Title: Punishment of a Bad Boy
Name: Donny
Email: abdonny@gmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 56
Posting Date: 09/20/09, Updated 10/04/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: How a mother takes care of her juvenile delinquent.                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 8 (40%)
My name is Don I am 13 years old I do what I want and no one can stop 
me. My mother is a head nurse at the children�s hospital. She assists 
the doctors in the operating room. She works long hours leaving me 
alone to do what I want. Dad left us three years ago and I have been in 
trouble since I was twelve. Last week I stole a car and beer with my 
friends. I was driving when I hit a tree running from the cops. They 
arrested me and my friends and took us to juvenile detention. I spent 
the night in detention until mom came to pick me up at 11:00AM. I had 
an ankle thing that called the cops if I left the house without 
permission or mom calling first.

Mom took me. home I found out why she was late coming to get me out of 
detention. She had a lock put on my room so I could not get in to my 
stuff. She led me to my brothers room. He was just nine-years-old with 
the same bedwetting problem. She had a youth-sized crib from the 
hospital set up in the room. She even had a strange table with a sink 
built into it. I was small for a thirteen-year-old and she was big for 
a woman. I was no match for her. If I had to fight her she could break 
me in half if she wanted to.

I got scared as she pulled off my T-shirt and told me to sit on the 
floor. I forgot about the crib. I was worried about when she was going 
to spank me and with what. Mom proceeded to remove my shoes and socks. 
What was she doing, is what I was thinking. Next, she unfastened my 
belt and pulled off my jeans. I was now wearing only my underwear and 
ankle thing.

Mom picked me up like I was a five-year-old and put me on the strange 
table and fastened a strap across my chest. Mom took a pair of scissors 
and cut my underwear off, leaving me totally naked.

I started to kick and scream, not letting her come close to me until 
she told me what was going on. She told me she was going to punish me 
for acting like a spoiled two-year-old. She grabbed one leg at a time 
and had them secured down to the table; now I was helpless. She could 
do to me what she wanted to do.

Mom then used the sink to wash my butt and crotch then shaved what 
little private hair I had away. The she took a packet of something and 
opened it. I read the lid. It said �sterile� or something, and a word I 
could not read. It was a big and long word that had too many syllables. 
I asked mom what she was doing. Mom just said, �making it so I will be 
better behaved little boy instead of a juvenile delinquent.

I felt some warm, slimy stuff go into my butt crack. Then she started 
to put a big hose like thing in my butt. It hurt at first as she put it 
in, then the hurt went away. I felt the thing go deeper into me then 
she pumped a ball thing. I suddenly felt the need to go poop. I felt 
the thing that was inside of me snap. Then she removed the hose thing. 
I still felt like I needed to go poop. Mom released from the table and 
said go play until she returned.

Mom said she will be back with my new clothes in a few minutes that I 
can play with the new toys she bought me. I was a thirteen-year-old, 
not a two-year-old. All I could see were toddler toys, something a baby 
would play with. There was nothing I really wanted to play with. The 
most important thing now is my need to go poop. I need to poop more 
than play so I ran to my bathroom. Being naked, all I needed to do was 
sit down. Almost before I sat all the way down on the toilet poop came 
out without me even releasing it. I wiped my butt my usual way, just a 
quick touch of the paper on my butt; then I flushed my toilet.

I had nothing to sit on and no clothes so I sat on a soft padded play 
mat that had a toy train on it. Ten minutes later I was bored so I 
started to play with the toy train called Thomas. At least that was the 
name on the side of it, it made train noises. I was so preoccupied 
playing with the train I did not see mom come in to the room. She had a 
mat spread out for me to get dressed. She surprised me when she spoke 
she told me to come over to her if I wanted clothes to wear. I jumped 
up and ran to her. She told me to lie down on the mat she had put down. 
She said she needed to diaper me before I had an accident.

I told her I am not a baby! Mom said big boys don�t wet their beds. I 
said I don�t wet every night. Mom asked me when my last dry night was. 
I could not answer her because it has been a while since I was last 
dry. I asked what about Teddy, he still wets his bed, don�t he. Mom 
told me Teddy has been dry for over a year now where have I been. I 
told mom I am too old to be diapered and play with baby toys.

