Title: Reverse Potty Training
Name: Justin G.
Email: justin_garrod@hotmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 24
Posting Date: 09/21/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)R- Sisters, other girls 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- PoopY- Accidents
I- Exposed diapersZ- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers 1- Female Domination 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
Summary: A young boys starts having a lot of accidents and begins to have a fascination with diapers. This is his story.                  

Michael had been having a lot of trouble with accidents lately at while 
walking home from school. He wasn't sure why, but he was having two to 
four accidents a week lately and he didn't like it. So far he had only 
wet his pants which was embarrassing enough, but today, things were 
about to get worse.

Michael always walked home from school. He was 8 years old and in the 
fourth grade, and although not overly old to be walking home by 
himself, his parents trusted him to get home safely. It was about a 
twenty to twenty-five minute walk depending on how fast he walked. Most 
days he would take his time with the walk, especially if the weather 
outside was nice. He would sometimes stop and play in the park that was 
on his way home, about halfway between his house and the school. This 
is what got Michael into trouble, because he would get busy playing on 
the swings that he would forget about his need to pee. By time he felt 
the urge it would be too late. He would run for home, but before he 
made it, his bladder would let go and he would wet his pants. So far 
his mom was fairly supportive, but she had expressed some concerns the 
last couple of times it happened and even talked about taking him to 
the doctors if it continued.

Michael took the same path he normally took going home. He was eager to 
get home, as he had been having cramps and was feeling a strong urge to 
poop before the end of the school day. He walked quickly to get home, 
but as he approached the park, he decided to have a quick swing. He ran 
over to the swings and jumped on the nearest one.

He started swinging, going higher and higher. He loved the thrill of 
back and forth motion of the swing. It really got his heart pumping. 
Just as he was getting off the swings to leave, he noticed a boy and 
his mother coming to the area. It looked as though the boy was going to 
go down the slide. The boy looked to be about 4 or 5 years old but 
something about him seemed strange. Looking at the boy from a few feet 
away, Michael thought the boy's shorts looked a little puffy, almost as 
if he was wearing a diaper underneath them. The kid looked to old to be 
wearing diapers though. Michael walked over to the slide deciding to 
get a better look. He was really starting to get a strong urge to poop, 
but he ignored it as his curiosity got the better of him.

Once Michael reached the slide, the kid was just sliding down. Michael 
climbed to the top of the slide and looked down just in time to see the 
boy run to his mother. The boys mother lifted the boy up in her arms 
and as she did Michael saw the unmistakable waistband of a disposable 
diaper. Michael quickly sat on the slide and slid down, wanting to get 
a closer look at the boy. Once down, he saw the mother put her son down 
and he ran to slide for another trip down. Michael followed closely 
behind the boy and was right behind him on the ladder. He could see 
obvious bulk of the diaper beneath the boy�s shorts as he walked up 
behind him. When the boy got to the top and sat down on the slide, 
Michael could see a good two inches of the boy�s diaper. It was a white 
plastic backed disposable diaper, which was very thick, and made that 
crinkly noise when the boy moved. It was probably a Pampers Phases 
diaper, size Walker 3, if Michael was guessing properly. The boy slid 
to the bottom of the slide once again, but when he got to the bottom, 
he stopped and looked like he was concentrating. Then Michael figured 
out what the boy was doing, he was pooping his pants. The serious 
expression on the boys face said it all, as he seemed to be really 
concentrating on what he was doing. Michael saw the boys shorts expand 
as he continued to fill his diaper. After about a minute of pushing, 
the boy stopped and seemed to have a relieved look on his face. The boy 
then ran around towards the other side of the slide, obviously he was 
going to go down again. Michael slid down the slide quickly himself and 
ran around to climb up the slide again. As he climbed the ladder to the 
slide, the other boy was just sitting down on the top of the slide. He 
came up behind the boy, waiting to go down the slide himself, and as he 
got to the top, he got a strong whiff of the boy�s dirty diaper. It was 
a pretty strong smell, but it made Michael's heart pound. Then he began 
to wonder if the boy's mother would change his diaper right here in the 
park. This thought only made his heart pump faster. Thinking about 
watching this 4 or 5 year old get his dirty diaper changed was a very 
exciting thought.

Michael then realized the boy had already gone down the slide again. 
Then a strong urge to poop hit Michael again, and for a second he 
almost thought he was going to start filling his pants right then and 
there in the park. He slid down the slide and was going to head home 
right away, so that he didn't have another accident, but decided to 
wait a little longer to see if the boy would have his diaper changed 
soon. He went back to the swings and watched the boy go down the slide 
numerous times. After about five minutes of swinging, the urge to poop 
was stronger than ever. Michael decided he better leave now or he would 
mess his pants for sure. After all this waiting, the mother might not 
change the boy until they get home anyways, and all his waiting would 
have been for nothing.

