Title: The Sleepover That Made Me a Baby
Name: Mike H.
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 12
Posting Date: 11/08/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 6 (30%)
I'm Matt and I�m 8 years old. I just woke up with a very wet diaper. My 
mom came in to my room and said, �Looks like someone wet the bed 
again.� She opened one of my drawers and pulled a Pampers size 3 that 
had Sesame Street characters on it and she told me to stay still so she 
can change my diaper. My mom thinks that just because I wet my bed that 
she should change my diaper instead of me doing it myself. So she took 
off my racecar top, and then my racecar pajamas, which left me in 
nothing but a wet diaper. She took the diaper off me, and powdered my 
butt. She lifted up my legs in the air and put the diaper on me.

She then got out my uniform because I go to a private school, and put 
them on me. She then put me in my highchair and put a bib around my 
neck. She fed me some Frosted Flakes, and took my hand and then carried 
me to the car. She strapped me in my seat, and we drove to my school. 
My friend Jared, asked me if I wanted to sleep over his house, and I 
said, �I have to see what my mom says.�

When I came home my mom changed me into a new diaper and I asked if I 
could go to his house and she said it was okay, only because she was 
having people over. I was so happy and my mom told his mom and said I 
could go over at 5:30. So at 5:00 I was playing with my toys and my mom 
came into my room and said, �Let�s get you ready.�

So she picked me up and laid me on my bed, and she took my shoes and 
socks off, and then my shirt, and then my shorts. She saw I wet my 
diaper again and changed me into a Toy Story pull-up and put a blue 
shirt and green pants on me. She told me to carry my shark pajamas. She 
brought out a car seat and carried me to the car. She put me in the car 
seat and strapped me in. Then she drove to my friend's house and my mom 
talked to Jared's mom Alyssa. Once my mom left, Alyssa asked me to pull 
down my pants, and I said why, and then she pulled them down and I 
started crying so much that I peed in my diaper.

Then she picked me up and took me to the bathroom. She put me over her 
lap with my pants dangling on my legs and she said that my mom gave me 
an extra diaper, and she took out a Huggies diaper and she changed my 
diaper, and then told me to see Jared. I went to Jared's room and we 
hung out and played the XBOX360 and we had fun, but after an hour we 
got bored and we turned the XBOX off. He asked me what I wanted to do 
and I said, �Let's play a game.� He said O.K. and then thought of a 
game and told me we're going to wrestle but the way to win is if you 
take all of the other person's clothes off except for their underwear 
you'll win. So I said alright because I was stronger than him.

In the first two minutes I took his shoes and socks off, and then I 
took his shirt off. 5 minutes later he took my shoes and my socks off. 
Then he hit me in the privates and I started crying but he didn't care 
and took off my shirt. As I was holding onto my pants and he punched my 
hand so hard that I let go and when he took my pants off and saw my 
diaper; he was laughing his head off. I tried to put my pants back on 
but he took them and threw it in a drawer and locked it. I then asked 
for them back and he said no and said, �I'm going to make you a baby.�

So I tried to run for the door but he grabbed my armed and used all of 
his strength and somehow he picked me up and laid me on the bed and 
took duct tape and taped me to the bed. Now I had to go to the bathroom 
badly and I asked where the bathroom is and he said, �Just do it in 
your diaper, baby.�

Then he started tickling me and the pee flowed out like a stream and I 
was crying again. Then he took the tape off and ran to his mom and said 
that Matt peed his diaper. She went to his room and I was just in a 
blue shirt and a wet diaper, and she picked me up and said, �We have to 
go to the store now, little Matty, because you just wet yourself.�

So she picked me up and took my shirt off. She told Jared to go get the 
old car seat in the basement and he got it, and Jared got in the car 
and Alyssa carried me like a baby to the car and put the car seat in 
and strapped me in. We drove to Baby's R Us and she took me out of the 
car seat and she carried me inside. Someone who worked there saw me and 
asked, �Alyssa, did someone have an accident?�

She said yes, and she asked if the baby could have his measurements 
taken and he said yes. So the guy took my hand and measured me and I 
was small for my age I was 3'5 and weighed 50 pounds so I looked like a 
toddler. He led her to the diaper section and she picked out a pack 
each of Pampers, Huggies, and Pull-ups. Alyssa asked the clerk for a 
pacifier and he gave her one because I was still crying and she stuck 
it in my mouth. She said, �If you take this out you'll get a spanking,� 
so I sucked on it and she carried me to the ladies� room.

