Ralph hated his name. During his high school years it had become synonymous with the sound of someone puking. So during high school when his classmates wanted to pester him that's the way that they said his name. And sometimes, just to be really brutal they just cut to the chase and called him 'puke'.

      During his high school days he had belonged to the 4-H, the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and similar groups. One main thing that he learned out of all of this, along with being active in the family farm, was that America depends heavily on the American farmer. Without the food, the vegetables, the meat, the eggs, etc that American farmers are producing, the American people would not have any food to eat. He knew very well that it was very hard work to be a farmer, but he also knew, first hand, that there is a lot of job satisfaction in being a farmer. So, he was majoring in agricultural courses, the main one being Animal Husbandry. He enjoyed taking care of the cows, the horses, the chickens, and there were also some wild animals that visited the farm.

      Now he was launching into a new life. He was starting college next week and he decided that from now on he would be called Andy - short for his middle name of Andrew. This would take some getting used to. But he couldn't think of any way that it could get messed up.

      Living on campus in a major town, or small city was also going to take some getting used to. He had lived all of his life in the country on a small farm. Since he was an only child it seemed like he was being worked to death on the farm. But, so was his Dad. But now that Ralph was going away to college his Dad had hired a neighbor to take Ralph's place on the farm. Danny hadn't lived in the area very long but it looked like he was going to do just fine and he would probably be more help to Dad than Ralph had been, what with school and all.

      Ralph was nervous as Hell when his Mom and Dad took him to the campus that weekend and got him moved into his dorm room. He tried to keep his folks from knowing just how frightened he really was. Immediately, everybody noticed that there was a second bed in the room. He didn't know that he was going to have to share a room. He had never shared a bedroom. He had always had a room to himself and his privacy. He wanted to go back home and to forget about this whole adventure. But Mom and Dad were insistent. He was going to have to stay. They would be back to get him for Thanksgiving and if he really wanted to leave then, he could. They all got busy getting his stuff unpacked. Part of the deal with the school was that they would supply a computer and a high speed connection in his room. Ralph had had a computer at home, but all that they had was a dial-up connection and he had to share that.

      Mom and Dad were just ready to leave when the door opened and a guy walked in and made the announcement that he was Brad and that he was the new roommate. Everybody introduced themselves all around.


      Brad had lived his whole life in a medium sized town. His Mom was a loan officer at the local bank. This was a small home-town bank that had been there for nearly a century. His Dad had been killed in Afghanistan when Brad was 9. Brad had an older brother that was now in the Army. Brad hated that. He had already lost a Dad to the war and he was afraid that he would lose his (kind of) Dad replacement. He had had a lot of good times with Kevin and he missed him. He could talk to Kevin and Kevin understood what he was going through and what he was feeling. Mom just didn't understand about the guy things.

      High school had been difficult for Brad. Part of the problem was that he tended to focus on computer games, sports on TV, music, etc. He just didn't apply himself to his school work so his marks weren't all that great. He had been accepted to this college only quite narrowly. He almost didn't make it. He had worked at the Wegman's Super Market at home nights, weekends and summers and he had won a scholarship that had been awarded by Wegman's in his home town. When he completed college he expected to return to Wegman's as a trainee for a management position. Since his work at Wegman's had kept him from really focusing on his school work it seemed kind of 'poetic justice' that they would be instrumental in putting him through college. Kevin had also worked at Wegman's nights, weekends, and summers until he went in the Army. Kevin had been good at his job, but management kept telling Brad that he was better at this stuff than his brother, which made Brad feel good.

      So, here he was in a new town, in a new school and starting a new life and here was his new roommate. He was scared! Now that Brad had gone off to college and Kevin away in Iraq, Mom was going to be all alone and Brad worried about that.

      The parents kissed the bois good-bye and to their horror they all went off to Denny's to get something to eat and to compare notes.


      The room that they had been assigned to was clearly meant for two people. There were two single beds, two dressers, two desks and a computer on each desk. These were on opposite sides of the room. The bois knew from when they had applied to the college that the college placed a lot of importance on computers and their place in the modern world. One of the classes that Andy had signed up for was basic computer literacy. Brad had used a computer a lot during high school and he bypassed the course. But, Andy was eager to learn about the computer.

      In the corner just inside the door from the hallway was a motel style bathroom. Behind another door was a bathtub with a shower. The toilet was also in there. In front of the door was a counter top with a pair of sinks and a big mirror over them. Each boi had a cupboard to keep his toiletries in.

      There was also a little kitchenette area with a small sink, a small refrigerator, a microwave, and a coffee maker. Brad loved his coffee the first thing in the morning.

      While Andy started putting his stuff away, Brad logged onto his computer and went to Yahoo to check his mail. Andy kept watching this out of the corner of his eye. He was quite confused and mystified by the computers. At home they rarely went on-line and that was usually to check on current prices for the farm stuff. The computer was used mainly to keep track of milk production from the cows and the egg production from the hens. The conversation was minimal, mostly about who was going to use which drawers, which closets, and that sort of stuff. When Andy finished unpacking he went out to walk around the campus and to see where things were. He found the cafeteria and had supper. By the time that he got back to his room he was tired and he was ready for bed. Brad was already in bed. Andy quietly got undressed and slipped into bed.


      The next morning both bois found that tragedy had struck during the night. That old feeling of a wet and cold bed greeted each one.

      Brad was the first one to panic. During his teen years he had experienced the occasional bedwetting incident. Mom had taken him to the doctor about it and she was given some medicine to try and she was told that he would probably grow out of. Since it seemed that the medicine wasn't doing anything and it was a hassle, he quit. Accidents were few and far between. But, now, on his first night in the dorm and with a new roommate he had wet the bed. How embarrassing. Brad decided to stay in that cold, wet bed until Andy went to breakfast and then he would deal with the wet bed. He rolled over, facing the wall and pretended to sleep. But, he kept thinking about that coffee maker over there.

      Andy had started wetting the bed when he was 13. He started getting used to the wet sheets in the morning. He lived out in the country where water was often a problem so he couldn't always be as clean about it as he should have been. Quite often the other kids could smell the dried piss. In good weather he would burrow into the hay mow in the cow barn at night and sleep there. He often went to school smelling of dried pee and besides having a nickname of 'puke' he was also often called 'wet the bed puke' which really pissed him off! Dad had taken him to the doctor a couple of times about it and after complete physicals and a lot of poking and prodding it was decided that there was nothing wrong with Ralph. About a year ago it seemed that the bedwetting had tapered off and now it was just a rare happening. Until last night. 'Boy! This school had better be good', Andy thought. Andy didn't like being away from home, being away from all of his animal friends on the farm, this whole new environment, and now he would be embarrassed by this guy in the other bed and it would start all over again and he would now be called 'wet the bed Andy'. At least he wasn't being called 'puke'. He didn't dare get up from the bed and have Brad see that he had wet the bed. What a way to start a new life. This was Sunday - a day to get acclimated. He decided to roll over and pretend to be asleep until Brad left.

      And, so, the two bois got into a 'Mexican Standoff'. Each playing 'possum until the other one gave in. It was almost noon when Brad had had enough. He was starved and he had to get something to eat. He had to piss really, really bad. It was hurting. But, he didn't want to let it out into the bed. What if the piss ran out of the bed and dripped on the floor? He got out of bed, grabbed his robe, and pulled the covers up over the wet spot in his bed, and his soap and he ran into the shower. He shucked the robe off and got in the shower and started the water and he relaxed. The stream of hot piss hit the shower wall and went down the drain. Aaahh! He felt so much better now. He got all lathered up and rinsed off and got all of the piss washed away. But, there was still the problem of the wet bed.