Michael got off the swings, and started walking on the path that lead 
towards his home. About the same time, the boy�s mother started calling 
her son to come to her as it was time for them to leave as well. 
Michael slowed his pace as he passed by the bench where the mother was 
sitting, he wanted to see if the boy would come right away. The boy ran 
to his mother, as she stood to get up off the park bench. The boy ran 
into his mother's arms and she picked him up, and it looked as though 
they were just going to leave when she detected the boy's dirty diaper. 
Then Michael heard the mother say to her son, "smells like someone has 
a dirty diaper, should I change you before we go home." Michael's heart 
started pounding faster again, and he thought to himself "Yes, please 
change his diaper here, so I can stay and watch."

"Yep, I think I better get you changed before we go home, I'll just 
change you here on this park bench", the boy's mother confirmed.

Michael's own urge to poop was becoming stronger than he could bear, 
and he felt ready to explode at any moment. But the truth was that he 
didn't care, even if he messed his pants, he had to watch this boy have 
his diaper changed.

The mother sat back down on the park bench and took her purse off her 
shoulders and set it down beside her. She unzipped it and pulled out 
baby wipes and a clean disposable diaper. Michael walked slowly back 
towards the swings so he could see what was going on. As he walked 
slowly past the park bench, he watched as the mother helped her son 
onto the bench, and had him lay down with his feet towards her. Michael 
walked extra slow towards the swings, almost walking backwards to see 
all of what was going on. He watched as the mother pulled the boy�s 
shorts down to his ankles, fully exposing the nice soft white Pampers 
diaper which had a nice bulk in the seat and brown spots at the leg 
openings. Michael could not believe this was actually happening; he had 
hoped it would, even entertained daydreams about it, but now that it 
was happening, he was more excited than he could contain. Then with 
sound of the familiar ripping noise the mother untaped the dirty 
diaper. When the mother pulled the front of the diaper away from the 
boy a massive amount of poop presented itself. The boy instinctively 
began to lift up his legs for his mom to clean him. The mother grabbed 
the boy�s legs and lifted them up, holding them up by the ankles with 
one hand. She grabbed the dirty diaper from beneath her son using the 
back of it to clean his bum. She then set the dirty diaper aside and 
while still holding the boy's legs in the air, opened up the container 
of baby wipes and began the task of cleaning his bottom. She took the 
first baby wipe, folded it in half, and began wiping her son's bum. 
After she was finished with the first wipe, she put it inside the used 
diaper and took another one out of the container. By this time, Michael 
was all the way over to the swings and had sat down on one and began a 
slow back and forth motion. Michael watched from this distance as the 
mother used a third baby wipe to clean her son.

Suddenly, as he was watching and enjoying the whole public display of a 
loving mother looking after son by changing his poopy, stinky diaper, 
Michael got a really strong urge to poop, and this time it couldn't be 
ignored. The poop was practically pushing its way into his pants on 
it's own. Michael decided to try to let out a fart to relieve some of 
the pressure. BIG MISTAKE!! As soon as he pushed a little to relieve 
the pressure, an explosion of poop erupted, and began filling his 
pants. Michael was unable to stop the steady flow of poop that was 
filling his pants.

He panicked and was about to run home right then, when he decided there 
wasn't much point in hurrying home now as he was already having an 
accident. He knew his mom would not be pleased with him when he got 
home, but he would worry about that later. Right now he was enjoying 
watching this much too old for diapers boy get his poopy Pampers 

When Michael looked back up he saw the mother unfolding a clean 
disposable Pampers diaper. The diaper looked so soft and smooth and 
thick as she unfolded it. She took her son's legs at the ankles and 
once again lifted them high into the air and slid the clean diaper 
underneath his bottom. She then pulled open the tape of the left side 
of the diaper, pulled it snug and taped it shut, and then repeated for 
the right side, making sure to pull it nice and snug.

With the diaper change completed, the women lifted up her son into a 
standing position and pulled his shorts back up. Michael couldn't stop 
his heart from racing as he replayed the events he'd just seen in his 
mind again.

He then watched as the mother put the baby wipes back in her purse and 
zipped it up. She then picked up the dirty diaper and folded it 
together, as parents usually do, and then dropped it into the garbage 
can beside the bench as they left to head for home.

Michael saw his opportunity to get a closer look at that dirty diaper 
now. He walked over the bench where the change had just taken place and 
looked inside the garbage can beside it. The garbage can was half full 
of paper plates, cups, utensils, and soda cans. At first Michael 
couldn't see the dirty diaper which was strange since he figured it 
should be right on top, but then he saw it behind a paper plate that 
had turned sideways and was partly covering it. He reached his hand in, 
and pushing the plate aside, grabbed the dirty diaper and took it out 
of the garbage. The diaper was heavy and still felt warm from the poop 
inside it. Michael brought it up to his noise and gave it a sniff. The 
strong smell of poopy diaper filled his nostrils and it made his heart 
pound faster. He wanted so badly to put the dirty diaper on himself, 
but was afraid to do it. He wasn't that concerned about being caught by 
his mother as he had already messed his pants and would be in trouble 
for that anyways. In fact he considered it a good idea, since he was 
already going to get into trouble for messing his pants, why not get 
the pleasure of wearing a dirty diaper. A diaper a four year old had 
filled pretty well he might add. The problem was where to put the dirty 
diaper on.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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