Title: Ryan's Exciting Day
Name: Max
Email: LilySeip@aol.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 15
Posting Date: 11/02/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Part One

One bright sunny Monday morning Ryan, a very popular kid in 5th grade, 
was trying to look his best to impress this one girl he had a crush on. 
He finally got the guts to ask her out on a date. Ryan was on the bus. 
He was sitting next to his best friend Tom, who was in his class when 
he had the urge to pee really badly. The bus was about halfway to 
school and thought he would make it, but his luck failed and he wet his 
pants. Being that he was very popular did not help. A kid who did not 
really like Ryan a whole lot screamed, �Look! Ryan wet his pants!� 
�Baby Ryan wet his pants!� All the kids on the bus laughed except one 
kid way in the front of the bus, and that made him wonder.

When they got to school the situation did not get any better. Just more 
people laughed and pointed fingers. His last year teacher, Mrs. 
McDoodle, saw him and brought him to the nurse�s office, which was on 
the other side of the school, so there were many more people laughing 
at him.

Finally, we made it to the nurse�s office. Mrs. McDoodle led me in and 
then left.

�All right, wha...? Oh, you wet your pants.�

She told Ryan to go lie over on the cot with Blues Clues on it and he 
did. She then got a bottle of yellow liquid out and set it on the 
counter alongside with a white container. Then she went over to him and 
asked Ryan to pull off his shirt, so he did in a curious way. Then she 
told him to take off his pants and he did so he was just lying on the 
Blues Clues cot in his very wet boxers.

�Now take off your boxers.�


�You have to,� the nurse said. �How else am I going to put you in a 


�Yes, I already called your mom (his dad had died when he was only 2 
years old) and told her exactly what happened and she agreed to put you 
in diaper and treat you as if you were a baby.�

Ryan screamed. Then she reached over and pulled his boxers down. �HEY!�

Then she went over to the cabinet and he saw 5 or 6 packs of Huggies 
sizes 4-8. The nurse grabbed a pack of Huggies size 6 from the shelf, 
then went over to him and grabbed the bottles of baby powder and baby 
lotion off the counter.

She then began rubbing the lotion on his front and his butt he then he 
giggled and the nurse just smiled and put powder all over his area. She 
then put the diaper under his butt and pulled in up and fastened it. 
Ryan sat there in a diaper with �the famous purple dinosaur Barney�.

�Okay, baby, you are all done.�

�Baby? I am not a baby!�

�Yes, you are. Babies wet their pants and have to wear diapers, so 
yeah, you�re a little baby,� the nurse replied with a smirk on her 

She then picked him up, popped a paci in his mouth and carried him to a 
room he had never been in. On the door it read a sign �DIAPER AREA 3- * 
years of age.� She opened the door an there were a bunch of 5-year-olds 
on the floor.

�I knew our school held a day care for little kids, I just never saw 
were it was,� Ryan said in a whisper.

The teacher noticed them and walked over.

�I�m Mrs. Canwhisinburg, but you can call me Mrs. C.�

The nurse let him down and he crawled over to the other kids. He did 
not know why he crawled he just did. When Mrs. C. was done talking to 
the nurse she left and came over to Ryan and said, �It�s time for 
lunch, babies.� She then picked him up and put him in an extra large 
high chair and spoon-fed him string peas. He then suddenly felt the 
urge to poop, so he let loose and everyone knew it because you could 
smell it from a very far distance. Mrs. C. picked Ryan up and carried 
him over to a different room were there where five changing tables and 
a huge cabinet.

She strapped Ryan on to the changing table and walked over to the to 
the huge cabinet and inside was stacks of diapers all sizes of Huggies 
diapers from size extra small to extra large. She grabbed one large 
diaper and walked back to Ryan and proceeded to wipe his diaper area 
and then rubbed lotion in and sprinkled baby powder over his areas. She 
then taped the diaper up and the school bell rang.