      Andy was so relieved when Brad got up and left the room. Like Brad he was starving, too and although he had pissed during the night in the bed, he really needed to do it again. He scrambled out of bed and raced over to the lavatory in the corner and got Henry over the sink and pissed. He ran the water a little afterwards to flush it. But, he still had this problem with the wet bed and how to deal with it. He decided that he wanted to get some air and to think about it. He got dressed and started by exploring the floor that he was on in the dorm. He found a supply closet at the end of the hall and when he looked in the closet there were plenty of clean sheets and other bedding.

      When Andy got back to the room with the fresh bedding he found Brad standing there, just fresh out of the shower. Brad was wearing only a very big grin, and nothing else.

      "You wet the bed!", Brad exclaimed. Andy looked at his bed and he saw that he hadn't pulled the covers up to hide the wet spot. Brad had seen it as soon as he walked in the room coming back from his shower. Andy turned beet red and stammered out a 'Yes'. Brad started laughing and this made Andy mad. Andy thought that he was going to have a new life where people didn't laugh at him and now on this very first day his new roommate thought that it was hilarious that Puke had wet the bed. (Even though Brad didn't know about 'puke'. It was just as bad!) It was then that Brad stepped over to his own bed and pulled the covers back exposing his own wet spot. "I did, too. Where did you get those clean sheets?", Brad asked.

      They both broke out laughing. Two bedwetters had been put together in the same room. What were the chances of that happening? Brad put his robe on and Andy took him down the hall and showed him the linen closet. Back in the room they stripped their beds and helped each other make up the beds. Both bois got dressed and went out to the cafeteria.

      This lunch took a long time. They weren't eating much. They were too busy sharing their bedwetting experiences. By the time that they had finished lunch and gone back to their room together they were life long friends with a common bond - bedwetting.

      Back in the room Andy was still feeling yucky from the dried piss. He stripped down to go take a shower. Brad was admiring Andy's body kind of secretly but he didn't say anything. When Andy got back to the room Brad was on the computer and he had gotten rid of all of his clothes. This kind of jolted Andy. Nudity was nearly forbidden where he came from. But, on the nights that he slept in the hay mow he was always nude and he loved it. Brad loved being free of all of those clothes. His brother had introduced him to it and whenever Mom wasn't in the house they would get themselves unshackled and comfortable.

      "You've got a great body. Do you work out?", Brad commented on Andy's body.

      Andy replied, "The only exercise I have ever done was lifting bales of hay, cleaning up the cow barn and other farm work."

      "It sure works for you!"

      Andy decided that since this was a new life that he would try to conform. He resolved to match Brad's nudity, and he quickly stripped off all of his clothes. In fact, he found the freedom to be great.

      Brad was on Google looking for information on bedwetting. He started sharing his new education with this great friend of his. In summation they would probably grow out of it. Since the doctors hadn't found anything wrong with them there was no cure for it. The best resource was diapers.

      Brad had considered diapers and he had asked his mother for some but she wouldn't have any part of it. His brother knew about the bedwetting and when Brad mentioned the diapers to him his response was, "You may be my baby brother but you aren't going to act like a baby and wear diapers. I'll pound the shit out of you if I ever catch you in a diaper!" And that was the end of that! But, Big Brother was in the Army now and would never know. They carried adult diapers at the store, but he didn't want anyone there at the store to know about him and diapers. Brad had gone to the drug store one day to buy some diapers and he had picked out a bag of Depends, but by the time that he got to the cashier he had chickened out. But, now he had a cohort, an accomplice.

      And, now they got into the planning stages, and this took the bois until supper time to get it all worked out. They resolved that after supper they would go to the drug store and get a bag of diapers.


      They did a little researching and they found that there was a Rite-Aid drug store two blocks away from the main entrance to the college campus. It was in the same shopping center as a Domino's, a Safeway, a Radio Shack and several other small stores. Brad wanted to look in some of the other shops but Andy was very nervous and he just wanted to get this whole trip over with. Brad was trying to put it all off, but Andy wanted to get it over with. Andy was wishing that he was already diapered because he was afraid that he would lose control of his shit because he was so scared. They finally got in the store and Brad was the first to find the aisle with the adult diapers. There were only two brands, which made it easier. They could quickly see from the bags that a medium size was just right for them. They grabbed a bag of each brand and headed for the check-out. They were both a bag of nerves by the time that they got to the check-out, but nobody paid any attention to them. Andy was sure that the cashier was looking over the top of her glasses at them and Brad told him that he was full of shit. She wasn't paying any attention. She took their money and put the diapers in bags and the bois headed back to the campus. They didn't linger to look at the stores. They just wanted to get back to the privacy of their room and get this ordeal over with. They tried to walk through the dorm nonchalantly without running in case anyone was looking. After what seemed like hours and seemed like miles of walking they reached their room, ran inside and locked the door. They immediately tore both bags open and spread them out on the bed. Openly fondling the diapers was almost a dream come true for Brad. For Andy it was a salvation from the cold, wet bed in the morning.

      Brad was the more aggressive of the two and as he got undressed he told Andy to get undressed and lay down on the bed so that he could diaper him. Andy was soon stretched out, although a little embarrassed. He wasn't used to other people seeing him naked and having Henry on display. Brad grabbed a Depends and after a little fumbling around he got it spread out. He got Andy's butt up in the air so that he could slide the diaper under his butt. At the same time that he was doing this Henry was right square in Brad's face. Brad kissed Henry. Andy screamed!

      "Are you a faggot?", Andy screamed.

      "Why, yes I am.", Brad replied. "Aren't you?"

      "No! I'm no damned faggot. Get away from me!". Andy reared up off the bed and got dressed. "Get your faggoty ass dressed, too."

      Brad was amazed. And, disappointed. He so wanted Andy to be Gay and Andy had to be the cutest guy that he had ever seen.

      Both bois grabbed diapers and screwed around for quite a while trying to get a diaper on without looking at each other but at the same time trying to learn from the other one. He didn't have quite enough hands to be able to hold the diaper in place and to also work the tapes. Eventually, each one was diapered - although crudely.

      "How often do you jerk off?", Brad asked Andy.

      "I don't".
      "Sure you do. Everybody does."

      "Well, I don't".

      "How often do you jerk off?", Andy asked Brad.

      "Everyday", was his reply. "Have you ever fucked a girl?"

      "Nope. Have you?", Andy asked.

      "Not a girl, but guys.", Brad replied. "Have you ever fucked a girl, or a guy?"

      Andy's face got red and it was a sheepish 'No' that escaped his lips. Brad knew that he was lying.

      Brad then asked the question, "Has anybody ever sucked your dick?"

      Andy's sheepish 'No' was taken as a lie and Brad told him as much.

      "We're roommates. We've got to go through this thing together. If you are going to lie to me than I am going to go to Admin and tell them that I want you out of here because you are a bedwetter. But, together we are a team."

      "Back on the farm there is a lot of life going on and a lot of new lives coming along. A new-born calf doesn't care what it sucks on. At birth it intuitively knows that it needs to suck on something to get it's mothers milk. I found early on that letting the calf suck on Henry felt pretty damned good and Henry loved it a lot. Other than that, no, no one has ever sucked on Henry. The girls in school had flirted with me and I thought that they wanted to do some things with me but I was too embarrassed to pursue it, and besides I lived way out in the country and they were all in town."

      "OK, so you let cows suck on Henry and I let guys suck on Johnny. What's the difference? Have you ever sucked an animals dick? I've sucked lots of guys dicks."