She told me there is no clothes in the house that will fit me that I 
could go naked or wear the clothes she has bought me. I decided since I 
was getting cold I had no choice. Mom said there was no one else was 
around to see me diapered like a baby my brother is at grandma�s house. 
I agreed to let her diaper me so I lay down with my legs in the air 
liked I have seen babies do.

Mom quickly lifted me by my ankles put the diaper under my butt let my 
butt down on the thick cloth. She pulled the front of the diaper up to 
my bellybutton and pinned a triple thick cloth diaper. She used two 
pins on each side making a snug fit on my crotch and bottom. She shook 
out a pair of nursery print plastic pants slipping my feet into each 
leg hole. She pulled my plastic pants up my legs to my diapered bottom. 
She used a free hand lifted my bottom off the mat holding my ankles in 
one hand she pulled the plastic pants over my diaper with the other. 
She then told me to stand up so she can be sure my diaper is covered by 
the plastic pants she did not want me to leak all over the place. Mom 
carefully checked each leg and my waist to make sure the diaper was 
inside my plastic pants. I felt like a little baby mom doing this to 

Mom then pulled a short T-shirt with Big Bird on the front of it over 
my head. She put one arm at a time in the arm holes with the shirt 
around my neck. I have seen my toddler cousin be dressed by my aunt in 
the same way. I always put my arms in a shirt first not last. Mom then 
cut the ankle thing off my ankle I was free at last.

Mom said it was lunchtime lets eat. I was so hungry the food in 
detention was very bad and I did not eat a bite since yesterday 
afternoon. I entered the kitchen and saw another surprise. It was a big 
highchair I knew with out asking who it was for. I just climbed in the 
highchair seat and let mom fasten the belt. She locked the tray in 
place tied a bib around my neck. I had no way to get out because the 
tray and belt release was out of my reach in the back. I could not see 
what mom was fixing me to eat. I heard clanking glass and running the 
microwave I knew it would be better that the food at detention what 
ever it was. I told mom I needed to pee. She told me to hold it until 
after I finish my lunch or go in my diaper like a baby does.

I got quiet at the thought of peeing in a diaper I was not a baby I did 
not want that. Mom appeared again with three large jars of baby food. 
Mom quickly began to try to feed me baby food. She told me it was this 
or nothing. I was so hungry I opened my mouth. Mom spoon in the first 
spoonful then the second soon I was gobbling down everything mom put in 
my mouth it tasted so good to me. Then she opened a fourth jar this was 
my sweet dessert peaches. I loved peaches they were so good she seen me 
smile when I ate the first spoonful so she fed me a second one. My need 
to pee came back fast and I squirted a small amount of pee into my 
diaper. I was able to stop it and did not wet all the way it was not 
that much.

Mom started to clean my messy face off when without warning a flood of 
pee when into my diaper. I stopped it but not before the cloth was 
soaked in the front. Mom held a bottle nipple to my mouth and told me 
to suck it down before I can get out of the highchair. It took fifteen 
minutes to suck down the bottle as I felt a flood of pee I could not 
stop the flow this time. As soon as the pee stopped flowing I felt a 
fart go out. The fart felt a little juicy. Opps that was more than a 
fart that was poop. I am thirteen years old NOT a two-year-old why did 
I just pee and poop in a diaper. I was mad and started to cuss and call 
my mom dirty names.

Mom grabbed me out of the highchair carried me into my room kicking and 
screaming. I called my mom very bad names as she fastened the strap on 
the strange table. Mom proceeded to remove my wet messy diaper. Mom had 
me all clean and ready to be diapered again.

Mom released me from the table picked me up and put me over her knee. 
Mom started spanking me slowly at first then faster and faster. I was 
cussing kicking and screaming not crying. The spanking was starting to 
hurt my cussing turned into crying. Soon I went limp and stopped 
kicking. My crying turn real with tears and all just like a well 
spanked two-year-old.

Mom did not stop until my but was very bright red and my cries turned 
into sobs of pain. She put me back on the table and diapered me this 
time she used a disposable diaper that had Cookie Monster, Big Bird and 
Oscar on it. Mom said these are test market Pampers Cruisers for older 
boys. They are made for seven, eight, and nine-year-old kids. She told 
me I am in an official diaper testing group since I am going to me 
wearing them for a while.

