Regression at Its Best Please email me with any comments, changes, or alternative endings you may have to this story. I had to finish it in rather a hurry. The day began for John like every other. He got up, listened to his parents scream at him and each other for trivial things that made no difference, and took care of his morning routine. He was outside mowing the lawn when he looked into the next yard. He had never met the family next door; no one had. No one had ever seen them or heard anything about them. But they were there and everyone knew it. It was a 4-story mansion with luscious gardens in the front and back and had sporadic decks along various sections of the upper walls. He longed to just walk over there and look inside, to try to catch a glimpse of the mysterious family. His judgment told him no. So he didn't. After a long day of chores and no recreation, John went upstairs to bed. His mother swore at him and threw pans at him as he went for not dusting the TV... the only thing he had forgotten to do. He locked his door and sat on the bed. He knew that this life was useless and unrewarding. There had not been a day in all of his 11 years that he could remember that his parents had not been abusive to himself or each other, physically or verbally. He contemplated running away. He knew his parents would track him down though, wherever he went. He looked outside. The moon was shining boldly above the forests in the east. The night was silent. He knew that this was the best time for it. He went to his closet and opened a paper bag hidden in one of his winter jackets hanging in the closet. He pulled out a pair of pull-ups, totally white, and a pacifier which he had used as a baby. He did not remember being a baby, but thinking about it and acting like it made him feel secure and safe. He stripped and pulled up the diaper. He put the pacifier in his mouth and looked at himself in the mirror. He adored what he saw. He looked like a toddler again. Without his mother noticing, he had been trying to gain weight as his stick-like body looked the exact opposite of what a baby's/toddler's should look like. He had been at this for years in secret. He looked at himself from the side. He could see more shape to his legs. They jiggled a very little when he walked. He had got some more fat on his arms as well. He pushed out his stomach out as far as it would go, but it still looked flat, to his great disappointment. He realized that he was hungry now, and he knew his parents were asleep. He crept downstairs and snuck into the kitchen. As he was looking in the fridge for something, he looked outside. There, in the moonlight, stood a very young boy of about 3 or 4. He was clad only in a diaper. And he was in the neighbor�s yard. John almost panicked. The pacifier fell from his mouth. He couldn't believe it. There was one of the never seen neighbors. He had finally seen them and been the first. But then the toddler's head turned slowly in the direction of John's house. John stood frozen. It seemed he was looking right at John. Suddenly John felt something come over him. He was being forced to move by some other force than his own will. Something made him walk slowly to the back door and walk outside, leaving the doors ajar. He tried to call out but was unable to move his mouth. He was taken through the yard straight for the toddler who was still watching him, eyes wide. John was terrified. He stopped when he was right in front of the toddler. He looked down at him. The toddler smiled, giggled, and clapped his hands together twice. He took John's hand and led him up to the mansion. They entered through the back door. John could now move his head, and saw the ruins of the house. Multi- million dollar furniture and priceless art items were destroyed. In one room to his left, the door had been smashed into and he could see glass shattered everywhere and vases and paintings reduced to rubble. By the way the rooms looked, he guessed that this had been this way for some time. Maybe even years or decades. He was led upstairs and into the only room that was not demolished. It appeared to be a nursery, with rows and rows of diapers lining the 2 story shelves. He many closets filled with toddler's clothes. He was led to the middle of the room where he lay down in a crib. Then the sides went up and a top over it instantly. He then regained full control over his body. He cried and cried. He had never been so scared in his life. He didn't even notice that his diaper was leaking out the bottom. The toddler walked slowly over to him and reached through the bars to touch his forehead. John stopped crying. He couldn�t think straight. He went blank for a minute. When he came to, he wasn�t crying. He didn�t even think that this was a bad or dangerous situation. He didn�t even care where he was. He remembered the toddler. He didn�t see him. The bars were lowered on the crib. He just sat there, sucking his