      "No, I haven't.", replied Andy.

      "Sucking an animals dick seems gross."

      "Yes it does.", agreed Brad.

      There was a long silence and then Brad announced that he had just pissed in the diaper. Andy wanted to know how it felt and Brad told him that it was weird and urged him to try it for himself. Andy let loose a stream of piss. He got all excited about the hot stream that hit his belly and flowed down over Henry and it kind of tickled when it got to Henry's tools and then he could feel it flow into his diaper.

      "Oh! Wow! This is so cool!", Andy exclaimed! Henry loved it, too, and he stayed at attention for a long time.

      At bedtime Brad asked, "Do you want me to change your diaper for bed?"

      "Well, OK, but don't try any funny stuff!"

      Once Andy was all diapered in a clean fresh diaper he diapered Brad. They both agreed that the diapers fit a lot better when someone else was applying them. That night they went into their own dry beds and each had a raging erection. Each played around and stroked and coddled until they finally achieved an orgasm - which didn't take long.

      The next morning, Monday, Brad woke up in a dry bed but wet diapers. Andy's diaper was soaked, and so was his bed. Andy was confused. They each found that the wet diaper increased the intensity of their 'morning log'. Each tried to do something for relief quietly and discreetly but when Brad glanced over at Andy he saw that Andy was awake and that he was also trying to find a solution to his problem. So, they laid there watching each other working out the solution. Andy had opened his diaper up so that he could get a firm grasp on Henry. Brad was finding success by reaching inside of his wet diaper to grab a hold of Johnny. They both came to a conclusion at about the same time.

      It was orientation day and they needed to get going. There was the problem of who was going to get in the shower first. They finally flipped a coin and Andy won and he went first.

      Their first day was hectic and confusing but it went OK. It would be about the last time that they would be together out and about on the campus. They each had different majors. Some of the classes were the same for both of them but they were on different days and/or times. It was only when they were in the room that they would see each other and interact.

      After they were done with the college day, back in the room they tried to understand why Andy's bed was wet this morning. Brad, having an analytical streak, diapered Andy and had him lay down on the floor and piss. Andy focused on pissing and then it started. And, Brad saw the piss come right out the top of the diaper and off of Andy's body onto the floor. Now, Brad understood why the bed was wet this morning. He took the diaper off and he got a ruler. He wanted Henry erect but he didn't dare to have a part in making it erect so he had Andy make it hard. He took the ruler and measured from the base of Henry out to the tip of Henry with the foreskin pulled back. It was 8 inches, exactly.

      "How come you have a foreskin?", Brad asked.

      "I was born at home on the farm. My folks are so involved with nature that they didn't want to argue with nature."

      "I've never actually seen a foreskin before.", Brad told him. "I've read about them and we learned about them in school, but I've never actually seen one."

      "Are you turned off by it?", Andy asked.

      "No. It's just different."

      Brad had found that Henry was 8 inches long. When he measured from the base of Henry to Andy's belly button he found that that distance was also 8 inches. So, as long as Henry was soft everything was fine. But, as soon as Henry was erect, the piss came out of the top of the diaper and right into Andy's belly button and so it went all over the place.

      So, that night when Brad diapered Andy he made sure to get Henry pointed down and in between Henry's tools so that the piss stream was aimed at Andy's butthole. And, then he pulled the diaper up snugly to keep Henry in his place.

      The next morning, Andy's diaper was dry and his bed was dry, but he had to piss like a racehorse. Henry was hurting because he wanted to be hard, but he couldn't be hard in that position, and Andy's bladder was full and that was hurting. Andy got out of bed and he immediately felt the piss trying to come out of Henry. He headed toward the toilet but Henry started leaking half way there and Andy got Henry aimed into the lavatory and let him go. Brad woke up because of the commotion and saw Andy pissing in the sink.

      "What the fuck are you doing?", demanded Brad.

      "I couldn't make it to the bathroom and the sink was closer. Haven't you ever pissed in a sink?", Andy asked.

"No. I can't say that I have."

      "Cows and horses don't care where they piss and neither do farm boys care where they piss. I had to piss so bad that I couldn't make it to the toilet and I had already started to piss when I got here.

      Brad came over closer to watch Andy piss. He was intrigued. The foreskin had kind of gotten in the way of the piss stream and the piss was going all over the place. It was like when he was using a garden hose and he put his finger over the end of the hose where the water was coming out. The water would spray everywhere, and so it was with Andy's piss stream. Normally, Andy pulled the foreskin back a little when he pissed. But, he hadn't this time.

      He had been curious about foreskins for a long time. The only penises that he had ever actually seen had all had the foreskin removed, just like his own. This excited him even more than he had been.

      They fell into a routine of being diapered every night and at least one of them woke up in a wet diaper every morning. Brad respected Andy's desire to not try any 'funny stuff' and they diapered each other every night. They hoped that Henry would get used to being tucked in every night. He did gradually get a little used to it, and many mornings Andy's diaper was soaked, but Henry wasn't comfortable about this.

      It was two weeks into the semester when Andy noticed that Brad was developing a bit of a rash in the area around Johnny and as he looked some more he found a little rash on Brad's butt. Brad did some more internet research and he found that during diaper changes that they should be using wet wipes, baby lotion and baby powder in order to ward off the diaper rash. Now Brad understood why he had been scratching his crotch so much. When they went to the drug store to get diapers they also bought the needed stuff for the diaper rash.

      They decided that since they were going to be using diapers regularly they went on-line to www.thediapersuperstore.com and ordered a case of Prevail Overnights so that they wouldn't have to keep running to the drug store. Brad wanted Prevail diapers because he had seen them in the store when he was working there. They loved this new freedom that they had found. With this freedom they could order diapers and have them shipped here and their parents would never know. The other guys in the school were a different matter, though. Two days later the UPS guy brought their case of 80 diapers in a plain brown box so that nobody in the dorm knew that they were getting diapers.

      When Brad started scratching again, Andy had him strip and lay on the bed. Andy carefully used wet wipes all over Brad's lower torso. He got Johnny all wiped down, as well as Johnny's tool box and the inner thighs. Brad raised his legs way up in the air so that Andy could get at his butt. After all, Andy was raised on a farm and having to play doctor for the animals was common, so playing doctor with Brad wasn't much different. When Andy started rubbing the lotion into Brad's diaper area, Johnny started getting hard. Andy tried to leave Johnny alone in fear that Brad would get the wrong idea. But, the situation got worse when Andy tried to medicate Johnny's toolbox. Andy quickly took a towel and wiped everything off and then he liberally powdered Brad. It was the middle of the day so no diaper was put on Brad.

      It was Brad's turn (and his big chance) to medicate Andy. He repeated what Andy had done to him. And, like he did, Henry got an erection, too. This was nothing new to Brad except that he wasn't quite sure about how to deal with the foreskin. He had played with guys erections before. For now, he just sort of ignored it - which wasn't easy. But, this was new to Andy. Andy made him stop and Andy finished the medication himself.

      That night at bedtime when they started to diaper each other for bed, Andy medicated Brad. Brad got a raging hard-on and Andy couldn't get the diaper on Brad. That erection was right in the way. No matter how hard Andy tried there just wasn't enough room. Brad kept encouraging Andy to put some more lotion on Johnny and to work it in really good. While Brad knew what was going to happen, Andy didn't. And, suddenly Brad was yelling 'DON'T STOP! DON'T STOP!' and before Andy realized what was happening Johnny had puked and made a mess all over Andy's hand. And, sure enough, the erection went away and Andy got the diaper to go on just fine. And, this time, when Brad medicated Andy, he just kept rubbing the lotion in all over until Henry puked. While this was totally new to Andy he really enjoyed it, and it was acceptable because it was part of the diapering process and he had done it to Brad. This became a part of their night-time diapering process.