Mom told me the thing she put in my butt will cause me to have the 
bowel control of a two or three month old. It holds the muscles that 
control my poop almost open at all times. Just a little grunt or push 
from your stomach and poop will come out into your pants or diaper. You 
already have the pee control of a five-year-old a little more help from 
me and you will be a full fledged diaper boy peeing and pooping all the 

I asked mom. Why she is doing this to me? She told me I have acting 
like a spoiled brat steeling and doing all of the bad things I have 
been doing. Now I will be treated like the spoiled brat I have been 
acting like. I told mom I will be a good boy I will do what she wants. 
Mom said. She knows that I will do what she wants. Where will I run too 
dressed in diapers?

I knew she was right no clothes to wear just diapers. My sore butt hurt 
so bad mom picked me off the table and sat me on the play mat with 
Thomas. I did not want another spanking so I started to play nicely. 
Mom walked over to me a snapped a pacifier keeper to my shirt sleeve 
and put the pacifier in my mouth. I started to suck it. I started to 
feel dizzy within a few minutes and passed out.

I woke up in the crib with a bottle in my mouth the lights out. It was 
the middle of the night my diaper felt wet and messy. I wanted my 
diaper changed what can I do now I am stuck. I sucked on the good 
tasting bottle until it was dry. My diaper started to leak making me 
feel cold. My sore butt began to burn so I yelled to mom to help for 
help. The pain was getting so bad I could not stop whimpering. Soon I 
was crying like a real baby.

Mom came in saying what�s wrong with my baby boy does he need his 
diaper changed again. I just cried more as mom picked me out of my crib 
and put me on the changing table and changed my wet mess diaper without 
even fastening the strap. I was back in my safe crib sucking my bottle 
on my way to dreamland I felt so good now.

I woke up wondering where my brother was when mom came to change me I 
ask her where he went. Mom told me remember I told you he was a 
grandma�s house. Mom did a diaper check then carried me to the changing 
table to change my wet diaper I had wet in my sleep twice I have not 
done that in years.

Mom carried me to my highchair where she fed me oatmeal and held my 
juice bottle. I felt my diaper warm from pee flowing in to it. I did 
not release the pee it just felt it came out.

Mom saw the shocked look on my face. Mom said I see you just wet your 
diaper without wanting to didn�t you. Mom told me while I was knocked 
out she put the same type of a thing in my pee pee that she put in my 
butt. Now I have no control of my bathroom needs I am just like a 
little baby. Mom told me not to worry in two years my body will have 
taken back control because the things she used will be gone and 
dissolved away but it takes two years. After that she will potty train 
me again.

Mom said that I will start to go back to school next week wearing the 
two sets of clothes I pick out at the store. Mom said my room will stay 
a nursery where I can come to play with my friends. If I want to go out 
with my friends I am free to go.

I decided to stay home and play with my toys alone so no one would find 
out that mom turned me into a baby. Mom was right I could feel pee and 
poop going out without warning. I was wetting every fifteen minutes and 
pooping four or five time a day.

The school told mom they have no place for such a big diaper baby. Mom 
found a tutor for me. Mom had a daycare place for me at the hospital 
where she worked. It was set up for the class kids under five. The 
daycare was divided into three classes the potty trained big kid class. 
They had the not potty trained 12 months and up to potty trained kids. 
Then they had the baby class for babies not walking. There was no room 
for me in the 12 month to potty trained class until one of the kids 
graduates to big kid class. The not potty trained had six boys and two 
girls the girls were wearing training pants so it should not be that 

Mom led me into the class wearing my Big Bird T-shirt and disposable 
diaper. I did my diaper waddle down the long hall. I felt like everyone 
was looking at me. My diaper felt wet but I could not tell any more if 
I was wet or dry. Mom handed me off to Mrs. Miller the caretaker of the 
baby room. She led me to the room where I would be staying. Before I 
knew it I was on the changing table getting a diaper change in front of 
everyone. I guess I was wet.