Part 2

When the desk bell rang she carried Ryan over to see whose mom was 
there and it was Ryan�s. Ryan�s mom�s name was Sabrina. Sabrina signed 
Ryan out and they left. She carried Ryan to the car and then helped him 
strap his seatbelt. Then she got in herself and backed out of the 
parking lot. When she stopped at a red light she turned to look at her 
son and she explained the rules:

�Okay, from know on you will obey these rules:

1. You will wear and use diapers at all times
2. I will change you wherever we are whenever I want
3. I will home-school you so I can change you
4. You will live in a nursery
5. You will be treated like a baby.�

He nodded at everything his mom was saying. They pulled up into a 
parking lot and she unfastened Ryan�s seatbelt and carried him into 
Babys R Us. Ryan could have been mistaken for a 5-year-old little kid 
for his size. As they entered the store she set Ryan in the baby seat 
and grabbed two carts. She also asked for help from a man who worked 
there to help carry the heavy stuff.

They entered the crib area and got a stained wood crib with a dresser 
and changing crib to match. She smiled as she thought of when she had 
to do this 3 years earlier for Ryan�s brother (Noah) who was now 12 and 
out of diapers and cribs. They then bought a stroller, car seat 
highchair, playpen, onesies, shorts, bibs, hats, shoes, plates, spoons, 
forks, baby toys, baby food and many diapers with Sesame Street, Blues 
Clues , Barney, and Clifford. They also got Goodnights for at 
nighttime. They bought swimmies for if they want to go to the pool. 
Sabrina took Ryan back to the house and redecorated his whole room.

Where his bed was, there was now a crib. Ryan�s desk had been replaced 
with a changing table. His night stand was now a Blues Clues dresser. 
The posters on his walls were now of Blues Clues and Barney. Ryan 
looked at his new room and laughed. That morning when he had woke up 
the day was any old day but then changed in to his dream.

Just then his mom came in and said it was time for bed. She picked Ryan 
up and carried him over to the changing table, set him down and changed 
his very wet diaper and replaced it with a Goodnight and then tucked 
him into bed. She then whispered, �Tomorrow, me you and Noah are going 
to go to the beach with Billy (Noah�s best friend who was the same age 
as Noah) and then we are going to take you guys to the mall to make a 
stuffed animal at Build-a-Bear.� Ryan smiled and fell asleep.

He awoke by his mother changing his diaper. She untaped his soaking wet 
diaper and put a new diaper on him and carried him into her room and 
set him in his playpen.

She then went in the bathroom to change into her bathing suit. She 
called Noah and Billy to her room and asked them to watch Ryan for a 
half hour while she went to public to get snacks. They said �okay� and 
Sabrina left. They could hear her car pull out of the driveway.

Part 3

Then they lifted Ryan out of his playpen and said, �We are going to 
show you something you cannot show mom, okay?�


Noah reached down and picked Ryan up out of the playpen and went back 
to his room. Noah took his hands and pulled down his pants to Ryan�s 
amazement Noah was wearing a diaper. Then Billy reached over to Noah 
and took his right hand and put it down the front of Noah�s diaper and 
began rubbing Noah�s dick. Noah slapped his hand away and said, �What 
do you think you are doing?�

�I want to show you something,� Billy said and then pulled Noah�s 
diaper down. Ryan just stood there with his mouth wide open. Then Billy 
started rubbing in an up-and-down motion on Noah�s dick then he started 
peeing. Just then Noah reached over and started rubbing Ryan�s dick and 
just then Sabrina walked in. Ryan blurted out, �Noah wet himself.�

She looked over and saw there was a big yellow puddle on the floor she 
then told Billy to go home and said that Noah, Ryan and her needed to 
talk. Then Noah started to cry.

�Good, you know what�s about to happen,� Sabrina said with a smirkish 
smile. She then took Noah into her bathroom and came out a minute later 
and there Noah stood in a diaper just like Ryan. She then said, �Let�s 
go, we are heading to the beach.� She grabbed an extra pair of clothes 
for both of her baby boys and they were off.

While they were out she treated both boys like babies and to this day 
they are still treated like babies. Ryan has been enjoying it ever 
since it happened but Noah hates every part of it and still does.

The end.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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