      They had been in college for a month when Brad was at his desk studying and Andy came rushing in and he was in a panic. Brad could see that he was in a panic and that his blue jeans were wet. It really showed. Andy explained that he had been sitting in class taking a test and he suddenly realized that he had to piss pretty bad. But, he couldn't leave the room or he would flunk the test. And, then he felt the warm piss flowing all over himself. While it felt good, it was embarrassing. Andy got him all cleaned up. From that day on he was always diapered when he went to class. Andy decided that he would follow Brad's lead and so he was always diapered when he went to class, too.

      It was usual for the two bois to be spending their time in their room in just a diaper, or quite often with nothing on. It didn't matter if they were studying, or watching TV or just BSing between them. They kept plenty of Pepsi in the refrigerator and there was always comfort food around. The diapers were so comfortable and quite convenient.

      Andy came home on Friday and told Brad, "I have a field trip on Monday. We are going to be out all day. I'm not sure that my diaper will last through all of that. And, what happens if I have to shit during the day?"

      Brad went on line and did some looking. "It says here that if we put a Huggies inside of your diaper that it will hold a lot more piss."

      They went to the Safeway together to get some Huggies and stuff for their kitchenette. Brad had never been in a Safeway before and he wanted to see how 'his' competitors did things. They had put some Pepsi in the cart and they were working on deciding on snacks when Brad got his head close to Andy's head and quietly said, "I just pissed. How cool is that? Standing in the middle of the Safeway and pissing. That's the way I treat 'our' competition. Piss on their stores!" Then Brad saw Andy contort his face and then Andy said, "That's nothing, I just shit in the middle of the Safeway!" Both bois broke out laughing and people kind of looked at them wondering what their joke was. The bois were continuing to be amazed at where you could take care of your bodily needs when you were properly prepared. Diapers sure were convenient. Brad tried to make some shit come out so that he could match Andy but it wouldn't happen. They found the Huggies Overnights in the baby diaper aisle and Andy grabbed a bag.

      When they got home they wanted to try this out. Andy laid down on the bed and Brad removed the soggy diaper that Andy had on. He took one of the Huggies and made some small slits through the plastic. He got the Prevail pulled up under Andy's butt and then he stuck the Huggies under his butt and up over Henry. He pulled the Prevail up and fastened the bottom tapes. Then he pulled the Huggie up some more and folded the top of the Huggie over Henry and folded it around Henry. This would keep Henry from pissing out the top of the diaper, and the Huggies would absorb a lot of piss before it leaked off into the Prevail.

      They got their street clothes on and went to the cafeteria for supper. While they were eating Andy looked at Brad and told him, "I'm pissing. Henry loves this. He can piss and it doesn't hurt. I can feel the piss flowing down over me. That feels so good."

      When they got back home they got undressed to get comfortable. Brad could see a large bulge in the front of Andy's diaper. He reached over and felt of it and realized that the piss had made the Huggies really swell up. Andy stayed in that diaper for the night. When he diapered Brad for the night he did the same thing to him. There were no leaks during the night and their beds were dry.

      Andy's field trip was a great success. His diaper soaked it all up and by the time that he got home at supper-time his pants were bone dry and he hadn't leaked about, even though that soaked diaper was very heavy.


      When Halloween came they decided to go trick or treating as babies wearing only a diaper and a T-Shirt. At a party store in town they found a big bottle and a pacifier and each of them got one. It was when Brad was diapering Andy that he could wait no longer to see what it was like to suck on a foreskin. Andy had his usual erection that the diapers were causing and Brad slipped Henry in his mouth. In no time Andy had reached his climax and Brad got the diaper on. Andy had kind of been expecting this for quite a while. It had really felt good and he liked it. It was better than when the calves had done it. They were a big hit at the party as well as when they were out trick or treating. The party ended late and they were very tired when they got back to the room. Andy had never really drunk alcohol before so it hadn't taken much to get kind of drunk. Brad had had some experience with alcohol but he had had more tonight than he was used to. So, when Andy was getting Brad ready for bed he was soon putting Johnny in his mouth and tasting Brad's orgasm - and liking it. It tasted like strawberry and Andy loved strawberries. They grew strawberries on the farm. Mom made some great strawberry jam. They agreed that being a baby wasn't for them.

      Any more, they almost never left their room without being diapered. And, since that first time they had never diapered themselves. It was always that they were diapering each other. And, ever since Brad's first bout with diaper rash they religiously medicated each other at every diaper change. Usually the penis was soft enough to get the diaper on without any problem but when a boi had an erection it was massaged in a non-sexual way until he climaxed and the erection went away.

      In mid-November Brad found out from his mother that she had a boyfriend now. Brad was a little upset that she was trying to replace his Dad. But, he knew that she was lonely and that she missed having somebody around. In a way he was happy for her to have somebody to be with. But, the more that he thought about it the more upset he got that she was replacing his Dad. Finally, he broke out in tears about it. Andy came over to him and put his arms around Brad and Brad laid his head on Andy's shoulder. He finally got cried out and Andy kept holding him until he broke away. He sat down at the desk and then it sunk in that she had also said that she was going to his folks house for Thanksgiving. So, now Brad couldn't even go home for Thanksgiving! Mom wouldn't be there and neither would Kevin. What he remembered the most about Thanksgiving was the three of them sitting down to a great meal that Mom had cooked just for them. He was no longer sad, now he was royally pissed off.

      It was mid-afternoon and Andy had just finished his class and he was walking toward home. His diaper was soaked and he needed a change - badly. He hoped that Brad was home so that he could get a change. And, just then he saw Brad walking toward him from his class. Brad seemed to be walking differently. Andy stopped and waited for him. When he caught up Andy asked him why he was walking different. Brad told him that during class that he had to shit. He thought that he could hold it until he got to a toilet, but then he started getting cramps and he wasn't sure about what to do about the diaper in the toilet. So he decided to just let it go in the diaper. After all, that's what the diaper is for. As he relaxed, it all came out in a rush. There was quite a lot of shit up in there. It filled his diaper and it ran up his back a ways, but it also came up the front. It was around Johnny and Johnny's toolbox. It felt so warm and so good. He immediately got a very hard erection. And, now as he walked all of that shit was squishing around in there and making him even harder. He was hurting from all of the tension and pressure. He needed to find some relief, and fast! They were walking past the cafeteria and Andy dragged Brad in there and into the men's room and into the handicap stall. Andy immediately put an arm around Brad and Brad wrapped his arms around Andy. With his other hand he undid Brad's pants and they dropped to the floor. Whew! What a stink! But, he was used to working around the cow shit and the other animal manure so the smell of Brad's shit didn't bother him. He hoped that nobody would come into the men's room. He knew that this great friend was in agony from being so sexually excited and turned on. He wanted to help even thought this was all a bit foreign to him. He started rubbing Brad's full diaper and he found Johnny through all of the shit. It was squishy, almost like playing with modeling clay. Brad's lips found Andy's lips and they got into their first serious kiss. Andy kept massaging Johnny through the diaper and the shit. It wasn't long before he felt Brad's body stiffen. Although Brad's lips were still on Andy's lips he had stopped moving them. Andy felt Johnny stiffen even more and then he felt the pulsing and he knew that his best friend had just found comfort. Brad laid his head on Andy's shoulder as he quietly hugged Andy. Brad pulled up his pants and they walked on home.