She put me on the changing table and the other women were just watching 
her change me and she took off my diaper and put the new one on. She 
told Jared to watch baby Matt and to make sure he doesn't get hurt, so 
he said, �Come on, Matt.� He took my hand and took me to an aisle and 
said, �You will do as I say or get spanked,� so told me to lie down on 
the floor and I did. He said to crawl and he made me crawl in nothing 
but a diaper sucking on a pacifier through the whole store.

After 20 minutes Alyssa came back and had a ton of stuff like bottles, 
bibs, onesies, sleepers, booties, and then she also got a booster 
chair, changing table, a playpen, a stroller, and a crib. She said that 
my mom wanted to get this for me so I got it. I was crying again and 
she took out a blue sleeper with teddy bears all over it and put it on 
me and she took out some yellow booties and put them on me. I looked 
like a 2-year-old and my mom paid for everything and she picked me up 
and strapped me in the car seat.

When we got back to Jared's house I already wet myself and Jared said, 
�The baby had an accident,� so she changed me. Then she said, �It�s 
time for dinner.� She put me in the booster chair and put a bib around 
my neck. She said that she was ordering pizza and I loved pizza. She 
took out some milk and poured it into the bottle. Then she took the 
pacifier out and she said that the pizza is here. I was so hungry I 
didn�t care what was happening.

Then Jared's sister Rachel came out and said, �Matt looks so cute, and 
I like him as a baby.�

Then Jared's dad came out and Alyssa must have told him that I wear 
diapers because he just said, �I see you wet your diaper again, Matt.� 
So then Alyssa said, �I'll change you after dinner,� so she got out a 
slice and cut it up and fed it to me. After I ate the pizza I had to go 
poop so I said, �Can I go to the bathroom?�

She said, �From now on you will only speak like babies do, which means 
you say pee-pee and poo-poo.�

So I said, �Can I go poo-poo?� and she said, �Also, you will beg me or 
anyone else here to change you, or you will fill your diaper.� I said 
no, so she took me out of the booster chair and started smacking me and 
I was crying. I said, �Okay, Mrs. Oleck, will you please let me go poo-
poo in my diapee, please, because I am a little baby who goes pee-pee 
and poo-poo in my diapee and acts like a baby.�

She said, �Okay, you can poo-poo in your diaper.� I tried to hold the 
poop in but I couldn�t and I felt the poop filling up my diaper and the 
mush I was sitting in. She said, �Are you finished?� and I said yes. 

She took me out of the high-chair again and put me on the changing 
table. She took my diaper off and she said, �You're a bad baby because 
you wet your diaper.� And then she said, �now beg.�

I said, �Mrs. Oleck will you please change my diaper, because I am a 
baby and I can't do it.�

She took the sleeper off, and then the diaper and said, �We have a 
little stinker.� Then she put a fresh Blues Clues diaper on me and then 
put a Barney onesie on me and took me back to Jared's room. She told 
Jared he was in charge of me and said, �You could punish him in any way 
you want to.� And then I was scared.