Mrs. Miller said now it was playtime as my feet hit the floor I ran to 
a big spring horsey. Mrs. Miller grabbed me and said not so fast we are 
going to take you to the back of the room where the babies stay. I was 
put in a baby swing and left to myself. I was not having fun as the 
thing swung me back and forth. I fell asleep sucking my pacifier.

I forgot I was a thirteen-year-old. I did not care any more I did not 
want my friends to see me diapered like this. Mrs. Miller picked me up 
changed my diaper and put me in a highchair to eat lunch all I had was 
two bottles of formula then it was nap time. I napped for two hours 
then spent the rest of the day in the playpen with two other baby boys. 
I messed and wet with very little warning now it just seamed to happen.

The rest of the week went by so fast and having just formula to eat 
made my poop so soft and smelled less. I was always wet with little or 
no feeling of the pee coming out. I would have a bowel movement within 
a half hour of eating it was like clock work. Mom was right what ever 
she did to me has made me a baby but being a baby is not that bad I 
could play and have fun without being interrupted by bathroom needs.

After a month in the baby room there was room for me in the next class. 
The next class was much more fun than being in the baby class. The 
first thing I did was run to the spring horsey and rode him for an hour 
I was having so much fun now. I climbed off the horsey and started to 
play with the building blocks. I had wet and messed again but I could 
not feel it I was playing with the big kids now I did not care if I did 
need a change.

Mrs. Brown the caretaker or this class said lunchtime as three other 
ladies came in the room and put each kid in his own highchair. I was 
still on formula but today they tried to feed me a jar of solid food. 
After about half a jar of the solid food I spit-up allover my bib. They 
told me maybe next week they will try it again.

After lunch was over one of the ladies carried me to the changing 
table. She changed me wet mess diaper and put be into one of the cribs. 
A bottle was placed into my mouth and I began to suck.

I was awakened by Mrs. Miller changing my wet diaper in my crib while 
all the other kids were playing they did not wet their nap diaper. Mrs. 
Miller said I was the class wetter now. I ran to play on the five foot 
high sliding board and swings outside in the play yard. They had 
tricycles to ride too I was having so much fun trying to pick a toy to 
play with there was so many to choose from.

Mom picked me up that evening and we went home. She changed my diaper 
and sat me in my highchair and started to feed me my meal of formula. 
She told me I was not ready for solid food for another two or three 
months it will help with the thing inside me. If I eat more solid food 
before the three month time is up I will just spit it up like a baby 

I slowly sucked two bottles of strange tasting formula. The formula was 
not bad tasting just not what I would call very good tasting.

I played around in my room with my toddler toys forgetting all about 
being a teenager. My brother was now taking care of my wet diapers and 
make sure I stayed safe. I had not thought of doing anything that would 
make my mommy mad. Just before 7:30 Teddy called to mom saying Donny 
has poopy pew he stinks. Mom walked into the room and sniffed the air 
saying some one has a dirty diaper I wonder who that could be. I could 
not smell anything what was every one talking about.

Mom went into my bathroom and started the water running for my bath. 
She returned to me and picked me up like I was a two-year-old. I went 
limp as she put me on the changing table. She pulled the tapes free and 
wiped my mess with the wet front of my diaper. Teddy helped he her he 
used two baby wipes and cleaned the rest of the poop off my bottom.

I was led naked to my waiting bath. Mom turn off the water and tested 
to see if it was to hot. I was sat chest high in soap suds. Mom 
proceeded to wash me all over paying close attention to my diaper area. 
She used baby shampoo on my hair. She used a big fluffy towel and dried 
me off. I was carried to the changing table and diapered.

I did not get more clothes because mom carried me back to the kitchen 
sat me in my highchair and strapped me in. Then without warning she 
produced hair clippers a removed all my long hair. She told me it would 
make keeping me clean a lot easier.

I was taken back to my room where she put me in a light cotton nursery 
print sleeper that zipped up the back. I was in my crib sucking my 
bottle on my way to sleep at 8:00.