      As soon as they got in their room they stripped down to their diapers and together they stepped into the shower. Andy started untaping Brad's diaper, It was heavy! It dropped to the floor of the shower with a THUD! Brad got the water going and at the right temperature and Andy got busy rinsing the shit off of Brad. Brad asked him how he could stand to handle his shit like that and Andy reminded him that he had been raised on a farm and handling shit was just a part of life. Andy grabbed the soap and started lathering up Brad's butt cheeks and into his butt-crack. He continued down with his legs and his feet. Then he soaped up Brad's back. He turned Brad around and soaped up Johnny and his toolbox and got all of the shit off of them. Then he lathered Brad's chest and arms. They used to have a couple of horses on the farm and he had to wash them sometimes. Washing Brad was sort of like washing the horses. Brad hadn't been washed by somebody since he was a little boy and his mother bathed him. He really enjoyed it. It was fun. Brad got himself all rinsed off while Andy soaped and washed himself. After they got dried off they diapered each other. Each had yet one more class this afternoon and they were out the door.


      Andy called his mother to talk about Thanksgiving. Yes, they were going to come and pick him up. Sure, he could bring his roommate home with him for Thanksgiving. She was a typical farmers wife. She was a great cook and cooking for a crowd was just great for her. Andy's aunt and uncle were going to be there, too, so having Brad as an extra person was no problem.

      Andy's dad came up to pick them up on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. They had loaded a supply of diapers and medications in their suitcases. Brad wore a diaper when they got in the car. The scam was that Andy would tell his folks that Brad had a bladder control problem and that he wore diapers all of the time. Once they got home, Andy would quietly tell his mother that his bedwetting problem had flared up a few times at college, too and so now he was wearing Brad's diapers to bed. Actually, they were buying the diapers jointly, but the folks didn't need to know that.

      Supper was pork chops from hogs that had been raised there on the farm, along with mashed potatoes, potatoes that had been grown in the garden, as well as string beans from the garden. There was also some applesauce. Desert was tapioca pudding, which Andy dearly loved and Mom knew it. Over supper Brad was the feature attraction and Mom and Dad were learning all that they could about him. They talked about Brad's high school, his Mom (that they had already had lunch with) his Dad that had been killed in the war and his brother Kevin.

      The dining room was almost what you would see in an old Currier and Ives picture. It was right next to the large farm kitchen, there was a wood burning stove in the corner for heat in the winter and a china cabinet in another corner. The dining table was a very old solid oak table that was highly polished under that table cloth. This whole house was typical of what you see in the movies and on TV for a farm house.

      Mom asked Brad about his bed wetting and Brad explained that it had been really bad during his teen years. The doctor had prescribed some pills that didn't work and they had tolerated the problem and dealt with it. The doctor told them that there wasn't anything else that he could do. He expected Brad to grow out of it, and sure enough he hadn't wet the bed since last Christmas. Until he got to college and he wet the bed the first night there and then he found that he was wetting his pants whenever there was stress and he seemed to be getting stressed out more and more so he was staying in diapers all of the time. Mom started trying to tell Brad all about Ralph's bedwetting and Andy stopped her. It wasn't really a good topic for the supper table, and he had already told Brad about it. He didn't need to hear her version.

      This is a farm family and it has to start early in the morning, so they go to bed early. They didn't have a guest room and the sleeping arrangements got tossed around. Mom wanted Andy to sleep on the couch or the floor and Brad in Andy's bed. Brad wouldn't allow that. It was Andy's bed. He didn't feel right about taking it away from him.

      Andy's room was just as he had left it. Andy had been an active member of 4-H and the FFA and all of his awards were there on the wall and on his dresser. He had obviously done very well. Brad was impressed. His single bed was there and all made up waiting for him to crawl in between the sheets.

      In the end Andy dug out his sleeping bags and they took them out to the hay mow to sleep. As with so many farms, the barn was built into a hill and the lower level housed the livestock, the milking equipment and the milk handling equipment. The top floor held a granary for storing feed for the animals and it also housed all of the hay that they would need as both bedding and feed for the animals for the winter.

      The nights were kind of cool but the cows were downstairs and they were providing some heat and by the time that they snuggled into the sleeping bags it wasn't too bad. But, it was a little colder than what Brad was used to and Andy was feeling bad about Brad being cold. They got up and then they spread the sleeping bags out and then zipped them together to make one big sleeping bag. So, now their body heat combined to keep it toasty warm inside the sleeping bag and then with a lot of hay on top of them it was warm and cozy. As close as they were, they soon found that they were wrapped up in each others arms and they were nice and warm.

      They were awakened by the radio playing. It wasn't even really light, yet. But Dad had come over to the barn to do the morning milking and the cows wouldn't give up their milk unless the radio was playing. Andy and Brad were still in each others arms and their diapers were wet. Brad gave Andy a kiss on the lips and Andy pulled back. That's faggoty. But, then he thought for a minute and he returned the kiss.

      When Dad was done with the milking he hollered to the boys that breakfast was ready. They had been laying there and talking quietly and they were wide awake when he hollered for them. That they had been holding each other didn't really mean much except that they were in a confined space and there wasn't much of any other place to put their arms. Brad was still trying to respect Andy's feelings about faggots. As they lay there holding each other Andy had to piss some more and he let it go. He whispered in Brad's ear, "I'm pissing." Brad decided that he could piss too and he joined the flooding. They got up and got enough clothes on to go over to the house. Up in Andy's room they did their morning diaper changes and medication and then they went down for breakfast. Sausage, eggs and homemade biscuits with butter that Mom had churned yesterday.

      They borrowed the car and they spent the morning with Andy showing Brad the whole area. They went back to the school that Andy had graduated from and Andy introduced Brad to his teachers. Since it was just last June that he had graduated he knew most of the juniors and seniors and they were all glad to see him. Of course, both Brad and Andy were in diapers. Brad felt a little strange being in school with a diaper on, but that was all part of what made this whole week so unique. If Brad felt a little strange about the diaper, Andy felt a lot stranger! But, they were wearing the diapers all over the college campus and nobody seemed to be the wiser. They were quite used to them now, and they felt very comfortable in a diaper. Ralph had had to take Geometry when he was in high school and he purposely went into that room and introduced the teacher (that he hated) to Brad. And while he was standing there he pissed. He would have liked to shit, but he couldn't. It was the ultimate re-payment for all of his agony, he thought. Just piss on it all!

      Andy showed Brad the farm. He introduced Brad to the latest calf and Brad found it very exciting that the calf thought that Johnny was its mother's teat and tried to get milk out of it. Brad had never been on a farm and here was a working farm. He thoroughly enjoyed that week. It was fun trying to catch the chickens and it was interesting trying to get the eggs away from the chickens. He marveled at the milking machines and at one point he put Johnny inside of the milking machine hose like a cows teat and let it try to milk him, much like the calf had done. He felt it get very stiff and it felt very good. Soon he had reached a climax. He looked at Andy and grinned. Andy knew what had happened. He had done it lots of times. Which raised the question in Brad's mind of how many farm boys were using the milking machine to get off with. Brad decided that on the one hand he liked to taste the orgasm from guys that he had sucked, he wasn't sure about getting it second hand - like out of the grocery store.

      That night, as they burrowed down in the hay and the sleeping bag they were holding each other and Andy started talking.

      "I really like being with you. I really like doing things with you and to you. Does that mean that I am a faggot?"

      "You told me once that you were a virgin when we got together. Are you still sticking to that?"

