Title: The Sleepover Diaper Dare
Name: Jarod
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 13
Posting Date: 02/21/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas
L- Mother3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
  9- Baby paraphernalia
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Four boys have a sleepover. One dares the others to wear diapers. Later they lose all control of their bladders and bowel movements and have to wear diapers 24/7/365.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 5 (25%)
Four boys have a sleepover. One dares the others to wear diapers. Later 
they lose all control of their bladders and bowel movements and have to 
wear diapers 24/7/365.

story: Chapter 1: The Invite.

Ricky was so excited; he was going to host a sleepover. The night 
before he e-mailed the invites to his 3 best friends: Jason, Max, and 
Rocco. His mom was giving his younger brother, Jack, a bath and said,
�Ricky, time for bed," and he got ready for bed. Jack, who slept in his 
room, still wet the bed, so his mom diapered him into a Huggies 
Overnights size 6.

While his mom did this Ricky was brushing his teeth and glanced at the 
pack of diapers. He then proceeded to take one out and stuff it under 
his shirt. Then when he knew both his mom and brother were asleep he 
pulled it out and put it on. It was a tight fit but he managed to get 
it on and get his pants back on without waking up his mom or his 
brother. he then had the urge to pee and thought, �Hmm' I'm wearing a 
diaper, so I might as well just pee." so he did then he thought, �Now 
to get rid of the diaper.� So he went into the bathroom and fund his 
brother's diaper pail and tossed the diaper in, then he got the pack 
and stuffed about 15 of the 20 diapers left into his shirt. After he 
went back into bed and put another on and stuffed the others into his 
�secret spot" under the bed. He then knew what he would dare his 
friends to do at the sleepover.

Chapter 2: The Next Morning.

The next morning Ricky woke up in his diaper, which was wet. Ricky 
thought, �Oh man I'm screwed" and rushed to the bathroom. He took off 
the diaper and threw it out, and then he took a shower. Afterward he 
woke up his brother, who was also wet. He helped his brother get ready 
for the day and woke his mother. He had pancakes for breakfast and 
thought about the sleepover tonight. While he was thinking about that 
he had to go to the bathroom. He rushed up there and got to the toilet 
just in time. He thought, �Oh shit, I think I'm going to need a fucking 
diaper soon at night and during the day." He then left the bathroom and 
went into his room, and then he checked his stash of Huggies. He 
thought, �
�Okay, I have 14 diapers left, so I can wear 10 and still have enough 
for the dare tonight!" So he put another on and put back on his shorts.

Chapter 3: The Accident

That day, while Ricky was playing GTA4, he peed in his diaper. He 
realized what happened and rushed into the bathroom after grabbing 
another diaper. He then changed himself and left the bathroom. His 
brother then ran up the stair crying with a HUGE wet spot on his pants. 
His mom heard and ran to him, then carrying him into the bathroom his 
mom put him into a diaper and told him, �If you have another accident I 
will put you into a whole pack of these at once!"

Ricky immediately got hard at the thought of that and his mother saw 
him and asked, �do you want to wear a diaper too?" Ricky, without 
thinking, said yes and his mom pulled off his shorts to find a diaper 
already on. His mom, shocked, scolded him and asked where he got that 
from and Ricky told her everything. The stash, the accident, the 

Afterward his mom put back on his shorts and said, �I'll be gone for 
about 30 minutes, take care of your brother while I'm gone." So his mom 
left and went to Publix, there she picked up a case each of Huggies 
Convertibles size 6 and Goodnites size L/XL as well as a case of wipes 
and a new diaper genie. After paying she went home and told Ricky to 
take off both his shorts and the diaper. She then showed him the case 
of Goodnites and put one on him. Ricky, who was happy his mom got him a 
larger diaper, asked his mom if he could change himself.

His mom said, �Yes you can, also you must change your brother for 1 
year." Ricky asked why.

His mom said, �He will be in diapers for 1 year because he apparently 
can't get to the bathroom in time."

Chapter 4: The Sleepover

That night, Ricky got ready for the sleepover. He took 5 diapers out of 
the case his mom got and put them into his underwear drawer, then his 
mom told his brother that he will be sleeping with her tonight in an 
old crib. Jack protested and his mom spanked him 100 times on each 
cheek. Ricky then got snacks ready and heard the doorbell ring. He then 
opened the door to his friend Rocco, a dirty blond male with a great 
sense of humor.