The rest of the night he made me crawl in his room and make me call him 
master. Just before I went to sleep, Alyssa came in and said, �I'm 
going to change you now� and she changed me into a new diaper and put 
the teddy bear sleeper I was wearing before. Then she put me in the 
crib and said, �Night, night baby.�

When I woke up I wet myself and Alyssa came in and said, �Did the baby 
wet himself?� and I said, �Yea.�

Then she changed me into another diaper and put me in a bunny costume 
that had bunny ears and a bushy tail. I started crying because I looked 
like a baby, and Rachel came out and said I looked so cute, and she 
took me into her room and took pictures of me and then she put me on 
her bed and took my bunny suit off and started taking pictures of my 
diapered behind. I was crying and then she slid my diaper off and took 
pictures of my penis and my butt and me being completely naked and I 
was crying so much. Then she put my diaper back on

Then Alyssa came in her room because she heard my crying and stuck a 
pacifier in my mouth. She said that Jared wanted to go to the park so 
Jared and Rachel got in the car and I was carried to the car and put in 
the car seat. We drove to Sugar Sand, and Alyssa got out the stroller 
and put me in it. The people at the park didn't seem to notice because 
I looked like a baby so they just ignored it. I wet myself on the way 
there and Alyssa changed me on the bench. Jared went on the slide what 
seemed like a hundred times and then he went on the swing. Alyssa took 
me out of the stroller and put me in the baby swing and she pushed me 
back and forth.

Then we left and I couldn't wait to get back home in one hour. Jared 
took me by the hand to the bench and took off my diaper and I said, 
�Jared, what are you doing?�

Then he took off the sleeper and my booties. He then took my hand and 
said he wanted to go home, so we got home and Jared put me on the floor 
and said, �Do what I say.�

Then I said, �Why are you doing this to me?� and he said, �Because it�s 

I said, �No, it�s not!� and he said, �Lie down now,� and I did.

Then he said, �Stay still, and if you fight me I�ll spank you.�

I was scared so I said, �Okay.�

Then he started tickling me and I had to go pee. I said, �Jared, stop! 
I have to go pee-pee!�

He wouldn�t stop until I peed my diaper, and then he changed me into a 
new diaper.

It was half an hour before I went back to my house. He said that I have 
to say I love Barney and all the other baby shows and I said, �no.� He 
started spanking me and I started crying again. Then I yelled, �I love 
Barney and Sesame Street,� and all the other shows.

Then I said, �Can I have my clothes now?�

He said, �I have to ask my mom,� and he said, �I will give them to your 
mom along with the sleeping bag and the other stuff you brought.�

Then Alyssa talked to my mom and said that she wanted her to bring all 
the baby stuff she bought and she packed in the car, even the booster 
chair and the crib. She changed me into the teddy bear sleeper and put 
a pacifier in my mouth and put booties on me. She carried me to the car 
and put me in the car seat. She drove to my mom's house and she 
unbuckled me, carried me to the door and rang the bell. My mom opened 
it and Alyssa gave me to her and she was holding me and she said the 
stuff is in the trunk. So they took everything out and now all my stuff 
is gone and is replaced by a nursery.

I am in diapers 24/7 and can't use the toilet anymore. I have to wear 
baby clothes everywhere except school, thank God. I have to talk and 
act like a baby. My mom calls be baby all the time and I get made fun 
of in school because everyone knows wear diapers and sometimes they 
pull down my shorts and I cry a lot.

A few weeks later in school Jared said he was sorry if he was too hard 
on me and said, �Do you want to be friends again?�

I said, �On one condition.�

He said, �What?�

I said, �You have to wear diapers like me, and baby clothes and get 

He thought about it and he said, �fine.�

Now he and I are friends again. That's how the sleepover made me into a 
complete baby.

Editing level: High
Editing Notes:
  • Several spelling errors had to be corrected, some punctuation, capitalization, etc.
  • Personal "I" not capitalized (17 occurences, including one not caught by find/replace due to no space between it and following word)
  • Quotation marks added where needed throughout the story.
  • Several proper nouns (e.g. brand names) needed to be capitalized
  • Added paragraph breaks (none were originally used)
  • Numerous run-on sentences found
  • Ambiguous pronouns in several areas (unsure of whom they referred to)
  • Mixing direct and indirect quotes (e.g. She took my diaper off and she said that you're a bad baby because you wet your diaper.)

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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