      "Ummm hmmm.", was Andy's affirmative reply.

      "How do you feel about girls?"

      "I've never liked a girl as much as I like you. I've never met a girl that I cared for like I care about you."

      "Well, I care about you, too. I've often wondered about you. It's good to hear that our feelings are mutual. I love you, do you love me?"

      "I think that I do. I think that this is love that I am feeling.", Andy replied.

      "Then stop using the word 'faggot'. It's just as bad as using the word 'nigger'", Brad told Andy.

      Andy kissed Brad and Brad at last let his tongue find it's way into Andy's mouth and Andy quickly learned the technique. Brad had wanted to do this ever since he had met Andy but he didn't want to force Andy into something that he was against. In his own mind Brad now knew something that he had expected all along - Andy is Gay and they were now lovers.

      That night they each said 'I love you' to the other for the first of what would be a zillion times in the future.


      Thanksgiving seemed normal enough. Everybody was calling him 'Ralph' and nobody called him 'Puke', but then none of the family knew about his trials and tribulations in high school. Brad and Ralph had trouble keeping their hands off of each other but they didn't want the family to know, especially the relatives. At the dinner table Ralph purposely got Brad on the other side of the table so that their feelings wouldn't be so obvious. But, there was always the way that they looked at each other.

      Thanksgiving dinner was superb. While Andy was used to these kinds of feasts on holidays, Brad wasn't. The turkey was roasted beautifully. Mom had a wonderful stuffing recipe and by the time that it was baked in the turkey you could have just the stuffing as a meal by itself. It was delicious! And, then, the turkey gravy on top it! It was to die for! She had white potatoes as well as sweet potatoes. There was also squash and peas. Desert was apple pie as well as pumpkin pie and gobs of ice cream to go on top of the pies. After dinner they all went into the living room to watch the parades and ball games on TV and everyone immediately fell asleep. (Turkey will do that to you.)

      That night they didn't wear diapers, nor did they use the sleeping bags. Before going to sleep they had gone into the cow barn and pissed and then they burrowed deep into the hay. They were holding each other and they kissed each other as they were falling asleep. Both Henry and Johnny were at attention when the bois drifted off to sleep. They were still at attention when the radio come on in the morning. Both bois knew that they had pissed during the night, because they didn't feel the intense pressure of a full bladder, but they still needed to piss. Apparently, the hay had soaked up the piss because their bed didn't feel like the wet bed that Brad knew about. But, Andy had been through this many times, which is why he liked sleeping in the hay mow instead of wetting the bed in his room. Although he had 'wet the bed' it wasn't cold and clammy. Brad and Andy held each other tightly and kissed each other. Henry and Johnny were competing for room and were rubbing each other. And then, Henry gave up control and emptied out. Brad whispered to Andy, "Did you just piss?" "I think so." was Andy's reply. And then Johnny relaxed and he pissed on Andy. This was a sort of habit these days. Back at the dorm each boi would let his bladder empty out into the diaper while he was waking up, and this was sort of no different except that there was no diaper.

      After Dad hollered at the bois that breakfast was ready and left for the house, the bois went down into the cow barn. Andy knew where the hose and scrub brush was for washing the cows and he grabbed it and got it turned on. Brad and Andy washed each other down, with a lot of horsing around and having fun. Two naked bois running around the cow barn with a hose spewing water all over the place. And, finally they caught each other and held each other tight and kissed. They went back up to the hay mow and rolled around in the hay to get dried off and they they got a few clothes on and went up to Andy's room to get diapered and dressed and then they went down to breakfast. Andy was in the cocoon that he had known all of his life. His safe and sound and free from all dangers cocoon, and now he had with him the person that meant the most to him in his whole life in this cocoon with him.

      On Saturday Mom took Brad and Andy back to school. There was only just so much to show Brad and he had seen it all by now. And, this love thing was so new and exciting and they wanted to be alone together to explore it some more. They told Mom that they had some class work that had to be turned in on Monday and they wanted to get it done. So, they piled everything in the car and Mom took them back to college. Mom packed in a lot of her homemade food so that they wouldn't starve. It bothered her that they were both so skinny.

      "Ralph, how come you are using your middle name?", Mom asked.

      Andy explained to her about the nicknames in high school and that he had gotten tired of them and since he was starting a new life he wanted to start it with a new name.

      "Ralph, every time that I've seen you this week you have been wearing a diaper. Why?", Mom asked.

      "Well, Mom, that first night there we both woke up in wet beds and that's when we found out that we both had bed wetting problems. We both thought that we had grown out of the problem, but apparently not. We bought some diapers and we started wearing them to bed at night and we've had dry beds ever since. Then, one day Brad wet his pants while he was taking a test in class, so he started wearing diapers most of the time and this evolved into all of the time. I started wearing diapers more and more to show support for Brad and now that I've gotten used to them I need them most of the time, too. I'm kind of scared to go anywhere without a diaper for fear that I won't have control and that I'll wet my pants."

      And, now Mom went for the jugular. "Are you Gay, Ralph?"

      "I think that I am."

      "Are you and Brad lovers?"

      "As of last night we are."

      Mom was quiet the rest of the way to college. She helped them get unpacked and into their room and she quickly left. Why is it that it's impossible to keep a secret from Mom? Moms always know things about the kids before the kids do.


      As soon as they were sure that Mom was out of the parking lot, they grabbed each other and hugged and kissed fervently. This was followed by each removing the other's clothing and diaper and when they were naked they fell on Brad's bed. What followed was a detailed examination of each others body, a lot of kissing and a lot of vows of love. Eventually both bois climaxed and still holding each other tightly they fell asleep.

      When they woke up it was getting dark and they realized that the cafeteria would be closing soon. They hurriedly diapered each other, skipping the medication, and got their clothes on and went to the cafeteria. As they sat across from each other eating their supper, their feet were in constant motion, playing with the others foot. Near the end of the meal, Andy quietly told Brad that he had to shit - really bad. Brad told him to just let it go and they would get cleaned up when they got back in the room. At first the shit came out easily, but then Andy could still feel some in there and he had to force it out. Because of the way that they were sitting Brad was the only one that could see Andy's face, and it was comical the way that Andy was screwing up his face and getting really red as he tried to force out the remaining shit. Suddenly, Brad heard a large fart and Andy's face changed to one of great pleasure. It had all come out. Now, Andy knew what Brad had been feeling a couple weeks ago when he filled his diaper.

      Brad asked, "All right, I won't call you 'puke', but how about if I call you 'shit'?"

      Andy reached over and slapped his face and smiled.

      When they got back home, Brad helped Andy to get undressed down to his diaper and they went in the shower. Brad untaped the diaper and found a large load of shit in it. Like Andy had done to him, Brad got all of the shit washed all off of Andy. Then he started lathering him up. He had never washed anyone before, but Andy had showed him how. And, now Andy washed Brad. Suddenly Andy lost control and he started pissing. This had seemed to be happening more and more. He would piss and not even realize that he was doing it. The foreskin was covering Henry just enough that he was giving Brad a piss shower. Both of them just stood there in awe. When Andy was finished he soaped Brad again and got him rinsed off. When they were all done they got towels and dried each other off. This time when they diapered each other they did the complete job with lotion, powder, etc. Since both bois had had a hot climax just before supper there weren't any erections to deal with, just regular diapering.