�Rickster! How�s it going?" Rocco asked. Ricky said,

�Great" and they went upstairs. The doorbell rang again and this time 
it was Jason, who was a jet black-haired male who made money off of 
Mountain Dew and Fresca at school. Jason, who Ricky didn't know wet the 
bed, was very nervous. He went upstairs and as Ricky was going up the 
doorbell rang and it was Max. Max was a short red-head male who was 
very smart when it came to computers. He also went upstairs and 
overheard his mom on the phone with Jason's mom. ...

�Okay, I'll make sure he puts on his diapers... ok bye." He was 
shocked. Jason was considered �popular" at school and he wets the bed! 
This was gold to Ricky who thought he would start the night with a GTA4 
multi-player tournament. Ricky started the tourney in Broker with $600, 
Max started in Algonquin with $1900 and an minigun, Jason started in 
Aldreny with $9000, a house, and an RPG, and Rocco started in Dukes 
with $100000, a minigun, an RPG, 2 safe houses, and an Infernus. Ricky 
got caught busting Jason out of prison so Max had to bail them out for 
$500. Rocco got caught performing a hit on Ricky and got sent to the 
Aldreny State Correctional Facility, where he broke out and got to the 
Statue of Happiness in one piece. Jason finally won with $190000, 3 
houses, an Infernous, a go-Kart, a minigun, an RPG and an ambulance. 
Ricky then said everyone was going to play Truth or Dare. Ricky got to 
be the asker first.

He asked Max, �truth or dare?" Max chose dare and Ricky dared him to 
put on one of Jack's diapers. Max said Okay and Ricky got out one of 
the Goodnites from his drawer and told Max, �Okay, let's go into the 
bathroom and get your diapies on. So Ricky and Max went into the 
bathroom and Ricky got out the changing mat his mom uses for his 

�Okay, let's get those pants off and that underwear too." so after his 
pants and underwear came off he lifted his legs and slid the diaper 
under, then he lowered his legs and put on a lot of powder, oil, and 
rash cream. Then he taped up the diaper and told him to get up. After 
fixing the waistband he opened the door and led Max out of the 
bathroom. When they entered his room, Rocco and Jason started laughing 

Ricky then said, �Oh don't worry you guys are next!" as he told Max to 
watch over Jason and Rocco. Ricky then got the powder, oil, cream, 
changing mat, and 2 old pairs of locking plastic pants. He then re-
entered his room and set everything up. Then he got 2 more pairs of 
Goodnites and told Rocco to lie down on the mat. Then he removed both 
his shorts and underwear. He then lifted Rocco's legs and placed the 
diaper under him, and then he lowered Rocco's legs and put on powder, 
cream, and oil. Finally he taped up the diaper, and then told Rocco to 
stand up. Then he put on his plastic pants and locked them up tight. 
Then it was Jason's turn.

Jason said he had to go to the bathroom, but Ricky said, �You�re gonna 
be wearing one soon" so Jason thought, �I might as well tell them," so 
he said, �I already wear diapers at night!"

The other three were shocked. Jason then opened up his bag and pulled 
out a small Bambino diaper. Ricky said, �Man that's a thick-ass 
diaper!" Jason then said, �These hold about 5 times as much as those 
Goodnites do."

�I have about 10 more of these with me, if you guys want to wear them."

Ricky said, �Hell yes let's each get one on!" After they all were in 
one, they played more GTA4. Ricky accidentally fell for Jason's trap 
with an Infernus In front of the swing set of doom. This time, Rocco 
won with $200,000, 4 safe houses, 2 cars, a minigun, and an RPG.

Then they all had to pee and Ricky said, �Let's all pee in our 
diapers!" Then they all peed and changed each other into new ones. 
After they went to sleep.

Chapter 5: The Morning After.

