time it is?" Alex had almost 
forgotten about the mess he had carried around in his Huggies all day. 
He held her hand as she took him into the nursery and took of his baby 
bear sleeper. Once the diaper had hit the air it smelled very, very 

"PHEW!!!! You are super stinky aren't you? Aren�t you?�

She playfully asked Alex. She lifted him and strapped him tightly to 
the changing table and slowly untaped his diaper and pulled it back. It 
was quite a mess; she used the diaper to wipe some of the excess poop 
off his butt before tossing in into the trash. She used plenty of baby 
wipes to make sure she cleaned the poop of his butt, inner thighs, his 
penis and even some that slid up his back. Before powdering him and 
putting a diaper on, she opened a bottle of baby oil and took it into 
the kitchen to warm in up in the microwave for a little bit so that it 
was nice and warm. She squirted some of it on her softly wrinkled 
hands, and began to run it on his thighs and crotch area, and even down 
his butt crack a little bit. After she was done, she put a new huggies 
on him tightly and snug, and got out a blue sleeper to wear to bed.

Mrs. Robins carried him over to the crib which he fit in perfectly due 
to his small size, and turned out the light as she walked out the room. 
Alex sat there staring at the ceiling for a bit thinking about 
everything that had happened in this weird day. Could he get 
comfortable to possibly even enjoy being diapered by Mrs. Robins? He 
was so nervous that being diapered and babied by this old lady gave him 
a sense of not having to worry about anything. For the time being 
though, he wasn't very comfortable yet and wondered how long he would 
be stuck in her house. After an hour of thinking, Alex finally 
exhausted his head enough to fall asleep.

Alex slowly opened his eyes, looking up at about seven or eight older 
women including Mrs. Robins looking down at him as he woke up. Who were 
all these old women? Friends of Mrs. Robins he assumed that lived close 
enough to be able to walk to her house once he told them of the news. 
Alex was super nervous at this point as they were all commenting on him 
to Mrs. Robins on how cute he was and how she did a great job diapering 
him. He then saw one of them start to sniff the air a little and then 
he thought to himself, uh oh for his diaper was full soft poop and pee. 
At this point he wondered what the day was going to be like....

Thank you for reading! please feel free to say whatever you liked about 
it and if you want to I would love for you to add to the story where I 
left off, eventually I'll continue it if enough people like it but I 
would love to see how other people add to it. Thank you

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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