      When Brad came back from class at lunchtime on Monday Andy was thoroughly engrossed in his studies and didn't even hear him come in. At the same time that he had found a complex answer on the internet he was absent-mindedly scraping out something hard on the inside on his nose with his fingernail and intently reading the screen. He became alert when Brad announced his arrival. Licking off his finger he got up and went over to Brad and hugged him and kissed him. Brad told Andy that he was severely soaked and he needed a change. Andy told him that he did too. He had been carrying cargo in his diaper since just after Brad had left just after breakfast. Andy had been in just a diaper all morning. He was finding that it was a lot easier to study when he wasn't being bothered with clothes and the diaper meant that he didn't have to break his train of thought to go and piss.

      Both bois had classes in the afternoon and they still had to get to the cafeteria so it was a very quick clean-up and diaper change and then out the door to the cafeteria. Over lunch Andy told Brad that in his exploration on the internet he had found that most diaperists (a new word that he had learned this morning) kept their pubic hair shaved off. Brad quickly realized the merits of this. It would put an end to his getting pubic hair between his teeth when they were loving each other. It would also make it easier to clean up during diaper changes. Since both bois used electric shavers they went to the drug store after class and bought some shaving cream and disposable razors. After supper they worked on shaving each others pubes. It took quite a while, but when they were all done each boi was nice and smooth in his diaper area. It really felt a lot different to both the boi and to his lover. They diapered each other and then they sat down to watch TV. The first time that they pissed in the diaper that evening they were shocked at how much different it felt to have the piss flowing around in there without the hair to slow it down. It felt great. And, when they were loving each other later they had to agree that it felt much better when their tongues were caressing in that area.


      "Bradley, I've broken up with Philip. Do you want to come here for Christmas?"

      "Oh! Yes Mom! That would be so great!"

      "Do you want to bring Andy with you?"

      "I sure do. I had a great time at his house for Thanksgiving and I need to repay him. We are getting along so great!"

      "How about if I pick you up on the 23rd?"

      "Fantastic Mom. I'll see you then! I love you!"

      When Brad told Andy about the Christmas trip, Andy wasn't sure. His folks were expecting him to come there for Christmas to be with all of the relatives.

      "Does she know that you are Gay?", Andy asked.

      "She's known that for a long time!"

      "Does she know that we are lovers?"

      "No, but I'll tell her over Christmas, if she hasn't figured it out already. She knew that I am Gay before I knew."

      "What about the diapers?"

      "We'll use the same scam that we used on your mother except that this time you are the one with the bladder problems and I am wearing diapers a lot to support you."

      "OK. I think that will work. You were brave enough to meet my family I owe it to you to go to your place."

      Andy really felt bad to not be going home for Christmas. He tried to explain it to his mother but he didn't get very far. She wouldn't tell him but between him being Gay, him having a lover, and him wearing diapers all of the time she had a problem dealing with it all. He was her son and she still loved him, but she was having trouble accepting this. She begged him to give her some time to absorb it.


      Brad and Andy packed up most of the stuff that they would need for a one week stay and they loaded it in the car when Mom got there. Brad drove the car and Mom sat in the back seat so that Andy could sit up front with Brad.

      When they got to Brad's apartment house they parked in the parking lot and Brad and Andy unpacked the car and got all of the stuff upstairs. Andy was quite amazed. He had never really been in an apartment before. This one was very nice. It was on the 10th floor and when he stood out on the balcony it seemed like he could see forever. Brad's room was big. Actually, it was a two bedroom apartment and Mom had given the master bedroom to the two boys and she had taken the smaller one. After the boys had left she had never re-arranged things. She fully expected both boys to be back on visits and she wanted them to know that she hadn't erased them. So, Brad's room had a 'Kevin side' and a 'Brad side'. Andy would use the 'Kevin side' (but just stay out of Kevin's stuff!). Brad cleaned up his drawers a bit so that Andy would have room for his stuff on the 'Brad side'.

      Once they were settled, Brad grabbed Andy and hugged him and kissed him. Brad put his hand down inside of Andy's diaper and said, "You're wet!"

      "Yeah, I pissed twice on the trip down here.", Andy replied as he put his hand inside of Brad's diaper and said, "You're wet, too!"

      Andy got Brad undressed and his diaper off and got him laid out on the bed. He massively kissed Brad again and then he started cleaning him up. It wasn't long before he had Brad all diapered again. Brad got Andy undressed and stretched out on his bed.

      "This is so cool. This is something that I would never have dreamed of in a million years. Do you realize how many nights in the last 5 years that I have laid in this bed and jerked off fantasizing about having a lover in this bed? And, here you are! Never had I dreamed that I would be changing my lover's diaper on this bed. And, in all of those fantasies did I ever picture me wearing a diaper, or having a lover that also wears diapers. I love you so much!!!"

      By this time Brad had quit kissing Andy on the mouth and now he was kissing all of Andy's body that was now bare and he ended up by giving Henry a fantastic kiss. And after Henry puked Brad got Andy diapered. Andy got dressed again.

      Why are these Moms so straight forward? Over supper Mom asked, "Bradli, why is your lover wearing a diaper?"

      "How did you know that Andy is my lover, Mom?"

      "I've known that you are gay longer than you have. I can see the love in both of your eyes when you look at each other. I'm happy for you. Now you know how I was feeling when both you and Kevin were conceived and why I miss him so much. I felt about him just as you feel about Andy. Both you and Kevin were conceived out of pure love. Now! What's with the diapers?"

      BUSTED!!! "As you well know I had problems with bedwetting for many years. You took me to the doctor for it and he gave me some pills that didn't work. I wanted to try diapers and you wouldn't let me and Kevin said that he would kill me if he ever caught me in a diaper and for quite a while I thought that the problem was over. But, then the first night at college the problem came back and I woke up in a wet bed. And while I was extremely embarrassed about it I learned that Andy here had also wet the bed that night and he had also been a bed wetter for many years. This brought us very closely together. I started having bladder control problems during the day and I started wearing diapers more often. And, now, because of Andy's love for me he wears diapers just as often as I do. Both of us now wear diapers all of the time for both protection and comfort."

      "Yes, I remember when you wanted me to get you some diapers. Kevin and I talked about it. We were in agreement. We were opposed to having a son/brother your age running around in diapers. Does Kevin know that you are Gay? I don't think so. He would be furious if he knew. And, your Dad? As far as he was concerned you were going to be a major league baseball star. Having a Gay son in diapers? I don't think so. But, deep down I am confident that you've got stuff inside you that your Dad and I gave you that will make both of us proud.

      "But, at the same time I have to look at things emotionally. I want both you and Kevin to be terribly happy. So, I had to approve the idea of him going in the Army and going to Iraq and maybe going to his death because this is what he wanted to do. I am scared every time that the phone rings, I am scared to go to the mailbox every day because it may be someone telling me again that someone that I love deeply has been killed. I've been there, done that, and got the T-Shirt. I'm scared that it's going to happen again with Kevin like it did with your father.

      "So, if Andy makes you very happy and being in a diaper all of the time makes you happy, then I am happy for you. I don't approve of any of it, but since it makes you happy then I am happy for you. At least you aren't in harms way in some foreign war that may kill you. "

      Andy was in tears. Genuine tears. "That is beautiful. Would you please call my Mom and tell her that? She doesn't seem to understand what I am going through right now. She doesn't understand what I am feeling, especially about Brad."

      "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I had a long talk with your Mom a week ago. We exchanged phone numbers when we met on the first day of college and she called me. Thanksgiving had upset her and your Dad tremendously.

      "Probably the biggest thing was that you are Gay. That was a real jolt for her. Once I explained to her that I had known that Brad is Gay longer than he has known and that I still love him, she settled down just a little. I explained the choices that Kevin had made about the Army and that his father had made the same choices and that these are life-threatening decisions. I told her how thankful I am that Brad has not made such a choice. And, at this moment I am so thankful that Brad has fallen in love with someone that won't cause him the anguish that I have been through because of the Army. She then realized that you could have done worse, Andy.