In the morning I was awakened my mom changing my wet messy diaper. I 
was more of a baby that I could ever of though peeing and pooping in my 
sleep. Mom told me that my potty training is about two years away now. 
She asked me if I like my new baby life or do I want to go back to 
school with my old friends not being potty trained. I told her my baby 
life is not that bad I am getting use to it. Mom said good then they 
have a new rule at daycare for you. You need to KEEP YOUR PACIFIER IN 

The pacifier rule took some getting use to but it was better then being 
embarrassed at junior high school. I was pointing and grunting at 
things I wanted just like a real baby does. After a year of being a 
baby I forgot all about being a teenager I was fourteen still wearing 
diapers not much bigger and learning twelfth grade school work. Since 
being tutored I had to do my school and it became so easy for me why 
did not I do my school work before instead of running around causing 

Now I have fun playing with toys and my new friends except they keep 
getting move to the big kid class leaving me in the toddler class 
wearing my diapers. One more year and the things inside me will be gone 
and I can get potty trained again. My brother is ten-years-old and 
baby-sits me when mom is away he can feed me and change all my diapers 
even the messy ones. I hope the next year goes by as fast as this year 
did. Being a baby is fun all I have to do is three hours of school work 
then it is playtime. I am not even interrupted by potty time. Only 
thing I don�t like is naps and bedtime. What baby likes naps and 
bedtime hee hee playing is more important. My two favorite toys are the 
spring horse and Thomas the tank engine.

Chapter 2

My Friends are Jimmy, 19 months old, and Kenny, twenty-nine- months 

I was right, the second year went by so fast my fifteenth birthday was 
here. I am the size of a small ten-year-old boy. I wear size ten boy�s 
clothes, too, and the special Pampers mom has for me still fit. The 
highchairs, cribs, playpens, baby swings, and car seats I use are made 
to fit me. That way I am never left out of any of the classes or 
activities. Everything the class does include me no matter what they 
do. If we go out to the park everyone ride in a stroller I get the 
front seat.

Another potty training class starts tomorrow and they told me this is 
my potty training class. With Bobby and Jimmy they are both twenty 
months old. They have shown us they are ready to be trained. You need 
to do what they do. They can help remind you to stay dry and not wet in 
your sleep. They will help you when you have trouble. I asked why Kenny 
can�t join us. She told me he is not as ready as Bobby and Jimmy are.

Here are the rules we follow with the students:

1.	Come to school wearing diapers and get changed into Big Boy Pull-
2.	You will be taken to the potty every hour at first. You will have 
to sit on the potty. You must sit there for five minutes. If you do 
anything you will get a piece of candy. If you are already wet or messy 
you will have to change your own pants with the other students helping 
do the change.
3.	After the first two days if you still wetting and mess with out 
doing it in the potty you are returned to diapers and must wait three 
weeks before you can try it again.
4.	If you can do it in the potty but still having accidents in your 
Pull-ups that�s OK, practice makes perfection. You are allowed to stay 
wearing Pull-ups and stay in potty training until you are not having 

I was in trouble now. I have not even thought about holding it back for 
the last two years. Mom told me I could not stop it from coming out so 
I did not even try after two days I was having pooping accidents. I 
have not even felt my pee or poop needs I just let it happen. The rest 
of the day I tried to feel the need to go. I was finely able to feel 
the need when mom came to pick me up for potty time.

On the way home I asked mom about the things in me that make me pee and 
poop in diapers. Mom told me those things were gone three days after 
she put them there. She told me I should have been able to hold my 
potty needs but I chose to use diapers so she let me.

I was mad she tricked me I was going to be fifteen next week and not 
even potty trained as good as a two year old. I have the social life of 
a baby not a teenager. Toys to me are building blocks tricycles and 
other toddler toys I have not even seen a video game in two years. My 
movie experience is movies rated G only. Even if I was potty trained I 
would be a weirdo if I had to go to regular school. I cry like a baby 
if my feelings are hurt or I don�t get my way. I spill food and drink 
like a one-year-old. I suck my thumb when I get board. My life of being 
a baby for two years has made me a big baby and mom has total control 
of my life.

I think I like it that way I don�t have to worry about anything mommy 
will make it better. I am just 50� tall and weigh 60 pounds. When out 
in public mom don�t care that I act like a two year old. My life is so 
good I don�t want to be potty trained now I think I will fail potty 
train class. I will stay a toddler forever.


The End

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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