The next morning they all woke up at around 9:00 AM. They all were wet 
and Jason was messy and stinky. They changed each other. Ricky, Jason, 
and Max got Bambinos and Rocco got a Goodnite. After they all got ready 
to go to Boomers In Dania Beach, Florida. On the way there Ricky asked 
Jason where he gets those Bambinos. Jason told him the website for them 
and about the pricing and sizing. At Boomers! All four of them went on 
the Hurricane. Rocco threw up afterward and he peed his Goodnite 

Ricky said, �I came prepared for this,� and gave Rocco another 
Goodnite. At the same time Jack peed and pooped his diaper and his mom 
changed him into 5 Huggies Overnights at once. The inner four had slits 
cut into them and the outer was sealed tight. She then put a pair of 
plastic pants on him and put back on his pants, which were bulging at 
the crotch and waist because of the 5 Huggies Overnights she put on 
him. After they left Boomers they went to Dave and Busters for dinner. 
There, Ricky told his mom about the diapers Jason wore and where to get 

His mom said, �Okay I'll order them tonight and put them on rush 
delivery." Ricky then told her thanks and ran off to his friends, who 
were playing the Gold Rusher. After Dave and Busters, they went back to 
Ricky's house and Jason's mom was there. She then asked Jason how many 
diapers he had left.

Jason said, �None." Jason's mom then gave him a jumbo pack of them, 
which has 58 diapers in it. Ricky and the others ran up to him and 
asked him to equally share them with each of them.

Jason said, �Okay you'll each get 13 diapers." Upstairs Ricky Googled 
�diaper stories" and found Deeker's Diaper Page. He looked over the 
site and found a link to the Bambinos site and called in his mom. His 
mom got her credit card and ordered 10 jumbo packs of small, which gave 
him 580 Bambinos. He also saw the Molicare site and had his mom 
purchase 2 cases, which gave him 200 Molicares. His mom also purchased 
2 NUK 5 pacifiers, 300 AB Universe overnights, and 5 new types of 
plastic pants. Ricky told his friends and they were exited. Then they 
all played GTA4 again. This time Max won in Broker with $1,000,000, a 
minigun, an RPG, 6 safe houses, 2 high-cost cars, and a double barreled 
shotgun. That night, they all put on their Bambinos and went to sleep.

Chapter 6: The Next Morning

The next day they all woke up at around 10:00 and had pancakes. At 
around 12:00 Max's mom was there to pick him up. Max left and on the 
way home was wearing a fresh Bambino when, he pooped his pants and 
didn't realize it until his mom did. His mom scolded him and pulled 
down his pants and found the Bambino on him.

She asked, �Why do you have this on?" and Max told her everything about 
what happened.

His mom said, �Okay if you want to wear diapers and use them like a 
baby, you're gonna be a baby!" So she took him home and went online and 
found everything in a nursery, but for teens and adults. She found a 
crib, diapers, a changing table, a playpen, and an enema machine. As 
well as some laxatives and diuretics, and a hypnosis file that will 
make Max totally incontinent.

Chapter 7: The Deliveries

2 days later, the packages arrived at Ricky's door. Ricky was thrilled 
to see the 1080 diapers his mom ordered him as well as all the 
accessories she also ordered. The next day, Max got his packages. The 
crib, changing table, and playpen were quickly assembled by his mom and 
she diapered him into 20 Bambinos at once. Then she put another 20 
Molicares on top of the already thick Bambinos. Then she took off the 
outer one and took a knife a punctured a slit through the other 39, 
then she put back on the outer Molicare and put on a pair of locking 
plastic pants. After she locked it she removed him from the table and 
because of the 40 diapers he had on he could not stand, only crawl.

Then Ricky called and asked if he wanted to come over this Saturday. 
Max's mom said yes and she told Max. Max was excited to see him this 
Saturday. Max got up early on Saturday and had his mom remove him from 
the crib. His mom packed him 100 Bambinos and 100 Molicares, as well as 
100 wipes and a thing of baby powder. She then put him into a Molicare 
and locking plastic pants then into some pants and a t-shirt. Then 
after strapping him into a car seat, she drove him over to Ricky's. 
Jason and Rocco were there already and were putting on some Molicares. 
Ricky was in a t-shirt and an AB universe Overnight. Max asked if he 
could try one of those on and Ricky gave him 15 pairs. Max then told 
Ricky about what his mom did to him and to his room. Ricky was shocked 
with what happened to him. Ricky then told his mom about the teen/adult 
baby items Max got and asked for his mom to get them for him. She said 
yes and told his friends about that. Max's mom gave Max the key to his 
plastic pants and Max immediately unlocked them. After he handed his 
mom both the key and the plastic pants and she left.