      "Both of you: being a parent is tough! You do your very best and you hope that in the end that it will all come out all right. Kent's mom discussed this with me, especially after he was killed in the war. And, it all came back to the fact that we were proud of him for having been willing to give up his life for something that he believed in. And, now Kevin is taking the same risk. It does make me proud. But, I do realize that I will lose him before I die.

      "So, Brad, like most Moms I want the perfect son. Like Andy's mother wants the perfect son. But, we want our sons to be incredibly happy, and if that means being Gay and being in diapers makes you incredibly happy, then I am happy. I think that Andy's mom sort of feels the same way."

      Well, Brad didn't seem to have any secrets left after that. Except...

      "Bradli, I believe that both of you bois are in diapers right now. Is that correct?"

      Brad looked at Andy and then back at Mom and nodded his head.

      "For just this once. I want both of you to undress down to just your diapers."

      "No mom! Don't do this!"

      "I just want this one final look at my son, the fruit of my loins. After this, I will never do this again. I just want to see how you really turned out."

      Andy reached over and undressed Brad and at nearly the same time Brad undressed Andy. And, then they were standing there barefooted and wearing just a diaper. A sudden urge and Andy decided to 'get strange'. He turned and he grabbed Brad and gave him a monumental kiss. Brad got into the scene and he untaped Andy's diaper and let it fall to the floor. But, no, it wasn't Henry that she really wanted to see. It was Johnny that she wanted, and Andy untaped Brad's diaper and let Johnny flop out. And, there was her son and her soon-to-be son-in-law bare-assed naked. She admired both of the bois. They were certainly eye-candy. She got up and left the room. Andy and Brad grabbed their clothes and the used diapers and went to Brad's room.

      Andy wrapped Brad in his arms and Brad returned the grasp.

      "Oh! Andy! I am so sorry that she did this! It's so humiliating."

      "Don't worry about it."

      "I've never known her to do anything like this before. I've never dreamed that she would do anything like this. I guess that she's just horny.

      "Don't worry about it. I love you so much I would do anything for you."

      "Well you certainly did. She only wanted to see Johnny and you gave her a double-feature."


      It was Christmas eve when Brad took Andy to get a glimpse into Brad's future. As far as Brad was concerned Danny Wegman was the greatest man he had ever met (besides Andy). This super market put the word 'super' in supermarket. In size it was more than two football fields put together. This store was 135,000 square feet. The Safeway that they had been in at college was a little convenience store compared to this place. Brad had worked at this store nights, weekends and summers for 5 years. It was Danny Wegman's company that was paying for most of his college education. Wegman's even had their own chicken farm in Wolcott, NY that produced all of the eggs that were sold in all of their stores. Over the 5 years Brad had worked in every position in the store. It didn't matter the job he had done it. He had swept the floor, he had run the check-outs, he had stocked the shelves, he had put the frozen foods in the displays. He had unloaded the trucks, he had managed the warehouse space. Outside of actually managing the store, there wasn't anything that he hadn't done, and that's why he was in college now. Within a year of his graduation he would be the store manager here, and he wasn't even old enough to buy the beer they sold. Within a year after that he would be a regional manager.

      Brad took Andy on a complete tour of the store. In the bakery department he was greeted by Sheila. "Hey! Bradli! It's great to see ya! How are ya doing?"

      "I'm doing great! I want you to meet Andy, my college roommate."

      "Is he your lover, or just a boy friend?"

      Sputter, sputter, sputter. "Lover?", asked Brad.

      "Yes, lover! Andy, I've known this guy since we were in kindergarten together. Yes, lover!"

      "You think I'm Gay???", asked Brad.

      "I've known that you were Gay since you were 12. That's why I've never hit on you. But, I love you like a brother!"

      "Yes, Andy is my lover. Isn't he gorgeous?"

      "Let me take him to my house and I'll tell you if he's REALLY gay!"

      "I already know that he's really gay! You don't have to test him."

      They moved on around the store. When they got to the department where they sold adult diapers Andy saw that they had Prevail, Depends and a house brand. Brad told him that he would expand this line to a dozen different brands of diapers for teens and adults. Shit like that was why Wegman's was so great. It wasn't just one or two brands, it was a whole spectrum. Just imagine a supermarket with a dozen different brands of diapers for teenagers and adults to get into.

      Just then Barbara came up to him and greeted him and hugged him. Brad introduced Barbara to Andy. "Is this your lover, Brad?"

      Brad took the easy way out and replied, "Yes he is!"

      And, then Barbara asked, "How come you both are wearing diapers?"

      Sputter, sputter, sputter. "Diapers?"

      "Yes, diapers."

      And then Brad gave her a brief explanation about the bedwetting and the accidents and the diapers. It didn't make no never mind to her. They continued on around this mammoth store. Nobody seemed to care if he was wearing diapers. Nobody seemed to care that he had a cute lover (except that they were jealous). Nobody seemed to care that his lover wore diapers. Nobody seemed to care if Brad was Gay. What they cared about was Brad himself - who he is, what he stands for, what he can do. And, they all loved him. And deep down inside Andy knew 'but when it's all done he's MINE'

      As the tour concluded, Brad pointed out that someday Andy would be producing many of the products that he would be selling in Wegman's. And, although very premature a grand business relationship was formed right there with the help of diapers.

      Christmas day was joyous, but strained. Mom tried to make the most of it, and they went out to a nice restaurant for Christmas dinner. But, with Kevin away and just them, it wasn't the same. But, on Christmas night as Brad lay there in his lover's arms he decided that this was the best Christmas ever. It was better than the train set that his Dad gave him the year before he was killed. He still had that train set. He wouldn't part with it. It was the last tangible link he had to his Dad. It was better than the catcher's mitt that he got one year. It was better than all the bicycles, the clothes and all of the other gifts that he had gotten over the years. He finally had a guy who loved him deeply in his arms and in this same bed that he had fantasized about this in for most of his life. There IS a Santa Claus!

      On the 26th, Brad asked Mom to take them back to college. They had some papers that needed to be done before the end of the semester and they wanted to work on them. After the 'Full Monty' the other night neither Brad nor Andy felt comfortable staying there. So, they went back to their own private cocoon where they could be alone together.


      And, that's how their loving relationship had gotten started. Both bois were in diapers 24/7. They never changed themselves, they always changed each other. A lot of the time they showered together, carefully and lovingly washing each other. Some of the time they slept together, but the beds were small and they quite often slept in their own beds. They helped each other study for their classes. Brad was the computer guru and he helped Andy to learn about the internet and to be able to navigate around it.

      Brad's Mom knew that Brad was still her son and she had long ago reconciled herself to not having any grandchildren from Brad, but she was hopeful for Kevin, though. But, it looked like she would have a son-in-law. She liked Andy. Andy's mom and dad realized that Andy was their son, their only son and deep down they still loved him. After talking with Brad's mom they realized that Andy would never be exactly like they wanted him. They realized that they needed to let Andy be himself and if being Gay and having a great lover like Brad was being himself, then they needed to accept them and love them. It wasn't long before diapers became a way of life for both of them. So very often they would suddenly discover that they were in a soaked diaper and they didn't remember doing it. They learned how to deal with leaky diapers and they learned how to double-diaper so that their diaper allowance would go further. Both bois were sorry that they hadn't been able to learn about diapers earlier in their lives. They learned about true love between two bois.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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