thumb happily. He unconsciously peed in his diaper again, and it leaked all over the white sheet lining the crib. He didn�t even look down. He didn�t care. After a while he got up and stretched. He decided to go look for the toddler to play. He passed a mirror. His former consciousness resumed for a moment as he saw his once skinny short 11-year-old body transformed. He had to be at least 140 pounds now and was only about 4 or 5 gauging from the height of his toddler body. He laughed and laughed. He laughed a toddler�s laugh. He ran around the room freely enjoying the freedom he had waited years for. His bulging diaper fell off as he jumped from the changing table to the diaper stand and swung off the open closet door to land with a soft thud in on a pile of towels. He sucked his thumb again as his mind withered away. The toddler returned about 10 minutes later. He ran over to Little Johnny. He helped him up. �Helwo, jonni! Now u hav wat u alwaves wantd!� Little Johnny laughed and laughed. They put him in a new diaper. His tummy hung over his diaper�s upper rim. He rubbed his hands up and down his new baby fat. He liked it. His little belly button stuck out in the middle of his large, massive tummy. He went over to one of the closets. He grabbed a pair of overalls and out one on, leaving one of the straps unlatched. He liked it that way. It made him look more� infantile. He laughed and laughed, louder and louder. The toddler laughed with him. He put a pair of shoes and socks on Little Johnny and told him to help free his little (now older, technically speaking) brother and sister. He ran into the hall and took a running start at the stairs. He cleared them all, landing in a large pile of unused diapers. He walked to the door. He saw a lamp standing near him as he walked. It was made of solid glass and looked very expensive. He took no notice, and pushed it over onto the floor. It shattered into a billion pieces. He laughed and laughed and laughed in his toddler�s laugh. He ran the rest of the way back home. This time, when he entered the house, he made no effort to be quiet or unheard. He made as much noise as possible actually, without knowing it. He ran upstairs and opened the door to his parents� bedroom. Hr charged at the bed and jumped on top of them. His mother screamed and his father tried to sit up and get out. He jumped on his father�s neck accidentally, and he went limp. Little Johnny took no notice or care. He laughed and giggled as his mother screamed in anger and fear. He stopped, and she got up and stood by the side of the bed. She looked at him and saw that he had changed. REALLY changed. He giggled in a toddler�s giggle as she looked in horror at his overalls and bulky butt padded with a thick baby�s diaper. Little Johnny Jumped at her and she fell back into the hard closet door. Johnny heard a loud crack. He got off of his former mother and went for the door. He turned the lock from the inside and shut it. That room would never be opened again. Johnny climbed the banister. He sat down on it, thumb in mouth. He peed a great deal into his diaper. He grew inside of his overalls. He liked that. Just then his brother and sister came out of their room to hear what all of the noise was. They both had printed white pajamas on with little figurines on them. They saw Little Johnny, who smiled a million miles at them. His brother came over, not believing that his brother was a toddler again. Johnny got off and stood with hands on his hips as his brother inspected him. He felt his butt to see if the diaper was real. Johnny turned and grabbed his older brother by the arm. He smiled as he touched his forehead. His brother�s expression changed from awe to fear to complete happiness and joy. He stood next to Little Johnny, and he and his sister watched as the front of his pajamas turned from white to a solid yellow. The baby boys giggled. The brother ripped off his clothes and ran down the stairs and around the house, peeing the entire time on anything he ran over or near to. Johnny went over to his little sister. She cried, and was frightened of him. As he reached for her forehead, She kicked his diaper and ran downstairs. It didn�t hurt Johnny though, as babies don�t develop completely until later. He took off his overalls and folded them and left them in the hallway. He ran downstairs after his sister, who needed to be freed. When he finally caught up to her, he touched the back of her head. She stopped struggling, and stood up straight and smiled. She had not been infantized, but had been reduced to the consciousness of a 6 year old, who was responsible for taking care of her two little toddler brothers. They destroyed the house, and lived together in toddlerhood until the diapers ran out. Then they moved on. THE END Please email me about an alternative ending to this story. I had to finish it pretty quick. I would like any suggestions to the storyline as well... anything.