Ricky showed his friends Deeker's Diaper Page and they read a few 
stories like �Kindergarteners Put Me in Diapers" and �My Son Put Me 
Back in Diapers". After they read a few stories, they went to Markham 
Park�s RC airfield. Jason, Ricky, and Max brought their RC airplanes 
and Rocco brought his 3D Heli. At the airfield Ricky charged his RC 
airliner, painted in JetBlue's Beta Blue scheme, It cost close to 
$3,000, which he saved over a period of 4 years. Max's turbine powered 
lawnmower plane was close to $5,000, which his dad helped pay for. 
Jason flew the 3D Yak 54, which cost close to $1,000. Rocco flew the 
nitro-powered 3D Robinson, which he hand painted in Mountain Dew 
colors. Ricky took-off first flying around in a graceful motion. Max 
was next and he taxied into position and gunned it. After him Rocco 
took off and flew upside-down and tapped his rotors on the ground. 
Jason took-off last and did a vertical stall as Ricky did a 4-point 

After Ricky landed, he pooped in his Molicare. He changed himself and 
put on an AB Universe Overnight. After Max landed, he needed a change 
and put on a fresh Molicare. After the others landed, they left and 
went to a Panthers game, where they got 200 level seats. Ricky and 
Jason had cheese-steaks, Max a bowl of pasta, and Rocco a fajita. 
Panthers won 3-2 in overtime. After the game they went back to Ricky's, 
where they read more diaper stories on Deeker's. Max's mom came to 
check on him and took him into the bathroom. She put him in 60 
Molicares, the 14 other AB Universe Overnights, and 26 Bambinos. After 
the 100 diapers were on Max couldn't walk, but could crawl and she left 
him at Ricky's for a sleepover and Jason and Rocco called their moms to 
ask if they could stay too. Both moms said yes. Max then showed Ricky 
what his mom did to him and Ricky wanted that done to him too. Max had 
Jason diaper Ricky while he diapered Rocco. After the others were in 
100 diapers each, Ricky crawled to his bed, but couldn't get in it. He 
called for his mom and she ran in and put him in bed. After they all 
took two diuretics and three laxatives. Then they all fell asleep.

Chapter 8: The Sunday From Hell

The next morning, they all woke up at around noon and all wet and 
messed their diapers through. They all changed each other into twenty 
AB Universe Overnights and ate pancakes. Then the worst happened, Ricky 
peed uncontrollably and then pooped uncontrollably, filling his diapers 
and they started to overflow and leak. Pee and poop fell on the floor 
and his mom walked in and scolded him. He was vomiting now and his mom 
called 911.

The ambulance arrived in two minutes and after the same happened to the 
other three. Three more ambulances arrived in another minute and they 
all went to the hospital. There Max's mom, Rocco's mom, Ricky's mom, 
and Jason's mom watched in terror as their sons went into a coma. After 
two and a half hours Ricky came out of the coma and drank some 
Gatorade. In another hour Max came to and also had some Gatorade. Jason 
came to next in about thirty minutes. Rocco was out for another five 
hours, but came to and finally had something to eat. They all had 
numerous tests done on them, but after about 100 tests, the results 
came in. All of their bladder muscles were destroyed and so were their 
sphincters. Ricky asked what that meant for them. Doctor Roberts 

�You will be permanently incontinent. You will need diapers for the 
rest of your lives." Then the doctor went to the mothers.

�Your children are permanently incontinent. They will need diapers for 
the rest of their lives. The insurance company covers only 10 types of 

He handed each of the mothers a list. It read: Bambinos Molicares 
Pampers Huggies Luvs AB Universe products Target brand diapers Publix 
brand diapers Depends Prevails. The moms chose: Bambinos, Molicares, 
and all AB Universe diapers. Their first package would arrive in 2 
weeks. Until then they would use Ricky's diapers. They all left the 
hospital and ate at Micky D's...

More in a few weeks...

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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